Pfizer, blanked out pages

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well you're most welcome to today's talk Friday the 21st of October now this gentleman here is a Mr Christian teraz is an elected member of the European Parliament and as you'll see is holding quite a few uh blank out sheets of paper so when members of the European Parliament asked Pfizer for copies of the contract that apparently Pfizer entered into with the European uh Parliament the European Union this is uh the level of transparency that they got back and clearly Mr terraz is not impressed with this so let's look and we'll see if there's any detail on here well no we can't see too much because it's all blanked out so what is going on here um we'll just what what what is happening so if we look here this is this is the introduction 100 blanked out Pages apparently were supplied and this is the contracts for the vaccines the covid vaccines and uh Mr Tara says this is how they were disclosed to us member elected representatives by the people for the people we would certainly hope now um there's also an ongoing issue here this is the European public prosecutor's office and I've got the evidence for this here protecting European taxpayers money from criminals and if we log on to their new site here we log on to this one we see that the ongoing European public Prosecutors office investigation into the acquisition of covid-19 vaccines in the European Union so this is actively being investigated by the prosecutor's office the European public prosecutor's office confirmed that it has an ongoing investigation into the acquisition of covid-19 vaccines in the European Union this exceptional confirmation comes after the extremely high public interest no further details will be made available at present but uh we do believe we have something else to add to it at the moment now um this is uh the full hearing of the pfizers represented it before the European Commission the full hearing is now there it extends for well over an hour but it's all there now and it's completely documented now I had covered this last week my video based on available content at the time and that is uh there now if you watch this video uh we noted the quite lamentable performance really I thought um some people might have thought you was excellent but I thought it was a lamentable performance from the pfizers uh representative there talking about things like moving at the speed of science which I would didn't really understand now this I want to play you a couple of clips now this is the press conference after the Pfizer CEO Albert barolo refused to attend in front of the European Parliament so let's listen to the introduction to this press conference now from uh from Christian uh Terrace thank you so much for coming to this press conference almost 24 hours after the CEO of Pfizer Mr Arbol Albert borla was supposed to be present in the European Parliament in the special committee to investigate what happened uh during kovid and unfortunately he was absent he sent a representative who was unable incapable or unwilling to answer many of the questions asked by my colleagues so we are here today it's October the 11th I'm here with more colleagues from different political groups from different countries who will be addressing some of the issues that were supposed to be discussed yesterday so I would like to give the floor to my colleague from Italy Francesca Donato thank you very much Chris so maybe we're getting a sense of a bit of a dissatisfaction there for Mr Telephone we'll be hearing more about him in a minute now this press conference is um as we say it is available it is available here um it's available at the moment on YouTube six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on the 11th of October one day after uh Albert Royal president's CEO refused to participate in the corporate committee and answer questions now this is not me this is a direct quote from uh Mr terraz's uh site so it's not what we're saying it's what he said I don't know that the CEO refused to participate we just take Mr Terrace at his word for that and that these members of the European Parliament were present at the conference and we'll be hearing from well maybe hear from one or two of them we'll see how we go for time now I want the clip I want to play you now it lasts it's it's Mr Terrace it does last for four and a half minutes but um I think it's well worth listening to so I'm going to just give the next four and a half minutes to Mr terraz and then we'll be making some comments and say where we stand on this channel in relation to this material so over to Mr terraz now what has Pfizer got to hide this is a question that we are all asking after we found out that the CEO Pfizer Albert borla pulled out interesting thing is few weeks ago the CEO of moderna you know we were criticizing these Pharma companies you know for being or for lacking transparency but at least the CEO of moderna had the courage I would say to come and answer questions yeah he did not answer all the questions that we asked but at least he was present here and were was faced with all these questions that all of my colleagues asked so obviously when we found out that the CEO of Pfizer decided not to come and answer questions this was this is not an inquiry committee so he was not bound by law to come and you know it was not on record you know he was not facing any criminal punishments in case he's lying in front of this committee but even in that case he refused to come and answer some concrete and specific questions questions that I think all of us and all of you have and the first question is what exactly in these contracts what are they hiding exactly I mean in the previous press conferences I showed you some of the pages you know from these contracts this is how they were disclosed to us and to the public and to the Press obviously after some of us and some of the Brave journalists asked what are the contract signed between the European commission and these pharmaceutical companies So This Is How They This Is How They disclose the contracts over 100 pages every contract with Pfizer with moderna tens of pages of those contracts were blacked out so yesterday when we asked I was the one asking and some of my colleagues asked when are they going to fully release these contracts the representative of Pfizer who was sent to replace the CEO of Pfizer said that they can fully disclose these contracts because they have some commercial Secrets over there and they have to protect their interests now I'm asking you what about the interests of our people what about the interests of the Europeans whose money was spent or wasted I would say now to buy these medical products that are not providing what they were marketed for because what we found out yesterday when one of my colleagues asked if they tested in this case Pfizer if Pfizer tested if their medical product is stopping the spread of the virus we were shocked to find out yesterday that that I haven't tested their vaccine to see if it's stopping the spread of the virus so we are now more than a year after the green certificate the digital grid certificate was imposed in the European Union and people were forced to be vaccinated with the medical product in order to exercise their basic fundamental rights and they were told that we were told we were voted against the Green certificate but many of our colleagues voted in favor of it because they believe what these companies have said that if you get vaccinated you will not be infected and you will not spread the virus they even ran campaign and said get vaccinated in order to keep your grandmother and your parents healthy then we find out now after more than a year that one day requested the special marketing authorization they haven't tested the vaccine to see if it's stopping the spread of the virus so I'm asking again and we are asking again why are they going to hide why do they hide exactly why aren't they transparent with their medical product we heard yesterday I mean it was I was shocked because Pfizer used this opportunity just to do a Pierre campaign and even lecturers why are we asking this and not asking that who are they to question us what kind of questions do we ask we are elected by the people for the people not they that they are supposed to answer to answer all these questions which they have not there's another what has okay I think there's a couple of things we need to clarify there now um this is obviously uh Mr terraz's view um I just want to clarify what we're allowed to say on this channel and what we believe on this channel in fact um covid-19 medical misinformation policy from YouTube um so I can't put content that promotes uh method methods that contradict local and health or local Health authorities or who so I don't think we're doing that now YouTube Fairly comment this claims that there's a guarantee prevention method for covered 19. um let's be quite clear there is no guaranteed prevention method for covid-19 the YouTube guidelines are completely correct and they also say that claims that any medication or vaccine is a guaranteed prevention method for covered 19. also completely correct of course nothing is guaranteed it's not a guaranteed prevention so I don't really see a contradiction there between Mr Terrors and and the YouTube guidelines but we hold that intention with this is also from the YouTube support Google support um content selection that vaccines so we're not talking about side effects here uh content that claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or uh sorry uh content uh claiming that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease so um we're not saying this it's a question of degree the degree to which vaccines will reduce transmission of disease so hopefully that is fairly consistent with the um with this policy here that we can't make absolute uh claims so um I think that's probably where we are at with that now I'm going to put in one more thing here this is from the the French representative here let's just see what she had to say do my colleague Virginia from France so I'm back on now that goes on in in French now I'm not a great French speaker by any means but I've got a friend who's bilingual but educated in France so I went around to him and he's translated this speech from the French representative for me Virginia juron and this is my friend's uh sort of bullet points really from what she said my colleagues have perfectly summarized the Masquerade so the French word there masquerade fast can mean much the same thing of yesterday's meeting so what we see is member of European Parliament Virginia Duran's thought the meeting with the fisa representative was a farce masquerade something pretending none of the questions were asked which were very clear questions about contracts prices were not asked and also something I'm not at Liberty to discuss there but it is in the original video if you want to go back and check it for yourself um Pfizer should be required to give evidence under oath she thinks this is a Virginia giron this is the biggest contract ever awarded by the European commission 36 billion euros um European now this is the Europe I'm not quite sure we weren't quite sure about the translation here we've translated it as European court but some European agency anyway 35 pages of questions criticisms demands lack of transparency none were answered so great deal of dissatisfaction from this member of the European Parliament suspicions of passive corruption and action is going to be taken on that now I don't really know what passive corruption is it's just a direct uh translation from the uh from the French so hopefully that'll become more obvious she has contract taken uh legal advice in France about this I suspect there's more to come on that and so to summarize uh Virginia is your own member of the European Parliament said they meaning that Pfizer Representatives they came they did not answer anything uh and they are still selling us their products so clearly a somewhat confused member of the European Parliament there so um ongoing issues in Europe will of course be monitoring this is there's more to say I have put the links in there's much more in the links if you wanted to watch them um but uh sufficient to raise concerns now this is saying nothing about the vaccines themselves the rapper could see the side effects it's not talking about that this is mostly related to the perceived lack of transparency and issues relating to the original contracts I'm going to leave it there but thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,789,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: HnSnQor8zDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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