Photography Masterclass - What's NEW in Lightroom? Fall 2021

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hey everybody welcome we're about to get going here and start our live stream looks like we're just about ready to go for what's new in lightroom and lightroom classic all right looks like we're ready to start things let's kick it off [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome to adobe live my name is terry white worldwide photography and worldwide photography evangelist here at adobe it's my pleasure once again to be streaming to you live on a friday morning my time i know it's late some places it's early other places and it's right in the middle of the day in some places but wherever you are thanks for joining me live here for our weekly master classes and weekly by meaning whenever adobe's not taking the day off so last week we're off but this week we're back i think we're back until the holiday so uh we'll be doing uh master classes all day today so paul kick things off um i'm doing photography then we're doing the daily creative challenges sprinkled in between you'll see video you'll see ui ux design you'll see digital painting you'll see photoshop you'll see everything so we're just doing it all today and it's uh great to be here once again so for those of you who are new if you are watching this um somewhere else if you're watching this on one of my channels that's great you can hang out there and watch it but if you want to participate in the chat if you really want me to see your chat question uh head over to slash adobe live that's the one chat that i'll definitely be focused on if i see the other questions great but if there's no guarantee that i'll see your question if you're on one of the other channels like youtube or facebook or twitter or or linkedin or wherever you might be watching this all right and if you're watching the replay thanks for watching replay i am talking to you from the past i hope everything's going great in the future while you're watching this but anyway let's go ahead and get to it all right so i head over to slash adobe live and uh let's talk about what we're going to be doing today today we're going to talk about what's new in lightroom and lightroom classic the fall 2021 edition meaning that this is all the updates that happened uh right at max right after max adobe max that is and so we're going to be talking about all those things and i know what you're thinking i was going to talk about masking yes i'm going to talk about masking but that's not all there is so there's more than just masking so with that said let's go ahead and dive right in i'm going to go ahead and share my screen here in just a moment let me just switch over to the to my ability to do that and let's go ahead and take a look all right so i've got lightroom classic open we're gonna be doing this between lightroom uh classic lightroom on desktop lightroom on mobile so you'll get a chance to see it all play out i won't just be the the one thing all right um so let's go ahead and dive in i'm going to i've got my screen shared i'm going to start off with one of the things that people get kind of freaked out about and that is when you get a new uh like a major new version of lightroom classic it's going to ask you to upgrade your catalog and that like kind of scares people for some reason because and i say for some reason because it would be different if it upgraded your catalog but and you couldn't go back like that would be yeah that'd be scary but in this case it's not just upgrading your catalog and you can't go back it's actually making a copy of your old catalog and giving you a new catalog that's compatible with the new version so don't think of it as oh my god i'm going to lose the ability of something if i don't like this new version i can't go back it's making a copy and also you know just keep in mind you can back up your catalog as much as you want prior to any update all right so with that said i'm going to go up to my file menu and i'm going to like my this catalog's already a version 11 catalog so if you think about it um that's what we're talking about we're talking about version 11 of lightroom classic so this one's already a version 11 catalog uh i didn't mean to go loop view there all right so let's go ahead and open it one that hadn't been upgraded yet so i'm going to go ahead and open up one the one one that i was using last week which was how i would edit your photos and when i go to open that catalog it's going to tell me first of all that lightroom can't have more than one catalog open at a time so i'm going to yes relaunch lightroom with this new catalog and no you like this is where you get the chance to back it up by the way back up the one you're closing but we're going to skip that this time and um it's going to quit it's going to relaunch hopefully it's gonna relaunch it might be waiting for me yep there it is i see it over on the other screen there we go here we go so it's uh now saying hey uh you're upgrading this catalog to work with the new version your current catalog is this name i'm going to make your new catalog this name which by the way if you ever wanted to change the name of your catalog this would be your chance and i'm going to save it to the same location as the old catalog so you'll have two catalogs there when you're done and you can say nope don't do that quit or choose a different catalog or yes go ahead and upgrade and when it upgrades it this catalog's pretty small so it shouldn't take that long uh it'll do an optimization and then it'll open it and you will have your new version 11 catalog ready to go uh with the new version with all the new features you still have your old catalog in the old location so you don't ever have to worry that oh no i you know if i can't go back i can't go back you can go back all right so that's uh first and foremost don't be afraid to update your um update your old catalog so i'm going to reopen the catalog i was just in which is my main catalog that i always use and that catalog is now opening back up should take us right back to the same collection and there we are okay so um you can upgrade and it makes backup anyway you can always make a backup anyway scott kelby's in the house hey scott what's going on uh hey [Music] scott's there got it okay so uh just looking at the chat make sure i didn't miss anything let me scroll the chat make sure i'm not missing anything so someone said is my video quality is off a little bit not sure what's causing that but not much i can do about it all right [Laughter] yes you should use photoshop to composite your backgrounds by all means all right so now moving on so let's go ahead and talk about uh some of the new masking capabilities so step one don't be afraid to update your catalog step two let's talk about the whole new masking architecture that's um okay and i see a question from sorry but the whole new masking architecture that's across the board in lightroom classic lightroom and uh camera and of course lightroom on mobile so char is asking can you put the old catalog in your backup catalog if that if you mean backup catalog is a folder yes i don't know what you mean other than that you can move the back you can move the old catalog anywhere you want uh it's just a file that's in the same location that's always been it so if you want to keep and by the way um you know these backup catalogs that you're making you also have to ask your question how long are you going to keep it because if the new one's working and you've been using the new one for three weeks a month two months whatever and you you should have been doing backups at least weekly all along anyway so how far are you willing to go back are you willing to go back to a catalog that's two months old and lose all the work that you did for the last two months so that's what i mean you should back up more often get rid of the old catalog so my my strategy is i back up weekly i have three i keep the last three copies so week one week two week three and i delete all the ones older than three weeks that's just my strategy um so just keep in mind a backup is as as good as the content that was in it at the time and if you've done a lot of work since then having a backup uh that's that's several weeks or months old is probably going to be hurtful if you ever had to go back to it so just keep backing up so that you don't don't have to go back that far so in other words your old catalog that you had on version 10 like you know after a few months are you going back to version 10 probably not so you keep it as long as you want to but it gets to be a point to where you're not going to really use it after so long all right so anyway let's get to the masking so masking is all it's probably the major new capability in lightroom and lightroom classic i'm going to get into some more capabilities but that's the major new one and let's start with a few um few examples i did in a separate video and then we'll get into some some other examples that i'm showing you so i'm going to switch over to the develop module with this photo that i've got selected once i'm here i'm going to go in and choose the new masking icon so there's a brand new masking icon that replaces what you used to have the adjustment brush the radial filter the graduated filter those are all in there but it's now just one icon that gets you everything so when you click that one icon it's going to give you a little a little tutorial that i don't need but you click that icon it's going to show you all of the old tools you're used to there's the brush there's a linear gradient there's a radial gradient it's going to show you color range which used to be tied to having to do a local adjustment first it's no longer tied you can do it separately which we're about to do and you're going to see luminance range and you're going to see depth range for those of you who are shooting like in portrait mode on an iphone or a device that creates a depth map so you're going to have that capability as well so that one's grayed out on this particular photo because this photo doesn't have a depth map built in all right so now that we're um in this and by the way you're going to see two new ai based uh capabilities that you didn't have before so let's say that i just want to use color range now if i click on color range that brings up this new masking panel side from the side and by the way you can move that around and you can even mount it or mount it you can even dock it over there with the other panel but i'm going to keep it sideways or just keep it on the side for now so now it gives me an eyedropper and i basically want to change the color of the blouse here or the dress or whatever she's wearing so i'm going to just drag out a selection of the range of color that i want to work with yes i got it i know thanks for the tutorial and now it's letting me do anything i want to do to that color range i can adjust the temperature i can adjust the exposure i can adjust the contrast basically anything that i want to do so i'm going to go ahead and say that i want to do a local hue adjustment and change the color but then you'll notice a problem it's doing a great job of letting me change the color of the blouse but it's also affecting an area i don't want it to change like if i like that green it's also affecting her lipstick because her lipstick was similar color red so it says oh i'm going to affect all the red in that range that you picked and that lipstick falls in that range so you'll notice this is what's great about the masking so let's let's get since we have time let's go into a little detail first of all there's the ability to name the mask and it's called mask one because you can have more than one so if i double click that name i can call it blouse for example because i know what i'm trying to select now if i click on the blouse mask you also see that there's an add and subtract this is great to get the things that missed or to take out the things you don't want so like i don't want the lipstick to be changed so i'm going to click subtract when i click subtract or add i get the option to subtract or add using any of the masking capabilities i want so if i wanted to subtract using the linear gradient for whatever reason i could i wanted to track using a radial gradient i could but in this case it's easiest to just subtract using a brush so when i click the brush i'm going to go ahead and make the brush smaller with my left bracket key and i just go ahead and brush away and i don't have to be exact because i you know as long as i brush it all i can brush on the other parts that aren't red it won't matter and as long as i brush away all the uh red in her lipstick then it now is eliminated from that mask so if i go back to changing colors i'm now just changing colors of the blouse and i don't have to worry about changing anything else because everything else has been either not selected in the first place or subtract it from that original selection so maybe i want to end up on that purple color and that's the color i want now a question that i get all the time is or not all the time but since this feature's been out is that uh is there the ability to change the color to a specific color let's say i want to use a pantone red or pantone blue or something like that and unfortunately that that's when you would be taking a trip over to photoshop because lightroom doesn't have any color um color models built in i shouldn't say models it doesn't have any color um i'm trying to think of the word i'm looking for uh it doesn't have other color systems like pantone built in so you're only going to get basically the the values of the color that you can adjust as you're doing it but you don't get the ability to type in like pantone 286 like you don't get that ability in lightroom all right now uh if you want to see the mask as you're working you can also turn on the show overlay so that will show you the masked area and i leave that off because i find it sometimes distracting also if you want to change the mask color because sometimes red might be distracting if the object you're trying to change is red no swatches profiles nope that's not what i'm looking for uh just like like yeah so anyway color systems uh but i can't think of the actual word i'm looking for but those are good words too all right next up let's go ahead and uh take a look at um the next image all right so let's get out of this one go back to the grid and let's let's do another example now this is one i haven't shown before and this is this is kind of when you want to do the opposite so maybe i want to change not the flower or the leaves of the flower i want to change the wall well now think about this prior to this update if you wanted to change the wall in any way you wanted to change the color you wanted to make it brighter you want to do everything but not affect the flower that would mean you'd have to start out doing a whole lot of brushing with the adjustment brush and if you still like to work that way you can you can just go to the mask you can click the adjustment brush and you can work the way you always did because one of the fears that people saw when this feature was teased was oh no they're changing the masking and i won't get to work the way i used to nope you can go work the old way you can click the brush brush all you want and that will mask the way it always did but remember now you don't have to do that unless you really want to because of the new ai based masking so for example there is a masking capability called select subject so this comes from photoshop so if i click select subject that selects what it thinks is the subject it may get it right it may get it dead on it may get it wrong it may get it mostly right because it's ai based so select subject just like in photoshop works great when it works great and there's some times that it doesn't work great and you can but you can always add to it or subtract from it i'm going to give you an example when it doesn't work great but in this case it did work great now think about what it selected it selected the flower so if i make any changes right now i'm making those changes to the flower not to what i want well you'll notice in the upper right hand corner there is which one of my favorite buttons invert that means take what you just selected and invert it meaning select everything you didn't just select so that's the beauty of this particular feature is that you can use things like select subject when you don't really want the subject but it was the easiest thing to select so now if i click invert it did all that brushing for me now the wall is selected and i don't have to worry about um select subject and select sky not available in lightroom mobile it's absolutely available in lightroom mobile i'm going to show it to you maybe i'll show it to you now but yeah it's absolutely available um in lightroom mobile and i'm going to oh hang on hang on hang on hang on it's already doing this particular image because i'm already working on this particular image so let's go to a different one i just want to see make sure myself before i tell you something wrong yeah it's i'm looking at it right now on mobile so yeah it's available on mobile anyway um so i've got the background selected now and now i can go ahead and just for example adjust the exposure and it's not affecting the flower it's only affecting uh everything but the flower i can also change the color because i've got that nice local hue to change the color to whatever i want i like purples but we'll we'll change something else we'll change it to a nice i don't know nice green nice blue a different teal color and anything else you want so if you want to adjust the texture of that background you can adjust the texture make it really um kind of out of focus or really super texturized and it is doing uh all of that um are are there still two versions of lightroom or adobe has finally made only one universal version i assume you mean lightroom and lightroom classic i could be wrong but if that's what you're talking about nope those are two still separate versions and probably will be for the foreseeable future because um they're they're addressing two different audiences so yeah they're they're gonna be separate for a while so now i could for example name that um name that mask background or wall or whatever you want so let's call it wall and let's go ahead now and um click on log it add and subtract but keep in mind you can always create a new mask so if you create a new mask and you say select subject again because you can use the same feature over and over again that will create a new mask based on the flower once again and now i could name that mask flower and so now when i'm working with just the flower i'm adjusting just i don't want to do local hue but let's say i want to adjust maybe the exposure of just the flower and so now the flowers being adjusted separate from the wall and that way you can always toggle back and forth to whichever mask and i'm only using two but it's not limited to two you can use as many mass as you want i'm sure there is a limit i don't know if it's hundreds or thousands or whatever but you can create a lot of mass you know you're not limited to just a couple so you can create as many mass as you probably need and uh you can always toggle back and forth between them to adjust whatever it is you want to adjust and because these are non-destructive adjustments you can always come back and continue to work more so if you ever want to come back and change that wall to something else come back and change it to something else and keep in mind all of this works with making um snapshots or um um virtual copies or in in the uh history all of this is is compatible with all of that so if you wanted a green wall a blue wall a red wall or whatever you could have all those different versions of the photo uh with all of those different masks all right so um because the question i was going to do this right now but because the question came up let's go ahead and switch to mobile and i'm going to go ahead and show you uh a mobile example we can always come back and do more we are going to come back and do more but uh just to show you guys that yes this does work in mobile so i've got my phone here's my iphone 13 pro you can see it right there with the same album on it but i'm going to bring it up so you can see it better here's my iphone 13 pro and with my iphone 13 pro i'm going to you can also see the same images have already started syncing over to my phone with the same adjustments but if i go in and let's say i tap on uh let's go all right let's let's do this one i like this example i tap on this example oh you wanted to see uh ai-based one so let me get an ai-based one let's do i want to save that one let's do this one okay i want to affect the sky in this photo so i select the photo and i tap the masking button at the bottom left so i tap masking and i'll tap the plus sign and the plus sign there it is select subject select sky they are absolutely there i'm seeing them right now so i select sky and that will detect the sky in the image and by the way if you do that and you don't have a sky it will come back and tell you because sometimes i tap it by mistake when i'm looking for a select subject uh it will tell you hey there's no sky detected so it doesn't work unless there is a sky so now the sky is selected and i can go to for example effects and i can apply some dehaze to that sky to kind of bring that sky back in so that's ai base select sky it's got the same invert same everything um but not on amp so someone's saying it may work with iphone but not on androids i i don't have an android device to test it should be on both but i haven't heard that it's not but if you're not seeing it then you could absolutely be right okay so there it is on my phone and of course on my ipad as well i just didn't bring my ipad up because i figured people carry more phones and they do ipad so you have these great masking capabilities on your phone on your iphone at least and definitely on ipad i use it on ipad all the time all right so there it is uh and of course you can do all the same things i just showed you can add another mask you can name the mask you can add and subtract you can use any method to add and subtract so all the same capabilities work on the phone as well all right uh so let me move this phone out of the way we'll come back to the phone in just a minute i'm going to get out of this image while we're at it and yes i'm done and go back all right cool all right so let's go back to this one i'm going to reset this image i see it's already been done let's go to develop let's hit reset on it i forgot to reset this one before i came back for this i'm going to reset it now on this particular image this is um new york obviously i believe brooklyn bridge and it is um complicated because of all the wires and cables and all the stuff going on in the scene now i can also tell because the lights are starting to come on and there's a street light here it's like it's kind of like supposedly blue hour in this scene so let's do a couple things first and foremost i'm going to go to my snapshots did i keep a snapshot of this maybe i didn't so i'm not going to my snapshots i'm going to go into my um my my my transform there we go and i'm going to do an auto upright and auto upright didn't quite do it enough so i'm going to get out of auto upright i'm going to guide it instead so with a guided upright i'm going to tell it that this should be straight and this should be straight so i'll give it a horizontal and vertical example and i can also give it a third one and say that that one should be straight great and now i'll go ahead and scale it up a little bit to crop off the parts i don't want all right so now i kind of got the bridge looking straight the way i want it to look i can get out of upright and i can now go back up to the mask click the mask and what i want to do here is affect the sky now every time i show this image i'll show you what people always try to point out and it's like um yeah i'll show you in a minute so let's go ahead and do select sky so there it selects the sky it's doing it right now detecting sky and the sky selected great so now i can do things like make the sky bluer and make the sky you know um dropping the temperature down make the sky a little more dehazed and kind of really get a good blue hour going there and maybe even drop the exposure down and make it look a little bit later in the evening and again this is affecting the sky and somebody always points out well yeah it's doing that building too that building's made of glass so of course it's reflecting the sky in the building therefore it is it still counts it still thinks that that building this sky because it sees the sky in the building if you did not want that you could subtract and painstakingly mask out just between those few wires out that particular building but keep in mind like it's not doing this building uh it might be doing the windows because it can see the sky and the windows but it's not doing other buildings because there's no sky in those buildings but yeah if it's a glass building with a sky reflecting in it the same sky yeah it's probably gonna do the building too and i'm okay with that because it should be doing the building the building should match the sky that's reflecting into it all right so now we've got the sky mask and let's go ahead and do create a new one and i'm going to create a new mask and i'm going to call it i'm going to do select sky again because again a lot of times we do what we want the opposite of so in this case i want the opposite so i'm going to invert and that will give me everything about the sky basically the ground i'll just call it um bridge or ground or foreground let's call it ground all right so now that gives me the ground or the bridge or whatever so now i got the bridge selected i can go and by the way if you only wanted the bridge then you could try a select subject but my guess is going to fail so you would have to painstakingly brush out the stuff you didn't want but you could do it if you wanted to in this case i don't care because i do want that stuff i'm going to go ahead and go into my texture slider and i want those bricks to stand out more there they're nice and fuzzy now and i want them to stand out more let's go ahead and make those bricks nice and texturized i can also add a little bit of where is my saturation there add a little bit of vibrance there we go a little bit of vibrance and saturation there and away we go so that's my bridge separately adjust it from my sky and an image like this with all of these ropes and cables and these whatever you want to call them suspension cables prior to this update to just affect the sky it's possible to brush in between every single one but it would have taken you hours to get it right now it's just a matter of select sky and you're done you got your sky selected so just keep in mind that i i picked this example this is an adobe stock example on purpose because this would be hard as heck to do this any other way in lightroom prior to the update all right next let's move on let me give you an example when it doesn't do it right so let's go ahead and um let's let's i i like this scene again this is another adobe stock image what i don't like is i don't like the background being so bright and um like it's just overexposed with sun so what i want to do is we're going to go ahead and do a select subject and i will figure out he's the subject oh see i did it i hit select sky by mistake i do that all the time select subject not sky and it figures out he's the subject and great i don't want him i want the opposite of him i want the background and when i did that the first time i realized oh it didn't it forgot to do the bag like for whatever reason this bag and maybe in between his fingers uh are are not selected or are selected there basically shouldn't be this back should not be selected right now so once again we click on the mask it generated we click subtract we go to our adjustment brush and we start to brush away that back and if you've got um which i don't have turned on let's undo that let's go subtract one more time brush and let's turn on the auto mask so that we don't paint accidentally outside the edges there we go now i can paint that bag away because that bag should not be affected by what i'm going to do next and i could you know theoretically zoom in and do the same thing in this in his hand here add or subtract that in i think it should be subtracted actually or add it i um it should be added yeah so it should be added so i go back to that mask and click add and brush in between the fingers to get his fingers or get that space in between his fingers alright so now that but let's let's just call this the market um the market mask so now i got the market mask selected i can now just uh go in my dehaze get rid of some of that atmospheric haze that was caused by the bright sun bring that right back in to where it looks beautiful and even drop the exposure down a little bit more to make my subject stand out and again i can see it right here in the in between the fingers i'm noticing it because i noticed it but you would absolutely just zoom in and just paint that out my samsung has preview only for select subject and select side what do you mean by preview only meaning it's what you can use it as a preview feature you can't use it like explain what you mean by preview all right um okay so just keep it in mind you you could absolutely go in and do that and if i again if i wanted to i'd go ahead and hit add and brush and i would zoom in but i'm not going to i'm just going to go ahead and make my brush really small and start painting that area in see again it's easy to fix stuff like that where the hand is and so that was an example i hadn't actually done before i hadn't taken a mask and did a subtract and an ad on the same mass i've either done a subtract or an ad but not both so that just proves that that works all right um next up let's go ahead and go to our next image this is one of my favorite examples because this kind of stuff happens all the time uh so uh ed is saying my samsung update updated and works fine so again i for all the people on android some people are saying it's working some aren't some saying they're getting preview not sure what's going on in android but it is clarified that it is working on his samsung phone so it could be the model phone it could be you know the capabilities of your phone that are keeping it from working anyway and you can go look at the system requirements for the masking for android phones all right anyway let's go ahead and do this one this one particular bride shot here and what i'm trying to get at is that when the photographer because this is adobe stock photograph this scene they use the flash or maybe not i don't know maybe they i'm sure they use a flash because they look at the bride tail they use the flash and the flash lit her beautifully but it also lit this wall and if you look at this wall and you look at this wall this wall is nice and dark this wall is nice and bright and what happens with our eye is we're automatically drawn to the brightest part of the photo so because you're drawn to the brightest part of the photo you will um just keep looking at the wall so we don't want that so what we're going to do is we're going to do a different kind of mask let's go to the develop module let's click mask let's click this is what i would normally do before the update i would use linear gradient and i would i would go from the left to the right across this scene like over to here and then i would go ahead and drop the exposure down to darken that wall up but here's the problem when i darken the wall to get the wall nice and dark which it's working great it does this it makes her darker too so we want to make this mask and we want to call it wall but we also want to click on that mask click subtract and we want to subtract select subject in other words use her as the mask you're going to use to subtract from that linear gradient you could go in and brush her out that would take time now you don't have to we can just use select subject and that will go ahead and subtract her from the mask and now she's beautifully lit and the wall isn't and that's the kind of stuff that this masking is going to be a game changer for so i can see doing this all day long on images that i traditionally would have had to go to photoshop or i would have spent a lot of time with the adjustment brush brushing so this just makes life a lot easier across the lightroom ecosystem all right um so aleene um is on my youtube and aleene says this uh just sharing the new masking options are available on android just checked so if you're not having it it's it might be because your device is not compatible so i've got now two people saying that it definitely works on android and so away we go we know it works on android i like i said i hadn't heard that it didn't work on android so it's uh i i would expect it to and and thanks kevin for thinking they're saying that the um that the uh masking stuff is amazing great all right so let's go ahead and move on now let's go ahead and switch on switch over to i'm just going to let you just show you the same capabilities with different images over in lightroom we did all this in lightroom classic let me switch over to lightroom where again all of this has been syncing the whole time and um you have the same capabilities in lightroom just like we did on mobile you have lightroom on desktop so lightroom lightroom classic lightroom on mobile all have an end camera raw all have the same masking so if i do it in lightroom on desktop i click the editing panel and in the editing panel there's my masking button so i can and there's a keyboard shortcut for m so if i hit m or go to the masking i get the same capabilities it has given me the same tutorial later and it's uh later i i don't need all of that thank you uh yep got it well for those of you who said we don't teach you we teach you quite a bit now on these new features anyway uh i got it here and i want to do do a select subject of this particular uh image and uh that will select him i assume yep it selected him and even selected most of his shadow like that's pretty cool but it missed his leg in the shadow so this is again one of those examples where oh it's um and we'll call him jogger all right we got our jogger but we need to add to the dogger if that shadow's important if it's not important then you don't care we're going to add a brush we want to make our brush smaller or make the image bigger whichever you prefer and we're going to go ahead and just brush in make the brush too small i'm going to go ahead and just brush in that shadow i'm doing a sloppy job because i didn't zoom in but um you have your brush adding to the shadow and so now with our jogger mask we can do whatever we want so we can um effect and by the way maybe you don't want the shadow selected so you can always uh go in and un mask the shadow and make the shadows stay black so that anything you do won't affect the shadow so i'm affecting this exposure of our runner making our our runner a little brighter taking it up maybe by a stop yep by us one stop there we go made our jogger brighter and then i can keep going in and adding more mask i can say give me a mask for the sky select sky not subject so uh that will select the sky and intersperse between the buildings and the ropes and all the stuff that's going on with the bridge and i can go ahead in my sky and maybe do a little temperature adjustment to make the sky even bluer than it is now cool so i got my sky mask and the only reason i'm naming these is so i'll know which ones which i can look at the icon but it's just easier if i name them you don't have to name them but it's just like naming layers in photoshop it always names it always helps you all right let's go ahead and any issues running lightroom classic on monterey os none that i have found so far but again i've not run monterey for like exclusively so in in the bit that i have run it on monterey i've not found any problems all right next up let's go ahead and uh add one more mask let's create another mask select skye so that will select the sky again and this time we're just going to click the invert button which is right there so the invert button is in the same spot in lightroom as it is in lightroom classic so i can click invert and this time i want to subtract from that mask subtract the subject because i want basically everything but him and the sky so subtract select subject so that now i've got the ground so now we've got um we'll call this one ground so now i've got three masks to play with i've got the ground mask to play with and maybe on the ground mask i want to add a little i don't know whatever you want let's add a little dehaze there we go and maybe i want the ground to be a little darker kind of be a little bit more moody and again just this kind of stuff would have been much more this this one's not that bad but this one would have been much more time consuming to get all that masking done with just the adjustment brush before because that's kind of how you would have had to do it to make it all custom like this you could have done a linear or radial gradient but it would have been in a you know rectangle or um circular shape but now you've got these custom masks that ai based or just generated based on what you told it to to select and it's just phenomenal we can do this all right and lightroom and lightroom classic so that's the way it works in lightroom it's pretty much the same thing so same thing here um got a guy doing a one-handed push-up i used to do those back in the day i don't think i can do one now so anyway we go to masking and we we go to select subject selects our subject and we invert that mask which by the way you can also invert the mask i believe from the pop-up menu here yeah from here you can also say invert subject selection so you can do it it's just easier to click the button but i just want to show you there is another way to to invert and you can do it here and let's go ahead and now that we got the background selected and we can just call it background now we got the background selected we can say that hey that background is a little overexposed so let's maybe add a little dehaze to it and bring the exposure down to the background again without affecting him um by any of that so just phenomenal for sure can you copy a mask to another similar photo not that i'm aware of uh well there's a copy i just wanted i'll just i don't have a similar photo let me let me see what happens um if i go to mask oh go to mask yeah i don't know how you would do the paste uh so let me let me let me do a select subject just so i have a mask all right now let me do a paste and see if it will let me paste that mask in now um paste yeah it looks like it will let you do it i'm not sure how yeah no it's it's like because it's not it well put it this way if it's ai based it's not the same mask that's all i i it's like it's maybe is the answer the if the two images are similar and they have the same backgrounds because maybe you shot them in a series that might work but i'm not sure what you're gaining because it'd just be easier to run the mask again unless you did a lot of manual painting i'm not sure what you're gaining um so in this case it's not what i would want um and because the subjects aren't the same so i'm going to say delete all masks there we go and um we so that's just a rinse and repeat example i want to show you another colorize example let's go here let's go do this one so we're see we have a woman standing in a field of red looks like roses i don't know if they're roses or not but a field of red and purple flowers well i like the purple because that's my favorite color but i don't like the um i don't like the let's say i don't like the red so again thinking about how you'd have to do this manual or even a photoshop this would be a total pain in the butt but now i can go in and i can say mask i could say select color range and by the way luminance range which i haven't shown yet is basically selecting based on the luminance of the photo the brightness of the area that you're trying to select so if it's hard to select based on the color you could you could try luminance instead so i'm going to go ahead and just select like the a range of red that i'm looking for so like right in here and that will mask out all the red and now i could go in for example to my local hue and change all those flowers to purple now it's also affecting for whatever reason her hair i don't know why maybe it saw some red in her hair but it's affecting that too so how would i deal with that i would do a subtract adjustment brush and i would just paint it out of her hair so that we don't have that purple happening on her in areas we don't want it on her so there's uh change change the poppies into the field to butterflies uh yeah that's that's probably not gonna happen um not with masking anyway so now that we've done that i just wanna show you another use of color range let me go ahead and let me go ahead and turn off the mask for a minute and let's go ahead and zoom in oops sorry about that folks that was my bat zoom out there we go zoom in and yeah so i still need to do some more painting because i see now it's reflected in her face because probably the red was reflected in her face so now it's reflecting the purple and if you don't want that you can mask it out but then you're going to go back to red so keep that in mind all right but anyway let's go back to the masking and in this mask and i just want to show you another capability is that you could go in for example i go back to that brush and i could continue to brush that away so if you missed spots you could always come back and and redo oh yep see her lips too yup her lips shouldn't have changed um but anyway you go back and do all that but that's not what i'm here for what i'm here for let's just call this mask flowers and let's go ahead and create another mask and this mask we're going to do another color range but i just want to point out that um maybe you want to affect her skin maybe she's skin or sunburned or whatever you want to like though maybe it's not warm enough temperature for the skin so you could go in and you can select this the range of skin and then you can go in and say things like i want to make the temperature of her skin i don't know why that's doing it there we go a little warmer a little cooler so you can warm up your subjects um if the white balance is off if you could go ahead or not off but you just creatively want to make a change to it so i would continue brushing that purple out of her hair but that's pretty much it let's go ahead and get out of masking and zoom back out and there we go all right so uh let's do another example on the phone i'm going to uh switch over to my phone and this will be the last example before i get i got to show you some other new features yeah i got to show you some other new features all right i got i got really carried away and i'm asking all right so back to my phone i'm going to tap on the the subject we had here and again uh tap the masking icon just to show you it is pretty much the same i'm going to do a select subject it will figure out what the subject is and the invert button is above the trash can it's not really called out it doesn't say the word invert but it looks like an inverted mask so i tap invert and that will invert the mask to just be the background now i could go in and i could do things like uh dehaze which i love doing i could go into light and drop the exposure of the background down so they stand out more i could add another mask so forth and so on so basically rin repeat everything i've shown you on desktop i'm doing the exact same things on mobile all right so just just we select subject we select this guy we just showed you that those features are available on mobile invert's available um and all the other stuff's already there so it was already available all right so let's move the phone out of the way let's get back to some other features while i'm here in lightroom versus lightroom actually let's go back to lightroom classic and finish up there finish that up and then we'll come back to lightroom alright so in lightroom classic masking masking masking is great great great great great so i just want to show you some some features you might not discover right away because they're kind of like you wouldn't discover them right away they kind of vary so when i'm looking at my library panel and i'm looking at the panel on the right hand side i always preferred to look at the preset for exif data which is the camera data and iptc data which is the metadata you can add to a photo that was almost always my preferred you have default you have all these different ones you can choose but basically it just chooses what's listed on the right hand side so default is very limited it doesn't show you a lot but you'll notice now when you go back to default there's a new button called customize this is brand new as of this release so when you click and i would have never discovered it because i would have never gone back to default to see if it was there so when you click um customize you now get to decide what shows up in that panel you can literally go through every single option and customize that panel because ex of an iptc shows more than i need i really don't need to see all that stuff but default doesn't show enough so now i could go in and literally put in just the things i want to see on that right metadata panel so that i'm not looking at and i can see stuff that maybe not maybe is not in the other one like megapixels i want to see how many megapixels i want to see what the cropping is on the image maybe i want to see the make and model of the camera and the lens maybe i want to see all that stuff on the right hand side i don't need the serial number but i want to also see um the preserve file name in case i change the file name i want to see what type it is i want to see the file size i do want to see the file extension so again i'm being very specific for the kinds of things that i want to see on that right hand side so i can um and go on on and on date date time capture date capture time so now i click done and now i get a customized metadata panel with all the stuff in it so this particular photo that i got from stock is from alex lee and alex shot this on a canon mark canon 5d mark iv and so what was once you can see all that metadata that came from that image and so i can now customize that to exactly what i needed to to do so um mitzi's misti's asking what's the difference between lightroom lightroom classic misty i did i did classes on it in this master class series just head to my um my youtube channel click on photography masterclass and i have lightroom um what's the difference between lightroom lightroom classic i have lightroom for photoshop users photoshop for lightroom user i have i have we've done this to death like we showed all the differences in previous episodes all right uh so that's one one more advantage or uh change in this version uh i just want to see there is one more thing for premium presets so for example if i click on a photo here and i go to the develop module and i go into uh the presets area over here on the left hand side [Music] i don't know if i have those loaded here or not yeah here we are so everything in this category from portraits deep skin to subjects urban architecture are premium presets so these presets are have been expanded in this version so you have more choices so for example that's a portrait with light skin if i scroll down i can see all the presets that that's going to apply and these are just creative presets you might start with these you might finish with these you might choose these at any point in between you may never choose these it's just they're presets more choices and they're both in lightroom lightroom classic and lightroom on mobile so just um for example style cinematic 2 so i can choose a different look to give my photo once i'm finished doing all the editing that i want to do to it to give it that look so more premium presets um in both versions of lightroom all right i'm just making sure i didn't miss anything i wanted to show redesign metadata panel uh oh one more um let's go here so in the library filter bar uh here select photo let's go into text no i want to go into this you now have under date you now have month and day you should just have date so if you want to see all the photos in your entire lightroom collec or lightroom catalog that you shot on a september in a september month you can now just say month september month december i want to see all the holiday shots i did so that way before it was limited to date so you could do a date or date range but that wouldn't necessarily narrow it down to the month of a particular month like june december whatever and same thing with day i want to see all the ones i shot on the first of the month i don't know why but you could do you could do a particular day or actually i think day is not that i think day is actually um nope it is the first second so forth and so on so i i was going to say sunday monday tuesday but it's not it's the actual number the date i i don't know when i would use day but i could see what i would use month so that's those two new categories have been added all right uh let's go ahead and get out of that and now let's head over to uh back to lightroom that's pretty much all the new things in lightroom class there's one more new thing that's very specific and it's for people that have their catalog settings set to um automatically write changes into the xmp this is basically so lightroom will keep adding every change you've ever made to your photos in the xmp and then now there will be a pause button for that to pause that activity that's it but we head back over to lightroom i've got like 10 seconds left um and one more thing i did not go over two things actually you have the ability now when you go into your discover panel you have a new category yeah yeah i got it skip you have a new category called remixes and remixes these are photos that photographers have have designated that they will allow you to go in and edit so you can do your version of their photo and you can submit your own photos there as well so there was one more thing i didn't get a chance to show and that is lightroom has new crop overlays so you can do like the rule of thirds you already have but like spirals and all kinds of stuff you got crop overlays all right so that's it that's my time we are out of time and i don't want to get cut off so we're going to go ahead and stop this at this moment thanks for watching everyone i hope you have fun with the new lightroom lightroom classic and lightroom mobile cheers everybody have a great one and let's go do this all right you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 5,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z1RyH_IccWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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