International covid summit review

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hello and welcome to today's talk it's Thursday the 18th of May now I want to bring some more coverage today from the international third covert Summit from the European Parliament and it's good to see that the European Parliament seems to have a freedom of expression and I'm not making a political Point here at all but a freedom of expression that's not so readily available in the United Kingdom for example or indeed in other countries such as uh well at a country you would like to at that at that juncture so this talks about the lack of media coverage why is this being ignored by mainstream media I've seen no coverage of this at all um quite quite incredible really why is it not being covered the speakers and this is just like a summary of what went on at this conference I'm going to put the full link so if you want to watch the whole thing it's about four hours of coverage on available on YouTube I'm going to put the links if you want if you've got time to watch it all but the speakers talk about legitimate questions that simply aren't being asked or even worse in some circles are not allowed to be asked and that should concern all of us it once returns to what we might call normal practice and normal safe practice or medical interventions especially need to be safe first Do no harm it's not difficult it's not a complicated concept it talks about some research that has been carried out that could be considered to be unfortunate research that perhaps should never have been done that some scientists and doctors should not have been dabbling with things where the outcome is unpredictable people should only experiment at the risk of total accountability not in a blase Cavalier high-handed way it talks about the international Health regulations that we've talked about a few times on this channel a couple of times on this channel and it expresses concern I gave you information about these you could decide whether you were concerned or not as always don't tell you what to think unlike others that could be mentioned um Good Intentions will often go awry is one of the speakers uh settings which is which is absolutely true so whether this was good intentions that weren't awry or whether the intentions weren't that good to begin with again you'll have to decide that um links to the full conference as I've said um we want improved standards for the future and uh it talks about October 2021 as kind of a pivotal date when thinking in many people changed I must say my thinking was a little later than that it was like my thinking changed in about December 20 21 maybe maybe just before that maybe November 2021. um my thinking change then hopefully as a result of the evidence anyway let's listen to these speakers now give them a chance and uh and then we'll just wrap it up at the end thank you for watching thank you so much and thank you so much for uh coming to this press conference after we held yesterday in the European Parliament in Brussels the Third Edition of the international coffee Summit we had tens of doctors of Experts of researchers uh truly professionals who were analyzing uh and dealing with the coronavirus for many years and who presented us yesterday their findings and conclusions after the pandemic that we witnessed in the past three years uh we have here some of the doctors that presented their findings yesterday I would like to give the phone off to Dr Malone uh to share with us some of the conclusions of yesterday's uh event doctor thank you very much I don't have any prepared remarks I would like to acknowledge the courageous MPS that have enabled this opportunity and thank them on behalf of the international covid Summit Group this is our third international covid Summit meeting uh first one was in Rome in the Senate By Invitation the second one was in Marseille and masi in France and now it's been our great pleasure to be able to share our observations and conclusions here in Belgium I would like to in particular emphasize one of the key findings that ran all the way through the presentations which is that in fact there there are people who are vaccine injured this is something that has been suppressed by all channels of uh forgive me corporate media and governments that there are these individuals who are in fact vaccine damaged and they have not been allowed to speak they have had their experiences suppressed they have been demeaned they have been gas lit and they are damaged and they are damaged in large part consequent to the rush of this product without adequate testing this was also very well demonstrated during the meeting yesterday that the Regulatory Affairs rules and regulations that have guided the European medicines agencies and the FDA and agencies all over the world have been very actively bypassed and unfortunately there have been cons sequences that what we learn is that the wisdom of having these norms and practices to ensure the safety and effectiveness of products before they're deployed into humans have good reason to be used that they do provide benefit to the population and to humanity by ensuring that the activities of the pharmaceutical industry whether well-intentioned or otherwise are properly controlled to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the products in the population and I now ask for Europe and the European Parliament to please consider that these individuals who have been subjected to so much they've not only been damaged by the mandated products and the vaccine passport requirements Etc in order to just engage in their daily activities to be employed Etc or in lieu of of not being vaccinated they've they've lost their jobs they've lost their livelihoods uh we I strongly encourage that we acknowledge these individuals we work together and that the European Union might provide leadership in in helping to discover and identify potential treatments and therapies so that they can be made whole and that they be compensated for the damages that they've incurred as a consequence of the policies that have been implemented throughout the EU the United States Canada New Zealand Australia and across the world so that's my plea the the conference was in my opinion a great success again in large part thanks to the willingness of the MPS who have been so courageous in enabling this meeting and it it truly covered a a comprehensive scientific scope we had a clear demonstration that the European Parliament and the European Union was warned that if there was allowance for uh um patenting of genetic uh genetically modified organisms and allowance for gain of function research there might well be consequences and unfortunately we have seen these consequences now over the last three years we also learned of the damages that have been Associated not just with the virus itself which the evidence indicates was in fact not of natural origin but also from many of the interventions and in particular the public policies having to do with lockdowns the deleterious effects of mass mandates on children all the way through the legal implications and looking forward to the international Health regulations that are being so actively promoted under the logic that the World Health Organization which in our opinion I think most of my colleagues would agree has been an abysmal failure in managing this outbreak is now asking for more Capital more power more control and more Authority and to really breach the sovereignty of individuals throughout the European Union and the United States and the rest of the world and I I strongly suggest as do my colleagues that presented on this topic that the members of the European Parliament closely scrutinize the proposed International Health regulations much as the African nations did when they came up for debate previously and take a wary skeptical experience to eye remembering that even good intentions will often go awry and policies and procedures which seem logical can at times be used for other purposes so I thank you for your time for the opportunity to speak here and I hope you will take back to your constituencies the message that the vaccine damaged do exist and they need to be cared for thank you thank you so much Dr Malone Christine yeah good morning um thank you for being here I would just like to reflect on yesterday's uh conference and I really have to say I think each and every one of the presenters of the scientists of the doctors to uh yeah appear in front of us and to show give their arguments present the data present the facts um because in the end we were pretty much right about everything just thinking back when we started two years ago I didn't know any one of these wonderful people how far we have come we have grown into a family it's a family of descending Voices All Around the Globe and I'm particularly grateful that I have been made a part a member of this family that I'm very proud of and like I said wonderful people and we will continue to be the dissenting voice and we will do whatever it takes to bring down the globalitarian elites thank you very much thank you so much Christine Ivan thank you very much thank you very much dear colleagues I am very happy and proud that we managed to organize the third international covet Summit we have heard some wonderful uh science research and testimonies yesterday and it is amazing to have it all in one place I must say that there is political will in Europe there is political will in this Parliament and also in National parliaments that wants to make things right and it wants to make great standards for the future we will send the conclusions each of every Professor doctor to the Emma agency to the commission to our coffee committee and we will demand that they take these findings into their into account if they refuse to do that we will Hammer them with the scientific data thank you thank you so much and uh as Dr Malone mentioned and my colleagues uh for us in the European Parliament uh we took the lead I would say in October of 2021 with my colleagues here to uh first of all raise concerns we were not aware initially about the gravity and the complexity of the issue but I'm glad that after our fight here you know we got to this point where we were able to bring so many experts and researchers professors and doctors to share their uh findings with us and I would like to give the floor now to my colleague Mr Cola kusich from Croatia I would like shortly to there are people from upcoming danger for Humanity well that last speaker there who I rather rudely cut off was uh the democratically elected member of the European Parliament one of the Croatian constituencies Mr Muslim uh kolokowski but I don't think I can play you as content unfortunately I'm uh it's a bit of a risk for me to do that um so unfortunately I'm going to leave it there now that there are links um to other parts of YouTube where um these videos are available in in full but thank you for watching this bit foreign
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 833,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: TuZ7-J7d0jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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