Phil Gets a Priceless Gift in the Mail & How Jase Really Feels About Chick-fil-A | Ep 342

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i am unashamed what about you well i'm back in the lair i was traveling up in new jersey in michigan the last time y'all were down here and uh some really good experiences there's a i found out some things you think you just kind of get in your mind you think new jersey did you miss the floods yeah yeah you're so far away from your mind i thought you were in a cave oh we're just sitting there talking so did you miss the floods out when you were there yeah i missed a hurricane but no i'm talking about there was a but yeah that same hurricane that came through louisiana which you got downgraded tropical storm then it but it spawned tornadoes but here's what it was even before as the hurricane is hitting louisiana hitting the coast wiping out grand isle there was a i mean a monsoon i'm preaching i'm literally preaching up a storm and i'm looking outside and i thought good grief is the hurricane hitting here i mean just water we go back to the hotel though it's knee-deep in the street because the tide was up we're standing right there on the jersey shore and i mean i'm i'm wading in knee-deep water from the car to the hotel i was like i felt like jonah you know i was like how do you get away that's why i asked you because it was like it was like and then then a week later and then ada about three days later ada comes through and they get a whole another round of flooding but but luckily by then lisa and i were awesome peter was ida yeah yeah i thought she had already made the cajun accent that's probably how they said it you're right so i was thinking ada oklahoma which is where you and mom got married so we found that that was out of bail out of bell i'd have been okay you got eight on the brain i don't see ada involved in anything aydah didn't exist no i didn't i don't know that's where i missed casey there's a town named it's hard to say i was on vacation because i was working but i wouldn't be you got to remember what people don't realize who do not live in louisiana when you hear your buddy or in this case your brother say something that you have no idea what he's talking about but you just don't stop him and say because i just figured that was some new way to say it because that happens a lot in this culture it does it does so jazz i was stopping by for the the morning chick-fil-a which is what gets our podcast started here for mainly you and dad but there's a woman the woman the young woman that was taking my order because you know they'd take it outside and um she said she asked for my name and i told her so i'd give her the order and she says are you al robertson i was like yeah that's what's left of it you know and she said i recognize you from your voice and she goes to christchurch and she said uh i just wanted to tell you how inspirational your family is and i listened to your podcast and you was having this whole conversation i was like man that's why i like chick-fil-a you got the people that wait on you you know they also listen to the podcast i like chick-fil-a because they had a novel idea let's just be kind and courteous to people who are giving us their money gee bob that may work and they make it pretty decent but it makes the other fast food places look terrible when you pull up there and they go here oh it just burns me up i don't go to them anymore it's hard to drive through no you're you're talking about being in particular at an arena that i never go to well i know but it'll be once a while quick stop and order chicken i don't either but at once while you're hungry and yeah you find yourself well i drive through for the for that take one for the team i drive through for y'all so it's a little bit of a felt like a little fall yesterday i get up yesterday morning it's labor day and man just a beautiful day brings me to humidity down which brings me to one austin campbell austin wherever you are uh let's see tallahassee florida tallahassee the capital when they introduced me into the uh inducted me into the louisiana hall of fame they said we need some some attire that you would normally wear you know there's a mannequin dress like that so they got a mannequin the man who couldn't it wasn't it wasn't very life like i looked at that dude and i'm thinking oh he needs malnutrition i mean he had a fake little skinny looking face but i said oh well so but they had my clothes on him and austin campbell when i gave that shirt up i had done some patching on it through the years it's 30 years old i wore it 25 30 years i don't forget how long but i was really happy about that shirt no longer being with us to all you women out there it was a shirt that was never washed i just hung it up to air dry we're losing you today this came in the mail this morning from austin campbell uh he's a long time listener virus uh he said you donated your favorite hunting shirt to a museum which is true i just mentioned it but somewhere he rustle up in his closet i guess and he came up with the same exact shirt which i thought it was almost it was my first side only thing i compared could compare it to is the resurrection so this thing came out of nowhere via austin campbell i appreciate it dude i gotta i told them to send you a duck call i'll sign it for you to ease the pain a little bit i don't forget what these things cost but this shirt evidently you wear this you wear this you never get cold phil i know ever the smell had gotten to a point to where when that was i think that came from martin it was his scheme he's like how can we get get rid of that shirt the shirt is not so i got a sponsor martin had the idea of saying look let's donate it to the hall of fame because then he wants to say no because he's in a sticky spot there granted after 30 years uh and you don't wash clothing all i will say is the worst can happen out of it is it is a little mustiness about it i got that box dude i was sending it to a woman in new orleans to to you know fix up the little alcove or dad's stuff isn't the museum and i opened that box up and i thought because i mean it was literally right after season and it was like he developed a bitterness i was so happy and that's why this is i don't know how to feel about that i'm not the resurrection i am i will i will be nigh it'll be great it's garlic cooling down even in louisiana now we're about we're into september another three or four weeks would be cool at night yep and we jumped on it was 63 last night and heading toward the duck hole i'll have my old shirt back with me well that's funny i took my first trip on the scout today to see where we're at in the developments of the duck hole and stones kind of he's now you know the main uh way would you call him the the land man the land manager yeah most of it's in his head but i mean that's all right he's a good worker he's a good worker we need him and so well i went he's he's because you down here you think it's easy just to till and plant and but down here so volatile so wet and you got beavers and so it's just not easy growing grass that ducks like to eat right it's too low of ground to farm yeah it is but so we try and do our best so he showed me the you know kind of where we're at but two terrifying things happened today which it was cooler which i thought was nice and you wouldn't think what i'm fixing to tell you what happened but they did so we get in the rig we take off we looked at the first place which we called the dog affectionately because the name of the bayou is called dog value i don't know why they they name it that but when we're shooting ducks we say the dog is barking today so we're going on one of the main roads and you know we're not going fast because it's every 20 feet there's some kind of mud hole and it hasn't rained here and how long since the hurricane yeah and so it's been quite a few days but there's still some bad mud holes here and there so we go down into a mud hole and i looked to my right because i saw something move and some of the rigs have doors in in the in the rigs and some do not but i had one of those go go because there was a three foot no embellishment three foot cottonmouth on the side like so most of the roads have you can tell where the tires go and we're like we're the mud right so we're we're in yeah the brook the right rut right above it was a little mound of dirt and this three foot cottonmouth was called up there which puts him in pretty close proximity to your jaws i would say two to three feet and inches from the door but when we hit the hole and he's mad because his head no embellishment came up like a cobra it just he just rared up and that's when i went go go my voice actually wouldn't work and jay thought i was saying no no and i said congo congo and he looked back and he was still rared up like a cobra i've never seen one do that and so i was like come on the big ones do that yeah jace that's why i said earlier son you need to get out of town you're spending too much time i mean look phil when you're inches away from a cotton mouth it it's never a good feeling and and i didn't know that dora was there because i was just like i was flinching as in don't bite me don't mess because i saw that head come back but i have to admit jay stone military trained him free-handed with a pistol first shot you know he's got his head rared up pale incredible took his head off he didn't take his head off but he he hit him yeah and addled him into circles which then produced the rest of the clip rapid success oh he's dead so i actually used the outlaw jealousy wells which is a prerequisite to watching this the tv version i said oh he's dead all right i don't know why that's funny so the other terrifying moment that was the by far the most terrifying but because i felt like the only thing i had in between me and in death today jesus spent too many days in the subdivision yeah he's lost his i've been over that land for 30 40 years i've only had a couple other times where i was in that proximity to a cottonmouth snake that's mad yeah i mean he was riled up close yeah well most of you know most snakes run you they hear something coming but their first impression is to kill you yeah and so that's how he rare it up on the wheeler the second thing because you all had done a project where you moved the dump what we call the dump or the levy structure to to put a new a couple new holes with water on it yep y'all had it is a long story project but and i loved it everything about it until i came up on where they got the dirt and most people you know they scrape down the dirt phil and his posse they just dug a hole to the earth's core [Laughter] you talk about a bottomless pit when we pull up there and look it'll be a little pond with cypress trees growing around it before it's over and i'll make that place look it it'll be a beautiful thing to walk up on all the ones and you don't want to be trying to drive through it with the four wheelers too deep well the last time something like this happened which was a much smaller version phil they built a little dump somewhere but they didn't tell me they built it and so i'm driving through i don't forget what i was doing but i was out and about and because once the water floods which it's going to flood you don't know exactly where you're at at any time exactly right you're in the general vicinity and the next thing i know as i'm riding along is a four-wheeler is on top of me and i got my gun trying to find the bottom because i have hit this hole and it just flipped it immediately flipped it was a small hole this is we just got a little dirt but but the bottom line is where that well the one you're talking about is the hole you saw that we just did it was already a deep ditch it was a deep ditch cut by the water eons ago so we're just down inside that ditch which makes it look like a but it's just a hole in it and it's already said if you happen to hit that hole and you don't know it's there you have a zero percent chance of surviving no you just jump off the forward you swim to the bank it ain't about 20 foot i love that every every scenario jeff for jay's dad is a worst case scenario it's it's death and mayhem yeah yeah it's when the scene this was an argument we were having division meets meet your roots yeah you know you're like well this this country is down in the bible is on my side where's that verse oh here it is i returned to it uh proverbs 20 listen to this listen to this carefully phil proverbs let's take a break before i read it so one of our favorite products that is omega xl and the reason why is because as you get a little bit older you realize that inflammation becomes a problem it creates aches and pains uh as we like to say and that's where all the pain comes from and so you need some way to be able to remedy that these uh dr mcquillen who by the way dad we're gonna get to meet the guys that started this company next week they're going to be coming through and i'm super excited to hear more because there's great clinical research about it these guys have their these muscles that they grow in new zealand and it comes out of them is the extract that you get that helps with your inflammation so it's really good uh it helps us we're believers in it if you want to check it out go to phil and you're going gonna buy a bottle and you get a second bottle for free so it's omega field you're gonna buy one get one for free that'll give you a couple of months you'll notice the difference you can also give them a call at 800-844-4888 that's eight hundred eight four four four eight eight eight omega phil check him out [Music] proverbs 26 27 if a man digs a pit he will fall into it if a man rolls a stone it will roll back on him yep okay he's just saying gravity still exists and you know and i mean he didn't mean somebody went out there and dug a hole then he literally fell in it he's saying his lifestyle you're you're digging a hole in the ground you remember the first the first time i ever heard this verse was on knoe news yeah so uh cory's grandfather was running howard brothers stores and there was an over aggressive d.a that didn't like him for whatever reason he gets after him because alton's brother was the mayor so i'm sure there's a lot of political and says they owe a bunch of money and so they did a big audit well it turns out they were owed about 200 grand they had overpaid and so when they had outs and had a press conference i'll never forget it i mean i was just a kid this was in the 70s and on the local tv he read that verse because they said what do you have to say to mr parkerson he said i got one thing to say proverbs 26 27 if a man digs a hole he will fall therein if he rolls the stone it will roll back on it and as you know as a christian you're like yes i mean you know because they were after him you know that's pretty impressive it was pretty impressive the first time i've ever heard that person well with where we're at in in matthew what happened to me with a snake and a pit i couldn't help but think of the spiritual of course you can well i'm saying i think jesus taught me well he was more concerned about the spiritual than the physical that's obvious but i thought a bumper sticker statement because now while you were gone we went from the water to the wilderness or i think when was the last time you were here yeah the last time i was here we were doing the genealogy yeah we went john the baptist well we actually went matthew 2 yeah and then the birth of jesus and all the the two how does that dude did zach that was he a good quarterback he filled my seat he did well yeah excellent we're bringing him along i mean i've i've slept since then i really don't remember what we talked about but i know we're zach's really smart he's smarter than all of us he is more so but what i thought because we the last time we were together we talked about the temptation of jesus afterwards which i hated i missed that because i loved that text that was it was awesome such a rich but i thought this last verse to me is like a bumper sticker which it never gets any uh gets any fanfare but you know if you made this statement where it says in matthew 4 11 then the devil left him and angels came and attended him i mean i just think that no matter what happens and and the more you read especially early on there's definitely spiritual warfare that's going on and nothing has changed yeah from then until now right and so we made the point you know kind of at our baptism you have this moment where yes god declares us reborn son of god daughter of god and then you have god's spirit and we know what's coming right temptation is that you're right that's me yeah temptation he's gonna he's gonna tempt you because i think the evil wants you to either follow him or at least shut up but and i thought it's interesting and i don't feel i brought this up that every aspect of what kind of what we would consider the the main parts of the gospel story or jesus story him coming to earth when he was on the cross um when he came out of the tomb when he went back to the right hand of the father and also when he comes back for us angels are present every time and then they were also present here you know after this the spiritual test you know that he got from the evil one so i thought that was interesting that he comes from that other realm and every time when jesus was here and he was only here 33 years every time there was something major that was going to affect all of us angels came and were part of that remember because the guy's sitting on top of the tomb so i always thought that was really interesting their interaction which is kind of what you're talking about just because it's a spiritual warfare i mean there are things we know from ephesians 6 that are outside of our ability to even see or really experience you know yeah i had that written down so if you're if you're staying with us i mean you think about jesus's birth here's god coming from a virgin you know we went through that we didn't really talk about a lot about his quiet life up until then but i think it says something about his humility even in that is that he spent 30 years just being a guy you know right i mean the he's 30 now and there's maybe one thing about when he was 12 and he got lost when he was anything else from his birth to 30 nothing nothing recorded don't you find that strange yeah which which lets you know that that wasn't relevant or it would be in there i mean the only one little thing there was the time when he was 12 when he was in the he was in the temple courts basically teaching a class my point is i think it says something about like the verses you read that sometimes looks like it's in contrast with the rest of them that says like lead a quiet life and work with your hands and you know and then you got one that's like you know you're an ambassador of god you know we're we're boldly god didn't give us a spirit of timidity but of power and so you're like well i thought i was supposed to lead a quiet life but i think there's something to weigh i mean he he literally led a quiet life for 30 years uneventful and i'm one i've wondered because here is his mother she's told by gabriel the angel that you're going to be with child and she says how can this be yeah i'm a virgin and we read about that by gabriel saying with god nothing's impossible right so so here he comes out of her loins in the manger we remember this christmas christmas so and she's looking at him but she's knowing the whole time how he got there which is rather unusual yeah in any time frame this is a this is the first born overall creation here right and and you're like coming out of a human well she's looking at him and taking care of him he's a kid but all the way and can you imagine after all the smoke cleared she's hearing all these rumors but now they've got him they're taking him they're going to hang him on a cross crucify him she's sitting there this whole time because even some of her other children didn't believe in him at first nope his own brothers right so you're talking about a childhood that would be an unusual one i think that there would be more i think the bible writers didn't think it necessary for to look at that that part of the equation but on mary's account all the way the cross she's looking up there saying that that's that that's the one that came here the way he came here so she never doubted whatsoever but she just took it all in stride and i think it is worth noting that the first ones that saw him when he was raised from the dead were the women mary his own mother that's right you see what i'm saying right i mean you just think about it that kind of to her she said so that's what all that was about yeah which is pretty amazing think about it really oh yeah and that she really never it brings tears to my eyes ladies and gentlemen to to just look at the whole picture through her eyes can you imagine that well you know dad she was the only physical link that jesus had to humanity was her that's right because everything else there was no you know joseph wasn't his dad because he was of spiritual orders that's right so i mean she was the link to humanity which is when you think about it i mean what what a responsibility but what an honor oh you know which is why people honor so much i get it let's take another break so one of the things we talk about a lot on our podcast is how important sleep is i find the older i get the more important it is and chase made the point that you spend what a third of your life in the bed so you really need something comfortable yes to sleep on and so we have found uh helix mattresses which are fantastic and the company uh that makes those mattresses has now started a furniture you know making couches and chairs it's called all form a-l-l-f-o-r-m and so i have an all-form couch in my living room and the neat thing about it is you get to customize the whole thing lisa picked out the fabric exactly what we wanted it comes in it was in you know got shipped straight to my door less than a week to get there which is pretty amazing and i'm the least mechanical person in the world i thought oh no you got to put it together we put it together in about 10 minutes which was pretty easy and amazing if i could do it so if you want to check out the sofa i think you'll love it there's no risk because you get a hundred days to decide if you want to keep it that's over three months which is great you can get a full refund but you won't want one there's a forever warranty literally forever so you can there's a problem chase into perpetuity as long as all farmers around well you can uh you can get your money back but you're gonna love it go to all form a-l-l-f-o-r-m dot com slash unashamed to get your perfect sofa that's all form dot com slash unashamed they're offering 20 off all orders for our listeners well i think it says something about patience and leading an ordinary life you know some a lot of people there like they come to jesus they want all this fanfare and hoopla oh immediately and i mean it's just it takes time and there's process and she basically stood quietly by everything that was happening and swirling around him she was just over there watching saying yeah i just think the fact too that he did it that way i mean if i was god glad i'm not be terrible what's this waiting around what's this going for 30 years yeah and when gabriel got through informing her yeah you're gonna you're gonna have a baby by the way you can focus over there elizabeth she's up at about seven five years old whatever she's in her seventies but she's six months pregnant right now i just thought i'd tell you that gabriel talking to mary mary said do what and she's like oh so yeah that's right there's another one coming but he's got a natural birth a natural birth he he is but the one we're talking about here mary it's not natural it's this is a spiritual birth but you can imagine her trying to get that information saying let me see now elizabeth is in her knowing oh she's an old woman and you know and zachariah as old as a heel and and she's six months preg that's when gabriel said look i know this is kind of hard to grasp this is coming at you pretty fast but nothing's impossible for god and that's the rule it helps my faith to not worry about things when you say well you know i don't if this happens then that couldn't happen with god i mean well my theory is always pull this off anything could happen my theory has always been about that that that was another it was another thing coming from the spiritual realm that gave her some physical help and spiritual health because think about it nobody believed her including joseph initially that's correct and then the angel lined him out and said no they were all getting ready to pounce on well she's a teenage girl she's hadn't she hadn't slept with her i'll get rid of her old jojo i'll get rid of yeah and he was you know he was a good keep the heat off of her so she didn't have anybody she could communicate with or talk to him about this and so he says oh by the way and it's not what wasn't fitting for her to go to marriage counseling no that's right nobody was going to listen to her i mean who would believe you anyway so that's why i think he opened that door for her because you remember when she walks up elizabeth says the child in my womb which of course was john the baptist just leapt just jumped jump for joy yeah so all of a sudden it's like she could relate to somebody else who because like you said their situation they got together for for months oh yeah and he wound up being the one that was 30 years later they're talking all over saying you know how you feel well i feel pretty good i said boy we're having we're we're having some sure enough bursts here well that's why i don't think it's an accident that right after this temptation you know in chapter 4 and verse 12 jesus hears that john had been put in prison so he returned to galilee and this is the moment where he goes public you know up until this point he led a quiet ordinary life that's right did right no miracles yeah no but but i mean righteous to the core and now he's had this this baptism and this declaration and he's had the temptation his formal introduction and i just don't think it's an accident that when he hears john is in prison because when you think about physical earthly kingdoms the prison system is a part of their power yep you know you got police force you got armies you got you know propaganda whatever you in that world so you say well what is what happens well jesus goes to he leaves nazareth and he he goes to capernaum which was by the lake in the air in the area of zebulun and naphtali to fulfill what was said so he's still fulfilling prophecy through the prophet isaiah land here and in the way of the sea along the jordan galilee of the gentiles and then it says the people living in darkness have seen a great light on those living in the land of the shadow of debt death a light has done so he's basically taking this prophecy oh he's a light switch and then he says from that time on jesus began to preach repent for the kingdom of heaven is near and that's why i brought up that about john the baptist i think you see a clear picture of what earth's kingdom is all about i mean what is he doing john the baptist has been full of holy spirit since birth he's a looks like a wild hippie except that he's got animal skins and eating locusts and honey but he's declaring that there's a god and there's a messiah and they're like let's put him in prison a strange dude to pick out of the creation right pretty strange in essence he's the last prophet because he was pointing to jesus who who is the last prophet but i mean he was the last prophet of israel to point people to the messiah he was it so it almost all those prophecies stopped with him that's right it's almost like he channeled of course he remember they thought he was elijah but he channeled elijah isaiah jeremiah all those old guys were all channeled into this one crazy dude yep that was pointing toward jesus which you know what i find fascinating just when we we got a lot to go to get through the sermon on the mount but in in matthew 11 when john heard in prison what christ was doing he sent his disciples to ask so right after all this has happened in this sermon on the mount john sends word to jesus says are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else yeah you know and i've always found that fascinating because he was a guy who we we think of as being you couldn't be any more convicted than this man and and yet in that prison for whatever reason he had doubts i said he he sent words tonight he just didn't know or he didn't know but i mean you know he knew because he said what am i doing here that's right i mean it's your cousin you're like you know but i mean that's why i think jesus did stay here 30 years and go through the ordinary because it established the fact that what he was doing would be so much more extraordinary right it's like you're you're telling me you came to you're the creator of the universe and you basically hung out for 30 years just building some baskets and whatever carpenters build but you know yup that's what he did you're right i think look at all the people who came up with this and wrote it down i'm thinking what what what was motivating them to get this kind of information out to the world right but phil this is a reason why you know y'all told my story many times i was real quiet and shy until i came to jesus but these this is one of the things i thought about because he was mainly quiet until it was time to say something and when he said something he didn't stop talking about it until he killed him over yep and so i'm saying it it's the power of motivation and what you're doing is is a factor i mean just because your personality may you may seem one way or another i mean god can really he does extraordinary out of ordinary that's what he does i think he was laying the premise no i think you're right and i think his normalcy worked against him with those closest to him exactly i think that's why his brothers didn't believe i think so too because you remember we talked about that one little scene where there he was going to go to jerusalem and they got ready to show us some stuff yeah because they said if you're going to be a public figure you got to get out there more i mean yeah but look at that political line that's right but look public if he's the son of god he's your brother but it's like if you're going to really get into this you know joe biden never he just hung back in the shadows but he made it he made it in politics think about all the conflict the brothers and cousins that you're raised with and you know you have disagreements and conflicts and one of them says oh you think you're perfect and jesus is like yeah well then you're better seems like he thinks he's perfect hey let's take a break so jace what do you have to say about hair today in our society what's crazy is if you are hairy that is usually frowned upon unless you don't have the ability to grow here well why are so many people afraid of losing it if it's what'd you say it was it was most people don't it's frowned upon to because i think frowned upon if you begin to lose it then that's foundable because look you know what it i got it people want something they can't have well that's true and some of you guys out there are beginning to lose your hair and you don't want to do that so one of our longtime sponsors uh the company called keeps k-e-e-p-s uh they specialize in helping you keep your hair so you gotta get in there early though because once it's gone they can't they can't help you out much so check them out go to their website k-e-e-p-s dot com slash door you're gonna get 50 off your first order for their hair loss treatments that's store 50 off check them out you know what it reminds me of jesus like joseph and his brothers remember back in the original the 12 tribes because he was saying wait he had that special gift of being able to interpret the dreams the difference was he wasn't perfect he was pretty cocky about it but his brothers i mean they hated him in that case because they were like who does he think he is you know and of course he was jacob's favorite so it was just like what you're talking about i've seen that type situation flare up a lot within families oh yeah one of them one of them is they they get on one of them and they just ripping right well especially when i mean this guy you don't know he's from heaven i mean you heard you heard the story yeah you know mom went through a psychological problem you know thinking that she had never been with a man i mean i i know this stuff had to come up oh she actually claims that she made love with god i guess i mean yeah tell us how that went oh yeah she needs some medication i'm i'm pot because they didn't believe so i think they had distanced themselves it was just too unbelievable plus they had to have had a terrible uh reputation in you know in nazareth i mean everybody was like oh yeah there's i mean every time they would see jesus it would take them back for a lot of people to the lie that started that's from their perspective nobody's believing that story no and look they still don't they're like who knew and for most families you know it would be a destructive process which it kind of was for them in the sense that they didn't really believe who he was when he finally got to that it's kind of like oh well what's the old guy the second third president of the united states thomas jefferson yeah he he he was like whoa with with the virgin birth he was like no no way right yeah well i mean but then when he read what he said he's like i tell you what i'm a christian as far as what jesus said yeah i i can't argue with anything he said he couldn't embrace the supernatural couldn't couldn't embrace the supernatural right a lot of people were like that you know a lot of people uh by the way to this day and john said it had started way back a lot of people they'll have a difficult time and and and believing in the supernatural that's right especially like the virgin birth they can't get past that right they just like couldn't happen even though matthew tries to make the case because he says this was predicted you know hundreds of years earlier that this would be how he got here and it was back in isaiah 7. that's true so you know i mean that that in itself is pretty amazing that they claimed it hundreds of years later how could they have not i doubt mary or joseph either one ever knew that was in isaiah i mean exactly you know they didn't know that at all so i got your sermon on the aisle based over sermon ideas based on the the difference in the earthly kingdom let's lock john up and and eventually crucify jesus versus jesus saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is near so this is where he went public i think the the show that we all love the chosen did a good job of this about events that happened in capernaum so i did this little study on capernaum which the english definition of the word that is translated capernum is a confused jumble a place marked by a disorderly accumulation of objects that's what it means i'm like why did jesus pick there to start his public ministry oh because it's a confused jumble a place marked by disorderly accumulation so i'm going to prove that to you and i this was just in my study late at night so i picked out a few places and a few events that happened in capernaum that i thought they were interesting so one of them is found in mark 1 and verse 21. yep is that where you were going yep unbelievable because here's the contrast let me read this they went to capernaum and when the sabbath came jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach the people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had authority and look by the way this word is going to keep coming up about his authority because when you start talking about heavenly kingdom versus earthly kingdom it becomes an authority question not as the teachers of the law just then a man and their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out which they in luke's version he says something right before he says what do you want with us do you remember what it was he goes ha ha h.a you know it's in uh luke 4 33 and 34. he laughs out loud you know luke 4 33 and 34. he he goes hi it says in a loud which is what we do in text messages and i didn't realize that actually some guy who was demon position i never have noticed that before jj well that late night bible study opened up a little can i never have seen that you know why i'm bringing this up you know why i'm bringing this out we call that a d only you could bring it up here's why i'm bringing this up because what i'm jumping to the end because i think that's what america does when jesus comes on saying i think it's the same no i'm saying not the entire country because there are a lot of people who believe but a lot of people when they hear about oh jesus the heavenly kingdom where god reigns is where the kingdom is and god's reigning in you so you're the kingdom to add fuel to your statement i got a letter the other day most letters don't come my way ladies and gentlemen but every once while if they find one worthy of notes or something they bring it by but i read the note and the guy said there's about 14 to 15 of us that's meeting up here we're in the great state of vermont said he said their greatest line is we're the most non-religious state in these united states they say it with pride we are a non-religious we are hahaha to get to your point i mean there's a they are they're they are in here they are are are loving it and they're announcing it that we don't go this this with this jesus deal at all it's hahaha to them which i thought a little interesting in lieu of what you just said jase i mean he said look there's 15 of us that are hanging tough but he said all around us he said it's just consciousness the demon badgering of it was like yeah yeah and i think mark left it out because he didn't have a sense of humor that was a joke but so so then he says hang on let's take our last break [Music] he says ha and then he says what do you want with us jesus of nazareth have you come to destroy us which i think having the high in there gives you some cynical attitude because it's hard like when somebody sends a text message it's hard to get they don't seem to be afraid right now they're like whatever and this is the evil spirit yeah it's talking about him right now i know uh who you are the holy one of god but i i just think that it's in quotations and so jesus says be quiet sternly so because i think if this guy was ha yeah yeah well he's like be quiet stern so when the creator of the universe does anything sternly i'm sure that was a mic drop moment come out of him the evil spirit shook this is actually not funny but i keep getting tickled shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek and i'm not sure what a shriek is that means how do you know that's what that is that's what it is if it helps you feel them then it's the opposite of ha ha ha yeah well it might have just been no i think it was true i thought it like a dog you know you know this is it's a laughing matter yeah and seconds later when the demon leaves and they're shrieking meaning screaming at the top of your lungs uh the people watching would have said uh-oh there's something well well what they said is this was in this point remember what they said well my point is the people were all so amazed they asked each other what is this a new teaching and then they put and with authority exclamation point he even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him news about him spread all over so my point is look i came up with these three things not because i wanted to come up with three things i just was trying to think about the difference in the earthly kingdom the earthly authority and jesus's authority and so i asked this question what is the difference between jesus speaking with authority versus the teachers of the law i mean what was what was different in what they were representing or just teachers in general and what jesus so the first thing i thought about was the teachers of the law they represent what is written but jesus represented the one who wrote it i think that's the biggest point it's a great point it and you think about modern churches today how much is argued over what is written what is written versus who wrote it correct and you don't think that'd be a big deal that's why he said you didn't just study the scriptures because you think by them you possess eternal life but the scriptures are talking about me yet you refuse to come to me and be saved i have that written down john 5 39 40. i was fixed to say it next so let me let me give you the second one let me give you the second one because we're almost out of time so this is in mark two you go the next chapter in mark because matthew doesn't go through each episode at capernaum but when you read the other gospels you see other things so you remember the story about the jesus healing the paralytic that they opened up the roof and lowered him down like verse 5 jesus says he saw their faith and he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven. well that was interesting because verse 6 says now some teachers of the law same same group they're following around we're sitting there thinking to themselves why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming he can forgive sins about but god alone so immediately jesus knew in his spirit what this was and what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to him why are you thinking these things which is easier to say the to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or say get up take your mat and walk and there's several other illustrations so i'm beginning to see a pattern form here going back to the original original question because the the thing swirls around capernaum where there's all these obnoxious behavior and unbelieving sinful people if you can if you can get this bus turned around start with the ones who are the laughers and the ones that are smug elaborate like we've got in america right now look look what he says in verse 10 this same theme he says but that you may know that the son of man has authority here's a word again on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic i tell you get up take your mat and go home so what my second point the first one was the one who wrote it rather than what's written the second one was jesus highlighted the spiritual over the physical and a lot of people even today when you fast forward to the modern churches they're looking for those physical signs but the source is more important than the sign and that was his point here right that all the trouble came in he said wait he's about to forgive and say i mean healing that's great i mean awesome he's gonna die again but when he said i'm forgiving his sins what that's that's a you've now moved up the pecking order of authority if you have that authority one of the things that rang out from jace the naysayers the hahas we have never seen anything like this that he was yeah which was the reason he went over there right because he said i'll show them things that they've never even thought could happen right well the third thing is in matthew so we're not i'm not gonna read it but because we're gonna get to it in chapter eight where he healed the centurion's servant so here's a guy this is right after he heals a leper then he heals a centurion here here so here's a greek who's not i mean he's not even from the right side of the tracks here and it's a weird thing i mean because he's represents the group that's eventually going to crucify jesus and do the physical acts but he has this faith in jesus and he has a love for his servant which is really weird when you look at earthly powers most guys in charge they ain't worried about their servants right they'll get them another one and i think that's why jesus like stopped the presses and said now this i haven't seen greater faith because you really have somebody not operating from an earthly viewpoint and and that's why my third point is jesus represented a heavenly kingdom not a earthly kingdom as far as power is concerned because he wants all people to be saved i don't think it's an accident that it happened to be a roman centurion it happened to represent an earthly power where these these things that i mentioned before physical armies and police and walls and locks and clocks and propaganda and politics all those things funneled the earthly you go over to jesus side and it's spiritual armies you know the weapons we fight with are not of the world because this is going to be the backdrop to where he's fixed to tell you the kind of people that god is seeking is just the opposite of what you thought yep the the humble those who mourn you're like what well that you would seem that's the group that just got whooped by an army right in the physical world yeah and i think that is what this contrast was about uh about no prisons no walls you know no luck we have an eternal purpose the ministry of giving instead of grabbing you just think about it in any kind of these wars it's always you going you get their stuff you get their treasure you you annihilate them you get their stuff and with god it's the exact opposite you love them we consider to be sheep to be sacrificed and we give we give we give which is what he's setting the tone so i just think when he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is near that statement was basically centered around those three aspects of i'm representing the one who sent me it's more about the spiritual than the physical even though i'm getting your attention with this you know and eventually it'll be more about the heavenly rather than that and it's also a confirmation of what john had been saying up until this point anyway right yeah that's a lot of it so we got to close out uh i do want to mention this we have a new one of tony's new uh art pieces behind us it's called the family edition it's the only thing that's been signed by all your kids dad and you and mom yeah i mean nothing else has been so tony gets 15 of everything you buy to uh to miami or camp chiyoka or all guys children so it's a really good deal the sale ends today for everybody else but because you're a podcast listener he's going to extend it through the end of september so you use the code phil25 you get 25 off that's tony thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by 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Channel: Phil Robertson
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Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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