Peter Rabbit - Unlikely Allies | Cartoons for Kids

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Oh life's without to care when spring is in the air look Florence the first butterfly of the year that means spring has arrived [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] really is hair I know I was just saying the same to Florence Pisa you never asked [Music] I should be using those stories to make some nice juicy muffins throwing them around like that I love berry battles in spring where'd you hear the helmet from anyway oh I just sort of borrowed it Oh Benjamin you two haven't been playing with my mixing bowl have you mixing bowl um I know we just should go and see what Lily's doing don't need Benjamin all right but if you find it I'm trying to make more strawberry muffins oh did somebody say Muffy piece when you borrowed did you remember to ask your mom not exactly no I maybe we should just give it back I like the sound of those muffins yeah I suppose so come on let's go and find that bowl excuse me madam I was just passing through when I stumbled upon this mixing bowl and I thought such a nice Bowl could only have come from a handsome berry like this one oh uh thank you wherever did you find it oh well now I don't want to tell tales but I did see a couple of mischievous young rabbits playing around with it in the woods did one of them have a blue jacket by any chance well yes now that I think of it yes he did that's my Peter always borrowing things without asking well I'm very grateful to you mister um oh I'm sorry the name is whiskers Samuel Jeremiah Bartholomew Edmund Cornelius whiskers a bit my friends call me Sammy Thank You mr. whiskers uh Sammy I don't believe we've seen you around here before no ma'am I'm new to these here parts well thanks again sorry was there something else is that Matthews a spill well yes Oh silly me you should have a reward for finding the bowl oh that's what I'd hoped you'd say I am if you insist how many of you got goodness you are hungry what better way to celebrate the arrival of spring then we oh nice sweet muffin oh five good day I spat he is a rat I know but something's not right [Music] this time no helmets okay hand Oh sneaky rats ruining our game made me drop my fairy never mind that Jemima Puddleduck has laid a new egg well yes is springtime now so so missus Puddleduck is throwing a big spring party to celebrate and we're in charge of inviting everyone yeah a posse could be fun games of music Kate's and treats now you're talking I suppose we'd better work out who to invite already taken care of I made a list of course you did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here what does it look like I'm doing you ridiculous rabbit I'm hunting Oh strawberries know [Music] you want to watch out for that fencing it's tricky [Music] mr. McGregor well it's been nice talking with you mr. Todd but I'm afraid I've got to hop to it Peter don't leave me mr. McGregor hates foxes I'll be stuffed and put on the mantelpiece for sure your father wouldn't let Fred a creature out here what did you say I said your father wouldn't have left me out here he'd have helped I can't believe I'm even thinking of helping mr. Todd if I help you do you promise you won't try to catch me no but I'll give you a head start all right all right rabbit is off my menu for good foxes honor just get me out of here [Music] silly rabbit never turn your back on a fox Shh if you want to get out of here you've got to be quiet what's going on over here oh no I know you're in here somewhere you oh it's a dead end you foolish rabbit you say dead end I say clever escape route look even a one-legged fox should be able to climb up there and over the wall ah you could say thank you say thank you to rabbit I'd rather eat this cane here you've got to help me find another way out of here please if you do I'll I'll I'll give you all the vegetables in my kitchen okay fine but follow me and stay low only vegetables you're going to see all the ones cooking with you in my back hair wait wait not so fast wait just keep up mr. Todd are all under put a pie and jewel in terms of fur hats [Music] and so all we have to do is call in through the fence here sneak along the onions and tada we're in mr. macgreggor strawberry patch with millions and squillions are the biggest berries you've ever seen I have to admit Benjamin that's a pretty good plan it should be I've been working it for three whole nights those strawberries it's too good to be true I say let's do it and I say since is Benjamin his plan he should be leader yes I should be leader wait what no I can't I mean I can but I can't but no buts Benjamin you'll be great hmm yeah you're right I will be right uh excuse me that was really sweet of you Peter do you think you can handle it it's just an easy strawberry raid what could possibly go wrong [Music] just like on my map so what do we do boss let's hop to it I've always wanted to say that I think I'll say it again let's hop to okay okay ladies first [Music] maybe if I go first I know sideways no wait at the same time [Music] one of my dad's secret tunnels we could get in that way let's go wait give Benjamin a chance Peter you said he's the leader today remember yeah but this tunnels much wider and [Music] he's stuck tight this way let's hope not or help put us in a pie for sure can I just say that I think my strawberry rape plan is going really really well [Music] [Music] according to my plan we just go down this way for a while I don't like this right out in the open but we want those strawberries don't we besides Benjamin seems to know where he's going [Music] we beans I just put these up as well where's my speed there hats a clever disguise huh wasn't part of my plan but I just went with it hey I know what went wrong here I have my map upside down ah [Music] we're supposed to go this way around the radishes but maybe it would be easy if we just cut straight through the radishes come on let's give him a chance he's got it under control [Music] [Music] shakey Benjamin catch [Music] [Music] you quietly in the sack [Music] [Music] [Music] those guys what now let's go home no way we are not going home without those sprouts [Music] hey let's hide under here until the coast is clear [Music] [Music] can we go now we've been here a long time too long look at all this snow one of these crates must be the sprouts but which one they all look the same [Music] stealing rabbits [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect much better than one of Peter snow rabbit did I hear someone call my name what it's just a load of snow ah that's what you think it's a stash of the most juicy delicious amazing kiss he's not nice Kitty's angry we'll never get those sprouts now nevermind the sprouts what are we going to do about the cats huh I was going to give it back I promise Benjamin that toy belongs to mr. McGregor's cat Peter what's this about a cat in the Burrow cat there's no cat in a burrow just a captor toy huh we found it and brought it home by accident the toy Aaron no not the cat definitely not the cat uh-uh [Music] beautiful well you know what to do with things that don't belong to you don't you yes mum we'll take this toy right back where we found it quick hide yes way full of the air friends I only want to talk to you for dinner that's not a very good hiding place [Music] [Music] show yourselves you can't hide forever he's right you know yeah that was close mr. Todd knows all our old hiding places that's the problem we need to find a new one huh lucky squirrels easy for them to hide up there [Music] new hiding place that's what follow me [Music] come on guys it's perfect think about it Oh tree house way up here mr. Todd will never find us hmm I suppose we could fix it up yeah I love it hey Benjamin actually I don't love it it's ours all ours you can't have it what do you mean duckin why can't we have it no one's using it you think you can just take your own tree house in the great little camp first you would have to pass the special super-secret but no I've said too much already how's the what I must never tell never tell okay then okay I tell you but first you must pass the secret squirrel test [Music] excuse me no I got that I mean what tests Oh retest there are tests of strength skill and bravery all jolly hard and stuff it's quicker if I show you test number one they're really really big on gap that's really wide that you have to jump over even though he's too far ticket out think of a shorter name for the really really big long gap that's really wide that you have to jump over even though it's too far the treehouse is ours we do all those things I mean um yes we could if we wanted to um do you want to rabbits can't climb or jump like squirrels I know that for a fact we'll do whatever we have to do to get that treehouse Nutkin we're in each of you must pass one test who will climb the Shh go on Benjamin you can do it [Music] Benjamin help me never seen it done like that before [Music] seriously help me down I know who dares enter the web of terror are still patients good and not for falling off stuff is there a shorter word for all of that balance [Music] Wow [Music] where is he I know he's in there I don't know what you're talking about tail feathers you've got that sneaky squirrel in there nice kid oh why is old brown after you well I might've kind of sort of taking his eyeglass what why in the world would you take old Browns glasses because they were better well now you better give them back oh I would I gladly would but you see I've sort of kind of lost him oh no not to worry I just stay here how about I waiver that from lunch I'm not sure this is the best place for a squirrel but we can't just throw him out it's too dangerous then we'll just have to help him find out where he left the old Browns glasses so he can give it back but we can't go outside that mean ol o is still there and he's angry maybe we can trick our way past the old bird oh I love Shh listen old brown if you're looking for Nutkin he went out the back door he's gone no he's not he's my head if he curses play let's hop to it do you remember where you might have left the glasses Nutkin well I was a manga tea party but we Jeremy Fisher down by delay [Music] [Music] conniving criminals give me back by now [Music] here we are this is where the party was [Music] trapped like the bunch of bunny bandits who are escape tunnel but it's so far away then we'll take the table to the tunnel come on like this I think my next party will be indoors [Music] [Music] okay I think we're safe I beg to differ ah tonight I shall feast on wild rabbits with garlic potatoes and carrots [Music] all right now we say I've got to stop saying that how many times have I told you never Hey keep still please Benjamin is it just me or are you tired of being chased around all the time that's just the way nature works it's called the food chain battles of budgets like Tommy Brock and frightening foxes like mr. Todd both chase rabbits and rabbits chase exactly Benjamin it's the way the woods work big things taste little things see you can't change it if there's one word I don't like it can't I've got an idea but it'll take some work I didn't [Music] I know boys they're so squiggly I love world she's not much of a singer Peter if you just tell us what we're doing here ready of course I'm ready what a muttering again throw it loser [Music] what are you doing leaving a trail for Tommy Brock and why exactly are we stealing Tommy Brooks work to make him stop chasing us but if we still have worms of course he's going to taste hot if you think someone else tall and that someone is him [Music] ah yes I see very good hahaha yes that's a really clever Peter you don't get the plan at all do you know Tommy Brock will be so busy chasing mr. Todd because he'll think mr. Todd took his worms that he won't chase us that really is clever the woods will be safe to play in well then what are we waiting for let's hop to it mr. Todd's cane this is even better Millie have you gotten the elastic in your pocket a magnifying glass a pencil button collection so that's where it went [Music] aha elastic just in case pocket just in case perfect come on follow me what's he up to now haven't a clue there's one of my worms he Oh tight just wait until you see mr. Todd's came flight right a bit fire yes [Music] [Applause] okay ready Benjamin ready Minnie ready 1 2 3 doesn't look much like a snow rabbit to me just needs a few finishing touches tada he's so big and round we could call him roly-poly hello Roley poley are you hungry tummy alarm anyone else hungry that's a yes excuse me okay that settles it lunch time let's hop to it [Music] the trouble is this time of year we only ever get to eat cabbage cabbage soup cabbage casserole have it radishes are you seeing what I'm seeing if you're seeing a pile of the most sweet smelling mouth-watering tasty radishes in the whole wide world then yes I am let's see this is wrong very wrong radishes don't just appear in the middle of the woods and definitely not in winter something smells fishy mmm smells pretty radish eats me Hey Oh think about it who would leave something like this out here it has to be a trap maybe it's not a trap shame to waste all this yummy food um he could be right Lily it's better to be safe than sorry maybe Lily's right we better leave them tell that to my tummy that's the tastiest lunch I never had [Music] [Music] I know I know you've told me a hundred times those radishes look so yummy mmm no shush I'm not talking to you anymore [Applause] what stop thinking about radishes I stopped thinking about radishes stop thinking about what are you doing here um just out for a little walk wait a second what are you doing here I couldn't stop thinking about those radishes me neither come on [Music] what was that many it was a trap I knew it it must be mr. Todd's trap he's got to be on his way we'd better do something fast what do we want today carrots turn it's my favorite jacket mr. Todd can we have our fishing rod back please of course my dear boy after all why on earth would I want to go fishing when I can have it for dinner you'll slip up one of these days Peter Rabbit natural Lily do you think we lost him oh poor Benjamin you need a big hug I'd rather have a big cucumber oh how about I would cakes what are they doing out here waiting to be eaten hey we can't just take them if we don't someone else will but these hot [Music] have you seen Oh Oh have you have you [Music] kicks your account oatcakes mrs. puddle duck I'll be the sweetest corruptly it's not cake years or cakes I ever did dick they must have fallen out of my basket on the way to the river Oh someone did eat em in much yes imagine eating someone else's oat cakes mr. Todd took them there's only one thing to be done I should have words without leaving Fox right away phew ha ha thought were in trouble there for sure Jemima Puddleduck the one in trouble she's heading to mr. Todd's and foxes eat ducks yeah this world very bad I didn't think she'd go looking for him got to stop her piece of my mind making this infernal hullabaloo and what do we have here ah we'll make the hollow whatsit mr. tots you ate my cakes without fasting oat cakes too plain for me I'm more of a meat-eater now it's no use telling Smith but my dear Jemima to have one's precious oat cakes stolen must be exceedingly distressing oh it is exceedingly la so please let me cook you a brand-new batch it's the very least I can do for such a fair lady oh well you are a gentleman and here I was thinking you are no-goodnik silly huh knowing he's not going to cook okay he's going to come Jemima not if we can help it come on [Music] nonsense besides for such an honored guest we should use only my largest cooking pot you don't say I need to get higher Benjamin stop moving [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 407,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, #stayhome, stayhome
Id: ekT6VIhnT6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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