Photoscanning: Free and Easy! (Blender)

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okay just a quick warning photo scanning is really addictive and you might end up ruining dinner with your girlfriend by going outside to take pictures of bagels but that being said here's how you do it first step is to find a good subject shiny stuff confuses the software so it's best to find something with a lot of detail and not much glossiness cloudy days work best because you don't have the harsh shadows from the sun baked into your object grab your camera of choice i prefer a dslr but phones work too just make sure you move really slow when you're taking your pictures orbit around the object taking photos constantly take photos from low angles medium angles high angles just try and capture every little piece of the object when you're changing angles make sure to take pictures as you move if you don't the software might not understand where things are in relation to each other also make sure whatever camera you use is not on automatic mode because if your brightness changes from image to image it'll confuse the software so if your camera has a manual mode go with that one last thing make sure there isn't any motion blur in your shots you can do that by either turning up the shutter speed on your camera or just moving really slowly try not to fall on your face while you're doing this and if someone walks by make sure to feel as awkward as possible by looking like the worst photographer in the world and if there are people around wear you dang mask come on once you got your pictures loaded up throw them into a folder then load up your photogrammetry software i prefer reality capture because it's really fast but it's also 40 a month which sucks mushroom is free though so that's what we're going to be using once you got mushroom open go ahead and throw your pictures into the panel on the left save your project as something other than then hit start after like a half hour or something you should see something like this those white things are where you took the photos from and those little dots are the common points that it found in each of the images this is called a point cloud then you just gotta let it calculate for a long time for me it took like an hour or two while you're waiting feel free to check out my patreon i got a ton of stuff on there we got 3d scans we got cute characters we got vehicles we got lightning we got plants we got trash we got me i'm always adding stuff and it helps support the tutorials feel free to check it out but no pressure thanks for the support it'll process for a while longer for me it took like an hour or two you'll know it's finished when the green bar has made its way to the end of the texture node go ahead and click load model then turn off visibility for your point cloud it's looking pretty good but if it's not and you're getting some wonky results go ahead and look through your pictures one by one and see if there are any that might be confusing the software to bring your model into blender go up to file import obj wherever you saved your project it'll be under meshroom cache texturing texturedmesh.obj first thing i like to do is bring it to the center of the scene and rotate it so it's right side up if we go into material view you can see it's looking pretty good but we got way too much data blender's chugging here so let's go into the modifiers and add a decimate modifier for the love of god turn off display because if you don't you'll have to calculate this twice set the ratio to like 20 of the original vertices and hit apply next we're going to go into edit mode and cut this sucker out make sure you're in vertex mode and press k to open up the knife tool go ahead and make your way around the object cutting it out it can be pretty sloppy once you're back where you started hit enter then go into the vertex data and add a vertex group i'm going to call this edge this is useful for quickly selecting the edge later hit assign then in vertex mode go ahead and hide that edge then go into face selection mode and click on your object press ctrl l to select everything attached to it if you're selecting the ground too you've got some faces that are connecting it and you gotta delete those suckers once you deleted them press ctrl l again and hopefully it'll only select your object go back into vertex mode and press alt h to bring back in your edge then you can press ctrl i to invert your selection and delete everything else in the scene i find it helpful to have the bottom be completely flat so we can go ahead and select our edge in the vertex groups turn on proportional editing and press s z to scale it down on the z axis if you're stretching too much or too little you can press page up and page down on your keyboard to adjust the ratio in sculpt mode you can use the smooth tool to smooth out any bumpy areas if you smooth out an edge that should be crisp you can use the crease tool to crease that baby up it's still looking pretty bumpy though so i'm going to right click on it and select shade smooth if you're getting smooth edges that should be sharp you can go into the normals tab in the vertex data and enable auto smooth to give this thing a bit more detail in the shader editor i like to plug the image directly into the normal input then add a bump map switch it to height and dial it in bonus points if you throw a color ramp in there and adjust it so that anything shiny is black and anything rough is white then you can go ahead and plug that into the roughness input and you've got a makeshift roughness map plug the texture back into the color value and you are good to go baby enjoy that 3d model i hope you enjoyed the tutorial and if you don't feel like doing all this work you can head on over to my patreon and download the models i made i got a whole new batch i'm going to upload in a couple days thanks for your support and see you next time have a good day
Channel: Peter France
Views: 451,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6VjA9EfkFSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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