Peter Rabbit - Tales of Trouble | Rabbits Running Wild | Cartoons for Kids

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thanks Lily that feels a lot better now how did he get so good at doing bandages I just practiced practice makes perfect I know that for a fact it's no good there's no other way out looks like we're going back the way we came but what if we get lost again there are so many tunnels don't worry Benjamin that's why I bought this this is no place to bring your knitting don't worry I have a back-up plan show us the way home florence is there a back-up plan for the back-up plan oh I know how we can get out Peter will do us a tunnel warn you Peter there's something you should know I can't dig tunnels I can't believe you never told us Peter I thought you were good at everything sorry dad never got around to showing me how well then it's time you learned copy me left left left right it's no good I can't turn always one paw a good fab it never gives up III know I can work this out Wow what have you found something about tunneling huh no sorry I was just reading about your dad he was such an adventurer yep he was one of a kind always do things his way and that's what I have to do do this my way like using that to dig a tunnel give me a hand [Music] well it's not pretty but it's come on you two let's take off you go go trying to lose you best be on your way proceed with camping faucet stay away until succeeded what you tried to do so up again No the goats waiting for you waiting for you go ahead I like feedback was I brilliant oh very brilliant oh I forgot the giant radish inside so a squirrel you would be so lucky next frame which woke with a raah but it was too slow for the greatest acrobats who ever lived you make out now [Music] my dad always said a good rabbit never gives up all we need is another plan to get that radish if it's a plan you want Wow just a little something I figured out so we throw the rope over the tree last you the radish I like it no bad wall meets Cullerton tomorrow we'll get that right this time do it alone Peter we are not alone Peter I had to come back for the giant radish last time I failed you my friend so this time all the other screws oh thank you no Kate we have to go mr. McGregor will be here soon [Music] [Music] the goatee regions way no kid this is really dangerous if mr. McGregor catches me okay okay we're right behind you just one more run to get back where did everybody go [Music] surely you knew my feet Oh mio MA well well if you say so mr. Tubbs that suit I've got to get her out of here [Music] [Music] with an extra help you oh we've got to do something it's our fishing rod Benjamin you're a genius you want to go fishing now we're not going fishing we're going to help Peter we are I mean of course we are [Music] don't let go hold on tight Benjamin this mixture seems awfully watery crow cakes mmm it's almost perfect just needs one more thing oh no you don't leave mrs. Potter duck alone Oh wraps Peter Rabbit what a surprise and just in time to join us for Opaques yes Peter do stay for dinner I insist now I wonder who to have for the main course meeny miny me oh my oh my poor nerves and just look at all this mess roll one of cooking mr. Todd keep a tidy kitchen no this won't do good day to you dizzy duck oh thanks to you duck is off the menu but it's a good thing I prefer rubbish he might be bigger than us away quicker let's hope to it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can save the day [Music] it's on [Music] check out a new hiding place that's what follow me come on guys it's perfect think about it our own treehouse way up here mr. Todd will never find us hmm I suppose we could fix it up yeah I love it hey Benjamin actually I don't love it it's ours all ours you can't have it what do you mean duckin why can't we have it no one's using it you think you can just take your own treehouse in the Group's little camp first you would have to pass the special super-secret but know I've said too much already how's the what I must never tell never tell okay then okay I tell you but first you must pass the secret squirrel test oh excuse me please no I got that I mean what tests oh it's retest there are tests of strength skill and bravery all jolly hard and stuff oh it's quicker if I show you test number one they're really really big on gap that's really wide that you have to jump over even though is too far ticket out think of a shorter name for the really really big long gap that's really wide that you have to jump over even though it's too far the treehouse is ours we do all those things I mean um yes we could if we wanted to um do you want to rabbits can't climb or jump like squirrels I know that for a fact we'll do whatever we have to do to get that treehouse Nutkin we're in each of you must pass one test who will climb the Shh go on Benjamin you can do it okay [Music] um it could be right Lily it's better to be safe than sorry maybe Lily's right we better leave them tell that to my tummy that's the tastiest lunch I never had I know I know you've told me a hundred times those radishes look so yummy Oh shush I'm not talking to you anymore [Applause] stop thinking about radishes I stopped thinking about radishes stop thinking about what are you doing here um just stop for a little walk wait a second what are you doing here I couldn't stop thinking about those radishes me neither come on [Music] what was that many it was a trap I knew it it must be mr. Todd's trap he's got to be on his way we better do something fast I hear the dinner bell somebody must have fallen into my trap I wonder what I've caught today a duck a squirrel or a rabbit too good to be true for mickey's hmm and didn't you say it was a trap okay okay I just couldn't resist the most mouth-watering tastiest radishes ever help me down Benjamin hop up [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you could say thank you say thank you to rabbit I'd rather eat this cane here [Music] Gregor you've got to help me find another way out of here please if you do I'll I'll I'll give you all the vegetables in my kitchen all of them okay fine but follow me and stay low only vegetables you're going to see are the ones cooking with you in my toe back here wait wait not so fast just keep up mr. Todd are all underpinner pie and jewel in terms of fur hats [Music] to get away [Music] perfect [Music] let's do it a little higher or I'll be trapped in this garden [Music] that was a nice move oh you think thanks very much wait a second why did you help me I took no pleasure in it believe me but with my injured poor I can't just hop over the wall I still need your help to get me out of this a curse it garden uh I don't know mr. Todd I should get going no you can't leave please Peter help me and I'll I'll I'll show you where to find my secret black rebus Benji is depending on us come on what else can you do while we're waiting for your friends to come back that is if they come back [Music] oh poor in can't you load me up a bit [Music] now that's why I call a show so most my lunch time I know your friends are better at catching worms than you are at juggling patron really the best warm touches in the whole woods you see they'll do it we're never going to do it good rabbit never gives up Lily look at this it's a whopper Peter [Music] but Who am I fooling I can't catch worms I'm a rabbit also a bird stunt again huh maybe we should be Birds they're stomping brings the worms out I know that for a fact great idea [Music] cos you can't afford to vant again Rosi with Kevin Foster tango [Music] what you tried to do [Music] Richard's wedding and you Suns nearly at its highest Tommy bucks lunchtime time to save Benjamin let's go it's almost a shame we were born rich yeah we'd have made some pretty great birds fresh young rabbits for lunch what a splendid notion what's the matter radish stealing not going so well today actually what a shame you'll never get to deliver them we've no choice use the ones that got rid of him but it got rid of all the worms to Paul Benjamin we've got to do something then we must think the gift we can bring a gift I know one of our brand-new rattles I just had them could you by any chance have mislaid these I don't eat rats vegan you know I don't need vegetables in the occasional cake well I found these outside outside was funny yes and I wondered if such pleasing rattles could be young in this delightful fudge delightful oh thank you so much mr. whiskers his name is Sammy whiskers right you are young fella please accept some fudge as a small token of our thanks to no good but he was just trying to help ya help himself forget some whiskers you two the quicker we get to the party the quicker we get to our fancy food who do we write next [Music] [Applause] ding sing sing what rhymes with sing [Music] what's that Jemima Puddleduck has laid a new egg so she's throwing a spring party to celebrate hmm spring spring rhymes with sing excellent I shall bring the gift of song to the party yes yes Peter hand me my banjo [Music] I must rehearse not a moment to lose [Music] impossible what's wrong the strangest thing my song has vanished sorry to bother you sir but I couldn't help hearing you say you'd lost your song you wouldn't by any chance be deferring to this wait I found it just now completely by chance nearly blown clear away on the day of course Hina I'm so hungry if only I had some tasty turnips or berries all currants yes carrots then I'll be the luckiest rub in the whole world hungry huh it's time to play a little trick on Benjamin Oh Lily tell us some more about Clovis is really fascinating really ok we could start by having a closer look at Benjamin's clover through my magnifying glass if I had it well I suppose we could look at some sketches instead there are about 300 different types of flavor [Music] [Applause] [Music] this oughta trick Benjamin and honeybees get their nectar from clover to make their honey mmm Hani Hani was carrots always making me hungry again and there goes my tummy along I'm taking my four-leaf clover and going home to get something to eat [Music] now what did come from my lucky four-leaf clover of course as long as I have this I'll always have good luck it can't really be the clover leaf canopies who's for a game a pinecone bowling not me I never win Never Say Never Benjamin now you have your four-leaf clover here's a charge to prove how lucky it really is with a little bit of help from me Peter you're right okay knocking count me Oh give it your best shot behind for another trick ready oh sorry I thought I saw some like I'm seeing hitch but I'm not believing it you scattered every last one well done Benjamin it must have been the lucky clover now do you believe me I'm the luckiest probably ever nice of you we'd love to you're really not from around here are you sorry mr. Todd no time but it's been so long since I had rabbit for dinner I mean friends for dinner oh who cares come down [Music] you're right I'm fine me too if that many folks have really wanted to eat us he could have said please come on we'd better get to the shop I do not like the look at those clouds can I help you we're closed but we're already inside oh please excuse pickles he has a brother unusual sense of humor do you have a list that's me bag of great hazelnuts tin of sardines jar of snails phew hope there's not much more bonnets didn't you perhaps you'd like a nice new yellow one for winter and I'll take a wool blanket for old brown and what's taking so long I thought it would be nice to give Erin a surprise gift it is Christmas after all anything for me um I know a hug girls we better get a move on everyone's waiting for you celebration okay who's first hello anybody up there hello who are we looking for you mean someone lives way up there in trees who'd want to live up there maybe they're not here oh they're here all right somewhere just whatever you do don't say [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have to play but we're in a rush Oh somebody's having RoSPA today we brought you a present too or is Lily's idea what sir I am just a mom am i vets baltic bowl Czech climbing Roman right juicy plum here we come [Music] [Music] it's gone you mean my plum look at that whoever stole it was very clever let's catch that thief then we could snatch the plum from him that's fun I'd certainly like to know who it was come on then hope to eat I'm leaving he must have gone that way let's go [Music] [Music] huh it's not real a decoy wow this blonde thief is so cover I wish I knew who he was me too but we'll never find out unless we catch him we can cover more ground if we split up let's go [Music] Benjamin we should split up you didn't say how far okay okay [Applause] [Music] cos you can't afford to fancy proceed with camping faster today and Josefina [Music] you should know [Music] [Music] it's no good we'll never catch up that plum thief is just too clever and too far a picnic you mean outdoors um maybe we should take it indoors where it's safer but Dad picnics are for outside I know that for a fact picnics a Lily's favorite doctor bobtail and we'll never get to do a skin not if she's moving there Benjamin you must be brave for Lily's sake let's do it for Lily she wants to spend time with her friends before the move please dad well Oh as long as we're quick no need to be quick just wait till you see how safe it is do those little troublemakers well I don't know about you poor flightless fools but I am going out the chimney Oh tail feathers it's been blocked food which sucked well if we're stuck in here I reckon I left myself a snooze oh you clumsy oof mighty table tea table what kind of hunter there's a truth table I ask you my best China both of you stop it you're wrecking the place first my table then my China why don't you just knock the walls down and be done with it [Music] but perhaps the door you're a squawking Oh feather duster feather duster am i yes you heard me you couldn't pick your way out of a wet paper bag and as for you you smelly old carpet you couldn't barge your way out of a balloon [Music] wonderful you are a strong pair of feathers and now we're free free to get those rabbits mmm these radishes are delicious Peter you know I'm actually starting to relax and enjoy this picnic and it's much more peaceful than I'd imagined they'd like it here the plans working that's right dr. Bob tell it's a beautiful on dangerous place look at the grass look at the trees look at the sky and back to the cross again oh no it's all brown we've got to get my parents out of here did anyone hear that I'm bored here let's go somewhere else [Music] huh where are we oh no stuck that's where I suppose we'll have to walk come on Benjamin it's no good I can't do it Pizza how are we going to get Benjamin out now oh and what's that horrible smell [Music] oh just don't Brock it's okay I'm sure Peters got a plan haven't you Peter [Music] Peter my plans have gone wrong today it's my fault Benjamin hurt his poor it's my fault the cart got smashed but you saved us from our Brown I almost got us eaten by old Brown come on Peter I bet you can think of something I don't know remember what you always saying Peter a good rabbit never gives up you're right [Music] yes Lily you know how to use that grabber don't you I think so why just get ready get ready for the walls hey Tommy Brooke hey buddy Oh what you what are you doing yes pizza what are you doing [Music] I thought I smelled Martin fish down here but it turns out it's your fate [Music] exactly [Music] here's the gravity's tail [Music] it catches you you tons of love [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Nutkin did you sell this hazelnut from our Island Steel is a strong word Peter then why is old brown on his way huh you're not going to fool me with my own trick you can dance but you can't disappear a squirrel Nutkin now give me back my donut [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that wasn't good I know I'm really sorry I let that goal in not the goal I mean all Brown he nearly caught us no old Brown gets really angry when you take hazelnuts without his permission Oh old grumpy chops doesn't frighten be Oh see you later guys hey Peter Cottontail and I really want to know the reason nutkin doesn't have a tail what all right what are you it's all happened a while back I just spotted the biggest radish ever in mr. McGregor's garden I had to get it Benjamin kept watch while I carefully what is it what's what you've tapped me on the shoulder Benjamin but I didn't do anything what's that noise [Music] [Music] catches you you're done so run tomorrow [Music] we have to start working together if we're going to save him let's do it got any ideas yes but we're going to need friends in high places [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's her all Browns after Benjamin I know and mr. Todd's following him on the ground mr. Todd is after Benjamin too he's got to help us no chin against old brown and mr. Todd I'd rather lose my tail again no way there is nothing nothing you can say to change my mind Oh Polly fly a kite later let's do this great come on Bob Choate's squirrels don't hop [Music] Oh [Music] it's up to Nucky now what a sneaky thing to do I must tell them how impressed I am just before I need to see both need to see together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] runs alone [Music] okay I think it's steady now ow my poor out she legs I'm getting pins and needles oh I know I'm getting pins and needles on my pins and needles just need to shake them a teeny-weeny little bit no Benjamin don't oh oh yeah my legs feel so much better [Music] [Music] it's okay Benjamin it's okay I'm a your MC now the Rockwood here mrs. tiggy-winkle hey you took my Mel seat [Music] it's mine and I want it back into business take away whose house outta my way rabbit it's okay take it nice and slow no sudden moves what do we pay Robin [Music] [Music] sure gays what should we do next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't worry Cottontail you're safe now we can't stay here all night owls don't stop hunting till they've caught something I know that for a fact brave Cottontail wait I've got to plan it's risky but it might just work let's hop to it carrying that Jew ship will be bunny [Music] you you don't to run some more those seeds are [Music] Gina [Music] not that I care about the little rabbits but don't you think you should go and rescue her no Nate old brown hasn't gasa [Music] I have a feeling old brown would be very happy when he gets home I'm sorry about today Cottontail I should have played with you like you wanted and not left you alone no Cottontail birdie is not funny so let's stay away from old Brown for a while rabbits you then it'll toast or scramble rabbit Oh [Music] I don't like to see them sneak up on my dandelions now let's hop to the benches on them [Music] across the fields come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] easy well done with this wind it could have ended up lost for good on rocky island rocky island oh yes strange place no one's ever been there apart from Peter's father of course bye dad where's rocky islands that's amazing Oh know where I've said too much d it isn't amazing at all it's it's actually boring yes very boring and now we really should get back before the wind picks up island rocky island the bottom is something about Sid dad's journal wait go back that's it well what does it say well nothing about rocky island just something about old rusty always with me save my life countless times but disaster all rusty was lost a rocky island forever who is old rusty he must have been a friend of my dad's it sounds like he was a great Explorer look someone signaling it must be old rusty he's still there we have to rescue him from rocky island [Music] to swim don't you think oh yeah a boat could work too let's hop to it [Music] it is too far to swim it's too far I think how do you know because hockey iron is always surrounded by mist and I know that for a fact [Music] [Music] wait a second I think I see something [Music] all right you three let's warm you up with some soup Wow water storm that was me this time [Applause] storms over come on [Music] what a mess look familiar it's from our tree house what's he doing all the way over here we'd better go and check it out my drawings are gone [Music] cars at ellis cose missing - it's completely wrecks it's all be okay Benjamin hoping hazelnuts you guys really need to take better care of your tree house it was a storm not Kim I love storms sorry it's already happened oh I guess I slept through it hey that explains why I woke up next to this our telescope there must be pieces of our treehouse all over the woods look Tommy Brock's got some of our roof you know what else is missing your dad sign oh oh no what are we going to do there's only one thing to do we're going to fight every single piece of our treehouse starting with that roof let's hop to it oh I do love the wind get off my head no can do mr. Brock this tin belongs to us isn't that right Benjamin yes I mean yes I don't [Music] but our tree houses roof back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. fishes in trouble hungry foxes frogs I knew that for a fat [Music] what back off mr. Todd this show just gets better and better Peter Rabbit always play the hero sadly it looks like this will be your last performance Peter Rabbit [Music] come on think fast you can save the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's just one more number then I'm sorry should have believed you about mr. whiskers and mr. Todd no I'm sorry ma'am I shouldn't have made stuff up in the first place please mrs. rabbit no talking during the performance [Music] hello mrs. rabbit I'll keep your little fuzzball humming no kinis on the job [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] faces the only way we're going to find that birthday cake is if we trip over it he's asleep aha look at that maybe he stole the cake he's always collecting things in that sack of ISM pizza it's dangerous to wake a badger I know that for a fact I'll just have a quick look he'll never even know be careful beta nice walk Peter [Music] cake it's not here well he almost got us and so did he and him we seem to have just about everyone after us now no quite everyone I can't quite make it out but he's definitely perched on something red like the strawberries on cottontails birthday cake you think old brown tickets are you fairly sure this time he might have swooped in and grabbed it when we were looking we've got to get to please don't say also thing you're going to say owl Island a good rabbit never gives up let's hop to it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no sign yet keep going find that keyhole hope to be on your way cuz you can't afford to fancy dance proceed with the Josefina so you should know the golden regions when he never here [Music] there they are right where the general said they would be they just some old flowerpots your dad probably use them to hide from mr. McGregor maybe or maybe there's something hidden inside one of them something that fits this key yeah but if mr. McGregor catches us wait cooks there's three of them are three of us I'll take the pot on the left [Music] nope nothing here not a thing who's there I know I heard something that's odd a son must be getting to me I really thought that was it this keys nothing but trouble Peter yeah it's all dirty as what it is hmm I never noticed this before noticed what a flying fox looks an awful lot like mr. Todd [Music] why would your father have the Keith something in mr. Todd's lair I don't know but there's only one way to find out [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,075,589
Rating: 3.9556153 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids youtube, free cartoons for kids, peter rabbit full movie, peter rabbit trouble
Id: Pv-YgDkt1es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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