Peter Rabbit - Searchlights | Cartoons for Kids

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this is serious the squirrels have nothing to eat and it's all my fault we need to find more nuts but how the automated nut gatherer destroyed every nut in the woods there's not a single hastern art left between here and owl island owl island of course that place is bursting with hazelnuts let's hop to it i've got to stop giving him ideas [Music] this is the plan grab as many hazelnuts from up in the trees as we can as quickly as we can and don't wake old brown don't make the owl check [Music] but we can't climb how will we get the nuts we'll think of something actually i think i just did we don't need to climb the trees we just need to shake the branches now comes the tricky part [Music] [Music] [Laughter] who's making all that noise [Laughter] it's okay old brown's not up there phew wait if old brown's not up there then where is he tail feathers get the nurse to the raft i'll keep it busy keep her busy [Music] hey you tweet 12. [Music] come on hold still you russian rabbit [Music] ow [Music] why would rabbits be gathering nuts those silly squirrels must have sent them maybe if we add them with some sort of sauce [Music] wow where where where did you get all of those we just popped over to owl island we wanted to make up for destroying your nut stash helping your friends is a sort of rabbity thing to do owl island eh that was a really uh really really really bad idea incoming i knew it you are working with the squirrels i've got an idea hope it's better than your last one just keep on busy [Music] surrender you squirm [Music] [Music] am i supposed to be scared what is that thing anyway tell him guys it's my dad's automated nut gatherer perfect for gathering up unwanted tools pencils nuts taking care of unwanted owls [Applause] [Music] i'm not sure this is such a good idea nutkin launch me blast me into the sky [Music] we have a small overheating issue again am i flying [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was going to get us first [Music] [Music] mr todd and what are these pictures my drawings hmm a little primitive but not bad i could hang these in the parlor or maybe above the bath yes looks like they're mr toads now no way they belong in our tree house hey if mr todd doesn't like thunder oh no not another storm i can't bear it [Music] thunder my poor delicate foxy ears [Music] let's wrap your drawing to see what else we can find oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh don't worry it'll look fine when we fixed it not ken we have fixed it it's as good as new huh oh yeah hello there's still one thing missing though our sign i don't care how long it takes or where it is it was my dad's and we have to get it back but we've looked everywhere peter [Music] maybe not everywhere besides a good rabbit never gives up hmm let's see found it yes um but that's in mr mcgregor's garden [Music] oh why did the sign have to be here lily any sign of mr mcgregor all clear so far but hurry [Music] up it what was that mr mcgregor let me down the sign grab the sign [Music] huh ah storm must have been worse than i thought [Music] i'll teach you to meddle with my cabbages you won't escape me now what hey that was close [Music] where'd this come from [Music] wow did you see that i thought i was a goner but then swoosh pow you threw that sided whoa sorry about your dad's sign peter yeah this place won't feel the same without it oh yeah yes then again maybe we can just have a different special sign that's it knocking just there let me know if you need any help i've had a lot of practice hanging up signs today oh no need my friend i declare this brand new sign hunger extra special i like it our paw prints look great [Music] wait it's one of my dad's hiding places in here let's hop to it [Music] dinner oh no brook's coming straight for us how does he know we are it's the light from the jar he can see it right abandoned [Music] benjamin [Music] [Applause] oh he'll never be able to track us through here never say never it's the glow worms stop glowing switch off or something i don't think they can help it benjamin let's get rid of it then please throw it away and let's go home cottontail needs this nightlight and i'm not going to let her down we need a plan we're going to have to be clever i'm clever and quick i'm quick and brave i'm quick and we'll need some of that string from lily's pocket yes [Music] now [Applause] oh sneaky rabbits oh well well fancy that i suppose you'll do for a snack come here don't wait oh we're going up hold still now let's get that jar home to cottontail oh no oh i'll get it let me try [Music] it's too small [Music] benjamin you're the best digger maybe you can dig your way in there um uh well yes um i'd love to but well um i think there's something i should tell you you're afraid of the dark [Music] very how did you know lucky guess it's okay benjamin i was afraid of the dark too when i was little what you but you're not afraid of anything everyone is afraid of something sometimes i always hum to myself whenever i'm scared it makes me feel better somehow [Music] don't worry benjamin if you don't want to go in there we'll just have to find some more glow worms if we can and if tommy brock doesn't come back wait if you two stop being scared then so can i i'm going in to get that jar all right hop to it you can get those glow worms benjamin you're a brave bunny rabbit surprise robin's a brave [Music] here [Music] guys i don't know about this come on benjamin using tunnels all the time but this isn't one of my tunnels [Music] wait i i think i see it i found it [Music] yes well done benjamin piece of cake huh i was never really scared um benjamin [Music] shoe [Music] good night cottontail what a very clever idea peter amazing that you found so many glowworms right here in the burrow [Music] yes well um you see maybe you two should be getting back home yeah right right bye bye bye would you like me to walk home with you benjamin it is pretty dark out tonight no thanks i'll be just fine i don't think i'll even need to hum to myself good night benjamin bye [Music] [Applause] oh we should go back it's not safe at night i know it's not safe that's why we have to find cottontail luckily we know where she's heading to the shrew oh the shrew won't be happy to see us he's never happy to see anyone [Music] what it's all brown run [Music] i think that grumpy old doll has gone no wait maybe we should hide a little longer just to be sure we can't wait cottondale is out here too and it's all my fault if i just played with her like she asked none of this would have happened [Music] that'll stop those rabbits from coming back excuse me have you seen cottontail no i haven't seen that crazy little rabbit don't tell me she's loose oh she'll make me wear a dress i was sure she'd be here oh she must be lost [Music] oh brown's heading this way then shouldn't we be heading that way it looks like he's circling he must be hunting something [Music] follow that hoops [Music] [Music] don't worry cottontail you're safe now we can't stay here all night owls don't stop hunting till they've caught something i know that for a fact rabbits are brave to brave [Music] cotton tail wait i've got to plan it's risky but it might just work let's hop to it you can't hurt forever you fluffy fools there you are [Music] carrying that juicy baby bunny you'll never get caught until [Music] dancing run some more your heart is pounding those feet are sounding so close to you what can you do to you [Music] [Music] not that i care about the little rabbits but don't you think you should go and rescue her no need old brown hasn't got her we have [Music] [Music] i have a feeling old brown won't be very happy when he gets home i'm sorry about today cottontail i should have played with you like you wanted and not left you alone no cottontail birdie is not funny so let's stay away from old brown for a while [Music] rabbits you rabbit on toast or scrambled rabbit [Music] i'd like to see them sneak up on my dandelions now [Music] just a second girls did you see that flopsy see what peter in the trees you are silly mopsy rabbits don't climb trees dude really mopsy oh dear i meant to take the empty milk bottles back to ginger and pickles we'll have to go back and get them come on girls [Music] cottontail [Music] peter now would be a great time to save the baby i mean if i was any longer to jump with this icicle it's going to be summer and then there won't be any icicles [Music] i've got to get up there but i'm no squirrel how will i jump that high well there are a few things we might consider number one we could try oh nevermind [Music] i shall now jump to where no squirrel has jumped before why should i attempt such a feat yes because i'm a no felix take that squirrel's name um it is because i'm brave and heroic no tail and i have very strong leg muscles no one else would even attempt this jump [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you did it yes oh cottontail i'm so glad you're okay i promise i'll keep you safe from now on come on oh oh oh no your mom's heading home already we'll never get back before them don't worry a good babysitter never gives up follow me [Music] [Applause] look at me i did it i go hey where's the icicle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] peter looks like babysitting tired them out mother what's this that's not cottontail's baby carrot [Music] oh peter rabbit we're trying to catch you indeed foolish rabbit have i got a surprise in store for you [Music] oh sweet sweet freedom whoa there look [Music] if you get me out of the garden i promise i'll never chase you or any of your friends ever again and don't forget all the vegetables in your kitchen and the secret blackberry bush yes yes you can have it all fox's honor just get me out of here okay wait here [Music] not likely ah like rabbits in the bottle but hate those peas nice and hot wait [Music] you're going to have to be quick this time peter really quick [Music] [Music] what are you waiting for hop to it well hobble to it anyway [Music] you're a smart rabbit i'll give you that i can hear you you wee rascals [Music] but not smart enough no open it do you know the other thing your father would never have done peter he'd have never trusted a fox you lied what can i say i'm a fox i confess i've always wanted to catch you peter but it seems i must leave that honor to mr mcgregor i imagine he'd rather enjoy you in a pie chariot [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one of dad's secret tunnels [Music] that's the last time you tricked me mr todd two can play that game hmm [Music] yes i'm out peter rabbit oh i should have known you'd get away [Music] help eat you up what on earth [Music] [Music] wait peter help me i'll do whatever you say i should have known better than to trust a lying fox goodbye mr todd i'm going home wait hello hello [Music] wow [Music] oh that's brilliant [Music] i don't believe it no what what is it a secret tunnel a hidden cave it's a ladybird that looks just like florence ah i'm going to call him lawrence and i'll carry him everywhere just like you do [Music] ow i just wish this nature walk was a little more adventurey wait for me now this looks like fun doesn't it see how quick the minnows are they must be really hard to catch almost as hard as crossing the stream watch this not bad huh yeah lily nearly caught a minnow [Music] oh hey watch this look at me [Music] peter be careful mr mcgregor might see you come on up it's fun [Music] are you okay oh i think so oh no lily's magnifying glass i'm really sorry lily is it okay i can fix it so uh how about that radish right now uh i was kind of enjoying the nature walk uh maybe later well i'm just going to go now if that's okay with you sure see you later [Music] see you later no time to lose you best be on your way proceed with careful fast and stay away and you'll succeed at what you're trying to do so off you go and you should know the now that's what i call an adventure [Music] radishes don't taste as good without someone to share them with i wonder what benjamin and lily are doing [Laughter] oh no look where you're going rabbits again remember to breathe sure [Music] [Music] your magnifying glass but uh it doesn't have any gloves in it exactly here peter cat [Music] perfect [Laughter] [Music] wow peter that was amazing the way you jumped on brock's bag and held on like that you're the best sorry your nature walk didn't go the way you planned it went better than planned it was so much fun and i'm sorry about your radishes there's plenty more back in mr mogakis garden uh are you saying what i think you're saying it'd be fun if we did it together together sounds good to me me too [Music] ah almost just a little bit more [Music] got it [Music] that is a lot of blackberries [Music] uh what did you say to me brooke my friend get off my nose sorry about that [Music] blackberry [Music] come back [Music] it's so clean mopsy and so shiny flopsy mother will be so happy and even happier when she sees this scarf we're knitting her yes [Music] oh [Music] what a treat thank you peter but but look at our clean floor what was a clean floor [Music] that is a mess but thank you girls i'm sure it was very clean and shiny don't forget shiny well since you all worked so hard why didn't i make your favorite mixed berry pie mixed berry pie really thanks mom wow thanks mom let's see blackberries strawberries oh uh i don't have any gooseberries i'll go and get some mother he did it again uh oh sorry about that it's not fair we worked all morning cleaning that floor but our mother cares about other berries how hard could it have been for peter to get some silly blackberries not hard at all so how how can it be to get some gooseberries easy peasy hmm gooseberries gooseberries i know i saw something in dad's journal got it a map to the very best gooseberry bush in the whole woods good old dad [Music] where are you two going to get some goods but we're just going for a walk aren't we mopsy i thought we were going to show mother we are just as good as peter at berry picking you getting gooseberries and why not easy peasy okay then [Music] wait why are you going that way because that's where the sweetest juiciest most delicious gooseberries are sweetest juiciest most delicious [Music] then we're coming with you with me yes here peter hold this oh and mine what's in these things you know our rule peter be prepared for anything ah something tells me this is going to be a long day [Music] look at that moxie let's see we're here and the gooseberries are all the way over there so it'll be a long one i think that's a primrose it's so pretty i'm going to draw a picture of it [Music] girls pants off knitting you're not going to need your knitting remember our rule be prepared for anything yes for escaping danger not knitting emergency scarves uh hum aren't you forgetting something the gooseberries we know all right then the map says we need to go through there ah wet rocky terrain mud everywhere it could be messy maybe you two just want to go home a little mess doesn't bother us does it mopsy didn't father always say a good rabbit never gives up well we're not giving up no come on then follow [Music] me can't afford to fail today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let's go let's go
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 2,661,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, #stayhome, stayhome
Id: hNaH0DLh3V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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