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hello there friends and welcome for today's Pathfinder video we have a very special guide my first ever summon reviewed I was actually surprised by how decent summons can be when you are not just built for them but also know how to properly Empower them all of which I will cover here as you can see even late game your summons by themselves can become forces to be reckoned with after all it's only my main character the Summoner and the summons attacking here you still have the rest of your five party members and we'll be going the Aeon Mythic path for its many unique special abilities that directly boost the power of your summons such as Bane for free on all summon creatures attacks including the super powerful dispelling property and of course the gazes especially the one built for summons even spells for something as crazy as complete physical damage immunity party wide and of course I'll also cover tips as especially when it comes to the early game on how to have a good time with your Summoner lastly this character will be quite competent at melee as well you aren't just a passive Summoner because you can easily attack and contribute to damage yourself so without further Ado let us get into our Summoner guide for Wrath of the righteous first with the best summons in the game and for now I'll cover the main summon monster spells which is what you'll get for free as a class ability for the Builder have prepared bouncer tactician Inquisitor the very first one is rather poor because it's just a single dog and there's no way of increasing it but it's what you get just don't be surprised if it doesn't do much summon monster 2 is already way better because you can summon only three dogs except through Superior summoning which we gain right at the same level you get even more for a maximum of 5 dogs at once if you are familiar with the concept of action economy then you know well there are more characters with more actions in your party the better for you and this is going to be the same logic as far as the other summon monster versions whenever you gain an increase in power you get to summon multiple creatures of the previous one or just a single creature of the new one ideally you want to focus on multiple creatures of the previous one because like I said action economy at summon monster 3 you can finally summon the wolves wolves are a big upgrade over the dogs because just like the wolf pet they can trip on hit for free it doesn't need anything a tripped anime is a dead enemy even if your summons won't have the highest trip attempt it's up to five wolves attacking the enemy at once not to mention your own pet right chances are some enemies will fail their saves because the effect is applied for free or someone won't survive the Wolves will be upgraded to dire wolves also great because Street for free is straight for free now starting from summon monsters 6 onwards is when you can summon different creatures other than animals in multiple numbers anyways starting with red caps if you are evil or samasatas if you aren't now I'm afraid evil sermons are just better than the good align ones because a lot of the good aligned summons like the azadas here the axiomites or the Devils they waste a lot of time casting useless spells in battle it's not really as optimal meanwhile the evil summons are mostly Heavy Hitters like SOB eaters the red caps or the frost Giants they just rush at the enemy and attack which is exactly what you want them to do anyways summon monster 7 will provide you with Soul Eaters which are quite powerful too although they have a very annoying sound effect culminating in the frost Giants and the and the Thana Damon at summon monster 9. the frost Giants are definitely the best because where we can have up to 6. the Daemon is limited to just one nowhere near as good you can also get Boogeyman from earlier versions but they aren't worth it because they are spellcasters like the good summons so anyways multiple dogs multiple wolves red caps Soul Eaters and frost Giants is the way to go now I can't forget to cover one of the ultimate summons in the game chew creeping Doom which can summons nasty spiders swarms far per cast we won't be able to use this as an Inquisitor unless from a scroll but characters like there and get very easy access to it from the nature mystery which are always speak in all of my builds the same for Camellia spider swarms are great because first they are immune to physical damage second they don't require a road to hit all they have to do is touch the enemy of their hitbox basically and that's it the enemy will be hit their major limitation is they can only hit enemies once per round and of course the duration is nowhere as big as our summon monsters from Monster tactician and Beastmaster this is ideally best saved for bosses now for equipping don't you achieve its ultimate potential you also need to rely on another class ability which I'll soon cover because now it's time to talk about how to actually play as a similar early game and especially how to empower your summons to the max first and this is the most important part of it all just like all of your party members including pets if you want your summons to be more than mere distractions you absolutely have to buff them buffing are summons will highly increase everything about their power through his chance damage and even Armor class also don't forget by virtue of the improved am sustainability gained at Mythic 6. all of your summons attacks will also automatically attempt to dispel all Buffs from the enemies it's already powerful enough on your aeon even better when you have it on multiple up to 6 summons as well the spelling enemies is a very easy way of reducing the armor class of the surface of enemies their attack rolls too especially when you combine it with the Aeon gaze and other debuffs the end result is your summons will be even more powerful as you are combining both buffing and debuffing all in the same package even if you were to remove the limited use Buffs from here you can still easily acquire a higher than 50 attack bonus with them not cutting the D20 roll of course I already have guides for how to buff your characters to the Max and it's the same logic because the same Buffs that apply to party members will also apply to summons in ref for example for Armor class you have Shield of Faith Mage Armor and bark skin while for attack Rose greater magic weapon extremely important because most summons have lowly enchanted weapons the frost Giants for example only have plus shoe with this 2 become plus five together with Crusader's Edge a must-have for anyone including your summons for higher damage on hit 2d6 against demons and even higher to hit and damage too from a further plus shoe enhancement against demons for a total of plus seven when you consider a greater magic weapon the rest you know is just the usual party-wide Buffs that you also want on your party so just be sure to cast your summon spells before you start buffing such as heroic invocation or Good Hope and heroism for massive increases to attack and damage the mass animal wolves aren't as needed besides cat's Grace for AC because well augment summoning only increases strengthen Constitution don't forget haste of course together with prayer and burst of Glory even a rucha lace Ranger upon the ability will also work on your summon so like I said just go all out on them as you also buff your party now it doesn't need anything that having a cold party member will highly increase the power of your summons too first lethal stands for competence to attack Rose second animal Fury for the extra bite attack it doesn't matter much for the initial animal summons but for the later summons is another attack per round and don't forget the Beast totem line for higher Armor class and Claw attacks too by itself a Scott can provide something like plus nine short summons attack rows it really is that good don't forget Mark of Justice from Paladin as well which by itself can easily trivialize almost any boss in the game even not unfair even for your summons by letting them bypass any damage reduction the enemy might have should gather with a massive boost shoot their damage and this is the ability that makes creeping Doom so powerful now let's just do a quick section on how to play as a Summoner especially early game before starting with our build well the logic is simple very early in the game until around chapter 2 so up to level 5 to 6 you'll be at your weakest of course but as early as 3 you can already summon multiple dogs of course because these dogs will have low duration only 3 minutes at level 3 although you do have multiple uses there's not much of a point in let's say applying Buffs like shoot of Faith bark skin or Mage Armor however blast is always a must-have because it's party wide and don't forget bone fists the new spell added by the shifter DLC can also highly increase the damage of your early summons because they are all animals which means they attack with natural weapons for plus 22 damage even their armor class 2. anyways ideally early game you want to First send whatever character you have as a tank in this case Lance dog here and by the way if you don't have a pet because Inquisitor only guess it at level 4 plus you can just multi-class loan or windwork as a hunter and get a pet like the leopard you don't even need to play with them later on but the leopard early game has the highest AC it can easily tank anything for you anyways the strategy is the same as when it comes to protecting your lower AC characters you want to send whoever you have as a tank ahead to catch the enemy's attention so that they focus on it first your summons will then follow afterwards but the Enemy by then will already be engaged with the tank in this case I have my dog here right so it's already charging at the enemies the enemies will now Circle it while the summons will go for their flank meanwhile our Summoner will attack from reach behind the summons and there we go of course this was without our party helping as I've said whatever empowers your party also works for summons so don't forget to heal them as well early game is mostly going to be through Channel positive energy from cleric or Oracle but late game you'll have mass heal which by itself ensures your summons will stay alive also note that the summons tend to sometimes lag behind the Summoner character which is another reason I prefer to leave tanking to someone else right someone who can actually directly control to send charging at the enemy once you reach level 7 plus at chapter 2 well first your summon spells will start lasting way longer at 7 Minutes Plus certainly more respectable which also means you should consider buffing them with more powerful shorter duration effects with that out of the way let's finally get into our summoner build when it comes to class I'd say you have two choices if you want an easy and fun time even early game first Bard and Beast tamer second and my preferred pick Inquisitor and monster tactician both of these classes actually gain free access to all of the summon monster line of spells as they progress in levels these have separate uses from their actual spell casting as both Barton Inquisitor can get up to level 6 spells but most importantly they also last way longer than the normal summons by default summon spells only last a single round per level that is 6 seconds only per level not really that good considering you also have to buff them for proper efficiency for the special monster tactician and Beastmaster abilities however they will last one minute per class level that is 10 times as long as the normal version of the Spells together with multiple users per day as well now the only limitation to this is you can only have a single one of the special summon monster ability on at the same time that is if you cast another the summons will just be replaced however you can still summon more creatures through other items and abilities while it is true that a merge at Lich or Angel could eventually have 24 hours duration even on the strongest summons that takes forever to get right it's only a chapter of four plus for eighty percent of the game you'll be stuck with one round level summons which is why I vastly prefer monster tactician and Beastmaster s for why monster tactician instead of Beastmaster at least for dispute well first by having access to domains you can of course pick animal and get a full scaling pet we are after our Summoner rebuild the path isn't exactly a summon but it's actually way better because it's permanent customizable and can be equipped with gear plus the more the better for a Summoner right second they get the special summon tactics ability at level 5 which means they'll automatically share all of their teamwork feeds and they get a lot of them for free with their summons this also matters a lot especially when it comes to let's say outflank which can highly increase the damage and to hit chance of your summons together with precise strike and Shake It Off Third as you'll be going the Aeon Mythic path the inquisitor's Bane ability will also stack with a and Bane for even higher uses but fear not because later I'm also planning on a Beastmaster build for now monster tactician it is however as far as race as always I prefer to go with humans especially for a build like this because we don't really get any bonus feeds outside of teamwork once and we have to spend feeds to increase both our summoning potential together with melee power the bonus feat from Human really helps for background you have two choices there's always the class six retouching pickpocket especially because you won't have the space for improved initiative until way later and you can amusely enough go with lumberjack 2. for free proficiency with all of the access and well the grave singer great X is the best weapon in the game on the other hand for dispute however I have chosen to go before shards because of their Rich property which means I don't need this background so I'll just be going with Street Archie and pickpocket but the choice is up to you as far as your ability points strength is actually your main attribute you want 19 at character creation Charisma is very dumpable it doesn't really matter for dispute then 14 dexterity 13 is actually enough so we can qualify for the precise strike teamwork feat for higher summon damage but well farting is what actually gets you more Armor class and initiative together with 14 Constitution it helps you have a nice amount of hit points but this character won't really ever been in any danger because at the beginning you can use Rich weapons like long Spears and later you can just ride your pet lastly 12 points of wisdom is actually enough but I prefer 14 here this way you don't need many boosts to cast all of The Inquisitor spells in the game the rest you can get from gear of course you don't have to Dom Charisma as low if you don't want just reduce something like wisdom and get 10 calories and so on for skill points Athletics because of our high strength inquisitors actually have all skills as class skills meaning you can't specialize into anything you want of course as always it's going to depend on the rest of your party but to me perception because we have decent wisdom and I also like persuasion and use magic device even if you have low starter Charisma because it's very easy to increase them and inquisitors even have a special boost to persuasion for intimidate the leftover point is up to you I'll be going with a lot of religion because I think it fits an Inquisitor now for our level one Feats well I'm not sure about you but I do love being a human our extra feat will really matter for this level because this way we can get spell focus conjuration we won't really be casting any conjuration spells outside of this summon monster abilities it's just that this is a prerequisite for the summon boosting Feats and anyways still at level 1 we can also rush for augment summoning the first summoning specific feat which you increase the strength and Constitution of all of your summons including from these abilities here by plus four so you won't have to bother casting both strength or Bear's Endurance on them now for deity this is a bit tricky because we want animal domain right but as I've explained before the Evo summons are by far the best and well the only deities that let you pick animal erastio gosry and green Faith they don't let you be lawful evil although you can start as love for neutral and then you know before around level 11 just speak evil options and changing to love for evil after all the great evil summons only start appearing at level 11 plus so you have plenty of time for alignment changes and as far as I'm aware it should not block your spell casting I've tested it a lot of times and I was still able to cast my inquisitory spells even as love for evil anyways animal domain is the way to go far spells please remember that I've even recently released an updated version of my best Divine spells guide so for now I'll just keep it simple and short cure light wounds and bless one of the best ways of buffing your summons early game as I said you can only be lawful neutral but later you can change to love for evil or level 2 Shield of faith for level 3 you want another special summon feat Superior summoning which will increase the number of creatures you conjure with summon monster spells by one if they already summon more than just one creature for example let's say someone monster one it only summons a single dog so these feet won't do anything but some almost hurt you as far as the only three dogs well you'll get a three plus one from this which means you can eventually have even up to six summons at the same time now for your first teamwork feet precise strike is the way to go I didn't recommend picking it before because it was applied separately to your damage which made it very easy for enemies to resist it nowadays it's applied all together meaning if you have ways of bypassing demons damage reduction like well there's so many including the special Summoner Mythic ability well your summons will do an extra 1 to 6 points of damage per attack and they need all the help they can get just remember it will only apply to your summons once you hit Level 5 for summon tactics at this point it's only for the main character but because of solo tactics the other members of your party don't really need to have this for another spell Divine favor at level 4 increase strength which is also what you want to increase on all of the other levels as usual for higher attack roles and damage plus the best and abilities they all work based on your highest score now for your pet ideally as always you want one of the tripping pads and you have three choices boar dog and wolf I'm not saying you can't pick another pet right it's just that these are the best ones having access to trip is even better for a Summoner party because well it's another way of granting or someone's extra attacks and way higher chances of hitting the enemy for level 2 spells lesser restoration and protection from alignment communal at level 5 Boon companion is the way to go so that rap had to fully scale to our level because by default it's at -3 from animal domain and I would then pick 8. but your second teamwork fit at six well outflank without a doubt it highly increases the power of your summons not to mention all your party members too and then cure moderate wounds for level 7 this is when I would go for exotic proficiency for shard of course if you prefer the grave singer great X you would already have it from The Lumberjack background meaning you don't need this fit at all it's just for something different because after all the point is to attack behind your role of summon creatures and pets right as a true Summoner with Rich weapons we can do that plus 4 shards have the best critical range even better because the higher our critical chance the more free attacks you'll be granting to our summons throughout flank too bad we can't be a trickster and then pick true strike here for level 3 spells prayer and greater magic weapon another very important buff for summons and then magical vestment you can pick heroism choose just that I always have a scold for that for level 9 launch is the way to go as usual you want as high reach as possible especially if you went with axes instead of for shards for another teamwork feat now it is time for Shake It Off together with let's say remove curse for level 10 find traps and at level 4 Crusaders Edge one of the ultimate Buffs for any mini character including summons together with restoration for level 11 as always improved critical into either access or for shard any spell here and well freedom of movement creating visibility or deathward sub to you for another teamwork feat I like back to back because it does work as another way of increasing our summons Armor class if they ever get flanked together with divine power pro level 13 well this is going to depend on what you want to do with dispute as always getting shutter defenses can be very useful but we still need three Feats for that meaning you can only pick at level 17. I don't really think shutter defenses is needed for this build because as an aeon Inquisitor you have the easiest time dispelling enemies instantly of all their aboves meaning they'll have way lower Armor class even your summons will automatically dispel enemies chew on their attacks what's not your love so I would rather go with Power Attack to start increasing our damage now it's not just about summons after all any spell here I'm usually enough some of the any spells well they only last one round but they cost us with action and they don't really have a safe intro for level 5 spells resounding below is the way to go for higher damage on hit together with stone skin communal any spell here and anything you want at level 5 2 because the remaining ones don't matter much for this build might as well pick your light ones or level 15 combat reflexes I delay it a lot because well we have other ways of getting more attacks of opportunity like the ever ready Mythic ability but as I said you can also pick weapon focus at 13 doesn't display at 15 and shutter defenses at 17 if you prefer any other teamwork feeds the remaining ones don't really matter I like Allied spellcaster because at least he does something especially if you have spell casting summons any level 5 spell and either freedom of movement now or burst of Glory protection from energy communal can help too now for your first level 6 spells heel is as always the must have this spell magic is useless for a neon because you automatically dispel enemies anyways by just hitting them and while through sync communal or 17 improved initiative kinda late but we don't have the space for it before I'm afraid any other level 6 spell like inspiring recovery now from level 18 on wires you can actually multi-class into something else because you already have the best summon monster ability anyways I just don't see much of a point to be fair but there's always Ranger and demons layer and also Alchemists and the section is for the motogen even fighter and mutation Mario 2 has three levels for the mutagen and some extra feasts let's just remain a pure monster tactician for once simple yet very effective any other teamwork fit now such as coordinated defense the issue we've seized the moment is I'm pretty sure it will not stack without flank anymore any level 6 spell also picking other classes will delay your past progression well for 19 you can actually pick anything you want and if you didn't go with a human you wouldn't have anything here let's just go with weapon focus and for shard all right now let's discover a Mythic progression for our Summoner aeon for the first Ascension close to the abyss can be good only if you decided to go with access because if you went with four shards like I did the agar attack will clash with your Rich weapon so I'd say you have two other choices bit of fun if you want to increase your skills or close to the heavens for the very useful healing ability early in mid game I think overall this is the best pick for Mythic level 1 well we are a Summoner so far once we can actually benefit from the ascent that summons Mythic ability which will highly increase almost all of your summon stats by a bonus equal to half your Mythic rank plus one even at this point it should already be a plus two lastly their tanks will be able to bypass almost any form of damage reduction or Mythic level should we want an extra Mythic ability and you have two choices leading strike can highly increase your damage because you alternate your attacks with your pet and at this point you can already ride the pet and there's of course the mythical beast in the spirit of playing a Summoner right I do consider the patch to be somewhat of a summon shoe except better I do think leading strike will be more useful earlier however for Mythic 3 everybody is the way to go as usual especially because we only get combat reflexes rather late now for your first alien gazes please remember that I already have a full Aon guide explaining everything here in depth so for now as always you'll keep it short and simple attack will be your main gaze until Mythic 6 when you can combine two at the same time because it's by far one of the most useful ones first it applies your whole part it's not just summons the extra increased your attack rows can be quite good and it also works for defenses because whenever you activate it enemies will be debuffed by the same amount you gain as attack rows which can result in -5 later and that is c will be very high too as an alien you'll actually get even more Divine spells so it's like having Twice The Inquisitor spell book for Mythic level 4 as always Mythic critical for shard or axis for another gaze attack of opportunity but like I said you can only combine two at Mythic 6. for music level five this is when it would go for mythical beast and at last we can pick the summoner's case which will directly increase the strength dexterity and Constitution of all our summons equal to half your Mythic rank kinda the same as ascended summons as I said wait until Mythic 6 to activate both of them attack is better because it applies to everyone and the Buffs the enemies attack Rose or Mythic 6 Mythic Power Attack is the way to go the other gazes don't really matter because attack attacks of opportunity on the summoner's gate are way above all others for this build so feel free to pick anything you want like damage or Mythic 7 if you fancy using frightful aspects Scrolls to buff your character Master Shape Shifter is the way to go at this point Nano can just craft them by huge amounts you can actually pick an impossible domain as an Inquisitor I just prefer to leave this to social but of course if you didn't go with a data that has animal domain you can pick animal from here War can even Grant you an extra feat but there's also Mythic charge and even abundant Bane if you want the other gazes as I've mentioned don't matter palmy thick 8 Mythic improves the initiative at last Mythic 9 can be anything you want I'll just speak less stand because why not the main reason I don't pick this earlier even if you're playing on unfair well this character isn't really a danger of being hit by the enemies and as for Mythic 10 feel free to pick anything you want and remember at this point you have three gazes at the same time ideally attack attacks of opportunity and summoner's gaze well alright now let us cover gear for our Summoner and build for the amulet has always will access for the further bonus to strength for armored Gmail of camaraderie for even higher damage when flanking something very easy to do when riding or pet but of course you have many summons due to help with that now for the Rope slot this is very important source of dividing power whenever you use a divine power to summon a creature and it does work with your special summon monster abilities you can choose between automatically applying either holy or Unholy to all of your summons attacks holy is the way to go be sure throughout the line the ability like this so that it works and holy means an extra 2d6 irresistible damage per attack against evil creatures all demons source of dividing power can be bought from the Arcane Weaver Merchant at Dresden at chapter 3 the earliest for the belt ultimately the belt of the last of the first humans from the shifter DLC is as always going to be the best for most builds for huge bonuses to attack and damage but before that just spells that increase strength and then you can choose between strength dexterity and our constitution or all of them with physical Perfection belts but strength is your main priority for the gloves one of the main reasons we are going with evil summons is because of the unique jaws of the Jackal gloves whenever you summon an evil creature they'll get a plus two bonus to Natural Armor class together with also a plus for a profane bonus to attack saves and skill checks mostly for attacks and of course if you choose to summon the Thana Damon who is the strongest of the evil summons it will be boosted by double the amount I'd rather summon the multiple Frost Giants however bar boots Stampede is the way to go as usual for higher damage when charging four headbands early the ones that increase wisdom but later the head of The Bitter End for the maximum bonus of attack rolls together with broken trickster as usual to boost your wisdom as you cast all monster tactician's spells don't forget aliens can also equip the unique lenses of prolonged gays found at midnight Fame during chapter 3 to increase your Gate's users until they become infinite that is four cloaks the Aeon cloak is extremely powerful most likely the best of all the Mythic cloak variants it Buffs your whole party including summons with not just haste but also a huge Plus for inside bonus to attack Rose foreign's imminent demise because virtual handling regardless if you went with four shards or great axes together with the very thematic ring of summoning now this doesn't need to be on your main character right because the best effect works as an aura it Buffs everyone including summons with a plus two bonus to weapon damage against chaotic creatures that is all demons plus it also lets you cast the summon monster spell eight once per day but of course the duration won't really be as high as your special abilities from Monster tactician or Beastmaster Steel free summons our free summons and they will stack with the other ones and don't forget because the Ring of summoning can be equipped on anyone you can just leave the Ring of triumphant advance to the main character for even higher power be sure to have another party member equipped with the clemency of Shadows or just traded for being of summoning this also works as an aura so it doesn't have to be on the main character but anyways this ring is super fun especially for a Summoner first it increases the number of attacks of opportunity everyone inside can make by plus one very good because summons well they don't tend to have combat reflexes or they have a ready Mythic ability and because of outflank they will be getting lots of attacks of opportunity second if the attack of opportunity was a critical hit the enemy will be automatically staggered also very powerful but most importantly and this is the fun part for a Summoner if any of your party members Falls unconscious a giant spider will be summoned to fight alongside you and here's the best part it works on someone's shoe right let's say your summons die well spiders will spawn and then if they spider themselves die more spiders will also spawn so you can eventually end up with a massive Army of spiders even if they don't hit the enemy very hard right at least in the hands of an actual Summoner they'll be boosted to the max it's certainly very fun to watch for bracers just abrupt on slot for sneak attack damage alright let's discover weapons in quick slots and we do have a lot of them for a summon build four weapons I went to four shards for reaching high criticals but you can also go with the grave singer great X just remember early game until you can ride your pet you definitely want to go with long Spears instead for reach our second most important weapon is Storm collar this has a very unique effect of empowering all your summoned creatures with an additional 1 to 6 points of Sonic damage it might not seem like much but a lot of extra sources of damage can be applied to this including let's say Paladin's Mark of justice so the extra damage can add up you also don't even need to have this equipped on all of the time just be sure to have it before casting or summon spells afterwards you can just switch back to your main weapon stormcaller can be found during aru's Quest at chapter 4. the call of the ocean Trident is only here because it has an ability that lets you summon a large water Elemental and well we are all about some money tridents can be equipped by an Inquisitor if you went with ghost rated at I picked there's of course so sheer which can summon creatures on Queue in this case Demons of scaling strength depending on the power of the enemy it's just that I'd much rather for shards for the higher critical range which means more free attacks to your summons now when it comes to Quick slots we have many nice items too first The Book of Dreams I think this book is supposed to have stronger effects based on the number of pages but it's never really unlocked for me it's meant to be as you progress through the game in any case even the early effect is already amazing because it increases the number of your summon creatures by plus one just like the superior summoning feet and they do stack so you can have let's say a maximum of six Frost Giants at the same time from summon monster 9. Brazen whip is quite handy as well it comes from winter sun and while it essentially increases the number of attacks per round your summons can make by an extra plus one which does stack with the haste spell by the way so that's two extra attacks for summons it does have the downside of slowing you but well if you have freedom of movement you can become immune to the slow effect and as an aeon an Inquisitor you can cast it just fine even if you don't manage to become immune it's still a great addition because it's an extra plus two attacks for many summon creatures the Covenant of the inherited reality can also help but well to ascend that summons you can just bypass most damage reduction anyways 10 card of free spirit is here as one of the special items that let you summon creatures it works even if you aren't an asata and even summons more Creatures based on your level but another summon item we have the duality of conjuration and summoning it can provide you with a lot of special minor effects but most importantly it lets you summon nabasu demons or monadik Devas for free just remember there's a chance they'll be hostile of course if you didn't pick a pet by not having animal domain try ceratops that wet will come in handy and there's always any Scrolls you want to reuse magic device especially frightful aspect to get the Boost from Master Shape Shifter if you want well alright friends so this was it from my first ever Summoner review then guide if you found it useful as always please remember to like subscribe and also consider becoming a channel member I really appreciate your support thank you for watching see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 8,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, unfair, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, summons, summoner, summoner build, conjurer, pet, pet build, best summons, best summon, aeon, aeon guide, aeon build, aeon mythic, pf wotr aeon, pf wotr summoner, inquisitor, caster, caster build, fighter, melee, spells, summon monster, pets, monster tactician, monster tactician build, fauchard, spear, spear build, aeon gaze, aeon bane
Id: n2-iV81zWgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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