Peter Rabbit - Jeremy's Big Show | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] [Laughter] you're so close look radish [Music] oh yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you steal this hazelnut from our island steel is a strong word peter then why is all brown on his way here you're not going to fool me with my own trick you can dance but you can't disappear [Music] oh [Music] true [Music] [Music] that wasn't good i know i'm really sorry i let that goal in not the goal i mean old brown he nearly caught us you know old brown gets really angry when you take hazelnuts without his permission old grumpy chops doesn't frighten me see you later guys peter cottontail and i really want to know the reason nutkin doesn't have a tail what you don't know uh all right i'll tell you yay story it all happened a while back i just spotted the biggest radish ever in mr mcgregor's garden i had to get it benjamin kept watch while i carefully what is it what's what you tapped me on the shoulder [Music] benjamin but i didn't do anything what's that noise rubbish quick benjamin run [Music] that was the best radish i've ever seen i was this close to getting it now i've missed my chance but i didn't do anything then who did ouch me of course who are you squirrel nutkin who are you i've just moved into the squirrel camp do you like acorns i love acorns you could eat them or juggle them all but you ruined my radish reed what would you want with a disgusting old radish anyway to eat it really i guess you've never tried an acorn then oh now that is food worthy of a squirrel how do you do peter rabbit [Music] come on benjamin it's time to go home benjamin is it call me nutkin hey maybe you like hazelnuts oh they're even better than acorns how about i show you some upside down juggling you've never seen that before have you oh [Music] wow look at it fly [Music] hey stop that sorry it was an accident look at it go it's so fast [Music] can i try here you go benjamin you can try mine no try my it's much better um i'll get them yours may be fast peter but it flies all over the place it'll just end up stuck in a tree i know that for a fact well what good is a kite that does tricks if it doesn't go fast here comes the wind get ready benjamin huh where'd he go [Music] peter lilly [Music] [Music] wow look at him go [Music] [Applause] [Music] fly florence after him [Music] come on [Music] that's what happens when you make your kite too fast [Music] lily that's what happens when you make a kite that does tricks where did he go straight ahead we can't go out in this wind one of you might get blown away [Music] [Applause] you see it's already happening to the rabbits brave rabbits brave just don't look down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't believe me eyes [Music] oh dear i really must get some rest oh dear [Music] he's going that way no he's not the wind's blowing him to owl island oh no before brown sees him he'll be our breakfast we'll never catch him in time a good rabbit never gives up come on [Music] lift a bit right a bit i think i'm getting the hang of your dad's apple grabber benjamin come on lily you can do it come on apple [Music] haven't we got enough apples now lily it's getting late got it don't worry benjamin i've got a great idea for how we can get home really quickly i don't like where this is going we'll ride the apple grabber down the hill and be the fastest rabbit in the whole valley great idea [Music] yeah great [Music] come on benjamin it'll be fun [Music] look [Music] [Music] this isn't so bad it's actually kind of boring i know let's go down there [Music] huh [Music] i was going to say fur now [Music] no it's those rowdy rabbits again i'll teach them to wake me up no does it hurt hurts no of course not [Music] do you think you can get back on the cart the cart peter the car's what got him hurt in the first place um that was just bad luck next time this will be perfect um can i say something ouchy hmm i think you sprained your paw is that bad you've just got to keep it still and you'll be all right one of us should get my dad he's a doctor he'll know what to do it's all brown [Music] quick under the court [Music] oh hello mom you can run but you can't hide peter hi i wasn't trying to hide from me mum you were trying to avoid mr jeremy fisher's musical recital now i know you'd rather play in the woods all day but i'd rather do anything than go to that recital what was that i uh said uh mr fish's recital is that today uh let's go oh mum i uh i heard that uh mr fisher lost his voice can't sing a note oh well huh well i spoke to him this morning peter and his voice was fine come on this way oh uh maybe it wasn't his voice i heard about maybe it was a flies yes flight flights have taken over the lake very bitey we we probably shouldn't go and jeremy fisher was just telling me how few flies there are this year now stop all this fibbing and hurry up all our friends are going and i don't want to be late hop to it [Music] i know doesn't it look beautiful absolutely beautiful oh my someone's taking my chair oh [Music] this is going to be so much fun [Music] at least you're here too i didn't really want to come but mom and dad told me no strawberry picking until after the recital i couldn't wait to come have you seen the cakes we get to eat afterwards peter turn around it's starting [Music] i'd like to welcome you all to my recital a great poet once said if music be the food of love play on [Music] so let's get on with it shall we hmm i'll tell you all a story [Music] the fish was silver the frog was green but he was her king and [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh oh what a horrible racket knock me sideways and call me a river rat look at all that lovely cake [Applause] a frog and a fish [Music] mom somebody whiskers is trying to steal the cakes peter i told you no more tips no talking during the performance [Music] what are we gonna do let's hop to it [Music] oh my gosh thank you friends thank you and now for my next piece let's rock out shall [Music] i we you can wake up a batter and get away with it where am i [Music] oh hi dad lily bobtail do you know what time it is dinner's been on the table for half an hour no warren we're having carrots and celery ah i mean i smell badger lily all right maybe i was chased by tommy brock but i got away i'm fine that does it this valley is just too dangerous i said if there was one more scrape like this one more brush with badgers or foxes or owls we were leaving no buts my mind is made up we're moving [Music] but how can we be friends if you move away i know benjamin but my parents don't think i'm safe here maybe i can come and visit well i think it's rotten what about you peter what we need is a picnic peter how can you even think about food at a time like this i'm moving away listen we'll have a picnic and invite your mom and dad and show them this is the safest place in the world aren't you forgetting something it's never safe with tommy brock and mr todd and old brown around we just have to make sure they don't show up to our picnic come on let's hop do it [Music] [Music] cause you can't afford to fail today proceed with careful fast and stay away and just succeeded what you're trying to do [Music] quick let us down all right wow pleasure door shut windows and chimney blocked [Music] check open up open the door now they're all locked up inside it's time for a completely safe picnic with your mum and dad yes [Music] keep your eyes closed keep them closed now open [Music] just a day for a nice relaxing never dangerous totally safe picnic wouldn't you say benjamin yep safe a picnic you mean outdoors um maybe we should take it indoors where it's safer but dad picnics are for outside i know that for a fact [Music] picnics are lily's favorite doctor bob tail and we'll never get to do it again not if she's moving ah they're there benjamin you must be brave for lily's sake let's do it for lily she wants to spend time with her friends before the move please dad well uh as long as we're quick no need to be quick just wait till you see how safe it is [Music] do those little troublemakers well i don't know about you poor flightless fools but i'm going out the chimney tail feathers it's been blocked we're trapped well if we're stuck in here i reckon i'll have myself a snooze give up peter rabbit you you can't get away i know all your tricks never try to out fox [Music] you think you're so smart but i'm smarter [Music] what's this didn't you say you knew all of my tricks i did [Music] oh i'm stuck [Music] yes thanks dad what's this a secret key this is fantastic and if my dad went to all the trouble of hiding it in his journal it must be the key to something amazing like a secret treasure box or a hidden room with a never-ending supply of carrots we just got to find out what this key is for we'll go to all of my dad's favorite places and ask everyone who knew him why not start with my dad he might know what the key opens [Music] a key without a lock eh very curious oh i wonder if it would fit my old music box benjamin i made this to help you sleep when you were a baby the key has been missing for years oh let's see [Music] no doesn't fit ah what a shame it played such a sweet melody too [Music] [Applause] just in case [Music] [Music] no it's um ow not perfected yet it's all right the coast is clear i think it's all out of carrots sorry dad maybe we should try the key out somewhere else oh your father spent a lot of time by the lake peter why don't you ask mr jeremy fisher he might know something about your key good idea let's hop to it bye dad thanks uncle bowser thank you ow [Music] i know what this is you do tell us this my little hopping friends is a key even i knew that oh you didn't let me finish young benjamin a key to this no your father gave me this fishing tackle box years ago it's got all his best fishing lures inside like these only far better alas i lost the key until now that is go ahead try it this could be it [Music] no the lock is too small oh make it fit watch this it's all right everything's under ah control well at least we opened your dad's tackle box oh didn't i tell you what a beauty [Music] it lily [Music] got it i won maybe if the game record pin the tail on the rock oops oh you've got the birthday girls party dress all dirty doesn't anyone know any games that are less peter rabbity hmm tunnel tag roll down the hill oh sorry we asked wait do you smell what i smell cake happy birthday cottontail now now everyone it has to cool before we can eat it but there is one special thing you can do right now lick that spoon oh you rascals lily i promised your mother some flower could you put this in your pocket what a great looking party um i brought nuts if you think this is good wait till you see the cake it's gone what no someone must have taken it no what don't have a birthday party without a cake i'll find cottontails cake and bring it back here before the party's over come on let's hop to it [Music] he'll be back in two shakes of a bunny's tail won't you peter of course i will [Music] whoever did this to cottontail must be very very sneaky and really love cake now who does that sound like [Music] sammy whiskers only a rat would steal a birthday cake oh i just love to eat sweet treats oh no you don't what in the woods peter rabbit look what you did to my lunch [Music] oops oops it took me half the morning to steal them i mean to bake them and all you can say is oops sorry we thought you'd stolen my sister's strawberry birthday cake it was an honest mistake and a big one [Music] [Music] now where do you suppose mr todd's going and what's he got in that bundle it's exactly the same size as cottontails cake there's only one way to be sure now remember the plan you get him to chase you and i sneak in and grab the cake right wait chase us are you sure this is a good idea no but we've got to get cottontails cake back we can't have a birthday without a birthday cake [Music] that's brave [Music] too tasty i i mean friendly little rabbits won't you come in no but i would love to have you for dinner um i mean uh have you joined me for who cares come here come back here [Music] [Applause] oh slippery little rabbits [Music] another one and in my kitchen how convenient put that down give me back my sisters teapot i i i thought it was a stolen cake um sorry you're going to be ladies and gentle rabbits i present to you the very latest in wind powered carrot picking technology the wind-powered card picker wow looking good dad you simply release the brake then gently lower the diggers ah look at that [Music] i'll get it mr powder [Music] the sun is amazing [Music] [Applause] well done with this wind it could have ended up lost for good on rocky island rocky island oh yes strange place no one's ever been there apart from peter's father of course my dad went to rocky island that's amazing oh no i've said too much it isn't amazing at all it's um it's actually boring yes very boring [Music] now we really should get back before the wind picks up again oh no come back come back rookie island rocky island there must be something about it in dad's journal wait go back that's it well what does it say well nothing about rocky island just uh something about old rusty always with me saved my life countless times but disaster or rusty was lost on rocky island forever who is old rusty he must have been a friend of my dad's it sounds like he was a great explorer look someone's signaling it must be old rusty he's still there we have to rescue him from rocky island [Music] ow too loud a little far to swim don't you think oh yeah a boat could work too let's hop to it [Music] it is too far to swim it's too far to roam don't worry i think we're almost there how do you no because rocky island is always surrounded by mist and i know that for a fact [Music] wait a second i think i see something [Music] [Music] no wonder it's called rocky island i'm sure the radish will still be there in the morning peter we can try again then all right see you tomorrow bye but why wait till tomorrow for something you can have today [Music] now for the fun part [Music] maybe upside down juggling would be easier if i were higher up in the tree [Music] i'm sure that's not right in fact i'd say it's very very wrong hey what's your name [Music] your friend radish owl island what owl wings rabbit gone peter old brown's got peter yes is his name peter yes then yes oh brown's got peter wait who's old brown yeah oh what are we gonna do do what rescue him of course and there's no time to lose [Music] jump on we have to save them patrick peter his name is peter i knew that pizza peter but we don't have an oar and we can't get across the water without one [Music] so how do you think they got across the lake no no tell us you're right we don't have an oar we have a sail [Music] brothers are brave rabbits are brave let me go and miss out on a splendid supper this is your last chance oh what hi yes can't you see i'm busy give us back our friend what's his name peter peter give him back not unless you have something better to bargain with hmm oh how about this one what don't worry we'll swap you back after he gives us percy peter peter after he gives us peter wait that won't work aha i've got another idea oh we swapped this what is that you are holding [Music] thanks for saving me knocking right at your service huh you think you can spoil my dinner do you we're not out of trouble yet come on [Applause] [Music] that was close [Music] wait where is yours oh shall we show him over to you nutkin [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is amazing [Music] [Music] my yeah [Music] did you see that we really showed old feather face oh you guys are great in fact you're my new best friends knocking can we do something like that again well not exactly like that i mean we could perhaps leave out the part where the scary old owl carried you off to that big tree and they came after us and what have i caught my tail where is my tail i'm really sorry nutkin this is all my fault no it's my fault i should have tried to rescue you on my own but this is incredible i'll be the only squirrel without a tail and amazingly agile simply spectacular completely unique squirrel wait till i show the others they're going to be so jealous i thank you i thank you i thank you wow i've never met anyone like him before me neither he's one of a kind [Music] hey actually this is kind of fun [Music] oh tail feathers [Music] uh-oh fun's over i'll teach you for waking me up you flying bluff this is all your fault if your kite was easier to steer benjamin could escape if your kite was faster or brown would never catch him [Music] [Music] we have to separate the strings to bring him down no we've got to get him away from our brown first shoot horses stop moving about [Music] you've never run before [Music] what can you [Music] do we have to start working together if we're going to save him let's do it got any ideas yes but we're going to need friends in high places [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can run but you can't hide little rabbits [Music] peter old brown's after benjamin i know and mr todd's following him on the ground mr toad is after benjamin too you've got to help us look in against old brown and mr todd i'd rather lose my tail again no way there is nothing nothing you can say to change my mind uh we'll let you fly our kites later let's do [Music] day and this [Music] let's go [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 288,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, stayhome, #stayhome
Id: rBIhm6Jvbk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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