Keemstar VS H3H3

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If you have a concern, if you have a criticism say it publicly! Alright then that's fine by me. DJ Dan Keem is a mug, and that may not be news for many of you. But it's the type of opinionated news that you may find on his news channel. "Drama Alert". I try to keep my show fair and balanced but on twitter I'm gonna give my opinion. "My news show is very opinionated and has been since the summer of 2016!" Well that's lasted long, hasn't it Daniel? Keem recently got very upset with the commentary community, and how we "Talk shit" behind H3H3's back but would never dare address these criticisms publically. And, you know, I think he's right If only, there are commentary channels who could make a few videos on H3H3, who may have expressed certain dislike for him and the actions that he has taken. I wish they'd just come forward and say something. I understand that research isn't necessarily a strong point of yours Keem, but do you not even have access to the YouTube search? Me and WildSpartanz have been very critical of H3H3 over the past year and a half, but I don't think that's your issue, is it? And I don't think your issue is the fact that we're not very critical of him, I think it's because we showed him some respect. I find this viewpoint that apparently we're hiding our beliefs behind a wall, very ironic and hypocritical, coming from you; the man who has, undoubtedly, been snaked by H3H3. You went on his podcast, and then when you were flying home, he decided to leave some very snarky, snide comments about how he hates you, to avoid backlash. That's pretty classic H3H3. If only a few commentary channels before you had maybe pointed out that he was a snake. Ethan's actually more of a snake than Leafy is and Leafy's a fucking lizard. 2016 ImAllexx knew what was up. But I do believe you have a right to be angry, in fact, as a commentary community, we most definitely sided with you and all the bullshit that he was throwing your way but this is just plain spiteful. When I make videos critiquing somebody I'd like to see them one day open up to their mistakes, and try to see themselves change because I'd like to believe that people would have the same respect going back towards me. I personally respect a man who's willing to improve, which is why I've given you multiple chances, and spoken to you, and still do speak to you when I have the opportunity to hear what you have to say and to listen to you daniel. But we aren't real are we? No, no, no, no Uhhh, oh, hang on. What's this, Daniel? Is this a Twitter video on your Twitter? Oh, oh no, not one of them. Well, let's give it a look. "Cause quite frankly, I think it's unfunny and when I said this, a lot of people were like 'well obviously, Keemstar, you're so salty! You're salty!' And then I got this, you know, looser YouTuber, know as Ellen, well, Elvis the Alien, I don't even know his name. I got him tweeting me, saying 'Uh, clearly you're bias because you don't like him.' Well actually, you're all wrong, alright. It's not that I'm salty, uh, maybe I am a little salty But that's not why I'm saying what I'm saying! See, the thing is, I've been thinking this for like almost a year, like, I cannot believe he's doing the same 'uh huh like look at my butt!' like that's not funny, it's so hacky like are there preschoolers over there subbing to this shit? I've been thinking this forever but I just didn't say anything And the reason why I didn't say anything is cause I was cool with Ethan." Yeah I'd call you salty. I'd also call you a hypocritical madman. We're the ones who've been hiding our opinions on H3H3, whereas you, who've had access to talking to him, and have decided to hide the fact that you believe his content is incredibly unfunny, until he had wronged you. But we're the ones who hide our opinions. And although I've been critical of H3H3 and I still am, if you can't tell and although I have been critical of him, I have no issue with commending a man for stepping up and taking responsibility for his actions and trying to improve upon them that's why I pointed them out in the first place. Hating on H3H3 has never been a popular trend, in fact, those are some of my most disliked videos I've ever created. So if you're playing the whole "pandering commentary community' card, you've come to the wrong people. Now the tweet that started this all, which admittedly really was a harmless tweet at all, was this "I think fame really made me a worse person overall, more arrogant, defensive, distrustful, cynical. Over the past year I've started to hate myself. I hope by saying it, i can try to guide myself to a better state of being." So I said I respect him, because, why wouldn't you? For example, Keemstar has fucked up many times; he's actually the one creator who I've made the most videos on because he's the gift that keeps on giving. But when he was attacked by Greyday and Leafy, I made videos defending him. I was very public about the fact that I didn't like them, compared to him. And every time you've apologized, Keem, I've always thought, "Maybe this is the time he changes." But how many times has Keem actually changed and repented for the actions that he has bestowed upon other people, via his Drama Alert news channel? Zero. Keem Star, and I would argue this, is the same man who Idubbbz content copped all those years back. Now after Ethan sent out this tweet, Keem didn't like the fact that he was garnering some respect for owning up to his mistakes. Probably because of the fact that he's worried that Ethan might actually improve as a person, so Keem decided to, I mean, coincidentally, report on the fact that Ethan's money is a very interesting subject. I don't like the way that he's been playing around with money, I don't like the way that he's been acting as if he's borderline broke a lot of the time when he's making probably around seven figures a year. "Quite frankly, I haven't watched his video so maybe he did explain where that money's going. Um, but if he doesn't explain it, I assume that he's just getting all the money." "I haven't watched the video, but I assume he's getting all of the money." Nice research, Dan. H3H3 responded to this video with an apology to KeemStar, which, in fairness, is very long overdue. But Dan had to whip out his mobile device and record a twitter video. Now I actually live-reacted to Daniel Keem's Twitter video I feel like that reaction actually says it better than I ever could. So here you go. "Just so we're on the same page, Ethan, the little snarky remark you put on the end of that 'apology' were you say 'I hope I can distinguish between journalism and a personal vendetta' you talk about topical stuff, your whole podcast is talking about news and topical things. Go back to the footage and tell me that isn't a personal vendetta that you have against me, motherfucker. Listen dude, I'm not trying to hide - " He doesn't report the news though, dickhead. Like, I reckon that's the difference. That's the obvious difference; I'm, everybody's allowed to have a personal vendetta against you because his channel, it's about him, he talks about him. That's how a podcast works, bit like Baited. Would you call Baited the news, Keem? would you call Baited the news? I don't think you fucking would call it the news, would you? Fucking moron. "- hide it. I'm not trying to hide, I have a personal vendetta against you. I'm not trying to disguise my personal vendetta against you as journalism, I think you're a fucking snake, actually, I take that back, I know you're a snake, alright. I know you do some fucked up shit, and I'm gonna call you on it forever because you're a fucking snake!" Keem claiming that he's real all the time as if that is some type of achievement is hilarious. I feel like if you have to constantly say 'I'm honest, I tell the truth, I'm honest, I tell the truth, I'm honest I tell the truth.' especially when it's well documented for the last, well, I don't know, seven years of your career that you're not honest and you don't tell the truth, that maybe, nobody apart from your fanbase is going to believe you. "And this personal vendetta is in response to your personal vendetta. Before you fucking did that, me and you were cool, I was out there defending you, and I know right now there's gonna be people that respond to this and they're-" It's just like the Idubbbz thing, like 'We were, we spoke in the DM's, we were, we were friends' It's like no, no. Ethan's been pretty public about the fact, all I can remember, since the beginning of H3H3's channel, that he's not a fan of Drama Alert. I think that's pretty obvious in the whole leafy thing Because Keem sees that if you're nice to him once and it's evil. I've been nice to Keem, I listen to him in difficult conversations and I let him speak. And he fires loads of pot-shots and I don't fire them back, because that's really childish, but Keem is a literal man-child, so I think that's just fucking hilarious again from him because he's got it so twisted, but I think he knows that and that's the best part about him. Dan knows what he's doing and that's why it's just funny to watch him because anybody who fucking understands the bloke, understands how much of a fucking manipulative fucking madman he is. "They're gonna say 'well KeemStar's a man-child -" Oh. Well yeah, he is. And to think Ethan could have avoided all of this if he had of just uploaded one video to his YouTube channel asking why he was still getting hate after he'd apologized. I want to end this video with my view on H3H3 as a person, and why I've been critical of him. Just to make it abundantly clear. I understand that the lawsuit was not even made by him, which is why Keem's accusations are definitely reaching. Ethan never went out of his way to get the lawsuit paid off but I feel like the way he has treated the way his fanbase, the way he's treated his audience is pretty manipulative in the way that if people go after him and criticize him they will actually attack them without knowing the full story, an the reason why that is is because I don't think Ethan has been 100 percent truthful. in my personal opinion, he's employed some of the same tactics that Keemstar has where you tell half of the truth and you leave out the other half, that might kind of not help your situation. My critique with Ethan was the fact that I don't believe he's incredibly honest with his position right now I don't understand why his audience see me critique him for being a bit weird with money kind of like how Keem has recently, especially with the whole fact that he's now getting money from the payday video game and it raises suspicions with people like me, who see him uploading videos, basically during an ad-pocolypse about how he's really, really, going to be struggling and how YouTube is pretty much over for him but then he goes out and starts a podcast with a studio and he's getting about five sponsorships per episode. I wasn't happy with this because I felt like it really cheapened what the ad crisis was like for people who were really struggling, for the people who can't get those sponsorship deals. And that, accompanied with the lawsuit, Ethan definitely played it off as if they were on the brink if never being able to create again and it's a clever business move because it gets people behind you and it gets people supporting you which is what you want to do. At the same time, I didn't feel it was incredibly honest, and that's really the only thing I want to see from him from now on. I have always critiqued Ethan as an honest character, ever since he went after Pyro and ever since he said he didn't need a platform to defend himself; the whole snaking of Daniel Keem is something that is also accompanied in the character which is not a one-off thing, but a consistent thing over years of his career. My advice to you, Ethan, especially after your apology, to help you build on what you're trying to do here is to be just a little bit more honest just ever so slightly, because if you'd had just been honest you wouldn't have found yourself in any of these issues in the first place, and I think that's the most worrying part. You played a risk game of trying to get the most out of a situation by inciting fear, where really, what you've done is just get on the nerves of people who actually know what's going on. Where you would have been supported either way and we would have loved to support you to the absolute fullest throughout all of these issues. It's not our fault there's an ad crisis, it's not your fault there was a law suit, and I supported you on that. But at the same time, I do feel like my support has definitely been taken and really stretched the whole nine miles I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next time. Peace out people. Hang on. Somebody sent me something awful on twitter, I better quickly make a video
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 396,530
Rating: 4.7755828 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, keemstar, dramaalert, h3h3 pewdiepie, drama, h3h3productions, h3h3 productions, h3h3 hypocrite, h3h3 podcast, drama alert, scarce, podcast, hila, exposed, h3h3 keemstar, youtube news, h3, idubbbz, alert, ethan, keem, news, h3h3 vs keemstar, h3h3 hate, ethan and hila, idubbbztv, funny, hypocrisy, hypocrite, comedy, jake paul, controversy, fake, twitter, youtube drama, #dramaalert
Id: K6X09Eips6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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