Baking Cakes With Wrong Ingredients Vs Chunkz

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this is a beautiful cake baked with all the right ingredients what have you used all the wrong ingredients and forc two people to compete to make the best cake they can for a mystery celebrity judge well fasten your seat belts cuz this is baking with the wrong ingredients introducing our chefs today myself and chunks the question is how are we going to get our ingredients well we have to rely on our bacon IQ to decide between two ingredients that look alike one of which is good and the other is very bad but enough of the waffle let's get picking okay bring in the first item Hey listen please just don't make it difficult man it's the first one which one of these is sugar for God sake oh please oh please I please B is sugar a is salt yes wait wait wait wait wait you not lying bro that one's more white and pure it's sugar bro my life is sugar you're not taking a piss taste it oh you are trying to cheat you're trying to cheat is this what happens NL wow start as well I'm going to go home if that's what we're doing you are taking a piss which one of these is butter what's that cheese that's that's that's cheese that's mature cheddar right yes that's cheddar I know they're shocked at home I can tell the difference the the sugar one's impressive I think you can make a good cake though with uh with salt salt yeah you lost ingredient I'm actually worried while I I H in it which one of these is cocoa powder coco powder is egg that's coffee on the left oh which one of these is red velvet Yes red velvet is be what it's called red velvet that's red velvet that's chili powder chili yeah my cake that my H [Music] cake I needed that as well I needed the sweetness from the red velvet which one of these is vanilla extract vanilla extract is egg yes yes yes what's this one B is oil oh that can work that can work you can just put in a cake that can work which one of these is Jam you want me to put ketchup on mying M what's that catch that's hind as well I know my boy hind well if you chose ketchup inside the jam you know how long that day would have been which one of these is icing Oh Long G the icing is AEG oh yes yes what's that what is that don't I don't want to tell come someone's been putting in the ship yeah someone's been going this ni's video me is toothpaste I'm sorry I'm going to make an icing cake now like the whole thing is going to be made of icing it's a cold at least I know s get my sens after all that doesn't even taste ni WS which one of these is blue food coloring the blue food coloring is blue it's not even blue you're so dumb and then what's that petrol please say it's blue well I say it's bleach that's actually Prime that work it's not fair bro I look that work [Music] bro is that actually Prime yeah which one of these is red food coloring the red food coloring is Big come on and what's that A1 give him that one instead of the flipping price B case different which one of these are sprinkles you do a shake test for each [Music] one the sprinkles are a what hey what's this we got rice we got rice I got a rice toothpaste cake which one of these is M&M please man the M&M are if you chose a it would have been kidney beans well that after that round I had four sabotaged ingredients to put in my cake rice chili powder Prime and perhaps the worst of all salt I mean we don't have sugar but I'm going to try and blend BL as much sugar as I can out of the M&M's and chocolate powder chunks also had four sabotaged ingredients rice chili powder toothpaste and oil honestly I think I could have done worse the fact that I have sugar and N has salt has made my day but I am absolutely devastated with the news that I've got toothpaste but I can't be too upset I do have sugar okay so the time Starts Now 1 hour on the clock you're going to get smoked I got you anyways I got you too okay what's the first step uh first step is preheat the no it's not wash your disgusting rubby little fingers and you should brush your teeth but you got this without all right so my game plan is to not mess up the cake mixture I want the cake to taste as good as possible and then the L ingredients will come at the end what's your [Music] elbow bang has he lost his [ __ ] mind you're crazy right don't Li you want to mess about don't mess it back bro I want to be fine and fair you know your head looks surprisingly like an egg if you just put a little bit of a beard here eyes mouth know and you put doag here yeah you f funny that's jok all right so I saw that it says sugar on the recipe and I don't have any sugar so I decided to use the best substitute possible salt in my cake mixture instead it's already ruined go on go on again no come on now you can fill it out more stop taking the piss that's so much that's so much there it go you know how disgusting that is n putting salt in his cake mixture this guy doesn't want an edible money does that make sense that much butter in aing cake that's how you make a cake man have you never make make made a cake in your life can you speak English if that's right I was going to say make cake boy yeah how about that one are you sure is that a lot 8 O I'll bet some babies at 8 oz no yes babies are the same amount of butter as a as a baby wait this doesn't make sense babies don't weigh 8 O what do they weigh 8 this just just in babies don't weigh 8 oz uh they weigh £8 so um I don't know why chunks would say that he's a dumb fool but God I'm glad uh I can correct him now let me start stirring mine cuz I put my salt in there ages ago oh disgusting where's the baking powder you're none of your business shut up oh this is good this is good that's that's 250 watch how disgusting that is that's barbaric you know it 225 there we go so that's what I put in that's sugar they want me to put in a cake does that not look like stupid this a crazy cake how would you do that how would you do that bro I'm just staring it the hell out I don't understand how chunk seems so good at this I literally turn my back for one second next thing I know he's whisking a a full-on cake mix is those called those good that tastes nice here we go 225 on the head 225 damn it flouring baking powder two teaspoons bang hey look at that I'm going to grab the cocoa you meant to put two minimum but you know what we haven't got sugar so let's coat this with cocoa okay look oil time you said two two of these yeah so that's your first one yeah yep I don't know what it's going to do to this but I think I'm it use your fingers and taste [Music] this abolute what have you put anything bad in there oil uh oil but then what I'm going to do is it's the the icing that's going to me so I'm going to put all of the [ __ ] together just see what happens righto can see there b is from time you my finger and there you have it I'm already done the cake but is in the oven 25 minutes and uh Bob's your anle chunks has already put his food in the oven I think he's genely 15 20 minutes ahead of me this is going to have to be the greatest comeback of all time oh that's what I'm going to do these M&M's are going to be used the sugar as well M&M paste that's what I'm going to make I just want to make this a little bit smoother all right wonderful you guys have done me with this toothpaste stuff man honestly bro that's genuine tooth that's look the only thing that's really going through my mind is Chunks has all this toothpaste but his breath still stinks it reeks very bad top no no no no I don't want any toothpaste you enjoy okay it's time to take all my L's and put them all together all right so this is the point I was dreading all the L ingredients have to just go into one I'm going to just put it in the blender this is going to be horrific so what we're going to do ISM yeah a cocoa thing Jesus this is where it's going to do me prob it smells like aing chicken thicken Masala in there that is taking the piss it smells spicy so well that's not enough no you pressed it down that's not enough the way you made me fill it up with salt don't think that's not going to be tasted I'm disgusting good good good good good that's good that's that's good how much enjoy that brother look look look how did you think that was icing are you dumb that's disgusting that all right enjoy that look at this that is the biggest setup of all time rice are you put the rice in there too yep rice paste and then other my other my other oil yeah yeah that's enough [ __ ] save me save me that's everything in it all your L's done all in one paste this is bad brother and you what you just going to spread it on top like icing yeah hopefully you can understand that the Cake's actually decent all right so it's probably been about 15 you mind can you stop that for a sec I think after about 10 minutes of me doing this pace I think I finally [Music] [Applause] finished it's the salt okay so I've just tasted my cake mix and it is the most abysmal thing I've ever tasted in my life I'm screwed it is so salty genuinely it was the Dead Sea oh all that taste is salt that's ruin my day this is what's ruin my cake man at least your cake is going to taste nice at least your actual cake is going to taste nice if this doesn't taste that bad I have absolutely won please for the sake of God taste it for me no no you taste it taste it no no no it's you it's you that's you that's you man taste it taste it taste it taste it taste it taste it taste Bottoms Up yeah Cake's done it's done yeah I don't know how I'm going to fix this salt cake you know so my first idea of recovery is to add as much chocolate powder as possible has that worked a salt man yeah yeah tastes like the sea yeah no didn't work didn't even come close no matter what I put in there all I taste is salt you know what I'm going to do for you as well cuz you're my guy give me some sugar yep sugar that I have left yeah ready [Music] yeah you can pick out from there if you want use it yeah oh come on man have a taste of this pleas you want to taste mine no genuine genuine gen you want me to taste that yeah yeah taste it taste it oh my God salty is that why did I put the salt in it's like salt if it had a paste salt paste hor all right you know what I've got a put it in start chefing it up oh wait where'd you get the paper I don't know the thing to put here that paper um there we go thank you thank you that's support where is it tell me where it is give us a hidden I want to say chunks is the best chef ever best ever huh chunks the best ever again you know chunks yeah y Nick best sh ever nck the best the whole time you stupid it oh this is a mess this is awful man I could put actual seamen on top of my cake and I think it'll be better you know genuinely what I'm going to do yeah put it on yeah at this point [ __ ] it oh I happened with the chili in I need to see the same one I did the one that you set me up with more than that more than that more than that don't do that to me oh this is this is is I should have spread I should have split it up no no no let me I up you Hey listen open it up bring it out bring it out bring it out I need to mix this in what' you do my cake no look look what he did look that's Karma you crushed your oh my good that was Karma I'll be honest I deserved it CH just CED his cake got a visual of what his cake looks like it's been dropped on his head G that's de yes chunks has set himself up and he storm out because he has dropped my dish on his cuz he was trying to meddle with my food you know now I might actually managed to win this and it was all because of chunks as greed hey man what's the wrong half cake [ __ ] Dam me in there dude you did yourself that was you man why you put that in me oh that sounded crezy why did you put that on me man I said on I said on I said that sounded nut you said why did you put that in me said on let me just have a look at your cake why you why are you trying to spit on my cake for I didn't spit on your cake your cake already looks like spit and your cake would catch the spit as well it would be a bowl bow cake that's the worst thing in the world so while my cake is in the oven I may as well start getting ready a paste which I'm going to use we're going to cook this rice so I'm putting together the rice some blue Prime and some milk and let's just hope it works with the final dose of the chili powder and that will be a perfect paste to put in the middle of the cake what on God green and blue Earth this is one of the best things I've ever done that looks horrific W genuinely I think this will taste very nice as you can see right now what we're doing guys is we're going to give him a layered cake just for presentation situations for the Nations for the interrogations you know what I'm trying to say this is just for me I wish I could just serve this man all right guys this is where I ruined the cake by absolutely dousing it in this bunch of [ __ ] oh you're doing it now yeah cover it absolutely cover it your Cake's done your cake is so done it's the joke that smells one atrocious there you have it that's my cake done chunks looks pretty happy with the presentation of his cake but honestly it looks like diarrhea was poured all over it honestly I think diarrhea would taste nicer okay I think we're done that looks so good niiko I'll be honest Niko's cake looks decent but it's about the taste there's no way that mixture tastes good we're going to use the rice paste [Music] congratulations niik you are the winner so good it's so good man I've used everything apart from the red food coloring which I'm going to use right now bang put it in with the rice that looks like your fliping blend in the finger there we go look at that there we go how long have I got you got 4 minutes I I I I here we go the vanilla that would have made it taste better oh my gosh that would have made it better it's not too late it's not too late re blend re blend re blend the spoon the spoon spoon oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God the shards are you reckon the shards are metal in there yeah re and give that to the guy as well the whole thing is going to get saved by icing you know if you win yeah you you've paid someone didn't wash his hand once by there we go bang bang bang haven't used the jam yet should put the jam in earlier what am I doing it's falling apart it's falling apart presentation presentation you know I don't know what that is but icing and jam incredible incredible mix ah get L I know you though you're playing mind games look it's yucky stop being silly now now we're finished baking let's present our dishes and wait for our celebrity chef to arrive I can't wait it's going to be great all right so over here as you can see you have the mint chocolate cake I got set up I'll be very honest the L was that toothpaste I'm going to just try and sell it down that Arrow minty type of chocolate cake Avenue not possible why are you speaking it's my interview sorry so yeah and I just want to see if hopefully that um the professional you want to speak properly for the interview or you know what I believe that my cake is very good tastes very nice and it isn't just a minty mess and because of that I think that I'm going to win win I think it's the wor thing I've ever seen in my life now all we've got to do is wait for our celebrity chef and I'm very excited to meet him so uh yeah it's time for the final presentation welcoming our celebrity judge Gordon Ramsey chugs Nico hello chugs who is this brother yeah it's me Gordon Ramsey from hell's kitchening I'm being paid a load of cash today to assess Nico and chugs is cooking they've got me for 5 minutes for $400,000 000 they're already 4 minutes in so let's get on with it place looks like a bombs hit it yeah yeah yeah yeah as you can see these are our incredible Creations yeah listen Gordon M mine is called the strawberry the light humble beginnings the strawberry humble beginnings yeah the light as well yeah M's um the mint chocolate gangster begins so aesthetically I'd say they're about the same level you got Hospital dricus on the right Y and you got mudpie gangster mint Beginnings on the left yeah which one you want to try first whatever you want to try first you want to try that horse Sean mixed with M cycle there's there's there's something there's something called uh why you laughing I think we're going to try this one first that's no problem and given that a chef should always be prepared to try all their own food I think you should try first okay all right yeah great I'll try it be [Music] brave get more more of that g that would be a good [Music] one they say any good food should be an orchestra of flavors like dancing over your pallet yeah that's like aing Chie and tank rolling over my tongue is that good or what the [ __ ] is curry powder doing in a cake with Jam well okay I'm 20% um Indian oh so this is Heritage yeah Heritage so anything which you say wrong about the cake there's something perversely nice about it actually it's as hot as Satan's ring piece though it really is oh wow that is that is out there all right I'm going to try this one next by the way uh just before you taste it and say anything this one's from our religion um so obviously what you say yeah go on go on put it in that awful sauce have on you like it yeah you do get across bit as well all right Co in that sauce you want more cake though brother instead of the [ __ ] sauce There we go what's it say that must be average right G that must be so bad you know that's good that really is good he's eating the sauce you see do there's a nice medle of flavors there yeah yeah I'm getting mint oh nice texture yeah not too crunchy y almost like a rice cake oh there was rice in there there's mint being tickled by chili and it's underneath as well may good yeah please can you taste that again I swear to God that don't taste bad on my life I'm actually I'm actually being honest it's genuine toothpaste chili sauce that is the worst thing I think I've ever tasted about lovely are you serious I have been robbed on a scale of 1 to 10 y Satan's ring piece yeah oh okay so you hate all Indians with love to all Indians thank you very much 6 out of 10 thanks Gordon Ramsey mudpie [ __ ] up y gangster beginnings mint meets chili y 7 and 1/2 out of 10 gra this is come on I'm not even being doing this for the cameras that is an absolute disgrace Nico That's Not My Name good work thank you very much man chugs is my new name what a disgrace comment rigged I don't know what deal chunks had under the table I had no deal well I had no deal all that toothpaste in there that's going to kill me at least my breath smells good your smells like sh yeah listen like subscribe check out chugs or whatever his name is and and big up to Gordon Ramsey for rolling through thank you much thank you pleasure thank you guys okay all right peace out guys
Channel: NDL
Views: 3,810,525
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Id: _Fra9xRR3BQ
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Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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