Autoimmune conference follow up with pastors John & Adrienne Shales - Facebook Live Rebroadcast

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hi there Facebook I mean you're not Facebook but you might be on Facebook that's right Pastor John I'm pastor Adrienne hi and we're here to do a follow-up of the autoimmune conference that we got to tag-team it was awesome here we had so much fun doing it yeah we did and I think that really a lot was accomplished for the body of Christ to understand that we don't have to put up with things that maybe we inherited or things that we've entertained in our own lives and this conference was a real blessing to us and the comments that were coming it really showed that people were hungry for God's truth and how that applied to their life and the practical application of overcoming thoughts that weren't them I just sat excited and here we are doing a follow-up because there's been some great questions that have come after it yeah and I think a lot of the feedback that I was excited to see is that people could understand pretty easily what the spiritual roots are behind autoimmune disease now also the roots behind autoimmune disease aren't just things you need to deal with to prevent autoimmune disease or deal with autoimmune disease but it's really just using the gospel in apprehending the gospel and walking in the gospel of truth will bring a lot of blessing and so one of the key things we touched on is how to live without guilt oh love it yeah and I tell you I was so excited to hear from different people who said they feel better spiritually than they've ever felt in their life because they didn't realize how much guilt they were living in everyday as a born-again believer and you know when Jesus died on the cross he died on the cross to free us from all of our sin and to forgive us and so when we continue to walk around in guilt we're not receiving a huge benefit that Jesus died on the cross for us to have which is freedom from guilt so we have look at the healing event these are questions we had all these questions come in and after the conference during our Q&A luncheon after that right and we also are opening up questions on Facebook live today about particularly autoimmune diseases the spiritual roots behind them and any conversation about guilt how to be free from guilt how not to walk in guilt because guilt is a joy stealer it just brings heaviness and oppression so so to review we saw that make sure I'm on target here oh you're always on target right that guilt is that a spirit okay it is because it is not something that God has made us in we're in Genesis 1:26 and 27 its God said let us make man in our image do you think God sitting up there in heaven all guilty but he made man that he you know whatever he's the guilty about nothing that's right and so when were made in His image that means that we that is our that's our goal this is where we're going guilt free no fear no guilt no shame so this is a real exciting place that that salvation offers us that no other gospel albear in the world through false religions can offer us none of them provide the opportunity to come back to not only baseline but we're we're being catapulted into the image of God when you're saved when you're born again so God doesn't want us to have in contain any of these spirits of guilt after salvation he says there's no provision to hold on to that stuff anymore in fact the law itself is a task master it controls and drives us into obedience where and Gil is very much a spirit of guilt it very much is embedded in that kind of thinking but God gave us the power by the Spirit of God to no longer live under even that those powers those invisible powers of guilt spirits of guilt spirits of shame so he really loves that when sons and daughters come alive to this they get what salvation was for and first John chapter 2 it talks about the very beginning steps that that the little children it says it's really good I love this scripture and I'm gonna just paraphrase it but you look it up first John chapter 2 down into verse 12 it somewhere there it says that you little children you're to celebrate that your sins are forgiven now if you haven't had a salvation that was embedded in that kind of thinking in the beginning and that you really had a time to master that your sins are forgiven you're going to have spirits of guilt that drag into other parts of your journey with God if you've never obtained that foundation of forgiveness I mean forgiveness is unique to Christianity all other religions you're gonna pay you're still gonna pay for your penance you got to outdo them with the good versus the bad I mean all that garbage and Christianity has its own version of that thinking even after salvation it shouldn't be there so we had a fun time taking on in this conference a spirit of guilt that could still be lingering around the edges like an old dust bunny that you haven't cleaned up and those spirits need to be confront because Paul in Romans chapter seven said it is no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me if we don't say that there's something dwelling with us that's invisible and we just end up in and not separating ourselves we end up becoming the thoughts of that other kingdom we end up absorbing its feelings guilt has a ton of feeling doesn't it yeah a ton but it's just a feeling it doesn't mean that's who we really are so I'll say that guilt can affect who we are when we walk around with guilt because it can be a motivator for our actions and sometimes guilt will drive you to do things for other people because you know if you don't do these things for somebody you will feel even more guilty later so instead of being motivated out of love or we can be motivated out of guilt also guilt just brings a heaviness it brings really a confusion and studies have shown that people who live in guilt actually it squashes your creativity your energy your your aptitude to learn your ability to interact and so it's it just makes you start dragon so I am so excited that more and more people are shedding off the guilt that was paid for them to be able to shut that off and shut down the accuser and when the word says that the enemy goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour he's using even guilt at times he's trying to give us guilty thoughts put guilt on us because he knows he can start devouring us if we are an agreement with guilt wow you just said a whole lot right there that's why we're here the other thing that I noticed a lot of response was about is how many people are still carrying around guilt over past sexual sin even though they've been forgiven they the enemy just still keeps bringing that back to them and so people are shedding that and realizing that guilt is a liar and that they are forgiven they are cleansed and the scriptures are so clear that that we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus we are able to receive full forgiveness for God's forbearance of our sins from the past that's Romans 3 and that we can appropriate that you know even yesterday I was out in the hammock just chillin just talking to God and I thought I just want to thank you again God that you have forgiven all of my sin I just felt so grateful was so comforting just to know I can be forgiven and receive that we've got people here saying hi we got Larry hope Larry you're doing better we were excited that we heard a good report about you yeah I've been praying for you and Gina and Melanie amber hey amber Barbara hey Barbara tell your kids hi Lori Lynn Julie Kathy Emily Oh Emily I've read such good feedback from you thanks for encouraging us about the conference I'll try to pronounce this looks like Baraka or raha we'll see how I did with that and Stephanie and Julianne and oh and Christy yay it's fun when family watches yay all right so I think I saw a question while you're scanning that you mentioned something a couple minutes ago about how guilt brings confusion I'd like to highlight that because again this is the autoimmune conference and if your didn't see the the conference it's self when is it yes it's on YouTube we were just going to have it up for a few days but we had so many people asking if we could keep it up so they could share it on social media and share it with friends and family and re-watch it it will be it is on YouTube till September 30th so you have time to re-watch it and share it with your friends and family and that is YouTube /b in health and you can search there for conferences or autoimmune and you'll find it session one in session two yeah there are three hours apiece so six hours of the this conference is up there for till the end of September so if you didn't see it and this is peaking your interest then this is what we're talking about autoimmune is five times more common than cancer and that means there's a lot of people that are not liking themselves properly and to revisit the whole premise of why what is behind every there's like a hundred ish type of autoimmune diagnosis and the common denominator to any of them because it could be a different body systems and there may be a unique angle of what might be spiritually behind it but the number one thing that we need to realize that is attacking even believers that have autoimmune either through the iniquity of the family line or what they've absorbed themselves and have not this is a violation of one Scripture is we've not loved our neighbor as ourselves you know that part is just so hidden you can never go so slowly we have to we have to repeat it so slowly so it doesn't become a cliche we have to take the time to realize what God really meant in that commandment so loving your neighbor is not first I want to read right that you and the gospel is very external but how can you really give the the depth of the cross in the gospel and the father and his love for us how can you give any of that away really if you've not taken the time to love yourself well the devil is right there you can't love yourself because that's selfish that's vanity well I'll tell you what what is love love is speaking the truth to to others I mean if I if I lie to you that means I hate you but if I love you I will tell the truth what is any different for us if we don't tell ourselves the truth I'm made in the image of God it's no longer I that do it but sin that dwells within me if we don't say these very critical pieces to our salvation and put them together and speak to ourselves on those terms then we're not going to tell other people the depth of what the gospel is all about so loving our neighbor as ourself you can again you cannot love others rightfully if you've not loved yourself and you may have seen a pattern of self hatred or self rejection or self something that is not good in your generations and it wasn't supposed to be that way but it's not God's fault it's the devil the devil is the one that hates himself the most and he wants everybody after that to follow suit why does he hate himself the most because he has fallen the greatest he is the biggest fallen being of all time and everybody that follows that pattern of thinking follows his mind his mindset so when we let's say we blow it in something you know whatever then if we don't take our thoughts captive we're gonna go the way that the enemy did in attack ourselves you were not meant to detach yourself in your thoughts God doesn't attack himself being made in the image of God you shouldn't be doing that either so what's the image of God it's his any of the fruits the nine fruits in fact I asked one of my children today what are this which one of the fruits of the spirit are you working on right now she thought about it she said peace I was like great you're working on peace you know what that really means it means the elimination of the enemy you want peace we got to get stuff out that keeps the peace from happening and then you'll get your peace so this is an opportunity where we can establish the kingdom of God first within ourselves and then it becomes contagious around us then we can be salt and light yeah I wanna read a scripture all right so often when we read and think about first Corinthians 13 we think about it as love toward other people and we practice that love or charity toward other people so let's read it as turning turning these scriptures to measuring do we behave this way toward ourselves so charity suffers long so when you're in a struggle and you're not overcoming are you patient with yourself oh yeah or do you beat yourself up because charity sorry for long it's kind are you kind to yourself when you mess up are you kind to yourself about your past failures or are you brutal about your failures you use the word brutal it did because the enemy comes in and just gives us these brutal thoughts against ourselves and we probably know better than to entertain those toward another person but we listen to the enemy as he comes to tear down ourselves I write charity envieth not if we are envying other people then that is not love and loving yourself is being acceptance being accepting of who God made you to be in your absolute uniqueness and being content to run the race in the lane that he gave you know and know and not trying to run someone else's race because there's looks more fun there's looks better than yours but and that's envy but your your envy not your just you're good with what you're overcoming and what you're walking in so charity envies not it vaunteth not itself it and this is where when we say well people say loving yourself you know that's vanity that's pride no it's not because we're not it's not permissible in God's kingdom to be prideful and the word says don't think higher of yourself than you ought but also the word doesn't say beat yourself up it says be patient be kind charity is not puffed up it does not behave itself unseemly are the thoughts you have within yourself about yourself are they unseemly do you do things to yourself that are unseemly which means things you wouldn't be proud about or happy about other people knowing you know if sometimes I think if we could look at ourselves in our condition on the inside I wonder if you would see how bruised and beaten up we are on the inside because we are in agreement with these thoughts against ourselves just even reading these things that you're saying here it sounds like that mercy the amount of Mercy that we really are at in particularly in this struggle here with guilt we're not absorbing in apprehending and applying mercy to our lives that God really wants us to enjoy and because if we don't receive mercy which is his kindness in other word for his long-suffering or his loving-kindness is another word for mercy like it it's a measure of time he gives us to change and to get it right I tell you what it's God's mercy is greater than our understanding of it but it can't be just that disconnected it needs to be real-time his definition of mercy needs to be really lived out in our lives because these things are talking about people that don't have mercy if they if they don't live out those things they're they're not gonna understand how God thinks that's good it says charity seeks not her own is not easily provoked and if you think about that toward yourself if you're easily provoked about a failure of yourself it means you you messed up and you are all over yourself you are beating yourself up attacking yourself but this says we're not easily provoked you know what I blew it I'm gonna make it right with God I'm gonna make it right with the people I messed up with I'm gonna be able to forgive myself for failing and it's a new day it's a way a day to have peace now I love how Pastor Henry says it that the same energy that you spend in all this self-loathing or whatever you can just be appropriated in it takes energy it takes understanding I'm not talking about like esoteric energy I'm just saying that at the time in focus that we spend on the enemy if it's just reappropriation time on how God thinks in his mercy and his forgiveness of us how much will be defeated in advance it's really what do we really what are we really lusting to respond to are we lusting to respond to all this self stuff are and the word lust is really a not a bad word when you put it in the right context it's a desire it's a craving do we crave for the things of God's kingdom and which is embedded in his mercy I mean this is how he first met us why go back to those old ways in the flesh where the devil just is then speaking his terms so we really do have the choice we are not victims of spirits of guilt you we can do something about them that's right I want to roll on down here I really like this it says verse 7 charity beareth all things it believes all things and this is where when we are troubled about decisions we made we feel like we failed I think we lose faith in God and self and others we're not we're not believing we're gonna make it through this we're not believing the best about ourselves charity hopes all things endures all things charity never fails never so with that being a foundation of Scripture that not only can you measure your your heart toward others with a standard of love and charity I think it's time that we look at ourselves and see how we are doing with how we treat ourselves on the inside because the basis for all autoimmune disease is that we are attacking ourselves in our spiritual identity and so we've got to recognize that we need to recognize that the thoughts we have that are negative about ourselves we aren't even the source of those thoughts that those thoughts can be from the enemy and then we agree with them and then we turn them and agree with them against ourselves out of that our bodies can begin to respond news flash it is the sin that lives within it is no longer I that do it but sin that lives within me that is Romans chapter 7 Paul says it twice all right so we have a question about oh yes twice two times here's a question yeah so it's fibromyalgia an autoimmune disease I've not heard that fibromyalgia is an autumn unify our understanding is a fibromyalgia is a response your nerves are responding to thought of stress and fear and there's a lot of relational could be a lot of relational stress so that that may be because a lack of covering the lack of nurturing feeling it's okay to be weak it's primarily a female syndrome and in order to a defeat fibromyalgia your covering is first your father in heaven who has given you the comforter how do you get there well spirit God has not given you a spirit of fear but power love and sound mind and the power over those thoughts come through understanding this lack of covering this feeling maybe you've just been lack of nurturing you've just responded long-term and you don't know what proper nurturing looks like the Word of God will tell you the Spirit of God comes and he's a capital C comforter and that is meant this so he wants to be involved as a spirit in your life so that these other spirits of fear can take a hike you got to repent for responding and being formed by a spirit of fear and looking maybe to even men or other people for that nurturing when really God wants to be the one nurturing your heart so it's I think long-term know him well I think what the court I appreciate what you said to give an answer to that and medical science as a whole would say it is not an autoimmune disease but there are little pockets out there on the research I've done that are beginning to classify it as possibly autoimmune but in the general classifications it publicly and widely is not considered fibromyalgia to be autoimmune but in some people out there do think that but it so I I'm just going to where we go with what general science is saying or new research that we've come across good I would like to say because it primarily is a female disorder we mentioned this in the conference that women were built and are designed to be responders to any kind of hole any kind of covering I responded to that that was but but because the story of Adam Adam when he was asked you know have you eaten of the tree he did confess finally eventually but I'll say this he didn't know where his thoughts and feelings were coming from and the first thing that he did was he identified first God God the woman who you gave to be with me she she gave it to me and I barely nibbled on it well that doesn't go well for Eve at that point because she feels really blamed really blamed and guess what God felt blamed for the whole deal - from Adam Adam did I mean he he said I did the I did the action but it's because of you God and because of my wife now ever since then that spirit has been on coverings mail coverings - if they don't take their thoughts captive they'll find something weak and blame them for it well how long you know you women have to hear that over a long period of time they're either gonna resist those thoughts or they're gonna internalize them and that internalization is not healthy for them in autoimmune your body is just obeying what your spirit is listening to so if your body is not being your immune system is attacking itself it's because a spirit of infirmity has permission to follow the thoughts that have already been in place I it would be great if we just cast out spirits of infirmity and everybody be better but spirit of infirmity is not allowed to do its function until it has a right to do its daster lead stuff to our immune system so it really it's gonna follow first for you know self-hatred or responding to chronic thoughts of you know self-loathing deep self-hatred deeper rejection and if we've ever made anybody a source other than God then our body will eventually respond to that and Romans seven isn't just important for ourselves it's when we see other people not speaking for God and they're saying things to us say if it's a significant person in your life and they are you can't do anything about removing them from your life I mean you just you have to live with them maybe the lack of thoughts or nurturing that they should be giving and they need to be saying more what whatever it is if they're not communicating the who you are as a part of the image of God the devil can come in and try to get you to buy into that lack of covering so God wants God wants you to come first up as a son and daughter of God and if other people are saying good things about you that's just a cherry on the top but if they're not saying godly things about you or if they're not nurturing you like they should be then this is where you learn to separate and God will give you the mercy that you need to give to them it says blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy so you you have to give away what you actually need yourself so here's a question about this syndrome it's an autoimmune that attacks the nerves do you remember from the disease profiles you did with the classification of an autoimmune disease that attacks nerves did we work on that Saturday we did the profile or the disease that we were actually talking about was multiple sclerosis and from my from my recall of that this is where the immune system actually attacks the the rubber cording on top of a live wire nerves our live wire and then the the anatomy of this the biology is that there's a nice fatty layer outside that nerve so that the electric pulses can go through cleanly and when the immune system attacks because of spirit of infirmity that spirit of infirmity is on assignment because there's a deep self-loathing a deep self-hatred this isn't just like I don't like myself no there's there's a depth of I I shouldn't even be here on this planet there's a there's a strong attack there and so when when people don't understand the image of who they are that God made them to be and they're believing the exact opposite you you're a you're you know you're nervous what a beautiful creation what a beautiful what a marvel what an amazing piece of work that God did to give us an electrical system that does everything down to you know the finest of movements and our body when our body indicates that its attacking that critical layer of our Anatomy that of our electrical system it's following deep self-hatred thoughts at that point and so the nervous system is really precious and the devil knows it so if we're attacking through thought our our identity then that's where the that's where the spirit of infirmity may open up where the the in system attacks that level and I think this level of self self-hatred and self-loathing can start being wrongly nurtured by the enemy in childhood you know when maybe a child grows up in an atmosphere or an environment at home where the the parents weren't able to be nurturers or maybe there were people in their life that spoke extremely negative things to the child you know a child looks up into their parents to even begin understanding the nature of God that's how children learn what love is through their parents they look up into their parents to see who they are as a child and so if they are feeling rejected at all many times children start internalizing that to them toward themselves they think they have done something wrong to be rejected they feel like they need to try harder work more or maybe they just internalize it as well and they start looking around them for similar messaging so somebody at school rejects them that fortifies that there's some not right with them some a teacher or a situation with another authority in their life you know gets on to them or rejects them in a way that the kid doesn't feel loved they internalize that and I'm not saying that children shouldn't be corrected but there's a way to correct a child and love them and nurture them God says let's you know be raised up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord so the children you know they grow up they go through their teen years and they just keep seeing consistent messaging that something's wrong with them they're not accepted and they just continue to turn that on themselves and believe that they begin hating themselves and loathing themselves which brings up a great question that Teresa asked how do we how do we minister to a team who has auto-immune when i try she always feels condemned and I'm gonna just kind of assume a couple things here that this team is actually is a family you know your own daughter um and or this why do I say daughter I don't even know but primarily because it's mostly girls and women that get autumn using seventy five person but it could be a you know it could be a male that has this auto beam as well diabetes one for example is a you know it men get that and it's an autoimmune but when I try here's I think the real crux of the question when I trying she always feels condemned so how do you get past that immediate response of feeling condemned when you try to approach a topic that is pertinent for their healing and how do you take how do you any disciple they see the scriptures say we're to make disciples of all men and I love that that God's given us a lot of just on how the spirit world works in disease because people start getting desperate one way or another and this is what discipleship can come in quickly if done with mercy and truth now if this tain is in your home it is the responsibility of parents to oversee and cover and teach them what it what forgiveness looks like so the first thing I would do is do an evaluation an inventory of the iniquity that a parent would have passed to this child and how it is there's a connectivity between the two because children just don't get it thoughts out of nowhere they actually get it from the spirit world just as much as we do as adults and we need to learn to take our thoughts captive so if a parent can come to that child and take ownership of these thoughts of self-loathing self-hatred self-rejection what whatever the self kingdom is and and honestly just take ownership of their spirituality not standing in and feeling like they they have to be their spirit but but just absorb and take responsibility for the iniquity do you mean the parents should do that privately or with the team how would you all right happy I would prepare your heart privately first to make sure it isn't just words but that there is a true ownership that because you are you know this the one spiritually responsible until they are of age and they're they're out of the home so I know this is a desperate situation because you you want to see the physical changed as quickly as possible but there is a an opportunity here to get a to a two-way a to wind process two birds one stone you can get this team to understand what it means to cast their cares and not internalize them so much this is all you have to understand the teaching on separation because it talks about iniquity and not teaching listen to it over and over until it makes sense inside you that you can take ownership for the spirits that are talking to your team now what what opens up a team to um you know receive messages like that it it pretty much comes further back from their youth that they might have just as a child been lined up and to hear self-hatred like from generational iniquity if you write right for the next witness 20 verse 5 says the iniquity of the fathers has passed down to the third and fourth generation so they that the teen has probably been hearing these thoughts of guilt or guilt for not measuring up or guilt for failing since they were small yep so parents or parent because if you're if they're only one parent you're spiritually you're the leader the one that God's gonna use you go to them and you say I take ownership and I take responsibility for passing the iniquity maybe even some of the words out of your own mouth about yourself weren't always lined up with Scripture and if a child heard that if you modeled that didn't you modeled that that would be sin in the home that you don't have to feel guilty about you can confess in in an in Psalm 51 confess it to God and then turn around you know receive your forgiveness and then go to them and say I take ownership that you ever heard this it was not me and I it's a spirit that wants to implant itself in its mission into you and you take ownership of their spirituality but that team there's they maybe you know along the ways that they need to hear this teaching for themselves so they would need to be discipled as to how to respond I tell you any time that you try to point out to somebody that they may have guilt they're gonna feel guilt that they have guilt so it's a - it's a confusion it's a two-way trap but that doesn't make it doesn't fix the problem by ignoring it what you have to do is teach separation I think - and the mom asking this probably has already figured this out but for some people maybe this is new information or just a confirmation that there is a right time to talk and have these conversations timing is everything and there's a time not to have these conversations and we found it's so important to win our children's hearts I know for each of our kids we know what we can do with them that's just low-key and fun that just opens up their heart yeah you know oh this is so good I'm so glad one of our kids this is mercy right here if something wasn't going right I just needed to wash her hair somehow just washing her hair on the kitchen countertop and and you know spending that time nurturing her yeah just just opened her heart up and then out of that if there was something I wanted to gently and lovingly instruct her in I would say in the next few hours her heart was wide open for that another kid when they were younger if if things weren't going well I just grabbed two coloring books and a box of crayons and we would sit in the floor in color and it's just ease you know the tension and the and the whatever that they were feeling I we have another kid you want to get to his heart we're going out to eat and I'm telling you I'll buy him a hamburger and we'll be talking about whatever and just his heart just feels at peace and feels loved and that heart opens and I can just gently laying truth after truth after truth and he hears every bit of it another kid we just need to go on a walk do a walkie-talkie you want you talk and the heart opens so it varies you might have a message that you want to give to your children and you've tried in a time when they were in tension having tension or frustration in their life and it's something like it's really hard to have an ear to hear truth when you're that young when you're all in a fluster and so we try to bring our kids to peace and then start sewing in so the other part about talking to a teenager you know if they're feeling guilty they might just have the association at this point to close for for their ability to understand and the enemy turns it on them it's it's too close of a connection that's something they're doing is causing their disease and they feel accused by that so I would just take up the disease conversation stick it over there and at the right time just slowly talk about very good at the spiritual dynamics behind the disease and you don't even have to tell them okay we're having this conversation because I know if we deal with this your disease will leave that already and they're in their youthfulness has probably put too much pressure on them they haven't learn to separate themselves from the enemy and so they feel guilty so again when the time's right talk to them about hey I noticed you didn't do well on your test and and I can tell you're not maybe feeling so great about yourself let's talk about that or you know also teens also sometimes just don't have the real clarity to be able to express what's going on in the inside and so because you are the mom or the dad you probably have heard the same voices and the same pressures from the enemy when you have failed so you can even tell stories about yourself I help their kids by saying hey let me tell you what happened in seventh grade I had this going on and here's the thoughts that came they're like I know exactly what you're talking about so just be relational that is so good hang out share your heart have fun with them be you know you don't have to tell them every sin you've ever done that's just that's way too much for the kids in the youth but you can tell them what you learned you learned the principles you said Psalm 51 against you and you only have I sinned oh god help them understand when they mess up they need to make that right with God so it's a discipleship process and as you begin to continue to make that youth feel safe and loved and accepted it says a love covers a multitude of sin it also says confess your faults one to another that you may be healed pray for one another that you may be healed and so as you're able to make a safe place for that child or that youth and they feel like they can confess sin that will bring healing oh well I do this fun mom check in I don't do it all the time it's called the what the mom check in right I'll just grab one of them bring it back to my closet shut the door and just hang out with them and I'll say listen I know sometimes the enemy gives us crazy thoughts and you may even be ashamed about these thoughts but I want to tell you mom is a safe place to confess this because as soon as you confess it you will feel so clean and so relieved I tell you I bat 1,000 with God when we go here they're like you know I just have this thought about blah blah blah and sometimes they cried them and so in that in their vulnerability I'm able to be there and hold them and hug them pray with them but they weren't just going to bring that topic up at the dinner table we have sowed in in relationship and fun and we play games outside because we enjoy our kids we enjoy raising them up we have bumps and we pray and God helps us get through them and we haven't even got through all of our bomb but I know God is faithful and he is faithful to help us raise these kids because he asked us to they're his kids put us on assignment to raise them same for you ask God how to reach each one of your children no matter what age they are and the why you do this is because I know you've had to go to the Father yourself we've had to in order to give out at this level so we're not giving this away like this because we're so smart no we needed it so bad we needed the father in our closet yeah we needed our own closet time with a box of tissues yeah to deal and cast our cares on him if we are not receiving first you know we can't help our neighbor we can't help our children we can't nobody our spouse so this is where we're first sons and daughters of God and not spouses not parents we're not neighbors we're first sons and daughters so we have to receive this amount of closet time so that stuff can just come out and then you have to look for the same thing that you're talking about the little walks with God and that can come on your drive to work that could come you know but you're gonna have to make that time possible you can't keep yourself so busy that's right that God can't get in and give that to you that could be a form of self distract you know self at anything that's not good in order to keep the father from ministering to your heart like it needs to so these are things you have to receive first before you give away I think another area in learning to relate to other people well when it says love your neighbor as yourself I'll tell you you don't like to receive a guilt trip I know you don't so we got to make sure we're not giving guilt trips out to other people I read this study it wasn't even a Christian study but it said that when you give a guilt trip to somebody more than likely you will get the desired results of what you were trying to get them to do because you knew how how does yeah and you probably didn't really want to give them a guilt trip but you just got on a tangent and you had eight points to make and before you know what they're doing what you wanted them to do but the study said observing over time the person that we give guilt trips to begins to distance themselves and stay away from us in relationship because they can't stand to feel guilty either so that's a place we take ourselves to the closet and say father I've been so trained by guilt I am poor and killed out on people in my relationships you can talk to God ask him to forgive you work on renewing your mind separate yourself from a spirit of guilt and ask God to show you in his word and show you by a spirit how to have proper relationships without just giving guilt trips to people because I tell you in your home you might get the results you want with your children and your youth to respond to guilt trips but I'll tell you when they're out of your house they may not want to spend as much time with you because they felt the heaviness and the pressure of all the guilt that you didn't really want to do this but because we have guilt ourselves that we're overcoming you're letting it flow right through you and train up your family and that it's a great time to to shed that because it really it really impacts all of our relationships that's a lot of wisdom all right let's see if we got something else the scripture that brings the mind about you know you really want the your youth you and and say like if you're you're uh you're an adult and you're thinking about your own parents you know this is where God wants just relationships to be knit like they should so that the generations can be a blessing to each other from the youth back up to the the older and vice versa and this is I love this Malachi for the very last verse in the entire old I think it's significant that it's the last verse in the whole thing because it really is a forerunner of Jesus showing us the father this back last verses and he shall this is about the Lord coming and he shall turn the heart of the father's to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers and and that concept right there of the the gap the generations that the devil's always trying to drive a wedge where the strength is found in the generations of a father and a child or mother and a daughter and the connection between the two so much is prevented there's so much power when when the generations are restored to each other and God wants us to get a quick win but it takes a lot of work but it's a lot of long-term fruit when you make a goal to understand how relationships work without guilt I want to tell you something like an observation when people feel guilty around you and they feel bad about something it's really projecting it's trying to push guilt on that person not just internally that person around you if this is a struggle they are it's a temptation for them to feel guilty because you feel guilty I mean there's no win in guilt at all and God really wants us an honest relationship if there is some failure guilt can be contagious its contagious its disgusting but if there's a true offense and not just a an accusation from the devil we know how to repent and recover each other I mean there's there's a way that you can you can be restored and fellowship in first John 1:9 if we confess our faults if they're legitimate consults you know we're not talking finding things that that only the devil is giving us we're talking real things you got to know the difference but if you confess them then you have fellowship one with another but the devil wants to break up fellowship in the name of guilt and it's I'm telling you again it's a spirit you got to boil it down for what it is you can't just play with it as an emotion you can't play with this stuff and think that it's just you it's not just you will never win yeah you will never win at this and your body will eventually respond don't have guilt about that just hit it in the nail on the head call it for what it is and repent for entertaining a spirit of guilt and you'll see relationships change around you because you're dealing with the one inside you at the autoimmune conference we did Saturday I really encourage you to watch it or rewatch it because in the conference itself we lead to you through a time of repentance and we do a time of ministry at a time of speaking out healing and even though this happened Saturday it still works today because God is alive and working today in work we spoke those words by faith and they are good for you to cash in on and receive today again it's it at youtube-dot-com forward-slash being health and on our youtube channel you can go under autoimmune or disease or conference and find it session 1 in session 2 so we're wrapping up we had a great time chatting with you thanks for listening thanks for interacting we've made it you my curse oh hey Mike hey Mike hey how's Israel doing yeah pray for the Peace of Jerusalem so thanks for listening and we will be back someone on our team next week to do a Facebook live thanks so much god bless you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 3,631
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Id: fp5t4AZPYsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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