Peter not fat anymore

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oh good boy Stewie clean plate although I think I got more of it on me than in me yes that ball never gets old Lois here's your dessert sweetie dig in how did what I'm ready I'm ready well time for dessert isn't it and let's see big chocolate cake for Stewie and we have something very tasty for big fat you do never taped oh and feel free to use my fork I shan't be needing it watch me that's it what's this Oh still we stop eating like a little piggy maybe we should cut down on your sweets you're starting to get a little Buddha belly Chris where have you been boy dad took me to a doctor to get the fat vacuumed out of my belly what I didn't do it I'm just gonna stay on my diet exercise good for you that was a very grown-up decision I mean what kind of lazy narcissistic irresponsible would even consider doing something as unbelievably foolish is getting liposuction oh I asked you who hello ah ah ah God it's finally happened he's become so massive he's collapsed into himself like a neutron star mom do you make it lipo - forget it Meg Peter you can't just suck 200 pounds of fat out of yourself it's not natural come on Lois I feel great dropping that kind of weight all at once you remember how good you felt after you had Chris [Music] well then giddyup wait to be thin yep you know uh the summer I always wanted to do Brian but that I could never do it cuz I was so heavy but you know now now that I don't waste so much I think I can could you could you help me do it Brian sure Peter I'd be honored well I was wondering if I could put a little saddle on your back and ride your like a horsey oh okay okay no I know I understand it's too much it's okay you know I like Hillary Clinton I don't care what anyone says ah Peter woods yeah yeah [Music] but mom it could change my life meg for the last time you're not getting plastic surgery why not it's totally safe a lot of famous people have done it she's right Lois plastic surgery is great I was thinking about having Broderick take a look at my nose it doesn't matter if your nose is a little bulbous Eeyore or your eyes are too close together Roy your chest is flabby you are who you are huh I think I know what you're getting at hey pal you can't just walk in here without holy crap it's Peter dad you're pretty like your girl you look like a totally different person oh this is crazy you walk in here with your chisel John yeah oh my I liked you the way you were you're not even real anymore yeah Peter did you get a new buttocks I had to my old one had a crack in it yeah well I couldn't be more angry with you [Music] excuse me sir what is a handsome man like you doing waiting in line warren Frederick's Quahog beautiful people's Club come on in front but but all those people were in front of me you haven't been beautiful very long have you gorgeous guys like us don't have to wait in line haven't you noticed people will do anything for a beautiful person yeah come to think of it hi I'm on a scavenger hunt and I need a human foot well as a rule I would say no but okay come in so so this is what is for like a school project ah Raoul please take this handsome gentleman's bags to his car thank you hey when your beautiful doors magically open for you actually it opened because you stepped on that black rubber square of course if that wasn't there would have opened anyway because you're beautiful Wow hey there's a lot of good-looking people here of course this is the Quahog beautiful people's Club and you're our newest member here's your introductory basket it's got some scented lotions Ferrari sunglasses and of course some pills to make your bowel movements smell like bakery fresh cinnamon rolls Oh what happened Orson fall down shut up just I don't want to hit it well serves you right you spent all that time trying to make Chris jealous now you have an eating disorder just help me up well you know I would but my doctor advised me against heavy lifting whoo hardy-har-har whatever you're doing stop it do it I'm getting dizzy Peter did you paste a new picture of yourself on our wedding portrait yeah I think it looks better you pasted it over me yeah I think it looks better have you lost your mind well somebody's jealous Peter have you forgotten about Chris he needs you to help him exercise yeah he finally figured out how to catch the Twinkie I'm turning you into poo well I'm going down on a beautiful people's Club guess I can take him with me he'll seeing us all in one place might give him something to shoot for the beautiful people's Club how come I never heard of that Lois I can't say anymore I'm probably already in trouble for mentioning it to way yet well we call you normies okay bye are you gonna take that Lois Oh Brian I was gonna have I've seen a fear Drive Wayne that wasn't even a sentence you were arguing Peter like a horny schoolgirl I can't help it I know I know he's become a superficial egomaniacal jerk but I've never been more attracted to him Oh does that make me a bad person yes yes it does make you a bad person [Music] Peter good to see you come with me I've got a lot of tall statuesque people I want you to meet what's that oh that's my son Chris he can't come in he's fat well let me tell you something buddy if my son can't come in and I'll just come in see you at home but Dad trust me Chris sometimes it's better not to fit in you're all stupid see they're gonna be looking for army guys Peter how could you treat Chris that way you know he's self-conscious about his weight well you're mad at me for after all he gets his fat from your jeans which by the way I'm wearing oh I hate what you've become why don't you go back to that doctor and have him suck the fat out of your head maybe I will and then I'll put it on my feet and skate on Paul Bunyan's giant skillet to cook is flapjacks that doesn't make any sense it doesn't have to I'm beautiful you're not welcome here go away well Chris did you lose weight maybe I've been working out well you look wicked skinny I'm like jealous thanks Meg I'm jealous of your mustache I don't have a mustache do i oh honey it's fine it makes you look this thing way but mom now Meg I think all my children are beautiful damn you ice cream come to my mouth how dare you disobey me what are you looking at you you infantile stupid that's right damn you and such you can [Music] jealous of course I'm beautiful I mean look at me huh how strange should watch road but can't look [Music] beautiful well mr. Griffin the bandages are ready to come off but I think I should tell you it's a miracle that you're alive at all we did all we can but medical science has come just so far and now I will take off this protective potatohead mask Oh Peter he look like you I can't believe you're all still standing by my side after what a jerk I was especially to you I'm sorry Chris that's okay dad well Peter I guess you learned a pretty valuable lesson nope [Music]
Channel: Ironbreaker
Views: 14,594,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C9Omst7XI74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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