Boogie Was Bullied By Anita Sarkeesian At VidCon

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I'll watch this later. I did watch Boogie's video. Seems like a lot of hubbub over nothing. People just need to move on and be nice to each other.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NewClayburn 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

External opinions of a spectator contribute nothing to these conversations and don't support them.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LussyPips 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
so if you guys have read any articles recently And they come no surprise to you that I've changed my hairstyle to something more fitting with the words that I've been labeled as This past week, so you may be wondering alex you do seem to look a bit like a white supremacist It's very warm in La I can understand why a lot of people shave their heads But at the same time I don't understand why everybody's wearing those big white cloaks gets a bit warm in there Wonder what those are for there's a lot of people turn up to my house in them knocking on the air B&B going is this where where the racist house is with the commentary and the skeptic YouTubers or I mean we've been invited in and apparently some bloke called Tariq Nasheed believes that there's a racist meeting here You know what? Fuck black people. That was annoying Tariq, could you please not direct actual racists to our house? We were having fun and enjoying our time around each other just being friends and talking about stuff that we enjoyed nothing racist surprisingly enough surprisingly enough at our house full of non racists We didn't really talk about anything that was to do with race. We just went to hang out That's all we wanted to do just came to hang out have fun, and then I'm looking online Looking for the googles and I'm seeing a few of my friends names are turning up in some things written by Anita Sarkeesian And she's talking about some panels and boogie2988 is talking about some panels, and I'm thinking I was at these panels. I was sitting there in the flesh this time. I was sat there me filming Joey salads having a right good time these aren't the panels I watched, this is not what i saw They're talking about my friends my friends weren't harassing anyone they just turned up with their $700 Vidcon passes that they paid for and Came to listen to a bunch of people talking And when they were kicked out and called garbage human beings and had articles written about them By people who were given a second chance By the people who are running Vidcon. Now I was looking at this thinking I'm not too happy and the next thing I know I'm holding my microphone. I'm thinking God Maybe the haircut, getting a fade like this and then having a microphone in your hand I'm starting to become dangerously like kris Raygun a well-known racist and Donald trump supporter who definitely didn't vote for Bernie Sanders I'm looking at all these people around me. I'm look at my follow backs and I'm going well there's a lot of Obvious white supremacists here who are following you back who've been in my house, but I haven't seen any white supremacist turn up But apparently, that's who everybody's being labeled as now racists Sexists -- thats all my friends Most inaccurate thing ever and now I'm going to talk about it the main one I want to talk about is Anita Sarkeesian because she's literally poisoned the watering well, which is the platform and She's managed to somehow stay relevant enough to manage to do that at Vidcon well She came back to Vidcon to cause some more problems I was at a panel And I watched her call Sargon a man who turned up with a bunch of his friends to look at somebody who they disagreed with on the internet To listen to our talk and ask questions when the microphone was supplied to them He was um he was not allowed to Because she called him a garbage human being and then when Joey salads who was also there with us decided to go ask a question He got about halfway through his sentence and she told him to go on a jog I came here to ask a damn question, it's not only women that get harassed And then she's doing a panel with boogy. boogy I think we all know is one of the nicest guys who there is on the entire of the website there's not really a guy nicer than him and there's not really guys more willing to listen than him so when I see a video from Boogie2988 where he seems to be shaking and He's scared of Anita Sarkeesian because that's the nicest way I could put it. I'm starting to think you know maybe She's not the one being harassed. Maybe she's making other people feel uncomfortable You know calling somebody garbage human being? verbal insulting somebody when they got off their own panel that they were sharing with and was equally invited to and Kicking people off or asking questions. Maybe maybe hank and John maybe she Is the issue here? But that's just a guess I definitely haven't been watching her talk and treat people like garbage human beings or last few days Now there's a few things that annoyed me in the boogie2988 video not because it's boogie But because the way he's been forced to feel this is like bullying. It's like I've watched a guy Document the fact that he was bullied. I've been hanging with Sargon. He's been in my house and We were talking about all this stuff and the way He was treated on the panel and that's two people in a week who have been bullied by somebody and The person has managed to get away with their bullying because of the power play they have and the fact they're constantly playing victim Themselves, it's like a class a bullying case. I'm back at high school. I've flown to La and I'm back at school This is not how professional youtubing was going to go, so I'm not too happy with this one and here's a clip that Really made me realize that boogie was being so careful his words that it was worrying I think the only thing that could closely Represent an attack on Anita is when she said that she hoped that everybody left the panel angry and bitter and ready to fight I countered by saying that I personally don't feel those things and I Personally don't choose to do that and I try to foster a community that's not angry and doesn't fight I try to foster a community that celebrates beautiful things instead But I look directly at her as I said it when I was done And she seemed comfortable and fine with that answer Before you knew it the panel was over and the moderator said we had about five minutes if anybody had any closing statements so I made a closing statement that it took about a minute to say and I said that I wanted to remind everybody in the audience that I am a person of privilege As a white cis male. privilege white cis male boogie2988 when I look at this man. I don't think Wow that ex-homeless wildly obese bloke seems to be incredibly privileged I would really like to swap places with him It probably is painful to live at that point and the fact that he's so kind and is greeted with that as a response is actually disgusting hank and John So why is Anita allowed to go and make somebody feel this way? have a man Shake in his own youtube video that it's not but it's not somebody who seems to be very happy with the interaction they've had he's literally got home, and he's still shook up by the interaction with this woman And the way that she's treated him. That's not right. That's not right at all She's then gone home and written an article about the fact that certain YouTubers should be banned The audacity of somebody who has managed to make two people feel awful in the last week to Then say that they should be banned after Sargon paid for his industry pass and Boogie was invited to speak on a panel with her and share a space with her that she then made him feel guilty for is unbelievable but it seems like She's allowed to get away with it. That's the overwhelming thing I got from the boogie video that's the overwhelming thing I got from the audience the Questions if they were anything is remotely Tricky or going at the fact that maybe what she was talking about was something that maybe even something like me could share Were brushed off? I'm reading this from hank and John and this is what it says It's openly known that women on the internet are subject to far greater amounts and intensity of harassment and abuse than men Shut the fuck up no Was there a study for this is there a study for this I went to the panel I listened to everything these guys had to say even ally speed even the other people who are sat there talking and they were going on about what was stuff that happens like one that stood out for me was, oh uh people are constantly asking you to do a beauty brand deals, my mate brad does banter who talks about feminism on the internet who is a male Youtuber He's a very Northern teenager gets brand deals from makeup all the time I don't see him hosting a panel at Vidcon getting very upset at that, oh people send stuff to address yeah, I've had People tell me oh yeah. I sat on Google apps for eight hours the day you showed your front door to find out Where you live, and I don't appreciate that too, but am I getting a Vidcon panel? no in fact at this point it seems like I'm actually being told to fuck off from Vidcon because I'm Associating with my friends who go under the same amount of things do you know It's called? it's called relevancy on the internet when people know who you are They're not really going to like you people are going to watch this video and not like me And you know what I accept that and you know what the worst thing you could do is Tell people that they should hate those people, because you know what happens when you do that You encourage a war which is something that in gamergate you did and you're repeating it again with trolls and harassment two things you can't get rid of But it's even better when no trolls and harassers turn up to talk to you And you make them up just to validate yourself And then you insult them when they haven't said anything to you by listening to you talk and being respectful And when nice guys sit on panels with you and talk about how you should fight back with love you Then pull him out at the back stage and go Don't take your selfie with me because you're going to use it against me a couple of more Panelists had their closing arguments, and then we left the stage and I'm shaking very very nervous But I felt like it went well and when I get off of the stage at the bottom of the panels There's anita, and she seemed to be very very upset, and I don't remember exactly what she said, I'm paraphrasing here But she said in a very upset But I think it was very fucking uncool that you said what you said there at the end knowing that no one else would have enough time to respond and I I politely asked her for her selfie because I planned to do that from the beginning anyway as she politely declined Because she said you know, I don't really know where you stand on these types of things And I just don't know if I could trust you not to use that against me I watched Andy Walski, Franchesca Ramsey and bunty king meet up and have a civil conversation where they came out on even ground I've only watched people from both sides Talked about the facts that they have been jumping to conclusions they shouldn't have because meeting people in real life Really changed your perspective on things And you could say that about any youtuber and really any person. you meet the people in real life you dislike on here I can tell you 99% of chances you're not going to have that opinion validated that you had before you met them But Anita Sarkeesian doesn't give two fucks She's here of the opinion that she has and she's going to stick with the fucker to the end and that's what she's done and the consequences are nothing no and she doesn't have to pay to be there Sargon flies in from England to hang out with his friends and pay for an industry past and now it looks like he might even Get banned at this point. We haven't gone home and written articles saying that Youtubers should be banned I haven't even asked for Anita to be banned But you said that she gets a second chance Boogie2988 was the second chance and that's boogie for God's sake it's boogie This isn't Sargon of Akkad now this isn't Chris raygun. This isn't edgy I'm alex this is boogie2988 the nicest gaming Youtuber there is on the platform man doesn't even make feminist rekt compilations, you know But nice opportunity to and she's still managing to come back next year Can't wait for that panel, what's she going to talk about? the fact that males are allowed to attend their panels Well, there's men here can we please get rid of them? because every man that went up to ask her a question, she sent away. that's it for me thanks for watching this video If you did enjoy don't forget to leave a like, subscribe if you're new and I'll see you guys in the next one Let's hope the next time I turn up to Vidcon I don't intimidate people Just by being there, but I'm guessing at this point this haircut won So you guys focused on peace out people and have a good day
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 775,985
Rating: 4.7983704 out of 5
Keywords: boogie, boogie2988, vidcon, vidcon 2017, anita sarkeesian, anita sarkeesian vidcon, youtube, games, gaming, gamer, francis, imallexx
Id: xG1ClskK070
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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