25 Photoshop TIPS AND TRICKS (must know!)

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hey my name is Nathaniel Dodson and today I've got for you a 25 tips and tricks in Photoshop that ya cast must know they're gonna be helpful things some things I've talked about before some things that I haven't talked about in a while and some things I've well never talked about before and we learn all about them right now let's jump into Photoshop okay here in the land of dreams make believe we are in Photoshop let's try to get through this list of 25 Photoshop tips and tricks rather quickly first and foremost it's bird's eye view hold down the letter H and just click and drag and it will zoom you out and give you the little viewing box and you can zoom in anywhere on the image I talked about this one a lot but it's cuz I love it and it's just so cool to be able to do it very helpful tip number two I talked about this one as well often it's painting a selection using quick selection you double click over here on your quick selection icon and make sure that color is indicating selected areas just see that color indicates selected areas you can change your color to whatever you like I just like green and then you can go in and quick mask mode is activated and you can just paint this green mist all over what you want to select such a fast easy way to make big soft edge selections that just kind of have to blend in with your image hit the letter Q to make the selection and by the way if you have no selection and you don't want to come over here and select a quick selassie every quick select every single time just hit the letter Q and boom you enter into quick select mode and of course at this point you could do something like bring up levels and say hey you know what let's see what happens if we take a little bit of green out of this water make it a little bit more blueish purple-ish and there you have it painting selections with quick selection so now tip number three is the temporary tool and I don't know about you but when I'm editing stuff I like to be able to just select a tool and if I need something it's I don't want to have to do anything in terms of breaking my workflow and going and choosing another tool virtually every tool in Photoshop you can simply press the letter for that there for that tool like we won the lasso tool press and hold the letter L it'll temporarily switch to lasso where we can make a selection let go of L and we're back to the Dodge tool that we had been using before probably the biggest and most popular tool that you use that does this is pressing an old spacebar it temporarily gives you the hand tool with which you navigate but you still never lose the active tool that you're using and working with okay tip number four I don't know about you but I don't like the fact that when zoomed out and I can see my whole image I can't move it around my Photoshop document because if I'm working down here in like the bottom corner I like to be able to work in the middle of my screen but unfortunately I have to zoom in in order to navigate over and make that the middle of my screen but do I the answer's no you can go up to Photoshop preferences on Windows this would be edit preferences I'm gonna go Photoshop preferences I'm gonna click away from the Photoshop about there voodoo shop preferences go down here to tools and I'm gonna tick on this option right here over scroll I'm gonna tick it on and now I can see my whole image I don't want to create a black dot there I can see my whole image and I can navigate and move it around it's not locked right there into the middle of my viewing area I love over scroll so our fifth tip of the day and this is a very underrated a way to work in Photoshop I think it's using blank adjustment layers so you just pick an adjustment layer like curves slap it onto your layer don't even do anything to it and just change the blend mode like multiply makes it darker overlay it adds more contrast soft light adds more contrast but in sort of a more subtle way screen brightens the image up lots of cool things you can do and then of course because you have your opacity slider you can just sort of brighten the image a little bit or darken the image a little bit whatever you want to do you can do it with blank adjustment layers such a cool little thing you can do in Photoshop so tip number six is quickly changing layer or brush or other tool opacities this is really really great first and foremost we've got a picture of some Egyptian stuff pyramid sphinx you name it let's say I wanted to add some of this orange saturation to the foreground obviously the background is a mess so we would just select our mask commander ctrl I to invert it and fill it with black and then we grab the brush tool but the brush is paint to get a hundred percent opacity so when we start painting with white we're gonna get this really really heavy really saturated Orange I don't like that I want to change the opacity of my brush so I hit a number from one to zero let's say a two and that gives me 20 percent opacity which now means I'm gonna paint a little bit of that saturation in there right like there's before then there's after now if I want to change the flow I just hold down shift and hit like 8 or shift zero brings back to 100 regular zero brings the opacity of the brush back to 100 but you may be thinking what if I want to lower the layer opacity not the tool by the way that works with all these different tools with your stamp brush with the eraser with the Dodge and burn tools with all these different tools you just hit the number that you want and it's going to give you the opacity oh by the way if you have an exact opacity like 46 just hit 4:6 very quickly and you get 46 but going back to changing the layer opacity just grab the move tool or a tool that doesn't have that number feature and over here on our layer panel we don't really do anything we can just hit a number like 4 and the hue/saturation layer is now at 40% by the way you can change the fill by holding down shift and hitting shift 5 or shift 4 4 40 shift 0 to bring fill back and a regular 0 to bring the layer back to 100% opacity so just remember when you see those opacity and fill or opacity and flow type slider inputs try using your numbers it's a really really fast way to quickly change and dial in the opacity or fill or flow that you want alright tip number 7 this is really SuperDuper useful when you're working with pretty much anything you're gonna be creating selections and when you create selections you're gonna realize you messed up the selection and it's not where you want it to be well instead of committing the selection and then going select deselect or using the hotkey command or control D as you draw up the selection hold down a space bar and move your selection around huge time-saver and something you absolutely should be doing tip number eight is the rubber band and other viewing modes of the pen tool let's say we want to create a line along this little Ridge here well we can grab our pen tool and we can go ahead and start clicking and dragging and you know building out the path that we want but is there a better way to do this well if we hit the little cog wheel we can number1 turn on rubber band which what that's going to do is it's going to show us where the path goes which is really kind of helpful and we can come in here and say alright I know the path is gonna hook right around there it takes the guesswork out of the whole thing also we can go to the COG and say you know what I want the line to be more visible go to a 3 pixel width line maybe I want the color to be different because I'm working on a solid blue image so you can change a lot with regard to your line for me I prefer kind of just the default one and blue but I do like to leave rubber band checked on it makes it super duper useful just a bonus little tip if you do drop an anchor point before you let go of it you can hold the spacebar and just move that point around here we've got this beautiful re camera and I'm going to grab my brush tool and I want to talk about smoothing so there is this little smoothing option here that shut off we want to open up our brush panel here and just tick smoothing on and that'll activate smoothing for us and then what we can do is just crank up the amount of smoothing we want and you can see here we have a few different smoothing options you can play with them and see what you prefer but essentially this is gonna sort of make the stroke feel like it's dragging behind your brush a little bit but what it's doing is it's just smoothing out and creating this beautiful flowy brushstroke I can be very helpful depending on what you are using the brush for in Photoshop so don't sleep on them as smoothing feature it can be very useful for certain things that you do tip number ten all right you've got your image it's finished it's looking cool just the way you want it to look and you're ready to export it there's a lot of different ways you can save images out but maybe one of the fastest and easiest is to just right click on the layer and choose quick export as JPEG and then choose where you'd like to save it on your hard drive go ahead and save it and you're done but I hear what you're saying I don't have quick export as JPEG mine's quick export as PNG or something else ridiculous well you can go file export and choose export preferences and here in the export preferences choose don't go with PNG go with JPEG if you're saving a lot of JPEGs and while you're at it choose the quality to which it will save you can also say hey look a square - save it or just export it to an asset folder right next to the current document so I don't have to choose where to save it every single time very very helpful little feature exporting layers as a JPEG alright tip number eleven we can not only export a single layer as a JPEG we can actually export multiple layers so we could select multiple layers right click we could choose to export these out as JPEGs which do which would do a bunch of individual JPEGs I don't know if you could see that I'm going to just disappear it off-screen there for a second but if we want to keep it all together you just group the files right click on the group and choose to quick export the group as a JPEG follow the same settings choose where you want to save it on your hard drive and you have your own Darth or dark Vador wherever you would like it to be tip number 12 is don't sleep on the altar option button it is used to duplicate just about everything you'll ever duplicate here in Photoshop you can select the layer hold on alter option drag a copy out you can drag out a layer straight up if you have a layer on which you've placed a bunch of terrible or great depending on the way you look at it layer styles you can take those layer styles alt or option click and drag that FX icon and drop it on another layer and you will duplicate those layer styles to that new layer you can do the same with masks if I grab a mask and alter option drag it to another layer you can do the same with smart filters just about everything in Adobe Photoshop alter option think of it as the make a duplicate button and now for tip number 13 we can go ahead and grab the ruler tool which is located underneath the eyedropper tool and we can use this the straight images so we could drag a line across and say like yeah I'm pretty sure the horizon is supposed to be flat like that and choose straight and layer and it will straighten the image of course we would need to go and with the crop tool and adjust it further I think it actually needs to be straightened a little bit more than that and then hit the letter C with the crop tool and then just size this all down a little bit and we have a much straighter image to look at okay tip 14 straightening perspective this is super duper helpful if you take pictures of a lot of your artwork and you bring it into Photoshop and you want to straighten it up or if you do architectural photography and you need to straighten up stuff like maybe you want to make it look like you're looking straight into the side of this a Greek masterpiece let's go back to this image though because this is a little bit more of a realistic application select the layer and go filter Camera Raw filter and this is pretty simple you click on this little tool up here the transform tool and I like to select guided and then what you do is you draw lines of areas that should be straight so you say you know at the top of the paper and the bottom of the paper should both be straight across and camera roll is gonna attempt to straighten them that way and then you take another line for the sides of the paper and you say yeah that's supposed to be a vertical straight up and down and yeah over here on the other side also supposed to be vertical straight up and down and Camera Raw will take it and straighten it right out and then you can go ahead and use the crop tool trim it down so all you see is the nice a wonderful paper that you drew or wrote or did whatever you did onto it and there you have it we've straightened out our artwork right out of the camera and by the way if you want to see that extreme example I'm just gonna hotkey myself right into Camera Raw and I'll show you look at how crazy this will get so you say like yeah that should probably be a vertical line over here this pillar right about there should be a vertical line it tries to make it vertical and then you start taking the horizontal lines you see I make that horizontal and across the base of the pillars look at how ridiculous this is that should also be horizontal and Photoshop will try to use its intelligence to literally make the camera turn and shift as though you were looking at the side of this building all right I'm gonna close this stuff up tip 15 did you know you can build text and color fill layers and also vector shape layers to shape layers in general by using the hot key option delete that's alt backspace on the PC so maybe the owner of this ramen joint says well the word ramen is a little too dark and I say all right well I can actually match it with the color of the yolk of the egg that'll brighten it up and with the text layer selected I just sample the color option delete and boom it fills the text with that different color also here with the color fill layer when they say ooh it's actually not our red crab meat noodle looking things rather it's the blue ones we can say okay so we grab a blue and set that as our foreground color and then we select that color fill layer and we just hit option delete or alt backspace and boom it fills out with blue by the way if that seemed like a long process it kind of was normally you would probably sample the color and just fill it like that you know do something like that you keep changing quickly the color of what it is we've got going on there in that strange crab ZD rigatoni looking material you could also by the way just double click on the color fill layer and it brings up the color picker that can work as well or we can just go back to the original color that it was before I started messing around with it now before we go too far from this image tip number 16 is the hotkey for merging all layers up to their own layer and that's command shift option E and there we go we've just taken all visible layers popped them up they are now part of their own layer where we could do something like right click and quick export as a JPEG you know things like that but let's say you just want to export the word ramen with the background image and ignore the purple for this one version that you're making right what you want to do is just select those two layers unlock your background image if that is one of the layers you're working with right select those two layers and just hold the hotkey command option G that's Control Alt II and it will just use those layers you've selected and merge them together so now we have a copy of the text and the image merged together but our little crab noodles are a red and not purple but you can use that hot keep just selecting any number of layers just select certain layers and you merge those selected layers up to a new layer command option e ctrl Alt key on the PC I'll write tip number 17 let's talk about using the healing brush along the edge of an object so I'm gonna zoom in here on the sky and let's say for whatever reason we want to I don't know change something here on the edge of this building you can use your Healing Brush and number one you usually want to reduce the diffusion when you're near edges but for a complex edge like this the real key is sample the exact edge don't sample over here in the solid area and expect to be able to work up to the edge writer like this because then you're gonna get all this weird blurring and stuff but if you actually just sample the edge you can make sure the edge lines up perfectly and then when you go ahead and edit and heal you're not going to get any of that crazy weird haloing you can use this technique for when you're retouching eyebrows lips the edges of people's face as edges of buildings like this landscape shots anything where you have edges of stuff and I think everything I've ever seen in my life just about has an edge maybe not the ocean but other than that pretty much everything has an edge these little pedestrian strips you could go down here and say alright I'm gonna try to clean this up a little bit and go ahead and paint away some of that white in the middle and you can get a nice edge without all sorts of crazy blurring by sampling and beginning with the edge first all right next up we've got changing the color of anything like this crab you can use it using the color replacement brush located underneath the brush and a couple things I usually use the color mode I like to use this sampling mode I believe it's called continuous sampling or something like that and the contiguous works great for me tolerance of 30 is usually good and we just choose our foreground color let's say we want this to become a blue crab and we go in and we just want to make sure we keep that plus icon over the thing which we are changing the color of right so we make sure that stays over the crabs body and we will just affect the color of the crab you can go through very very quickly see I kind of moved out over the deck and I started changing the color of the deck but you can very quickly go in and change the color of objects like this now obviously this is ridiculous because we're making him so insanely blue but the the point still stands you can quickly change the color of anything even intricate objects like this quickly and easily using this brush you probably would want to make it a little smaller though and be a little more tender and gentle around the finer parts of our little crabby friend here now for tip number 19 let's say we're working on an image we got a bunch of layers and we just want to view one of those layers like maybe the background layer we want to make everything else go away hold on your altar option button and click on the eyeball for that layer it will show just that layer and shut off all the other layers altar option click the eyeball for that layer once more to turn all the layers back on and you get your adjusted image once more alright tip number 20 if you're anything like me you probably have a bunch of documents open in Photoshop at the same time you can quickly switch from open document to open document using the hotkey ctrl tab that's ctrl tab on Windows and on Mac and if you want to go backward like I just passed the document I wanted just throw a control shift tab in there and it will go backward through your documents so ctrl tab to go forward control shift tab to go backward through your documents tip 21 is it's actually pretty straightforward but it's a newer thing you can do in Photoshop and that is copy layers from document to document with ease select the layers you want to copy like maybe I want to grab all my adjustment layers here commander controls see the copy um go to another image commander control V to paste them in place maybe I want to go to another image commander control V to paste them in place and I can quickly go through a bunch of images and see what they look like alright tip 22 is all about the rotate tool and how underrated it is so sometimes you may be cleaning up an image and I don't know about you but I like to never really have to be painting side-to-side or straight up and down that's where the rotate tool is great and remember just like we can press and hold the spacebar to get our hand tool you can press and hold the letter R get your rotate tool rotate your image however you like so you're working just how you prefer to be working and then go back to work and finish painting or dodging and burning or doing whatever you're doing to your image hold down the letter R rotate back or hold down R and hit reset view and you're back to normal just as if nothing happens the rotate tool it's a temporary rotation and it's really really useful for lots of different things tip 23 is all about the hidden scrubby sliders so just about everywhere in Photoshop you see these little inputs these sliders yeah you can click down and use the slider but almost all of them you can just hover over the word and scrubby slide away right if we go window clone source and we want to adjust the angle of the clone we can just hover over the icon and rotate and move that back and forth there's so much you can do here with the X right with the Y you can do all sorts of crazy things but also if you bring up something like the brush tool or even the color of place tool like we just used you can hover over tolerance and adjust the tolerance that way it's a really really great and quick way to go ahead and adjust these tools and by the way if you hold down shift you'll move those numbers really quickly if you hold down alt or option when using the scrubbies you move those numbers really slowly so a lot of different stuff you can do there and it can be really helpful and really fast to just grab layers and you know push the opacity up or down in a hurry alright tip number 24 we're almost finished is the middle gray eyedropper this is located in a bunch of different places most notably you're gonna have it in your curves command or control em to bring up curves by the way for a layer it's this gray eyedropper you'll also have it in levels commander control L to bring up levels there's the gray middle gray eyedropper and you'll also have it in the Camera Raw filter command shift a that's control shift a on the PC you can grab the middle gray eyedropper and basically what you do is locate an area of your photo that should be gray and this image has this heavy green color cast we can say look the roof looks like it probably should be gray and here we've got it's shaded not direct sunlight it's all diffused light which is perfect for getting white balance let's click on that and you can see the whole image is adjusted to make sure that that doesn't have the green color cast so the middle gray eyedropper can be a lifesaver and a big time-saver here in Photoshop when you're playing around with your white balance and last but not least the twenty fifth tip is the hidden banana tool and you can get to it by hitting your little triple dot e dot here and choose an edit toolbar and then just simply hold down shift and click it done she was any of your other tools and you will now have the new addition a toolbar to infuse a little drop of color into an otherwise a very gray and drab Photoshop UI so that's it for this one folks thanks for checking out the tutorial if you enjoyed it make sure you subscribe to the channel hit the notification bell as well and if you enjoyed this video check out this other video I've got all about this guy jumping through a glowing portal on the streets of Tokyo it's a cool photo manipulation in Photoshop tutorial and I think you're just gonna love thanks for sticking around watching the video all the way till the end ladies and gentlemen that's it again it got it good Nathaniel Dodson Tut vidcom I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: tutvid
Views: 124,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, photoshop, photoshop tutorial, graphic design, logo design, photography, tutorial, photoshop manipulation, digital art, photoshop editing, photoshop effects, adobe photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop, photo editing, tutorial photoshop, photoshop cc 2019, how to use photoshop, photoshop tutorials, photoshop tips, photoshop hacks, photoshop tricks, photoshop help, tutvid, LIST, learn photoshop, photoshop cc tutorial, photoshop cc, photoshop tutorial for beginners
Id: fJoeERi28vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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