Photography Masterclass - How Do I Do That in Lightroom? PART TWO

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mic check one two three four mic check one two three four all right let me know what that sounds like that's a totally different mic the other mics turned off so give me a heads up mike seems good now okay let's do it yeah perfect now all right let's move on okay sorry about the technical difficulties this is what happens when you're live it was recorded video you edit it you fix it you move on no one ever knows it happened but when it's live it's live so you got to see the live problem that's the mic i use every single week never touched it never changed it not sure what's going on okay but anyway welcome everyone uh sorry for the the eight minute problems of audio but hey it's a friday it's a still a friday you'll still get the weekend all right so with that said my name is terry white worldwide designer photography evangelist here at adobe it's my pleasure to be streaming to you live once again on my friday masterclass today we're going to be doing part two of a topic that was really popular two weeks ago and that is um how do i do that in lightroom we're gonna do part two now i see a bunch of people already um already in the various chats and thank you for joining me in the various chats uh hopefully that you were able to stick around with the audio issue and we got it resolved but with that said uh if you want to participate in a chat that i'm going to actually be looking at which is the behance chat be sure to head over to slash adobe live that's the one chat window that i can pay attention to because i can't look at all of them and still present as well so head over to that chat window um you can log in with your adobe id adobe ids are free you can use even your social media to log in whatever you prefer and that's the chat i'll be looking at all right so with that said uh let's go ahead and jump into what we were doing so for those of you who are like what is he talking about how do i do that in lightroom um lightroom so this was actually based on a book from my buddy scott kelby we gave away this book uh two weeks ago ago we probably will give it away again today and um this is where i got the idea from and i was like you know what that make a good um master class topic and i asked god hey would that be okay if i steal the title of your book and turned it into a masterclass he said sure i'm not using this content i'm just using that title i'm using my own content my own images so forth and so on but i like the idea so we did two weeks ago we did how do i do that in lightroom last week i did same thing as another book called how do i do that in photoshop the lightroom went very well i got lots of feedback after the fact and so decided to do it again as a um as a part two i didn't get through everything the first day anyway so that's what we're working on all right so the first one i have a list of just items that are in no particular order uh this one is actually one that i need to do so i saved it as a tip as you know in lightroom you can create as many collections as you want and i love collections i probably have at least 100 collections in this catalog which is my main catalog and i've got a collection right here called how do i do that in lightroom and that image that one has 35 images in it right now you'll notice the one above it though apple pro raw the the difference is this one has a plus sign after it and whenever you there there will only always be one collection that has a plus sign after it and whenever you see that one plus sign after a collection that means that that is your target collection so the question is what's a target collection and how do i set a collection as a target collection if you choose to and um before i forget let me just i just had a random thought here um [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm typing on the wrong keyboard hang on just had a random thought of something i need to do which is i did it last time too i just want to give you guys in case you don't win the book today and since scott was so gracious in letting me uh use his user's title uh i should share with you guys the link to the book so here's the book hopefully that's still on my clipboard let's see no it's not let's undo let's grab it real quick and copy the link there it is all right let's try it now there it is great so i posted that in the chat for those that are um interested in the book here i can quickly post it in the other chats too you can go grab that book as an e-book or a physical book and when when i give it away today when i gave it away two weeks ago i gave it away as a physical book so they will ship the book to you if you win it all right okay now back to where we were um so target collections what are they and why would you want to set one as a target collection imagine that you're going to do a book or you're going to do a presentation or you're going to do a slideshow or you're going to export images out for whatever reason and they're all over the place like you've got some in your travel collection you've got some in your portrait collection maybe you're trying to create a portfolio well as you're going around getting those images and then assembling them in that one collection it's a very manual process meaning you create the collection then you have to go to where an image is and another collection or folder and drag it into that collection you just created then you got to go to the next folder or collection and drag those in well if you set one as your target collection then you can just hit a keyboard shortcut no matter where you are and the image will be uh copied over to that collection not moved but copied so how do i set it if i go to where the collection is right click there is set as target collection once i do that that will put you can't see the plus sign because the the column's too small but it will put that plus sign right after that collection now the reason i want to do this is because one of the things i'm going to be showing you in a few minutes is something about panoramas and i need to put some panoramas in that collection so i go down to my pano collection which has some images in it that i use to make panos and i can go ahead and grab those images let's go ahead let's just see 16 508. here we go i just want to grab the right ones not the one that's already done and so i selected four images and to move those not move but copy those into that target collection i just hit the letter b as in bravo on my keyboard and it will quickly say add to target collection and it just did so now if i go back to that collection how do i do this in uh how to do that in lightroom there they are so and they're still in the other collection they're still in the folder they're still everywhere else they were but now it quickly added them to the target collection so once you're done with this being the target collection you can go set in the other collection as the target collection and that way you can quickly get um you can quickly get images into your target collection all right so with that said uh we're gonna move on and we're going to um go to the next thing let me go back to my list all right next in my list creating the panorama i should have known that would be the next thing all right so i have uh images here that i shot purposely to create a panorama they're kind of in a backwards order or not really in the right order uh 509.5 oh they're in the right order 508 509 510 and 511. um so that's basically just going click turning and giving yourself at least 20 overlap click click click as many times as you need to capture the scene and that means that you probably either didn't have a wide angle lens or you didn't you couldn't get far enough back to get it all in one shot so that's what we do for that's why we create panoramas so we select our individual images and when you create a panorama in lightroom it actually creates it um it actually uh creates a new image from it it creates a new raw file so i'm gonna go ahead and right click and if i do photo merge there is panorama it's also the keyboard shortcut control m so if i do panorama that will um no i don't want to do that instead that'll bring up the four images into a preview and show me what that panorama is going to look like even though the color is off in the preview don't worry about that now you also have different modes for um your um your projections so if it needs to and you you can click on these to see which one you like best but you can quickly and easily do that now you notice i also have something called auto crop on that's what i would have used in the past but when i turn that off you'll see this is what i would really get that's why we do an auto crop especially if you hand held the images like you went click click click click click chances are you moved up or down a fraction of a whatever inch or whatever and you you end up with a lot of this extra white space that is unusable well auto crop simply says i'm going to get rid of that extra white space for you and give you the panorama you productive application some of the things that lightroom is starting or lightroom team starting to put in are features from photoshop that would normally be destructive but since you're creating a new file anyway you're not messing with the originals therefore it can be destructive it can be something you would normally not get so you could do two other things you can do a boundary as of your pano or you can use some content aware fill technology and just click and it will try to fill in that space using the other parts of the image so you can try all three you can try which one and see which one you like best because it's going to create a new instance am i getting buffering oh no not buffering this is just not a good day for streaming all right i'm going to keep going just so we can keep the hopefully the replay good let me look over here yep this is kind of what i was getting before all right hang on man hold on getting buffering city all right hopefully i'm back now without the buffering i don't know today's just not a good streaming day for me i don't know what it is about youtube or what's going on with the connection behind it behind the scenes anyway um uh hopefully that solved it i don't see the connection error anymore so hopefully that fixed it all right refreshing it cleared up you can always try refresh see what happens all right anyway we have you have the if you missed what i said it was basically you you have your choice of auto crop your choice of fill edges or your choice of boundary warp to fill in that extra space without losing your image and that will give you the full size of your frame so now that i've done that i've got my um i've got it building in the upper left hand corner so it's building a brand new image and it will put it next to or intermingle it into the images that you use to make the panorama by the way bonus tip whenever you see a progress bar up there and while that's happening so here's our new panorama that was the one using the fill edges i can't tell what it did so it looks pretty good to me and that's again borrowing some of that content aware fill technology to create a new image um which doesn't matter if it's destructive because it created a new image it didn't mess with my originals in lightroom all right so uh let's move on to the next thing uh so that is set the target collection oh so next along those same lines we're gonna do an hdr so what's an hdr so um you've seen here let me go to my hdr collection i've got a perfect example here we go you've seen situations where you have a a challenging lighting situation so for example you have let me get rid of this one you have uh you have a scene like this where if you're trying to get expose both the inside of the cave and the outside of the cave your eye does that naturally so you can see it with your eye and your camera for whatever doesn't see it because your camera's sensor is still not as good as the human eye so if i were to expose for the inside of the cave i'm going to get that if i expose for the outside of the cave i'm going to get that and what hdr does is it combines the two images together so that you end up with a a um a scene that is that is what you wanted so let me undo my delete there it is and so here's the hdr uh scene that i created from those two images so i can see the inside of the cave i can see the outside of the cave did a little uh white balance so it gets the right tone and that's the way it looks all right um let's move on now let's go back to my other collection and in my other collection i have these images i've shown before i've taken these in egypt um worst time of day to be out shooting worst uh just not good from a technical standpoint from a shooting standpoint just not great so what i can do is combine these together and hopefully make my at least a shot that's decent enough to use so i'll take the uh this time instead of two shots i have three i have a uh overexposed a medium exposure and a um or actually an underexposed and a medium exposure so i'm gonna take those three and photo merge hdr and that will create a create a preview which again looks way better than any of the individual single shots still not quite what i need but it's there now you notice there's a little red overlay going on that's because i have something turned on called show to ghost overlay so if i go ahead and just simply turn that off you might be asking what does that do well if you're taking three shots which is normally you have your camera set on bracketing so bracketing will give you um all three of those exposures it's going to give you the underexposed overexposed and the medium one if you just do three three brackets so what happens if something is moving across those frames even if you go click click even if that object was moving chances are you caught it three in three different places because it was moving across your scene so those horses way back in the background were moving they were walking across as i went click click click and i was hand holding so if we zoom in on that without the ghost on what i get i get half a horse half a horse half a horse half a horse there's only supposed to be two horses so what you can do is you can set your d ghost to like the just think of it as the amount of motion there was a little bit of motion like a flag or a leaf waving that's probably a low amount there was a horse stampede that was probably a high amount so you can play with each one till you get it the way you want and that's showing me quickly just by putting on medium what the what the scene should have looked like in other words it picks one frame to use the overlay just simply shows you what was moving or what it thinks was moving at the time all right so if i zoom back out now and click merge that will create my new hdr scene from those three images all right and that's created my new hdr right here and i created a new um raw file of that scene it also auto toned it by default so if i go to develop it's already been auto toned but that doesn't mean that i can't do more to it so for example um with the hdr i just want to check one thing here yeah with the hdr uh and this gets into the next thing so first thing was create an hdr we did that second thing is now next how do i do that how do i only adjust part of an image in other words i can go in now and i can say dehaze but if i dehaze to bring in the sky which looks great now look at what it does to the foreground so that that would if i could only drag that one slider i'd have to pull all the way back towards not screwing up the foreground so that kind of like defeats the purpose however you have three ways of doing selective adjustments you have the uh grid gradient or graduated filter depending on which version of lightroom you're in you have the radio or um i think it's just the radial gradient or radial filter depending on which version of lightroom you're in here in classic it's radial filter and then you have the adjustment brush so if i go ahead and grab the graduated filter or gradient filter and pull down from oh before i pull down there are presets right here in the pop-up menu so i can preset to dehaze once i preset to dehaze that means all that simply does is it turns off everything else and just moves the haze a little bit that's all the presets do you do exposure it moves the exposure over and turns off everything else so it's just a quick way to zero everything out except the one thing you want so now if i pull down to let's say here i can adjust the dehaze to get the sky that i want to get the sky that was already there without it adversely affecting the foreground now you might be saying well terry isn't it still affecting since you pulled it down so far isn't it still affecting the top of the pyramid or the front of the image and you're right it is so you'll notice what you can do is you can go down to the bottom here and you can you can go down there sorry not the bottom for you to do is it allows you to brush on or off that effect on other parts of the image so for example if i don't want it on the front of the image i can hold down my option or alt key to get a negative brush and remove it there we go i'm removing it from that part of if you're trying to do something like a gradient and it's saying i'm going to affect this other part of the image that you that you may care about then just simply unbrush that part now along those same lines i can switch to the um to the radial filter and i could say i would really love to put a spotlight on the face i would really well of course i don't have a stroke i didn't have a strobe that would be that powerful i didn't have a strobe at all and it wouldn't matter because it was so big and too far away so let's go ahead and just pull out a radial filter and oh before i do that undo undo switch it from dehaze to exposure now pull it out because now it will be affecting exposure not dehaze now the exposure may be too much and it is but it's cool because it's interactive you can move it around get it exactly where you want and pull back on the amount of exposure to be just enough and you got the same thing so if you over spill into the other parts of the image you can always go in and brush away those parts that you didn't want it to affect so i'm going to brush away the edges that it should not that spotlight should not be affecting and by the way just because you used exposure doesn't mean you can't use more things so just because you're we're working with the exposure slider doesn't mean you can't also say well while i'm here i'd love to work with lily hayes while i'm here i'd love to work with a little um saturation i love to do more like make it look more golden so you can still do multiple things while you're in any one of these local adjustments so if i go back to my graduated filter or graduated filter and i click on the dot for that graduated filter well i did dehaze but there's nothing stopping me from also affecting the exposure so i could do both at the same time i don't have to just stick with one i have to create a different point for each one all right so that so hdr definitely saved the day made a photo situation that was going to be not great look better all right hold on [Music] but you know that is the internet all right buffering has returned sam thanks for letting me know hopefully i just cured it i did reset the stream for uh for the youtube side but yeah there's something definitely going on with the internet today so sorry about that nothing i can really do about it other than continuing to reset it as whenever i can let me try to reset it here all right um again sorry about the connection i'm doing the best i can it's just a random thing happening today and it doesn't normally happen all right we're gonna move on to the next thing just to keep the uh hopefully the replay will be better than the live let's keep going so we did hdr we did adjust only part of the image now let's get into cropping to a specific size um let's go here to this one so for example wrong image for example if i go to this image you'll notice that i did a moon shot recently and normally you know i have a just kind of got a brand new 600 millimeter lens but even then even with that lens the 600 millimeter that's as close as i could get from my backyard to the moon because i would need probably i don't know 1200 mil or 200 millimeter get twice as close so this is what i got which looks amazing i got craters i got everything this lens is super sharp but because it's so far away that would be the normal look to it so let's say i wanted to um i wanted to crop into that so you'll notice the resolution 85 uh 8256 by 5504 that means that the this around if you multiply those two is probably around 40 something megapixel i shot this with my d850 which i did on purpose because that's the highest megapixel camera i have because the higher this is one of those times where i usually don't care about megapixels but this is one of those times where megapixels counts because the higher the megapixels the more more flexibility you have to crop and still have enough resolution for a decent print so if i were going to print this out then i might want to crop it to a print size since i got to crop it anyway and to do that i'm just going to go into crop and i'm going to uh set the the constraint to let's say i'm going to make it a four by five or eight by ten let's say an eight by ten and then that what that will do is that you see the rectangle moved in to crop it to that aspect ratio but that doesn't mean you're still you can still drag the handles in and what it will do is constrain it to be only uh that that aspect ratio so i can keep cropping in i can move the image around in the crop i can put it right at one of the um one of the intersections for my rule of thirds and i can kind of i like it i don't know for some reason i like it in the upper left corner and you can still see my resolution over there is not horribly bad so it's still enough to make a decent print so as you do this you can see what your resolution is going to be each time you let go until you get it to the resolution that whatever your minimum would be for print so if you multiply that out i don't know what is that five uh three times that's maybe a six or seven or eight megapixel image and again that would be more than enough i printed these to print back in the days with four megapixels so that's more than enough for a certainly for an eight by ten print and probably even larger all right and that will give me my much closer looking shot again it's not going to change the quality of the image all you're saying is crop away the excess sky and that will give me more of an image now if you're doing it for online then you can even get closer because you know the maximum resolution for example that instagram wants is 1080. so i'm still higher than 1080 but i can make an image that looks a lot bigger like i got a lot closer to the moon than i really did because i had enough megapixels to crop in and still have enough resolution to share it online all right so that's a quick cropping tip now along those same lines what if i wanted both i wanted that instagram shot and i also wanted the print then what you can do is create a virtual copy so we can go up to our um up to our photo menu create virtual copy that will create a copy right next to it that doesn't take up any space it's only a copy in your lightroom catalog and it's just a reference to that one so what i would do is then on the virtual copy go back to crop and that's the one where i might just bump up the resolution a little bit more so that i have still i'm cropped in but i have a more resolution for a print and that way i'll have both versions i'll have the one for for social media and the one for print that gives me a little bit higher resolution all right so that's cropping to a specific size um we did that one already now this is a this is just a kind of a trick that scott has in this book and i love this trick so this is one technique i did i did copy from scott and that is um [Music] picking the right image click on it first there we go that is you notice how this is wet like this this is literally wet like there's water on this uh sign here in um and i was in poland when i took this but the the stones are not wet like they're they're pretty dry this part is well if i wanted the stones or the street or the bricks or the whatever in the road to look wet then what you could do is you could use a technique with the adjustment brush to to fake it so let's go into the adjustment brush and let's go ahead and set that to two things i just have to look at my note because i want to make sure i get them right you want to set your contrast so we're going to basically put the exposure back down to zero we're gonna set our contrast up to a hundred and we're gonna set our clarity up to a hundred so just putting those two numbers up to a hundred with the adjustment brush will let you paint water onto your street like so see how it's making especially the edges of that look wet even though it's not and of course we're doing it in lightroom so it's all non-destructive all right so that's that's just a quick how to make the street look wet tip but here's a bonus one what if it doesn't look wet enough so you did you did 100 on both you can't make it 110 you can't make it 150 you can't make it more that's all you get so if that doesn't look wet enough well do it again what do you mean terry it's already 100 how can i do it again you can click new or the plus sign in lightroom to create a new brush so if i click click new now i'm brushing again with a second brush stroke and i can make it look wetter or maybe it's too much at now this will be effectively 200 percent and i could tone this one down if it were too much but actually it looks pretty good so you can do that as many times as you need to to get it to look as wet as you want it to so and you might say well how do i know which one i'm adjusting see that little circle there that's the one i'm adjusting now and if i were to click out of it and go back in i'll see two circles i'll see the first one where i first put my brush stroke and then i'll see the second one to the left of it where i put my second brush stroke so if i needed to adjust either one i'd find the one that i need to adjust i hover over it first of all that will show me if i missed anything and i did so i can go ahead and get those spots i missed there we go so if i hover over it again it will show me i'll still miss some spots over here and over here hover over it don't click just hover and it'll show you any area you might have missed with your brush strokes or any area you got too much of so if i got too much i went over the edge i can hold down the option or alt key and erase that along the edge where i went over and i still missed that one little spot up there alright you get the idea and also because i'm on that adjustment i can turn that one down if it was too wet i can turn that one down and adjust it to whatever i need it to be uh if i felt that like 200 some too much maybe 170 would be better all right theory says that's a really great tip good cool i'm glad you like it i'll give the one to that one tip full credit to scott kelby he taught me that in his book i actually taught me that before the book but that was one that i definitely got from the book to show you all right um [Music] we did that one let's go ahead and go to the next one and that's uh one that i got i did a conference earlier this week and i kept getting this question uh i got this question after the conference so let's go back out hold on one second here i'll keep doing that let's go out and let's um let's work with this landscape now what i was what i was telling the class and i'm going to reset it what i was telling the class is that i do s certain a certain few things to every single photo i do like every single photo i bring in the lightroom i usually do two or three things no matter what it is so one of those things is if i shot it with my if i didn't shoot it with mirrorless let's put it that way then i go to lens corrections and i enable the lens profile correction that will automatically seek out what camera and what lens you shot it with great i also even though you don't always need this remove chromatic aberration if you need it you definitely want it on if you don't need it it won't hurt anything to turn it on like you won't see any different so why not just turn it on every time what chromatic aberration the adverse effect of it to your photo is you'll see especially in challenging lighting situations a green halo checking that box does nothing so you you check it all the time you will never have to worry about it so i do that i also go into my um back to my basic panel and i apply a profile so like for example if i was bringing in landscape shots chances are i want to start with the landscape profile all right cool now if i'm if i'm let's take it one step further let's say i shot a bunch of shots outside in daylight that's not the right one let's do cloudy that's not the right one we're going to leave this one alone but let's say you know you were doing those on like all your daylight shots or all your quality shots whatever it is so the two or three things i always do i might as well not have to do those manually every single time so what you can do is on the left hand side you notice there's a on while you're in the develop module there's presets and there's all kinds of presets that ship with lightroom but you can make your own you can click your plus sign and say hey i want this to be the preset that i always use for importing landscapes so i can create a preset i can call it importing landscapes and i can save it to my user presets and more importantly i want to make sure i check the things that i want apply now you can say check all because that's all you did were those two things or you can be very specific and check just the things you just did so i can check lens correction because i did that and i can check um profile profile where's my profile profiles oh this will be applied oh there it is treatment and profile there it is all right so if i do those two things and save it as a preset now when i do an import export import i don't know why i am like missing this import photos and videos there we go when i do an imp and i can choose import landscapes so now when i bring photos in with that it will automatically apply them to those new photos i imported because it's already done to them and even if you say wow that's a cool tip terry but i wish i had known that before i brought my images in there's nothing stopping you from auto sync is turned on in the bottom right hand corner we did this the first time we did what uh the this class part one apply to those three images or those 30 images or those 300 images or those 3 000 images so um even if you didn't do it on upon import you forgot or you didn't have the preset created you let me make sure that i see someone said let me check the connection one more time we were good for a while okay hopefully we are back i just reset the uh stream again hopefully we're back and i'm going to keep going all right so uh that was creating a develop preset and more importantly um using it upon import all right next up let's see if i have the right image here i'm going to go grab an image real quick while i'm waiting everyone waiting for everyone to come back or we can add that one i'm gonna hit b and put that one in the target collection we use that example and let's just make sure i got it here oh wait wait wait wait i saw it hang on i saw one there we go and this one okay i just added two more images to my target collection and let's go back to that collection again how do i do that in my room here are the two images next up is this is the type of image you usually get when you're photographing up at buildings whether it's a skyline or whether it's downtown or just buildings in general notice how the buildings are starting to like just feel like they're leaning in on each other and you know those buildings are not leaning it's just what your lens is doing to distort them so those those buildings are perfectly straight up and down they spent millions of dollars to make sure that happens but how can we get that to look right um well we can do hang on hold on real quick i just i see a buffering thing again what a day for streaming okay anyway um how do i get lightroom to fix that leaning problem for me well if i go into my develop module hit the letter d to get there quickly i have i have a whole geometry area and lightroom classic it's called transform in lightroom and lightroom on your phone it's called geometry and there's an upright section that you can try various modes to fix it including a manual mode if it doesn't do it automatically so what i can do is i can go in and i can choose auto and auto did just what it was supposed to it it actually straightened out the buildings to where they look straight straighter like this one still looks like it's leaning in a little to the right barely like i would be okay with that but if i wanted to do it my own instead of doing auto you can do guided so with guided you need two [Music] at least two um guides to do it so like you can use two buildings you can use a horizontal vertical guide it doesn't matter but you need at least two so i'm gonna drag my first guide out to what should be straight so i'm dragging it along this edge of the building on the right here that should be straight nothing happens because i said you need at least two guides and um the next guy we're going to drag on this building that wasn't quite straight enough and we'll drag that guide out and then that will make those two areas perfectly straight up and down now you can see or you can go in and scale it up to get your to get your building back now of course you're going to lose some of your foreground when you do that so maybe you you know depending on the image you might want to do a content or fill it as well but that will allow you to straighten your images uh to get them perfectly straight same thing here develop module we'll do an auto upright and again the auto upright tilted it fixed it did everything again if i don't want the white space i can always scale it up until the white space has been cured manually choose where we want to fix the uh leaning part all right next up is how do i fix an image that needs more than what lightroom can do in other words how do i uh correct something that maybe only um photoshop would handle because lightroom just doesn't have the tools or capabilities of handling this one thing so in other words how do i go from lightroom to photoshop and back i talk uh let's find an image here all right let's do this one so i've got this image here and got this image here there we go um and i i want to remove this light and stand the light illuminated my subject but now i don't need the light in the final image so to do that i'm going to uh just quickly you can right click on it or you can use a keyboard shortcut edit in photoshop if it's a raw file that'll take a copy over to photoshop if it's a jpeg or tiff or anything else it'll ask you what you want to take over to photoshop here it is and now that it's here i can make a quick selection of it so i can actually try the new object selection tool i haven't tried that on this image all right not bad it missed part of the leg so i can hold down my shift key and see if i can add that back in there we go we got the leg we got to select it but it selected it very tightly in other words i like selected just the object when you do content aware fill you tend to want a little extra space to work with so i'm going to modify that selection and expand it and not enough so let's expand it again and this expand will also the number of pixels will also depend on the resolution there we go 20 pixels and that expanded elite or backspace on pc for content aware fill make sure it's on content aware click ok and let content aware phil fill that back in put it right it puts it right next to your original before after content overfill all right folks i am out of time and unfortunately we had lots of issues with streaming and internet and all that today the best i could thanks everyone we'll catch you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 4,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry White, JPEG, Raw, How-to, Photography, Masterclass, getting started, Adobe, Creative Cloud
Id: QVeP2WouaWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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