Photoshop Tutorial | How to make a 3d gold coin

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[Music] hi everyone on this tutorial I'm gonna show you some amazing and really simple technique to make a nice gold coin using only Photoshop 3d capabilities starting by watching the design I made some design within straighter because it's easier but anyone can do it you can do it in Photoshop the same way I'm going to start with this design and the great colors here represent some different beverages or cups I will use on the 3d 3d coin so that's my way of separating it so I can remember what I want to do with each part so let's start by by the sphere itself simple great sphere I'm going to copy it to Photoshop again you can do it in Photoshop already so each one does it his own way pasting it here I'm working on a 2000 by 2006 old canvas I find it very comfortable it's not going to break it so it's okay it's an outside and to give us a quick render in Photoshop okay so let's start by great creating the first 3d 3d layer I'm selecting the spirit the circle and click in here new to the exclusion it will create a 3d layer inside Photoshop as you can see here it's a different layer than the usual Photoshop layer here on the top side I can see a top view of this layer and here I have a few things in the trading card I have the environment which I will explain later on seeing this is the part where I can edit the direction of what I'm seeing watching from every direction like this the by default you have the internet like the layers as I have now which is the sphere and default camera which is always a brings you back to your initial point ok let's start let's take our see you layer our silk layer it had an extrusion on it by default and I can see this extrusion right hiding here right here you can see in the top view how was a very lower the exclusion it gets thinner thinner okay I can take the object I'm holding I can move it back and forth using the z time I can move right left in my experience I prefer always starting with the default position you understand why later on okay I'm doing some steps okay so let's make this will be just a little bit to the back using the z-axis and make it thinner place um what I'm seeing here to vote the proportions of a normal middle or corner or something like that okay now that's it for now I will go and brain one top you know what I'll first put the material on it when clicking layer one you can see in the properties file when clicking sorry inside layer one you have a few faces you see one two three four five this is the front side looking at it just on bevel material that's not important extrusion material which is in the center the side of the coin and the back level is the behind behind time okay now let's take this layer and the front face layer and choose them out you well let's take all the faces which is an Akira I am going for both I won't be tweeting it too much in the beginning that's giving you this material is enough then I want to bring another element for my previous design let's take the lead I will copy it send it back to photoshop and paste it it will come as a normal non-trivial ey're above my 3d layer okay now I'm going again to 3d new 3d extrusion from selected layer I get this very big student we don't need let's take it much smaller extrusion something like this and that's enough go back to photoshop and let's take the last part of my design which is this one something is hiding back okay taking it moving into Photoshop again it will come in a new non 3d layer this is it something like this okay again you to the exclusion same steps again like the last time okay okay it's smaller thinner something like this is enough okay now as you can see on this side on the layers panel we have three 3d layers but they are not on the same layer on the same 3d world so what one of the next is selected all layers go to 3d HD de layers it's important to keep all layers or all elements on the default position so when we mix them all up they don't get messed up and appear in different angles and sizes and stuff Mirchi layers okay so now inside you can see now I can fold these layers we have three layers in the same world okay as you can see this layer is showing us the best designer layer which one is the leaves and this one is the original circle or coin let's send it back holding these layers send it with the z-axis send it back so it will be the other layer that's cool let's start designing each layer let's take for example the leaves click on it one time if you selected as you see layers oh these are the leaves inside we have again this fixation and the bottom boundary constructive stuff is not very important you can disregard apart let's take all these five phases and give them again because default material form for shop okay so let's take this they're the best designer layer which is layer three again all five sizes selected let's give them good material again okay now one thing I always do is I change the environment which is basically sort of the way of photoshop to emulate where this this coin is placed so for example the default is something like this which other are a few lights around the coin but we can replace it with some better studio looking so replace texture inside environment and equal to ideal replace texture yep and here I use a file which is freely by on Google you need to use any any HDR HDR file and and change it I will put this one and make it available for you but you can look up in Google HDRI Studios there are many many free files for you to use I prefer this one personally I prefer dark room when using wall they prefer dark room with some few soft boxes and it gives you perfect result oh let's open this file as you can see the lighting change now when I inside environment I can rotate this part like this and see how it affect my gold okay they start by giving some death to this coin that's for the layer 3 which is this part okay which will be likely to rotate a little bit too light okay something like this is constant okay holding layer tree we can go to this part when we see the layers and the bevels and the caps holding this part you can adjust the level if you want just like in Photoshop and you can give it a cup which is a little more deep something like this just really interesting stuff let's do this one oh now okay okay okay let's make it a little deeper too so let's choose this this layer and next okay now let's choose the Leafs players if you did okay again go to the cops let's give it some nice desk here as you can see very interesting okay if you starting to look very interesting now we can click on environment on the scene a story and you can start rotating this thing and saying how it looks like it's a little too deep then the text I'm going to click on it make it a little more inside something like this watch or cell let's see now how this looks like yeah I think it's a little better okay okay that's nice okay one thing we want to add here I think it will give it a very artistic touch you to add some bump map on the coin eaters so we have a place which a part of the college will be a little ragged with bumps and the part of the college will be very very so you give it a very nice and interesting look so I will add the bus map to the circle coin to a beautiful circle part click on it once you see its lair one I click on the front face which is this part and on the bump part I will change to any texture okay okay to standard by mm not fine okay okay what we see here is a demonstration of a representation of the front face which is the circle and here what we are going to do is a great skill but net which means that every part every white part is it a little bit higher and then the dark part it's like a tree the quake quake and Desmet expect everything here in black and let's add noise okay nothing like this then I will go to filter gallery but relief is give me this style of texture you can play with it a little bit make it more sharpness with a sharpness looking that's fun to make this more detail let's detail your choice I prefer something around these values you can use 12 on the detail and foreign smoothness of course this is disregard the 2000 by 2000 pixels bumper okay now let's we'll have our bump map I can do and click on command s or ctrl s on a PC save and go back to my PC my coin and there you go you have the Batman he's pretty nice now we can play with the intensity of it you can make it much Joker and can make it very very shallow something like this two or three percent I think it's enough make it myself okay let's add some bevel tool to this coin to holding the layer I go to this part again with you the bevel then cut and I will choose something like this I think and now we'll see what it does does this type of shape all around the element depends on the width of the bevel you see now this is the ratio we need a very slight with maybe one percent let's make it like this maybe two percent yeah I think that's nice that's enough another thing is I want to take the sleeves click on this square here which is the scale make it a little bit bigger saying I'm going to go with this layer click on the square and put it inside but back inside anything ok something like this ok now this is starting to look really really cool we didn't render it yet so what we are getting that don't work ok now let's go and see the lighting disk infinite light I will use the default life of this service because it's enough we take the lighting adjust the direction I want to take to use then I'm going to blur the shadows soften the shadows so I'd like to get this type of effect and now if you want to get a nice reflection you can local environment and here you have reflections you can add some reflections as much as you want and if you want to can add roughness whatever roughness means is that if the reflection gets a little blurred out I like it usually a little bit too rough ok what to our scene I'm going to go a little bit further away to see it so I'm taking the scene clicking on scene here go to the zoom button and it will do something like this which is nice I can use the pan water and move it a little bit I wish and the rotate button give it a nice nice rotation ok let's go to this layer make it black and then add a new layer and with the brush I'm going to use LDC pretty spot I'm going to use the white one click 100% hundred percent flow and opacity and zero percent hardness is what will come up with hold this layer shrinking it something like this jumpin and risk and I'm going to duplicate the layer command Jennie or control J on a PC make it bigger again something like this is a very low opacity around 8% take this one and do something like this maybe a little more okay now let's turn back on the GD layer okay shaving it is important always so now let's see let's go to the environment and play with our studio get the best reflections you can move it around rotate you have something interesting some highlights and pull highlights maybe some lines of there somewhere softbox is reflecting on it could be very interesting let's take it like this hello of nothing something like this is interesting you can see the beautiful highlights and reflections we can now lower the intensity of the light as you can see is some beautiful golden metal here something like this we'll do a quick render just to see how it's looking up for them first I will take this white layer and bring it back a little more so you bring the base make it taste a bit bigger so it will be on the base of our point so you can see the reflection and the shadow so now we can take this thing make a selection around it and click on the render button right here it's gonna take a while but we are getting a beautiful render this coin using only Photoshop you
Channel: Open Design
Views: 38,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, Photoshop, tutorial, tutorials, simple, easy, beginners, advanced, technique, cc, gold, coin, currency, money, medal, adobe
Id: MKzcfqhBiKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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