Photography Masterclass - All the Little Things You Missed in Lightroom

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[Music] hmm [Music] good morning everyone happy friday it's that time of week once again the time of weeks that makes me smile not only because it's friday but because it's also masterclass friday so i want to thank you for uh joining in live for those of you who are here right now in at the moment i see a bunch of you already in the chat as i'm getting the last minute things up and going here and i also want to um [Music] uh give a shout out for those of you who are watching the replay so if you're watching the replay i love replay numbers so they always make me happy uh so with that you know thanks for watching the replay let me just get a couple more things going here and then we will make sure that we are up and ready to go on all platforms that we need to be on let me just copy this real quick and paste it in for some reason it did not work so let me turn that off paste this back in and then we'll be up and ready to go all right command v paste got it so uh for those of you who are new welcome to adobe live welcome to um our master class friday for those of you who haven't seen this before this is the opportunity that all the uh adobe evangelists get to um they get to share their their discipline they get to share the thing that they concentrate on and focus on the most for an hour each friday and um you get to see photoshop graphic design photography which is mine video and editing ui ux design and digital painting as well so you get the whole day of um of master class content as well as sprinkled in creative challenges or daily creative challenges i like the one that's coming up right after mine so with that said i just want to make sure i'm live everywhere and it looks like i am so we can go ahead and get to the task at hand which is little known things in lightroom so today i'm going to be covering this is the week before adobe max so it's like i'm chomping at the bit to show you new things but i can't until the next master class but in the meantime i can show you just a lot of little things that people may have missed over the years in lightroom and therefore we're gonna just spend our day on that today and then when i come back after max i got a lot of cool things to show you so stay tuned all right uh for those of you who are are new like i said if you're watching this on facebook youtube twitter wherever you're watching this that's great but if you want to participate in the chat if you want to ask questions head over to slash adobe live that's the one chat that i'll be looking at i'll be concentrating on i may glance at the other ones but that's the one that i will most likely see your question on if i can see it at all that's where it'll be so if you don't care about asking questions you don't care about commenting you can hang out right where you are watching but if you do want to participate in that chat just head over to adobe live with your adobe id in hand log in and you can even log in with social media accounts so it doesn't you don't have to pay anything to do this you just log in and uh ask away all right so with that said let's go ahead and jump to today's topic so we're gonna switch over to the computer now i'm in a catalog i'm in the catalog i was in last week so this is the one where i was showing um these are these are not my photos these are photos from you guys you guys submitted these photos for me to edit and show you how i would edit them and that's that was last week's um class today we're going to just use this catalog like in other words i'm not going to do a ton of editing but i'm going to show you tips and tricks with this particular catalog because my main catalog is being used for something else right now something that's maybe for next week but anyway let's go ahead and get to it all right um here let me bring up my list of tips so i don't forget any and let's start at the very top so uh starting and this is in no particular order these are just random things that you may or may not have gotten over the years in lightroom so i guarantee there's probably a few tips you're going to know if you've been using lightroom for a while gonna say oh yeah i knew that one and i can pretty much guarantee i'm gonna show you some things you haven't known or didn't know or you never saw because some of them were even new to me like i was like wow i didn't know i didn't know that one existed so with that said let's go on so first and foremost um i'll be doing this in lightroom classic mostly but i'll also pop over to the um the lightroom some people refer to it as the cloud version as well we'll do some tips there but let's start off in classic where um you we have these modules so we lightroom classic for years and years and years has had a library develop map book slideshow print and web module and honestly um most of you are probably not using all of them uh you may be using library uh develop and book and maybe print or you might be using map or you know in other words you're not using most likely you're not using every single one especially the web module because not a lot has changed in that module over the years so unless you had an existing workflow that used web i'm going to guess you're probably not using web a lot these days so you can right click anywhere on this bar and you'll see all the modules checked off and if there's one that you don't use but you never go to it then there's no reason having it take up space in your application or in your view i should say so if i turn off web guess what it's gone if i don't ever use map which i do i do i like map but i can turn it off and it's gone so that will simplify the lightroom interface to just the things that you use so that way and if you ever say oh well you know i saw this cool tip about maps let me go ahead and turn map back on and you can always go back to it and turn on the ones that you uh that you want to get back to so that's uh tip number one so that you can customize the modules and um the module doesn't re it doesn't get removed from the application it's still there but you won't run into it you won't accidentally be clicking on it it won't take up space uh here and it will be gone all right tip number two and i'm not gonna number these because i'm gonna they're not numbered so i'm gonna get past five or ten and forget which number i'm on uh so this is a this is one that may not be as obvious but you see these little triangles on all four sides of the screen there's one here there's one over here on the right hand side this one here at the very bottom and there's one here on the left hand side these little triangles are for collapsing that particular part of the screen so if you don't need the left side panel for example and you're like you're working on something you just want your you want more space for your image then you can collapse that panel so and it really makes a difference when you are uh working like on in loop view so i want to see that bigger i can collapse and collapse that panel collapse maybe that panel collapse the film strip and that way i get to work on my image in a bigger view um and now even though you collapsed it you don't have to uncollapse it just to get to it if you just hover over where it used to be it will pop out long enough for you to use it and then once you move away it'll go away so you can actually have these panels um temporarily on or off as needed as opposed to always being on and always taking up space so if i need the film strip i go down there and the film strips there of course in my docs there as well but i go down there the film strips there and when i go away from it the film strip goes away so that's one way to do it another way i don't do it that way i just never got in a habit of hiding them um temporarily or like you know having them pop out like that what i do instead is usually i need the space on the left and right side so hitting the tab key automatically hides the left and right panel now they're not collapsed they're just hidden so hitting the tab key turns them on and off and that way i can just get rid of them when i need to and work on an image without having to worry about those panels being visible left and right okay next up customizing the tool panel so there's a tool panel down here at the very bottom and this is a fairly new catalog i created for how i would edit your photos and uh so therefore it's not showing all the tools if i go back to grid there we go it's showing most of them but not all of them and you can go over here on the right hand side there's an arrow over here on the right that lets you select your toolbar content so when you go to that you'll see the ones checked off that you have selected and you can uncheck the ones you never use so if you never use the painter you can uncheck it if you use the painter you can have it checked and if you use other ones that all the time like navigate you might use navigate i just use the left and arrow keys on the keyboard so i don't need those keys here but that will let you navigate from photo to photo using those those buttons on screen so like for example that would be one i'd have turned off then there's a slideshow which is just the play button that's an impromptu slideshow and you can have these turned on and turned off as needed so for example i would customize mine i don't need the impromptu slideshow i don't need the navigate buttons i don't even need the rotate buttons as rarely i'm bringing in photos that i need to rotate um the rest i kind of like all right now while we're here and this wasn't one that i was planning but people always ask this or no they're always amazed when i show this well i never knew that was there the painter uh this little paint can people don't really get what it's for when you click the paint can first and foremost it picks it up as a tool but before you use it as a tool down here in the bottom it lets you choose what it's going to do so right now it's set to rotation but you could use it for keywords labeling flagging rating metadata that you want to apply to different photos settings you want to apply to different photos and adding them to the target collection so for example let's say rotation is the most visible one so i'll leave it on rotation and then you can set your rotation to left right horizontal flip it let's do a flip um flip horizontal will be kind of cute all right so let's do that so now what that will do is it lets you quickly and decisively decide which photos need to be flipped without having to click on each one and flip it manually so if as i spray across these photos they flip over if i click that when it flips if i click that one it flips if i click that one it flips or if i drag it across these photos they flip so imagine i want to paint keywords to specific photos in a grid i can just drag across the ones that need those keywords and boom they all have those keywords i can drag across all the ones i want to be five-star ratings quickly they're five stars drag across all the ones that i want to have a particular edit they all have that particular edit so the paint can is great for that i'm looking at a grid and i want to quickly do the spray can or paint can uh across multiple photos all right so again and all of this is undoable so i can undo all those flips back to the way it was but that's just a quick quick thing about the tool panel and once you're done with this the spray or paint can just put it back where you got it and that will put it back where you got it all right um next up this is one that i often use now because it's available to me when you bring your images in to lightroom they're going to come in to a folder whether it's an existing folder or one you created when you do your import so here are all the folders from the various times i did how i would edit your photos i've just brought them in as different folders from dropbox that you guys submitted them from however if i want to quickly make a collection out of a set of those photos like the ones from last week which was the 15th 36 photos in this folder here are all the ones from last week if i want to make that a collection i don't have to select all 36 click create collection name the collection yes use those photos and they all come in i can just simply drag that folder down into the collection area and it i don't want to put it in there but let me hold let me close that let's put it down here we go it will make a collection named the same way as the folder with those 36 photos in it so now with those 36 photos in it it's a collection so i can say well that's a duplicate i don't need that duplicate i can remove it and it's not removing it from the folder it's removing it just from um just from the collection so that way you can easily and quickly make a collection from a folder just by dragging it down into the collection area all right next up let's use um something that i go it goes back to lightroom pretty much early days it was called quick collection now quick collection is set up by default when you make a new when you make a new uh catalog so there it is it's a collection called quick collection and what i don't even know what's in it okay uh that that shot's in it for some reason but anyway when you are let me look at all photographs when you're looking at these photos and you say hey i want to send a group of photos to my friend i want to print these photos i want to temporarily make a slideshow of these photos in other words this is i don't need a permanent collection i just need to put together a group of photos from different folders different collections different whatever to do something with and then i'm done like i don't need to do i don't need to use them anymore in that order or in that grouping i should say so for example i can grab this one and uh if i want that to be in the quick collection all i have to do now is hit the letter b is in bravo so when i hit b it adds it to the quick collection so now there are two photos in it so that way i can click b b in other words i'm saying i'm just scrolling through and finding photos that i want to be in that quick collection and um b and they're they're going in there uh as soon as i hit the letter b so maybe it's the edits that i did you know over all of these weeks of doing these how i would edit your photos i can add those to the quick collection and once they're there it acts like any other collection so like for example this one that i put in here earlier at some point hit the letter b it takes it out of the collection so the quick collection was always designed for that in other words it was designed for just making a quick not necessarily temporary because it's not going to go away but a collection that doesn't need to be permanent i just want to make these a quick collection and now i can export these out print these out do a slideshow of these whatever it is i want to do because they're in a quick collection now that's like i said been around for years what the team did in the not too distant past is they took that feature of hitting the letter b to put it in a quick collection and they added it to any collection so in other words if i just want to make a new collection let's let's make a new collection create collection and we'll call it um adobe live favorites and we're not going to include any photos don't make any photos you see there's a button that says set as target collection that's what that letter b means but let's say you didn't do this when you created it i didn't do it when i created it i forgot to do it so now there's an empty collection called adobe live favorites right here it has zero photos in it and i want to turn that into the target collection in other words where i can just hit the letter b and any photo i want goes into that well if you right click you can say set as target collection for any of your collections any of the ones you already have and it will put that little plus sign on it because that can there can only be one target collection at a time and when you see that plus sign on a collection you know that that's the target collection so it's no longer on the quick collection the plus sign is gone because now we have the target collection for adobe favorites so if i go to my done editing and i want to pick some of my favorites over these over the all these times i've done this with you guys i would say that one i hit the letter b it goes in there i would say that one letter b it goes in there i would say and i'm just randomly doing this guys don't don't feel offended if i don't pick yours b that one goes in there uh this one is done that one goes in there this one goes in there so there we go i'm just randomly picking photos ooh that was the sky replacement with the with the motocross shot uh that one goes in there uh that one so you get the idea i'm not going to go through all these all right so anyway um now those six um photos are in the quick collection they always have this little circle on them letting you know that they were added that way and if you do another image i'm sorry another collection as the target collection the plus sign goes away so let's make this one the target collection now plus sign goes away from the other one and the circles are still there because that's how they were added but they are in this collection until you remove them so it doesn't it doesn't ever take them out of collection even if you make a new collection the target collection so target collections are just a quick way to get photos into a collection without having to always drag them in one by one or as a group all right next up apparently you can use this right here for this too i just learned all right great all right uh somebody's talking about spray can in the chat and you memorize b as bring to collection bring too quick collection that's a good way to do it and now let's go on move off the quick collection stuff and let's go in and talk about this one because this question comes up all the time especially when people have multiple um multiple catalogs and we talk about how you should unless you have a unless you have a really good use case for having multiple catalogs i'm a one catalog person like i i have one main catalog for my work and i don't ever think about having one for adobe and one for personal and one for travel and one i used to do that but i don't anymore so the question then becomes well if you do have multiple catalogs and you want to get them all into one how do you do it well under the file menu there is an import from another catalog so you basically open the one that you want to be the main catalog or create a new one that you want to be the main catalog and then and once you're in that catalog you would use this command to point to all the other catalogs that you want to bring over into this catalog it will give you the option of choosing which collections which images all of them whatever and they will all come over with their edits their ratings their keywords everything you've done and you'll have all those images organized the way they were in the individual collections or catalogs into your new catalog so just note that if you want to combine or consolidate catalogs there's a way to do it right in lightroom just import from another catalog once you're in the catalog you want to import them into all right next up um and that gets back to the other thing well you mentioned if i had a use case i might want to create a new catalog my use case for creating this catalog was that i did i didn't want everyone's work that's not mine in other words these photos are not mine i didn't want them in my catalog i didn't want them in my main catalog that is my work my photography i wanted the separate catalog just for this class to be able to show you how i would edit your photos because these aren't mine so how do you create a new catalog file new catalog and that will let you create a new catalog save it where you want it name it and import and it will have nothing to do with your main catalog now i do want to note that you can have as many catalogs as you want but one of the other reasons i prefer one catalog for everything that i do is because you can only sync one catalog at a time to the cloud so if i start syncing this catalog my other catalog will become unsynced and i will lose all not lose all those photos that were synced in that catalog to the cloud will no longer be in the cloud and only the ones i sync in this catalog will be in the cloud and vice versa if i go back to that one and turn it back on then these will go away from the cloud and those will go the new ones the old ones will go back in so just note that with with you can have multiple catalogs many as you want but only one at a time can be synced and also only one at a time can be open so um that's those are all the kinds of reasons why i prefer just working with one catalog all right um i suppose you can't do this um suppose you can't do what in lightroom versus lightroom catalog multiple catalogs yes that's only lightroom classic if it was something else then let me know uh yeah because lightroom versus lightroom classic so he's what he's asking is i think he's asking is uh can i have multiple catalogs in this version no because this is just one it's not even a catalog it's just one collection of your photos that are synced and backed up to the cloud you don't get the option to have multiple catalogs here because there are no catalogs all right uh back to classic all right here we go uh we did that we did that all right so let's go into this one this is a fairly new feature let me go into this photo and let's say i want to zoom into this flower on his uh on this i don't know flower in the bouquet i was gonna say the flower in his lapel but that might be in the bouquet i can't tell actually that's probably in his lapel anyway i'm going to zoom into that flower now before in lightroom and lightroom classic if you clicked it went from fit and window to one to one to one to two so forth and so on and you have to scroll around to get to where you want it now the the zooming has become more like photoshop and other applications but you have to hold down a key to get to it on mac hold down your command key windows hold down your control key and then you can drag a selection around what you want to zoom in and it zooms in as big as it needs to um now this also gives me a chance maybe to show something here let me go to to my develop module and let me go to my lens correction and see if this works yeah it did it did make it better i never really get a chance to show remove chromatic aberration and i just happened to notice it on this photo when i zoomed in this flower see this flower see how this flower has like a purple halo around it the minute i see a color around the edge like that especially on a raw file which this is i am maybe it isn't i don't know maybe this isn't a rough but anyway whatever file this is when i see that kind of purple uh or any kind of color any kind of color around the edge that's what chromatic aberration looks like when you have that problem so lightroom has a remove chromatic aberration in the lens corrections so when you turn that on it gets rid of that halo so then the question becomes well should i just turn it on all the time it's kind of one of those things putting a band-aid over over your over your arm and there's no cut it's not going to hurt anything it's not going to help anything it's like if there isn't a problem it's not going to help help you or hurt you by turning it on but if you have the problem it will turn it up it will solve it all right so that was i got a chance to use chromatic aberration in a class all right there we go uh next up uh here's one that is a classic specific feature and that is assigning color labels so in all versions of lightroom you have flags and you have star ratings but in lightroom classic and adobe bridge you have this third option for identifying photos and that is color labels i like using all three so let me give you my method if it's a client photo that they picked that they want me to retouch and they want to pay for and all that from the shoot then i marked that and this again this is not is not the way you have to do it this is just my method uh let's say let's say they like this wedding shot and this is the one they want it so then i say well the customer chose that that's a pick i hit the letter p it marks it as a pick and i know all my picks are the ones that the customer picked but if it's one that i like just me it's for me it's for my portfolio it's for me to print it's for whatever then i would pick a color label i pick eight for green and it puts a green um outline around it so when i search for all the green photos i know those are my picks i know those are the ones i liked if the person is standing there next to me while i'm reviewing the photos before they go home and they call out one and say oh my god i really love this photo notice that these have blue color labels and i just designated blue as the customer's pick not pick but like they like because pick is the ultimate one they chose blue is the one they kind of liked in the moment they may not choose it so if i kind of like i'm looking to suggest photos for them i would start with the ones that were blue because those are the ones they liked in the moment then what are the other colors for i don't know i use um yellow for someone else on a team liked it maybe it's the makeup artist the hair stylist the um the wardrobe consultant whatever it is if they like the photo then i use yellow just to say that okay it wasn't a green wasn't mine wasn't a blue wasn't theirs it wasn't the clients it's yellow it's someone on the team that was working with me that liked it so those are the kinds of things i do with color labels and of course well then what are star ratings star ratings would be out of these three photos that let's or here let me do it this way out of my three photos let's say i like this one i like this one and i'm just randomly picking photos and i like this one okay out of those three photos that have a green label which ones are my absolute favorites because i like them all but which one is the like the one the one with five stars so i hit the number five on like it's green and a five star like i i'm always gonna love that photo like that photo is my absolute favorite that's the one i would like if i had to pick one to print that would be the one now that doesn't mean that i won't make that a four star and i won't make that a four star if i'm if i'm down to three stars then it starts to become why am i picking it so i don't do one two or three stars i either love it or i like it if it's just okay then i don't need a rating for it because it's just okay it just won't have anything on it so the just okays don't don't require my time to pick a number or pick a color or anything okay uh so those are those are assigning stars assigning color labels and by the way here's a tip for when you're doing that kind of work so let's say we go start with a dog picture here and we go loop view and i pick five stars okay now i've i've done it i picked five stars on that photo i want to now go to the next photo well then i have to hit the arrow key so let's go back and let's hit zero to get out of stars and now let's go in and um put the caps lock key down so the caps lock key is on it doesn't change anything in lightroom but now when i hit the number five it automatically advanced to the next photo if i hit a pic flag it automatically advances to the next photo if i hit whatever it automatically advances to the next photo so if you want to more quickly get through your selections put the caps lock key down and then when you do whatever pick reject flag whatever it will automatically jump to the next photo because it assumes you did whatever it is you want to do now the only thing that doesn't work on is when you want to do two things i want to give it a color label and five stars well then the minute you give it one or the other it's already on to the next photo so it is what it is for people that want to do one thing picks rejects or and i use it specifically when i'm doing rejects like i'm going to the next photo and maybe i mark that as a reject because it's kind of trippy but it's actually fine and then i hit x and it just goes to the next photo so i'm either arrow key or x arrow key or x because if it doesn't need anything arrow key if it needs something uh like a pick then it's gonna go to the next spell that one already had it uh so that way i get oh caps lock key is not down anymore that's why so let's unflag it there we go yep and then it goes away all right pick flag onto the next photo so caps lock key is great for when you want to quickly advance next up uh here's one that this is kind of one of those ones i i just didn't know about i didn't know about two very recently you have these fields over here where you can type like caption um and and maybe i'm describing this photo so a beautiful day in the woods and i i see we'll see what i did there i i did a typo on woods right so if i leave that anyone reading it would know what i meant but if i'm searching for woods that photo would never come up because i'm gonna type woods correctly with two o's in the search and this photo would not come up so spell check if you do command or pc control semicolon it does a spell check it will bring up spell check in lightroom and let you correct it and do it the right way so lightroom does have a built-in spell check believe it or not in its command semicolon or pc control semicolon all right next up um here's one that's kind of just uh this this is more like a hack uh let's go in all right i'm gonna go up to the top here actually i'm going to go back to my uh my last week's photos there we go here are the last week's photos and i got these these portraits here from the wedding and i scroll down i scroll down and i scroll down and let's say that i thought i had another one down there all right let's do this let's let's fake it for a minute let's say that you had a you had a photo i'm gonna undo undo undo let's put it back go back i'm just trying to create the example here and i'm failing creating the example okay you got a photo and you decide there there it is there's the one i was looking for there there's one that needs to be up there with the other ones like here's the wedding photo this should be up here with the other wedding photos right but it's way way down here at the bottom it's hundreds of photos down at the bottom now we know i could click on it and drag drag drag drag drag drag drag hundreds of photos until i get it back up to where it needs to be and if you've ever tried to rearrange photos manually and you got more than a few more that will fit into view it's a lot of scrolling here's a hack that lets you do it in one click or one one minor drag so first of all select the photo where it needs to be next to like it needs to be next to this scroll down find the photo that needs to be moved up hold down your command key or pc control key and click on it that will select both photos so now both photos are selected right the one that's way down at the bottom and the one that's where you want to be and it could be vice versa it could be one at the top it needs to be way down at the bottom doesn't matter which one's which you got both of them selected now that you got them both selected you can quickly scroll back up to the top to where the photos are and you click right in the middle and you start dragging just a little bit you don't even have to drag a lot and when you drag a little bit it brings that photo up to there up next to it because it thinks you're going to move them both at the same time so here i'll show you on a different one let's click this boat shot and let's command click this shot of the family down here at the bottom so now they're both selected if i just drag this one a little bit and let go it moves the family shot up right next to it so it's just again just a little hack a little stupid thing in lightroom that it assumes you're going to move both pictures so it needs to move them together even though you really didn't move it you just moved it a little like you were gonna reposition it but you didn't you let go and moves it right next to it so that's a great way to not have to do so much dragging when you're trying to rearrange all right next up okay uh here's one that is um not going to make a lot of sense because these aren't my photos but let's say just pretending that this was my photo of the dog or i think that's a dog right yep that's a dog all right so let's say that this is a um picture of a dog here that's mine it's not but let's say it was notice the copyright status is unknown notice that um if i go to there we go if i go up here to preset there's a bunch of names one of those names is terry white copyright and if i highlight terry white copyright and let go it changes the copyright to copyright it puts my name in it puts my creator in it and it will put my website and everything else in the metadata of this photo and basically what the tip is is that you can do this upon import if you've set up a copyright template now i'm going to undo this because this is not my photo but if it were you can go into edit presets you can key in all the information you want and save it so i'll go to mine so here's one twato so copyrighted my website my location i could put in a phone number i could put in whatever i needed to put in and it will put in all that information into the metadata every time i i bring in photos so and you can also after the fact so i can select all of these photos and apply my copyright preset to it so that way when you export your photos out put them on the web put them in your in your online galleries and all that your copyright information and your contact information which is more important goes with the photo now this doesn't apply to social media so if you post a photo on facebook facebook strips all that stuff out of the photo anyway but for regular websites it keeps that stuff in there all right next up um [Music] one more quick thing here is like i have dozens i don't think i have hundreds yet but i definitely have dozens and dozens of collections and i have collections in collection sets so for example in my smart collections here i've got all of these um smart collections that were created by default when i created this this catalog so if i were to be looking for a collection i don't remember where it is i don't remember which collection set it's in i don't remember like i just know the kind of the name of it so i can go up to the search right above collections and type in the word that i'm looking for like red and it will show me any collections that have the word red in them and it that way i can quickly get to that collection without knowing necessarily where it's buried in all my collections or maybe it's not buried it's just scrolled way down to the bottom because it's in you know alphabetical order or whatever i can just type the name in get right to that collection click on it and see the photos in that collection which there are none right now but anyway uh that's a way to get to collections and find things quickly so you can search collections you can also search folders folders you're going to have definitely tons of folders so you could find a particular folder you're looking for just with the search all right next up this is one that's near and dear to my heart and it's take advantage of virtual copies so i have um let's pick let's pick this one i have this photo and i want to show my client various edits of this photo so i can do this with one of two features i can either do it with snapshots and snapshots are freezing a edit in time and giving it a name or date and time whatever and always being able to click back on it and get back to that that edit if you only care about doing that just you're going to go back and forth between multiple edits snapshots are great but when i need to see multiple icons multiple thumbnails of the different edits and export them all at once that's where virtual copies comes in and unfortunately virtual copy is an exclusive feature of lightroom classic like lightroom doesn't have it like ramon mobile doesn't have it lightroom web doesn't and like it's only in lightroom classic and i can't wait to hopefully one day they'll bring this feature over to all the other versions of lightroom but here's how it works so i've got the main photo here and i create a virtual copy so photo create virtual copy and you can always tell the virtual copy from the original because the virtual copy will have the little dog ear a little page turned up in the lower left corner so now i can do whatever i want to the virtual copy so here's another tip i want to create a quick black and white that's the letter v as in victor that will make a black and white of that photo doesn't affect the original doesn't affect anything else it's just that particular photo now has the black and white virtual copies don't take up any extra space in your in your hard drive they are just they only exist in the catalog until you export them out so now if i select both those photos they'll get a color one they'll get a black and white one jpeg tiff whatever you export out they'll get both those photos now that you can make as many virtual copies as you want so for example i can go in and say that i want another virtual copy i'm using the keyboard shortcut command quote and that gives me another virtual copy and that one i want to do as a tight crop so we go into crop and by the way here's another tip while we're in crop because we're going to show this later anyway right click actually no not right click sorry letter o to switch between the various overlays for for uh crop so just hitting the letter o on the keyboard is taking me through all these different methods of overlays so whatever overlay you prefer i prefer rule of thirds which is this one but if you want that one you want this one you want whatever method you want just hit the letter o to switch between them all right so now i can get a tighter crop all right and that becomes that virtual copy so now i've got um this this original that virtual copy that virtual copy and i can have a hundred virtual copies a thousand virtual copies whatever how many of the different versions of the photo i need i can have as many virtual copies as i want can you turn a snapshot into a virtual copy or vice versa well i mean it would just be you click the snapshot and make a virtual copy and it would be a copy of the photo a virtual copy of the photo at that time so yes um can i make it a snapshot sure yeah so the answer to your question john is yes uh the choices are not listed in my lightroom class the choices are not listed in my lightroom classic version you got to be specific with these questions because i've done maybe three or four tips by the time i see your question so i have no no idea which choices you're referring to so give me the whole thing all right and i'll be happy to answer um which one which choices you're referring to all right next up let's go into um this is one that uh is definitely not known not hidden i mean not not known because it's kind of you don't think about it like these folders represent all the photos that were in them at the time they were imported so for example if i go to the folder from last week right click on it and say show me this folder in the operating system show it to me in the finder in this case so here's the folder there it is it's got um here let me open it up in a new tab there we go it's got the the 33 items in it now it's got more more than that in terms of um never mind it's got the 33 items in it uh now let's say some more images get added to the folder outside of lightroom so let's go into one of these these folders actually that won't work because these are already in lightroom let's do it this way see if i've got anything in these none of those are in there so let me just go grab a different photo let's go get something out of my demos all right let's let's put this photo in there all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna add a photo to the folder in other words i've now added one ten a thousand photos in the folder and they're they're they're lightroom doesn't know about them because i added them after the fact so this photo this folder now has 34 items and when i come back here it says 36 because there are some virtual copies and things but anyway uh it says that they're more but it's still not the right number it's like we know there's an extra photo we just added to that folder how do i get it if you right click on it in lightroom the folder not the collection and there will be an option it calls this called folder what this is designed to do is go back out look at the folder and say has there anything been added so if i say synchronize folder there it says import one new photo because it knows hey i just looked at the folder there's one photo that's not in here yet do you want to bring it in and you can even show the import dialog box first before it brings it in so you can see is do you want to bring that one in or not and i can say oh yeah bring that one in that's the one i need import and then that one will be added to that folder which is right here that's now in that folder we just brought it in so synchronize folders it's great for updating lightroom with photo with images you've added to a folder after the after it's been brought into lightroom all right let me see if that question came back up [Music] all right people are out people are going over the various um people going over the various overlays sorry says i failed geometry not for me can you add a photo in lightroom to lightroom classic can you add a photo in lightroom to lightroom classic yes there's various ways to do it so the question is can i add a photo let's say head over to lightroom and um i want to add this photo to lightroom classic well if it's just one photo i could export it out of lightroom and add it back into lightroom classic so that'd probably be the fastest easiest way for one photo but because all your images are synced automatically if they're in lightroom if you just turn on syncing i'm not going to do it for this this catalog but if you turn on syncing those photos will automatically come into lightroom classic because lightroom classic is going to look at the cloud and say hey there's 50 photos that aren't in me that aren't in this catalog i'm going to bring them down from lightroom and put them in but if it's just a one-off just export it and re-import it back into um lightroom classic all right next up so i don't have a setup to show you this but i've shown you this multiple times on master classes but a lot of people like that are new don't know you can do this i've had people say how's he doing now how's he bringing that in um if i'm in studio doing a master class i and i'm shooting nine times out of 100 of the time i'm i'm shooting directly into lightroom this is called tethered capture so when you start tether capture it's going to ask you to name this basically session name is really the name of the folder it's going to create then you can um you can choose how your images will be named you can add them to a collection as they come in you can use your keyboard your or your copyright metadata template and you can even add any keywords once you click ok it's going to bring up a bar and actually not a bar it's going to bring up a panel and it's waiting for you to plug your camera in and turn it on now i don't have my camera here i don't have it it's connected but it's a usb cable along you preferably a long one connected to the usb port on your camera and your computer and once lightroom detects the camera then it'll bring up another bar that lets you see all the settings on your camera and you can actually even press the shutter right on the bar to capture images as those images come in they come in right into lightroom classic and they allow you to shoot directly in and go full screen and see them as you're shooting so take advantage of tether capture if your camera is supported and you're working in a studio setting and the real reason behind it is number one you're bringing the images in as you shoot them number two you're not looking at them on a little lcd screen on the back of your camera you're looking up nice and big on your big monitor all right um let's see and one more tip to that if you uh while you're shooting tethered let's go back here while you're shooting tethered um it like you used to bring them in this loop in loop view which is the letter e and you will see the tether bar and all that stuff but now i prefer to go full screen hit the letter f and that way when they come in one by one you're seeing them nice and big with nothing in the way no teller bar nothing in the way full screen turns off everything else and you just see each image as you take it come in full screen so that way you can check focus check see if you got the right shot that you want it so forth and so on all right next up um if you do have the option to plug in another monitor you can you can set up what's called a second display so under your window menu you can choose um you can choose second a secondary display and how it how the images will look on that secondary display so i usually keep my laptop in grid view like we're looking at now we see all the thumbnails and i have my second big monitor in loop view normal and what that will do is give me this it will give me this um you know let's see if i can was like let me do it i know it was gonna let me i was trying gonna try and get it into a window but it may not let me oh [Music] it may not let me there we go uh it will this would be on your other monitor and it would be looped view so you would see the shot you just took nice and big on the big monitor but you still see the grid for everything else so uh i'm dragging this over to the other monitor as we speak because i do have another monitor you can't see it but that's what you would do you locate this window on the other monitor it would be full screen and nice and big so as you're shooting you get the benefit of both you get to see the whole grid and you get to see the loop view and even if you're not shooting tether you still can use a second display to show the images nice and big while you're working on them all right next up uh let's go in and we did that this is one that i like just a big time saver for me and that's creating export templates so um i'm you know you bring in images in the lightroom you edit them then you want to export them well if you're exporting them for the same reasons each time to put on instagram to send to a client whatever then you're probably exporting them with the same settings each time so rather than have to go in and create those settings each time you can go into for example select the photo you want hit export set it up the way you want it so i want these um not there i want these out on the desktop in a new folder in that new folder is going to be called for instagram or ig and then i scroll down i do all my settings so image format is going to be jpeg uh srgb quality is going to be good because why would i want my quality not to look good on instagram uh resize to the longest edge being no more than 1080 pixels because that's what instagram recommends uh don't do any sharpening because i've already sharpened and don't export all the metadata just my copyright info and show it to show them to me in the finder after you're done because now when you export from the desktop you can actually import or upload to instagram on the desktop finally this week yay so hitting export will do it that one time but what i want to do is not do it that one time i want to add this as a preset so add a preset for ig so now every time i want to do that going forward here i'll cancel it and let's say i select this photo this photo and this photo and i want to export those for instagram file export with preset for ig there it is and now i don't get a dialog box i don't get anything it just does it so there there are the three photos that are 1080 pixels wide along on the longest edge 72 dpi srgb jpegs ready to go to instagram they're all set and ready to go so that way you can uh just have as many export presets as you want one for print one for delivering to the client one for high res one with watermarks one without watermarks how many other presets you need and then whenever you need to export them you can export them quickly and easily all right we're running low on time so let me work in a couple more really quickly here so number one is that remember you have um and here let me show this one because i said i would show something in lightroom as well so here's one real quick for doing um actually that's not the one i want to use i wanted to use this one one real quick for doing sharpening of skin or not skin i should say so if i if i zoom in on this photo and i sharpen the skin all the way or sharpen the image all the way the skin gets sharpened well i don't want the skin to get sharpened so we have this thing called and you will not see it because by default twirled up if you twirl it down you have this thing called masking and what sharpening allows me to do is turn up the sharpening but then hold down my option or alt key and turn the masking up to where the skin is black but everything else is um white so all the things i want to get sharp are white all the things i don't want to get sharp or black that way her eyes get sharpened her jewelry her lips so forth and so on her hair all that gets sharpened but the skin does not get overly sharpened so that's a quick tip there next up remember that you have lightroom on various platforms so you have lightroom on the web will bring up all your sync photos and let's all your albums all your collections it'll let you see everything it'll let you do edits it'll let you do shares it'll let you do exports it'll let you do everything you want to do including a technology preview called where is it here call proofing so if you turn on the technology preview you can set up proofing for a gallery and once you enable proofing that way your clients will be able to choose which pictures they want and you'll get that feedback right back in the lightroom okay looks like i'm out of time and i don't want to cut off here so thanks everyone for watching we'll do more of these tips but stay tuned for max next week which is free stay tuned for today's master classes as well and um i'll see you in two weeks because we don't have master classes next friday two weeks new things lots of fun cheers everybody thanks for watching we'll catch on the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 4,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry White, Lightroom, Photography, Adobe Spark Page, How-To, Masterclass, getting started, Lightroom classic, Photoshop, presenting, learning, image manipulation, creative cloud, adobe
Id: p2OZ4xXsvkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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