Peripheral Empathy - Dr. Henry Wright - Hope of the Generations Church Service

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well good morning church come on in I hate to in rep all of your wonderful fellowship the first half-hour or so of our services are just what you've been doing so well you sound like a beehive but it is no beehive there's no honey so find something next day it's a good morning honey come on now find somebody next to you say good morning honey it's amazing how a bee hive functions every bee knows what it's doing and every bee is a busy bee but not a busybody busy bee there's a difference between a busy bee in a busy body it is good to come together it's good to hang out it's good to have good conversation it's good to show your love we need each other your body doesn't function very well with this membered body parts your physical body and the body of Christ is likened unto a as a metaphor a human body but the functioning of the human body is very correct to the functioning of the body of Christ we we cannot exist and should not exist and listen carefully we cannot exist and we should not exist apart from each other each of you has something so unique in creation so unique and in the will of God through you and to you and then through you the will of God - you embraced apprehended and then threw you to the advocation of the other body parts and we need to really consider now you know your human bodies don't always agree with each other sometimes sometimes you know you've got body parts that make noises you have a pain here or there you have a gurgling and a bubbling and and so it depends on the number of years ago I had to tell this story years ago I was doing a conference in Dallas Texas of the Southern Baptist Church getting me into Southern Baptist Church is really interesting but I was there for a week and on Friday and I think it was on one of the evenings they they they they took me out to one of these you know famous Mexican restaurants in Dallas and they're really good and as I was you know good stuff all inclusive the whole enchilada was at this place yeah you know and so I and I'd been out to this really it was really great great stuff but when you go to a Mexican restaurant it's it's the ingredients for Mount st. Helens it's gonna be an eruption soon and there's a lot of grumblings and there's a lot of mumblings and there's a lot of gurglings and I was doing my best to teach trying to but movie more often than normal you get in the picture and Mount Saint Helens was about to blow and III it was getting rough and I looked down at this pastor this faster this church and his name is Terry I said Terry come take them like sing a song do whatever you got to do I got a go in a boom I went to the bathroom well everybody thought that that was funny it was not funny it was necessary so sometimes sometimes you know life is filled with interesting occasions and hanging out with people sometimes as an interesting occasion especially when they have halitosis or they want you to come and review the tragedy of their past for hours not remembering the Bible says you to flush it well that's in the book of Henri you leave those things that are behind your depress on the prize of the high calling so there's more to life than the failure of function but in a failure of function we learn how to function the Bible talks about body parts that are functioning correctly in Corinthians it says when one member of the body hurts when one member of the body body you're are you born again if you are your member what body of Christ when one member of the body hurts the whole body hurts you ever had to think your whole body hurt didn't it oh so you thought because that pain consumes you and I remember one time years ago I had I had a gallbladder attack I don't even know I had a gallbladder but I did and I had a gallbladder Tasman years ago and we were over here and up some regional and the pain was excruciating I mean the pain was so excruciating that I was pacing waiting you know you have to wait until I call your name but the pain doesn't wait with you know it's right there and it was excruciating and I was pacing in the waiting room remember that Donna I was pacing and and the pain was so bad that my closed world were totally drenched with sweat like I'd taken a shower with my clothes on and you were really concerned about me because here's her husband pacing I couldn't sit the pain was so excruciating and she's she's really concerned and what did I say your honestly wouldn't tell us this part of story well I like you too what did I say you said don't worry this is just pain no I said more than that well you say you know I say what I said I said into life intellectually and spiritually I am fine it is just pain intellectually and spiritually I am fine it's just pain so I didn't lose my peace I didn't lose my spirituality it was just pain sometimes we major minors don't we we have a little occasion in life and we lose everything lose our spirituality but lose your sanctification we Lou I mean we just like it the end of the world body parts when one member of the body hurts the whole body hurts what does that mean to you I'm not sure what it means do you not know what it means to me is that we need to have empathy this is this word empathy is a big word because empathy is the type of peripheral understanding say peripheral now do you have peripheral vision or do you have tunnel vision it depends on your focus if you're concentrating yeah you don't tap into your peripheral but if you thought about it as you're focusing your mind can take your left and right into peripheral can it not in the body of Christ we need to develop a peripheral empathy now I've added another word peripheral empathy for each other but sometimes we're so busy being a loose body part we forgot to absorb the strengths of others around us when we need them we need each other we need to develop isolation is a disease maker isolation is a depression maker isolation is boring if you want to come out of boredom find some human asking what they think and you'll never be bored again because there's been hours telling you what they think yes I just wanted to say the isolation you know because you're alone allows the enemy to accuse a lot or give you thoughts there you know because you're going to be listening to something you know even when you're alone you're not just duh and there you're not just shut down there's thoughts that are coming and the thoughts sometimes aren't positive correct they're sort of self accusatory so you isolate in an inversion well you know and and self-pity has a place in that or could have a place with that and you definitely don't want to go that self-pity removes everyone on the planet except you it's all about you that's what self-pity does you know what you were talking I was just thinking about like why do we come to services why do we come on Sundays and why do we come on Fridays gotta be mad if we don't well some people do believe that way that is some kind of duty that if you show up and you just gave you you said things about God or heard things god that now you're good for whatever you know but that really you know that the reason why God has a simple together right is that so we can allow the gifts of God to be manifest in our in the body so that we can be edified and that we can be encouraged that we can because we are we need to have that type of relationship fellowship to be able to go on with our lives because we're gonna encounter things you know maybe today tomorrow this is what we're gonna have to remember that we're not alone and I just wonder sometimes because I know we talk about you know because we want the gift stirred up and praise God they're there it's happening but it's like I think we should come with an expectancy that I can't wait to be together because this is my people you know and there's something about being with your people you know that that makes you feel good like like I'm sure there's all sorts of endorphins and all sorts of things that biologically happen to us when were with our people and and and and and I think that sometimes we just don't think about that and and I'm just glad to be with my people well as long as we feel that we are part of our people when you became born-again you came out of isolation because we became born-again because of Jesus you were now reconciled to the father of all spirits the father and since he's called father that he's the head of a family it's called the family of God the church sometimes misses this that when we became born-again in fact what it says in in in John chapter 1 it says he gave us Jesus gave us the power John chapter 1 gave us the power to become the sons of God even those who believe on his name so so we've not been given the spirit of bondage according to scripture again to fear which produces isolation but of adoption where we can come because of Jesus the veil has been rent in Jesus name we can come right by faith and say father I come to you in Jesus name hi dad because he is your true father and it's interesting in the Godhead that the head of the Godhead is called father as he called mother god it's a father that means family when you became born again you became part of a family and you are literally stuck with each other so and you're gonna live together whether you live or you die in the resurrection you're going to live and serve the father in Messiah forever so we might as well practice the future now that way we won't be so surprised when we are required to love each other you should not be required to love each other should you know God does not require that you love him he is loved but he doesn't require anything of you against your will does he so I will to be part of the body of Christ I am whether you like it or not and and you didn't decide that I would be a son of God the Father did so the father decided I would be a son of God you need to get over it now using myself as an example just to take away the pressure of the confrontation of your spirit right now so I'm being nice or am i no person according to Scripture no human can come to God except the Spirit of God draw him or her so the father in your generation by his Spirit came seeking those that God loves and by the way God loves everyone even the unsaved they're just sons and daughters that are separated from their true father that's why the gospel must be preached not for some personal Norman not because of some personal avoid he'll get to heaven but because it is what creation is supposed to be like and our job as sons and daughters is to agree with the father as to what creation should be like and how it should function and as the Christian or should I say a son and daughter of the living father then we must be conscious had peripheral empathy for each other not just in the time of need but also in the positional place that we are family you may have earthly families that you're tripping over why would you trip over cordwood it's your journey I find so many people tripping over the failures of family members including mothers and fathers of the past why they can't be normal so they go back trying to be normal but they still act abnormal like the people they don't like and when an impulsive what's you accuse another of and I'm here alright once you accuse another off because you don't like them but excuse yourself in your are without excuse because you are that person also it's amazing the kind of wisdom is in the Bible so that's finger that points that others there's a thumb and three coming well they're three fingers coming back at you I don't know how many there's at least four three or four the other ones blaming God okay okay blame person blame yeah I like that someone thumbs up not for good reasons and three coming back so if a member of the body hurts we don't eliminate them we embrace them you cannot help a person that you're shooting with your finger but you can't help somebody come here pastor Donna in your darlin well night those covers on you today and I miss car find you tonight hi I'm Henry this is done it now the embrace released an incredible amount of endorphins it released a tremendous place of belonging a state of being that's being reinforced not I'm not reinforcing my own value but value isn't how much you can receive save it all so it's not self-serving so we do all things unto the Father and unto the son but at the same time at this level because of them we bring who they are into a place of connection that's why the Bible says confess your faults your stuff no you know what I'm talking about we all got our stuff always got something we brought from the cordwood of the past we bring our favorite stumbling blocks the others may stumble through life with us well now have fun with me but we don't want to confess our faults one to another because we don't trust one another I'll tell you why because of fear and why do we have these fears I'm going to give you scriptures it's coming to me just as I talk first John 4:18 it's four parts to this verse there is no fear in love so then are we afraid of love we don't trust love but wait a minute it says perfect love cast out fear you know how many people are afraid of me why I'm only 5 foot a V are you shall wear glasses that makes people upset can you imagine being afraid to somebody 5 foot 8 are you serious but if you get around me I'm a love bug that's true I mean you know my even my grandkids love me that's a miracle my grandkids come up to me I had one come up to me I was his old story but they would come up to me and grabbed me by my leg and one of the grandkids and I say leave me alone I'm awesome I'm off duty and they look at me and go Baba you're so silly that's relationship isn't it but we're so sterile we don't have enough empathy we have so many fears we have so many hang-ups we has we have so much introspection in our prison-house of isolation it hasn't been many months ago that in a service like this I'm not going to do it today because I'm thinking about it that we came into a service like this and I I decided that it was time to be family and and I released all of you to go find somebody and sit with him and begin to find something to talk about how many were in that service the rest of you were playing hooky okay and and people get nervous I had a pastor years ago tell me as I began to pastor said Henery of you you want a church to grow have twice as many chairs as people that are attending you see it's that way today this is by design that we have more chairs and people attending no it's not really that it's not but he said if you don't people won't come because they don't want to sit next to somebody they will have space one has space you tell your body you have the physical body tell your body part you you're too close to each other get apart over there you're bugging me you're getting too close to me heart I can hear you and feel yet not good go next door it's getting crazy I want to read a scripture could I I didn't end talking about this but I'm here I'm taking over to Ephesians I send the New Testament be looking you know how you find Ephesians God eats popcorn yep Gian God G for God eats for Ephesians P 4 Philippians and c4 Colossians Ephesians chapter 4 I just want read I was in my in my prayer time recently I've been and then we come in here and we we do we casually we sing first sometimes we don't we come in here and and and we were talking about being edifying here a while ago and and our services these are designed to produce edification that's why if you hear for the first time that's why we have an open mic over here for you Jim nod you handling the open mic section and here's how many are in this section today Oh welcome and so if you are participating this server so they just go check in with Jim and I'll give you a card you can go sit in these pink chairs put the card up here what we can see it because the color tells us why you're up there and and because the work says when you come together all of you have a psalm all of you have a doctor and have a revelation have a tome have an interpretation then all things be done unto edifying edifying ever you ever Pat you tell me when you had a good meal why would you do that for is that just this something you do we do it don't we yeah that was good is that a metaphor well you better tell me a foods not well you pay you tell me for is it is it's just an expression isn't it you know when you get around each other you need to pat your tummy more often now might be around you your edifying Ephesians chapter 4 you want to follow I'm reading from the King James Version Paul speaking I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of a vocation wherewith you are called not a vocation the application is a hobby so our relationship with God shouldn't be a hobby it should be a declaration of intent of relationship vocation you are in training for eternity many Christians is just being and just dying to go to heaven and that's what they're taught avoid hell go to heaven that's the deal no you are kings and priests in the making Revelation chapter 5 all of you and it would be nice if you understood who you work for before you went to work it'd be wonderful if you read the employees manual it's the Bible before you signed up to work some of you will oversee the theocracy a messiah others of you will help the natural people you rule over in the millennium understand the gospel understand God's plan for man understand what what happened when an archangel rebelled against the Living God in the old age ruled by angels you have them understand the journey of man kind of what you were part of for almost 6,000 years and the history of man from Adam which you now are in your generation part of you're looking back you look now you look ahead you help them understand that if they are doers of God's Word they will have the right to enter into the next age world without end and will have the right to the city or the Tree of Life is but only those according to Scripture that had the right to enter in that wouldn't be us we've already passed the test hopefully but only those natural people that keep God's commandments will have the right to enter through the gates of the New Jerusalem to partake of the Tree of Life this journey that we have is essential not many people are teaching and we do it here I do it often because you need to know where you've come from as a human you need to know where you're at in time-space prophetically and you need to know or you're going prophetically whether you live or whether you die if you don't know that you are lost in the journey and are easy pickings by the enemy I know who I am I know where I've come from as a human I know what salvation is I know I was a sinner and the father loved Henry and sent his spirit and at age 38 I bet my need to a living God and I was never the same I know where I'm going I have no fear of death why would I fear death for there's no power over me it won't keep me from eternal existence I read in the doctrines of Christ in Hebrews chapter 6 verses one in two there's such a thing as resurrection of the Dead hallelujah praise the Lord count me in you may look in the mirror and self-hatred at your bodily shape and all the stuff that goes with it but I got some good news for you and tell their self-hatred spirit you're stupid and dumb and a liar because in the first resurrection we'll get a brand-new glorified body and your defects will disappear so hang out for the metamorphosis don't be majoring in minors as I as a human dense like the world with no hope you have an incredible future ahead of you if you want it and if you don't opt out I decided to opt in cuz I may not be very smart but my mama didn't raise a complaint dummy and occasionally she called me Sonny I'm going to get there I know I know before I read it or after after okay you have a vocation a vocation is your job it's your calling many Christians have no idea what their calling is they they don't even comprehend one day to the next in this journey except they hope they have enough money and they don't die too soon others are dying and begging God to kill them now they are the thing that I was impressed now I forgot my train of thought here but it just came back to me is in my prayer time in my time of thinking and preparing to take care of a flock like you that I have been increasingly concerned in my spirit that perhaps we're not getting scripture into us like we need to I'm concerned that maybe some of you are not studying the word at home the manual their survival manual the thriving manual the manual of life the manual of insanity in an insane world I'm concerned that if you don't know God's Word you don't even have a sword because the enemy doesn't care if you're a Christian he doesn't want you to flash the sword at him that you are living he doesn't want to hear you say for it is Ripton because even he has to bend to it is written because the Living Word it is written is a personage a vital living being who came in the flesh the one we call him Jesus is the Living Word the second member of the eternal God hid the God of Israel the giver of the law read your Bible you'll find him there I know who Jesus is the next part you walk worthy walk that means you're in motion not sedentary believer if you're sedentary you're not a believer you're a historian living on past historical material feeling close to God because of somebody else's faith but you don't have one for yourself I'm not talking to you I'm talking about that listen to this online worldwide you guys are so cool so don't squirm too hard walk worthy say I like words studies worthy if God gave me an assignment well listen let's put it if I if I was working I've been an employee I've been a boss I've owned my own businesses I work for other men who had their businesses when I would have somebody hire me I work for them as if it were my own company that wasn't a hireling I was dedicated to the vision of that corporation to make it successful I'm dedicated to the vision of God my father and Jesus Christ the Bishop of the church in the earth to make gutt successful then it can be counted I could be counted worthy because of my deeds no because I'm a heart of faithfulness Obama says there are many that speak of their own value their own worth but a faithful man who can find write a book one time to forget the name of the author but never forgot the title it was called faithfulness their crowbar of God never forgot the title all these years never forgot it I want to hear these words well done my good and faithful servant enter into your place of rest that's my goal but it will not come for me being an unwise virgin it will not come for me being a slothful sedentary historical Christian it will not happen because I have some degree of men that says I know something and I do I prefer the degree that I prefer is not what men gives you because the degree that I live by isn't what men have given me but it is this degree hot all the time never cold never lukewarm hot and Jesus wants a hot wife because he said if you're lukewarm if you're a cold okay but if you look warm what did Jesus say to his bride if you're lukewarm I'm going to spew you out of my mouth and if you go to Revelation chapter 3 it says that if you will decide to be an overcomer Jesus will not take your name out of the book of life but he will confess your name before his father and his angels read your Bible that drives hell right out of you and heaven right into you do not take your salvation if it read it do not take this great gift of life that the father has given you as immune Dain boring existence kick some butt get up go cast out Devils heal the sick do cures preach the gospel that he may be glorified in the earth come on church you are the sons and daughters well you need to calm down pastor no you don't need me to calm down I want to hear well done I want to hear Jesus say to this to me in the judgment seat of Christ when I stand before him when the minds looking right at me I want to hear well done Henry my good and faithful servant enter into your place of rest that's my meal ticket to the marriage supper of the Lamb it is that time that I'm going to move ahead in this journey of eternity grave worry is your victory death where is your sting I serve a living God I serve a resurrected Christ and the Holy Spirit is in the earth today and he's bored he's a power of the Living God but needs a son and daughters permission to do anything are you serious when Jesus said I give you power over all works of the devil over all unclean spirits all over all man or disease that's Dominion that's authority devil should tremble wherever you walk because you show up no they don't they just yawn they may have had breakfast with you this morning been listening to voices whose report shall you believe whose report will you believe that must kind of puny whose report will you believe your response to me has been recorded in heaven be careful I'm serious as I can be folks I'm as serious I I tricked you didn't I I got you into heaven on the record book this morning I did it's been recorded I snuck up on you it's all right we're with you are called you didn't decide he decided when you look at the work of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit first Corinthians 12 it says the Holy Spirit distributes the gifts I'm quoting you a scripture verse twenty twelve the Holy Spirit distributes the gifts severally that means individually to whom he will you're just to desire the best gift for you are you desiring to be used of God are you really then do you have the desire for the father to use you as a work of the Holy Spirit and your calling I'm asking alleged and in question don't squirm sometimes we isolate in mankind we isolate in ourselves we isolate separated from others in the body of Christ sometimes we disappear into the mass of mankind and you can't tell us in the world we become clones of something we become invisible we become part of the occlusion or the ocultism of not existing but we exist but not for him when I got saved age 38 something happened as pretty God came to me I I didn't know I mean I'd heard it could be possible you know and I didn't been around the while you know and I know but something happened and instantly how to desire to come out of isolation and become involved for the betterment of other humans it was just there I couldn't stop it I became part of a large church founded many yellow pages 1,500 people at the big church and as I begin to grow in this this thing that wouldn't leave me I began to study the word begin to find there were solutions to people's lies that they were going to shrinks about that if they'd read this they wouldn't have paid the money to the shriek that just got converted and I found a script is read an axis says repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord folks I want those times of refreshing to come to you from the presence of the Lord but you may have to take out the garbage you may have to unload those u-hauls you've been hauling behind you you may need to flush it and lead those things that behind that are non eternal to your peace you are called now what are you going to do with this verse who called you I didn't call you who called you what you gonna do with him if you work for a big corporation in the has a corporation was kind of tracking with you or whatever and and you got a phone call one day or whatever and said I have an assignment for you you were called what would you do is then I'm so sorry I'm too busy working for you already what would you do is God our Father greater than any other being I don't think I think it's an honor to be even being noticed by the father I I'm just absolutely blown away literally in my thinking that I could even be considered to be a son of God me really is it possible what greater honor isn't then to be known as a son of God not a son of dumb idols the great defect of Islam and it's a tragic defect of insanity and ignorance is they teach that God didn't have any sons so they I are a fatherless religion my god help us he gave you the power Jesus gave you the power to become the sons and daughters of God even those that believe on his name called called God went looking for you that day and you just had an epiphany all by yourself out in the backyard God showed up and said I want you Dona she didn't even know nothing hard nothing about God she was pagan she was a hippie pagan that's even worse but she hadn't been trained in unbelief she was his ignorant I don't be ignorant than be trained in unbelief an epiphany John was born righteous from the womb I was born in dress pants I was wearing those same dress pants I got saved in a bikini bathing suit you what I was wearing a bikini bathing suit in my backyard and God love anyone a bikini bathing suit my lord help us I thought you had to have a white robe to be saved I was as close to naked as you could almost come in public that was in the 70s so those bikinis were a little bigger than the ones they are today but still so God looked past oh I'm sure he did kneeling in the grass in my backyard your own grass weren't you actually I was true story but I was sober real fast then she went higher I did I knew the arms of God ain't you ain't you unconventional probably salvation story I've heard yet so but but you were chosen I was chosen and you responded the Holy Spirit was right there you recall convicting my heart and then you had an awakening and suddenly you knew you had to be with like-minded people and you know even sure what they were I wasn't sure I really thought that all people in churches loved each other every denomination I was heartbroken I found out that they would not accept me because I went to a different church I'm still heart broke it should not be I was so naive I believe that the Spirit of God was the same in all it is except there's some static so I'm fighting for it because I believe it I still believe it I believe it - that's what I'm teaching here today you know what don't you because the enemy wants to keep you isolated in fear he wants to keep you from your calling he doesn't want you to get loose because if you ever get loose he's in trouble the enemy could care less if you're a Christian he could care less if you get born again I promise you he could care less but don't you interfere with his kingdom don't you interfere with his purposes don't you interfere with his dastardly deeds do not even consider telling him he can't do something in his kingdom Dominion folks is more than just animals Dominion is not just over the crops Dominion is over ever disobedient spirit that hates God and I'm on my father's side I'm gonna read this you can can I do verse are you gonna do verse I'm gonna write the right now okay yeah yeah with all lowliness and meekness with long-suffering forbearing one another in love Wow so that means I don't want to take away your exhortation that might no I want you to say what you want to say now okay because I have a capability oh you do treading on you you do well well anyway this is really the verse to is actually a testimony from yesterday because I and I brought I'm a cry I really was interested in the learning disabilities teaching for a lot of reasons one of them was because I wanted to hear what our teaching elder David would would discover and reveal to us and because we help people and I wanted to hear if there's more I wanted to hear how to do that okay but the other part of it was is that I I've had family who had learning disabilities so I was interested to see if there was anything I could do to help with that at the end of the the time there was ministry and and David was ministering and I was repeating after everyone because I wanted to be another voice heard so people wouldn't feel alone but I personally did not have learning disabilities and as I was praying and and repeating after etc I started to go wait a minute I I saw all those charts up there and I saw how long this has been in the earth how could I even possibly not be touched by those evil spirits how could I have have escaped you know I don't think it's possible anyone has all right so as he's saying repeating up then I'm stirred and go wait a minute I'm doing this for me now okay because I don't know those unseen things I don't know my family tree is far I might have names but I don't know their personality so I began to just say wait a minute I'm doing this for me okay and and and at one point when I saw the charts up there I was in tears because I've seen how the enemy is ravished people from being able to know him and that really bothered me as it should you and I I just saw I knew I had a new compassion let's put it that way on people that I did not understand socially because I I got to thinking it's not that they don't care it says they just don't understand or see the same way possibly I do so perhaps maybe I had judged you know I mean I've always had compassion but it just went deeper and that whole judgment thing if it was there it was gone so when we left we had we went to visit Dorian and Stancil up in up in Newnan and so but and we had and we went out to eat did other things but I began to look at people and I'm telling you discernment has just kicked up I don't know where it's at now but I honestly can look at people and and my my compassion and my understanding for them is like that's where the long-suffering with all with all lowliness lowliness and meekness it's like oh my gosh I get it I'm one of those two with long suffering I have more long suffering for things that I did not understand in people before forbearing one another in love I'm telling you I my heart went out to every single human I saw and look beyond what and it kind of started at the conference because that's having empathy it is and it's having peripheral empathy past your own eyesight it started at the conference recognizing that people who act like they have it together really don't there are some kind of hot mass okay and that includes people that came in there were many people came from it not one person oh the other and and so even to the point where he'd gone to the Golden Corral for supper and there was a girl as we were checking out tears streaming down her face just and I and I said are you okay okay I said no and I said but I'm not gonna pry I just I I just I'm just concerned she goes this is my grandmother I said okay hon so she needed to do her job and we didn't want to become a prophet or so when we left she was up around the register scrubbing the floor as we left Henry and I both we both had the the unction to go to her and I and I and she didn't seem open for prayer it wasn't that okay but she I said what's your grandmother's name and so then she told me as I will be praying for your grandmother she was why feels so much better because I got to talk to her she says but thank you so very much that's just what they need they just need that and I'm telling you like I said the compassion back during it is just all it's this turned up the burners up higher and I said to her and we weren't trying to be invasive we're just leaving oh I looked at her she's right there and we'd had the previous interaction with her I said hi I said keep your twinkle yeah and she looked I'm doing better I'm doing better but the thing is is that I think any time like I if you were not able to you know partake yesterday of that great banquet when it gets up on YouTube or however we're gonna do it it straight you need to watch this because it just dislodges so many things that i neva know that how to dislodge them actually and and and but it just ignited something in me at a different level when I wasn't even looking for it I was having a conversation with them I think what David and Joan before the service and I say what the teaching did it it took away the mystery because even the medical community has made it such a mystery they don't understand it they see it they try to do what they can but it's all clouded in this mysterious we don't know yesterday the mystery the veil was ripped away and I'm telling you when you went to the last kind of like the the flashing of the charts to show this is what the enemy has done kind of thing I was so grieved that I was crying and then it was so mad that I was crying because it's like it dis ignited like this fervor in me that that we got to get rid of this stuff and at one point when you were talking it was David it was like the spirit of hopeless hopelessness kind of tried to come you know say well look how bad it is you know look this I mean how many generations are we from the garden I mean how can anybody really overcome and at the same moment the the Spirit of God raised up it because I have never changed okay I have never changed I can get rid of this just as much as I could then as I can now and and so this this um holy war if you will began to ignite in me about no we are going to we're going to defeat these devils that's what we're that's what why God has us here is to be a resource to mankind and bless God that's what we're gonna do and then when you came out of the gate fighting I was like I was I was joined I'm going yet right that's what we're gonna do yes siree and this is the next generation that's gonna take it this is it I mean there and you were involved I mean they're all involved but I'm just saying this is the next generation we haven't we haven't lost anything we've just gain momentum amen but you have to have a perfect hatred in fact I think you mentioned that there's only one thing we're allowed to have a perfect way to hate anything and it's evil and this is evil and so don't I mean don't miss the opportunities to come and be a part of the body and to become a part and and to listen and because I felt like I got grafted if you were even more to what David was to him as a person and to those listening I got crafted even closer where it wasn't like with this body part needs to be over here's like no draw closer draw closer we need we need each other you know it says in the Bible that two in the bed is better than one because they're warmer okay well what does I want to be hot I want to be so hot I want us to be hot and and and and missing the opportunities not I'm not saying you have to come religiously I'm not saying that but I'm saying but you've got to come with the right heart it's not I'm just gonna show up and just do my thing no it's to come and be ignited because I'm kind of honest I'm like I got a notion here but it's like when we go to another country well I'll just use Scotland for because we love going to Scotland I love going to Scotland I love just being in the mix of the antiquity maybe it's the maybe it's because that's where our forefathers from I don't know what it is I don't even care but the fact of the matter is it's very hard to be in Scotland at the same time their speech is different their customs are different as much as I love them it's still work to be there okay and probably you know syska can probably see him speak into that too because she's from the never look nothing listen so being here must be work to be here too and she probably just gonna go home when she goes back to the Netherlands well when we get back as much as I love school I'm so glad to be home because I know the customs I know the speech I know the rules the environment feels different is home that's how you should be when you get in here this is our people we can talk the same thing we can talk about Devils all day long and people don't shudder we can talk about our stuff we can talk about we can talk about and we can talk about how God is awesome and and we can and we can talk about everything he's done in his doing with no concern that somebody's gonna judge you in the wrong way because it's work to be judged and so our whole idea of why we come together really needs to be that this is our family this is our people this is where we come to get rejuvenated for whatever comes our way when we go into the world that we're not of we're in we're this is the world we're of not that one okay but we still have to be there so it's work to be there in a place that our our our terminology is not the same are there cut our customs are not the same you know it's not the same but in here they are and yes we have a diversity even there but that's okay because there's no judgment there's no judgment so when it talks about walking in the vocation worthily it's like it really has to start here this is where this is needs to be happening and if you can get a chance to feed on something and maybe the whole surface isn't for you but maybe one part was that's the part you take that's the part you take with you that's the part that beads you but if you don't get the word in its and on you know and after hearing all about the learning disabilities I get it people learn differently they they don't all necessarily grasp it at the same levels it's ok God has a wonderful way of making that happen so if you can't read listen if you can't listen read you know it's like that we've got two ways okay but but we are and live in a time and time and space where there's no there's no excuse for not getting that word in you and I mean like lots of times like not just you know I don't know I'm not talking about because it's a duty it's because it is it is truly the bread of life I'm done now well thank you David for seeking out those things another thing and I'm not trying to exalt you I know the Spirit of God and you're working but I said for somebody to be able to do that research and make it palatable to people who just may not necessarily be able to if I would had all that suffering around me I'd be going oh my goodness I'm inundated with this I'd be covered over but to make it sizable portions and able to be to be able to be eaten and bear fruit that I mean thank God for the gift and how many others out here have gifts that we have not got to partake of I want to partake of your gift would you get off your doves come on okay well activated peas in the pea pod organic I was impressed to pursue a thought that came to me as you were speaking in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and talks about on verse 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost I want to say this to you as an elder in the Christian Church not only the lost loss I find many Christians that are lost in the journey because we're still conforming to the image of the world we're still conforming to the image of fear and isolation and lack of trust last a state of being so I want to read this so it says in whom there would be those that we're talking about in whom the god that was little G the god of this world that would be Satan and his kingdom of this world and of mankind hath blinded the minds David has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God the father should shine unto them where he preached none ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and our ourselves your servants your servants aren't we're serving one another and as leadership your servants for Jesus sake for God who have commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ so we're talking about image we're talking about the metamorphoses of our existence I'm reminded of a scripture from glory to glory we are being changed that's present progressive tense into His image we have to consider that when we gave our hearts to the Father through Jesus Christ we literally became a new creature what happened if I go into a museum can I show you a Christian over here in room number six there's all kinds of pictures of Christians from the historical from history how many of you have read history books of Christianity and those books took all the time to give honor to people that were doing nothing you've read Christian books to give honor to people that were doing nothing I don't think so yeah I know you're thinking about something else I caught you you never hear a book written about people and the even the Bible and the Bible will tell you about people who didn't do it right at least the Bible was honest about the journey of men successful or unsuccessful and it also gave you the journey of how God met them when they were not successful or gives you the journey of what was stuck with when they wouldn't take responsibility for their sins so the Bible is a history book of God dealing with humans from Adam and how they related to God and how he related to them so there is a history book that is being written in heaven all of mankind will read it beginning in the Millennium and you're gonna be in there just as you read your Bible about the past journey from Adam all the way up through to the time of Jesus and the works of the Apostles in the early church that time period you have a record of do you not you know we need to go to heaven to find the record of men and how they did it but the history book that is being written in heaven or record everything in the church age and the world it will define truth and error quickly it will define the mindset of God versus the mindset of men whose minds were blinded their souls were blinded by a different way of thinking that obscured the greatness of God in creation to talk this way this morning is very frustrating to me I'll tell you why because what I have said and what we have said may be the highlight of anything but there's no fruit that comes out of what we have said here today for Hugh and you watching this what would be the purpose should you rest on our laurels should you give honor to God because of what we've done in Jesus name I I have done a few things in Jesus name that the father has honored big deal it's my reasonable service I don't brag about it why would I it is the drop in the bucket and what I perhaps could have done and now be judged for that that opportunities that I didn't follow through on that God wanted me to follow through on now I don't think God's looking at us through magnifying glass out there I got you right there oh boy that's a rough one I think it's attitude to the heart if you don't have a movement of the Holy Spirit for God's purposes then what does move you as the world squirms people love watching as a royal sperms and actually soap operas have done more to destroy marriages and anything in the world because this is all about the tragedy of breakup and adultery and the failure of relationships and generations beginning in the 60s and the 70s have been trained that it's normal to be dysfunctional and then you identify with these actors and actresses who are just actors and actresses but you think it's really a life story for them it's not it's the devil programming you through them for fatalism and failure we've been trained in so many ways our minds have been blinded in so many ways to the purpose of God through Christ Jesus folks you're pioneers for mankind they've been pioneers that have come before you there be pioneers that will come after you and there are pioneers of the faith that exists on the planet and every year and every day and every generation as I speak there there somewhere speaking for God there there somewhere executed the kingdom to the best of their ability according to the knowledge of faith that they have to use God will not ask you to do something that you don't have a scripture to stand on because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so God is going to release himself through you and His Word through you by application I was reading a little book by Derek Prince I've been studying a little bit on his thinking and it has to do with casting out of evil spirits you know what's amazing the new the news is filled now for the word demons this person did this and they killed that person in there because they're because of their demons today today CNN news today on my phone this morning see and and the state of America fires and demons that was the headline for today see and and news the state of America fires and demons do we need another prophet other than CNN these are these are times in which the news admits or something in humans called demons that make them do crazy stupid things but we can't talk about it in church because we're Christians and we're free of that Kingdom we are deceived and blinded won't talk about that somebody might be offended we come to church that should be open heart surgery right here you go to a hospital they put you in there the hospital for a procedure there first thing they do they put you in a disgusting hospital gown with your butt hanging out but you don't want to come to church and have surgical procedures here and we don't ask you get in again with your butt hanging out do we that's a great metaphor it's not a great metaphor is it true and we submit herself to men for the value of our lives but we come here and we're afraid of the Spirit of God and the body that is designed to heal Henry I want to say something here the thing is I want to go back to if I you know bothered you because I said get off your Duff I repent but the reason is is because I'm trying to exhort you we could not see the giftings that are within you if you shut up you might even come up here and do it all wrong or or it because for whatever reasons it doesn't make any difference but you've got to start doing something you got to start sharing it even just little tidbits that you've got so that you're gifting can be released we don't go looking around it I didn't look we didn't look at David said oh he's an elder teacher therefore if they're tender but can you believe that David ended up being an elder teacher we know his journey oh yes we know he's dirty yes that's a miracle and it's a miracle for all of us every one of us but we didn't we just didn't see him for the verse I hope you there it is that that's hurt that's our teacher elder right there that that's him no we never saw that coming because that's not the way it works it's the way it comes out of the chute fold but the sheepfold have to be giving of something so good the gifts can be manifest and believe me the place you start may not be the place you end up a man's gift woman's shall make room for him or her now that means there's a gift present yes that hasn't been fully developed or released but is been fermenting being formed in that human as the work of the Holy Spirit based on the Word of God you know every one of you in this room every one of you has something to give God has given you something something it may not be an office so what it meant but you have something to give that because that's how we're created there is something in you that is just that he gave just for you not maybe the same you know movement and someone else but it's different because it's you because hey we heard yesterday that everybody learns differently everything and some of its good and some of us bad but regardless we all do so so that that's it so what's keeping you well your fear is keeping you okay I mean and you're listening to it and and so if you I just feel like we should do this you can tell me if I'm wrong if you have fear that is keeping you from being able to be that epping flow of gift that God is great repent right now just repent and say it's a dumb fear cuz it is dumb remember what we learned it's dumb fear will dumb you down that doesn't mean it's stupid it just means it's shutting you down okay that's what it is then just repent and say father please forgive me I'm listening to something that's not of you help me overcome it and it helped me with my unbelief just repent right now repent and say that's not how I want to be you know what's really interesting in in this fellowship as senior elder I have taken many steps to release you is that not true and and doesn't mean you're gonna go to Mount Sinai and you know become an Oracle but every day you have an opportunity to impact someone in your journey here you practice this open mic is very rare in Christianity very few churches allow people to come and speak very few but it is New Testament pattern and and yet in this open mic being available to you usually it's just a few of the same people that come I'm not saying that's wrong but I think a deaf and dumb spirit is in this church in its lock jaw because of what some where the Spirit of God is being quenched well I also I want to finish okay but can I just go ahead throw I do believe because I think there's also a fear of not doing it right and being corrected my goodness is that that probably is true but that how often but how often is that happened and over these many years how many people have gotten up here and shared and have been corrected only one time did we have a Bible study now if we did make an adjustment in what was being said that's not a correction it's learning it's like it's the same order if a prophet gets up and begins to speak he's a prophet she's a prophet and another prophet standing by here's more advanced something else additional that's not being said this is in your Bible this is an order for New Testament church service the second prophet gets up and the first one stops immediately and sits down this can prophet begins to speak with the additional information coming because there's a flow now and a third prophet sitting by here's begins to hear something that's a continuum of the flow of that thought and he gets up the second prophet takes the queue time to sit down this is incredible the first prophet wasn't wrong he was not deficient the second prophet wasn't wrong was not deficient it was how God wants to move in a corporate body how God wants to move in the flow now sometimes that flow is a bunch of exclamation points the same thought repackaged that's not what the prophets did they didn't bring the same thought repackaged they brought additional information that went in the conclusion of the flow not the same information repackage and and sometimes the Holy Spirit's working here with some of you yielded believers here you will hear things by the Spirit of God and it may be for you to participate it may just be the witness of what you're hearing but if you end up being an exclamation point then it's redundancy we heard the first time we understood it now if you have additional information that moves that they had a little more deeper understanding or conclusion then that would be very proper in discernment so when people come up and then they're there and they're sharing and even if we said something it wouldn't be for correction it would be to give the continuum of the foe so that it could be come to a conclusion if you have any fear you will not be able to flow with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit does not work with fear he only works with faith and you have to understand this that that and that I remember years ago and I told a story a few times I'm going to tell it again now but years ago after I I prophesied but the first time in a large church 1500 and it was judged accurate by the leadership in the pastor God had spoken through Henry the witness was there I was shocked but I moved out in faith then occasionally I would prophesy but a lot of times I'll get white knuckles check check check check check check check check because I didn't want to be in the flesh I the worst thing that could ever affect me is could an evil spirit use me in personally the Holy Spirit that would be the most grieving thing for me to know that absolutely it's the most horrific thing could happen to me I don't want to ever to happen and so as I began to check check finally one of the elders they caught me at the end of his service and he and he was not smiling he came to me and said Henry he said you got has spoken to me about you you're in sin I wonder which one you all got our stuff no way you know I mean good you know checklist he said God God has given you the ability to speak for him through prophecy in fact he's called you to be a prophet but you're so busy checking the Holy Spirit who wants to speak through you to the congregation and you check it and you check it and you don't do it and you don't do it and you know God spoke to me and here's your word Henry God said and unless you if you continue to stop checking him when he wants to use you he's gonna withdraw his spirit from you at this level for a season that you will appreciate his voice when he speaks to you the next time and that's your warning well I think it was six months forevers whatever dude I was so scared you know I fear what does hear do to you makes you sit down and shut up gives you a lockjaw it's a death and dumb spirit in the church literally deaf and dumb it is incredibly horrible and so I've learned over the years now to trust that inspiration that comes I've learned in certain settings that I will prophesy or I'll give a message in tongue or I will interpret which is equal to prophecy in the language of the people so why am I saying this I'm saying it because I should not have to say it at this time in this fellowship as much instruction that has come about this subject God is here again it's not Henry it's not Donna the Spirit of God is grieved now you can take that for me or not it doesn't make any difference how you take it you're gonna have to take it up with God you're gonna have to judge your own spirit you're gonna have to go deep inside and say where do I have a deaf and dumb spirit that's keeping me from flowing in the body am I so afraid of people but I'm not afraid of God you're gonna have to really take this up because we want to be edified by you not worn out by your selfish rhetoric of your self-serving desires to be heard we know those people when they come also and it's a grieving thing when somebody gets up and they're in the flesh and that mike is there well you know you know you can sense it you know it you know when it comes lord have mercy as hard at the same time at the same time because you know that we're very kind to those individuals to a certain degree we're very kind or we want them to be more thoughtful when they move we we you know in in in in a thing of popcorn you know and maybe never made popcorn do you always get pure kernels you get something or one got too much heat little burnt they don't pop right and sometimes in the bottom of the thing no matter what kind of heat put on it they made this most beautiful kernels that you love so much in the bottom is that least two dozen of these things that never popped at all that's the Christian Church so I'm just pulling in your hospital gown and I think we should issue hospital gowns before everybody can come in here to be open and honest I I do think I know this I know that we exhort and I know there are many times I just believe this about this church fellowship the reason why you keep coming back is because you are fed here and and it is it can be I said this Friday it can be a placebo to your own personal time with the Lord that you are hearing God in church services and that's just enough to get you to Friday I gotta say something I have to interrupt you there's a difference that about identifying and being edified then living vicariously through somebody who has done what you were called to do so the the the weekly I tell you folks that's the rich work that you're called to do and I know not saying you have it what I'm saying what you have heard God through the week I think you question when you come into this corporate setting and you I want to say somebody may have to identify a spirit of guilt that has because you know you should have said something and you didn't and it's become a guilt pattern of never saying anything you have to face fears yes of moving forward in saying something when the Lord's prompting you but I want to I want to help you discern you may have guilt because you haven't said anything and if you lay those two down then the spirit of God's got a lot of easy things to work with bring your hospital gowns with you from home it's it's this is how family should should be I'm done I was mentioning a pastor Donna this has been kind of like a living room today in with cards she said and I think it's a really healthy thing for our fellowship today I I just want to tap in with you guys the Spirit of God is here and you know gonna let this flow today at this point on or you're going to check it or check out of it but we have to yield to the inspiration that's coming God has set us in place over this fellowship as elders for a reason and we're very thoughtful in what we do we're not loose canons we don't give you a bunch of goosey garbage to feed on we really are sincere for your growth and this bodies of growth in his health and and so I want to I know we have okay I'm gonna hold this this over here let me see the colored cards there's a green green green green yellow green one yellow which is an exhortation and we'll get that next as soon as I finish over here and then we'll do the testimonies because the only others are testimonies and and you guys you got a sprite card sprite card yeah okay it's bright I stumbled over someone years ago maybe you're stumbling over other people why would you at the sin of another affects you I asked you to legitimate question why should you let the sin of another even against you affect you why I've grown up a little bit over the years still growing up thank God for that but I stumbled over an individual was a father earthly father that was a pastor I'm a preacher's kid only child and he didn't represent the father his love whatsoever ever that was physically and emotionally and verbally abused all of my days in fact I had to leave home as a senior just to keep my sanity yet I was both voted most likely to succeed when I was in high school I was a National Merit Finalist in English and math was a grand offered a scholarship in any adversity America in any field that I wanted to take I chose pre-med but it was never enough because I stumbled over someone representing God supposedly that's as close as you can get when you come down to your own home and it's your own father I stumbled I was pierced and wounded didn't have the tools that I have now I'm just a kid 18 years old and I went to college and I chose a college a long ways from that mess you couldn't get me in a church as an adult from age 18 to 38 for 20 years for any reason and all God became to me was a figment of somebody's imagination you'd how about darkness all because I stumbled over a human Jesus came to his own and his own received him none Jesus was the god of the Old Testament first Corinthians will tell you that chapter 16 he was a bishop of the Old Testament church in the giver of the law he came in the flesh they didn't even they didn't even believe their own prophets they didn't believe Isaiah this that behold a virgin shall conceive and bring forth his son and you shall call his name Emmanuel meaning God with us and believe their own prophets but they had a form of godliness Jesus understands he's touched by the feelings of our infirmities he's rejected of men he was despised to Metis sorrows he understands the works of Satan through humans you have a high priest that identifies with you they have a high priest that is just like you are you greater than Jesus I don't think so I'm not but the Spirit of God is here right now if you have ears to hear and you're not blinded by your stuff the Spirit of God is right here now to deliver you and heal you if you want him to or you can hang on to this stuff and you'll play the blame game the rest of your days the blame game comes from Satan the forgiveness game comes from God why should you die or have a disease because of the another against you and why should you pick up other people's offenses as if you were their Savior deal with your own stuff leave the rest of alone pray for them this is a time we grow up right here this is a time we grow you want either gonna grow or you're gonna shrivel and go back down under we don't play Church here we are the church we didn't come here set some ritual because is Sunday were the family of the living father and the head of this church is truth his name is Jesus he's the head bishop and he administers his affairs through men and women who might or might not listen or they filter God out through their own rebellion or resistance they filter God in there that's why you have so many denominations people filtering God but then just take them since the prescriptions not a private interpretation how come we have so many denominations because the denomination is a way of filtering God out to meet their expectation bringing God down to their conclusions Saul is the enemy does not want us to be one in truth or in love you have a right to disagree but you don't have a right to be disagreeable you have a right to come and reason if you hear something here you don't agree with it don't go start out war come ask us for the reason for our faith why don't I say that because the Bible says your we are required you are required I am required our elders are required to give a reason biblically and scripturally for our belief system from Scripture come ask why did we say what we said and we'll have a Bible study but nobody does that they declare war that is evil come let us reason together I've had an open-door policy in this church for over 15 years bluntly spoken open-door policy you don't come it's your sin well I'm afraid that's your sin God is not has none honor fear it's a sin so how you know that because the Bible is whatsoever is not of faith is sin I mean I could quote more scripture if you like the basis for our thinking isn't catechism the basis for our thinking here is not oh pinion it's not something we learned in the cemetery of learning we use the Bible and we try to understand it and we ask God to reveal his truth to us but since the Scriptures not a private interpretation you and I should be able to read scripture and come to the same conclusion every single time unless some other human has taught you another way of thinking so I didn't say well let God be true and every man a liar that's I'm cool I just called you scripture again so our basis for thinking here all around us the best of our ability is based on Scripture of how we conduct our self with God how we conduct our self with others and how we conduct herself with ourselves and our own sanctification and our own growth because we're just like you and put us on a pedestal we're just like you now the god hold us maybe to a higher degree responsibility than you yes that's double judgment you want to be a elder in the Christian Church you're up for double judgment but you're also for double honor if you're faithful but the double judgment always bothers me so how you know what they cause this in Scripture it's in Scripture I have read the scriptures from time to time and I have tucked away some of that stuff so I don't have to even look it up I just know it's it's inside my heart it's part of my consciousness as part of my soul as part of my memory it's something the Holy Spirit can use for recall most people that want to argue with you about spiritual things don't have scripture to stand on they just have a feeling or an opinion or an argument all right so this week actually something came up that was just kind of very similar to the service and you know I thought it would be helpful just bringing that the angle that it worked out in my life and you know last week I had that you know cool revelation and I was able to really genuinely repent for judging people wanting to love more like pestered honest I just said more of a compassion well you know this other iniquity that was exposed I mean I knew it was there but it you know there's certain things that trigger those iniquities that come up you don't plan for them they just kind of like show up right and so this iniquity came in the form of wanting to wanting to do what pastor Henry saying but for my glory so wanting to be seen are wanting to be but it wasn't happening I wasn't hearing God and I wasn't and so it was but it really was more of a self-pity thing because you know self-pity is idolatry and idolatry is as a sin of witchcraft and so in in my life it was it was coming because I wasn't things weren't happening right and so so this in and I do read the word daily I read the word and so I so then it's like why read the word everyday why isn't this happening in my life in so the enemy came because of pride and was telling me that that I was missing it I was missing everything I was missing the mark might as well give up just quit and so I was stewing in this cry for for a day or two a while a day or two is a while when you're in that and you know David saw me withdrawing and I was like hey you're not gonna talk and like you you can't help it you know you're not good and you know and all that and um and he's like ok you know pray for you and so of course he went and prayed for me which probably helped a lot and and so I so I was reading I realized that in that moment I was not lining my faith up with God I was lying in my faith up with the enemy but I was wanting all my past righteousness to justify me in that moment that make sense and so I was like well I've been so good and I loved God and I did all these things so when you know but but that was what exactly what was keeping me from hearing God for my life in that moment and so I was actually reading the scripture zekiel 3 20 says again when a righteous man do it turn from his righteousness and commit iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die and that was my revelation that if I'm still in iniquity if I'm still letting this stuff if I'm so an agreement then all my past righteousness can't justify me today so I had to let go of so I had to stop being justified in in the self-pity and unrighteousness and know that today I needed to be righteous not yesterday today I needed to and at the same time before I came to this place the scripture for the for the overcomers Academy for that was Psalm 23 which so I'm so I'm sitting here go it's not helping me right and I'm in Psalm 23 and I'm helping Brooke memorize it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restores my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and so I'm sitting here I mean of course I'm sure most of us have most of that memorized because it's such a and I'm going through Psalm 23 Psalm 24 so I'm 25 and I'm like I know how to get rid of I know how to get rid of iniquity you repent so after days of sitting here under this I can't do it might as well give up I've tried I've been on this journey for awhile I repented and it went away it was a condemned anymore it's able to say I'm goofy I'm new I'm whatever but I'm me and I am a gift and I want to be a gift it's not about me it's not about all those things that the enemy is trying to say I'm not well you know what I'm not in you at that doesn't matter because that's not what we're called - it's what they were they've shared this whole service so anyway I just I thought that that might encourage some of you who are here I do read the word I do and I know that you know Sharon came with her angle which is right on - and so anyway I just wanted to share that [Applause] that'll give Austin's kids an opportunity to get ready to come up there with him yeah well this is I mean I'm excited honestly this is uh there's so much stirring and if something's not stirring in you then obviously there's some real big walls I think just a deaf and dumb spear yeah well what's happened what's happening here and I think you know as leadership you guys have been long-suffering and patient and trying to draw this out of us and you know all of us are finding ourselves in those different places in this journey with it but I mean let's just I have a few revelations I want to share in some encouragement let's look at what has happened here today and I feel like what God wants to say is this this is where I'm mourning people this this is the condition of my people and and and everybody's somewhere in it we've all we're all fighting isolation we're all fighting fragmentation in denominational confusion and identity crisis but what's happened here and this is pastor hen you you were talking about the only thing in this service you know we're celebrating this this thing and I want to bring it back to that because Wow well I the Lord's been stirring in me is there's there's a generational Moses thing happenin here but there's the Caleb and Joshua generation that's gotta go and scout the land which David just did he was appointed to go scout new land and he came back with a report and there's an opportunity for soldiers to mount up right now individually and here's the key collectively mount up so if we read our Bibles if we get in our word individually do our deeds before the Lord and we come back in this place and we've already started that the war started yesterday and it was the at the Lord made away like Nehemiah to the king Nehemiah was faithful and then he found a place with the king where he could restore a wall that was impossible and those soldiers had to battle people offer them as they laid brick and mortar with swords and brick and mortar and swords and it made a way for Ezra the priest to give the word back to the people and that's what happened yesterday in this generation so hallelujah that David David praise God because you did it you did it in the way of the Lord you came lowly you lowered yourself and I heard you from this place say I'm not here to teach I'm not here to do this that this and that which you were but you came at it as one of us and that's what Christ did so I just I'm kind of looking around and going okay where's everybody at in this and then where are the men you know where's the standard and that's a word that I have down here's the Lord wants to create a standard right now against what the enemy has done and use key people in his army to regain the grounds that have been taken and and I want to just share I'm so excited I could share a lot but I want to respect the day and the time but more will come in the days to come but when we started our prayer time together one of the things that the Lord had burned in me was out of the book of Joel and he was always taking me there and when David started crying out yesterday and laying some things down as sir Donna was saying her discernment levels are up it's like the Lord is that huge wall of iniquity that's it's blanketed us generation to generation generation with deaf and dumb with this learning disability stuff has been cracked truly cracked yesterday and now it's it's this and out of Joel just listen to how profound this really is when you look into what if you got to hear what David shared and if you haven't please go back and listen to that teaching because it holds the keys to to gaining grounds in this in our generations I'm a readout of Joel the word of the Lord that came to Joel son of peth will hear this you old men and give ear all you inhabitants of the land has this been in your days or even in the days of your fathers tell you your children of it and let your children tell their children and their children another generation I mean this is a great thing going on doesn't start out great but it ends great that which the palmer worm has left the locust has eaten that which the locust has has eaten the cankerworm eaten and that which the cankerworm has left the caterpillar is eaten the revelation that i got in that was it was really simple it's these these iniquities he generational iniquities are these different worms that are eating that are eating at us eating at us and they're building up these huge walls that are impossible to break individually and that's where we've been suffering so much so this this place that God's calling us to awake to restore to be restored and restore others that's that's where this strong I feel like this this something's lifted something has lifted and I just I could go on and on I'm not gonna do that right now I don't feel like it could get too much about me up here but I what I would do want to celebrate is we started prayer as a body here we've established things individually and things are coming in the past so I want to celebrate that thank you Lord a new day is here for people to come forth and join this battle this plague that sits over early that David exposed yesterday and God has given that through your foundations and his obedience to say Lord what do I teach as this as that is my role in the body is is such a huge subject to take on together and it can literally change America because that's our our whole society is suffering from this so it's like when you look around you get on a subway you see people engaged in the screens they don't even talk to people I mean we are you guys have watched oh man I mean you guys this is it so I I just feel this this excitement this torch that you know us men are waking up in our generation and I just I think like it's exciting so please with all the exposure from that's happening with Sharon and Briana Briana's not alone you're not alone I mean we're all I'm right there with you it's like why is this happened why why are we so quiet what that what is good but in the desert they were frustrated it was like time went on and they were like why why do we do this day to day why do we but we show up you know what Briana we show up right and even when we don't think we can anymore and that's the other thing I wanted to just bring perspective real quick with Revelation is we sit over here and like Sharon can you guys imagine the rest of the condition of the body of Christ that doesn't even have the ability to participate in their service man brother they are even more trapped than we can even imagine because we actually have to participate or or have the the conviction that we're not right but they are just locked jawed and dumb I mean they don't even know what to do with their and we have the key here guys we seen it in small churches and I know a lot of you probably have small churches can function this way and prophecy can come and it's great but on a corporate level I'm sorry it's not happening and that's where the fear is coming in because it's corporate there's actually offices it helm here so an all summary I you're gonna hear a lot more from me the days to come I love you guys I want to raise up this generation as a responsible male to to go to the wall beat off those that are trying to not have us build God's wall and just want to offer you my gift so thank you for hearing me and thank you David thank you thank you so much brother for being an example and thank you for leadership for trusting and putting in place what's God's has put in place love you guys and thank you so much for such a timely exhortation a little humor a little humor coming in between the next person on my part is I just look through the clock it's 1:30 war has this morning gone or it were into the afternoon and and then I got to thinking about it when when the days of Ezra Nehemiah that church service when they came and confessed their sins and negatives their fathers and they heard the reading of the law that was a 12-hour church service now I'm not suggesting me going 12 hours here today I'm not suggesting at all but hasn't time just flown I mean it's just like I I thought maybe it was 11:30 quarter 12:01 30 are you serious the devil's here no he's not is he God is here and so then worry about the clock you won't you know your eternal say I'm eternal all right I thought so toaster pops up like who's next over here just take it make it make it better test them no testimony I want to just say I'm just so overwhelmed of God's goodness that he will even consider me to be a daughter of his he has made that so real to me that he would even consider me as his daughter I'm talking about the true and living God not a statue not a statute but the truth is living God has called me his own and not only me but he called you his own and I'm so grateful for that because that means that I'm on his mind you're all he's in behind and I think sometimes we don't really let him know how much we appreciate that you know just a verbal us back to him how good he is i faithful steadfast love the father gives to us he load us up daily with his benefits I'm so over well and he'll you know and it does get lonely on your journey when you're trying to do the right thing because the world is not that way and when you talk about the world your family is included in that world we may have to walk alone but yet we're not alone you know what I'm so glad that God has shown me that then I'm not alone you're not alone and when you stand for righteousness cuz that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna continue to stand for righteousness it's the right thing to do in order to please heal so it doesn't matter if others don't come alongside me then I want to be there it's all right listen it's all right it's really all right because he is pleased that's my goal in life is to continue to please my father don't we get tough I'm in it there's an old saying see I'm in it to win it I'm gonna stay come hell or high water let's just stand on what he said to do because it's the right thing it's the right thing to do see we can't sway in this y'all let's don't be in and out but let's just stay in even when it get tough cuz it's got to get tough y'all but we serve up true and living God we serve the truth in living God he's not an idol come on somebody he's not an idol oh he's a true living god and he's touch he feels he sees he's drawing us and I thank God for you David your humbleness in being obedient to the truth and living God that's who I want to exalt the true and living God and I'm so glad he knows that I'm so glad to be a part of this it get tough now hear me what I see but it's a good thing and I had somebody to tell me the other day I said you know I'm on my own and they knew what I was talking about they tapped me on the shoulder they set me free you not oh yo you're not on your own and I know that I know that I'm not on my own he calls me his own and then you guys have embraced me thank you cuz we can't make it by ourselves I've tried that it doesn't work I want to get more you hear me my heart is overwhelmed and his goodness I'm not saying this it took me I'm overwhelmed and his goodness because he is my mama used to say when she couldn't hardly speak she was put her figure out and she said God is she could muster that out he is the true and living God that's what I come to say here's the truth and living God let's make it known y'all god nice dead he still alive he is alive and he's alive in me imma let the fire burn oh yes I am there's somebody else we'll catch on fire here's a true and living God that's all I want to say well well tell it like it is I was thinking about part of the theme here today has been you know carrying one for another and coming out of isolation I want to give you a mathematical scripture it's a lot of scripture today this is this is this is the mathematics of isolation you at the highest level of your strength in your own strength your own psychic ability you own whatever your gumption the best you can do is put a thousand to fight that's the best you can do let's put a thousand of light but then the Bible says but two can put ten thousands of light do the math how many to the tenth power is that and any two people two people as scripture coming any two people touching any one thing and then not doubt in their heart they should have what they ask prayer of agreement in this room is I don't know how many people say there's 70 people here 60 maybe do the math you can state by yourself you can isolate by yourself you can take your God do you can take your Bible and you can avoid all the rest of us like the plague and you're stuck with a very weak conclusion we need each other can you imagine if we had 60 people all in agreement what is the power if 1 and 2 to the 10th power is what is one to the 60th power anybody can do the math a lot a lot of zeros so there are more faria than our guinea a-- in the body and you need to come out of isolation come into a place of agreement bring bring your differences one of the most powerful things and the teachings of body of Christ is that we are unity in diversity we are unity in diversity no one's gonna ask you to be a clone as somebody else but you're expected to embrace the nature of a living God who created you it is your respectful conclusion that he created you in His image you need to preserve it the best way you know how Allison all right coming out of isolation can you say the phrase without it the mic up speaking here you know okay you okay so 18 years ago has been the journey down here started our first time so it was actually we were part of a church with John's parents up in his dad led our house Church in South Carolina and I had a really sick mama and we went to John's doctor for medical help from when he was sick when he was a kid up in South Carolina and dr. Whetsell said I know where you need to go for your mom because I had these kids that I love dearly and I could never help and they went to Georgia and they're all healed so you need to take your mom to Georgia so that's how we went down here mom and I came alone with baby Isaiah he was six months old and he just was here a couple weeks ago that same baby got on the open mic two Fridays ago and testified his story in a sweet part of that little baby was we both came down here with Candida I repented for fear of Chaz's mom and as I repented for it I was sitting right over there and the baby start babies aids start coughing and coffee and he'd been covered in nice for six months since he was born and we went to change his diaper ten minutes later and he was healed right then as I repented so our healing started back then so I'd call chats honey I don't know what happened demons can't affect me but they kicked it out and baby got healed so and he look it up scripture every night honey that's true too it's in here it's in here and he was at CIU in bible school saying I've never heard any of this before so my husband came down and actually and passed her in when you Matt say you touched him right here and you said I have to touch this baby he said this Isaiah is a prophet two kings and leaders you need to raise him humbly and then as we traveled across the country on our move to Seattle we had four different pastors say the exact same words and look at Chazz 19 you need to raise him humbly well just fast forward we were in South Carolina then Chazz went to the mountains because God said it's time to go somewhere two days later he said we're going home to take care of your parents we didn't know quite what that meant six months after we arrived mom lost her leg and her foot so for the past few years we've been with my precious mom and dad and raised our six kids out there and Chaz learned he came down two or three times and learned what was true and has led our family in a little bits of house Church in the ways of the Lord and what we learned here for 18 years our kids came here Chaz has been saying for a couple years I have to send the big two and I don't know why I said alone they're not sick and honey they were walking in these things and so they came and spent a week with John and Adrian he finally sent them down here Isaiah called us after he had dinner with you two and John Adrian that night and the kids and he said why didn't you raise us here we found the rest of our family because in the last 15 years we've lost all of our earthly family except my mom and dad they tried to put us in Colt rehab because of what we learned here and we tried to bring it out to them so my brothers and their nine kids and mom and dad were actually threatened that if they didn't put us in rehab they'd lose all their grandkids too so we have experienced the loss that the first lady was talking about it if our earthly family and my kids said we met our family they stayed with John's kids and Adrian and they said it feels like we're in our own home we've never felt this before with another family he's good and so Isaiah said that night you need to come out here and Chad's has had a longing to come Thomaston for six months he's been going through real estate he said we're either going back to Colombia or Thomaston but we thought it was some day in the future and I said Jose we would come but my mom and dad what Mimi and Grandpa would never come mom was sitting there with us in our living room we have two homes next door in a farm in Burlington Washington and mom said I won't go where he and she just got off the phone with Adrian hadn't talked to her in 15 years a mom goes there on FaceTime together and mom goes and Mama's healing hasn't come yet and she said take me a Thomaston that's only church has ever loved in I'll go and so she knew she'd lose her sons to come because they'd be so angry and then dad came home from a hunting trip with a my 11 year old and he's that what mama said she'll go oh boy give me a couple days to talk to God and three days later he said I'll go visit for a weekend I'm not ready to go and I'll talk to you about it after we go so we looked at eight nine houses yesterday and last night dad said call the realtor were making an offer so at 3 o'clock we're making an offer for all 10 of us to move out here oh is this mum and dad over here that's my precious moment what's your dad's name Dennis but everybody calls him Mimi and grandpa home zoom what Mimi and Grandpa that is grandpa I don't I don't mean to I don't mean to be invasive but I'm going to be it does mean to be I don't miss much my peripheral is very good your dad and your mom I observed you holding your wife's hand in church today he was holding your hand [Music] I want to honor you publicly for letting your wife that's part of healing is being loved and I don't mean to embarrass you bad but I was moved he loves you 60 years put that in the marriage books so you know what I'm talking about this is your people this is your people I mean this is where we get to be us those words and when the shells fan pulled in this morning we'd already parked and brought mom up and I went daddy there's our people yes that that phrase when his kids got out these are people my kids had never met them and then the first night they said we're sitting in the house with our family they've lost all their cousins and it was such a grief to them and they were given them back in the first two hours at one's home so my kids so my high schoolers we said we'll wait till they graduate and then we'll come out and my daughter was the hardest sale in man she loves me mama so thank you man but when you said publicly honoring my dad I felt like that was part of the reason I was supposed to come up but it feels like that's about my dad but there he will be I would have done that if you hadn't come up anyway yeah hey he'll be such a gift to this body like that isn't that what this is about is love yeah because when I went to young life so we were Lutheran's and then we got saved right my sister committed suicide my senior year and the young life kids I had just got saved came and served our family they cleaned up the mess they loved on my parents they moved in slept on the floors tons of them so at my sister's funeral my dad stood up and said we now serve the God of those kids in that row I met Jesus this week and he has served him ever since and so so many people so but when I went to young life the reason I got saved is they told me about this father's love and I went oh that's easy to recognize I've had that my whole life so dad lived it out and I never knew what it was but I got to grow up in the middle of that love and Mama loved us she poured out her life for us kids well my husband did not have that he grew up in a strict Christian home and God had to move him to Bible School in South Carolina because John's daddy got to give it to him so we have a house that received the father's love from John's dad and my mom and dad showed us love and now this church body will be so blessed not for the rest of us but to get the love that these two just love you to receive the Father's love if you didn't get it go hug my daddy so anyway please pray for our offer today there's a big old house Dublin the size of what we have now and our boys want to hunt and fish and our Sun will be off next year somewhere but here we come my sweet husband said honey I don't care what house it is final and daddy loves if you'll come with us so here we come we'll be here in August Lord willing welcome [Applause] [Music] thank you for sharing and thank you letting me and trued into your life dad all right we've got a exhortation and then do we have what gentleman behind are you there for a green card let's do the expectation and we'll get back here when you said Tippett's were acceptable I thought well that's all I have but if Tippit's are okay this is a tidbit so we've been talking about the members of the body of Christ being unified being all part of each other and a scripture came to mind and it's it's about when I'll get to it in a minute but it's about when Peter and John went up to the temple to pray and they healed the lame man the person who was born lame and they said silver and gold I don't have but what I do have I'll give you in the name of Jesus rise up and walk and then the people were saying how did you do this well we did it through the name of belief in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and then they talk about how upset how upset the leaders were and the leaders grab them and throw them into prison overnight and the next day the leaders threatened them and say you better not talk in this name anymore we absolutely forbid it and the scripture that came to me when hours ago in this session the scripture that came to me was and being let go they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them they went to their own company they went to their own group they went to their own companions they went to the people who they knew were safe and had the same goals and heart that they had people who were on alive with us of God on the inside of them on fire forgot unified in their vision absolutely positively 1:1 in the vision one in their action their hearts were one and they prayed they didn't when they heard how they were treated they didn't go in to blame an accusation against these poor deceived people they prayed and they prayed in unity and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one Accord the one Accord is what I keep having in my heart unified we are supposed to be unified we're supposed to be in one Accord and when we are in one Accord and we love God with all our hearts our soul and our strength and we know the word as best as we can and we keep learning and growing in it and we're doing our best to walk in love in one Accord we get to pray and the power of God moves and shakes the place and miracles happen and when Pastor Henry weeks ago he made a comment about you know in Bible times people were laid out in the streets hoping that the shadow of Peter would get them healed oh my goodness why not us why not us we are absolutely positively called to be the vessels of God who represent God and say God is love God is through us and in us and we love you he loves you he loves you come be a part of this wonderful life that God has provided whoa [Applause] hmmm my goodness yay my brother your turn is this a rich man this is so good this is a testimony and I'd like to sit over not sure I think - this is a not the best one but here I had a came down here now this is my third time down we came down for for my life I had my whole entire family there's three more back at the home and we have came down for a marriage retreat and now for this as well as yesterday vyd speaking which again amazing you gotta watch it each time we are coming down now it's because of my fear man yeah so my fear man has caused an awful lot of damage when I came down here I think it first time we came down here I went back home and I said you know honey I'm gonna have to have some time alone I need to deal with this and so it was it was months of just going through second Corinthians 10:5 just asking God come on please I'm capturing these thoughts I'm holding them captive and I'm submitting him to the obedience of Christ that's what you told me to do so that's all I had to really rely that's it and it worked so what I do now is one of the things I do now is when fear comes to me I do the opposite what it says it's just what I do I do not fall to the temptation of fear anymore I used to be a fear a man of God who feared the temptation of Satan given to me and I'd fall into him every time so now that I don't I still have pieces to pick up from being that man of God who feared God or feared Satan fear is a horrible thing that has caused in my family and again we just came down this time for this disability that my son has because I see that my fear my generational fear I still have to look back and still pick up these pieces that I'm saying gosh you know I've i preying on him I'm still doing them but I'm still walking it out daily and to see a body of Christ like he pastor hen here I said you know we're a body of Christ and are you gonna throw away your arm and say you know I don't need you today and I was like man you know sometimes I need I don't have my right hand I need somebody to be my right hand I needed to lay on my family and just be there for me too and so we come down here for that of laying on to walk out in my fears today and say you know what you know I I don't have my right hand today anybody got next to one because I could use some prayers my son could use some prayers he's dealing with my fears that been destroyed my family and um I've got family at home that watched it watched it David and they said man mom and dad did you hear what he said this is great I I had that and I'm like man I didn't even know you had it but now I totally understand it David god bless you we need that blessing on my family that's my testimony don't live in fear walk out of it I don't care if that gown my backsides hanging out at goin anymore don't care look all you want I don't fear man [Applause] Rosi did a really good um I I do want to ask for prayer from this body Bruce is asking for himself and he can use that we've been a long journey with given who is the world's sweetest child I think and patient and he's had to struggle a lot he's ten and he's had to struggle a lot but I'm even worse than the learning disabilities and we came down a couple years ago for this is that tivan probably since he was a baby can see demons and one you're a mom and your child doesn't talk you can say oh honey you know and Yuri emphasized with the Angels that he's seeing but if they don't talk of course you're telling them that you know these are angels because you don't know any better um and they weren't they were demons and so we're been on this struggle when we came a couple years ago for for my life Tiffin couldn't take it and so we switched our family flopped and makanda watched him while while we all heard it and then McKenna and I stayed so I kind of could get for my life um and when Tiffin went back a lot of the learning things he could actually you know start learning ABCs he could start because our life was Tiffin crying frightened couldn't look up couldn't look down that was his whole life I just prayed all morning all afternoon and all night and it just got to be exhausting and Bruce is a really good man but he he would be like it's okay I'll play trucks with them and I'm like know who the playing trucks is think I know work and and you know it was a lot of years of that so when we got to for my life we really kind of took a bite of that and said okay you know we're gonna conquer this and we are we're conquering it but Satan still there dibban can tell me more now before he wouldn't tell me cuz it's scary and now he can tell me more and now I can say to him you know even a couple of months ago this is kind of as far as it went was tivan and even this month what is happening when mommy is saying you know I cast you out in the name of Jesus what is happening they're still there they're not doing anything and I was starting to wonder I don't understand why if we're a family that truly believes in God is trying to get God the order correct and has learned a lot in the two years last two years about it but it's still there and I'm like okay there's a body here and there's all these people that know about demons well I probably couldn't get through one of Timon's days of what he sees but I am asking as a body if we can lay hands on Tiffin because we we are claiming it and we are claiming it and we are claiming all our whole family but it is tiring and Tiffin it's amazing and you know the learning disabilities the earth yeah they're horrible but half as much as what he's got to deal with every day and every night and so we need a little bit of hope and we needed it to know like would you as a body be willing to lay hands on tipping for those of you that have strong faith I have strong faith but I I wonder and Mackenna night my daughter we're talking about this a couple weeks ago saying why why can't I do this why can't daddy do this why not because you know Bruce can speak in tongues and I I sometimes have the gift of healing my hands then we started thinking about mark forget what verse I should know but and and why does it actually say all of us as believers can cast out demons or just the body as a whole when we get to together so maybe there are those of you that really can cast out demons maybe Bruce and I were not meant to I don't know that I don't know but I am just saying I'm asking is it possible as a body that we can get together and we can pray over Tiffin because we can use a little bit of you know stomping it down and saying we are gonna take this victory Timmons claims victory every day he is amazing but I'm play come on guys where is this victory because he needs it and we know what we've come out of we've come out on a lot of generational really scary stuff but God knows our hearts and he knows what we're trying to do and he knows that were changed people so we could use a lift tivon could use up hey we're behind you kiddo we're all paying for you so you guys can turn us down and that's okay we've been turned down before but we're asking is it possible that you won't turn him down I think that though I think the leadership will decide how they want to approach this okay because that's what we do I mean right we're gonna we we've been talking about this before the service yeah because we already knew about the realities knew we knew about the requests before you came up what we want to do I want I want David and John to talk to you and your husband privately after the service to get the direction started for your child's freedom differ and so that's that's what we'd like to do I want to add something here that it's not a turndown it's that we that's that's not what's happening here so that's a negative thing that if we don't have all the bodies surround him and pray for him that's but we have to do what we feel the Spirit of God is leading us as leadership how we should approach your request they would I'm just gonna before this to simply cast out yeah and not begin the journey of purpose between a husband and wife to reorder then God's not going to work with you or us because God is more interested in the journey than he is the moment of healing or deliverance so in this case I think the wisdom that's here for you we're gonna join you I promise you we're not negative in this mom but we're gonna join you in a productive way because we have generational iniquity and it has to be broken before your child can even stay free so to come and say well we would cast on an evil spirit which is entirely possible would be counterproductive to the journey of your all of your freedom as a family and and so pastor Jonathan and and and David are going to talk to you after this service to get a game plan going to get this thing defeated and included it will be all that your hopes and desires are but the wisdom of God has to come here not just the action because we're interested in your whole family not just your son I didn't tell this to David but I think I told it slightly to Cassie and I wanna just you you may not be able to believe me but if you're living this kind of life and you really are strong Christians and you know we don't always have time for the knowledge or don't think that you know it's gonna it's gonna happen when you're standing on the word in your you know it's not happening but when you were giving that and I said Bruce and I said it last night when we got home when we got back to the bed and breakfast I know that David did that for us like he doesn't know it and that congregation doesn't know it but that was for us like we prayed that in and I'm gonna go back to McKenna because we pray about all kinds of things but I am sure it was I hey if they can have that knowledge if they can get that knowledge and we can get a piece of it that somehow is gonna help because we believe that God can do it I know he can not you know there's no there's no question yeah right now thank you if you have if you have ears too here's something if you have ears to hear I'm releasing you to eldership in the Christian Church as a covering for you spiritually and doctrinally that the power of God can be released to accomplish exactly what your faith wants but we're not going to let fear come and tell us what to do ever so if you're interested in our elders serving you under my oversight we want to win don't you think we don't but we're not going to let anything control it in the name of God you have to understand that but you're a mom and moms are mums or moms I promise you moms or moms you're Bearcats so you're a Bearcat that's okay I like you being a Bearcat and I want to say that is it Tippett tivan heaven I am sure that you're an extraordinary young man yeah I totally believe it and we agree with that so if you can you up to us in that that's your decision we were committed but we're not were infant listen we're in for the win not just the action as simple as that let's go for the gifing let's go for the giving excited to give raise your hand we're coming to you yeah all glory goes to our good God so we've got a hand raised we're coming is your time to celebrate we are winding [Music] winding down men men with baskets raise your gift up father we thank you so much for feeding this family today your body we honor you and glorify you we pray that you would increase in our homes because of today in Jesus name we pray amen all right are we ready for I think I think they're picking him up man waiting waiting for Doug - yeah I want to I want to hear I wanna hear y'all say something some yes something it has been good it has been good to be in the house of the Lord today to be in the house of the Lord today the Lord is every other day to give each other a big old hug and a smile you're dismissed Drive careful keep your twinkle you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 1,356
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Id: pm8GoihH_KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 51sec (9651 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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