Mitchell Katz, Livermore winery owner, leaves legacy behind after deadly car crash

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heartbreak that that family is going through right now. I can't imagine now five heartache for an east bay community after a winery owner is killed in a two car crash. His family, friends and the entire Livermore Valley are mourning his death. Mitchell Katz, known for his love of wine, leaves behind a legacy. Good evening. I'm Julie Julie Haener. And I'm Mike Mibach. The crash happened Friday afternoon and Mitchell katz died over the weekend. Brooks Jarocz joins us live from exactly where that collision occurred. Brooks Well , neighbors who live along east avenue say cars speed up and down here All day. We've seen many today, police detectives are still trying to determine the cause of this crash and what ended with two cars in the median and the one Mitchell Katz was driving, striking that tree . Friends of Mitchell Katz, who's seen here on his Facebook page, say he was married to his Livermore Winery and his work. He loved his industry and he loved his craft friends. Lawrence says he learned from his grandfather father and quickly gained notoriety. His personality, his is kind heart. His presence. He he was just one of those individuals that people were attracted to. But on Friday, employees and friends say he was planning for a weekend winery event and ran to the grocery store to get supplies on the way back. Sounds Most neighbors on East Avenue say they won't forget Livermore . Police say Katz was driving east in his white GMC SUV and tried to change lanes when he collided with a dark Subaru. Both ended up in the median car . Katz struck a tree. The white truck was in pretty rough shape, so it was a pretty, pretty hard thing to watch. Many rushed to his aid. First responders took him to the hospital, but he didn't make it. Katz was 59 years old. I can't imagine the heartbreak that that family is going through right now. I can't imagine. Katz leaves behind two sons in their late 20s who wrote on Facebook. We have suffered a tragic loss. Our dad was unexpectedly taken from us, his family, and extended family are all devastated by this tragedy. But Mitch, as I got to know him, was just one #### of a nice guy. He had a huge heart. Mitch kind of lived bigger than life. He thought bigger to growing his winery and his legacy. This tragedy, although it yanked it away from Mitch, it's left it for his boys to carry on. And I think that that's probably the most important thing we can focus on from here on out, is helping those boys succeed in carrying on that legacy. Very sad reality indeed. Now, police are still trying to piece together exactly what happened in this crash. They're awaiting toxicology reports. And we're told that the driver of the Subaru is cooperating and did survive that crash. Live in Livermore brooks, Jay Rhodes, KTVU fox two news. Yeah, leader of father, a man in that community loved by so many Brooks live tonight in Livermore brooks. Thank you. The mayor of Livermore did release a statement saying cats enrich the city with his passion and dedication to winemaking. Mayor John Martin writing Mr. Katz was an important figure in our wine industry and a beloved member of our community. May his memory continued to inspire u
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 3,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mitchell Katz, kosher, wine, Livermore, crash, family, tragedy, killed
Id: Gnov1VlOUY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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