Photography Masterclass - Lightroom vs. Lightroom Classic - Which one is right for you?

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everyone welcome to my photography master class it's been a while you know trying to get back to a regular schedule after max and we had a company-wide day off last week and hopefully we can keep these going for the next few weeks at least at least until the end of the month with the thanksgiving holiday we'll probably won't do it that friday but welcome everyone this is the pre-stream for my master class where i get on a few minutes before the before the main event and i give maybe one or two tips for my you know people watching on my channel but keep in mind that this will be after i do the pre-stream that will be at adobe live that's where i'll really be paying attention to the chat the most but welcome everyone glad you could be here uh let's go ahead and dive into this quick tip so i'm gonna switch over to my desktop and i've got uh lightroom open now on my desktop here let me get out of that there we go lightroom now open on my desktop this is lightroom classic today we're going to be talking about the differences between lightroom and lightroom classic but for my lightroom classic users here's a quick tip uh first and foremost um this tip actually these the idea for this tip actually came from a user that asked me a question they were like hey you know once my photos have been in lightroom classic for a while and i go to a folder i haven't been to in a while i notice that maybe some of the icons are grayed out especially if the drive's not connected in other words they're offline the drive's not plugged in the previews have expired because you know just to save space they only stay around if you're using them and it's like how can i not have that happen how can i have previews that are always there or always be able to see my images now there is one way around that that you can select all the images that you care about the ones you always want to be able to work on even offline and you go to your library menu and you go to previews and you say build smart previews because if you build any of these other ones they'll work standard previews one-to-one previews they'll work fine but what will happen is after a while they will get discarded just because if you don't look at those images in a while they will go away those not the images the previews will go away and you'll be back to where you were but if you build smart previews they don't go away the only problem is they take up a little more space a little more and they do stay with the catalog so even if you unplug the drive um you'll still be able to access not only see the thumbnails but you'll even be able to edit those images in lightroom even if the drive's not connected because that's what smart previews are for so building smart previews it was pretty quick because these are already built because i always want to be able to access my portfolios even if my images are not connected like if i'm on my laptop and i'm out and about now the other question that he asked after i said that is well do will smart preview survive an optimized catalog so if you optimize your catalog to kind of get rid of old things or clean the catalog up will those smart previews stick around and the answer is yes smart previews do survive on optimize catalog but one to one and minimal previews do not if they're old like in other words you haven't looked at that folder or that collection in months those those previews will just delete themselves because they're like oh you're not even looking at these images the images are still there don't worry you have to worry about that but the previews themselves may go away until you click on those images again with the drive connected and it rebuilds the previews so let's say the drive's connected you go to that folder and they're all grayed out well you'll start to see them come in one by one because what lightroom will do is rebuild those previews so that's what happens over time if you don't look at a folder or look at a collection after a while it saves space by discarding previews you just aren't using if you go back to that folder and the drives connect it it will rebuild them you go back to that folder and use smart previews they will be there all right we're gonna kick things off with the regular stream in about eight seconds see you then [Music] [Music] good morning everyone happy friday happy masterclass friday here on adobe live my name is terry white worldwide designer photography evangelist and it's my pleasure to be streaming to you once again on a friday morning here in the lovely atlanta area and hopefully you are you guys are safe and you're happy and you're somewhere cool and you're doing cool things with photography and you're here to learn more about your photography at least in terms of editing and storage and optimizing and so forth and so on so uh for those of you who are new welcome we're doing this mainly on behance so slash adobe live if you happen to be watching this on one of my other channels um whether it's youtube or you're watching on a creative cloud youtube channel you're watching it somewhere else just note that i may not see your question or may not see your comment because i'm looking mainly at this one chat window where i see shawn and and general kenobi and fred and marco and garrett and julie and steve and valentin and valentine and uh carol and mike so that's who i see in the chat right now because that's the one i'm going to be focused on including the one and only jason levine beetlejace is in the house jason levine will be doing a master class a little bit later today on something probably audio and probably video or one or the other and uh jason is our our video audio expert and musician so if you're into anything that moves on your computer check out jason's master class later today all right so with that said head over to adobe live if you want to you want me to see your comment like the one that just came in from uh revert mike all right um so what are we doing today today we're going to be talking about a topic that i can't believe i haven't covered like i was looking for a topic to cover for this one and i'll get a lot of questions about uh on my on my last adobe live stream last week where i was hosting andre a lot of people were asking differences between lightroom and classic and which one do i use and so forth and so on i was like have i ever done a stream on the differences just just dedicated to the differences between those two versions and i went back and i said sure i have i went back and looked at every single master class twice and i had not done it yet so that's what we're doing today so i'll get into a quick um overview of what the two applications are all about especially for people that are new and then we'll get into maybe some presentation demo and all that so you guys can actually see and ask questions and so forth and so on so with that said um let's go ahead and dive over to my computer where i'm going to go ahead and show you what i mean by a quick overview all right so head over to my computer i've put together this deck to just go over what is lightroom and what is lightroom classic and more importantly at the end of the day or the end of this hour in 51 minutes or less we will answer the question which one is right for you and that's really what this is all about because you could certainly make a case for either one depending on who you are and what you do they're both great it's not like one is uh here to replace necessarily the other one it's really they're they end up being for the most part for two different types of customers for two different types of photographers and that's what we're going to really be covering today so uh jacqueline i see you over there in detroit um she will know what this means anyway that's an inside joke uh anyway uh let's go ahead and and dive right in so first and foremost lightroom and lightroom classic fight yes first and foremost uh what is lightroom actually the technical name was originally adobe photoshop lightroom we don't really call it and that is still the technical name but you don't really hear people use the full name or as some like to say the government name uh uh when we call it we just usually say lightroom so but the original name and he's still the technical legal name to this day is a adobe photoshop lightroom and and actually we'll get into all the names in a minute but it was first released way back in 2007 and that seems like a lifetime ago what is that uh 13 years ago if my life but my math is correct going on almost 14 years um and i was i was all the way back in the day one of using lightroom even before it was released as a public beta it's actually one of adobe's biggest and best public beta releases because we really wanted photographers to weigh in on what this new tool was going to be for and and you might think well why didn't you know why 2007 why did adobe come out with lightroom back then because it was originally designed as a alternative to bridge because bridge was becoming all things to all people graphic designers photographers people that just wanted to manage their files or file browsing video all of that and photographers needed a little more dedication in other words something that was specifically for photography now there are still people to this day that just use bridge and maybe bridge in photoshop okay i'm not going to fault you for that you're using one of our products or two of our products great on you but if you're really unless you're really like i'm happy everything works perfectly and i know exactly what i'm doing you should really take a look at one of these two versions of lightroom all right so now around 2015 um whereas we introduced creative cloud in 2013 everything got renamed with cc on the end of it so we were introduced adobe photoshop lightroom cc the name keeps getting longer and of course you know with every new version it got new features and this was also starting to pivot from lightroom being available as a shrink wrap application and cloud to just it being available as a cloud application so the last shrink wrap version or the last perpetual license version was lightroom lightroom six uh so lightroom one back in 2007 all the way to lightroom six around this time and then um you know lightroom 6 basically got discontinued meaning we didn't up the update the perpetual version anymore and if you wanted to keep going you went with lightroom cc all right and then as as that as the internet started to continue and people started really getting into their mobile devices this opened the door for lightroom mobile which is what we call the basically being able to use lightroom on a mobile device start it with the ipad actually and then phone and then web and android and eventually even apple tv so a lot of people don't know that if you have an apple tv you can actually go download the lightroom app for free on your apple tv and use uh lightroom to view your images or view slideshows even on your tv natively on apple tv you don't have to you don't have to project it from your phone or do anything it's actually a native app and another thing that people overlook a lot is that there is a web version of lightroom literally in a web browser no application required you go to a internet cafe if they still exist you go to a friend's house you get on a web browser and you go to and you can actually log in to your lightroom and see and edit your images and export them out and do everything you would well not everything but do a lot of the things you would do on the actual device that ran lightroom lightroom notification so uh this kind of like this is where lightroom really started to take off from being from being untethered to the desktop from the desktop to being available pretty much in your pocket in your backpack in your you know wherever you went or even just watching your images on the tv um all right in 2017 this is where it really gets confusing adobe photoshop lightroom cc was introduced and you're thinking oh wait wasn't that did we already have that this is a whole new lightroom like a not an update to lightroom that had been gone from one to six and then lightroom cc this is this is a brand new different application from the ground up not not like pieces just completely rewritten from the ground up to be a whole new lightroom and you and we get into the why because this this actually caused a lot of fear from people that um are classic users which we call it classic users now but the previous version of lightroom that oh my god they're going to replace or disband or stop supporting the lightroom i know and love and that of course did not happen this was three years ago already going on four years and you still have access to both versions and both versions are still getting updated and and i'll let you know as a software guy that when you still see software getting updated i mean with features i don't mean just bug fixes and security updates i mean new features that means that there's a development team working on it when there are no new features ever that means there is no development team working on it and that application is probably end of life soon or it's not going to be around much longer so the fact that lightroom classic still gets new features not just fixes that means that someone's working on it someone's actively doing things with it all right um can the lightroom doesn't seem to work can you please share it at the end share what at the end the online link uh that's the link so nothing else not a www in front of it that's the link and i think tim put it in the in the um in the chat already all right um and you probably it like that may not work on mobile devices so that's mainly for people on a desktop because if you're on a mobile device you would just download the app okay so then that that caused this and this is where it really really really got confusing because now we have two versions and they originally call these names adobe photoshop lightroom classic cc and adobe photoshop lightroom cc imagine as an evangelist trying to explain all of this in five seconds to an audience and it just it because the names were like both call lightroom and that's what we just you know you don't call someone their full name full first middle and last name every time you see them you call them by their first name so when we when we call lightroom like well which one now are you talking about and that's the problem um so yeah i'm not that those are decisions above my pay grade that i'm not going to get into all right but anyway here's what they look like so this is lightroom classic today and i just took the screenshot like yesterday uh so this is what it looks like as you can see um you have your side panels one on the left side one on the right side on this on the left side is all about management of your photos where what folders they're in what collections you put them in for organization managing the storage managing your photos deleting photos that's all happens on the left side of the library module on the right side of library module is all about metadata so for doing keywords for seeing where a photo was taken for changing the name of your photo for doing all of that stuff happens on the right hand side and then of course you have your thumbnails in the middle and you can go bigger full screen on an image and all that and um and the top right hand corner is probably the biggest difference is that there are modules there's a library module develop module a map module a book module a slideshow module print module and even a web module that most people probably aren't using these days because it's kind of dated but anyway all the other modules that most people are probably still at some point using one or the other or a few maybe you don't use map but you use book maybe you don't use slideshow but you use print so at some point depending on who you are you're probably using some of those other modules besides library and develop okay this is the new one this is just lightroom not classic this is lightroom so um and from here on out you're either going to hear me refer to it as lightroom or lightroom classic so that's how i'm going to be doing it from this day forward is that i'm not going to try and call it lightroom cloud or lightroom mobile or any of those things it's lightroom or i'm talking about lightroom classic that's it that's those are the names so if you don't hear me put classic on the end of it then i'm speaking about this one all right so what you see here is you see the same kind of thing on the left hand side you see organization basically just organization you see albums you see um folders of albums and that's it there are no folders of images uh on your hard drive and we'll get into that in a few minutes and on the right hand side there are panels that pop out but there's no modules in the upper left in the upper right hand corner there's no library print develop all of that you're either looking at your images organizing your images on the left hand side or editing your images with the panels that pop out on the right hand side and that's it that's that's this that's what this version is all about now we'll get into again the differences in just a moment okay so this is and sorry my lightroom cc's moved in but they're going to go away in a minute anyway so uh until about a year ago they were i gotta fix this drive me crazy hang on hang on there we go stuff move when i brought this from my laptop to this computer anyway um so lightroom classic cc and lightroom cc we don't call them that anymore because we dropped the cc off all of our product names so now it's just lightroom classic even though it's technically photoshop lightroom classic in photoshop lightroom but it's pretty much lightroom classic and lightroom that's really what it's about today and the icons weren't really helping either because it was an lr with a square around it and an lr with rounded corners around it there was a slightly different color and um just for a history standpoint the rounded corner meant back then that whatever app it was so if it was photoshop with rounded corners if it was lightroom with rounded corners admit that that application had a mobile component so in other words this square application did not have a mobile equivalent it did not have a mobile app that was the exact equivalent of it it just was square like indesign for example square back then because there was no mobile component to it still isn't and lightroom had the rounded corners but that all changed because now we made the icons the same colors they're both rounded corners now everything's rounded corners but now it's pretty clear to see which one's which lightroom classic has the c and lightroom does not so that makes it even easier you don't have to worry about oh i can't maybe i'm colorblind i can't see the colors can't really see if it's rounded corners or not now it's pretty clear to see which ones which okay both versions have a lot of overlap as you might expect and in a nutshell they both allow you to import organize edit and share your photos which is what people do day to day so if they both do that then what's the real difference between them like if they both do the overall job that a photographer needs to do why would i pick one or the other and let's get into that now all right let's start with lightroom classic lightroom classic uh same lightroom that if you if you're not new to this that you've used since 2007 or somewhere in between so the same one you've used for years it still gets new features and performance updates it got a new update as of october this year for the max update just like the other one did so it's still getting new features and still getting new things that it can do you can still sync an unlimited number of smart previews to the cloud so this is a nice benefit because it doesn't cost you anything extra to do this and we'll get into what that really means in a moment but um when lightroom mobile first came out meaning a lightroom version for the phone and all you had was lightroom which is now classic on the desktop how would you get those images onto your phone well you could sync smart previews to the cloud and that's how you got them on your phone back then and still to this day and that's still unlimited you don't have to pay extra for that that's just a part of lightroom classic all right but here's the biggest thing and this is really what separates the two the most you're responsible for storing and backing up meaning that if your hard drive or my hard drive crashed today and i didn't have a backup and i lost all my photos there really is no reason for me to call adobe at that point because adobe will be you know feel sorry for me and will cry together but there's nothing adobe can do at that point because i'm responsible for where i store and back up my originals so if i don't have a good backup strategy if i'm not good at that then i might not be the person that should be using lightroom classic because if a catastrophe happens then i might lose years of work i might use you know images that can't be replaced so keep that in mind but that is one of the biggest reasons why you would think about one or the other either you're good at that or you're not and if you're not then you might be thinking about it might be time to think about the other one all right so what's lightroom new yeah i mean it's only been out for a few years easier to use because there's less things that it does so it pretty much does the basic job of managing editing and importing and sharing and managing your photos import and edit your photos everywhere because even though those mobile versions like for ipad android iphone came out back 2020 has been renamed the catastrophe back when like when all we had was lightroom what we call classic now um this version is actually a derivative of what's on your phone so if you think about it this way we had lightroom classic or lightroom which is now classic we came out with a phone and tablet version and a web version and they did some syncing but if you were to say okay now i'm going to start from scratch and build a lightroom that works on desktop and mobile it would probably look the same probably have as many of the same features as possible and that would be your goal is that you could work on it no matter what device you had in your hand so whether i'm on my tablet or my phone or my desktop that lightroom is the same same look same feel same features for the most part and more importantly syncing and we'll get into that in a minute sinking originals back and forth the other thing is that this one since it is tied to syncing to the cloud there's no keywording required you can still keyword if you want to like you can put keywords in that you know what no one else would know but adobe sensei is looking at the type of images you're uploading or sinking and saying oh that looks like a mountain i know what a mountain looks like that looks like a tree i know what a tree looks like that looks like a waterfall i know what a waterfall looks like so if you search for any of those terms i'm going to bring up your images automatically because i know what those things are so i didn't even if i didn't put any of those keywords in ever it would know what those images are and bring them up for me okay next up and this is the big one just like the other big one was in red on the other side all of your images not just a few not just the ones you decide all of your images are backed up to the cloud all of your images are backed up to the cloud so if you import jpegs they're backed up if you import raw files dngs camera or your your native camera raw files cr2s uh any apps whatever your camera shoots they're backed up the minute you add them to lightroom so or and of course the time it takes to do it but once they're synced they are backed up so now let's talk about that catastrophe not 2020 the other one let's say your hard drive crashed and you could you don't even still have to call adobe because all you'd have to do is get a new hard drive computer whatever you would need and then download lightroom and sign in and all your images start coming down again or they're available to you again so that's for the person that says i don't i'm not good at all that management stuff i just want to work on my photos and shoot then maybe this one's for you because that part of it is solved by adobe meaning you don't have to worry about backing up you don't have to worry about keep buying hard drives you have to do any of that your images are stored yes high res the full resolution not just smart previews the full resolution so that's what i meant by yes your jpegs yes your raw files there's no difference in well if i upload a jpeg with lightroom it's going to be a smaller jpeg or it won't be the full raw no it's the full size of your image so if it's a 48 megapixel file it's going to be backing up a 48 megapixel file there's no difference in quality whatsoever because it is backing up the originals so uh um yes aha okay so i'm starting to get the differences now all right next up and of course um you can choose either one you have three monthly plans to choose from i don't know if there's still three but there were three started at 9.99 a month so the price hasn't changed you now decide which one you want okay now let's talk about um lightroom classic and lightroom in terms of cloud okay both talk to the cloud the original lightroom always did the minute we introduced the cloud it always talked to it and um all images in lightroom classic and then sync the top images to lightroom okay we're gonna get into workflows like that um and talk about should you or shouldn't you but anyway yeah it's possible anyway uh um lightroom classic uh does talk to the cloud it always did so then we introduced the cloud even before there was a lightroom meaning back when it was just anyway before there was a new lightroom uh we synced smart previews now smart previews are the person that said full resolution are not full resolution they're 2540 pixels so 2540 pixels on the longest edge so tall or wide depending on your photo it's only going to be that size ever like it will never be bigger than that and never is a long time but most likely smart previews won't ever be bigger than that that is the size of smart previews but they're limited and if you have just the standard plan that you've always had you can still sync 20 gigabytes worth of originals because your plan includes 20 and maybe 100 now but it was at 20 it was 20 for years and i can't remember if we update upped it to 100 but either 20 or 100 gigabytes of originals as it always was now what if i go and take a picture with lightroom on my phone because lightroom on my phone has a camera and let's say my phone which it can shoot a 12 megapixel raw file in lightroom it can do that does a smart preview come down to my desktop no originals come down so if you're shooting with your phone even on lightroom classic that's all you have you're going to get whatever resolution your phone shoots in whatever format you shot it in down to lightroom on your lightroom classic on your desktop so unlimited smart previews up or 20 gigabytes maybe 100 depending on your plan up of originals and all originals down so if you import an original somewhere else on your phone or your ipad or whatever those originals are going to come down back into classic but keep in mind those originals until you remove them from the cloud are still going to tie up that space for originals that 20 or 100 gigs depending on whatever it is okay what's the other one lightroom lightroom starts at one terabyte of originals up and down there's no smart preview concept in lightroom at all it's originals it's full resolution no matter what there's no such thing as smart previews in terms of you just using lightroom so the plan starts at one terabyte what if you use more than that then you have to buy more space and um if you need two terabytes now you're paying 9.99 twice you're using 20 a month you need five terabytes 10 terabytes you're going to keep bumping it up and we're going to get into again depending on that may be enough for you it may not be enough for you depending on who you are okay what about the web and mobile originals up so if i go to my web browser today on your computer if i if you let me in your house and i go to your web browser and your computer i log into my lightroom and i put in a thumb drive and i upload a 30 megapixel file while that original is going to go up on my web browser or if i shoot with my phone or my ipad that original is going to go up as i mentioned and of course any resolution down so it depends on whatever it is if it came from classic it's going to be a smart preview that's going to come down into your phone if it were an original it's going to be an original that comes down to your phone it just depends on what it started out as all right merging images for panorama or hdr isn't possible in lightroom sure it is it's not possible in lightroom on mobile but it's definitely possible in lightroom on desktop so that george that if you meant mobile no but if you mean desktop it absolutely can do both all right next and so lightroom is on your desktop lightroom's in your web browser lightroom on mobile devices means your photos are literally everywhere depending no matter which plan you use it just depends on how you manage it okay now we get into the important part of this which one is for you and i can't answer that i can only give you the facts and you'll have to decide but let's talk about that so this is really this is my visual indication of which one might be for you depends on what kind of person you are if you like it simple quick one button it just does what i need then maybe maybe you want lightroom but if you're into all the features i can manage it i can handle it i can do everything i need then maybe lightroom classics for you it really depends on you all right there's also a difference in terminology and this also um i it used to bug me at first but then i kind of understood why the team did it this way why is there a difference in terminology for example in lightroom classic for you know last seven or what is it 13 years 13 years it's always been import but now with the new one it's not import it's called add photos and i think about it in terms of if you're trying if you were setting out let's say lightroom classic never existed and you were setting out today in 2020 or let's say 2021 let's get past this year you're setting out in 2020 21 2021 to build a brand new product from the ground up you'd probably use easier terminology so it would appeal to everyone so um yeah lightroom is add photos versus import now lightroom classic you have catalogs you can have one you can have more than one i use one now but back in the day i used to have three or four and there's no concept of catalogs in lightroom it's all your photos are in one thing there's no start a new catalog or start a new thing nope they're all in one thing so there's no equivalent catalogs folders gets confusing because in lightroom classic the folders are really the same folders that are on your operating system so if you have a pictures folder and in your pictures folder you have a japan folder and in your japan folder you have a tokyo folder and you put images in it those are the same folders that lightroom classic sees there's no equivalent of that in lightroom because you're not managing folders on your hard drive you're just you're just adding your photos and putting and organizing them in what are called albums so there's no concept of folders but there is a concept of what we call collections in lightroom classic are albums in lightroom so you create an album called tokyo you would put you know you could put another album inside of that um called you know waterfront you could do whatever you want and organize your photos that way so you decide however you want to use those albums but there's no concept or collections but there's no concept of folders or catalogs in lightroom now there are collections which are albums and there's collection sets that we call a a grouping of collections in lightroom classic well unfortunately the name they chose for that in lightroom which makes it confusing is those are called folders so in lightroom a folder is a folder of albums in lightroom classic a folder is where you keep your photos and like i said you're scratching your head at this point but here's the way the way to think about not scratching your head chances are you're not going to ever be confused by this because you're going to be using one or the other so you only have to learn yours you have to worry about what the other one calls it because you're only using yours so if you're only using lightroom you don't care that folders are called or something else on the other one because you're never using the other one and same thing in classic if you're using collections that's what you're used to you're not worrying about albums and folders because your folders mean something else so it really should be it shouldn't be confusing i'm showing you there are differences but it's really whichever one you're in that's what it's called all right there are differences in even in the tool name so for example in lightroom classic for years we've had a spot removal tool but in lightroom they call that same tool the healing brush similar to the what we call it in photoshop i would argue that one because i think it's more of a still spot removal tool but that's just me in lightroom classic it's called the radial or graduated two tools radial filter and graduated filter those same two tools in lightroom are called the radial gradient or linear gradient again they do the exact same thing but they're just different names and of course in lightroom classic you export your images out when you're ready to share them and in lightroom you just share them there's an export too but it's under share it's under the share menu so again if i if you put a blinder side on one side or the other you're only having to worry about your terms you don't have to i'm the only one that has to keep them both up because i'm showing people both programs but just keep in mind it's one or the other all right now which one is right for you well that depends on what kind of photography you are and what i mean by that not what you shoot like portraits or landscapes or travel not that but meaning are you a hobbyist or professional do you shoot with a dslr or mainly your phone do you use or mirrorless you know it really gets in are you doing a lot of production like you're producing you're you're producing thousands of images every couple of days versus i go out every now and then i shoot some images all of that really makes a difference as to which kind of person would probably fit one or the other are you good at organization and backup if the answer is yes then you're probably okay with lightroom classic if the answer like you if you look at your desk you can never find anything you look in your even in lightroom you can never find anything then you probably are not a good candidate for lightroom classic you probably should start looking at lightroom um how many images do you shoot a month that's a really big one because whereas lightroom classic you're storing your images on your hard drive and you can buy as many hard drives as you need with lightroom um lightroom you're storing your images in the cloud and you're paying for that amount of space so if you shoot thousands of raw files a week and you're importing or adding them all to lightroom well eventually you're going to fill up that one terabyte you're gonna have to buy more space and so you or you're going to start saying well i'm not going to add them all i'm just going to add a few so i can keep under the space then you're really deciding that you don't you're like you're only using lightroom partially or part time like because then you have photos that aren't in it and therefore you're defeating the purpose so you really need to decide if you shoot a ton especially if you shoot a ton of raw files lightroom may not be for you because you're going to outgrow the storage it's going to start to get expensive after you start needing 5 or 10 terabytes of storage and i think we only have a limit of so much like even if you're willing to pay i think we can only sell like 10 or maybe even 20 terabytes or whatever it is there's a limit so what happens when you hit that limit like even if you're willing to pay for it so again depends on who you are do you shoot mostly raw or jpeg if you shoot mostly jpeg you can probably get away with either one but if you shoot mostly raw and you shoot a lot of raw then it gets back to you need to decide which one is better for you in terms of storage all right advantages so to one over the other and someone brought up an advantage i hadn't really thought of um jan said lightroom doesn't include plugins which are they're very useful you're correct lightroom classic has a plug-in architecture third parties can write plugins to do all kinds of things um and that is not totally the case in lightroom meaning that they're just third-party plugins for just anything you want to do but there are third-party um export plugins so meaning for printing and things like that so it's you're you're absolutely right in terms of functionality classic has the advantage in plugins but it's not totally true that lightroom can't have a third party do something all right cost of storage so lightroom classic cost of storage is lower because you're storing the images on your hard drives you're buying them once you're you know you only add when you need more you're not paying monthly for them so forth and so on believe it or not lightroom classic has an advantage for people that like to print if you like to print you can print out of lightroom classic the printing is local if you go under your file menu and choose print there is no printing directly out of lightroom you can send it to a print provider which there are some built into lightroom or you can export it out and then print from from another program like photoshop but there is no file print there is no command p or control p it literally does not have a print command at all now this is probably the biggest one for me and this is one that'll keep me in classic for at least until lightroom has it if it ever has it that's tethered shooting because i am a portrait photographer and i do like to see my images as i'm taking them on a bigger screen like my laptop or a computer or a monitor i i plug my my mirrorless or my dslr right into lightroom and shoot directly into it lightroom or lightroom classic lightroom doesn't have that feature so that alone will always keep me in lightroom classic at least for the most part and technically lightroom classic has literally dozens if not hundreds more features overall than lightroom so lightroom what's the advantages your images are backed up number one they're like the minute you add them and they sync that's it you don't have to have to worry about a catastrophe your images will always be available to you full resolution images everywhere not just smart previews so if i whether i add them on my phone or add them on my desktop or add them on my uh ipad those full resolutions are in all of those places um and you don't have to manage that storage you don't have to oh my god i'm i'm i'm filling up the drive i need to buy another drive and then figure out how to get the images on to the new drive or you don't have to do any of that because they're all syncing to the cloud so as long as you have enough space in the cloud you don't have to manage the space and it's just an easier interface because it has less things to do less things to worry about so the interface itself and the terminology is easier for the beginner all right so uh this question keeps coming up nicholas is why not both at the end of the day and this is the i'm giving you the official adobe recommendation the official adobe recommendation is pick one don't don't matter which one don't care which one but pick one because there is a difference in term let's say you let's say i'm smart i know how to do this i'm going to use both i'm good i know what i'm doing well then you you could probably get away with it but there are differences meaning for example we talked about keywords or i talked about keywords earlier keywords don't sync between the two programs so if you spend a lot of time keywords is your thing and you spend a lot of times in keywords in lightroom classics those keywords aren't coming over to lightroom when you sync them some of the editing features are in classic but not in the other one like for example um range mask is not in lightroom it's in lightroom classic but it's not in lightroom so there are differences that could pro that could cause you issues down the line when you're thinking hey i edited this and then you go over to the other program it's not that way or i added these keywords and it's not that way so that's why adobe recommends picking one and going with one do i use two both of them yes because i teach both of them and i know the differences i know what's going to sink and i know it's not going to sink and i'm willing to make that or take that chance but if you're unless you are confident in your knowledge of both programs and what they do and don't do adobe's official recommendation is pick one or the other all right so q a my sauce i think i got the questions that i saw so i saw someone say i print all my own photos and i saw someone said walmart does all my printing so and i'm kind of the same way in both ways i mean i used to print all my photos and now i don't i don't have i don't own a photo printer at all anymore because it was just too much work for the infrequent number of times i printed photos i spent more time getting the printer to warm up and getting the streaks not to be there and all of that getting the ink flowing again that it just drove me crazy so i um i now send out all my work to be printed all right question i like to edit first in layer and classic sync the collections of cloud and then see them in lightroom what goes up from lightroom classic full size no lightroom classic never sinks up full size period never not any circumstance that lightroom classic syncs up a full-size image it only syncs up a smart preview period so got that question answered all right sessions very helpful i'm a long time lightroom user and consequently a lightroom classic user i never had a reasonable comprehensive comparison i understand now the details you're welcome all right [Music] okay now just people battling back and forth as to why you should do one or the other again whatever works for you is great what works for someone else might be different yep i use costco shannon as well and all right i'm not seeing a ton of question questions so i'm going to get into some showing showing [Music] top 10 images lightroom classic for heavy production like print website um okay so nicholas says top 10 images for lightroom and by that i mean iphone ipad social media and lightroom classic for production and print and website and again that's that's um nicholas using both and again that depends on on you all right um okay so let's let's get out of the slides and let's go in and look at some some demo here so first and foremost um what i meant by syncing and and and uh smart previews so this is lightroom classic and in lightroom classic once you turn on and now it's in the right-hand corner once you turn on syncing which minus you know now says pause because it's on once you set that up and here let's do this there we go once you set that up um then you it won't do anything it won't sync anything unless you go to a regular collection not a smart collection and these these boxes will appear next to each collection and you click the little sync icon in it meaning you turn it on or turn it off and those are the collections that will then sync up to the cloud smart previews only and those are the ones that will be available on your phone on your ipad on your android device on the web in a smart preview resolution 2540 on the longest edge i can't stress that enough all right video production which one um classic because it has more features for video than lightroom does so that and that's easy all right next up so i've got these images um these i have a portfolio droneography collection where these are the images i want in it these are the ones that are going to sync these are the ones i'm managing on my own and they're only syncing up they're only syncing up the cloud the smart preview version now if i switch over to my ipad which i'm going to hopefully wake it up there we go and i go over to lightroom i'll show you guys in a minute let me get over to it lightroom's loading photos what's the future of lightroom i have the idea to use lightroom in my ipad pro with more functions the future of lightroom is bright meaning that it has a future it will continue to be developed and continue to add more stuff just like the rest of our applications what is the benefit of syncing smart previews to the cloud so that you can use them on your mobile devices number one um [Music] that's it so that you can use them on in other places hang on my ipad's acting weird here let me do this that is the benefit there we go okay so now let's go to [Music] that same album because now i'm in lightroom so it's called an album and where is it there it is all right and let me show you guys what it looks like okay oh hang on let me re-plug this in there's okay so here's lightroom on my ipad so just to show you guys i just went into my adobe folder i tapped on lightroom i went to the same album and now the only thing that's different is they're sorted in a different order so let's go ahead and sort them by custom order just like they are on the desktop and now they're in the same order as they were on my desktop as well so um these are all smart previews so the quest the person asked that question why would i ever sync smart previews so that i can get to them over here or on another device uh what chances of syncing lightroom classic smart collections in the future trevor that's a good question i've wanted that feature for a long time so trevor's question is i've made it very clear when i said here let me switch back over to the desktop on the desktop i said regular collections meaning that you have this little check box in front of your regular collections what you don't have let me zoom back out what you don't have is a check box in front of smart collections so smart collections don't have a checkbox they cannot be synced in lightroom classic and by the way there is no concept of smart albums in lightroom um the the answer is i've asked for it i've been asking for it for years for whatever reason there's a technical challenge with doing that that they just haven't done it yet so i don't know that there will it will ever happen but you're not the only one to want that uh any plans to abandon classic scene how adobe loves cloud apps there are no plans that i'm aware of to abandon classic yes i need a beer terry gotta shoot okay good all right so i just got rid of all those questions or got those questions answered now switching back to the ipad okay so because i synced this album or that collection if you know where you were so that collection which became this album um and these are only smart previews that doesn't matter i can still go into this i still have access to all my features i can still see a decent resolution decent quality of it i can still go in and edit this and do whatever i want to do so if i want to make it super super dark or super super bright i could let's make it super super dark and just get back out of it now because i made that change on my ipad and because it's whether it's a smart preview or an original doesn't matter because it's going to sync the metadata of that image everywhere else so i just updated the image and the settings see if my syncing is happening here syncing in progress okay so eventually that will make its way back to the desktop if i go check my phone oh i don't have to do it it's already there so if i go back to my desktop there it is the new darker version on my desktop now the desktop keep in mind lightroom classic has the full resolution so as long as this image is um the drive's connected that has that image it has if we look over here you see the word original that is the original raw uh in this case raw file plus jpeg so that's the original one that came out of the camera with my edits and that edit that just happened on the ipad made its way back over to lightroom classic so syncing from lightroom classic has always been for that benefit to be able to see your images on another device to be able to edit them on another device so i can take my mobile devices with me and do all my edits do all my calling my pics my rejects i can just work on the couch i can work on a train i can do anything back in the days where i used to travel you do all those things um and not take a computer with you you could even do it on your phone and whatever you did on while you were out and about on your mobile device would make its way back over to your desktop and apply itself to your full resolution images that are on your hard drive all right so now if i go back into this one in lightroom classic and i go into my develop module and i go look at my exposure which i can see its way down now and i just double click and reset it back to the way it was and then i get out of that guess what that change is going to sync up not the not the image just a little text change because that's all metadata is it's just text and then that change will then be available everywhere else i have lightroom so that's what lightroom classic always did and i just saw it pop over on the ipad and we go look at the ipad now it's back to being brighter so that's what lightroom classic is all about now let's go back to the desktop and if i go over to lightroom so here's lightroom and in lightroom i've got the same album by the way if i go down and find it it's in my twp folder and it's the album called and there it is so same images now again even though i'm in lightroom on the desktop which can have full resolution where did these images come from they came from classic in the cloud therefore even in lightroom on the desktop these are still smart previews because that's what originally got sunk up to the cloud now if we go look at one of our other newer albums one of the ones that um i shot like i did live shoots in the master class like you might remember this where we're doing a live shoot i can't remember what the focus of this shoot was might have been shooting macro it might have been just shooting period but uh we go look at the info for this image here in lightroom and we look at these status so this one says this is what i was afraid of this one says smart preview only so that's all that there is here smart preview on the cloud smart preview local now let's go look at another one so i know some of these are going to be the real deal hang on let's go here where we did the wine bottle shoot let's go look at one of these okay here we go cloud original nef so the full resolution from my nikon nikon z6 that's what i shot this with is up in the cloud what we're currently looking at is the smart preview because it's saving space on my hard drive but if i want to export this or do any print this or do anything with it it will use the full resolution it will sync down the full resolution in that moment for me to use and there's ways to say keep the full resolution on the drive because i don't want i want to always have it but pretty much that is it all right so um do you sync it from lightroom classic um do you sync it from i think you mean or lightroom um yes i do both it just depends i have been for the most part i would say the majority of my 50 000 images in the cloud are mainly smart previews because i work mainly in classic but like shoots like this where i did them for the for the photography master class and i shot tethered in lightroom classic on a different computer not my main catalog in lightroom classic then when i came over and i said oh you know i want to import these into my main catalog i added them into lightroom so that i would have the full resolution so when i when i did this i just hit add photos i went and found the folder that i had shot tethered with in my studio added these how many other photos these are and then these all these original raw files got synced up and backed up so again if this hard drive that these are all or my other ones were on crashed i would not lose these because these are in the cloud these are full resolution in the cloud backed up all right steve says i remember that shoot all right next up uh lightroom classic can download full resolution raw files from lightroom correct but not the other way around correct so what does that mean that means that okay let's think about that for a minute i had a folder of called wine and cheese shot in a different room different computer different day i basically brought that folder into this room i opened up lightroom and i added that folder so that meant they sunk up to the cloud now we're out of time too but if i go back to lightroom classic and i go to my demo area quickly quickly quickly that wine and cheese folder will be in here somewhere there it is and those 66 originals are here as well because remember i said originals come down so you decide where they go which folder they go into in your preferences but i am out of time i'm going to cut off anyway so guys and cheers stay tuned for the hope you got something out of this stay tuned for the photoshop um daily creative challenge bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 4,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0aIU9bIn4LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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