PATHFINDER: WOTR - DEMON Guide - Demonic Rage, Aspects, Spells & Demon Forms!

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Demon Builds are also coming for all sorts of playstyles!

The first is a Demonslayer(!) Demon Shapeshifter focused on fighting while transformed into the many demon forms:

The second is a Demon Kineticist for huge AoE damage with infinite casts eventually

The third is a Demon Cavalier which is also the build I believe to have the highest single target melee damage in the game, more thank 40500 damage

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/cRPG_Bro 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Good guide and broken up into easy to find sections. re: demonic charge, it's disappointing how many zones have temporal disruptions that prevent teleporting and prevent using that ability.

Now, the important question is what is going on with that sword effects in the opening video??

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Osyris- 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

TL;DR None of it works

Half kidding, mostly serious at least from my play on launch (most of the abilities didn't work, had basically no Mythic Units and a broken Crusade System, etc.)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dark3nedDragon 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Good stuff. Your Trickster video convinced me to pick that path for my first run.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DogCerberus 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thx, I am roleplaying as level 3 demon right now, btw does demonic charge apply to schir aspect & mythic charge? Or only to normal charge?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/grinch12345 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Superb videos as always. TBH I was not all that interested in the mythic path but seeing the videos makes me want to try one and add it to the list of planned runs.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/G0DL1K3D3V1L 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Awesome as always. I'm really enjoy your videos. Do you plan explore Aeon next, after the big patch?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mast3rR0b_90 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thank god, I was trying to find something useful that doesn't require a 10 minute buffing from three specially built supports

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vnalord 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello there and welcome friends at long last here is my demon mystic path guide i was actually surprised by how versatile the demon mythic is it can actually support all sorts of characters from elite to range it and even spell casters for this guide in particular i'll be keeping mostly to the demon mythic path powers abilities spells demonic forms and so on there's quite a lot to talk about and the video is around 40 minutes as is so i'll be talking about my demon build guides in separate videos because i actually have four whole different demon views for you all of these guides will have full build progression not only for the general levels but also the mythic the reason i'm splitting the beauty is because this guide is long enough as is but most importantly my computer at the moment well it only has budget parts so it's not really good and when it comes to making and editing long videos my video editing software slows down to a crawl if the video is longer than 25 minutes or so it starts crashing by a lot so it can be really troublesome for me to edit these long videos some of these builds that i will talk about later a demon kineticist and a demon cavalier are very special in that they do a massive amount of damage so i do think they deserve singular spots so without further ado let's get started and first talk about our demon mythic abilities later on i'll cover the builds and as usual everything here is timed so you can just skip to whatever you want whenever you want i hope you enjoy it alright so first let's talk about our special demon mythic path abilities so the demon thematic first ascension is close to the abyss the main benefit is that you gain a gore attack for free so if you are using any melee character this basically gives you an extra attack per round which can be very useful especially if you have let's say sneak attack because it does get applied to your gore attacks and depending on how high your strength can be this can also do quite a lot of damage so if you are going with a melee demon character i would certainly recommend you keep close to the abyss on the other hand if you have a spellcaster demon or a ranger demon character there isn't much of a point to picking this because well you need to be melee range to use it as usual i would just go with instrument of freedom instead to empower our allies attacks with holy damage alright so at mythic rank 3 you first get your true demon powers first we have demonic charge which can be a very fun ability and also very unique demonic charge lacks you as a move action teleport to a target enemy it doesn't really have to be an enemy it can be any area so long as you are in range the range isn't that high dealing 2d6 unholy damage per thermistic range to all of the enemies nearby in a 10 foot range you can only damage them once per round this ability can be very fun even outside of battle you can use it to move around let's see just like this you can keep spamming it but during battle it will cost you a move action the issue with this is that well battles away for characters that have a lot of attacks like well any melee character past level 6 or so if you use demonic charge you will not be able to full attack that is you only be able to attack once per round this isn't really a problem for characters let's say that have vital strike because they are only going to attack once anyways but for other characters it can mean quite a lot of attacks lost per round this is why i prefer to use this basically for vital strike characters and also only if you truly need to get to where the enemies let's say camellia is an enemy here and she's blocked away by all other sorts of enemies because we can't get to her normally we can use demonic charge instead to close the range and attack her right after that which is good for let's say ranged or spell casting enemies but remember you will be limited to just a single attack on the round that you use demonic charge also it's important to note that charge demonic charge that is isn't really a charge ability as far as the normal charge so a bullets like mythic charge and pounce will not affect demonic charge it's different second we have demonic claws which basically lets you grow close at wield for true claw attacks it does help if you want a character focused on natural attacks but if you are a shapeshifter these aren't really going to matter or if you have us called they don't really matter because this code already has beast totem to give all of your party members go attacks instead of just your demon character and they can actually do more damage than the demonic claws even third we have our demonic rage ability which is well pretty much a truly unique ability of demon path as a free action you can enter a rage during battle that lasts until the end of combat and while under rage you gain a plus 2 bonus to attack rolls damage rolls character level checks and even reflect saving throws with also an increase to the difficulty class of all of your spells and abilities and this benefit will increase by 1 at mythic rank 6 and 9 so overall a very powerful ability that also gains an increase in uses starts at 3 times per day and then increases to 4 at mythic 6 and 5 at mythic 9 at last almost all of your demon abilities the aspects of demons at least have main effects that require demonic rage to be on so be sure to always cast it whenever faced with tough battles as the benefits are certainly very powerful right so let's get now into the meat of the demon mythic powers the demonic aspects which will further enhance your demonic rage turning your demonic aspect rage abilities is very simple all you have to do is select the ones you want to use here in your abilities tab the ones you want to use will have this square icon at mythic rank 5 you get to use two of the minor aspects and then yet another at mythic rank 8 so that's three minor aspects one major aspect and i do believe who actually benefit from all of the demonic lord aspects you picked so for example my character here has both nocticular and also arashka gao at the same time whenever he rages first we have the aspect of babao you gain a permanent boost to some of your skills just by picking this and this is the same for all of the aspects they do have an effect that increases your skills as you can see here and this effect is actually permanent you don't have to turn the aspects on by just speaking them you always gain the skill boost even outside of demonic rage but for babal you gain an increase in your sneak attack damage by 2-6 whenever raging and this is the thing for the secondary effects you do need to be raging for all of the secondary effects to take place also any creature that strikes you this doesn't matter really they will take to the success damage and this will increase but most of the demons you face do have acid resistance at least some amount of it the main benefit is the extra sneak attack damage which can help you for of course a class that is focused on sneak attacks but overall i do think this is one of the weakest of the lower demonic aspects the second is the aspect of brimurak so enemies that attack you with a gnome rich weapon will take 2-6 fire damage that also increases just like the aspect of babao this is somewhat worthless the other benefit can be useful it can increase the damage of your spells by an extra plus 2 points per die road which will increase by one at level six and level nine so up to plus four damage per dive rolled this can add up and if you are a spellcaster focused on damaging spells like the infamous hellfire array you will be able to get quite a lot of bonus damage from this still it does have a somewhat niche use as i do prefer demon casters focused on difficulty class spells after all why bother with damage if you can just instantly kill them with one spell so third we have the aspect of incubus it's actually a very versatile aspect because it helps both spellcasters and also arrange it and melee damage dealers whenever you cast a spell on their rage you actually increase the difficulty class by one with extra increases at levels six and 9 which is great second you also gain a plus 4 bonus to weapon damage rows and this also increases further it's a very powerful aspect i mean if you are a spellcaster you want it because of the increase to the difficulty class and if you are a melee or ranger character you want it because of the bonus to the damage rose so overall a very solid choice now we have the extremely cheesy aspect of calavacco's to start it grants you a bonus to combat maneuver defense and your combat maneuver bonus and also natural armor class and this is a stacking source of natural armor class so we'll stack with for example barrack skin or evidence of natural armor now this bonus by itself is already great if you have characters focused on combat maneuver such as characters that you strip for example the true power of this aspect however lies in the secondary effect whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check during demon rage you can make an attack against the target as a free action do note that free actions are actually unlimited you can make an infinite amount of free actions per round also whenever you hit the enemy with a charge attack you can also attempt to design them as a free action and because desiring is a combat maneuver if you charge at the enemy while under aspect of kalavakus you will attempt to design them and immediately gain a free attack on them because of the combat maneuver that you just did if you've watched my guide on how to defeat the sky as a demon character then you might have noticed my amerilift character because of the pounce ability that lets you do all of your attacks as part of a charge action so your full attacks actually got more than 10 extra attacks for free against this curry because we charge hit the scar for more than 10 attacks each of these attacks sprocked a disarm attempt and each of the disarm attempts broke the free attack as a free action so talk about crazy this is why it's so great for cavalier characters too who also are focused on charging at the enemy and it is why i have chosen a cavalier character for one of my demon views now the power of calavacus doesn't just stop there it also has an insane synergy with the kineticist class kineticists can gain an ability called bowling infusion and another called pushing infusion that lets you perform either a combat maneuver bow rush or a trip attack whenever you hit the enemy with your blast and you can further empower some of your area of effect abilities with these and because with the aspect of calavacus we gain a free attack whenever we use a combat maneuver well let's just say you hit the enemy with with your blast and you can hit a multiple amount of time affair of effect abilities you then proc two combat maneuvers from bowling and pushing infusion and you then get two free attacks against all of the enemies that you hit so talk about a crazy amount of extra damage that you get overall aspect of kalavacos is simply crazy and honestly probably the best of all of the lower demonic aspects if you have a class focused on charging or a kineticist and because charge is something that every character can do at least melee characters it has amazing synergy we also have the aspect of nabasu now the main benefit is increasing our savings rules which is great but not really that needed second you also have an aura debuff that reduces the enemies attack rows and fortitude save intros by -1 with increases at 6 and 9 this can actually be amazing for difficulty class characters especially characters focused on instant death spells the spell fantasma killer and weird for example they have both fortitude and wheel saving throws so this can be a further way of reducing their saving throws so we can instantly kill them with ease but it is mostly an aspect focused on spell casters we also have the aspect of shear by default it grants you a normal bonus on melee attack rows which is great for easier chances of hitting the enemy whenever you charged you also gain the powerful charge ability so it does increase the damage of your charge by quite a lot combine this of the aspect of the kalavakis for a cavalier character or any other character focuses on charging and you will highly increase your damage for another aspect we have the succubus and this is another one of the best aspects in the game by default it gives you another debuff aura that reduces the enemy's wheel saving throws and also their attack rolls while also increasing the attack rolls and saving throws of your allies which is great but the most powerful effect is actually giving your entire party immunity to compulsion and fear effects compulsion effects can be very annoying like charm and dominate but most importantly the confusion spell that some demons love spamming on you is also compulsion and this will outright block it so perfect for hard and unfair where enemies have a lot higher difficulty class on their spells and abilities this is a great aspect to have overall as soon as we get it at mythic ring 4 lastly we have the aspect of rock which is the main aspect for range at characters like archers it does grant you a bonus your range of attack rolls and also reduces the enemy's reflex by a -1 increasing at level 6 and 9 which can be great for damage spellcasters who have spells that often need to pass a reflex saving throw first i suppose the secondary neat effect is that it also makes all of your spells count as rich spells so for the touch spells for example you will be able to use those spells from far away without the danger of procking an attack of opportunity from an enemy but overall as far as all of the lower demonic aspects my favorite ones are certainly kalavakus because of how crazy the synergy it is with some classes and abilities succubus for immunity to compulsion and fear and then succubus for immunity to composition and fear but if you are a difficulty class caster then you probably want aspect of incubus as well now that mythic ring 5 is honestly when i think our demon character becomes really powerful because it's when we get our first well our first two major demonic aspects so let's give a look the first one is aspect of baylor and it's also one of the best ones just like with the normal demonic aspects you do have a primary benefit so the first one here that is added to your character even if you don't have this aspect on during demonic rage baylor for example gives you a bonus reconstitution avavac a bonus to strength and the other a few different bonuses the main power of vader however is that it lets you share your normal demonic rage ability so all of the increases here it doesn't let you share demonic aspects only the normal rage abilities which are pretty good as well especially because they do scale with every single one of your party members so whenever you turn your demonic rage all of your allies will also benefit from these bonuses so long as you have aspect of baler turned on overall because of this it's probably the best of the major demonic aspects as a whole it's simply very efficient and very stacked second we have aspect of colloxas and this is the one focused on difficulty class spellcasters especially intelligence based ones like wizards it gives you an intelligence boost so always powerful to further increase your difficulty class and also lets you cast all of your spells as a move action through demonic rage this can be great because it does lets you cast twice per round one spell as a move action and another spell as a standard action so you won't need to use quicken meta magic rods or defeat we also have aspect of almost it's kind of one of the weakest ones it does grant you damage resistance but at this point it doesn't matter we can just cast stone skinny or something like it and also lets your attacks make the target grappled unless they pass a reflective intro it's kinda weak really aspect of the shadow demon can be very powerful it grants you a bonus to wisdom so perfect if you are let's say a monk or a cleric any other class that benefits from high wisdom but it also makes you incorporeal during demonic rage and you might not know this but incorporate is one of the best properties in the game it even reduces the damage you take from most sources by half including elemental sources and so on also is a very powerful property and if you want to be tanky you should certainly consider picking the aspect of shadow demon as far as aspect of rolicai it gives you fast healing equal to half her mythic rank plus one doesn't really matter by this point we can just heal through all other sources like channel energy or the heal spell and thus make all of your attacks and spells apply one negative level on enemies assuming they fail the save intro they will save intro while 15 plus twice her mythic rank that's up to 35 at max rank and it does apply on every single one of her melee attacks so great for let's say a duo wielder or any character that has a massive amount of attacks per round but i would much rather go with baylor lastly we have the aspect of avakia which is another great aspect if only because of the permanent strength bonus it keeps your demon character the secondary effect doesn't really matter it's basically gives you a damage aura but the damage isn't really that good overall the best major demonic aspects are certainly baler for sharing your normal rage of our allies the constitution bonus also vovaccia for the strength boost and shadow demon for the incorporeal property at last at mythic rank 10 we actually get our final demon lord aspect now i know that as far as the patch 1.2 which is in beta at the moment the reason i'm not using this for this video is that it really destroyed my game performance the battles became slight shows that's how slow they were on the beta patch so i reverted to the normal patch but it doesn't really matter for demon because as far as i'm aware the only difference that patch 1.2 is going to bring into the game is that instead of gaining two demon lord aspects at level 10 you will now gain one at level 9 and the other level 10. this really doesn't matter because a demon character is special in that they are the only mythic path as far as i'm aware that can actually gain their mythic 9 and 10 at the same time during their chapter 5 mythic quest that you can do as soon as chapter 5 starts and i already have a guide from it which is my nocticula guide here to the side and down below anyways with that out of the way let's talk about our demon lord aspects and they can be very powerful the first is aspect of the scary it turns all of your energy damage into unholy kinda useless you already gain a metamagic world called the foreign lust that can do this for free as soon as chapter 3 so who cares and let your physical damage ignore physical damage reduction also useless so sorry the scary but you are overall a very disappointing aspect we can just use the storyteller rally called covenant of the inheritor to bypass demon's physical resistance we also have aspect of kabriri which lets us heal whenever we kill an enemy kind of situational really because at this point in the game you can just cast mass heal for a massive healing of nocticula and this one is actually amazing it lets us share our demonic rich powers all of them it's not like baylor who only shares the normal rage no particular will share the normal rage and also all of the aspects that we have on for the moment so very powerful with another character of our choice even our past which is very fun it doesn't cost anything to use you can just enter demonic rage which is also free action then share your wage with another character also a free action and then still perform all of your full actions for the round aspect of the pazuzu now can be very good for melee and ranged characters because it does give you an extra attack that stacks with haste meanwhile aspect of sukhov ben off is amazing for spellcasters just like the azata favorite magic mythic ability it forces the enemies to save twice and take the worst result last thing we have aspect of arashka goal which can be very powerful for defense by giving you a 50 stepper chance but honestly i don't see much of a point to it in the late game where you can already stack defenses extremely high through other sources like abilities and spells overall the best one is certainly nocticula and since we can pick two of them well either suck off man off if you are a spellcaster or pazuzu ishwara melee or ranger attacker an interesting note about demon is that once your transformation is complete at mythic level 9 so you gain the big wins and the way bigger horns i think it's one of the coolest looks in the game as far as the mythic path transformations it looks pretty cool you also gained a very powerful profane invocation and ability and you can use this to virtue buff either yourself or your own allies for a profane boost as a demonic overlord so you can give a plus two profane to any ability score and then another plus two profane to another ability score of your choice in my case for example i have on me i have sila here with plus two profane to her charisma and social with plus due to his wisdom to further empower mark of justice and socio's domain powers but you can choose anyone to give this to all right now let's talk about the unique demon mythic spells honestly i didn't find most of them useful there are some powerful self buffs and some decent crowd control spells i suppose but you know after going lich and angel there's really just no comparison anyways for level 1 we don't have anything unique or special and large person here is the best of the spells because it's one of the best buffs in the game and your demon character will be able to buff themselves with this level 2 is when you truly get your first unique demon spells for all of the demon forms i'm going to talk about them right after this section of this guide now we have blood haze which is honestly kind of useless it is a swift action so you can always guess it and it tries to be like haste but you know just have someone cast the hate spell instead because this has swift limitations you need to keep on killing creatures in order to prolong the duration of this haste like effect you know just cast haste we also have consumed fear the bonus to persuasion checks to intimidate can be used so if you have a character focused on that and you also get a minor healing effect based on the number of shaken or frightened enemies on every round but honestly i would also skip the spell i don't find it useful at all flames of the abyss on the other hand is one of the best demon buffs it doesn't have very high duration as it only empowers the next two attacks plus one per five caster levels up of seven should do an additional one to six unholy damage per two caster levels the more damage we have on our attacks the better so this can be useful especially for tough encounters like bosses because you can't really use this before every battle the other spells are just common ones but the main one here is mirror image which is one of the best self buffs in the whole game and a demon character can certainly make use of it especially melee or ranger demons who are not spell casters and cannot cast mirror image otherwise at level 3 we get channel rage you can only cast it while under demonic rage and as a standard action you can grant any target the effects of demonic rage for one round per caster level honestly i would rather just use the aspect of baylor to share demonic rage which has no cost because whenever you enter wage you automatically apply the aspect of the baler so long as you have it on unlike channel rage which does require standard action we also have morbid restoration which heals you based on every dead creature in a 30 foot ragers also honestly somewhat useless because there's way better ways to heal your character like channel positive energy and later on mass heal chances are if you've killed enough enemies for this spell to be effective the enemies are mostly dead already so what's the point thankfully at level 3 we also get profane hymn which is one of the best the buffs in the game and especially annoying when enemies use it on you it's basically a version of player except it has twice the effects so a minus 2 penalty on attack damage rows caster level checks concentration checks and all saving draws for all of the enemies in a very huge 40 foot radius area the best part is that this spell is not affected by spare resistance and it does not have a safe at all so it's one of the best buffs in the game as a demon spellcaster you can certainly use a quick and metamagic rod so that you cast this above and then proceed to cast your normal spell after that in the same round lastly we have telekinetic strike which is truly the first of the demon damage spells just like the normal leech exsanguinate spell it use 1d6 damage per caster level but because demons can only get 20 caster level unlike glitches it does have a maximum of 20d6 damage the best part is it also bypasses fair resistance and doesn't have a save so can be a decent single target damage effect now the secondary effectors have a save and if the enemy fail they will become prone which is great knockdown is one of the best status ailments and then you can actually attempt to push them away or towards you with a combat maneuver check using your caster level instead of base attack bonus and casting stat instead of strength but honestly you're probably going to use this for damage even for a non-caster demon because you gain your castle levels for free as usual you can use a quicken metamagic rod to cast the spell deal some damage and then proceed with your full attacks at level 4 we get abyssal chains it has a neat effect of chaining to other enemies and attempting shoe and tangle them and do bludgeoning damage the main issue is that this spell allows a save both to half the damage and to ignore the untangling effect so honestly very useless you don't really want to bother with spells that have saving throws mythic spells that is because there isn't much of a way of increasing this further a demon character won't really be focused on evocation illusion and conjuration are way better and there's honestly way better spells to cast instead infectious rage is another one of those spells that is very annoying when the enemies use it on you but not really troublesome for the enemies first they will gain a bonus from your demonic rage which is awful because it will highly increase their attack and damage the main benefit is that it also makes them confused so they will attack their own allies the nearest target that is the problem is there is no guarantee that the nearest tigers won't be a party member so i wouldn't bother with this spell at all and he also has a saving throws so kinda disappointing demons also get a teleport spell which well why bother you know you can just use demonic charge ability for the same effect except you don't have to spend the spell slot for it i suppose the difference is that demonic charge has somewhat low range this teleport has very high range even then why bother we also have abyssal skin which is basically the same as stone skin except it's against cold iron and good instead of adamantine honestly just use stone skin instead lastly we have channel rage communal i would honestly just use you know the aspect of baylor now we are at level 5 which is the last of the demon spells first we have abyssal storm it kinda tries to be like the big lich and angel damage spells but it's kind of disappointing because it does affect every single target in the big area so we'll even affect your party members dealing one to six points of electricity and unholy damage processor level so that's 20d6 electricity and 20dx6 on holy damage at the very least it does not have a save and is not affected by spell resistance but it's going to be troublesome to hit only the enemies with it instead of your own allies as well because it is centered on your demon character we also have the devour spell which is also somewhat disappointing because it is a melee touch attack at this point your demon character will have instant death spells as a caster or the melia attacker will just be able to instantly delete the enemy with their attacks there's not a point to use in this life bane is another great demon buff you can actually buff any character with it thus only causes reflection by the foe so we can also cast this and then attack in the same round and turns your weapon into a plus 5 living bane weapon for one round hermitic rank leaving bane is very useful it's an extra 2-6 damage against basically all targets in the game that aren't undead or constructs it will actually even work on demons and all outsiders for the last of the unique demon spells we have telekinetic burst which is basically an area of effect version of the electric strike so can be useful because it only hits enemies and use irresistible damage that doesn't have a save i would much rather use this instead of abyssal storm if you want so let's talk about each of the demon forms now the first one you get is demonic form 1 which comes at mythic rank 4 and you get to choose between shir babao or brimorak [Music] so the bubble form gives you the protective slime ability which is just basically an acid shoot whenever enemies attack you they take some massive damage it doesn't really matter because most of the demons resist acid you also have main claw attacks but you only have five attacks during bubble form and this is even at the late game so honestly it's not really powerful besides it we also have brimorock form which gives you fire breath and flaming weapons now the brimorax do come with a long sword which can be quite good because you know it's a weapon that you can already enchant even in the early game and you can also make use of it for you know later on having both merrily from baylor but it's still not the form i would prefer for the early game we do have seven attacks on bloomarak form so that's higher than babau certainly better we actually kill our poor dog here you do have a breath weapon but it's only a line and you know it's not going to do much damage although the difficulty class does increase i mean it's 37 now which is the end game lastly for the first forms we have the best one which is sheer [Music] shears gain the powerful charge ability and they also come equipped with a glaive so that's another weapon powerful charge is very good it's one of the reasons why pets like the elk do such amazing damage when charging and as usual we certainly want to charge so that's seven attacks on shear form the same as the brimorock form both are a lot better than the babau and we do get a lot of extra damage added because of powerful charge note that this is without a demon range which could increase it you know by a lot more at mythic rank 5 you get access to demonic form 2 so now you can change into the rakhini kalavakus or nabasu let's try the rakhini first so the arachnid has the poison and drone abilities drone doesn't really have a high difficulty class and it can actually hit your own party members because it affects all known demons honestly you don't want to confuse your own party members so i don't see you using this it seems as if they only have one attack but this here's a mistake they actually have more than that but not that many they have six attacks at max level now note that these attacks are also being enhanced by mice called but as a demon you do have a gore attack then two claw attacks and you can also have another attack from haste so you you'll never just have one attack really as far as the poison we have 39 difficulty class here which can be decent but you know all of the demon enemies that you fight in the game are immune to poison by default so i don't really find the news for this as well now let's try the kalavakus aspect i often imagine them being bigger than this they're kinda tiny akalavacus also has the powerful charge ability and they also gain more attacks because of their horns let's see how it goes so they have 7 attacks as well and a powerful charge ability for even more charge damage lastly we have nabasu form navaso is the coolest looking of them for me at least as far as the demonic forms do but the ability he has it's not really that useful because the difficulty class isn't that high and it's basically just a way of inflicting enemies with negative levels but you know negative levels are that kind of thing that it's very annoying when the enemies use it on you but not really that troublesome when you use it on the enemies because you tend to kill them a lot faster than the negative levels can add up still i do think nabasa looks pretty cool and would be perfect in my opinion for you know and on that leech type of character as far as the demon path a necromancer demon that is and as far as attacks we have 6 which is not really the best at mythic rank 6 you can actually change into aglabrezuvrok or nafashini by having demonic form 3. let's first start with brock i also kind of like the look of the rocks they have always been one of my favorite demons look wise but as of rock you really only gain the mirror image ability which doesn't matter because you know you can just cast mirror image as a demon character i suppose the good thing is that as far as i'm aware this mirror image has been uses so it can be somewhat good defensively after all mirror image is one of the best defensive buffs and contrary to some popular belief not many enemies in the game have choosing even late game enemies so i imagine if you want a very powerful defensive form for demonic form 3 go with brock because of the infinite mirror images and we do have 6 attacks in rock form now we also have the now fashiony form the classic fat pig form i like the little wings so the best thing about a functioning is that it has amazing strength with master shape shifter you're gaining plus 14 strength from the falcini and as far as physical our poor wolf got killed again and as far as physical attacks we also have 6 not really that good but it is the form of the highest strength before the baler form we have the global form so we look just like one of those very annoying global enemies that take the entire screen with their mirror image in massive size we don't even only our taiwan legs basically appear here so as a global super get the rent ability i think the bear animal companion also has rent which is basically just another way of dealing more damage with melee attacks and that's also six attacks we have in this form now at mythic rank seven we get at last the ultimate demon form to demonic form for bailor vavagal or marilyn as far as gallows you actually attack with a fortune which can be useful if you actually bother getting proof of critical fortune because fortunes have a lot higher critical range than long swords 15 to 20 instead of 18 to 20 and you also gain the unique reign of blood ability which can be coop once per minute a gal can cause blood to rain on enemy creatures the damage isn't really good i mean it does look cool let's see here it actually rained bones instead of blood i think which is somewhat strange because i'm pretty sure some of the weather effects one of them is a rain of blood anyways the effects aren't really that useful i suppose the staggered the enemy fails the safe can be decent because staggered creatures can only take a standard action they cannot full attack colors actually look pretty cool too in the close-up still because it has to compete with merely and baylor i don't see much of a point to it now let's start the vivacia form felvac is probably one of the most annoying demons we are also so big that we don't properly show on the character screen on the other hand i do think it's nice that a lot of these demon models are actually very neatly detailed unfortunately we can't properly see them in game because of the camera that is always far away from the enemies we do have high strength as well from the vacuum form a trident weapon which is somewhat unique the weapon is unholy true and the main unique ability of a vacuum would be the breath the problem is it does have friendly fire let's see here yeah and the damage isn't that good i think same for wisdom dream this is another one of those abilities that's very annoying when the enemies use on you but don't really have that much of a point when you use it against the enemies last but not least we have of course the best forms in the whole game bailor and then merely let's start with baylor baylor is actually the form of the highest physical stats of arousal 66 strength 36 dexterity 48 constitution with my character but you can of course have even more let's say if you're going with a mutation warrior i suppose you could also say another benefit of the bailiform is that at least to me it certainly looks the coolest out of all of the demons it even has some pretty cool animations just like the merolith it does come equipped with a long sword and also a whip which counts as a natural weapon in this case because we can't really get whips as far as normal characters and just for comparison on baylor form he actually got eight attacks total now the strongest of the demon forms it's probably the merry lift notice all the extra armors we have well we can actually put them to great use so the merely does have lower stats than the baler especially strength on the other hand that's 12 whole attacks we get almost all of them are long sword hits it's really hard to compete with this because you know more than 10 attacks per round is an insane amount especially when you consider all of the extra free attacks we're getting because of aspect of kalavakus not to mention an extra attack missing from pazuzu demon lord aspect because we are outside of demonic rage so merely who's probably going to win as far as the demon forms but of course i don't think she looks quite as cool as the bailor especially because the mythic demon portrait is basically a bailor at least the male one still because of aspect of kalavakus you know even though you have lower attacks with baylor you have more than enough to delete any enemy with just a single charge or your normal attacks as i've shown to you in my how to defeat the baylor corals at that guide i actually use a baler demon there i don't charge and i'm still able to easily destroy columns of the unfair well so this was it for the general part of my demon mythic guide everyone covering all of the abilities and so on stay tuned because as i've said before i'll soon be releasing all of the four different views i have for my demon character a demonstrator demon focused on shape shifting into all of the powerful demonic forms a difficulty class based demon spellcaster to easily crowd control and instantly kill your enemies and also provide some very high single target damage a demon kineticist who is able to do the ultimate area of effect damage out of all of the characters in the game and last but not least my beauty that has so far the highest damage per round a demon cavalier who is able to get eventually more than 40 000 damage per charge attack that's right 40 000 damage certainly enough should destroy everything in the game 10 times over if you've enjoyed this guide and please remember to support the channel if you can friends by liking it becoming a member and subscribing thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 43,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, videogame, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, owlcat, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, demon, demonic rage, demonic aspect, aspect of kalavakus, aspect of incubus, demon mythic, demon path, pathfinder demon, pathfinder demon mythic, pathfinder demon path, pathfinder demon build, demon build, demon spells, demon abilities, rage powers, demon rage, demon rage powers, pf demon, wotr demon, pf demon path, evil path
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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