Perilous Times! | 3ABN Today Live (TDYL210001)

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[Music] as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my [Music] removing pain lord let my words [Music] my life meeting broken people father in heaven thank you so much for giving this opportunity tonight to be here i begin with those words because this is a privilege to be able to start the new year under the power of the almighty god we thank you for taking the time to tune in that's an unusual way to begin but that's what i like to do to thank our father for being able to be here and thank you for being able to join us on the first thursday night live for 2021 and what a time we are living in my two guests with me are really not guests they are part of our three abn family pastor ryan day good to have you here ryan um i'm blessed and excited to be here tonight that's right i'm pastor john denzel good to have you here my brother it's a blessing for me as well to be here and i praise the lord that by his grace we are here that's right you know we don't have to always close our eyes when we pray i thought what a way to begin the program thank you for heavenly father for being here and you know friends we are living in amazing times if i can give a title to the program a broader one would be a more sure word but a very ominous one would be perilous times and you don't want to miss this program tonight we're going to talk about we're going to kind of go over what the climate of the last days is according to the bible as well as according to the landscape of the united states and the world at large we have been living in some amazing times ryan and johnny and we are just thanking the lord that we don't have to face the future guessing and tonight we're going to also make a special appeal to christians to those who have been calibrated to the knowledge of the last days what should we be doing in times like these and we're going to get to that in just a moment but before we go any further i want to extend a welcome to 2021 from our president and vice president greg and jill marconi and the founder danny shelton and his wife dr yvonne lewis i know they would love to have been here but they asked me to do the program and i thought who could i have joined me on this program and i thought this young evangelist who wakes up with the bible in his mind and pastor john denzel who is a man who's tried and true he's been there and he speaks the bible in more than one language that's right so so we we've tried to diversify we see the we see the world from so many different angles and i want to just um tell you to hit the record button because as you have unless you are living under a rock we are living in some very interesting times ryan what do you say about that oh man i think we're seeing things that we somewhat knew were coming but really weren't prepared mentally to see this early i guess in the game uh but you know these are exciting times in a good way in the sense that it's just another indication that jesus is on his way and he's coming soon that's right right pastor denzie what do you think what about the times in which we're living i don't know how to summarize this but uh we're living in very very dangerous times it's really whether you're a christian or not we are living in dangerous times and uh we have the scriptures that are a light onto our feet and give us the like we say before like we said many times before the bible tells us what's going to happen in the end and god's people are delivered and are victorious and live forever and it is important that we not forget that because so many people are forgetting that in the world today i would hasten to say so many christians are forgetting where their strength lies and where the foundation that will never be shaken lies and so many christians are forgetting that there's uh one throne that will never be occupied by anybody else other than the lord and savior jesus christ amen to that and we are becoming a people divided derided and undecided and we have to get back to being calibrated and focused on the events of the end times so invite your friends and family members if you're in the house by yourself and people in the other room doing things that are senseless say guys you don't want to miss this program because when it's done you're going to say to them you should have watched this program not because i'm on it or pastor ryan to pass to john denzel but because we're going to be talking about events of today yesterday last year the end times from so many different angles but what we're not going to do is we're not going to make this a program for any political agenda this is not going to be a program about the right or the left about any particular president whether past present or future we are going to stick to the word of god and we're going to make sure that god's word his name his word alone is exalted and we are going to really extend a passionate appeal to those who are part of the family of god regardless of your denomination and we're going to make an extra special appeal to those who are christian seventh-day adventists because god has as ryan and pastor denzel know god has called us uh to be a people a light amid a dark society we have been given the three angels messages as daniel says so many times one that will counteract the counterfeit counteract the counterfeit so we want to make sure that you stay tuned i want to begin with prayer because i believe tonight we're going to be dealing with some pretty solemn issues uh issues that would be paramount to if your house were on fire i wouldn't send you a text i'd probably knock your door down to save your life i'd bang on your windows i try everything i possibly could to get in and make sure that you are safe tonight proverbially we're going to knock on your door we're going to bang on your window we're going to make sure that you don't miss what the spirit is saying to the churches right that's right amen so pastor denzie would you begin with prayer for us tonight sure let's go to the lord in prayer our loving heavenly father we pause now to lord to glorify your name and to thank you for bringing us this far we thank you lord that you have given us the blessing to have this equipment and to be able to have the signal reach around the world we praise the lord for three angels broadcasting network a ministry of divine origin that's right we ask you lord to bless us with the holy spirit give us the words that should be spoken and we pray for your holy spirit to also bring the clear message to your children we pray that you will help them to focus in on what you have to say and we pray that all honor and glory be unto your name we ask you for these blessings in jesus name amen amen amen thank you so much i also want to point out that we're going to be taking your prayer request tonight and your questions you'll get a chance to text them in you'll get a chance to call them in and you'll get a chance to email them in the email address on the screen is live at that is if you're going to send them in by email if you're going to call them and you'll call them in at 618-627-4651 and they'll deliver those to us in whatever you send in or whatever you call and if you want to text them in praise god for this a medium 618-228-39-75 if you're driving please do not text and drive pull over we want to make sure that you're safe do not text and drive and we're not going to start the first half with music we want to dive right into the topic because i think if i could use the phrase that is so often repeated when something urgent happens i can call it breaking news breaking news let's begin with breaking news you know there are events that take place around the world that if you've been around long enough they tend to put a a groove in our minds that we remember exactly where we were when that happened i i was not around but i remember i know that there are some of you i know we have a pastor here on our staff that's going to be 101 past the turner so i'm sure he remembers what happened when the stock market crashed that's right so i know that whenever that anniversary comes around pastor turn is probably the only one here that can say i remember the day when the stock market crashed in the 1930s and i'm sure he could also say i remember the day when pearl harbor was bombed what day was that remember december 7. december 7th 1941 and then he might remember the speech that was done by of franklin delano roosevelt the president at the time when he said on december 8th 1941 a day that will live on and and but i don't remember that just for the record right but these are things that just every time when december 7th comes around people say i remember that either historically we learned that in school then if you can go on a little further i won't tell you my age i was a tiny little boy didn't know which was up or down but if you were alive at the time you might remember november 22 1963 when former president john fitzgerald kennedy was assassinated in dallas what a day it shook the nation i just remember the lady that was raising me i remember her vacuuming the living room and she the vacuum stopped and i heard her weeping and we had a black and white television that's right there was no color television back then and i didn't understand what was happening but i kept hearing her saying kennedy was shot kennedy was shot and in my little mind that's all i remember pastor denzie anything about that do you remember any of that i don't know if you went in america yet okay i was in dominican republic we had different things going on we had different things so depending on where you were i don't want to assume that everybody was a part of the united states history but are there dates in the dominican republic that you're a member of shaking events that when you see that date come around you remember those things freshly again actually i do because of the impact it had upon me and this just speaks of the times that we lived even way back i was a little boy and we saw a tank coming down the street i had never seen that before i was just shocked and uh the man opened up the the top and he says they're fighting about a mile away you people need to get out of here because your houses may not be standing by the time they get done so we picked up our belongings and left and we went to some church and we were there for several days and all we heard was bullets flying i mean bullets and shots and it was just a frightening time wow and so i can tell you ever since i was a little boy we live in frightening times i tried to try it ryan i know you're you're the 65 1965 1966 by the way okay okay that's good that's good for those of you who are in the dominican republic ryan what can you remember yeah you know there there's a it's there's a few things that stick out in my mind i grew up in you know the 90s and early 2000s as a youth and i remember you know the things like the columbine shootings and the oklahoma city bombings 9 11. that's that's kind of the the premiere i'll never forget that okay because that not only just it wasn't just a news event i think it sent a shockwave across the entire nation right because that was an attack on on our people when you attacked that place you've attacked america right and so for me that was a big event but each and every one of these things you've brought up and that i've heard you know you speak about these can be described as events that seemed like we were being launched into or at least experiencing perilous times that's right a paradigm shift almost that's right instantaneously absolutely it's like the world was catapulted through another level that they thought this could never happen and i remember in those moments you kind of feel like or at least hear people murmuring about oh we're in the last days right jesus is coming soon we're going to be launched into the final events and i think each generation has experienced something like that but yet we can see the physical signs of things that's going on around us things that has never happened especially on the scale that it's happening and that's what we're going to be talking about tonight that's right pastor jensen you know you look at that at these things and it's fairly recent history if you want to say that because it's it's still being taught in the schools world war one world war ii uh you know you read in the past history of the war of 1812 and other wars but they the scale was so small the amount of destruction that can be done today that's right has never been seen in history that's right and when we talk about the bomb being dropped on on hiroshima other dates that uh the generation of that time will never forget right what the world was like and what happened during those times and then i remember the not only the the assassination of martin luther king and then bobby kennedy tried to calm society and then he too uh martin luther king was april 1968 bobby kennedy was june 1968 rocked the nation in the midst of racial unrest uh the world was fighting about the war going on in vietnam and so many things were going on there was a lot of uprisings uh the the riots and watts you know america was just in a tremendous place so we're not we are not a nation that's unfamiliar that's right with difficult things and then um were you in america in 1979 yet since 1970. okay so you may remember the iran crisis absolutely okay when the iran crisis was going on in 1979 and then along came president reagan and uh brought that to a screeching halt i was downtown manhattan working at uh one of the banks that i think was bankers trust when he was voted in and became president but ryan if i asked you do you remember the watergate scandal don't remember it but i certainly studied it when i was in college yeah you were you were here yet oh yes the watergate scandal yes you know the watergate tapes these are things that are really and you remember 911 oklahoma city bombing but another major earth-shaking event was the tsunami of december 26 2004 when more than 300 000 lives were taken and a movie was made about that called the impossible showing how a terrible loss of life more than almost 300 000 people in the pacific rim even as far as west africa uh were impacted by that uh that earthquake that took place in the pacific ocean out there in the pacific ocean and then we had another another time stamping event yesterday now we have to be put out to put everything in context america is not a nation unfamiliar with riots unfamiliar with protests that get out of hand i mean 2020 was a year replete with protests of every description of every nature of every kind the causes were multiple for one person it was this another person was that and tonight we're not here to talk about which side was right which side was wrong at all but yesterday was a time stamp because we thought of our nation's capital as a bull walk that could never be penetrated and i think that unless you were just born or maybe you never watched television which would be kind of an oxymoron because you are right now somebody all over the world heard about the the protest yesterday that turned into a a a a riot or whatever you want to call it the the rushing of the capitol building and it shook our nation to its core thinking and realizing wait a minute we are at a time where nothing really is safe had you had you heard about that and so here we are sitting on the cuspid and what we're going to do tonight is we're going to look at a couple of outlines i want to just start with a quotation it's from the book christian experience actually no it's education page 179 in this quotation then we're going to go to some bible text because i believe and we all believe and i believe if you're christian or study the bible you know not only are we living in perilous times but i can say with great assurance i firmly believe that the coming of jesus is not too far distance that's right amen that's right that's why we here at 3abn are so determined to proclaim the undiluted three angels messages one that will counteract the counterfeit but listen to this quotation it starts with the phrase the present is the time listen to this the present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living rulers and states men men and women of all classes have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us they are watching the strained restless relations that exist among the nations they observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place that the world is on the verge of a what stupendous crisis how true are those words let me get your feedback on that pastor denzel we look at this quotation and we take in the big picture australia asia south america all over the world this passage actually this quotation applies to the world at large absolutely absolutely you know there if you look back even just five years the last five years you have seen financial crisis you have seen fires in australia almost the whole country in the whole country fires in california almost every year breaking records loss of homes loss of lives it's just shocking what is going on in the world not only do we see these things happening but the immorality it's a it's it's at a level who knows uh has ever been this high so we have the the reality that the bible says we we are living in perilous times these are unprecedented times we're living in that's right so this is this this calls for i'm going to say this you know every nation uh has a an alert system that's right when there's a threat of war danger they say let's move it to the next level and the highest level of alertness because there's a a threat of an attack uh for christians i think we're we should be at the highest level of alertness because satan is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and so we need to be alert we need to be awake we need to be studying god's word so that we are not deceived because deception says at an all-time high that's true that's a statement right yeah you know i i don't think it takes a rocket scientist or some extremely intelligent person in fact it doesn't even take a believer you don't even have to believe in jesus to look at what's going around our world right now and know that if it continues in the way that it's happening something big is going to happen some big something is going to occur now we know that some big something is the second coming of jesus i mean we're inching closer and closer with everything that's happening but we truly truly are living in perilous times we're told that the spirit of the lord is being withdrawn slowly but surely from this world and uh pastor i don't know if if you don't mind me going on to second timothy chapter three i think this is a perfect text to start with just because it's just packed with so much information that i believe describes to the t our society and the world that we're living in right now okay so second timothy chapter three verses one through seven many people stop at verse five we're gonna go on to verse seven okay the bible says here but know this that in the last days perilous times will come and we know we're there we're there it's not will come at this point we are there so we're seeing this fulfilled before our eyes verse two and it gives this long description of the people's hearts and the men of this age it says for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power what is that power they're denying the power of the spirit of the lord that's being withdrawn from this planet and it's being withdrawn not because god wants it to be not because god doesn't want to fill us with the spirit but because men's hearts are failing them for fear and they're rejecting the leading guiding power of the holy spirit so notice the response to this start going on to verse six here uh it goes on to say here verse five let's start with verse five having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away verse 6 for of this sort of those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins led away by various lust this is a perfect description of our time and then notice verse 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth why can't they come to the knowledge of the truth because they're rejecting the spirit of truth that's right that's the age we're living in wow wow pastor i almost want to yell give me you know help you know you know when you read that passage you want to say okay paul i got the point right but god poured into his mind a picture of what we are seeing taking place today if the apostle paul were alive today i think he'd be on on street corners or trying to rent a stadium he would be the billy graham of today just appealing to the world jesus is coming soon because everything that he said here more than 2 000 years ago is coming to pass with blazing accuracy pastor denzel what'd you like to add to that well you know i like to focus in on this verse five a little bit because uh unfortunately it speaks of it says having a form of godliness which tells you that there are christians that's right that have these traits of character as well and it becomes acceptable for some reason or another because either you see it in society or because they give in to to basically the love of pleasure uh but they they apparently walk around like i'm holy and so dangerous dangerous times that we're living in dangerous times that's right and the bible said it's going to get even worse than that after you read that uh i want to read second timothy 3 13 because the bible says it's going to get even worse than that right paul just continues on and the inspiration is undeniable that the spirit of god is giving him a glimpse of what we're living today in verse 13 it says in second timothy 3 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and so we're seeing today and this is as we talk about what this text just uh identified we're seeing today that this deception is not just limited to a secular world that's right this deception is going in the direction that satan always had wanted to go in if you look at the cadence in scripture you find in the old testament the continual warning that god extended to his people the people of israel was don't be deceived don't create an alliance with the nations that are around you and and while we stay clear of you know whether you are on the left wing or right wing or whether you vote republican or democrat or independent that's not the purpose of this program tonight uh because the devil doesn't really care what your party is that's right because uh danny i like the way that danny said it he says he doesn't care what side of the boat you fall out of as long as you fall out of the boat it doesn't really matter he drowned by because he fell out of the right side of the boat or he fell out of the left side of the boat it really doesn't matter if you drown it doesn't really matter where you fall out of but evil men and seducers are waxing worse and worse deceiving and being deceived so what we want to do tonight is look at this and see how this deception is playing itself out i want to say something because uh pastor ryan made a statement which is so true so true that the spirit of the lord is slowly withdrawing from this earth because people are rejecting the holy spirit that's right and i remember that we went to wisconsin i believe like september august there were riots in that city of kenosha for several days and people were just burning well there was some racial tension going on and people were going around burning buildings and burning car dealers which had nothing to do with what was going on absolutely and so uh my wife found this this live broadcast that somebody was doing on facebook and i was looking at that and i said these people are out of control and satan is in control that's right because satan uh loves to see uh violence and incite violence and people were giving in to the frenzy and the violence and satan takes control that's right and there's no limit to what will happen when satan takes control wow you know i have to piggyback on what you just said because ultimately the devil's goal is to cause division that's all he cares about that's it a house divided against itself cannot stand that's the words of christ god's chosen nation covenant people was the nation of israel how is the devil going to divide them how about or how is he going to conquer and try to keep the seed from coming the seed of christ and overcoming him he was going to have to try to divide and conquer the nation of israel that's right what we see happening all through the bible and i'll skip forward this really quickly to make my point ultimately we see the history of israel is that the devil was able to defeat and erode them from the inside out and divide them of course we know into a northern and southern kingdom okay now get this bible prophecy says that that is ultimately what's going to happen in the end for the nations of this world and so when you go to daniel chapter 11 and that's a very thick prophetic chapter right but i just want to make this point in daniel chapter 11 in those latter verses we see the king of the north and we see the king of the south the two powerhouses but we have to understand that that divisiveness of the king of the north and the kingdom of the south the devil's working both sides and so we see this not only in the nation of america happening right now i mean we've been really divided in the past but probably not since the civil war or have we been more divided than now that's right and and what's happening is whether it's left or right or republican or democrat or whatever you want to call it the devil is working both sides to try to erode and keep the people from being unified because you a unified unit is hard to tear down that's right and not only is that spirit of the north and the south not only has it infiltrated and crept into our nation but it's also creeping into the church wow because if the devil can take down the church the only hope for this world in other words god co-laboring and working through spirit-filled people to bring about a powerful change a powerful message that's going to change this world he's going to try to bring that spirit that divisive spirit of the north and the south to try to divide the church and we see now brothers you know this yes the church is more divided now than it ever has even with this concept of left and right and everything we're seeing today you know i have a point i'm glad you brought that phrase out left and right left and right left and right i did a sermon at my church uh that's the thompsonville seventh avenue church uh and i called it the man in the middle and i just to just let's let you listen to this real really quickly really briefly here because let's just go ahead and admit it we're living in a country that's left and right and that's just the whole political landscape some say i'm on the left the left is the blame and the right is to blame and that's not the purpose of this program right but when you look at the cross uh this is going to get you where you didn't think it was coming when you look at the cross of christ when jesus was hanging on the cross there was a criminal on the left there was a there was a criminal on the left and a criminal on the right and jesus was the only one that was not a criminal and he was in the middle that's right so the only way i can make sense out of this for those of you that are politically uh motivated and are proud about what side you're on whether you are on the left on the right you're a criminal okay okay no the radio is true that's true jesus had a criminal on the left that's right and a criminal on a criminal on the right and what i want to say as we're going to continue to unwrap this for those of us who think that an answer for the sins of the nation for the for the for the desires of the heart to find peace and safety and blessed assurance i've said this for many many years the answer is not in the white house it's in the right house that's right it is not who's going to occupy the nation's seat it is who his who is unseatable in the kingdom amen amen so so we have to remember that whether you whether you're boasting about being on the left or being on the right jesus was in the middle and the criminal was on the left and the right and this is a very interesting thing too because you know in the country in our nation i know it's probably different around the world because we're speaking to an international audience the color of christianity is purple you know the color of christianity is purple you're the purple robe uh that's the color that is often identified with christianity well in america one side is blue and one side is red what happens when you merge blue and red together you get purple that's right so what am i saying if we can stop fighting about being on the left and being on the right and look to the man in the middle those come in disappear and the color of christ will appear amen amen amen i know i'm not saying any middle i mean it's not a sermon but i'm just saying that um so many of us have been hoodwinked and distracted by pouring our time our resources our energies our hearts our and and it's causing as you said division in and among the brethren that should be proclaiming the three angels messages to the world pastor dinzy uh satan loves to see fights wars divisions taking place he's a master at causing these things he tries to cause division in homes between husband and wife parents and children he's he's been studying this for years and he knows how to do it and he's a master at causing distraction that's right and so a lot of the things that have been happening that this last 2020 a lot of distraction a lot of distractions have been taking place and people have dedicated so much time to other things instead of the bible that's right and the bible is what is god has to make us wise unto salvation that is a light unto our feet so that we can have hope but if we're not in the bible we must be in something else that's right and if we're in something else it is easier for satan to confuse us destroy us and use us as an agent of division that's right and confusion let us come back to the bible that's right and when we come back to the bible we will be able to see clearly what's coming ahead and stay close to jesus you know i think it's important for us to now what we're going to do right now is we're going to walk through what i call the anatomy of rebellion we're all in the same mess and that's why john 3 17 says for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved we're all condemned already that's right and really matter where you stand and how much wealth you have or what kind of uh political positions you have we are all condemned we all need jesus we only so we have to understand this force of evil this divisive force this satanic force this roaring lion how did it get started let's go to revelation 12 but do you want to say absolutely no no go ahead let's go there 12 7 and 9. and i'm going to have pastor denzie read that and then we're going to walk through the anatomy of rebellion once again let me remind you if you just joined us we're going to take your questions tonight because we're going to focus on the second hour on what should the people of god be doing in times like these what should the church of god be doing in times like these when the world is saying this is the side you should join that's the side you should join what should the people of god be doing if you want to send your questions or comments send them to live at that's if you want to email them in live at if you want to call them in in send 618-627-4651-618-627-4651 to 618-227-3975 now what we're about to do is we're going to unpack something and i believe that you're going to see the enemy in a way that you may have not seen him in a long time because remember this as we go through this we're going to see where the focus is and where the focus is not okay past the density revelation chapter 12 verse 7 to 9 11 to 9 very well okay verse 7 and war broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought in verse 8 but they did not prevail praise the lord amen nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer it's over that's right so the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceived the whole world he was cast out to the earth and his angels were cast out with him okay and i want to and i want to add one more thing i'm going to go down to verse 12. read verse 12 verse 12 therefore rejoice o heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows he has a short time wow how much time does he have a short time a short time from the time jesus was victorious when when we when the victory by the blood of the lamb was declared the devil knew he had a short time that's right he knew it so he's he's coming down not with wrath he's not subtle he's coming down with great wrath because he knows he has a short time and um so what so what is included in this wrath remember now something that pastor dinzy read i want to emphasize when the bible says the dragon and his angels fought i want to emphasize this because we think that the dragon and his angels only fought against christ and his angels but there is no harmony among the dragon and his angels there is no harmony in the camp of rebellion that's right and when you read about this further there was division among the angels that's right among those who joined satan's camp the only time they united was when they both found a common enemy that was christ that's the only time they found unity but there is no unity in hell that is a spiritual realm where satan and his angels are bound there is no unity in darkness there is no unity among criminals there is no unity among rioters there's no unity among protesters there's no unity where anarchy reigns there is no unity we think it is but it's not that's why it's called what it is riot protesting anarchy rebellion that's right it's what's powerful is when you read into this which kind of goes right along with the theme of what's happened in the last 24 hours right what we've been seeing actually happening over the last few months that's right when you do a word search here of this and i brought this out a couple of times and and um and studies past and i think it's relevant for what we're studying here it says that war broke out in heaven that's right okay the word here in the greek for war is the word polemos which means to war to argue but what's interesting is this polemos this word palemos in the greek is also derivative words that come from it is polemic words like polemic and also where we get our english word politics okay okay and so the nature we have to consider the nature of this war was there a physical element to this war i'm sure that there was but the very nature at the core of this war was a war of ideas a war of thought a manipulation of thought and idea that's what the devil was launching i mean think how ignorant it would have been for the created lucifer to walk in the presence of god almighty and challenge him to a boxing match or or or a fight to the death of a sword fight you know every time i read this text for years i would get this idea in my mind of kind of this star wars scene where they're just you know going at it in the heavenly throne room but yet at the end of the day the very nature of this war it was a war of ideas a war of the mentality of changing of thoughts the manipulation of thoughts and that's what we're seeing today the devil again notice he didn't you know coil his you know snakey scaly skin around the eve and say you know woman if you don't eat this pear this this pear this apple this fruit or whatever it was if you don't eat it i'm going to murder you how did he deceive eve because what does it say there what does it say in that same chapter talking about that that old serpent the devil and satan who deceived destroyed the whole world with his power no no with his deception his his his manipulative deceptions his war of thoughts and ideas okay that's what we're seeing happen in the church that's what we're seeing happen in america it's a war and a manipulation of thoughts and ideas that's a very concept of politics brother lindsay that's right and that's why i'm going to go back to the same thing and say unless we are studying god's word we we are going to be easily deceased in matthew 24 and we're going to go there later that's right uh but i just want to say this now and we can repeat it later because it's important uh it says that the devil is going going to try to deceive the very elect right all right and i'm reminded of uh a story in the bible that uh there was a prophet that was told by the lord don't stop anywhere don't eat at anybody's house just go home right you know just go home and uh somebody tried to say hey you want to do no no no i'm not supposed to stop anywhere i'm supposed to just go home i'm not supposed to eat with anybody and the the sons of uh an older man came and said they went to him and said hey the prophet of the lord came in and he said dustin doesn't us why which way did he go and he went out to find him and finds him and he says hey i want you to come to my house oh no no the lord told me not to stop anywhere not to eat in anybody's house but to go home hey i am also a prophet of the lord so here we have a so-called prophet of the lord deceiving a prophet of the lord and because he did not obey god's word he was deceived and he died you know that's that's first kings chapter 13 verse 16 uh when when there was an old prophet whose sons saw the prophet of god and he was on his way back after doing the work of god and he paused them in verse 16 and first kings 13 and he said i cannot return with you nor go in with you neither can i eat bread nor drink water with you in this place for i have been told by the word of the lord now i want to say that if you are not listening with what the word of the lord says somebody's going to come along in christian garb what we're seeing in christianity what we're seeing is a false character of christ the character of christ being falsified in the cloak of something with a label christian we are seeing apostate protestantism grabbing onto politics that's right and claiming that somehow god is behind this anarchy this rebellion this this protesting this unrest they're putting god in this box saying he's a part of this right when god is not a a god who who um who uh uh rejoices in what we're seeing taking place in our nation look what happened he said i was told by the word of the lord you shall not eat bread nor drink water nor return by going the way you came but verse 18 of first kings he said to him i am a prophet also. and what's happening today friends matthew 24 4 the lord says one of the first signs of the last days is take he that no one deceives you that's right what's happening today friends and i'm gonna i'm gonna be very candid and very uh bipartisan if i could use that word as i possibly can because it once again i've i said this earlier it doesn't matter what side you claim to be supporting when we claim to when we allow our politics to supersede our our relationship with jesus anarchy is going to be the result division and confusion cannot be evaded absolutely can i possibly be evaded everything you guys have said and we've been talking about at this point referring to the anatomy of rebellion getting to the heart of the issue we know the devil ultimately his ultimate uh end was that he basically became so corrupt in heart that he actually believed and deceived himself into believing that he had the authority to be god that's right and we find these scriptures i just want to briefly mention them and look at them ezekiel chapter 28 let's start there ezekiel chapter 28 then we'll go over to isaiah 14 here you know the question has come up before why did god create a devil and the answer to that is he didn't thank you god did not create a devil an evil you know sinister uh sadistic person that just wanted to just you know snuff the life out of everyone that he was around god created a beautiful perfect angel of light and we see the elements of that in ezekiel 28 verses 14 and 15. notice what the bible says here ezekiel 28 verses 14 and 15. this is god speaking he says you were the anointed cherub who covers i established you you were on the holy mountain of god you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stone so he's he's basically explaining you were right there in my presence you're one of my main men and by the way when it says the one who covers that means the one who defended right he defended he established he upheld the law of god that he was covering and establishing throughout the kingdom of god as one of those two covering cherubs right we see that also in connection with the sanctuary but notice what it says you walked on the holy mountain of god you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones you were perfect in all your ways from the day i created you so how did god create him he was perfect he was a perfect beautiful angel of light but he let that get to his head and that's why god goes on to say here till iniquity was found in you and what was the nature of that iniquity let's go to isaiah 14. oh wait wait wait wait don't run too quickly okay verse 16. oh you want to go caleb that's fine verse 16 right here in the same passage ezekiel 28 verse 16 because you made the point earlier that he was this was in an intellectual battle this was the battle where he went to deceive the angels because the bible says in revelation 12 uh one-third of the angels were kicked out so he succeeded in deceiving one-third of the angels but read verse 16 ryan absolutely he did it i'm glad you brought this up so it goes on you were verse 15 says till iniquity was found in you verse 16 by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sin so within himself right and that brought about sin okay but what i want to grab versus by the abundance of your trading the question is what was he trading truth for a lie that's right honesty for deception right the glory that belonged to god alone he wanted that glory what was he trading he was trading the character of god for his own selfish desire for himself it was never and i want to grab this we're going to go to isaiah 14 in just a moment sure i see pastor john is just it was never about the angel right it was always about him but look what it says that's why it says by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sin therefore i cast you out as a profane thing but now and it says verse 17 your heart was lifted up because of your beauty but now verse 18 i want to bring this out you defile your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the iniquity of your trading it brings it up again right what was he trading we'll find out in just a moment pastor denzel what do you want to say well there's a lot in these verses that we can talk about because um it started in his mind that's right right it started in his mind and um god didn't just let lucifer just come up with the idea and uh go in and deceive all the evil i mean all the angel i mean a third of the angels right no he appealed to lucifer because the bible very clearly tells us that god knows what's in our thoughts so god appealed to lucifer to give up the idea to you know return to his loyalty but he insisted you know he turned his back on the lord and continue this rebellion i mean god didn't just sit there i'm just going to see how this this this develops no god appealed to him until until it says until iniquity was found in him and then he he made this open rebellion and you talked about the trading not only did he sin but he influenced others to sin with him that's right so his his level of guilt just just shot to the roof right you know because it's one thing for you to send but to influence others to sin that's right it's just i mean it's just uh he he you know i i sometimes tell my kids when they do something wrong he says that that's a self-inflicted wound so he hurt himself and hurt others in the process that's right and lied about god and the thing about the devil is that you know i have here a bottle of water but if i put one drop of something else sinai is no longer 100 water that's right so the devil can do that he can give you some truth and put a little drop of a lie in there that's right and unfortunately i'm going to say that he's deceiving a lot of people today that way that's right gives him some truth but then a drop of lie to derail that person from following the lord and unfortunately false doctrines have crept into churches with that one little drop of a lie and people swallow it and that's why you even have division in churches today absolutely good well i'm just mentioning here you you mentioned something powerful the fact that it started in his mind it corrupted his mind i want to read this quote here powerful it's from letter 114 written in 1903 an inspired quote it's also found in the sda bible commentary volume 7 page 7 or 973 but listen to this about the mind and it's also in reference to lucifer when he rebelled in heaven we're talking about the anatomy of rebellion that's right so check this out the influence of mind on mind so strong a power for good when sanctified is equally strong for evil in the hands of those opposed to god this power satan used in his work of instilling evil into the minds of the angels and he made it appear that he was seeking the good of the universe does that sound like something we've we've heard in politics and many other things okay so get this as the anointed cherub lucifer had been highly exalted he was greatly loved by the heavenly beings and his influence over them was strong many of them listened to his suggestions and believed his words it started in the mind of lucifer and like a virus and we know about viruses as of lately it can spread and spread and spread and spread and so we see and i'm going to let pastor take it from here after this we can see that the very nature the heart of the issue is described in isaiah chapter 14 where we see great detail here coming from the heart of lucifer and how he basically abandoned the righteous character and the righteous guidance and the government of god to basically seek his own you know do with thou wilt mentality i'm just going to follow my own will i'm going to create my own law i'm going to do what i want to do because i am my own boss and so isaiah 14 starting with verse 14 and pastor you can stop me or start me any time for it but isaiah 14 excuse me start with verse 12 yes how are you fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how you are cut down to the ground who weaken the nations for you have said here it is in your heart that's also another one for the mind his mind is corrupted for you have said in your heart i will ascend into the heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will also sit upon the mount of congregation on the farther sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high wow and so we see this the heart of this rebellion is no longer in the presence the holiness the righteousness of god he's he has now died he's die he's completely amputated and segmented segregated himself away from the holiness and the government of god to now he's going to start his own and then he begin to spread those lies that manipulative uh political mentality i know he keeps saying that but i'm going to just say it exactly it's a political divisive mentality that says you know what we can do what we want to do because who is he i can just imagine him looking at god and saying who is he to get all the love who is he to get all the worship who is he to tell us that we have to keep these laws and i sit here and i protect and that i established and then i uphold every day but you know who are we we should be able to do that in and of ourselves i should be able to be my own god that was the heart of the issue and we see that penetrating the hearts of people today when we just read that long list from first this or second thessalonians three was the first second timothy second timothy three earlier all those you know the the the the haughty and the not brooders despisers of good you know not you know all of these evil things these are people who have been infiltrated they have been effect infected with the mind of the enemy right and what's what i'm going to point out really quickly here and is if you think that this is satan's aim for the world then i want you to wake up because he doesn't he's not worried about the world satan is not worried about the guy that's smoking drinking carousing he's not worried about the murderer the thief he's not worried about the world that's right because the bible says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not is condemned already the lord didn't come to find out who's condemned we are all condemned that's right so it's not those that are of the world that he's concerned about his aim is against the church revelation 12 17 yes he's not just angry with the church pastor denzel read that for us revelation 12 and verse 17 and then i'm going to bring out something here that's going to lay the foundation for the second hour because we've just been laying foundation you don't want to change the channel because we're going to unpack this we're going to pull some of these artichoke leaves back in the second hour there you go revelation 12 verse 17 here is satan's number one aim target number one and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ okay now watch this so in all this stuff that's going on in the world right do you think satan has lost his focus on what he just said in this passage what the lord just revealed in this past he hasn't lost his fray when ryan read i will be like the most high i will be like the most high i want to make a point i'm going to lay the foundation watch this and we're going to go into the second hour satan's aim his aspiration was to replace the government of god he didn't do it he got kicked to the earth he lost his dominion but he did not lose his desire so he came to the earth where adam was who god said i've given you dominion over the earth that's right he used the woman i want you to get this now in genesis was the serpent and the woman in revelation is the serpent and the woman he went through the woman to get to the one who had control of the earth in revelation he's doing the same thing today he's he's deceiving the church that's right to get to those who have the power of the world because his number one aim is the woman is ancillary to my plan i've got to go through the woman and that's why christianity today is not the christianity that god has always envisioned it to be it's apostate protestantism when you depart from the word as eve departed from the word then you are a sitting duck for satan's deceptions so he deceived eve and then she gave that line to adam and he he took it hook line and sinker that's right why because because let's look at him as a political leaders adam a a political and and powerful leader of the earth swallow the lie of the woman which represents the church at the last days and opened the door to satan and the church throughout the ages he is never aimed at the bar drinker the carouser the club partier the gambler the pool hustler his number one aim is i gotta find a way to prevent the woman from accomplishing her design so the dragon is angry with the woman one more time but i want you to not miss this but he comes to the woman in the last days because he succeeded in the garden of eden this time he comes to a woman that says hey wait a minute i got a different husband my husband keeps the commandments and he told me to do the same thing and this time the woman doesn't fall for his deception any longer because she's a commandment keeping woman that's right he's mad with her so he has to devise a plan to get the woman out of the way so that he can deceive the entire world and we're going to tell you how he does it in the second hour that's right why is it so vitally important for the woman the church of the last days to remain loyal to the man christ jesus don't go away we'll be right back with the answer [Music] [Music] welcome back to the second hour of thursday night live the first thursday night live in the new year of 2021 if you're just joining us i'm going to say blessed new year to you or happy new year whatever you like but i also want to say sobering new year because while the world is celebrating the devil is really ramping it up because he knows he has but a short time thank you to thank you to those of you that are joining us here at 3abn and you may be joining us around the world we thank you for your prayers and your financial support it makes all the difference in the success of this ministry tonight we've been talking about perilous times or a word a more sure word and you'll find out what that is in just a moment and once again we're going to have some we've had some questions and prayer requests come in we're going to talk about those in just a moment and address those and respond to those but if you want to send a question in we've been talking about the climate of the last days why it is so abundantly necessary for the people of god of the last days those who understand the prophetic scenario to maintain their loyalty to christ the man in the middle and not get caught up in the politics of the left or the politics of the right that's right because satan is seeking to divide the church in the last days and more than that past the density read a text in revelation 12 17 satan is seeking to divide those who are commandment keepers because he knows god has a special mission for them a message to give to the world and if they can be divided they cannot be united like the day of pentecost to accomplish a powerful holy spirit-led work if you'd like to send a question to us or comment you can send that first to email live at that's live at that's the email or call them at 618-627-4651-618-6274 or you can text at 618-228-3975-618-228-3975 now i i left the cliffhanger we're trying to figure out what the word was of the phrase the cliffhanger because i said to you as we were going out in revelation you have the woman and the serpent in genesis you have the woman and the serpent you have adam well who was adam in revelation the king of the earth the kings of the earth the one that has dominion over the population and over the masses he uses the woman in genesis to get the atom and i want to tell you now the scenario is the same in revelation but the problem is pastor denzel read that passage one more time just in case and ryan i want you to go to revelation chapter 17. because the devil now thinks he could accomplish what he did in genesis all over again read revelation 12 17 for us and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ okay so he can't do it so when he when he comes to her the reason why he's mad is because she said oh i remember you my sister 6 000 years ago was deceived by you and we haven't forgotten but the lord go to genesis 3 verse 15. read that whichever genesis 3 15. but the lord told me that you were coming that's right he told me you were coming that's right i knew you were coming and he but he set me up now not to respond the way that she did okay that's absolutely genesis 3 verse 15 tells us it says that i will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel okay now okay that's the density the woman now was told in genesis by the lord i'm going to put enmity between the both of you you are not going to like each other from this day on you are going to be natural enemies you're going to be spiritual enemies but i want to tell you the woman's seed christ amen is going to crush your head in the process you're just going to bruise his heel see the point is jesus was crucified but he rose victoriously amen but now we're going to go to revelation 12 17 because i'm going to go ahead and give you this the devil wants to do what he did in the garden of eden he wants to annihilate the woman that's right because if he could get that woman out of the way he has access to the world that's right revelation chapter 17 and i want you to read there's a he creates a diversion he creates a diversion and we're going to get we're right now leading to the symbolism we're going to dive into the actuals in just a moment revelation chapter 17 and go ahead start with verse one uh absolutely revelation and go to verse five absolutely bible says in revelation 17 beginning with verse one then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying to me come and i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk or were made drunk with the wine of her fornication verse three so he carried me away and in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast whose names were full of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication and on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth okay so he finds a woman now and where does he go to find her he goes into the wilderness wilderness why would he go there pastor denzel go to revelation chapter 12 why would he go into the wilderness why is he going out there because the lord did something because the devil has never stopped pursuing the woman why does he go out there revelation chapter 12 pastor denzel i'd like you to read verse 13. start with verse 13. verse 13 now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child but the woman was given two wings of a great eagle and she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent okay so the lord hides the woman in the wilderness and what do we know that to be ryan during the dark age what are we not after yeah so we know that that wilderness to be the the you know the land the group you know obviously we know that this there's going to be a flood it's going to go on to talk about and we know that they went into hiding and so the church had to flee into hiding so that they would be protected from the persecuting uh church that was persecuting her during that time that's right during the dark ages of the church so the mountain much like israel would flee to the mountains during the time of the siege of jerusalem in 70 a.d the remnant of god fled and was saved that's right during the time of the persecution of the dark ages the lord hid that woman the commandment-keeping woman in the wilderness and she was there for how long pastor denzi you read it verse 14 what did you say how long was it a time at times and half a time how many years was that it's three and a half years okay three and a half prophetic years prophetic years and how many years was that actually 1260 years so we find now during the dark ages the lord is hiding his church and what happened during the dark ages to the christian church let's talk about that they were persecuted okay but not only were they persecuted what happened to them what happened to what happened there's a lot of history here because we have god's people god said he would nourish her that's right he's taking care of her in the wilderness and the bible uses symbolism of the wilderness in a place that is not very populated so you have uh later in revelation telling you that uh talking about the waters the waters which the woman sits are peoples and tongues and people uh nations so there's a difference the god's people were in the wilderness hiding but the visible church the one that was before the kings that was the those that had fallen away those that would change yes those that swallowed the lies of the devil and were deceiving the people but the invisible church god's people were hiding for 1260 years okay now we said now i have to say this because um you know we said three and a half years and people say wait a minute 365 and they start calculating this way but in bible prophecy you use 360 for a year that's right the prophetic time perfect time and so you find here now and i'm glad you brought that bit of history out during the dark ages god continued to nourish his church they were nourished but they were being persecuted many christians were dying for their faith more than 50 million martyred for their faith but god preserved them and the martyrdom became so great that he had to find a place to preserve her look at the very next verse ryan because you talked about water i want to go back to this okay so verse 15 it says so the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman false doctrines that's right that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood but the earth helped the woman and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth okay now what does water wrap now let's go back to revelation 17 because we're going to see you you're going to see something you may have not seen before remember god is still nourishing her she's in the wilderness she's in hiding but the lord verse 16 the lord says to us the earth helped the woman what did the earth do helped the woman because the dragon wanted to drown her and and and water what does water represent let's go to revelation 17 17 15 yeah let's go to revelation 17 15 ryan revelation 17 15 and the bible says then he said to me the waters which you saw where the harlot sits are people's multitudes nations and tongues okay so the waters now he spewed water out of his mouth trying to get rid of the church and you know during the dark ages there was the reformation then there was the counter reformation people were going after the church through the inquisitions through the saint mythology massacre kings kings kings nations leaders armies were trying to wipe out the church that's right but they could not that's right but there was a power that was in charge of this onslaught against the church that's right go back to read verse 17 again verse 15. john can you repeat that again there was a power that was there was a power in charge of the onslaught against the woman okay okay we're going to see it you just read it revolution again revelation 12 15 revelation 17 17 15 okay so the waters is what you're speaking of okay so revelation 17 15 the waters which you saw where the harlot sits are people's multitudes nations and tongues okay so now we have she's called a harlot right now watch this if she's a harlot could she be a commandment keeper no so you see the picture of one in revelation 12 true to the truth of god the commandments of god so the devil says hmm what do i do now i hope you're ready for this what do i do now let me create a diversion so what i'm what he did during the dark ages the reason why john in revelation 17 goes into the wilderness is because the church that went into the wilderness god preserved her but during the wilderness another church rose up that's right and and the lord said i want to show you what happened during the dark ages let's go where i sent her and see what the devil did during the dark ages right so when we look at that let's go to revelation chapter 17 now and we're going to see because there's an explanation that the lord is giving to john and we're going to find out his reaction to it read revelation chapter 17 because the lord says i want i want you to see what happened let's go now to verse three and four uh verse three and four yeah yeah so he says he carried me away into this in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and of course verse four the woman was carried excuse me a raid in purple and scarlet color adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication now look at john's reaction verse six all right very gay says i and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and when i saw her i marveled with great amazement okay he was he said huh right okay what am i what are you saying pastor denzel how can this be how can this be right how can this be what is going on now i want to read a quotation here because we have to fast forward here now let's go to revelation chapter 13. because here's why here's why we touched on that very very briefly so we can begin to give you a short overview of the church as it was and the church as it has become now the woman that's still faithful to the commandments of god she's still there revelation 12 17 says she's still there the dragon's angry but he but he created a diversion absolutely and what did you say a form of a form of godliness but denying the power okay so so let's go now and see how this form of godliness that's right is manifesting itself did i say to turn a particular place revelation 13. revelation 13. let's go there right now absolutely and uh pastor denzie i want you to go now because remember the earth helped the woman the earth gave the woman a place of refuge okay now pastor denzel revelation chapter 13 and let's go ahead and start with verse 11. verse 11 revelation 13 11. then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon okay and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence presence and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed okay now we we got we have now let me ask you ryan you're an evangelist you preached a sermon maybe 100 or 200 times already what power is revelation chapter 13 verse 11 describing this is talking about the second beast of revelation 13 we've got to be clear about that there's two beasts that's right the first beast and then there's the second beast beginning with verse 11. this is this is talking about none other than the united states of america and so this actually is perfect because being what has happened within the last few months there's a lot of attention around the world on the united states and we're showing right here in bible prophecy god did not leave anything out he wanted us to know ahead of time that the united states of america would play a major role in bible prophecy but not just a major role that's right we're talking about an alliance as you continue to read through here the second beast creates uh what i would like to call an unholy alliance with the first beast and this unholy alliance launches us into the final events we're not talking about the just the final video we're talking about the final final final events of bible prophecy prior to the second coming of jesus so this is why it's very relevant that we understand it and that we properly interpret it and allow the bible to interpret itself okay so now pastor lindsey before you read the next verse because ryan that was beautiful yes remember don't forget what he said the united states is being described here two horns what two horns what do those horns represent powers two points of authority what are the what are the two things that the united states guarantee to all of its citizens a republic and a protestant form of government that's right a republic form of government by the people for the people everybody's vote counts right and a protestant form of government we will not embrace the dogmas of rome right that's where america came from the lord sent the lord created in america a system whereby the people will never have to worry about tyranny and being overthrown that's right like it happened in europe during the dark ages it was not a top down power like rome they made it they said it and it did you studied world history all roads led to rome right yes pastor denzel go to daniel chapter 7. we got to see this daniel chapter 7 so that people can understand this because somebody might say well okay well who is this second b who is this first piece of revelation chapter 13 i have to understand who that power is in order for me to feel legitimate or informed about the power that the united states is going to coalesce with now we're going to see something here very powerful uh did i say daniel chapter 7 didn't i yes you said that okay daniel chapter seven and let's go ahead and start with verse 23 verse 23 before i read verse 23 i just want to say something quickly sure because some people may be alarmed that we are finding the united states in revelation chapter 13 verse 11 talking about this lamb like beast and that we say that's the united states if you look at it i'm just going to say this briefly because before we can share about this if you look at the history of the united states it rolls up like a lamb that's right it was not a nation that overco overcame other nations in war to become the great nation that it is right this is a huge one of the largest nations in the world and it started small that's right like a lamb but eventually it says that it speaks as a dragon and i know you're going to talk about that okay before you read that really quick i want to say this real quickly the two the two horns you said it was republicanism and protestantism exactly republic and protestantism so it's very important that we understand that that is the establishment the clear communication of the separation of church and state that's essentially what we were established on from the very beginning as a nation now the first beast of revelation 13 which we're about to identify we're about to go into the first beast of revelation is exactly the opposite this is not a separation a system based on the separation of church and state but the amalgamation of church and state a religious political system that persecutes its way to power and so the second beast rising up completely different than the first now we're starting to see this unholy alliance that i spoke about earlier and it helps to know who the first beast of revelation 13 is so that you understand this alliance and why it is so significant so go ahead brother so now we're going to daniel chapter 7 verse 23 verse 23. read down to verse 24 24 thus he said the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth which shall be different from all other kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth trample it and break it in pieces the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom and another shall arise after them he shall be different from the first ones and shall subdue three kings okay and not only that but when you see that how much of the earth he shall devour how much of the earth the whole the whole earth not only devour it it will trample it down and break it in pieces so now how many horns did it have seven heads and ten horns revelation thirteen ryan revelation third just peek at verse one just to go ask context okay revelation 13 verse one then i stood up on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea so again different than the second beast the second beast out of the earth this one out of the sea multitudes of people it says having seven heads and ten horns and on his ten horns were ten crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name now now we got to grab something this is huge because remember two horns like a lamb the united states speak as a dragon that's right revelation 12 9 says the dragon is satan that's right that servant of all the the dragon the serpent of all called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world now watch this satan deceives the whole world this power in daniel 7 wants to trample the whole world okay how's he going to do it well read verse 2 pastor denzi did you read verse oh you just read verse revelation 13 1 revelation 13 2 i did read revelation 13 2 revelation 13 2 now the beast which i saw this takes us back to daniel 7 was like a leopard and his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne and his great authority now i like to mention here before we go any further it's very important to mention this because this sets us up for identifying properly daniel saw this same the same beast in a different order though in the opposite order he saw the lion the bear the leopard and then this great fourth terrible dreadful beast now john is living in his time during the control of the empire of the world that's in control at that time he's looking back and it's rome we're just going to be clear about it we're talking about rome he's living during the time of rome looking back and that's why he describes this in the opposite notice now and i saw uh like i saw the the feet of a leopard excuse me i saw like a leopard the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion so he's living during the time of rome looking back daniel was living during the time of babylon looking forward and so it's all it's all accumulating and bringing us to this time of rome so that's fourth beast of daniel chapter seven is without a doubt historians theologians uh scholars have all agreed on the fact that this is very clearly rome and so rome being the first beast the second beast the united states bible prophecy predicts that there would be an unholy alliance between romanism and of course we're going to take it a little further in just a little bit american protestantism eventually that's right and so so now let's go back to revelation chapter 13 and we're going to peek at that verse one more time because now you're going to hear it differently pastor denzi once again verse 11. revelation 13 11 then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon but now add verse 12 to it and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed okay now rome lost its power temporarily in 1798 but got his power back the wound began to be healed in 1929. now i just used a phrase that many people are not familiar with i said began to be healed that's right because a wound is not fully controlled until whatever caused the wound is fully fully restored that's right a wound is not fully healed until whatever caused the wound is fully restored so his deadly wound was healed that's what the bible says but the the healing of it began in 1929 that's right but let me ask the question how do we know that it's not fully healed yet because what caused the wound has not been yet fully reversed what caused the wound protestant reformation that's right breaking away from the church of rome coming to america to establish a country the united states a protestant government antithetical to rome antithetical catholicism and a republic by the people for the people so the people have a right to vote the people can say who they want to be the next ruler of our country the next person in this position of power but rome didn't give the right of the people that they said no no no the powers up top tell you who the next power is going to be it was top down so whenever you live in a system that begins to be reversed you start seeing the behavior sure of the first beast being manifested where the lord said it would be it will start to speak like a dragon let me ask you is america starting to speak like a dragon oh it has been for for some time now but it's definitely evident now in its recent legislations and many of the things that has taken place you know i want to emphasize something from verse 12 here it says that he exercises all of the authority of the first beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed okay so this is going to happen once the deadly wound has been healed but i want to be very clear at least from my particular convictive standpoint that when we say rome we're talking about the roman papal church state okay we're not talking about necessarily the city of rome or the empire of rome from a historical perspective we're talking about plain and clear the roman people the catholic papacy the system okay we're not talking about individuals we're not attacking individuals we're simply saying that this first beast of revelation 13 fits all the descriptions of the roman papal church state system so that being said when you come down here to verse 12 and it says he exercises the second beast that we're talking about the united states of america this this this american protestantism notice what it says he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence what authority what authority did the papacy exercise in the dark ages that gave it its power okay it was a persecutive uh religio political alliance that's right and so what we're seeing is how does the united states change and begin to speak like that dragon it begins to abandon or abandon all the principles that it stood for before they they abandoned the separation of church and state they abandoned true protestantism they abandoned true republicanism and then they bring all of this together and they basically become an image a direct reflection an image to that first beast and it says it exercises authority in the presence of the first beast and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to what worship worship we're not talking okay take politics put it in the box and throw it out in the ocean for just a moment thank you we're talking about a spiritual great controversy warfare this is all about worship the the united states is prophesied to begin to enforce worship that's right this is a spiritual warfare by merging the powers of roman catholicism and once again notice the people are not included here the system that's right they're being influenced merging protestantism with catholicism well could that happen in america do your homework in 1994 protestants and catholics signed a united document protestants and catholics together in the new millennium that's right so did that begin yes absolutely in 2018 protestants and catholics held another meeting to once again revisit their differences as we sit here tonight the head of rome the papacy pope francis is pulling an alliance together of major corporations around the world including things like amazon and facebook and many of these powerful multiple moguls to begin to exercise the power that it had in the old days over the economic systems of the earth and you asked this you ask yourself the question make it really really clear pass to john pastor john and pastor ryan make it really really clear i've never heard this before let me make it really really really really clear there you go it is it has never been a litmus test in america to be religious before you become a president but over the last five or so administrations i was i was i remember when president reagan became a president they said he's a christian he's a he's a christian so therefore one of the reasons why they were fearful of john kennedy was because he was catholic and people thought that john kennedy was going to bring in the sunday law well he didn't bring in the sunday law he was killed he was assassinated when ronald reagan became president he sent an ambassador to the vatican and created the first ambassadorship between the united states and the vatican against the laws of america that's right and ever since then the litmus tests about your religious beliefs have become more and more prominent in america and protestantism evangelicalism and romanism are merging together to create an america a religious political system to control absolute government and if you think this is amazing wait to the next passage pastor you know it's interesting that uh when you think of the history of united states how did it begin people from europe came to the united states to get away from the roman persecution roman persecution and this place this country is a christian nation no other nation in the world has in its constitution the wording of we are one nation under god that's right it talks about created equal it's very very interesting how this nation as a lamb eventually speaks as a dragon and it has already started and i i you we have to tremble when we consider that we are living in the time when we're going to see what's wrong all of this takes place we are living in the time this doesn't this is not something that's going to happen 30 50 30 or 50 years into the future we are seeing the the preparation for this nation to speak as a dragon that's right so uh we have to again go back to the bible read the scriptures i mean we have shared a lot of information that normally you can spend a great deal of time to establish well this is these are the reasons why the united states fits the category of a lamb and i mean this takes time but we're we're speaking we're accelerating it yes we are accelerating it but all of these things we have scriptures for historical facts and it's it's just so clear okay you know our nation we would speak like a dragon we know we have seen our the this nation take a course in passing laws legislative laws in recent past that has spoken like a dragon that's not been in harmony with god's word okay again i want to make that clear it's not that we are to legislate uh religious law but certainly in the beginning our constitution and the by the conviction of our founding fathers lined out a very clear separation of church and state but honoring you know some of those principles honored biblical principles christian principles now that being said and again again we've taken politics and we're setting this aside we're talking about a spiritual warfare here that's right i never thought i would see it but yet it has happened just a few days ago pastor we saw we we saw in a session of congress a political figure that's right you were there give a prayer that's right and pray to a hindu god oh no you weren't there on that one not on that one and not only that ends ends with you know is this amen and this a woman what we're seeing and i'm not trying to get political here i'm simply addressing the spiritual situation of our country that's never happened before that's right never in our world would we ever have seen this what this is is we were take we're taking the checking the temp the gauge of the temperature and we're seeing that this nation has taken a change and it was prophesied and i want to make this very clear here as before we go any further because this is this is very important never and we were talking about this before you know before we came on the set today never in in the history of christianity at least since i've been in the church have i seen so many of god's people just completely it seems brainwashed with all of the political garbage and we've completely become so distracted from what matters that's right and so i want to i want to i want us to go to second thessalonians here for a moment i want to show you that bible prophecy also predicts that there would be a great falling away prior to the second coming of jesus and this is not just a falling away of the entire world this is a falling away within the church so second thessalonians chapter two let's go there i'm gonna just make this point and then i'll i'll be quiet talk i think this is just vital to what we're talking about second thessalonians two and i want to begin reading there in verse three so notice he says let no one deceive you by any means what's the devil doing he's deceiving right the whole world let no one deceive you by any means for that day we know that day being the second coming of jesus will not come unless the falling away comes first in the original greek it's the word apostasia it's apostasy it's a defection from truth it's a divorcing themselves from christ all the while believing they're married to christ that's deception the very essence of deception is that you're unaware that you're deceived and so these people believe they're religious they believe they have a relationship with jesus they believe they're married to the truth they believe they're married to jesus but they have divorced themselves because of their apostasy because of their deception so it goes on to say it says unless a falling away comes first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition and then it goes on to describe this leading antichrist figure of bible prophecy who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god now keep that falling away tucked away in your mind that christian falling away let's go down to verse 10. okay here we are we're looking we're simply uh paul tells us that we need to examine ourselves we need to check the temp every once in a while as to why are we in the state why is it verse 9 okay so second thessalonians chapter i'm going to get i had it right written down so second thessalonians chapter nine read read verse nine there and there's one it says ii thessalonians chapter two verse nine and ten it says the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan he's behind this and it says with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish and here's why because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason god will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness no i i brought this up just to make this point you know i we live in the age of technology i have a social media account i don't spend a lot of time on it but i try to use it only for god's glory and for witnessing for the lord but there are times i'll get on my facebook and i have thousands and thousands of church members seventh-day adventist church members and i see my brothers and my sisters my heart aches because it seems like we have become so inaudible just completely enamored completely delusional about what is happening around us so caught up as if we have now become fully believing in and fully convinced that one man or the other whether left or right or up or down or sideways or wherever you want to go with it as if a man holds the answer to changing and turning this nation around that's right we cannot put and i'm going to reiterate this i'm going to go to the quotation uh that we're going to bring up on the screen counsels for the church page 316 paragraph 6. when you bring that up i'll share that with you and the reason why ryan is so passionate about that and we all are is because we are seeing the church of god who's been given the mission to proclaim the three angels messages become divided over politics and it's not the word divided is a small word has become enamored over has become uh uh a drunk over politics and it's stealing the lifeblood where unity should be where seventh day adventist christians should be unified to proclaim to a dying world that's right the truth about the kingdom of god that will never be destroyed who the jesus who will never be voted out we are putting our money and our finances and our energy and our arguments behind frail men who are just a few breaths away from the grave look at let's look at this quotation counsels for the church page 316 bring that up for me and i want to share that with you right now it says there is a large vineyard to be cultivated but while christians are to work among unbelievers they are not to appear like worldlings they are not to spend their time talking politics or acting politics for by so doing they give the enemy opportunity to come in and cause variance and discord why would he not want to do that here's why let me give it a pass to denzel right on this note why does he want to create discord because he know the power of the new testament church was unity he knows when we are in one accord we can proclaim an undiluted three angels messages so what he does he gets political leaders to deceive and pull our minds through hot rhetoric through division through through imaginary thoughts and ideas and people get so riled up as somebody once says don't speak politics or religion it's too late it brings about a delusion it brings about a delusion past the density uh i want to bring out this aspect because uh we're we're again we're painting with broad broad strokes yes uh brush strokes yes uh in revelation chapter 17 you know you talked about a merging of religion with the state and it's brought out here in revelation chapter 17. notice how it speaks beginning i'm going to read beginning verse 1. uh then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying to me come i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication what is that the leaders of the world the leaders of the world uh the political leaders the political leaders of the world made an alliance with the harlot the power of our own yes the power with the papacy so this is homework for you go into the history books look to see how what control the papacy had over who would become king they had to authorize the person to take the throne this is history and so when you see that the bible put it in black and white way before it happened you have to say the bible can be trusted right we're living these things that's right we're living these things and god is calling us to be a different church now we're going to accelerate here just for the because of the interest of time and now that we gave you just an overview of where the united states is and my brethren how it's affecting the christian church how it is damaging even many seventh-day adventist christians who should be about their father's business and are just spending time and finances and energy and arguing amongst themselves and creating division they can't even i i believe me i've experienced it some people can't even talk yes because it's um and you can't tell them so what i've said as a pastor i said my job is not to meander in the maze of mediocrity i've got to be a watchman on the wall to warn my people so that we can get back to god's business that's right i'm going to say this because you know you're talking about the the fighting the division that is going on because of political parties and even some religious beliefs our particular religious beliefs there's division about that and so i'm going to say this because um you look at the situation that that's been happening and the devil is creating a distraction that's right while he's busy over here to to create the atmosphere for revelation 13 where the united states speaks like a dragon and already we have seen great strides being made i like to say between papacy and the united states uh we talked about the pope coming to and meet with congress i was there when i spoke you were there when he spoke and so what never happened that has never that's history here that's history we have seen their history that you think of the protestant nation coming up that they they escaped from europe to come here that was they would be shocked to see what wait wait wait you guys have no idea our founding fathers would turn over in their grave to see that happen in america because they escaped the tyranny of europe they escaped the powers of rome but i want to bring up one more quotation now now i have to say this also i know you want to bring it now go for it i have to say this people look at these things and look at the history and uh they say well the papacy has changed oh they're wonderful people and yes we have to be careful at the same time but the bible is clear that's right the bible tells us that this power will once again exercise authority that's right and it's being powered by a dragon that's right the enemy that's right and it's happening and the last place or the place where it's going to have its power resurge is here in the united states that's right the united states will create an image to that power the power of rome and it's already happening we have in america the merging of evangelicalism and catholicism which has already happened it's already happened and right now there's a political push in america with a religious undertone and people thinking that somehow because we are religious people that we have the right to power ourselves and to overthrow a government and put ourselves in a position to control the government when in fact the only government that christians should be focused on is the government of god that's right the message of the kingdom the cross of salvation the gospel of deliverance not the white house but the right house that's right and again you know we're talking about a system yes many wonderful people and so many religious groups that god loves and wants them to be a part of his family we have to remember god says in revelation 18 verse 4 come out of her my people okay god has people in the catholic church loving wonderful spirit-led people he's saying come out of her my people now watch this how will they know what to come out of unless the people of god proclaim an undiluted three angels message so here's the point if i can keep those who should proclaim this message divided they can proclaim the message and they'll stay where they are and i'll have the entire world under my control bring up the quotation for me please on of fundamentals of christian education this is a lengthy quotation but i'm going to read through it methodically you've got to hear what it has to say fundamentals christian education page 483 paragraph one listen to what it says it says god go ahead god calls his people saying come out from among them and be separate he asked that the love which he has shown for them may be reciprocated and revealed by willing obedience to his what commandments his children are to separate themselves from politics from any alliance with unbelievers they are not to link their interests with the interests of the world next slide give proof of your allegiance to me he says that as god says by standing as my chosen heritage as a people zealous of good works do not take part in political strife but have mercy separate from the world and refrain from bringing into the church or school ideas that will lead to contention or disorder dissension is the moral poison taken into the system by human beings who are selfish go to the next slide god wants his servants to have clear perceptions true and noble dignity that their influence may be demonstr may demonstrate the power of truth the christian life is not to be a haphazard emotional life that's right true christian influence exerted for the accomplishment of the work of god has a the work uh the work god has appointed is a precious agency and it must not be united with politics or bound up in a confederacy with unbelievers the last slide one more slide i think it is and it says and i'll end with this god is to be the center of attraction every mind that is working that is worked by the holy spirit will be satisfied with him so what's being said here god is saying to us as the people come out of the politics my brethren come out of the politics get into the message of the cross past the density uh yes yes like i said the devil is very good at creating distraction and while we are distracted with these things instead of studying the scriptures and i've said that many times i want to bring out one of the teachings of the bible yes and that is that jesus christ as our high priest is ministering in the most holy place from heaven he is going through the records to see who has said i accept jesus christ that's my savior he's going through the records to see who has asked for forgiveness that's right because god is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance he's going through the record books because he is coming soon that's right and we have to pay attention to these things in the scriptures because we are living in the times when the great judgment is taking place amen isaiah 46 so what should the people of god do let's remember that the prophetic word of god is accurate we can trust god we can trust our lives we are are we saying don't vote no we never said don't vote we have said don't allow politics to supersede your commitment to the everlasting gospel when politics become more important than the than the cause of christ and brings in dissension and division that's right we are no longer united and the gospel cannot go forward unhindered that's right ephesians chapter 4 verse 12 to 16 let's share that amongst ourselves what should the people of god do when we see what's happening in the world look at what we are told by the apostle paul ephesians 4 verse 12 to 16 and pastor denzel isaiah 55 and verse 11. isaiah excuse me ephesians 4 verses 12 through 16. yes it says for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of christ until we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ and now that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men in the cunning craftiness and deceitful plotting but speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things unto him who is the head christ that's good now verse 15. so unity of the faith the knowledge of the son of god to the measure of the statue of the fullness of christ how can we become unified in the faith if politics is dividing us that's right the devil is not sleeping he is aware of the power of this church if it is unified i want we're going to pray tonight i know we had a song we're not going to do the song we're going to pray tonight and we're going to go to another passage but isaiah 55 verse 11 notice what these are the things that we can trust isaiah 55 11. so shall my word be that go that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what i please that's right and this shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it i got to respond to that go for it my brother god's word has spoken that's right we get so distracted by all of these things that are happening on this plane here when this right here is what matters the most the vertical is what matters god's word has spoken god has already told us what is going to happen in bible prophecy he has already told us what is going to happen to this nation of the united states of america and we need to be looking unto him the author and finisher of our faith okay hebrews 12 1 romans chapter 12 pastor denzel okay you have it before i go to romans chapter 12 i'm going to read this verse isaiah 56 verse 1 thus says the lord keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come and my righteousness to be revealed that's right absolutely that's right the government of god the throne of god jesus is to be uplifted do not put your trust in princes nor in the son of man in which there is no help all the we can be part of the political equation but do not allow your politics to supersede your commitment and unity to the cause of christ and the kingdom and glory of christ uh romans chapter 12 verse one and two hebrews this is a powerful verse this just reminds us of who we are and what we need to be doing therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight okay and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has set down at the right hand of the throne of god look to jesus that's right right now while everybody's just completely distracted by this political circus around us we put our eyes on jesus the prize before us and know that his word has spoken and pastor denzel how can we do it romans 12 verse 1 verse 1 and 2. i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world yes but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god amen and we had some people that are recognizing the importance one person right here wrote here praise jesus for all and thank you for the powerful message tonight prayer is needed for spiritual revival for me and my husband daughter and son-in-law praise the lord for that another person says they want prayer would like prayer for their nine month old daughter willa who has covered nine months old who has covered another person is praying for baptism of the holy spirit which is what we need to get ready for the latter rain amen amen we can't be ready for the holy spirit in the latter rain if we are so distracted by the world that's right that's right stop looking at men another one hope somebody talked about i'll get that to the another department um i would like to ask prayer for my dad my husband and my brother-in-law my dad daryl my husband chris and my brother-in-law eric to give their hearts to jesus that's the focus of three angels broadcasting network to give their hearts and lives to jesus you take some of those and pass a couple of votes down to um sure we have here another one and i want to that's the person another one please pray that my mind get cleansed and my desires changed yes we were just talking about that if you commit your life to the lord yes your mind will be cleansed and your desires will be changed what do you have there absolutely lorraine from college dale tennessee says please pray that i will commit my life to be a true witness for jesus hey that's me too and all of us here right pray for my children who have left the church because i believe we are on the brink of jesus second coming pray for my brother who has lung cancer and now has coveted uh he has never smoked she says we are seventh-day adventist believers may god continue to bless three abn as they proclaim the three angels messages to the world that's right pastor denzi uh this is not a prayer request but it's uh from mary from texas now the now this cobin 19 is happening and getting worse it's better to leave the city and it's better to live in a country in the country it's a question some it's it's a question we encourage you to take that to the lord in prayer because the lord said if any lack wisdom let him ask of god who give it to all men liberally that's right and that's right and you know before our time expires i want to ask a matter of fact i'll ask you pastor denzel if you could lead us in prayer tonight about a minute or so minute and a half because we surely have a lot we've talked about briefly our appeal to you tonight brothers and sisters is jesus is coming soon let the church be the church let the world be the world never let the twain unite together are we saying you cannot vote of course that's your citizen right in america and whatever country you are a part of but do not allow your politics to remove the gospel of jesus christ proclaiming that people may hear this undiluted message and finds the saving grace of jesus christ pastor dindsey okay let's go to the lord in prayer yes our loving heavenly father we come before you in jesus name we ask you lord to consider all the prayer requests that have come in lord we hear the heart of those that are concerned for those that have coveted even a nine-month-old baby so we pray lord for you to put your loving hand on those that are suffering those that are needing a healing touch we ask lord that according to your good pleasure you will bring the blessing of healing we ask you lord to do what you know is best in each and every situation and heavenly father we pray for healing of homes that are divided we pray for healing of churches that are divided we pray heavenly father for you to do a mighty work help us to understand that it is high time to awake out of sleep and it is high time to give up the world and follow jesus we pray heavenly father for you to continue to bless three avn to bring the undiluted three angels messages to the world thank you for hearing our prayers for we ask it in jesus name amen amen amen amen friends praise the lord thank you pastor denzee and we want to wrap up with a powerful passage uh matthew chapter 24 ryan could you read it for us verse four matthew chapter 24 24 verse 14. it's one of my favorites this is why we are appealing to you with the passion we have shared tonight and we have we have intentionally stayed clear of getting into the dogma of what's happening in the world but matthew 24 14 we are told that the promise of god will be fulfilled absolutely it says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come our prayer for you tonight and our appeal to you tonight is if you want to be a part of the of the victorious swelling of the everlasting gospel the three angels messages we are appealing to you to take 2021 into deep consideration turn off the rhetoric that's coming from the political stages open the word of god take your mind away from the gutter to the throne room where god can make a difference in your life bring your family before the altar husbands be the priest of your home wife and children gather together with the husband of the home the father of the home if you're single you can do so by yourself but we pray that when jesus comes this gospel will have affected your life the person of christ will be on the throne of your heart and you will make your calling and your election sure for eternity god bless you until we see you again [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
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Keywords: EndTimes, Bible Prophecy, America in Prophecy, US Prophecy, John Lomacang, 3ABN Today Live, Is this the end
Id: hE3jKiFjhx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 3sec (6963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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