Peter has a lot of Money

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[Music] this space will be perfect Peter yeah it sure will Lois now all we got to do is name the store oh oh I got it Peter's wife's cookies I love it and I love you really yes you know we did soso built in the family but this business I think we can really knock it out of the park are we sure can Louis we're gonna be a great team like Moses and his buddy you like to collect seashells I can't believe it Peter our first day of business all right well we have got work to do so let's roll up our sleeves and get right to it there's a lot to do so we can't be afraid to just roll up our sleeves and get the job done we can't be hands-off managers we gotta roll up our sleeves and just dig in Peter your arms are turning purple purple with success that's the color of money you got to do to work at two men and pay yourself for one just roll up those sleeves and address the task at hand whatever it may be not shying away from the dirty work but just rolling up our sleeves and have it at it success is not given it is taken it's time to get in the game and get dirty all right I'm going to lunch [Music] yes I'd like a chocolate-chip cookie Elmer what mom you promised I could get a cookie if I finished all my surgery did you yeah all of it Oh get back there I'm good do it what does it matter when I do it Lois Lois lock the door why is that lady who comes in tries a sample and then whispers about how bad she is oh my god you have chocolate macadamia nut Oh can I just try a little sample oh I'm so bad I'm sure you gotta buy a cookie this time oh I better just stick with the sample I'm so bad but at least I know I'm bad so that makes me a little less bad or worse that was the right thing to do Peter [Music] boy it's been really slow I mean if it doesn't pick up soon we're not gonna stay in business very long don't you worry Lois you keep baking I'll drum up some business we just gotta think outside the box like the makers of Dryas ice cream guys I've said it before and I'll say it again when people go to the supermarket they need something to look at before they choose haagen-dazs [Music] hey dude can you pass me a speck of spice sorry bruh all out you want a cube of fruit no I'm not into fruits I got a tear a laser dragon cannot handle it I don't know can you come what the hell is going on I don't know what to do you guys the cookie shop is tanking if it fails we're screwed my god what does it take to get people to buy a damn cookie Peter let me tell you something I spent six hundred dollars a month on scented candles at the farmers market just because there's a hot chick selling them so what are you saying you're just bragging about candles so weird thing to brag about no I'm saying sex sells trust me you get a few hotties in that cookie shop of yours I bet your sales go up giggity that was an unearned giggity quagmire I said up no no now well I'll try anything quagmire cuz I actually like runnin that cookie shop it's way better than that job I had telemarketing to buttholes hello sorry wrong number hello sorry wrong number and how are you today sir oh my god customers what the hell you know what did you Joe I saved up business and don't worry I only hired women whose names are cookie related Louis meet cookie sugar spice cinnamon brown sugar and but it oh hey butter some guys like but it [Music] Heena you turned our star into a strip club and I don't like what this place has become you mean hugely profitable we made all that today well it was twice as much but I had a bailout cinnamons kid thanks mr. Peter this guy's the best wow I guess business is better than ever that's the spirit Lois just you watch we'll be a bigger success than Richard Branson hey where's the business guy in this boardroom it couldn't be that tan long-haired guy with the white linen pants could it it is and now to my amphibious chi submarine come get-get down there you'll bang Oh Stewie what are you doing being awesome whoa wait wait you're in no condition to drive it's fine to drive I'm so fine you I can do all the tests see I can touch my nose I can touch my heads shoulders knees and toes knees and says stop it now you stop it you stop it Brian you're interfering with my professional business where's the radio hmm oh my god are you okay no I don't feel so good we should probably exchange numbers okay I'm a 10 you're a fall [Music] [Applause] this one's on new chocolate white chocolate and for every dozen we sell we donate 50 cents to Operation Smile yeah nobody's listening to you they're all watching sugar right frosting swears on the jugs she just wrote vagina on her boobs I didn't even make any sense she's doing what I told her 10 minutes ago to put another batch of oatmeal in the oven or that dough is gone Louis I've warmed it up and put it behind those waist-high holes in the wall is this spaghetti a bowl of grapes oh this is the best haunted house ever this is disgusting I know we made a few changes but this store should still be about selling cookies well you're never gonna sell any looking like that yeah now you're ready to sell cookies you know what that's it I'm done I don't know why I ever let you talk me into this mess whatever this is now it's a strip club that gives away free cookies oh crap I should have known something was up when I saw those cars out front Stewie why don't you come and have a seat with all your friends here we have something to say to you I'll go first Stewie I remember the day you were born I thought to myself here's a kid who's got a white empty canvas stretched out in front of him oh please what is this what is this the circle of perfect people who are you to judge me mr. mr. giraffe who lets a little little boys grind on his rump mr. octopus who lets little boys grind on his rump every one of you has your own problems yeah but you're the only one who almost killed a kid yesterday I don't ever call sinuses are laughably wide open but I have a problem good admitting it is the first step but don't worry I'll get you through it thank you Brian you're welcome Stewie now if you'll excuse me I have to go to Chris's room we're doing a masturbation intervention I got a bunch of his friends sitting in a circle in there oh dear God oh hey Louis before you say anything there's something important I want to tell you after you left I ate cookie dough off the stomach of a 20 year old and then I vomited and all the girls laughed at me and then it came out that they all think I'm fat and old is that it I guess what I'm trying to say is I was wrong to choose sexiness over my wife Peter what are you doing what was that Oh back at the store I tucked my boner into the waistband of my pants and now it's sitting weird that's your apology well dad and this I'll pay that did did you bake this yeah I love you Lois I really liked having a store with you and I'm I'm sorry I messed it up I was only trying to help I know Peter so you want to split this with me I wouldn't but it helped me with it and she has chlamydia fingers well it was fun having our own store but from now on my cookies are only for these customers Oh mom so mom what are you gonna do with the shop well I talked to the bank and they agreed to take it back Pookie Oh [Music]
Channel: Grey Worm
Views: 8,517,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OjfH9QKbrzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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