The Art of Ignoring the Truth | Guest: Eric Metaxas | Ep 33

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[Music] polishe what about you so we're uh so we today that were Jace's on assignment we sent him off to go and you know do some research for us today and so in Jason's place the brainpower has gone up exponentially because we have one Eric Metaxas all the way from New York City taking the place of Jay so that's that's that's a big site to fill I don't know what just happened but I think Jace should never turn his back on this group because that's how we did we're auditioning for you know potential replacements so we thought we'd start with Metaxas I got a New York City I don't know where that he came out of I don't know whether he's a voice crying out in the wilderness I am before his came here to where there are voices cried out Lord the Lord put me in New York City it's uh it's a missionary posting and I'm there for God's purposes and but in all seriousness my wife and I grew up in the tri-state area right she grew up in New Jersey I grew up in New York and in Connecticut but as I was saying to you brother Phil I grew up in a place a lot like this you know we people shoot guns I grew up fishing ice fishing and all that kind of thing when I went to college I entered the sophisticated world of you know in you went to Yale I went to Yale and yeah I want to say up front is a dramatically ungodly environment when I went there I went there with American values my parents raised me to love my country but Yale is ahead of the curve in terms of political correctness and think about this William F Buckley went to Yale in the late 40s he wrote a book in 1951 called God and man at Yale in 1951 telling the world that the faculty at Yale was atheist and communists so this didn't just happen 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago I was there in the early 80s and it was well advanced so I was schooled in how to think like a cultural elite I grew up in a working-class home and I was schooled how to think that way and of course I drifted away from God and a simple understanding of the universe until the Lord very dramatically saved me around my 25th birthday I was dramatically born again and pretty quickly became politically conservative after that so that's the short version of how I got to in your story is own I am second I am second really did a spectacular video of me telling my story of how I came to Jesus and this is not to imply that I was an atheist I hated God before I was raised in a church but I never heard the gospel it was kind of cultural Christianity you know Greek Orthodox you kind of grow up with your Greek that's where you go they are good people and they're what I would call god-fearers but they don't know the details of what it is to walk with Jesus to read the Bible and all that kind of stuff so you you kind of get a part of it but you don't get the whole thing and when you go to a hostile environment like Yale or Manhattan you're not prepared and I was not prepared among the light Ivy League schools Yale Princeton Harvard Harvard didn't they all start their roots weren't they all everything reaching school every single one of them except for Cornell every single one but for Cornell were dedicated to raising up godly ministers of the gospel but it makes perfect sense Satan goes to those places and I believe he's read digging the old wells because if you think about it there was revival in New York the whole west coast sorry the whole East Coast used to be godly people you know who believed I mean George Whitefield preach in my book if he can keep it I talk about George Whitfield he was the greatest evangelist in the history of the world joke around that he makes st. Paul and Billy Graham look like lazy agnostics and he preached it was the first Great Awakening up and down the 13 colonies and they say that 80% of the colonists is before we became America 80% of them had heard Whitefield preach in person at least one time and that was what enabled the United States to become the United States that's a long story I'm not gonna go into it now it's in my book if he can keep it but the point is that we are on every level founded not just in godly principles but in a Christian culture self-government and the Liberty that we celebrate cannot exist without enough people who we would consider seriously religious virtuous people right and so George Whitfield you know as an evangelist brings about what we think of as you know the Revolution and all this kind of stuff and now I'm speaking I'm skipping over the top of stuff but the point is that all of that is true and so we have fallen a far ways we know but I believe that the Lord wants to read igg the old wells that all of these places that the culture places like Manhattan Hollywood and all the Ivy League's that that there will be revival and that the story is not over so whenever I hear Christians sailing on it's over and you know the Lord's gonna come back I mean ten minutes and it's like no no no that sounds defeatist to me we need to fight we need to pray and we need to know that there are many people that have not yet heard what we call the good news so you think God used Eric so you're because of the pathway you took and as you explained losing your way there's nothing coming back to him yeah I think that has now set you on the course to be able to speak into the eggs of course anything is exactly right it's just like what Paul says I mean Paul got this unbelievable education or whatever and he knew it was dumb right do that yeah but he said but it will be used by the Lord for His purposes so when I say went to Yale people perk up oh maybe maybe I'll listen to this guy oh I'm a New York Times best seller oh maybe I'll listen to this guy I know these things are dumb yeah but if these things can be used to get people to listen for five minutes then I say praise the Lord that's that's why the Lord gave to me but it is kind of funny because I was raised as I say in a working-class background my parents are European immigrants they came to America they love this country they raised me to love this country and you know took me to church every Sunday and I that's that's the world that I grew up in but then I learned to speak the language of a cultural elite you go to a place like Yale you make friends with those kind of people and you learn to speak that language and you think all the people in power this is the language they speak this must be the way you need to talk to be successful and I bought into that and I always joke around that at a place like Yale the one thing they do not do in any of these places and now it's true of public schools not just universities they don't give you an education an education used to be we're gonna answer the most basic questions who are you where do you come from what's the meaning of life where are you going that's the basics of like you know you we want and everything else is details right those are the very things they they avoid because they are now of the mind that there's no good answers to this you evolved by accident out of the primordial soup your life as an accident your life has no meaning there's no good or evil but we don't talk about that because it's too depressing right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna give you the kind of an education that can give you a good job work really hard and go for the gusto don't think about these questions and it'll all be over in a few decades that's fine but whatever you do don't think about those questions all good answers and I graduated I was an English major and of course if you're an English major you do not get a good job and so I had plenty time to think about these questions and the twist in agony thinking I know that there's no meaning to the universe and what am I supposed to do with my life and things got so bad that I moved back in with my parents that's what I always say so you gotta basically you got a lot of phone carriers out here 80 Verizon you know once we see all the time I'm sure you're aware of all those that you're aware of all the phone cell phone carrier keep asking people amazingly I've never owned a cell phone and I keep asking them what am I missing and all of them say nothing no I also love - whoever's coming up with whatever well let me be the first person to tell you no you're missing something there's a lot of things about you know phones that in communication see when you're in the blind and you say hey one of y'all tell Kay to get dinner ready we'll be there in 30 minutes well somebody has to have a phone they have to have a company that's providing this service for you so even though you don't technically own one you're reaping the benefits from what are we repeated a two-way radio yeah cause come see what miss Kay's got for dinner breaker breaker you know I like the use of the old eel yeah you're not even into breaker breaker you're you're down to smoke signals if I want to communicate with you I gotta read the smoke and build a fire so it's so dad if you were if you were a cellphone person I think these guys would be your company because this this company is called Patriot mobile there you go Patriot mobile you know about being a patriot like that your mobile you move around it's the nation's only conservative phone company so and what they cut out is the biggest thing in there right is the hidden fees that you get on this some of the other companies yeah so anyway they're gonna give away a free moto xiii which is a phone when you open a new line with them so you heard that correct a free moto xiii phone the offer is valid if you call through cyber monday you can switch over from any of the others 4G LTE it's for as low as $25 a month Patriot mobile if you were a cellphone person and it would be good for everyone to be like me because a lot of people are watching the podcast via the cell phone that's right and the computer you're getting everyone's like me you know you'd have to get within hollering distance or you will just be talking to people on the porch so go to patriot slash blaze that's patriot slash blaze or you can call them at their us-based team at eight seven seven three six seven seven five two four see to it that no one takes you captive through Hollow and deceptive philosophy Yale France and Harvey no CC which depends on human tradition and the basic principle of this world rather than on Christ I'm looking at it saying that's it hollow and deceptive philosophy that's why I wanna eat Paul talk to the Corinthians I said where's the philosophy of this age where where is this who's called he said they think what we're preaching to them it's foolishness he said but us its power God for salvation so you read it you know and he said well there's a lot of Hollow and deceptive philosophy it's entrenched in our education system it's entrenched it's just being poured out Karl Marx is lifted up to now they're back on Karl Marx yes yeah didn't think they would go back Karl Marx yeah forget the God of the Bible we're going with Karl Marx I'm like Karl Marx I'm thinking surely we haven't slipped that far axis it's a scary thing that was I think of the irony in 1989 and 1991 the Soviet Union is unravel the wall comes down in Germany Soviet Union's unravel you would think in the natural communism is over right and here we are we have socialists talking about redistribution of wealth talking about taking all the money away from the billionaires at the point of a gun the state is gonna take it away you know and you think they they don't need we don't need the Soviet Union because it has come inside the tent and now we're fighting it the snakes have come inside the tent this is a terrible place it's a terrible place and I'm like hold a phone a minute let's see uh I've got a couple of degrees you said was there any God there Jesus even met a little loose Louisiana Tech no not a word it wasn't that they were bad-mouthing him they just never brought him up well that's so odd listened I was educated so I leave and I have this idea I said you know if I could I've got this duck call it sounds closer to a duck then the other duck calls so I'll tell my scale I said I'm gonna build duck calls I said we'll find me a place on the river I have an idea I think it'd work I said it's gonna take a little time I said but you'll have that long green in your pocket I was I was of a China I said find me a place on the river and I said I'll make a living not by using the degrees I've earned from Louisiana Tech major in education I said look I said I'll fish the river we'll sell the fish will survive the duck call will take off I said it's an idea now here we're here I am an American I'm gonna trust number one I had repented had a clear head I'm 28 years old I said get me a place on the river I'm done with just living the sinful life the whole world around getting drunk that's over I said I have a clear head clear direction I have a plan we're gonna trust in God whatever happens and we're gonna trust in God and we're gonna move forward we're gonna trust in capitalism because it'll work I said it will work and I said if we're gonna work hard those three things just in God trust in cap ilysm work hard my college buddies when they found out they said what what what's Robeson doing they said well I think the last we heard he's down on a river catching fish and selling them they're like what the man has a master's degree what so they come down and they pull up and I'm patching Nets and I see them old college buddies and they're all out you know some of my insurance me and in school teachers whatever and they said Robinson what what if what are you doing Adamo pickup truck over there I said well I'm patching his net I'm getting 30 cents a pound on the Buffalo when the cat fit the drum and the and the pea and I said but I'm getting 70 for the cat I said a hundred pound of catfish 70 bucks I said so I'm surviving I said I've got my duck call here I'm working on it it's gonna take a little time to where I'd start making them I said but I think it's gonna take off so I'm gonna fish until my duck call takes off so they went up the road and they told me they said later they said when we drove back up the road we said you talk about a complete idiot that guy is an idiot well they said they looked up in about 25 30 years they said the sucker is a genius so you can go with America from an idiot to a genius yeah it takes you a little time sometime 25 or 30 years yeah but that's exactly what Hannah hit television switch but under Marxism I couldn't even have gotten it off the ground because there's no private bit there's no there's nobody you just can't dream up something and go with it no but in America you can that shows you just one redneck in the middle of the pile you say you know what it is a great country because you come up with an idea and the idea works and the blessings come and God was right all along you kept him at the top then comes capitalism and we got this people now running around now said now that's that that won't work well it's a sad thing wotz Maddox well listen you know we are in a fallen world and there's a lot of sad things to watch but the Lord calls us to hope and joy and he has us here still breathing to be his answer to that foolishness and we are by His grace and there are tons of people out there who never get to hear common-sense wisdom who never get to hear the joy of Jesus they never get to hear about it and one of the things God's calling on my life the reason I do radio and TV is because I know those folks are hungry for truth and they're not getting it we know from the mainstream media even if you watch conservative media you're not hearing about Jesus that's right you're not hearing about the truth about sexuality how many young men are confused about their sexuality do they ever hear anybody tell them you don't need to go down that path don't let the world tell you you have to follow that you don't you can be free whatever it is they'll never hear it my wife for many years has run a crisis pregnancy center in New York City right and I hear the truth about what these women go through do you think you'll ever hear those women's stories in the mainstream media you won't even hear it on Fox News you'll never hear the pain the woman goes through because she had an abortion because her boyfriend bullied her into it said if you want me to stick around you will take care of that here's $200 you never hear those stories of women being bullied by men into aborting their children and then you never hear the stories of those women walking with that pain with that wound for a decade upon decade with nowhere to go Oprah Winfrey did not have those women on her show sharing their pain and so then I got religious stuff see well that's the point they don't they just block it off you know was what we're talking about it yeah my taxes I always sort of uh if I had to label him I would say I'm sort of a refined version of us well I'm stressing you could tell by his impeccable dress today though my man had the curious we're sitting here at a table together yeah you know so we've been to New York here's what I was in here so the first time dad was on your radio show I don't remember what we were selling I'm sure we were pushing a bull yeah maybe one of dads earlier books you were still in your old place yeah your radio show but it was interesting because when you guys came together I was there and I'm just watching you guys do the interview and it's a you know short by probably a six minutes no no no no I always do long interview by the way in six minutes I wouldn't have been able to convince your father that I'm part of the tribe that's right exactly it took 30 minutes it would have took a while but York City but I noticed you know as different places as we are there was a kinship I think early on and there was no doubt dad loved you Metaxas because it's like way my time in New York you could say it was different and then of course you connected and you knew dad was not just well let me tell you something for many many years the Lord has had a call on my life to reach the culture right for his purposes in various ways not it's not always preaching about the gospel explicitly but in all kinds of ways but what has been at the heart of it for me is to bring God into the mainstream in other words it's not some religious thing for religious people it's for everybody and when you turn on the TV you would think that either somebody's preaching a sermon from a pulpit or the whole universe is secular and there's no God and people just living their lives with God in the way that people do praying over a meal or some like that that has been censored 100% from American public life it doesn't exist so when you on your TV show and somebody said you know those duck dynasty guys are they're Christians and they're explicit about on the show I said are you kidding me I was I left for joy and when I realized that this was true I said God is not finished with America because look what he has done people would tell you that it's over it's over it's over well it's not over and this kind of thing is only increasing I'm gonna do what I can by God's grace on through my programs you're doing what you do but I have a hope that there are many Americans that just say look I'm not particularly religious but those people don't sound crazy maybe I can find what I'm looking for in them and saying God used obviously the show for us to be able to set that platform but then you know along the way you find sort of that like-minded connection I like this I like this text and lieu of what Metaxas just said Paul talking to a church 2000 year old writing give or take a few mid 50s probably ad you're like I wonder if this is pertinent today let's see what the man said I'll tell you this this is Ephesians 4:17 if you folks have your Bible and insist on it in the Lord that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do in the futility of their thinking they're darkened in their understanding I wonder if that is pertinent in today's world are people darkened in their understanding don't live like them they are separated from the life of God what's all this Jesus thing about loving God and loving your neighbor that's what it's about they're like you're talking to me I said I'm talking to you loving God loving your neighbor that's what a life of God is because of the ignorance they're separated from that they don't get it you say it would solve a lot of problems it would solve everyone's problem they don't get it because of the ignorance that's in them due to the hardening of their hearts demand of America across the board you say there's been a large change of heart just since I've been on the earth yes it's right in front of you in plain sight you're like what are we doing well what are you doing having lost all sensitivity they've given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity would they continue well lust for more you didn't come to know Christ that way surely you heard of him you were taught in him in accordance with the truth that's in Jesus you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off your old self I've been there which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires to be made new in the attitude of your minds everything we do but taxes when you get right down to it we're just trying to get people to just think about it I made the statement here a few months back I said you know here's the scary part I don't know whether I've ever converted a person who is into the left-wing ideology I don't know what I've ever converted one I all of you he said they had I don't know it's difficult I can't remember what a guy contacted me about a week later he said you converted one he said me he said I heard you speak and I started trembling he said especially when you got to the part where you said how could you ever kill the God who made the cosmos how could you kill that you only could do it if he became a human and let you do it that's the only way he could kill him he becomes a human then you could kill him what when they killed God three days later he stands back up and shows them how they went about it showing Thomas look Thomas Thomas said I don't leave it unless I see him so he showed him the marks he said check this out well once that happened everything changed they kill God but three days later he stands by a couple on the earth and says go tell people then I'll get them out of here alive they just have to trust me and they have to turn from evil don't live like they used to change your mind it's called repentance it's a scary word for America it's a wonderful thing that God allowed us to repent we have the option of repenting and they can say what they will Metaxas but I watched my own life from the time I was born to 28 I noticed something Metaxas I said I wonder why so many or about 27 28 to 31 or 32 I just got the train as I said everybody I'll talk with ya I keep seeing them come up and they're about it around 30 yep and I said why is that I said it's got to be something to it what it is is you've by the time you get to be 30 28 to 30 you have a track record yeah and it's very oh you have just look back and say okay this is me yeah this is where I am what I saw my record in it was like this yeah a short circle like at the home chasing its tail but I'm like okay so I'll leave that but after that I'll show people that I said how old like I'm because I'm looking at them and they say 29 next one comes by aldy 28 31 30 well I told him that and I said how's it going for you and they're like oh it's the most terrible life man the crystal meth um opioid you know horn around breeding anything I get my hands up and it just goes on and on and the track record it's not a pretty when they say is there a better way we point them to Jesus it's a lot better way well you understand that to really sin the Lord can work with that but when you are living a life pretending that everything's fine when you use honesty well that's what I'm trying to say is that if you I was so miserable by my try graduate yell I was still twenty so by the time I was 24 I hit my midlife crisis I said I've been out of this greatest school ever and I'm living with my parents and my degree you had that you had the paper but but it just didn't turn you laughing well think about this think of my parents who never got to go to college looking at me thinking you went to Yale University and we paid for it by my mother you know and you made it and my mother cleaned houses my father you know that they worked hard to pay so I could go to Yale University and here I come back confused useless not knowing what I'm doing and and and of course my Yale friends their parents be like Oh Eric's finding himself you know he's fine he's a writer he's finding himself and my parents were like well we what we would like you to find yourself a job and stop you know whatever and the thing is that I was so miserable that I opened my heart a little bit to say okay God if you're there but I was not excited about it but but I was desperate and the Lord visited me in a dream it's in the I am second story and it's in my book miracles I write the detailed version of it but I thought how loving this God is that he reached me in a way he knew that he needed to reach me in this way he needed to blow my mind and he spoke to me in this dream and I have never been the same I went to sleep thinking you can't know if God exists and I woke up knowing him personally and I've never been the same it has changed you know changed my whole life everything I've done since then I have been led by God in my career path which is one of the reasons is such a strange career path I never would have picked it for myself but God has known what he's doing with me and he brought me to your studio today and here you are so so since you brought that up we'd answer questions a lot of times from folks that listen to us and watch us and there was an interesting one that came in and I and I wanted you to speak to it and of course dad as well his name is Kyle and we got this from book and he said just what you just described so it sounds a lot like you he said I have a difficult time getting my brain to believe in God and not because I don't want to I had my wife I had my kids I go to church I study I pray I hope I ask for God yeah it honestly said you know I'm searching for this and so but yet it's not there for him yeah and so he said what what can you tell me so I thought about you I thought - let me tell you something I grew up you know normal way but I don't really know how a car works but I get in it every day I turn it on and I go where I need to go you don't need to know everything you need to know the basics what are the basics I open the door I turn like tradition I do this and it takes me where I can go anybody who says I've questions about God I think every human being the most devout Christian will still have questions because we are human we can't until we see him face to face we cannot have the answers but the fact of the matter is if you really want to know there are books and there are things to help you but I'm here to say not believing in the God of the Bible is infinitely less logical than believing in the Bible Bible now that somebody says you got to choose yes or no it's open-and-shut case it's it's that I wrote a book called miracles and just in the first part of the book miracles I talked about the scientific case for God it is so overwhelming that the only the most shocking thing is that why don't they teach us in the schools why don't most Christians even knows it but the scientific case for God is overwhelming the evidence for God is overwhelming now when people says well I still got questions I got listen folks to not believe in God as somebody else has said my friend Frank Turek takes infinitely more faith than it does to believe in God it is just open and shut even the resurrection in in to my books I wrote about the resurrection the scientific evidence the logical evidence for the resurrection is knocking I had no idea I thought I have to just take it on faith no no you don't if you read you know just I wrote a chapter on it my miracles book but it's it's overwhelming and I think Christians have been cowed into thinking that we have some kind of intellectually inferior position that is not only a lie but precisely the opposite is true everything in history in science everything in this universe points to the God of the Bible every day there's more archaeology proving the Bible now you think would just be just the opposite the more science we know the more archaeology the more we know it's not precisely the opposite so part of the reason I do what I do on my radio and TV show and my books is to is to arm people with some of this information because the world tells you you're crazy but the news is that in fact they are crazy the God of the Bible is real and wants us to know him and has given us evidence and all kinds of proofs so that we can know him well you could tell you that the guy that wrote the letter beyond all question the mystery of godliness is great it's great it's a mystery you say mmmm he appeared in a body God becomes face so that he could die he appeared on her body was vindicated by the spirit whoops he's back from the day look a bunch of guys with all of the preliminary from genesis 3:15 somebody the seed of a woman would do away with Satan crush his head you say 5,000 years in the making 5,000 years 5300 by my count here comes someone appearing in a body a local carpenter son and later whoa he was vindicated by the spirit he died and three days later came it was seen by angels was preached among the nation's and still is was believed on in the world I'm there was taken up in glory you say the mystery of God and this is great and that was first Timothy let's yeah first Timothy four yeah and over in Romans oh the dips about 11 verse 22030 the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God and metaxas brought it up how unsearchable his judgments we will always say what in the world what what and we're like whoa how unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out she just can't figure it all out as humans that's why he said you know what I'm not getting out of here without him if there is no God none of us are leaving this planet alive no one you say this is a window of escape rescue escape I'm still waiting on a better story Metaxas if they have one I'm like here's here's the story appeared in a body was vindicated by the spirit was believed on in the world priests among the nations believed on the word take it up and go I said look life immortality freed from Satan freed from sin freed from law free from guilt free from the grave I said you got a better story I've never heard a person say in the back of the room I got a better one yeah not once has anyone ever said I said because if you have a better story we'll stand up and tell us about it well you know what you know what there better story is since they don't have a better story the only answer to that is to push it away and to spend all of your energy trying not to look in that direction because once you once anybody begins to think about what we're talking about it will confront them and so the only way to escape it is to pretend those people are crazy i I just don't want to think about and I realize that's kind of what I did until I was confronted by my own misery to think about this I was think about out without this without the truth without Jesus Christ without faith yeah yeah without that you look at him and being to say well what would the suicide rate and the murder rate and the drug use rate and the gross immorality and the diseases that follow 110 million Americans at any given time are suffering from a sexually transmitted disease they're they're producing children through all this mor conduct the divorce rate what would it take for us to say do y'all think this thing is going well or do we have some problems here the human race it would take an act of the Holy Spirit because we are not capable in our own another words we just have to be obedient and what you're doing here it's just beautiful to listen to you and update the Scriptures this is giving God the Lord is using us to speak to some people that he has appointed because honestly the level of hopelessness if you don't believe what we're talking about as I said the hopelessness is so horrifying you the only thing you can do is spend all of your energy trying not to look at it otherwise you just kill yourself I'm sorry and yeah I love the knowledge about the car because I think all people have a baseline of faith and this will cause question is about because I get on an airplane you know once a week sometimes more you talk about a faith moment I mean I'm sitting there in that plane having faith that everybody that worked on this plane knew what we're doing yeah that the guys up front are really on top of things today because my life is in their hands so I mean a lot of trust in there's a lot of trust in faith in everyday living it so when you right when you look into the eternal and you see that and you see the possibilities that opens up everything so Kyle I wanna encourage you to look up some Eric's early stuff you know and you know especially that I'm second video which I thought muta Falaise out this idea of conversion especially in this idea it kind of led to a lot of your early writings I think about apologetics and all the things you did yeah which really show that so I encourage you those up I think that'll help you tell us now so your tell if the folks are foes while you're here you didn't just come to Louisiana to do our podcast although we're so freeze no well I'm so thrilled you let me do the podcast I don't know I was gonna get to do this but no the reason I'm down here now I have a daily radio show all across America in fact I was in Romania Cluj Romania I never heard of this place and there were 500 people came to hear me speak and I said this is insane I'm in Romania half of them said oh I listen to your podcast or I listen to your radio show where I watch your YouTube thing every former Soviet bloc and I said to myself am I dreaming so my radio station my radio stuff goes everywhere not just we put it on YouTube you can watch it like a TV program on YouTube and TBN puts about a half an hour of this you know what we capture in the studio it's a TBN studio for this radio show they put it on the air every weekend right so I have this short TV show on TBN it's twice a week but I went to the folks at TBN and I said listen I have this crazy idea to do a family variety Christmas special like they used to have when we were kids Dean Martin Johnny Cash Glen Campbell you know they have these variety shows that the whole family would watch right and they were not you know sickly sweet saccharine you know like when people talk to they say family programming sometimes adults really don't want to watch it cuz it's boring no we're talking about entertaining funny tremendous quality talent we've got music I know but something that the whole family can enjoy together and so I went to the folks at TV and said can I do this and they said well you know they had some questions for me because I've never done this before but what they don't know is that God has created me to do this and so we we struck a deal and sometime in December they're gonna air this Christmas variety special a whole bunch of times and I said who can I get to be in this Friday special because I want it to be fun and I thought of a guy named Phil Robertson and he somehow cuz nothing says Christmas special like Crick like Phil Robertson yeah I'm just a barrel of fun cuz he looks like Santa Claus look at I mean that's just like Santa Claus so I said can we do it and you said if you guys come down we can do it cuz we talked arisen about coming to New York yeah how am I gonna get there well listen this was God's plan so we came down here it's why I'm here now and we're filming some kooky stuff people aren't gonna believe it so they're gonna have to tune and we're not gonna tell them anything but I you gotta watch I'm telling you it's it's nuts and what I've already seen mom is is own it as well mom yeah we're gonna do some fun stuff later after we finish the product we're gonna shoot some guns and shoot some guns which is gonna be fun dad now when we talked about what we're filming today you saw dad perk up right because we're going to the woods today yes but and also tell our audience about your you're doing some children's on which you sent me a couple of my grandkids you have them okay so tell them about well here's the thing I I've done a little bit of everything so people find me confusing you know some apologetic people think he's the author of Bonhoeffer the 600 page book about a German theologian yes that's true but I'm also a goofy humorist I like to joke around a lot so I'm you know like to quote Whitman I'm large I contain multitudes you can figure it out but that's how the Lord made me and I'm decided to go with it so I like to do comedy and people don't know this I've written 30 children's books when I first got saved the Lord totally miraculously and I don't use the word miraculously lightly I mean it was a it was a blessing you know he was a miracle handed me a job if you heard the story you'd say that's a miracle of God writing children's books and children's videos for rabbit ears I've written 30 children's books I have been involved with VeggieTales I wrote for VeggieTales I'm the voice of the narrator on the Esther video so I got involved with the VeggieTales guys and stuff so Lourdes gave me a very weird resume but the point is when Trump got elected the guy who convinced me to look at Trump seriously my very dear friend lives in Kansas named Tim Raglan and he and I worked together on all kinds of children's books and stuff and when Trump got elected I said Tim and I have done children's books together we need to do a children's book about this president what are we gonna do and I was even thinking it's gonna be a children's book but it's gonna be a book that adults are gonna buy as a gag gift for each other cuz it's very funny with adult humor kids aren't gonna get the dull humor right but we came up with a caveman named Donald because he's a little bit of a caveman and Donald he lives among the cave people he's a builder of caves and there's a big swamp and in the middle of the swamp lives their King and they can't talk to the king he's out of touch with his people and the people can't that you know they have no say in their government anything like that because the King lives in the middle of swampy only talks to the swamp creatures so Donald says well let me go down and and look into this I think maybe I can figure something out so he goes down because he's a no-nonsense guy he you know he solves problems so he goes down to the swamp and he finds that long story short the swamp is made of money that's why it's green it's not algae it's money and he says these swamp creatures they're not gonna let you talk to the king the king is not coming we need to drain the swamp and everybody looks at him and says are you can't say that you can't say you get in trouble for saying that the swamp creature is getting angry he says well you're pretty angry aren't you maybe it's their turn so he says it's real simple I'm gonna get a shovel I'm gonna go down I'm gonna dig a ditch it's gonna be the biggest most beautiful ditch you've ever seen he doesn't say we're gonna get Mexico to pay for it it just says we're gonna dig a ditch and he digs the ditch and then all the cave people come to help him and they dig the ditch and guess what the swamp starts to drain the money starts to flow out to the horizon and all the swamp creatures and the king chased the money to the horizon never to be seen again and the swamp is drained flowers bloom trees grow and everything's great except they say but we don't have a king so the little girl says maybe we can make Donald our King so much enters into re-educating wait wait so they say we want to make Donald our King and Donald says no you are a free people now a king tells people what to do and they have to do it but a free people tells their leaders what to do and the leaders have to do and they say you mean like a president and he goes yep and if that's what you're looking for I'm your caveman so he becomes the first president of the free land is the free people whatever so that's the first book it's called Donald drains the swamp but we didn't I'm beginning to see this Yale gig there's a second book called Donald builds the wall and there's a vicious gang in there called MSNBC 13 and only the adults will get that joke but they build a wall there's a kooky character an angry little girl who believes that you see what happens you mentioned the free market before the the free people start inventing things because it's this very fertile environment because they're free and they start inventing so they invent fire they cave people invent fire they invent the wheel and when they invent fire they start cooking their food and this angry little girl who looks something like MS Ocasio Cortez but it's not it's it's an angry little girl she she says this smoke is toxic and and we're gonna all people are breathing this smoke and we're gonna we're gonna be extinct in in a couple of months we need to we need to save this and she's got a plan and it's called the green raw deal by the way by the way Ocasio Corte is the look she is the cutest Marxist I've ever seen yeah well that's the key comes as an angel of light brother be not be not to see so so then there's a crazy old man in it and whatever and then and but Donald says that in order to keep people keep coming in and some of them are great because they love freedom but some of them come in they just want to game the system so they keep trying to push those people out the king of it so Donald says we got to build a wall and they built a wall and then the swamp creatures who went to the horizon to the money they ran out of money and they said where did we used to get money from and they said well the all those other people they used to work and we would get it from them and they said well we know how to spend money we need to get some money so we need to go back and take what is rightfully ours so they they try to storm the place but Donald build a wall and you know so that's so Donald rains the swamps the first book Donald builds the walls the second book they're funny for adults and you could send it to I always think the greatest thing is to to send it to somebody who is not a fan of this president because the books are it's good humor it's fun and it gets us to laugh at what's what's going on but all I can tell you is you know I put it out there and people seem to like it you sent some to me for us and I admit I laughed as soon as I opened it up and read it and then initiator of our grandkids so check it out taxes does a lot of great work but this is his latest I think you'll enjoy it good gift stuff short is shorter than Bonhoeffer is shorter than Bonhoeffer and a little bit easier read yeah you'll laugh too Eric man we really appreciate you coming we're excited we're about to go over and get in the woods and yes some filming do some shooting do some shooting and and we're gonna see if we can we'll see how the Manhattan look yeah yeah work so we'll see what happens is good so I feel so honored to be welcomed as I have been I love you all and God is using you and will continue to use you and let's enjoy the ride because the Lord is with us that's great enjoyed it we are so glad you're watching and listening to the unashamed podcast be sure to like us on Facebook subscribe on YouTube and iTunes that's gonna keep you up to date with all the new episodes and it's also going to let other people find out about our podcast so keep spreading the word and watching and listening to unashamed with Phil Robertson you
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 72,718
Rating: 4.9379544 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel, politics, faith, jase, university, universities, marxism, karl marx, bonhoeffer, duck hunting, donald trump, mainstream media, media malpractice
Id: SekdDIOTBao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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