Viral Vaccine paper

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well warm welcome to today's talk it's Wednesday the 5th of July now today's talk is really quite interesting it deals with data which is highly let's think of a word anomalous it actually shows the incidence of suspected adverse reactions to the fisa vaccine varies by a factor of thousands thousands fold differences depending on the batch of vaccines that was given and this is based on a paper that's actually going viral at the moment from Denmark later on we'll be talking about the difficulty in getting this paper published but it was actually published now in a peer-reviewed journal and the data really is quite incredible and I've also had the privilege of interviewing one of the authors today which I'll give you more information on in a minute I've talked to the lead author quite extensively today so this is the paper here vaccine dependent safety and the fisa vaccine depends on the batch very much depends on the batch now just to give you a flavor of this to see if you want to watch this video 71 suspects 71 of suspected adverse reactions the SARS occurred in 4.2 percent of the vaccine batches and this is quite incredible and as we say the variation was in factors of thousands now here we have a graph here now this is the graph from the authors now what this is showing is anything any dot here higher up is related to more uh suspected Adverse Events any dot lower down is so late related to less suspected Adverse Events and as we see here the authors put them into clusters so we've got this blue cluster here mostly vaccine is given early then we've got this intermediate green one here and then we've got this yellow one on the bottom and we see that here for example we have massively High rates of adverse reactions now let me just show you a bit about this graph on in another slightly different format here so here we have this graphic here now this is the blue group here of a very high adverse reactions up here now this highest reaction here means that there was one suspected adverse reaction per 20 doses of the vaccine given now this is just well put a word in here every 20 doses of the vaccine given there was one suspected adverse reaction absolutely incredible when we look at this uh when we look at this green group here we did see an increase in adverse reactions with these batches um but here the highest dose that the highest most adverse reactions there in the green group was one in a thousand and these are specific batches I've got these directly from the authors so batch ej6134 given out early in 2021 for every 20 vaccine doses given there was one suspected adverse event slightly later on for vaccine dose ew6126 there's one in a thousand still too high and then later on this yellow group down the bottom has been associated with no adverse reactions now perhaps the reason that this group on the bottom has been associated with zero adverse reactions is the fact that the data's not all in yet so as time goes on this yellow line will lift slightly from the Baseline but that's what we're seeing here incredibly High rates of adverse reactions early on in the pandemic um and that as I'm saying most of these blue batches were pre-april 20 21. now just to be uh completely clear the authors had no conflict of interest other than certain papers that could be discussed where there's potential conflict of interest the authors worked very very hard on this on their own and this is the data they got let's get down to a bit of the detail now because this really is this really is incredible I mean if I'd known if I'd known about this graph and these high rates of potential side effects one in 20 vaccines given come on you know is there any way I would have accepted that vaccine emphatically not in fact if I'd known I was on the green line somewhere with one in a thousand I wouldn't have taken it either there's a just a huge issue here of informed consent now these batches were given out all over the world perhaps not in the United States the United States tended to make their own batches the Europeans and to an extent the antipodeans might you shared their own batches as well so this is perhaps a pan-european uh batch that was given here um so this is affecting every everywhere presumably this vaccine was given outside of the United States and there's no reason for issue it would be different in the United States the only way I would have accepted the vaccine if we've been on the yellow line um if we'd known that the race of adverse uh suspected adverse reactions were anything like us hi I would have not touched it with a barge pole why weren't we told where is the informed consent it's outrageous anyway let's stick to the data and not get too cross as we've said 71 percent of suspected adverse reactions occurred in 4.2 of participants with massive differences I hope it's clear to you that each of these dots is a batch so these are vaccine batches massive difference in reported adverse reactions between the different batches of vaccine and this is hard firm mathematical statistically significant data no no conflicts of interest that's the graph as we've said there and we can see clearly we have the blue group The Green group and the yellow group now the blue group vaccines were mostly given early the green ones and the yellow ones were mostly given later not entirely that's not how these are classified but these are the these are the Clusters that the the analysis of the batches fell into and again all based on specific batches if you talk to the authors they'll give you the batch number for each one of these dots it's a very nicely conducted piece of science so number of suspected Adverse Events as we say massive varies massively between the vaccine batches and this is all after the Pfizer vaccine in Denmark and um why has it been left for a few Danish academics to do this why didn't the British regulatory authorities do they saw the German regulatory authorities or the Danish regulatory authorities or The American or the Canadian regulatory authorities why is this left to Independent academics unfunded independent academics to come up with this uh vital absolutely vital insight the 27th of December 2020 to the 11th of January 2022 based on a population of 5.8 million and according to the number of doses per vaccine batch now what we do see is that there's a positive correlation between number of vaccines in the batch and the increased rate of side effects but the author today I did talk to to uh Dr Viva kamonica today lead author and she said they can't put too much weight on this at the moment but there is definitely a trend that the larger the number of vaccine vials in the batch the more adverse reactions there is there's a positive correlation there we can't say more than that at the moment though but the authors are working are still working on this but now by November the 11th 2022 in the European area 701 million doses of Pfizer vaccine given um 971 021 reported uh suspected Adverse Events clinical data on individual vaccine batch levels have not been reported anywhere else this is the first time this has been done why the whole point the whole point of having a batch number is so this can be done the whole point of I've been writing batch numbers down for the last 40 years after giving medications and vaccines and different things and the whole point is if there's an adverse event we can go back and look at the batch why did the regulatory authorities let us down completely fail you and me on this ongoing post-marketing surveillance that we were promised it hasn't happened according to the batch apart from a few independent hard-working Danish academics bless them we've done a fantastic job match dependent variable variability in the clinical ethics efficacy and safety of vaccines would appear to be highly unlikely is what we were told until you actually look at the data and then you find out well hey actually no there is there is actually massive variation strangely enough right so the authors say we therefore examined rates of uh suspected adverse reactions between different vaccine doses in Denmark all this data on uh suspected adverse reactions from the Danish medical agency and of course you and me both know that by no means all of the adverse reactions that actually occur are reported so I think we can say these uh I think we can say these are minimum levels of uh adverse reactions without too much fear of contradiction um so various um suspected adverse reaction seriousness was seriousness so suspected adverse reactions seriousness was classified as non-serious or serious and that Inc the series included hospitalizations or prolonged um prolonged or existing or prolongation of existing hospitalization life-threatening illnesses permanent disability or congenital malformation or another potential side effect or another potential serious adverse reaction the data was fully anonymized so this is a completely ethical study a suspected Adverse Events were counted on the batch level by linking individual suspected Adverse Events to the batch labels the batch numbers they were able to get this data from the Danish authorities or be it after some difficulty it has to be said as you'll find out if you if you watch the video I'm going to give later on the next video now um the data was actually based that's this data here that the authors have was actually based on uh 10 10.7 million doses administered vaccine uh just over 4 million individual people 52 different Pfizer vaccine doses there's huge sample sizes and the batches contained 2340 to 841. thousand doses per batch and as we say there's a trend for the ones with higher numbers in the batch to have more adverse reactions but the authors say we can't put too much significance on that till they've done further work although the positive correlation is obvious to the human eye of course as you can see without me pointing out 43 496 suspected adverse reactions were registered in thirteen thousand six hundred 35 people so these are Big sample numbers um 61 000 overall were identified were able to be identified to the batches unfortunately 23.5 percent of the adverse reactions 14 509 uh were described as severe and 579 0.9 of those reported were Severus a more severe adverse reaction resulting in a an irreversible adverse reaction unexpectedly the rates per thousand dose varied considerably between vaccine batches you can say that again um from uh one or essentially zero on the yellow line but as we say with this yellow line they probably will be they probably will be some that do emerge at a later date there is a bit of a lag in the reporting in the Danish system so um basically from one per 20 doses to one in many thousands of doses to zero now the other variables here vaccine manufacturing vaccine storage vaccine Transportation clinical handling control Administration techniques of course could all uh bear some influence on these uh on these data but there we have it it is quite uh incontrovertible by this data massive changes massive rates in the reported suspected adverse reactions including serious adverse reactions depending on the vaccine batch hesitate to be flippant but I just hope you were given one of the if you were vaccinated that you were given one of the batches that were near this end of the graph than the top end of the graph there was no significant variation between the ages of people in either group because early on um there was a lot of young people given the vaccine in the start of start of 2021 in Denmark in other words the blue vaccine doses for one simple reason there were healthcare workers so a lot of young healthcare workers were vaccinated as well as the elderly and the frailer people and the differences in the uh the difference in different age groups between the different um blue green and yellow clusters is not significant so um there we have that now um I have actually interviewed uh one of the researchers I'm not going to play at all but this this is Dr uh V Baker manika I think I might put this on the next video but I'll just uh I'll just wet your appetite on this one well a warm welcome to this talk and I'm delighted to welcome Dr viveka manika who's who's a doctoral researcher in in Denmark welcome viveka thank you for coming on thank you very much and thank you for being on your show thank you now we basically want to just let's say not going to play that now it goes on for quite quite some uh it goes on for quite some time so I'm going to put it on the next video uh Dr Viber commandica um um completely committed scientist um totally committed has done nearly all this work in a spare time with uh with uh with her colleagues publish this paper after significant difficulties it was turned by by quite of by the four big major medical journals which is a problem in itself uh finally published in another Journal fully peer-reviewed um so there we go uh it looks like we could do with an explanation on why there was so much variability massive variability between vaccine doses it looks like the dose is given out to the end of 2021 and 2022 were probably associated with less severe less suspected adverse reactions but of course by that time a lot of people already had natural infection so it's complicated but that data is hard data it is hard science and uh I've related to you as best as I can watch the next video for for Dr manika giving us a lot more detail on this I feel quite emotional after that um combination of severe annoyance well not annoying total outrage that um this data was not made public it's very high rates of adverse reactions were not made public so I couldn't make I couldn't give my informed consent as you couldn't either never known that wouldn't have touched it with a barge ball let down to put it mildly thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 781,796
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Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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