Glock 20 Gen 4 10mm

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they [ __ ] 45 coming to you from Tennessee bear country in fact I hear one coming yeah all right I think I got he maybe with my mighty 10 millimeter thankfully it was not a bear right yes Gen 4 Glock 20 my old gin well my old Glock 20 is a 3 and 3 so this one's got to be a lot better right yeah well I don't know about that but it was a time to upgrade and join generation 4 I think there's a Gen 5 now or maybe one coming I don't know but I like this and I thought I needed it and so here it is it's got a different barrel in it we'll talk about it I just bought this one I this is not like a budgie got her gun lint to us or anything but we do appreciate Bud's gun shop comm check them out as always also sdie de the Sonoran Desert Institute a major supporter of ours we really appreciate their help okay and guess what we're gonna fire it mostly Federal Premium ammunition I have a whole array of it also I've got some hard cast ammo which I don't think they load got some Underwood and some buffalo board heavy hard cast rounds we're going to fire just just you know a bunch ammo I've got a kkn barrel in it I'll talk about that so this is a you're just sort of invited out here today with us to experiment with my new 10 millimeter Glock Gen 4 Glock 20 I fully expect to be overrun by Grizz at some point here at the compound and I won't be ready I want to have a handgun on me at all times that is sufficiently powerful to maybe get me out of a straight I don't know a lot of people carry these in Alaska they really do not that that's the best firearm to go bear hunting with okay but it might be a choice that a lot of people make if they're out fishing or doing something else and they can't carry a rifle or a shotgun okay so you can argue about that all you want to I know that's all the arguments are all over the internet about what the best handgun is to have in bear country all that but the fact there's a lot of them up there do carry the ten so you all chime in you folks living there okay and you know the reasons for it everything the capacity to power penetrations really all mostly all that matters you're not gonna bleed out mr. Gribbs before he gets to you because you don't get to you fast and he's big she's big and they're gonna get you very fast and so whatever you shoot the best and can hit the right place and get the penetration you need right if the bear spray you know doesn't work or just trying to talk him or her out of eating you doesn't work then this is your your last resort I guess we could be so anyway so I've been shooting a Sun you many of you saw it in the sunday shoes around a few weeks ago hope you're watching the sunday shooter rants post them every Sunday and they're you know up to date information it's up to date me you know it's me live not live but almost life it's live as I get right and I had a malfunction with with with some of the heavy round said it was the trophy bonded so I'm gonna try some more that's a day I shot some more since then and I didn't have any trouble it was brand new I think those were the first shots and you all saw a Sunday shoot around but so just the cover experimenting I I thought I'd go with this barrel so I would not be limited at all this kkm I think as I understand it's one of the best generally I have lone-wolf barrel so I thought I'd try kkm I don't think I've ever had one but you know it's a for supported chamber and everything and then I go back and forth on that I sloppy chamber I may be too strong a word to use the glock chambers use I have a little more space in them one reason they're so reliable but with this powerful round I'm gonna try it okay plus I can shoot the cast bullets maybe more accurately you don't have that problem with even 230 grain cast bullets if you want because I you may have seen the video we did years ago where some 230 grain the 220 grains I think did okay if I recall but you get a really heavy cast bullet in that polygonal rifling won't stabilize it you know in a Glock barrel but it's only when you get to the really heavy stuff plus you're not supposed to shoot lead bullets but hey if it's just a few few to protect your life it doesn't really matter right you don't want to let up a barrel of course anyway this has standard rifle into kkm so I'm a trying it out that's part of what I'm doing today I'm gonna shoot I go all the mags loaded with different ammo and just gonna try some different things here and see how it does and lots of different power factors now what I'm shooting there is the American Eagle now it's not a hot ammo it's a range ammo 180 grains and I don't think the velocity on that it's yeah like at the muzzle 10:30 okay so it's generally I don't know a couple hundred feet per second slower or more than a lot of the other ammo so you know it's it's fun to shoot it's it's not 380 a lot of people got a little bit overboard it's definitely more powerful than like 40 or something like that I shot 40 out of one of these things some carry ammo and there's a big difference in the feel between it and and this even so I'll shoot that mag since I've got it uh-oh let's go over in a gong [Music] okay where the whole way where there's a buffalo hanging over there alright so those are very very mild to shoot no recoil to speak of here's some I'll shoot these these are some Blazer CCI blazer they've been in the barn for about ten years at least I'll see if those do okay now those got a little more spark to them I've seen cheap fast messing around but uh just to show you some times I mean ammo typically does fine neither of us not in air conditioning and heating you know but then you I wouldn't count on it you know for my carry ammo against Grizz or two-legged varmints or whatever you want fresh ammo generally it's like why not so speaking of precious metals look at this stack of silver eagles want to thank at Beck's comm the American precious moles exchange for their support of the channel they're really busy these days we're kind of during the filming during the apocalypse and I know they're having a hard time keeping up with demand a lot of people are buying that right now but go to the link there's two links in the description of the Hickok favorites and then the ExCom link and check them out a lot of stuff there it's a very busy place right now pending when you see this we're cutting toward the middle toward the end of March right now but we appreciate their help make all this possible this soda kkm back so far is done okay my big question with an after mark barrel I typically as you know I don't change out firearms I don't put different parts in on Springs recoil springs and all that even you know slide locks and really all that kind of stuff because it's not any popular firearm you can almost rebuild it if you want to you right I don't mess with it I try to leave well enough alone if it works for me with the barrel you know there's a little difference there drop in or kind of the exact same dimensions and everything you've got a little more support in the barrel and you know if it's reliable I know it's going to be accurate and it's gonna work fine the only question is is there any issue with the feeding yeah it's a stainless steel barrel and I've got the original barrel pretty much now but what I thought I'd do is since I want this to work well I want to be reliable I'm gonna shoot you a lot and if it is I didn't have any trouble with it I'll just leave it in there because that way I can just shoot any kind of ammo I want to but I don't have a big problem with the stock barrels so I'm not worried about that so anyway this is kind of what I'm doing that the ten millimeter I think has made a comeback there a lot of firearms offered in it and I've always liked my Glock 20 I've got the other one as the gentry you've seen it before right and I thought that Gen 4 made sense in this gun especially because it's got this serious you know recoil spring and maybe it would shoot a little better or feel better I think on the chapter 2 with this I'll bring out the other one out I know I didn't bring it today why did not bring it out today maybe I'll compare recoil some things like that okay I should've brought it out today I give me excuses to do this again shoot one of these today I was just kind of testing buncha ammo it's fun out order all this from federal and he just came in this morning I didn't think I'd be able to do this video this week or next or whenever and I got some HST and is that cool now this is 200 grains and see if it shows velocity here they're not that I might have ripped off there but well this is more of a carry mo not you know full power to mule around 11:30 okay 11 30 feet per second and it's 200 grain okay so that's pretty stout there's some of the southern more stout so HST we all know it's good ammo with nine or 40 or anything this is 10 millimeter all right let's shoot some of it I'm not really doing a big ammo test mostly just reliability I want to figure out if this farm is reliable with it and I'll figure out what we ought to shoot that watermelon with well we'll make sure we shoot it with something pretty powerful probably a hollow-point okay we'll do that later we figure it out yeah it felt good it's pretty hard I'll bet I'll even go through a two litre plastic yeah let's get a tree limb there too man you've seen me shoot that with a 9-millimeter or a 45 or anything else it doesn't sling around like that there's some expensive missiles aren't they when you're missing with a chesty let's try they gone with this I don't know there's not think I'm I got luck that's enough that's fun that's fun to shoot when you up the startup into power so that's a chesty got some gold dot 200 grain and let me see what the velocity is on that 200 grain if we have any velocity readings on it don't see the grain of course personal protection it's not a you know this is not necessarily a bear round mr. grieves wouldn't like it but anyway don't know what exact the velocity deals on that but we're gonna shoot some of it so let's put it in the firearm I can usually tell just by the feel of it I can usually tell by if I shoot the cowboy that felt like about 11:50 yeah that's what that felt like let's go there hit a buffalo or try to I knew that was high right on it all right good big game round maybe maybe just try that hanging Buffalo again that's a good shooting around you get up to 1150 it's still a really sweet shooter not not excessive recoil at all there's a water jug nice round next round well the Gold Dot is a good round that's all under the federal mist outdoor umbrella now this is the round was having a little issue with this okay trophy bonded 180 80 grains and now we're talking muzzle 1275 so that's that's getting on out there in velocity and I theorized it was maybe the shape of the bullet just really got a good flat point oh god I guess alright let's try this this stuff is pretty stout let's smoke some pot with it I'm hit the gong try a pig over there down I think want to keep shooting I'm not taking a good side picture all the time for those who shot at Glock 20 a 10 millimeter the part of the fun is it is a powerful round when you start getting some powerful ammo in it real 10 millimeter ammo I don't know it's just it's just fun because it does absorb the recoil pretty well so far as I then I say here that since Lee yeah since the sunday shoot around I had shot some more of that and it was doing fine just like that did so that may just literally been a little bit of a break in typically blocks don't need break-in but it was right out of the box so I don't know I would shoot more of it since I've had a malfunction with that specific ammo I would shoot some more of it before I carried it in bear country this little Underwood this is 200 grain yeah hard cast 1250 feet per second ok so shoot this I've shot some of this and so far I'm well pleased with you know this this stuff all functioning with this barrel the other thing sometimes is with the spring I know I've read online that some people change out the recoil springs with a stiffer spring if they're firing heavy or really hot ammo because that can be a factor if you have malfunctions so I'd like to not to have to do that to be switching out Springs depending on what I'm shooting but we'll see all right now this is hard cast known for penetration this is something that people do carry in bear country so let's try the cinder block let's try the can on top of it first prepare that block so I've got five or six left if mr. Baer we're coming at me it would be very very quick and by the way this chest holster is uh whose it's diamond d custom out of Alaska chest holsters are pretty popular up there and and I wouldn't have it under my jacket probably if I was in bear country no need to but it keeps a handgun really handy it even has a snap there to cover but so even if it's hot ammo you need to be able to shoot several rounds accurately that's one of the advantages of the ten millimeter it's pretty easy to hold on target even with hot ammo to do that same with this buffalo boar it's basically the same around it's uh no no this is 220 grains you know at 1,200 feet per second so 220 grain LED so I should get good accuracy in this barrel cuz its standard rifling so the same thing no I'm not a great bear hunter or anything like that I'm just kind of messing around having fun but these are rounds that people carry in that sort of territory so you're going to have recall you're going to get the penetration you need though with these these particular rounds so this is the real kind of real deal just need to be able to shoot it and it's gonna be a moving target right so we'll just move around a little bit you notice you're getting some recoil with that you can see it I can feel it that was probably the hardest week holding round of the day I would guess but not a dramatic difference you know you could hold that on and boom pop pop something with it okay now under stress and everything is a different different matter isn't it so that's kind of fun just a buy every kind of ammo you can imagine they're kind of self defense hollow points some of it bonded range ammo and in your your serious stuff this bonded and ammo trophy bonded the you know the heavy hard cast rounds and and there's other I meant to bring out I have some double tap I meant to bring that out too for God but there there are companies that make that for that specific purpose hey I am pleased no problems with the barrel you know spring being the wrong weight now it might it might have a better feel if I had to have your spring in it with say some of that heavy hard cast it might idle it might just be a more pleasant experience I don't know so you know the Gen 4 again the reason I I wanted to kind of grade and you might know something else you don't see with me very often this is I think the first Glock I put this beaver tail back strap on you let's come with every Glock now I guess about every midsize or full-size Glock I typically don't use those kind of a minimalist as you know but this farm is so big and I thought yeah why not I think it just felt maybe a little better and I thought that spring made a lot of sense and I got to get me some talon grips on it but and i'm probably going to have the sights change down I've kind of gotten spoiled by some of the night sights I put on my Glock 19 that I like the it's mainly because I like the sight picture but you know these are these are fine so I feel like I want to shoot one more time is it okay let me just since I have Gold odds let's just again there's our two hundred grains and there's the ones I didn't see the velocity on I guess yeah I had to estimate it based on my my expertise in my sense of speed I can just tell how fast the bullets going I shot so much so I sort of estimate on the last one here about shooting and other magazines though I should be able to tell so you want to be careful if you have a chest holster it's real easy to sweep yourself I hope I haven't done that it's trying to be careful I don't use a chest holster that much but but they are really handy really handy so yeah we got a watermelon we got to take care of so let's pretend that's mr. Grizz and he is that close I need to get him in one shot don't you imagine like right in the head yeah buddy we got a bowling pins not being addressed come on yeah gotta use a sight picture and a good trigger break no matter what you're shooting at and what the distance is I keep looking for another target there's one over there that Turkey oh that's right play here gotta get a good trigger break get sloppy I get sloppy if I'm not careful so 10 millimeter is a really cool Glock if you like powerful firearms its need is versatile I'm very pleased that it that that barrel did present any problems today with a variety of ammo and you know I might just leave it in there you know I just leave it if it works ok it's pretty pretty cool so a Glock 20 Gen 4 we we took took a lot of ammo through it again it just reminds me all over how lucky we are and how you know how lucky we are to have the support we have from where the that Marek so what you see on the table federal you know Bud's gun shop STI I come you know ammo sent to us ammo I can buy without having to think about it and it's a we don't ever take that for granted we don't take are your viewership your loyalty your support you know for granted forever okay you know that but just a reminder you know that it just works great and I will see you on Sunday as I do every Sunday okay and appreciate you watching be sure you check the description usually I'll pin a comment on almost every video if it's taking you to another you know video maybe with this firearm or something like that or just whatever so so stay in touch and make sure we're bookmarked and you don't miss a video I mean if you missed seeing a video I'm gonna know about it and I might just show up at your house one do you know why you're being delinquent while you're being a delinquent and why you're being negligent and you don't want me showing up it's your house I'm too scared your your kids would be scared now they saw me at the door think about that you know it'll be a traumatic experience wow you don't want that to happen so anyway I've enjoyed this and I'll let you go now block ten millimeter it's fun it really is life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great gun for the fence oh hey didn't see you guys there well I've got here I want to remind you of our friends over at Allen grips and ballast all Italian grips makes grips can you believe it for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture it just sticks right on there you know really affordable really cool options and improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at Talon gun grips calm you'll be glad you did and also ballast all dad has been using ballast all for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting endeavor for a very long time so good ballast allcom towel and gun grips comm and also while you're out there I'm juggling all these things here also while you're on the Internet please do check out our other social media like Hickok 25 on Facebook it's also Hickox 45 on twitter be real Hickok 45 on instagram there's a John underscore Hickok 45 on Instagram where I do some things there's Hickok 45 calm you can find us also on gun streamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 902,636
Rating: 4.9390903 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, APMEX, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, 10mm, Glock 20, Gen 4, Buffalo Bore, HST, Gold Dot, Underwood
Id: _XriTgMzIVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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