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hello there friends and welcome for today's Pathfinder in handset guide we have a special Demon Lord Arch priest build this character build was requested by yet another one of my newest channel members thanks a lot for the extra support friend the entire theme of the build is being an evil priest of an evil deity while also going for the demon Mythic path and we'll be following rovog the apocalyptic God of destruction speaking about destruction it is something our ability excel at we have many attacks per round with pretty much one of the best weapons in the game that is even thematically appropriate as it is an ax of rovog the demon path will provide lots of extra boost to damage and attack rolls which is even further enhanced by your very own Divine spells as you'll be a full Divine Caster your criticals will be able to hit for higher than a thousand damage 1300 even together with normal hits that go for higher than 300. cleric will also provide some unique domains that I will be picking for the first time through dispute for example we have plus 10 damage from our destructive Aura yet another from battle rage and even more from destructive Smite while your AC won't be anything special you don't really need it because for once you'll also be protected by your trusty centipede pet that you'll easily terrorize any enemies in your path and can of course thank for you with up to even a hundred plus Armor class so without further Ado let us get into our Envoy of the end Demon Lord build so for this build we'll be going with cleric and then personally I would just skip to the default cleric but you can also go with Crusader if you prefer Crusader has a lot of bonus Feats we have five total something that cleric is in desperate need of as they don't have any bonus feet whatsoever the main downside of Crusader is one last domain which doesn't really matter much for this build but also one last spell slot per level this is somewhat annoying as we aren't merging with Angel we won't have an easy way of bypassing this outright but you can just have another Divine party member let's say Darren who is also Evol line so a perfect fit for this build and party so the choice is up to you I'll just pick the normal cleric here the other archetypes don't really matter much inclusita urge I wouldn't bother because not having simple weapon proficiency early on is somewhat annoying for this character for race if you're not going with Crusader then human is the way to go because we then have an extra feat which is high highly needed for this character otherwise far Crusader because of the overabundance of extra feeds you have you can go with any race you want for the background I'll be doing something different this time oblate and then acolyte it's the same background as social this lets your wisdom of the fire be applied instead of Charisma for persuasion checks which will come in handy very soon of course if you already plan on having another party member to take care of persuasion you can just go with the classics retouching and pickpocket for higher initiative but in the spirit of playing a priest character for once why not go with acolyte as far as ability points strength is still our main stat we also want some wisdom and for that we'll be dumping Charisma that's the main reason we went for echolite Charisma is going to be completely useless for this character even as far as the channel energy uses because you can only use it to damage enemies instead of healing allies so now go for 16 wisdom the rest we can easily get through gear we just want the spells for the Buffs so we don't really need High wisdom for DC or other stuff besides that 12 dexterity animated also go for 12th Constitution then something you can do is dump intelligence to Aid if you're going with human because you'll have two skill points anyways even three at certain levels and then start with 20 strength actually as a demon you can increase your strength even further through the major aspects so this will become an even score later on also with plus 5 to our strength modifier you have the maximum melee capabilities as early as level 1. for skew points lower religion because we are a priest and I would also go with persuasion since we went for the acolyte background as far as your level 1 fits the classic package for two handers and we are two-handing Power Attack and then clip to get two attacks just at level one I know I always speak it but what can I say otherwise your Cloud could only have a second attack at level 8 which is way later understand that for the early game it is in your best interest to go with long Spears we have SIMPLE weapon proficiency so we can equip long Spears of this character long Spears outrage weapons which means you can attack the enemies from safety even at the early levels as you not have to worry about your AC for deity this is pretty fun too I'll be going with Rover girl who is a God of destruction doomsday and all that fun this way we can combine both flavor with gameplay power because rofagog also grants you weapon proficiency with great access for free I suppose you already know where I'm going but yes we are equipped keeping the grave singer great X starting from around level 10 plus if you don't want Rover girl go with lamash to as she grants you Falcon proficiency for free factions are great weapons over all too because of their High critical range we can only pick Channel negative energy which is where the subpar compared to Healing because it doesn't do much damage to enemies now for our domain selection if you went to frog war is a must-have the battle rage ability by itself is pretty good you can apply a damage boost to any character you go to have your class level so plus 10 untyped so stacks of everything else it only has a very small duration of one round but later through Mythic progression we'll get to apply this as a swift action as you retain the ability to perform all of our attacks together with this also you'll even get a bonus combat feed at level 8 which a cleric really could use for the second domain destruction is the best choice it's quite fitting for our build since we worship rovog and the abilities are decent as well destructive Smite has limited uses per day but can increase your damage roles and attack Rose 2 by quite a massive amount have your class levels just like battle rage except this one is moral so it's not untyped and is limited to just one attack per use while battle rage works for all of your attacks for one round so even just at level one or the early levels will already have multiple ways from domain abilities and cleric spells of increasing our attack bonus should manage to ensure we hit the enemy especially when you consider we start with 20 strength it doesn't go any higher than that anyways you still have another ability destructive Aura it creates an aura around you that to enhance the damage everyone inside you receive both allies and enemies by bonus equal to half your characters levels so at max level plus 10 and also automatically confirm all Critical Hits now this might seem like a penalty but honestly your character is just way more powerful than the enemies overall especially dispute for alignment you might as well go with chaotic evil I mean it's a demon alignment we are an evil priest of an evil God every level and then if you started with 8 intelligence as a human you'll get a bonus skill point you can put it anywhere you want I'll just be going for use magic device even if we have a Charisma penalty because it's easy to increase through gear boosts and Buffs and you don't need it to be high unlike other skus for level 3 the classic living finish having three potential attacks just at level 3 well to me it's really good at level 4 be sure to increase strength which is also what you should increase on all of the other levels remember for wisdom you just have gear for level 5 Peak combat reflexes the main reason is we don't have space for it later on so we kind of have to pick it now also because this character will be equipping either the grave single grade X or Falcons we have massive critical range so later through adult flank feet will get lots of extra attacks of opportunity and this will enhance them now before leveling your character up to level 7 be sure to take the first level into Mythic progression so we can get a pet and this time we'll be going for a very fun and thematic one so after leveling your first Mythic for the pet go with boom companion so that our centipede pad can fully scale to our level while level 8 we have a bonus feat because of the war domain and of course we want outflank just one left ever later than the norm for level 9 lunch is the way to go reach is amazing especially since we cannot ride our poor centipede to avoid getting hit in combat so rage is the way to overcome that for level 11 the classic improved critical and then either great X or Falcon depending on what you picked at this point you can already craft the grave singer Crusade relic weapon and I have a guide for how to do it should decide here on the pin comments down below for level 13 well you have two choices now you can get started into the shutter defenses package so weapon Focus then there's a display at 15 and shatter defenses at 17. you'll be getting it a little bit later than my other views which click it at 15. it's just that this character is a demon and because of all of the ways we have a further increasing our a B I don't think we need shutter defenses so early plus we don't really have the Feats to spare on the other hand you can also rush for improved initiative now and then delay shutter defenses for level 19. the main advantage of this is that this way you'll be able to get Mythic initiative way earlier which is what I prefer doing so for a level 15 on Mars is when I would finally get into the shelter defenses package starting with focus into your weapon for 17 that's link display and for 19 shatter defenses at last yes late game but like I said we have a lot of Buffs to overcome it plus at this point is when you are fighting most of the demon Lords anyway so just in time alright now let us cover a Mythic progression for our Demon Lord Arch priest build for the first Ascension of the classical should Abyss we are going the demon path after all this extra Gore attack will also work as soon as you equip Your Grave single great X because it's not a rich weapon for your first Mythic ability impossible domain and I would personally go if animal pets are amazing and I wanted to go with a new pet this time one that's very fitting for this build the giant centipede rovog sacred animal is a scorpion we don't have that the centipede is the closest one it's not that the centipede is a bad pet it's just that well I'll be blown it's not as strong as the top pads which are the bar the dog and the Wolf anyways the centipede is certainly viable and very fun the main downside is that you cannot ride the centipede unlike all of the other pets it's somewhat said for our build but we have the launch fit for reach we also have side spells for even more reach even with the grave singer or Falcon weapons which aren't twitch weapons so in a way it's not like we'll be at the danger of getting hitting merely much plus your centipede bed can certainly tank for you the poison ability it has is kinda disappointing overall because well demons are immune to Poison by default so at most you'll be poisoning cultists and so on I'm usually enough this is the only pet that does not have an intelligent score this is actually an upgrade over the other pets yep it is by not having intelligence and being a Vermin it means the centipede is immune to mind affecting abilities so no chances of getting it Charmed or confused against your own characters second it is the patch that surprisingly enough has the highest skew points per level 4 so that it can specialize into all of its class skews also it automatically has access to all of the teamwork Feats unlike the other pads that have to get at least three intelligence so overall it's a pretty fun and Powerful pet for Mythic level 2 I would rather pick an extra Mythic ability in this case domain Zealot being a zealot is quite fitting for an evil priest I believe plus his ability becoming handy when it comes to turning our battle rage War domain power into a swift action so we can pretty much always activate it and still retain the use of all of our full attacks for the round velocity will also help other domain abilities you'll be picking eventually now you can also ignore domains a lot and there are many ways of building this character from now onwards depending on what other party members you have and what they'll be doing for you for example I recommend you go if there in this way you have someone that can provide Divine spells while also having a lot of spells lost from abundant casting and later permanent Buffs from enduring spells this way you don't have to bother with that leave them for Darren and fully focus in shumeli instead you might also want more domains at once or you can just have social for that or not even pick all of the other domains I mean if you weren't unfair I suppose you might want to consider community and at the very least also Madness for the huge bonuses to attack roles that can grant your whole party for core and hard is not really necessary and like I said you can just have social do it and yes even a party of an evil cleric social and Darren would still be optimal because all of these characters are powerful on their own anyways I've already done a domain cleric before so I want you to take this build in a different path now which is why I want to take advantage of the Synergy between our wire domain ability with domains a lot as early as we can for Mythic level 3 the classic Alpharetta you absolutely must have it we are going for functions or the grave singer after all for Mythic level for the classic improved critical and then your weapon of choice now for our first demonic aspect please remember that I already have a full demand guide where I explain each one in depth so for now I'll keep this simple you also have few choices depending on your party members I'm all about giving you options if you have a squad to provide the pounce ability so your character can charge in full attack then calavacus is the best one for the extra attack it will give you on the other hand if you don't have a Squall party member go with succubus first succubus aspect won't really enhance your ABR damage but we'll Grant all of your party members immunity to mind affecting effects which are very annoying well conclusion and fear effects which are basically most of the Mind affecting ones plus succubus will also reduce the attack roles of enemies so works as a way of reducing our chances of getting hit or that of your tanks and centipede pet for Mythic level 5 two choices Mythic charge if you have a scold since we also just picked kalavako's aspect before otherwise mythical beasts to start renting bonuses to your centipede pet there's always less stand too but if you aren't on unfair I don't think it's needed so early otherwise you might as well have picked it at Mythic too and remember you can go for other impossible domains as well for a second demonic aspect sheer is the way to go for both the bonus to attack roles and also the powerful charge abilities so now we have bonuses to charge from kalavaku shear and Mythic charge for the first major aspects the classic Baylor to share your main rage bonuses with all allies automatically and for Vaca for the huge bonus to strength Baylor is the one you want to have on however for Mythic level 6 Mythic Power Attack for another demon aspect because you can only apply 3 at the same time at Mythic 8. the ones you'll be picking now are just for the extras bonus 2 skills which are automatically applied regardless of them being on or off for this case go with rock for the bonus you religion as we already have UMD from shear for Mythic 7 mythical beast at last and then Shadow Demon for the bonus of wisdom the other lesser aspects do not matter just go with Incubus so that you can turn it on together with sheer and kalavakus at Mythic 8. for Mythic level 8 Mythic initiative if you only pick improved initiative at level 19 I'm afraid you won't be able to get it at Mythic 8 you have to wait until Mythic 10. for Mythic level 9 well either an impossible domain of choice to me it's just a classic Last Stand just in case especially for the first yellow silver enemies are super stacked for your first major aspect as always you have two choices Pazuzu for the extra attack per round which even Stacks with haste but I believe nocticula is more efficient overall because she lets you apply All the Rage bonuses including the aspects unlike Baylor Chuan Ally of choice for free whenever you rage as far as Mythic 10 you can pick anything you want here well at this point you might as well go for another domain in this case log domain because Divine Fortune is a very handy ability to have it works pretty much the same way as the fortune hex from which or Shaman except we have multiple uses of it per day and will work for one minute since we are at max level now for the last Demon Lord aspect Pazuzu since we picked locticula before alright now let's get into gear for our Demon Lord Arch priest for the Amulet the classic velax is magnifying for as high strength as possible but earlier just the rare amulets that increase initiative we don't need armor so just settle for chainmail of camaraderie for the extra boost against flanked targets for the shirts just the usual wandering comment for the bonus to attacks of opportunity and Grave singer excels at that the same as Falcons 4 Bells at first valves that increases strength then either strength and dexterity or Constitution depending on what you prefer ultimately either the mangling frenzy as you can rage even without this code to increase your critical hit damage and we have very high critical hit chance or just belts of physical Perfection Plus 6. for gloves as any shoe Handler fencers gift for the extra boost to damage 4 boots either Boots of stampede for higher charge damage or I suppose you can go for veronic sacrifice even though you aren't a dexterity build for helmets early on headbands of wisdom but eventually just ahead of The Bitter End as usual for the bonus on cues and then you can combine it with the broken trickster for the extra boost to wisdom for cloaks the classic for demons at first resistance with the highest modifier ultimately the demon special cloak to get even higher bonuses for Rings is the usual package for Johannes triumphant advance for double morale bonuses this ring will become even stronger at the next patch so just you wait and diminent demise for the extra boost Chuchu handed melee attacks for the bracers they don't matter much you might as well go for abrupt on slot late game for the bonus you sneak attack which we get for free or just the lucky Racers that you start the game with now let us cover weapons and quick slots for weapons grave singer of course is ideal and like I said it is a weapon of Rover cook Our God if you're wondering about all these extra properties please check out my how to enchant and upgrade your weapons to the max Guide to the site here or in the pin comment down below now early game so for chapter 1 and 2 don't forget to go with long Spears instead for the rich property and of course you can go with functions as well if you prefer while worshiping La mash2 as far as quick slots the lucky dies from minor bonuses jarsie gags for extra Elemental damage the Signet of house was pretty low mostly to increase Lord religion as a priest extend meta magic rods for any Divine and Demon buff since we don't get enduring spells with this character a greater quick and Rod is mostly here to Quicken mess Hill even if you are an evil priest you can still heal your allies and shoot because of how useful mess Hill is of course you can also use Scrolls if you want to use magic device be careful with transformation though while you can search your base attack bonus to the max like a fighter which also results in another attack per round and more bonuses to damage from Power Attack it will block domain use which is kinda annoying for this build well so this was it from my Envoy of the end Demon Lord Arch priest build if you found it useful as always please remember to like subscribe and also consider becoming a channel member which will let you request videos just like this just for you thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 30,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, unfair, crpg bro, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, centipede, pet, pet build, centipede build, apocalypse, evil, evil build, evil path, domain, domain build, domains, cleric, cleric build, priest, priest build, demon, demon build, demon mythic, demon path, greataxe, rovagug, lamashtu, falchion, high damage, best mythic, best build, op, overpowered, wotr demon, wotr cleric, wotr domains, divine, divine spells, ecclesitheurge, crusader
Id: 66nPuXs1aT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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