Eating 100 Years Of Prison Lunch

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today we are in prison and we are going to be trying a 100 Years of prison food today these boys have all been arrested and sent to prison here they will be fighting for their freedom in three different challenges prisoners will be picking up points throughout each challenge the three prisoners with the most points will be released and the Prisoner with the least points at the end will be staying in prison and eating the world's most disgusting prison meal let's introd uce the prisoners hi I'm niiko and I am the first person to commit every crime in the dictionary every single one of them I've done if it exists I've done it I'm a very bad man my name is more AJ and I've been accused of impersonating another man called AJ shabil um don't know what that stuff is I don't even know who that man is but if I did pretty sure I'd be in this orange uniform right now hi I'm Max and the reason I'm in jail is I was doing something very inappropriate speaking to girls at the AG I'm NYPD Bradley I'm in prison for faking to be a police officer but really I am a police officer but I'm faking to be one so that's why I'm in here challenge one guess the prison meal officer Harrison will be giving out real prison meals that are served somewhere in the world the prisoners will then have to try each meal and guess which country the prison meal is from if a prisoner guesses the exact country correctly They will receive three points but if no one manages to guess it the prisoner who is closest to the country receives one point let the first challenge begin okay it's time to start the first challenge bring the food in the first meal is from the 2000s this country serves Pasta Bolognese carrots and two slices of bread and a chocolate made in this country we need to get transferred to this PR I'm not going to lie to you this is looking decent yeah well I like what this combination is bread Kinder buo and carrots what do you do with those three that's what I want to knowly want a clue do you the two most popular offenses of prisoners from this country are property crime and Drug offenses okay well the only way to eat this is how they're obviously telling us to eat it which would be taking this putting on here as a sandwich okay one carot in there was made in the 2000 then you put the Bueno in there on top he L his mine oh to be fair that looks good I would try that right are we ready to guess where this dish is from we just died ear so I brother calm down leave alone man he didn't arrest you it wasn't him who did you I mean calm down clearly this prison they want to um dehydrate the uh prisoners because where is the bed yeah that's drink it's lunch time and there no drink what country is Kinder Bueno from that's what I'm thinking from here this is pretty simple kind of in the face I would have thought that it's quite simple but Kinder buo from that country can I can I can I in my answer please actually you can go first n yes this really good though the first one they' g a little bit obvious I know exactly where this is from this B country put B in I'm going to use my logic and I'm going to not use the same mistake where did you go with it Italy T where did you go I went Italy I went Italy I went uh United Kingdom the well I think you were correct in your assumption AJ there is only one idiot here and that's Max it on right three you were right wrong that's three points for all of us pause did you know it is a crime to watch more AJ videos and not be subscribed not have liked not have turned on your notifications well now that you know help this guy hit 1 million and overtake his enemy AJ shabil do it right now and I will turn a blind eye to your bad Deeds now let's get back to the video right ready first stage two of the challenge oh my God this meal is from the 2010 ERA this country serves potato and cow mesh one slice of white bread with butter and then a small native chocolate snack which is used with bread and butter to eat it clue for this Dish Dish two this country has Europe's third lowest imprisonment rate 23 prisons have been shut down in the last 10 years because of this I already know what this is I saw it on TV once yeah that chocolate horror you know this tastes like a cow shot in my mouth good bread sir BR just said that he was eating your face off is that true would you like me to comment on that yes please yeah you want to com would you like to guess where this food is from I know where this one's from as well where's the uh where's the there in Netherlands the Netherlands is my brain I've had that white stuff before I don't know where it comes from before the answer gets revealed where did you go with I saw be a part of here and I was thinking wait let me use my brain so I went somewhere where there's snow and it's cold so I went with Sweden cuz it was cold and snow and white stuff on the on the food and I know they're like snow bunnies I went with the place that I know well Neverland I was thinking both the countries that have already been said but I went for Netherlands oh Netherlands the same person that had zero points last time Max three of you guess right with the Netherlands Max you need to go back and learn geography Max you've yet to score and you're well on your way to uh having the most disgusting prison meal I enjoy that that there is what do you have in front of you for Dish three is porridge made with water a hard boiled egg and some fruit on the side this this m was serve the prisoners in World War II an extra point for the first person who can tell me when World War II was started 1947 1939 who said 39 ni you've got one extra point clue is this this country has the second most dangerous goolag in the world goag goag that's that's was it that's it so B egg with hair on top uh Apple what that weird sound you made there that's disgusting this looks like like death Ral that is hard try it try it oh yeah you're finished look at this day I'm up first and I still know where this one is as well going to go with Russia that's to be a country in World War II I'm going to go with uh Russia someone put a note here saying AJ watch yourself monkey I love mystery but I just can't put my finger on who wrote that note against more AJ please leave a comment saying Max did the crime Nico did the crime or Bradley did the crime so we can figure it out sorry you had your I didn't what you me I didn't even get to pick well first of all let me give you some good news max is now on the scoreboard he's guessing Russ is in the lead Bradley is doing very well with guessing right with Russia and AJ had too much to say and didn't pick whatsoever okay wait wait okay I didn't have too much to say someone did something about me I'm don't defend myself here no no you don't defend yourself in prison you come and see the governor moving on to the fourth dish and the fourth challenge the next prison meal is now served in this country we have plainly seasoned meat potato carrot curry rice peas then a mandarin and some dates on the side clue for this this country is known to have the most very dangerous prison conditions even though it's one of the richest countries in the world the most very dangerous countries uh is very good English I like that that that steak there straight from TKA you know the polar there take that guy down I think I've ever seen a date in a prison I think I think it's a cockroach hid in hasard how about up dat brother do you want to go on a date stop smiling if you want to go on a date with secondaries okay you made it weird I'd like it if one of you would go in and choose Mr offer Miss he you miss you miss he could you miss why is it always Middle East beautiful me than to the Middle Eastern so what what did I eat again I literally forgot what I ate going to go with Morocco cuz de we go through the results two of you got it wrong and two of you got it right so three points goes to AJ and Three Points go to Bradley yes oh my God what's wrong with Saudi Arabia and Max you were definitely wrong with what you put on the board I went Morocco this is the final prison Mill from round run in front of you you have chicken curry with rice and chick peas with a flatbread on the side prisoners are served a small portion because the prisons are very overcrowded in this country here is the clue there are over 400 or is that 1,400 prisons in this country and this country is not in the UK good they are river T surprising how some of these prison Foods actually f simp that one yeah I think I go this one too obvious but got to go with India I'm going to have to go for the basic option clearly again same thing all right I think it's that ter before I read out the results of challenge one I will give you the result of this challenge the actual correct was by three what country you go India India India turkey you're horror maybe the worst ever turkey I was only joking I actually went India you said turkey no I was joking for the for the content there's no jokes in prison yeah he hates so I really truly I should be on nine points be want SC three brother any possible way I can make a free point I'll even I'll let go back doors with me if you let me get fre extra points back the end of challenge one the scoreboard looks like this fake NYPD Bradley is sitting at the top with 15 points closely behind him we have stink breath Nico with 13 points the shortest prisoner Moore AJ has 12 points and sitting at last place with six points is Max who is in danger of eating the world's most disgusting prison meal let's see if he can change his fate in the next challenge challenge two truth or lie one at a time each prisoner will sit at the head of the table they will then be presented with a prison meal some being real and some being a fake it is the person at the table's job to fool his cellmates for every person they Swindle in the wrong direction they get a point now I was a detective in my days for me this is a piece of cake for them we're just going to have to find out all right ni what you having right now what you got he's enjoying that what the hell yeah I got look like he got blessed with the Munch oh he didn't like that he like that he didn't like that he didn't like that so here it says lie convince everyone this is from Vietnam so it's from Vietnam um did you just tell us that you're a liar I think he's twisting it I think it could be true that's so weird what are the chances so weird you guys can read when this guy's lying around what are you eting there rice what i' say who squished up black beans so from a sandwich to squished up black beans yeah is both I got I got a spoon it yeah we got him we got it and then there's a sandwich yeah sandwich after what I told you yeah so I've just been gauging what this guy's been doing and he's been very weird right now I'm not being weird I'm not being weird at all there's no part of me is being weird right now he pretending to like leak information but then now he's not true all right you think it's all right well my decision is the LI so lie lie true true thank you thank you very much a guaranteed point so there's guaranteed points there I can't complain so all right it's Max's turn so please unfill the food that you've got so I've got chicken croissant and a pancake what country is it from France can you eat it please that looks mad that looks mad that is mental that is mental I just had a cross one and I had some chicken you had a cross out and chicken right there here can I can I ask a question what what is the pancake look like uh it just looks folded like just folded and how what's the thickness of the pancake quite thin show me with your finger how thin it is oh so it's actually quite th that's thick that's thick that's literally thick so you're saying that it's from France but the pancake was this thick would you have that meal if you went to France cool I like mac and cheese where was the pancakes look at the pancakes there cool just check away your last time all right all right Bradley what you picking he's lying okay lying hope that you are lying I got ly all right Max you're done get out of the chair what do you have go on Spaghetti an American birthday cake go eat it why you going down no you're a nut I talk about yo you're going low that's crazy going to Too Deep my bro all right crazy c not be on you what the it should not be on you he went that L and then started choking should not be right so he's got the truth this GCC level one um acting skills and started going I got to start choking now to make it look like it's something horror plus how do you choke on a cake yeah no no he's telling the truth if it's a birthday Kake shouldn't it just be sweet and nice this one is trust me where's it from where's it from is it from New York it's an American birthday cake all can he can you take one more bite please what birthday cake why you cing that birthday cake great what birthday cake is making your FR American birthday cake okay all right well if his birthday cake and he's coughing it's clearly lying no no no he's he's he's he's bluffing yeah I cont so he's making it look like he's choking to make us think it's not a normal cake you thought I fake choking yeah I think you are lying you think he's truth yeah I's truth respect you guys going truth yeah going Tru I see there's tears in his eyes yeah but he can do that he's an actor yeah he he was on Netflix he was on Netflix yeah all right it's my turn to unveil my food hey make get out of here I had a to the way he eats his bad why is there best stuff around your mouth as well better white stuff around your mouth let me take you on a little trip okay oh just tell us where it's from he said this exact same thing in the last video I know what this guy's going to do go ladies and gentlemen you've arrived in Monaco Monaco so when you land in Monaco and you are a prisoner there's only two prisons in this country and one of them prisons is a f star prison I want to say a bit luxury more than other prisons because the food that they're bringing here pasta you didn't look like you were eating pasta some steak steak wow steak it's a sandwich with some greens on it crackers Kit Kat bar all right so you got all of that on one so can you say what there more there's more okay go on go so how much stuff didn't have M looks like but I'm not sure what it was can you say all that again so what Y and we had some past steak P steak what else I think he's you got some I you got some I think he's sending us yes I no I don't care what you think I'll be honest can you eat your food again please no just go truth truth I'm go of life that brings us to the end of Challenge number two let's find out the results for this round at the end of challenge two we have Bradley still at the top with 17 points looks like his time cosplaying the feds is paying off close behind Bradley we have Nico with 14 points more AJ with 13 and the guy no one can understand is sitting in last place with nine points maybe eating the world's most disgusting prison meal will make us finally understand him let's move on to the final challenge challenge three mystery meal the prisoners will all be sat together at a table and one mystery meal will be presented in front of them at a time the prisoner who decides to reveal the meal will have to finish whatever is on the plate to receive three points however if a prisoner does not manage to complete the meal they will lose three points this is a highrisk high reward final round let's see how bad these prisoners want to escape eating the most disgusting prison meal on Earth it's time for the final round mystery food right now the scores are above our heads right now Bradley's got 17 points Nichol's got 14 I've got 13 and Max you have nine I already have to try you already have to try on this one with no further Ado let the final showdown begin Harris bring out the first dish first dish oh my God you jumped on that straight to the point I was going to go for [Music] it can't believe you got graes grapes I was I was about to touch it and start eating the leaves as well well there you go that's three points for ni well as simple as that all right well here comes dish number two let's see what happens today you I went fast oh my God toxic was that's not that's not I'll take that I'll take you take no I like I don't mind I like s what is 1 2 three yeah your tongue is going to get absolutely burned how are you doing it so easy he just going for oh my God he just starts biting okay I'm worried now because now he's literally right behind me oh I know way he's catching me up okay well he's done three play mat well done well done this number four what is it yeah yeah yeah good one good one good good good one that's I want to eat it now oh now come on now you're my God he should do the disgusting food he loves it oh my God oh my is absolute oh my God which means if he finishes this I'm at the bottom bro he's catching you guys he's about to go first all right you know what we'll give that to you Max Max is literally about to go first place I'm I'm at the I'm going to wait a couple rounds that's no point no so I didn't get nine yeah so I done it for no reason oh my God go go for it a i to finish that without war no no no eat all the biscuits gone hurry up man we got all day yeah yeah now you made the challenge hard now you made the challenge hard okay well done well done well [Applause] done no one's opening it please no let's discuss it all right cool finally who wants this one if anything you need to go for this one I want to go for this one then go for it why is everyone suddenly not going for it once he leaves you it's going to be bad thank goodness I thought I was going to wait wait wait what is that take my three points oh oh my God it smell that so there's a dish in front of us right now should I go for it cuz I'm at B well actually not anymore you know what you know what a you know the only reason I went this is cuz I saw Bradley go and I was like N I was going to go for it and then you hesitate your breath and your stomach is going to be doing a m number one yeah number one n's number one go touch it you touch it I I got a feeling the last one is the craziest one man just man just touch it [ __ ] touch it am I am I last am I last right now you're last if you don't finish what's in there you're really going to have something last I could see something what is that that confirms it for me go I dare you I pleasey just reveal it to the people Bradley ralley reveal guys we're going to play Rock Pap scissors and the first person oh the one that's that chip from earlier there I was never yard time is over it's time for judgment to be served after going through three difficult challenges this is how the final scoreboard looks Nico gained six points in the last challenge leaving him on 20 points and the first person to end their sentence even though fake NYPD Bradley was too scared to eat anything in the final round he still finishes at second place with 17 points he has finished writing his sentence as they would say in the street no Diddy the last two prisoners more AJ and Max were very close on scores the prisoner in third place has 13 points and the other has 12 points but only one prisoner will eat the world's most disgusting prison meal and that prisoner is Max now it's time for officer Harrison to bring out the most disgusting prison meal of all time I can actually reveal what the ingredients are rotten veg the smelliest milkshake and Kale's tongue to eat well that is go Max where do you want to start Max oh my God that's bad save the after oh my gosh and that growl is one of the craziest things I've ever seen try some have one of this go for it I Max has been too much to actually try any of this and he's crying we're going to have to do this which we literally didn't sign up for so Bradley go ahead Bradley Bradley come on go Radley oh my God go Bradley thank you very much for watching the video guys someone finally taked I'm invested that's spicy that Carolina reap on that drink off turn off off
Channel: More Aj
Views: 1,570,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 years of lunch, 100 years of lunches, 100 years of prison food, prison lunch, prison food, prison challenges, prison, lunches, lunch, prison foods, eating challenge, eating, challenge, prison food challenge, ajshabeel, niko omilana, beta squad, last to leave prison, jail food, jail lunch, 100 years of jail food
Id: OnvYJg6Vv_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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