Peter Rabbit - Fishing for Frogs | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] there they are the freshest tastiest radishes miss mcgregor ever grew i don't know peter mr mcgregor's grown some pretty amazing radishes and we've tasted pretty much all of them trust me these are special i can almost taste them huh uh excuse me i didn't have any breakfast you might want to try and keep that tummy quiet benjamin are you awake for cat come on now that wasn't me there it is again [Music] benjamin the ball [Music] wow [Music] [Music] whoops she won't be playing with that anymore [Music] of all the places for a cat nap sorry tummy no radishes today how are we going to move that cut away from our radishes too bad she broke a squeaky toy we could have used that squeaky that's it huh cottontail has a squeaky toy just what we need to move that cat got it we'll just borrow it for a little while i don't know about this peter cottontail loves that toy she'll never know it was gone besides do we want radishes for lunch or not well when you put it like that enough talk let's go [Music] ready yeah so you two grab the radishes well i keep the cat busy be careful peter yeah cause her claws are pretty sharp don't worry that's all he prefer won't catch me um [Music] [Music] who is making such a wreckage great [Music] oh bro you bring that back find those clippers this rabbit is mine we have to help now don't go anywhere i'll be right back for you and you and you and [Music] quick we can't doesn't take cottontail toy follow that towel [Music] keeping up with it now would be so much easier if rabbits had wings it's not a real rabbit you know it's just a toy [Music] a squeaky toy why waste time on a toy when there are real rabbits to cats [Music] [Music] ah morning mr brock could we have our toy back please no oh it's mine now it's not yours i know that for a fact first you wake me up and now you want my toy ha you'll stay away from me if you know what's good for you peter we have to get gordon tells toy back before she wakes up then let's hop to it pay attention benjamin thanks to my new leaf catcher we'll never need to sweep leaves again wow [Music] there you go florence why the big rush peter it's pumpkin day of course pumpkin day is one of my top four favorite days [Music] hang on something's missing mom where's the pumpkin oh i'm so sorry peter getting the pumpkin was always your father's job so i'm afraid we won't be having one this year we don't need a pumpkin peter yeah we don't everything looks amazing just as it is maybe but it will look even better when i get as a pumpkin just like my dad did let's hop to it [Music] there it is [Music] that's our pumpkin cotton tail [Music] you know it doesn't really have to be a pumpkin what about that donut oh that cabbage over there is pretty big yeah they're okay but not as nice as a giant pumpkin come on [Music] [Music] hey [Music] it won't budge [Music] there must be a way i don't see how we'd need a horse to move it oh a cat lily i don't suppose you've got any string hmm let's see just in case bucket just in case perfect but what do you need it for you'll see [Music] catch me if you can [Music] what's got into you mr mcgregor [Music] which pumpkin would be [Music] [Music] you have to be quiet if mr mcgregor catches us he'll put us in a pie [Music] no cotton towel no yay [Music] he's not cutting it up he's scooping the insides out it'll be much lighter now i know that for a fact you're right but how do we get it down [Music] we'll never get it down from there cottontail this is bad [Music] keep running no whiskey [Music] [Music] [Music] wow ginger and pickles sell the best buns yeah uh what hey oh a stick a stock stick the best and the stickiest florence i don't want you to go anywhere near them [Music] lucky i brought along my dad's umbrella there's no way my bun's getting soggy hey where are you two going we're not going anywhere you are benjamin let's go with the handle benjamin [Music] i can't my hand's too sticky [Music] who's there i thought i saw a flying rabbit how how ridiculous [Music] oh tell feathers it is a flying rabbit and a noisy one at that how dare you pick me up [Music] i tell you [Music] cow feathers my tail feather [Music] benjamin quick [Music] one of my dad's emergency escape tunnels come on think you can take one of my tail feathers and get away with it oh yeah i'm sorry old brown it was an accident i was trying to save my friend you'd better find my tail feather peter rabbit or i'll do more than chase you and your furry friends [Music] where is it what if we paint to leave to look like a feather give it back to old brown and run away again i don't think so benjamin he's pretty angry just keep looking we've got to find that feather aha wait a second the wind's blowing in that direction i know that for a fact which means old brown's feather must have blown that way too towards mrs tiggy winkle's laundry that's where we'll find it let's hop to it [Music] tickle my nose do you young rabbits ever stop for breath mrs ticky winkle we need that feather what feather huh [Music] got it yes look my spines where did that come from phew this calls for a celebration sticky bun anyone my lovely sugary sticky bun what i wouldn't give to get my paws on that button i think we'd better return the feather to old brown first benjamin oh no afterwards [Music] [Music] yep you are next okay that worked who's next peter welcome to tickle parade it's kind of a new thing but i'm sure it'll catch up uh we need that feather nut king it's important oh why so serious oh what you need is a little laughs [Laughter] [Music] i haven't even started yet i know hopping hazelnuts give that back it's my favorite thing in the whole world it belongs to old brown and he wants it back who needs a feather it's all yours rabbits i know you're here somewhere [Music] this is a great idea peter [Music] yep much easier to grab the radishes after mr mcgregor has picked them ready ready ready [Music] this is almost too easy we're going to have enough radishes to last a lifetime [Music] peter mr mcgregor's coming back let's go [Music] huh my radishes they've disappeared [Music] where's benjamin here i am i think next time can you try throwing them a little slower but how are we gonna carry them all i hadn't thought of that we could use my wagon but it's back at your borough one of us could go and get it wait till i get my hands on you radish [Applause] hurry back benjamin [Music] okay elise wagon lily's racket uh aha there you are [Applause] [Music] i don't have time to play peek-a-boo i'm on a super important secret mission [Music] but i promise i'll play with you when i'm done good idea lily this should hide the radishes show yourselves robots [Music] that should keep him busy come on benjamin hurry [Music] [Music] you scared the stuffing out of me i thought you were mr todd i'll teach you to sneak up on me [Music] peekaboo [Music] peekaboo [Music] he's heading this way we'd better go but okay let's grab as many radishes as we can benjamin should have been back by now [Music] [Music] you're pretty funny yourself [Laughter] i'll tell you what's not funny how mad peter and lilly going to be if i don't get back now where did i leave that wagon the path must be this way no that way no oh it's nowhere we're lost don't worry cottontail everything's under control rob's brave rabbits are brave [Music] stop saying that one day peter sit down let me tell the story one day a nice gentle rabbit popped her head out of the woods hello dad hello skye ah what a lovely world this is said the nice gentle rabbit and sniffed the air oh my what is that glorious smell ask the rabbit i have never smelled anything so delicious and then she saw them oh joy what juicy dandelions are these she had never tasted anything so delicious because these weren't just any old dandelions these are the sweetest dandelions in the whole world hang on i know where that dandelion field is let's go there uh not so fast peter the story hasn't finished i've heard all i need to hear just then the sun disappeared from the sky the nice gentle rabbit saw two ginormous ears so big they blocked out the sun so she ran for her life what was that the fierce bad rabbit who's that he guards the sweetest dandelions in the whole world of course the meanest worst most horrible rabbit you'll ever meet he's so mean and so horrible that no rabbit ever goes near those dandelions well i'm going to get some you wouldn't you shouldn't you can't just watch me [Music] come on do we have to i mean uh i would but you're not scared are you benjamin scared scared no come on benjamin this will be fun ah coming you too nah uh no way oh well sick yourself huh uh hey peter wait for us [Music] dandelions here we come what does it mean hmm fierce teeth angry eyes means danger i know that for a fact the fierce bad rabbit must be this way we need to find those dandelions let's hop to it [Music] it was a brave from it's a brave [Music] wait for me [Music] wow [Music] it's fine [Music] cottontail [Music] it didn't just break this roof cut [Music] nope [Music] is everyone okay who cut the rope maybe it was the fierce bad rabbit well we tried i'm going home [Music] you'll never catch me lily [Music] [Music] let me in fox it's so cold out here my fur's all frozen what let a badger trail snow all over my best rug never go away you overgrown oaf come on who's there let's get out of here [Music] that's better we need to keep this burrow nice and warm ready let's go [Music] come on out and play benjamin it's snowball weather uh no can do peter we're on our way to the shop i'm completely out of cogs wheel nuts and quarter inch springs unless you happen to have any uh no sorry uncle bouncer please please please can i play the snow dad uh oh all right [Applause] oh gosh it's cold today don't stay out too long have fun now wow this hill is just begging to be slid down how about we use this and it's big enough for all three of us [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick hide too cold asleep oh i can't stand snow [Music] oh not even a fleet of munch neither now what i need is somewhere cozy and warm with a big bucket of new juicy worms to fill my tummy tommy brooks grumpy today mr todd wouldn't let him into his house earlier why would he want to go in there to warm up i suppose anyway he's gone hey let's build a snow bunny [Music] hello a chimney oh now that looks warm [Music] oh on [Music] that's better [Music] there looks just like a rabbit but he's not shivering like this rabbit come on let's go back to your borough warm up [Music] tommy brock's in my house this is bad very bad very very very well get him out quick grab the chair quietly [Music] [Music] stop that lily run where'd you go [Music] peter quick that isn't your home tommy brock it's benjamin's you can't stay tough luck it's freezing cold out there so i'm not leaving you can go and find somewhere else to live i can't believe there's a bedroom in my house what if he eats all our food what if he sleeps in my bed what if he stays there forever i'd really really like my house back don't worry benjamin we'll find a way to get him out maybe if we make the borough cold tommy brock will move on tommy brock is only in there because of the nice warm fire all we have to do is put out the fire how are we going to do that we're outside and the fire is inside [Music] oh no all the way up there give me back those dandelions i'm not sparing them with anyone you think you can escape me do you you're floppy ear fools you're running right [Music] now give me those dandelions peter grab this [Music] no one eats dandelions but me what are we going to do quick cover up the trap again dandelions give them to me now dandelions belong to everyone not just you you should learn to share sure sure i don't even know the meaning of the word if you want them that much come and get them don't mind if i do oh and i meant to say watch out for the nasty trap you made you'll be sorry for this [Applause] [Music] wow peter you caught this shrew in his own trap that showed him it sure did and thanks for helping us out of there no problem now let's get home uh what's wrong nothing i'm just uh looking for the path are we lost lost never yes we're lost oh but don't worry we'll find a way out i think huh you think robert's brave ropes are brave i know we could use the stars to get us home the stars how does that work well sometimes when you're lost you can use the stars to find your way just in case bucket just in case there do you see those three all in a row over there uh-huh yeah if we head in that direction it will take us home i know that for a fact incredible let's hop to it that way [Music] there it is lily you're so smart wasn't that amazing peter yeah it was nice work lily nice that was fantastic don't really knew which stars to follow even when we took a wrong turn you knew exactly how to get us home it's called astronomy at home and thanks to me we still got our dandelions i was really scared when peter said we were lost after i'd saved you from the nasty shrews trap now about those dandelions lily bobtail you're the best [Music] hi lily what are you doing florence and i were just taking a nature walk yes a nature walk great idea what's that oh this is my very own just in time pocket like yours you mean just in case pocket oh right anyway it's got all kinds of useful stuff in it some string uh a clothes peg and uh this big isn't it i borrowed it from my dad wow hmm it might be even better with some glass in it uh here why don't you use mine yours are you sure of course sharing is what true friends do true friends come here rabbit come on [Music] wake me up and i'll have you for lunch i didn't mean to wake you it was an accident [Music] that was close it was fun [Music] want to go on an adventure we're already on one look notice how it's shiny on top but not on the bottom wow no i said adventure exactly today's adventure is a nature walk a what yeah you know looking at leaves and trees and bugs but mr mcgregor's garden is full of radishes right now just waiting for us to hey lily why is it greener around the edges because that's where the sunlight touched it i know that for a fact okay then nature walk it is that was cool great shot peter [Music] yeah okay here i go [Music] the boat must have moved oh try again he goes [Music] sorry i think i missed again oh this sound will go perfectly with my no masterpiece no i can't hear a thing this won't do at all i am composing the finest musical masterpiece the world has ever known and i cannot hear the new sounds i need would you please stop making so much noise sorry mr fisher we were just playing a game and i would be obliged if you would play something quieter oh oh i know we could fish uh really quietly i mean only we don't have a fishing rod huh i suppose you could borrow mine [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] whoever heard such noise come on fish you can't hide from us no still nothing fish are attracted to shiny things i know that's for a fact and i've got the perfect thing just in case bucket just in case great idea lily those fish are as good as court all right no no no i cannot make music like this please be quiet less noise [Music] this is all our fault we have to do something we are we're going to rescue our friend quick the charlotte help i've hold on what a lovely musical sound your wings make [Music] [Music] lily get his attention oh [Music] i'm safe [Music] and i found an exciting new sound for my musical masterpiece that's a rather good musical sound too [Music] this is bad this is very very bad quick benjamin the fishing rod i might not be able to catch a fish but i can definitely tickle one that tickles [Music] [Music] um terribly sorry to intrude mr todd i hope i haven't spoiled your lovely picnic spoil it on the country you've improved it not again oh we'll never rescue him this time a good rabbit never gives up we need that fishing rod again benjamin sorry i lifted the lake we can make one i've got some string in a heaven we could use as a hook just in case bucket just in case i really must be getting back oh no i absolutely insist that you stay for lunch it wouldn't be the same without you oh i say where are you going [Music] down here at once i think i might hang about up here if it's all the same [Music] [Music] let's go [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 470,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, stayhome, #stayhome
Id: qskNErhj-bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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