“End-Time Events” - 3ABN Today Live (TDYL200028)

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[Music] as you're well aware we're living in unprecedented times join us now for today's special program i want to spend my [Music] removing pain lord let my words [Music] my life meeting broken people hello and welcome to our special two hour 3 abn end time events 2-hour program it's a blessing to have you joining us this evening because you're part of our three abn family we just want to say thank you for your prayers and financial support for the ministry of three abn you know it's a lot of fun to be here with our three event family it is but it's really fun to be with you too you know i know with all this covid that's going on you know we're not allowed to really um hug people or shake people's hands you've got a mask there yeah yeah that's right baby okay danny you have of course your mask there too you know it's just interesting times that we're okay you've got it right there yeah let me know okay you know but we live in interesting times right now you know there's a lot of it seems like chaos in the world a lot of worry and but we can by studying the word of god we can trust in jesus we have nothing to fear for the future except how we forget how god has led us and we know that god has led us in taking care of us so what a privilege to know that the lord is king and that we can trust him in the midst of everything that we're going through and again like i just mentioned our topic for this evening we're going to be covering a number of different things but it's end time events and i want to just say this too many of you know pastor lyle albrecht you've written us you've sent emails to us called us even from time to time because he's been on three been a number of years wondering how is pastor lyle doing well he's going to be joining us this evening as a special guest and here in just a few moments so that's going to be exciting plus there's a number of other topics i'm going to say one is really exciting as well if we had a little thing that could go across the bottom of the screen that said breaking news that's right well we would put that up we have something extremely exciting to share with you oh probably about midway through this program the gospel is going around that's right and that's what i love about the ministry of three abn am we have the privilege of partnering together joining hands to take this gospel to the ends of the earth so what a privilege that is as i think about end time events the second hour specifically will be a bible study on end time events and where are we in in light of earth history and so i want to encourage you to send in your questions for that as well this is a live program and our call center is open tonight so you can always give us a call and send in those questions 618-627-4651 that number again is 618-627-4651 or you can always send us an email at live l-i-v-e at 3abn.org and this first hour we're also going to be talking about 3abn fall homecoming camp meeting interactive virtual well that's a mouthful of words but cam meeting is coming up soon we're going to be going to give you some updates pertaining to that as well it's just exciting well there's so many things going on today jill and i along with several others you mr danny two we are recording the virtual tour of 3abn because when you come to 3a been camp meeting we like to give you tours to show you your three abn well since you can't be here we did a virtual tour and that was fun recording that that'll be available when camp meeting starts in a few weeks so it's been a busy day and a busy week yes let's introduce the family we have for the first hour tonight we're playing some musical chairs but of course we've been referencing danny and so danny it's a privilege always to have you here a founder of course of 3abn and consultant thank you thank you i'm blessed i tell you what's the most exciting time to be alive it is earth history and the communication tools that god has given us is incredible when he said go ye into all the world even when we started 3 abn that didn't mean it how would everybody go into all the world well the networks were now everybody can go now you have your phones you know your ipads you got your computers you can go on all the social media literally take the gospel to the world i mean it's an incredible time god is on the throne he's doing great things when we think of prayer request i want to thank of our my friend for over 35 years pastor rick blyth down in alabama he has coveted really been struggling was in the hospital i think about 12 days and texting and messaging back with ginger yes wife so we want to pray for them then i understand he had to go back to the emergency room i think maybe yesterday or so oh wow and so he he's getting better but we want to continue to pray and then i think dino and cheryl you know our musicians they have kova they told us and he said he's doing fine cheryl's been struggling so we want to pray with them and i know each and every one of you probably knows somebody we all do but as we pray we want that's great make sure we pray for the folk not only with covet but other needs whether it's mentally physically spiritually emotionally financially always we serve a big god we do we can answer all our prayers amen amen sitting next to you is your beautiful wife we could say better half but that's no disrespect to you dr yvonne always a privilege to have you here and it's always a privilege to be here thank you so much for the invitation that we're talking about something that's really really important and that's end time events and there's just so many things going on in the world today that we can look at and say wow we know jesus is coming soon praise god for that it's exciting isn't it to know that jesus is coming soon and that he's chosen all of us to be here as you say at this time in earth's history we are here for a reason and it's just such a beautiful it's a privilege to be here at this time in earth's history when you talked about her being beautiful it's inside as well but i've told her there's a great advantage of being the uglier one in the family which would be me because i'll tell you why she's the beautiful one and why it's an advantage because she has to look at me all the time and i only have to see myself in the mirror but i get to look at her all the time so i can wake up so time to go to bed so it's really an advantage of having somebody much more beautiful than you are handsome you know i've never heard a self-slam sound so nice you know pastor john you took that right out of my mouth that was a good one moving on around the corner pastor john how'd that do honey thank you thank you okay of course pastor john is the world evangelism director for here at 3abn and you and your wife angela you're our pastor pastor of the thompsonville church here and so good to have you here tonight good to be back in the saddle you know some people might be trying to adjust their television screen you look a few shades darker i'm a few shades darker my wife and i took a break you know the world has been shut down to us it's a sad reality that's the new climate we're living in the new normal we used to be able to go where we want to but we can't do that any longer so we just snuck out of america and stayed within one of its uh provinces if i could use that word the virgin islands where my family is he's spent some time there and swam five or six days just stayed in the water love the water and i picked up some shades so as as we get more into the winter i'll start lightening up by january february i'll be back to where i was a month ago and then we'll start all over again next normally my color blue a hospital recently my wife keep her in your prayers she she's had her medical challenges but we know that the lord is still working her through those love you honey and we all all thank you for your prayers we've received a lot of emails uh people were concerned that they hadn't seen us for a month speaking at church and uh one week she was very ill and then i had a very difficult week and i ended up getting ill and we thought do we have the covet so we went and took the covet test so we stayed on that second sabbath oh praise the lord we didn't have it then the next week was asi and the next week i can't remember what that was but um vacation no no yeah that's what it was that's exactly you were in the island we're in the virgin islands and the nice thing about being on vacation don't have to put on socks don't have to do my hair just wake up in the morning sandals and sun every day so okay we're ready to be back in the saddle and we thank you for what he's doing amen encampment is coming up soon and you're all excited one of the main speakers for cameron we'll talk more detail in a few minutes but what a blessing last but not least pastor john denzel we love you and your wife adalia of course john denzel's been here for years and years and is general manager of 3db and latino is it 30 years you've been here am i pushing it it's going to be 31 in november yeah 30 years wow yeah it's been here almost long as i have i remember gonzalo i think you come down with gonzalo santos didn't you yes yes he was here first yeah i came a year and a half later or so yeah and it's been the lord doing great things since i've been here yeah amen absolutely and we have an exciting announcement tonight we're going to share in just a little bit about what the lord is doing and how 3abn is going we could say into a closed communist country the sneak peek we're going to say we won't tell you any more but you have to stay tuned for that oh yeah the lord is doing marvelous things you know and like everyone is saying here this evening what an incredible opportunity to be alive right now and have the opportunity of making a difference in someone's life and that includes you too you know you many of you have supported the ministry of 3a been from the very beginning i think mr danny i received a letter from a lady uh this week where 3abn did and she's in her mid-90s and has been supporting 3abn for years and years and years i could still read her handwriting but she was just saying thank you to three abn but i'm thinking thank you yeah for what you have done along with many others that have supported this ministry because the gospel is able to go around the world we mentioned just a few minutes ago that pastor lyle albrecht is going to be joining us and he's joining us via skype he is doing has done a series called revelation insights and i believe that aired in the mid 90s mid to late 90s was the original series and the newer series started in 2008 we aired on 3abn and 3abn proclaim he's aired on the network for years and we hear from viewers all the time people who say they love his preaching style and the way he opens up the word of god and we we we've done it a lot longer than we normally would do series and there's a reason for that pastor lyle because people demand it and they're like we don't care we've seen this series but we want to see it again there's always new viewers of course yes and so thank you for what you do for the cause of god and have done for so many years what a blessing you've been and what a joy to work with you for so many years thank you danny it's been my pleasure certainly god bless 3abn you know it's it's good to see you pastor lyle many people wonder how you're doing so maybe you could just give us a quick summary of how life has been for you you're still obviously love the lord you have a passion for evangelism tell us how you're doing always well both peggy and i are doing very well we're in good health and um got a big yard a beautiful yard here and a beautiful old restored victorian home that tiggy peggy takes care of on the inside i take care of the yard and in addition to that my hobby after i retired has been restoring old cars i love them and i love old people but i just finished restoring i found a 1952 nash rambler two-door hard top oh and i just finished painting and doing the interior on that i love it i finished a 1958 uh pontiac two-door heart pop and then a cadillac convertible just before that wow that keeps me busy and keeps my pants bright colors pastor wow yeah that's great it seems like you're keeping busy and i'm glad you're enjoying hobbies tell us about like revelation insights because you've been involved with 3abn for many many years and of course people love you around the world you've made a difference in so many people's lives but tell us about evangelism and why that beat so strong in your heart well i don't know exactly how else the gospel is going to go to the world unless uh some of us get up shout it out and if we don't do it the rocks are gonna do it i had a lady tell me not long ago she'd rather hear the rocks cry out the deer pastor that's the reason i went to uh walla walla university that's the reason i went to seminary and as soon as i could after graduating i her just a few months and they asked me to be a i'm evangelist in idaho conference i stayed there for about three years and they called us back to the columbia union stayed there three years then to the mid-america union seven years and the southern union for ten years and then at this media center about four years so i've been 62 countries of the world and all of the states except for two or three in new england you know there's the apostle pat paul said jesus doesn't get here soon i have spain in mine so pastor lyle you have preached this gospel of the three angels messages your entire career your whole life has been passionate about sharing jesus with the lost and dying world tell me i know you have taught that jesus was coming soon for many years but what do you see happening now in today's world that tells you that his coming is even nearer than when we first believed well he's ringing the bells everywhere you turn i mean i didn't realize i'd live to see the government telling me what i had to wear when i could go to church and when i could where i could go uh i didn't know that i would live to see the terror in the big cities i'm not so far from portland a bit they're from seattle and those places have become armed camps and my my favorite writer outside the bible said there would come a time to flee the cities i think we're there yeah i know that uh pastor lyle uh you have always proclaimed uh whenever you preach and whenever i watched 3abn and you were on i would sit there and watch it because your approach has not been one that's difficult to follow your approach to the bible and you've had stories that always pertain to what you're talking about but i like the fact that you're saying that uh as hms richards jr said when hms richards died uh somebody said to junior well your dad always ended the program by saying jesus is coming again what do you say and he said i now tell them he's on his way wow so all right you know every one of us has a job to do and i want to just thank you for continuing uh if you like to restore old cars i think there's something you like more than that and seeing lives restored and that's one of the reasons that the lord is going to say well done so thank you for allowing the lord to restore lives through your life thank you very much yeah thank you pastor lau we appreciate again your love for jesus christ your love for others and uh for being willing to be a vessel that god could pour through you know he's made a difference in many people's lives and we say this many times it'll only be in heaven that you truly realize the full impact of your dedication to the lord's work and winning souls for eternity i'd like i'd like very much for you to pray for me because we will in just a few days i'm going to be driving a big diesel potato truck and they'll call me spuds lyle i'm afraid that i don't grind the gears okay pastor johnny uh well pastor lyle this is john dinsey i just wanted to know if you had a message for god's people today what would you tell them well my dear friend chuck fulmore said it in song never give up jesus is coming that's right keep holding on so through the sickness and through the diversities and the financial problems so many people are facing uh a loss of jobs lots of homes keep holding on jesus is coming his promise is sure amen amen amen thank you pastor law for joining us this evening god bless you thank you very much bye-bye bye inspiration isn't it isn't it and see he's doing so well i mean he looks so good health is great and he's working on old cars restoring them john says he also restores through the grace and power of christ humans you know but it's nice that you can he can get to a point in his life where he can you know be able to do something like that and enjoy it you know enjoy the outdoors beautiful place and that's right great great invite individual oh yeah always been a uh literally when you you think of lyle albrecht he he's been so consistent he's never been up and down and around he's always there preaching the message maybe do it in a different way but the same message coming across and it's always been one that jesus is coming soon get ready amen you know we had a camp meeting uh that the three abn can't meet i was i think it was when we did different topics we've had a number of campaigns like three being ten commandments weekend and i remember that weekend my topic was on death and i ended it talking about the coming of jesus and lyle was next and he came out and he said oh my king just preached my entire sermon he said but i have so much more to say so stay tuned because you know death you'd only end on such a terrible note but the first thing he said low mckay just preached my advisor but i have so much more to say i appreciate him always easy to listen to he never comes across plastic or pre-wrapped always historian too oh yeah he knows it's tough he does yeah he loves life can't you see that yeah he just loves people and you know he connects so well with people and i think mr dan you know he's been with three been for so many years he's been on the air for so many years i think about uh pastor um cox yeah yeah he's passed away now but again so many years we still air him but you know it's amazing oh great man you know just so faithful you know to the lord and the calling on their life and i know just for me as a young person it's inspiring because it's like wow god make me faithful like that never wavering sticking to the bible the truth no matter what happens because the end is near we're talking about so camp meeting should we talk about candidates absolutely i'm excited about camp meaning i know pastor john we'll have you share in a moment about because he's our featured speaker turn up the light but this is 3bn's first ever interactive homecoming so this means that we want to encourage you at home to register we already have over 500 people registered but we want to encourage you there is still time for you to register so go to 3abn.tv just our home page 3abn.tv and you can register right now there's a banner on that home page click on that and it will take you to the website threebandcampmeeting.org and you can sign up and you can register for yourself the dates of course are september 23 through 26. can i talk about the schedule let's do it yes yeah i wanted to ask a question we can watch it whether we sign up or not right that is what tell us what the advantage is of signing up thank you you can watch it all the main meetings will be live but if you sign up you will have special you could say behind the scenes access for virtual questions and answers that means that after the sermons you'll be able to send in your questions live chat them into us and we will have the speakers there with a moderator taking your questions and answering your questions we'll also have congregational singing every night and this way you can send in your virtual song requests and have tim parton sing them along with you at home we're going to have some free downloads of cds that you normally have to purchase and they will be available for free a virtual booth the virtual tour of 3abn you can see our studios we're going to have some virtual recipes melody's going to cook some of the food that you would have eaten if you would come to canada so that you could watch that so there's also you won't see that on the regular 3 abn you're basically going to watch that on what your computer or your internet or that is correct you know correct so if you go to 3abn.tv and you register we will send you weekly updates for those who registered we already sent one um this week we're taking those people who signed up for submitting pictures and we're putting your photo in the open for camp meeting and then we will send you a link to the special website for the 3abn homecoming so just before the event you'll get the link and then you'll have full behind the scenes as it were access and you can access everything that's taken place yeah i think the interactive part's the key thing because you know camp meeting dr yvonne right it's a lot of fun to meet the people i mean all of us we enjoy meeting you because you're part of our family well because of covid we can't do that this year so the interactive part that's the key you're going to see the main message on 3abn but then after we go off the air on 3abn there's the interactive part which is online that's what you were talking about mr danny that's the key thing so pastor john just preached a powerful sermon and you're like wow there's a question i want to ask him well you won't get this question on the air over 3abn but on the virtual part which is online you'll be able to ask pastor john and i expect a number of questions we'll be looking through them and asking questions pertaining to the message that you just preached coming from you so that's the interactive part we may not be able to physically hug you or shake your hand but we can at least interact via this chat back and forth so we're going to try this mr danny i mean it's technology and that's a new experience in a number of ways it's a new experience because i've never had to hear what people think immediately after i preach a sabbath sermon i'm a little worried about what they may call in and say that it's a whole new experience for all of us but i'm excited you know again you were talking about technology and god has this in place for us to use satan tries to do all his shenanigans to disrupt us and cause all kinds of issues but god is much more powerful we can use all of this technology to spread the gospel and push satan back you have the schedule yes so it starts wednesday night on the interactive side we're going to start at 6 45 this means if you have registered you can join us for the congregational singing and send in your song request we go live on 3abn at 7 pm that's a welcome in a music hour we're going to have some incredible musicians and singers come in i think reggie and lady love smith might be coming in and big time gene mcdonald singer with the gaithers here we've got beautiful voice beautiful spirit he's going to be here uh also most of we're going to be folk that's here and my daughter melody is coming up from nepal which is good and get to see the grandkids that way too you know oh it's going to be great reggie and lady love they're ready they haven't been traveling much but they're ready to travel some more you know i'm looking forward to it and then at 8 o'clock pastor john lowe mccain will kick it off with the first message called what a time and you can tell us about that in just a moment and then the next message will be pastor kenny shelton the pure marks of truth then that night we will go off the live portion and on the interactive virtual side we'll be having questions your questions from pastor john low mccain or your questions for pastor kenny shelton then the next day thursday we'll go live again thursday night it kicks off with congregational singing again then we have another music hour we're going to hear from shelly quinn thursday night she's presenting the eternal light of humility now you know shelley's had back surgery and shoulder surgery she's been such a journey this year but the lord is going to stand her up to speak to you on that night and we're going to hear from ryan day and his message is a bright light midnight delight that's a mouthful i love bread title i like it then friday night we have another music hour friday night we're going to hear from pastor john lomacan again five minutes to midnight then i'm going to share turn up your faith talk about increasing our faith and the faithfulness of our god amen then of course another virtual question and answer with pastor john and i i missed there was one thursday night as well with shelley and ryan and then of course sabbath is all day we'll be doing the three being sabbath school panel that's with shelly and kenny ryan jason bradley and myself and then we'll be doing live questions and answers for the 3b and sabbath school panel based off of what we're doing danny you're going to speak for church yeah always look forward to it then i don't have a title what's your title do you have a title well i think we're going to talk about the remnant church excellent nice you know signs of their qualities or the remnant church that's wonderful and then after you speak we're going to have live virtual questions and answers that's scary that's what i was saying i may have to put my mask on and run [Laughter] then in the afternoon we have i'm trying to look here oh departmental worship reports updates from our departments here in networks pastor john lowe mccain again what goes up must come down that's a good title i like that then in the evening more music and pastor john will conclude it marked for death or sealed for life okay that's a really good title and we're gonna culminate with an hour of virtual questions and answers with all of the three of you and family and sharing with you yeah right you know i look forward to commenting you know what a time of spiritual revival you know again you know i know that i take for granted uh the spiritual freedom you know the religious freedom that we have you know to be able to openly read the bible i don't know how much longer we have but we know we have today so to be able to uh be together virtually over three abn as well and pastor john to be able to open the word of god what a privilege that is for us to be able to broadcast around the world uh what a privilege pastor john go ahead yeah i wanted to say something about him i guess it's okay and hope he won't get on to me but you were talking about turn up the light you know the theme of this and what we can do is pastor lyles and if we don't cry out nobody else where that's right today i won't go into names or who but you met with the with the senator uh that pastor john had met with numerous pastors but his idea which could be a spark across all america just from one little meeting is that is john tell us about what you want people at first hospitals go oh right we met with more than 40 pastors in the southern illinois area and the lord is amazing how he works as you may remember a little more than a year ago we had some meetings in benton and lord said uh do the meeting so i said what should i do and i did it on end time events at which time i met a pastor who didn't come for the meetings but he came to meet lanny wolfe yeah and the lord got a hold of his heart he introduced me to the senator and we've been meeting almost every wednesday for all that time now today the senator called me yesterday said we're having a meeting with pastors all over southern illinois i'd like you to be on that meeting wow so we asked what would you like us to do differently how are you handling the covet environment and i saw the pictures and faces of pastors i've never met i didn't know any of them and i haven't mentioned that but i noticed there was frustration that we all share can't get together can't fellowship then there was the frustration of people upset about wearing masks not wearing masks those are things that are happening but somebody said actually the senator said i'm so frustrated my dad is 94 years old i haven't seen him since march wow they wouldn't let me into the facility to see him and he teared up his voice got shaky and i felt that i said lord what should we do and i thought about essential services you know some malls are open but in southern illinois we have uh walmarts open liquor stores how does the liquor store become essential yeah if there's anything you don't want people to be are as drunk in the times like these yeah but i said you know let me make a recommendation why don't we uh legislatively i said senator dale fowler why don't you make a recommendation to the senate here to the congress here in illinois and to the governor to make hospital visitation for pastors an essential service isn't that good i said had it not been good praise the lord and he got so excited uh our friendship was a very genuine he got so excited you know he was kind of grabbing for words and he wrote that then i'm going to get on that right away because i said had it not been for the ability to be by the side of people losing hope many people accept jesus at the closing moments of their lives that's right some people knew christ but like the thief on the cross wait till that moment to say i surrender all and i've had many of those experiences so he said as an essential service absolutely pastors should be allowed to be able to be with people before because many of those are on the death beds or dying and they need somebody to help them right you know and lead them to the lord those who aren't christians and bring comfort to those who are because many people are afraid to call and say my mother is sick or my brother is sick because we've known in so many cases the moment you're in the hospital yeah they don't see them until they're wheeled out or carried out yeah yeah and that's an unfortunate thing so great we're praying and i said let it happen here in illinois for the holy spirit inspired let it resonate around the world so at least in our nation praise god for this yeah and it could sweep the nation i was going to say that's the spark that could sweep the nation oh yeah that's fantastic make pastors turn so i was going to ask you pastor why did you pick that for the camp meeting turn up the light turn up i like this turn on the light is turn turn up the light uh years ago i heard this phrase and i always thought it should have been a christian slogan motel 6 said we will leave the light on for you right and i thought why couldn't we come up with that first it was so hard to forget we'll leave the light on for you well we have dedicated ourselves not to turn the light off at all right so to kind of up motel 6 one notch i said not only have we kept the light on but we're not going to turn the light up make it brighter nice and what a time to do that we are living as pastor lyle aubry just talked about who would have imagined 2020 to be what it is everyone as ellen white said in council for the church soon grievous troubles will arise among the nations troubles that will not cease until jesus comes we are there oh yeah we are so 2020 danny and i know and we kind of we like basketball we play it casually because we're too old to play it any other way um when kobe bryant died that shook the nation and many of you may not know who that is a young man who is well known in the basketball world we thought wow what a way to begin 2020 then this unheard of word covid showed up after covert then the racial riots and the the unrest and the and now we're entering into lord have mercy pray for us all in america i am with intrepidation and fear and trembling on my knees saying lord sustain us through november yes because right now we are living in the throes of what could be probably the most divisive time in america so at at no other time and danny and i talked about this actually when when when we talked about uh matter of fact i thank you for suggesting me as the speaker for camp meeting but we i said well what did you have in mind and we talked about on the phone he says you know what john i said danny the world has lost his focus he said you know what what we need right now is a focus on the three angels messages so john are you open to that i said i'm open to that because right now not only is the world dark that's why they're turning up the light but you know what the church is being drawn into this quagmire we are becoming issue oriented forgetting our mission and we could do good things but we could forget the essential things that's right so i've watched a lot of our clergy in our own denomination i was invited to go to an interdenominational meeting in in the state of indiana where they talked about race relations that's a very essential issue the lord wants us all to be united there's no caste or creed differences at the foot of the cross those are important but if we become a socially oriented environment alone we forget that the gospel call is not to reform or fix the world yeah but to but as lyle says fix broken lives that's right and get ready to get out of here that's right and so many people in the evangelical world are getting the word they're trying to get the world ready because of their theological belief that christ is coming back to be on earth for a thousand years why would i want to be on earth for a thousand more years yeah yeah why would anybody want to be yes they forget that jesus said i am coming again to receive you yeah so you know what it's time for the seventh-day adventist church to get some more oil in their lamps yeah why is this important in 1971 i think it was a 77 my wife will remind me of the year the blackout in new york were you in new york in 77 i was okay the great blackout in new york city uh the lights went off and the city melted down into chaos the world is melting down into chaos how does isaiah said it he said arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is reason upon you the focal point of the three angels messages fear god and give glory to him how we're going to do that and in what environment for behold darkness shall cover the earth my brethren the only way you don't know that is if you can't see and i say that respectfully the world is dark everywhere there's fear everywhere people are wondering and i love the fact that covert 19 what next so we can't lose focus you could say we are in trouble but people already know that how do you get out of trouble well the lord is saying to the church arise and shine for your light has come what happens when we turn up the light the gentiles shall come to your light and the kings to the brightness of your rising uh as you may know one of the reasons why i thought we needed a break was i preached 19 weeks in a row that's the longest stint i had and they were all end time messages about apostasy rome babylon really getting a lot of flack about that but you know what people are waking up and people are saying three abn don't back down three abn sharpen the point of your pencil and so they're looking to this network as one that will and i praise the lord for that will never back down from an undiluted yes three angels messages one that will counteract the counterfeit when the lord gave i said to somebody once they said they were comparing ministries and i said they said what's the difference between three a b and other ministries i said well i can't i can't tell you that specifically but one i can tell you is the theme at 3abn has never changed the mission has never changed to preach an undiluted three angels messages one that will counteract the counterfeit so i believe that while the church the world church has embraced it while pastors are now preaching it it's time for us to go back and get in the driver's seat and say here is the three angels amen broadcasting network proclaiming it turning the light up so i'm excited about that the lord impressed me to write a booklet about that and i'm going to now talk about that in a bit too next hour if you want to sure the few days ago jill asked and greg said hey how about a new theme song or intro can you put together something pastors turn up the light i said turn on the light and say don't turn up the lightness okay that's a little bit going to be tougher to write about so i what came to my mind like turn up the light let it shine bright of course as a mediocre songwriter songwriter and i said well how about isaiah 60 maybe you know rise and shine let's get all of that so i got all excited and i sat down and i said boy what do you do if you're a mediocre songwriter and you're really in trouble what do you do you call lanny wolf [Laughter] so i called lanny wolf i said lanny well if you're ready for a little assignment he said sure what do you got and i said we need a little intro about 60 seconds i'll tell you what i got but you finish it so he loves doing that you give him all right co-written with him yes and so i've co-written and he said just give me an idea if you got to tune or melody if not i'll put it on there and so i said i don't have any tune to this don't even have two sentences really together that rhyme that great but this is what we want in the focus and he came up i mean this is really you're going to be singing it yeah did you actually say isaiah 60 yeah yeah wow that's exactly the passage i didn't even know that yeah yeah so that's what we just came from the new intro and so she's going to be singing it we're going to ask you to be on it too and make a little group singing and tim parton arranged it and put it together and i heard it today and i said that that's that's a great intro for this camp meeting amen yeah i agree with that let me add one more thing before i turn it back over to you um you know everyone has received an rsvp at some point in their lives responde civil play please respond i'm not good at french so if i slaughter that how do you say it responded whatever she said yeah that sounds so apropos i don't want to try that nobody ain't nobody foreign but in english it says please respond right the three angel's message is a what rsv no he says he's asking you how to say it again that's right the lord is saying please respond get this now it's not a message to say it sounds good he's saying please respond okay please respond i've got a dinner ready nice i got some mansions built for you i got a beautiful city set for you who could express more love for his church than christ but he's saying please respond and so i'm going to build on that theme please respond yeah praise the lord pastor i like what you said too this is not the time to back down we must press forward i want to just read a couple of these because these are a couple of emails and letters that came in just this week so this is fresh right right this says here what has happened here across this country is astonishing there is truly no safety for anyone and people here are scared fearful and full of stress and it goes to say please don't cut back on the outlets for 3 abn and always re-examine all the programming to make sure it preaches god's love his warnings and counteracts the counterfeits because it's just the beginning jesus is coming soon turn up delight turn up the light this one here is just precious this little note i have recently discovered three abn and find your program spiritual and interesting it is my go-to channel as of today may god bless you all brand new this is this is awesome too recently this came in last night this just came out on the couch with my laptop on my lap working on emails you know trying to catch up from the day and i told greg this just came in right now so i read it to him yes so this is just the beginning sentence here it says recently i have been made aware of the seventh day sabbath which is very clear to me now and it just goes on and on and on pastor i mean we are being encouraged look don't back down preach it preach a preacher there's another one here that they just says preach it praise the lord and i even get emails uh sometimes three ap forwards emails to me yes and in my box there was an email actually a letter and my wife and i the lady didn't have a phone number so we looked it up on the internet because the letter impressed us wow we spoke to a lady we said praise the lord tell us your story we sought her out she says well angie said what church do you attend and we found out she was a lifelong baptist she said but i'll watch 3abn in the morning i watch your abn at noon i watched through abn at night i watched ray been all day yeah she said and i want to tell you it's changing my life all right so as a pastor who knows what the lord's word says i said what do you think about such and such and she says she responded the way that she would normally respond and i said let me tell you what so i sent her some links and i said i'm going to follow up with you in about a week i don't want to give her name i'm going to follow up with you in about a week because she said you know i keep the sabbath now wow i keep it as best i can and um i said praise the lord she said but my you know she talked about her family still goes on sunday and then i was at the hospital i already told you about that where the lady did i tell you the story the nurse asked about what do i do for a living did i say that earlier in the program so the point of the matter is god is saying if you keep your light shining people are going to see it yeah amen but now he's going to increase that the light amen go ahead i was going to say speaking of turning up the light 3abn is turning up the light and the lord has opened up an incredible opportunity for us to bring the undiluted three into his message the first christian channel television channel going into the country of cuba all right and that is 3 abn latino that's going into cuba very first time i mean this is fresh absolutely breaking news there's a lot more information that we're going to be sharing with you but as soon as we're able to share it like pastor johnny we called him what just an hour before the live or maybe a little bit and said let's you be on tonight with us and this is incredible yeah it's amazing what god is doing pastor you were in cuba uh just before coveted you actually had to cut your trip short in cuba because of the covet pandemic but then you were scouting out and seeing what was happening there and it's legitimate we had some meetings but we had a few more to go and what it is uh that cuba it's it's um i'm gonna call it perhaps the the biggest evangelistic breakthrough to preach the gospel in cuba and who knows probably since communism started probably since communism started this is the the best opportunity to preach the gospel uh to reach hundreds of thousands of people the entire country the entire country yes yeah we it's really the entire country it is and let me share how that works right now because the cuban government has control of all the tv channels but there is something called the package that's the way they call it the package because every week in the streets of every city in cuba they are offering programming on a usb drive or a little memory stick if you have a hard drive you can bring that and they will sell you programming that is they have somebody has downloaded the internet um it'd be like movies or different things this is something organized yes the cuban government knows about it and they're okay they're okay with it you know we can only share so much right now about this and so uh we have the opportunity to be the very first christian television channel in that package [Applause] really the people there have no access to cable that's right there's a there's a limited up there are about 12 channels now and but they're all government channels and so literally uh this is a sometimes you call it a golden opportunity this is an opportunity to really impact people's lives because every week people want the package this is how they get their television this is how they get there they watch the government channel but if they don't watch that they watch television by buying a package this little usb drive well yes i have to tell you you know that they repeat on these 12 channels so the package is fresh programming every week is fresh people are looking for the package and it's very affordable see right now people listening to me and whatever country it is they have access to the internet people have streaming boxes people have my sda tv roku and other other systems over there that does not exist because people cannot afford internet internet is available but they cannot afford it because when you talk about the salary of a cuban person is somewhere between 20 to 40 or 60 dollars a month a month so when you talk about internet access there are some packages that cost 20 10 20 30 and 40 cents that's a month salary if you want to eat and have food on your table and whatever the needs of your family is you are not going to get internet now there are some people of course they have family here or in another country they send help to their families and yes some of them can get a few hours of internet a month i mean again we're going to share so much information and so but this is not the average human the average cuban they can afford the package why because it's less than one dollar yeah wow praise the lord and so on and three being latino is going to be carried on this package that's reasonable so every week first christian network that's right ever yes and i have to tell you i don't know if i should share this now i'm not going to share that right okay there is more information because there's a lot of things that are developing because this is really really fresh i mean this stuff is breaking news and we're just praising the lord for what he has done because this is an amazing opportunity that we have to actually support because it does cost 3 abn to put 3a being latino on the package in cuba but we're going forward by faith like you've said mr danny the viewers are 3ab and they're movers and shakers that's right they stand behind evangelistic projects incredible projects and the money will come in to support this we know that absolutely and it costs money everything costs money for us to do it and to get the programming we'll talk about that later what it is but i think this is it's like going to russia in 1992 when there you go ota carter went there in 91 and communism had fallen it seemed impossible people said all this never happened they've been in communism for over 73 years and god opened that door cuba's been less than that maybe 50 years i think or 60. yeah i've come to think of it probably 60 or more because i can remember i'm old enough to remember much of it the 61 missile crisis and all that with castro and kennedy and all of the standoff you know that stuff so but this is an opportunity that absolutely is amazing it's incredible jesus said take the gospel into all the world that's right and so here we go there's a few places in the world that aren't open but because of technology it's getting open whether people or leadership anywhere in the world likes it or not there are ways people can get the gospel and and receiving through incredible technology so this to me johnny thank you for what you don't know it's been a lot of hard work oh yeah now you know if you need some speaker on there miss yvonne speaks good spanish i know that right absolutely and she sings in spanish because we went to puerto rico remember and that's right and she sang and she spoke and then people thought she was from puerto rico we would walk down the street together and they would come up to me and speak in english if they were selling something hey you want to buy such and they just walk over her and start speaking spanish and she would speak back i finally said to somebody does she have a you know does she speak well and they said oh she's not cuban we thought she was cuban so you you're very competitive puerto rico i'm sorry puerto rican puerto rican yeah well praise the lord but what an opportunity this is i mean when just like when you went to russia and people hadn't heard about they they were so hungry to hear about god and now this opportunity has opened up where people are so hungry to hear about the lord and we have we have the programming to do it amen what a blessing it's ready it's ready to go to be in the homes all we need is but you have to be there and you've worked so hard unity i mean for so many years you're there they travel so much of the time it's unbelievable how much they travel they go anywhere they have an opportunity so you're working and it's not just been the last few weeks i mean this has been over a period of time the people that you met you're working with and some of that as you said we can't talk about right now but eventually when you feel it's time to do it so thank you johnny for what you have done and what you're doing for the cause of god and and for the viewers at home we want you to be thinking about praying about it as johnny comes back to us tells us exactly what our needs are what things are going to cost i know something about the three abn viewers when they see something good they see the gospel opening up we all have that go into all the world amen and they they respond no matter where we've gone in the world they have responded and and again back to russia it ended up a few millions of dollars went into the largest protestant facility and all the ex-soviet union still going today still going strong thanks to julia and all the three abn angels we call them over there the angels what a tremendous work millions of people are hearing the gospel in their own language and thousands yeah maybe hundreds of thousands have come to know jesus amen and many many joined the church and that's what's happening with what you're doing and in cuba we expect to see some incredible results the lord is doing great things i have to you know there are some cuban people that we can share information about them that are helping us in this and i can tell you that this is an opportunity not to pass up because you're talking you're talking about getting into a communist country still communist and if we're not there somebody else will that's right that's right so we've got to take this so you just when your time's ready let us know how much it is yvonne and i are going to support that same here too yeah this is exciting what's amazing to me is you think about someone buying this thumb drive this package and maybe they bought it for some type of a sports program or movie but then flipping through the channels of the thumb drive oh three a b and latino that's right yeah that's you know that's the flipping the channels but on the usb it's incredible i'm looking forward to incredible stories that's going to come from this pastor johnny when he presented it to us you know was talking about what a window of opportunity this is and like we cannot like you just said pass this up it's the door that the lord is opening the door yes you know we went there in 2001 yep did an evangelistic campaign with lavos de la esperanza the spanish voice of prophecy that was our first time in cuba and uh people were excited to know what there's a there's a seventh-day adventist television channel the cuban people had no idea and so that's 2001 yeah but uh some of them are hearing what three avian is going to be on the package there's excitement building over there and it's going to be a great blessing many many lives are going to be transformed that's so exciting [Music] and i love it with the package because they can purchase one package but then the next week they can get another package with brand new 3b and latino programming right that's right absolutely every week we are going to have fresh programming on the package and and you know it's it's just it's kind of it's a marvelous marvelous opportunity i don't know how to tell you what a great opportunity this is to bring the gospel to the people yes and again my concern for our viewers if we don't jump on this and really help and support this thing financially other there others will be on that channel that we should be that's that's right we're the first to be on you're saying first christian that's right to be on and so we we don't want to say oh well we can't do our part we can't whatever so i'm going to ask you i don't know maybe you've got something set up but if those of you want to help evangelism in cuba evangelism period you'll be right here we do have something we asked jason bergman our cfo he quickly set something up just before the line okay good ready tonight so if you go online to 3abn.tv click on the donate tab and it's number 338 all donate code 338 and that's for cuba or you can call us right now the call center is open call us at 618-627-4651 that number again is 618-627-4651 and just say yes i want to stand with 3abn and getting the gospel into cuba i want to be part of the first television station the first christian channel there in cuba and you want to help support so just give us a call right now and stand with us on this i know we'll sleep a lot better if we know that you called in tonight you're going to send something because this is too good oh just pass up and we may talk about a little bit again yeah after the this next hour i know you guys are going to are you going to be able to stay or you got to go we're going to be going and we're going to just some others will be taking our seats here and okay hosting the next musical chairs yes we will for sure but pastor just a few seconds let's have a prayer for cuba the prayer request that we mentioned earlier to pastor okay let's pray loving father in heaven we thank you lord for the precious opportunity it is time to turn up the light and that light is jesus thank you we pray and thank you for the opportunities that you plunge in our laps and we thank you that we can move forward knowing that there's nothing impossible the lord moves mountains and moves walls and i pray for the ministry that was talked about tonight and even the walls coming down in cuba yes bless all the efforts thank you but may the end result be many many millions in the kingdom of eternity amen and all the glory going to you and we could sing on that day worthy is the lamb amen we pray in jesus name thank you so much we are going to be going and you'll be hosting the next hour but i just think isaiah 60 arise shine there you go the light has come to the nation of cuba and praise the lord this is great great um danny and yvonne and the rest will be back [Music] hello and welcome back to 3abn today live and what an incredible first hour and uh if you're just joining us shame on you no i'm just kidding we're glad that you are and uh but we've had some exciting news we've added brother ryan day pastor day and of course pastor loma king is still here and of course my beautiful wife yvonne and we were just talking about god opening up cuba and that reminds me so much of russia in 1992 when you were just a baby uh ryan and let's say you were just a baby weren't you i wasn't 92. well the lord oh man that's depressing well you think about this we went on the air in 91 i think it was january maybe of 92. elder carter asked us to go to nizhny novgorod russia and which we had no idea where that was city of three and a half million people 250 miles northeast of moscow and said would you come three a b and join me god has opened the doors to go there and to preach the gospel and this was back and three abm was only about seven years old or so then we went on the air that night and i said how much do we need and it was close to a hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of money went on the air and said russia's opened up we're going over there and that night every bit of the money we needed to go in and to get the hull to rent everything from you the viewers some of you are watching and i know very good well a number of you can remember back to that time back in early 1992 when it may have been late of 91 or early 92 when you sent in your donations thank you so much i think greg and jill marconi they were about this old at the time and greg and and his uh sister i think was selling fruits and berries strawberries or something and and they would give donations to 3 abn when we would start these mission projects and they were young i don't know 10 or 12 whatever that would be 14 years old but they were donating from way back then so tonight we're asking you and we couldn't give the details that's kind of bad but uncertain you have to understand when you're going into certain areas you can't tell but three abn what they just told us is literally the first christian station to go into cuba and we're doing it through a technology the thumb drive that people get their programming on it's absolutely amazing so they've set up a little fund that if you want to help with three abn cuba evangelism please call our number or email us right now it's uh i think they said number 338 just put cuba you can go online you can do paypal you can just let us know hey i'll send a check snail mail many of us still do that we'll send you you know whatever way that you want to do it you can go to our website and it'll tell you how to give to this cuba project we can't let it pass because if we don't come up with the money needed to go there to be able to supply the programming to be able to work with the country there somebody else will other denominations will do it we can't do that we never are called to be the tails we have to be the heads that's right and so this is an incredible time to be alive in the closing moments versus history so i kind of feel like uh russia i feel like india yeah i feel like so many of the places that we've gone to and been able to god has opened the doors whether it's philippines or new guinea and you know places around the world that who would dream that you would ever go to and have opportunities like this but still a communist country that literally right now and so to me it's amazing so sorry if you're just joining us you didn't you hear the rest of the program but i'm still kind of overflowing saying praise the lord what are you thinking right now i'm so excited i could burst i'm so excited because it's such an opportunity you know people are like i said earlier they're hungry for truth and when we have we have the truth we have an opportunity to get into a communist country but the truth i mean that is just you know communism and atheism kind of go together we have an opportunity to share jesus and hope and the beauty of the gospel with people who are in communism they are in bondage what an opportunity and if we don't rally around uh 3abn and do this then someone else is going to do it god has called us to do it absolutely we can do it and our three avian viewers are just so responsive i mean we're banking on you to help do this yvonne and i are going to give definitely absolutely because how could we not you know what an opportunity so sorry we can't give you more details because details mean everything right now and to ensure it but we felt it was time and johnny and greg and jill talked about it and said it's time let's announce it and we'll tell you the details later but we will need your help financially prayerfully any way that you can to help get take this great gospel of the kingdom into all the world and cuba i've been to cuba i went there around 2000 i'm not sure when it was i went over with the mcnealesses mckees and a number of maranatha people and we flew to different places there were churches there that the government had allowed adventist churches so adventists have a good name in cuba because we're not taking things out we're bringing things in including the gospel and they know it but we're not been able to go out and do public you know always public evangelism those type of things but if to have a working relationship with the government they have great respect for seventh-day adventist members in the seventh-day adventist church in the great country of cuba it was a it was great being there brother lyle albrecht said he was restoring old cars and so in cuba when you're flying there they still have at least they did some years ago the moles for a lot of these older cars and uh it was neat flying in and looking at it yeah i was in cuba you have a dodge with a chevy back yeah and four doors yeah and the cars are beautiful pink and orange and blue it's just a nostalgic thing but i was over there ella wilson when maranatha went over elder wilson dedicated one of the seminaries that are being built over there it was a beautiful thing when i came back it was an amazing story i never forget at the custom they said did you bring anything with you because the doors had not been opened to buy anything i said no they said anybody give any gifts said no they said okay go over there and i said but i didn't declare anything so i went over and they said we have to go through your luggage and he said did you declare anything i said no he said don't worry about a pastor you'll be out here in a few minutes and i thought how does he even know and he just opened my suitcase and shut it back and said go he didn't even look he said and then customs welcome back pastor so they know more about us than we think they know but cuba is spiritually ripe right now yeah the adventist church has a good name there yeah absolutely well to the second hour first of all we didn't we were supposed to do this the first hour the coveted book for those of you that have been supporting over six million of these have gone around we'll read you some of the reports at another time i think greg and joe have the good letters filed but people are amazing some of the response that people are getting and the information that they're learning and of course the back page of this has all the ways you can get three abn radio and television and again over six million i think five and a half in english and a half million in spanish and thank you because right now what we're doing i think is 40 cents literally pays for the printing and the shipping of this book now we thought this was and hoped that this book would kind of be past history by this time here in late august but this covet thing keeps hanging on and starting researching and going so if you would like to help and i'm noticing in the finances every day some of you are still giving so we're going to continue we're looking at maybe printing another quarter million half million whatever it's up to you but if you would like these to go to zip codes of your choice wherever literally 40 cents so if you give a hundred dollars i mean that that's a great number of books but you don't have to distribute them because we can't all go out and pass out books so we'll send them to the zip code that you give us so around here it's six two eight nine six so if you give a hundred dollars or a thousand dollars whatever you give we'll send that many books at 40 cents uh so it's for the book and the shipping to the zip code for for that amount so we appreciate you uh when you when you write in or you pay you know through paypal or however you want to do it when you make your donation uh just put covert book and we'll we'll know what it's for so i wanted to get that out of here then also and i'm going to wait just a little bit but i want to talk about and and we're going to hear a lot more about this book pastor loma kang has put together and guess what it's called the three angels messages and it's about a 46 48 page little book this is a little 16 this is like a pamphlet this is actually a little book and it's incredible that we're going to tell you how you can get it and what you can do but this thing we want to make sure by camp meeting you're going to be centering in on this that everybody has them and you're able to get these and they're going to be so reasonable john that that everybody can be able to afford it to put these out so right now well what do we have to do when when we can't go out in the government and we don't blame them for saying you can't go out and go face to face we've got to shut everything down we got to turn up the light right pastor john turn up the light you know very quickly danny you can do it just like this i called pacific press today and they said they could have i i mentioned in a certain amount they could have them here before camp meetings so by camp meeting we'll be able to start offering the books then okay wonderful we'll talk more about it now tonight we're going to be talking about the end times signs of the times and so what better time in earth's history when we look around us yvonne just we haven't planned this tell me you and i we try to watch a little bit of the news it's pretty depressing but we don't try to watch one channel so we'll watch a little bit of cnn then that's about all i can take so then i watch fox and you can only take so much of that you can only take so much msnbc you can only take i don't care what channel you turn on everybody's got their own slant everybody's got their own agenda yeah and some of us tend to lean with one agenda and some with another so we're more open-minded to that but when we watch the news where do you see us in the closing moments of earth's history and the image of daniel coming coming down i think we're in the toenails i think i think we're in the toe jam [Laughter] i mean really it's it's so amazing to me you know when when i was growing up i would hear about what was going to happen at the end what some of the things that were going to happen the cashless society things like that and and then then you look now and you see these things are happening right now before your very eyes things that you wondered about looking at our cities crumbling before our very eyes all around the country our major cities have all these all the stuff going on and it's like lord you can just see there is such turmoil there's turmoil going on and it's nation against nation ethnos against ethnos ethnic groups against ethnic groups division polarization i've never seen america so divided as we are right now that's right i mean across all lines whether it's class whether it's race whether it's politics whether no matter what it is there's so much division and god has not called us to be divided we should be united but we can't be we have to be united in truth and that's that's right what's going on pastor john said it in really good the second hour if i can paraphrase social justice is good but that's not the everything the cure-all is jesus that's right and so our we we can't cure everything on this this world and everything that we do is not gonna should we as christians do we care about others of course we do do we support people who are downtrodden absolutely we do do we make social justice our god absolutely not so our god is our god it's our creator god and so the focus of the church today is to is to to draw people to to lead people and of course the holy spirit does it but he uses frail human agents like this to the foot of the cross because the answers lie there not in all the things that we do and say and and a lot of it's good stuff and people as far as protesters go everybody has a right and being in america we have a right to do that so we're fine with people protesting so that's great because in countries like cuba and china places you can't do those things but i'm always so amazed brother dave because some of the people that are advocating who are out there in the streets doing things are advocating going socialism communism marxism and you're saying wait a minute if that was if you take to there you won't be able to do anything so they'll take everything you have right we have we don't want to have that's right so how many people do you see trying to break how many americans do you see trying to break into communism countries like china to break in and go go illegally into there there's a reason why we don't because people want to come here why because the great nation it is perfect absolutely not do we need to make a lot of changes absolutely yes but keeping john kind of the way it stuck with me that the focus is jesus christ you lead people to the cross that's right the only one that can make the change you can't even legislate morality thank you you can make a law but you can't change the human rights that's right and that's where the change really comes in that's why we have to focus as we talk about signs at the end we've talked about this before but tonight we're going to dive in a little bit more and i'll talk about five unobvious signs but yeah the change comes when we get to the foot of the cross every and pray for america right now because it needs you know uh uh righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to anyone's god and this nation needs leadership first from above as i've said so many times it's not the white house it's the right house absolutely and it's the church that people should be looking to right now we can never expect a a government of any nation to everybody to look to that for all the answers it's never going to have never going to happen never happened before well what we you know we as a church rise and shine now is the time that's what we're talking about rise up show a unity show a togetherness that what can happen under the blood of jesus christ amen so that's our great go ahead right no i was gonna let you finish i'm sorry i just wanted to i just wanted to share this this scripture that we can work off of romans 13 11. okay and do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light turn up the light come on let us walk properly as in the day not in revelry and drunkenness not in lewdness and lust not in strife and envy but put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust amen that's right so why don't we do this why don't we we're going to ask you to get your bibles at home your ipads whatever you do your phones whatever you want to want to do to go to the bible but we're going to have a prayer i'm going to ask you to say a prayer sure and then brother dave we're going to turn this over to you so we're talking about the end times but signs of the times what are some of this and right now if we don't if we're not seeing some of these and we're christians then we need to be awakened yes it's time to wake up we need to wake up but why don't you pray we'll ask for the anointing of the holy spirit yes yes father god we just praise your name right now we thank you for the privilege of opening up your word and we just ask that your spirit will be with us to guide us and lead us into all truth lord we know that we are in at the end of time and we just pray that we will wake up so fill us tonight with your spirit let your spirit be in this room with us we pray in jesus name amen amen amen amen signs of the times this is uh this is a very broad topic yeah so little time to talk about so much but uh but i think we can hit some high points and some major points that are very very imperative to cover for such a time as this you know i'm on my social media not all the time but sometimes i'll scan through and i'm starting to see pastor as i'm sure you have as well and many of us have we're starting to see people are becoming more and more interested and may not understand things but they're becoming more interested in spiritual things they're becoming more interested in is it possible that this bible that this word of god that people have been telling me about for all these years actually contain the answers or told told us something long ago about the things that are happening now and when we think about these great signs of the times that would uh that jesus spoke about um our attention is usually drawn to a few chapters in bible prophecy of course matthew chapter 24 probably the most famous that great olivet discourse which is also a mirrored or or paralleled also in mark chapter 13 aspects of luke 17 and also luke chapter 21. but i just want to start kind of just i just want to begin with matthew 24. as i was looking into this and i've studied this many times over the years and my numbers may not even be completely accurate but as i was counting through these i found i counted up to 22 signs just in matthew 24 alone most of which have already been fulfilled okay and that's that's powerful um but many of these have a dual meaning and i'm just going to list a few here and i know pastor's probably going to go back through and and hone in on a few of these also but it's interesting how jesus sets this up because he's coming out of the temple in the latter verses of uh right there in the beginning of matthew 24 and he's coming out of the temple in matthew 23 where he just has this spiritual duel with the pharisees and he tells us disciples you look at the buildings look at look at this temple look how beautiful it is or the disciples are saying this jesus jesus look out look how beautiful the temple is in the buildings and jesus turns to them and says there's coming a day when not one of these stones will be left upon another well this is this to you and me we just kind of look at that from our western cultural mindset and go oh yeah that's about it's interesting from them jesus just destroyed their whole spiritual world because the epicenter of jerusalem was this temple and jesus just told them it's going to be destroyed and so the bible says that they go privately to the top of the mount of olives and jesus sits down with them and he means to tell them about what is to come to pass and the signs that will set us up to to receive the second coming of jesus and it's interesting how he starts this out very first words you know we're we're taught as in hermeneutics and and homolytics classes how and how we're how we're preparing sermons that you know you really want to get a good attention getter your introduction should be a powerful one because you want to you want people to stay with you jesus's introduction to this is quite interesting his first word says take heed that no man no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many and you will see this aspect this deceptive content come back up three and four times just in matthew 24. it also repeats itself in mark 13 and luke 21 as well and he goes on to talk about that there will be wars and rumors of wars that is verse six in verse seven nations will rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms i'm just giving an overview here and there will be famines verse seven pestilences okay we're seeing that right exactly and then it goes continues in verse seven and earthquakes in various places we've seen all these things now here's where it gets interesting verse 8 is always fascinating to me it's almost like he starts getting the will going there's going to be this there's going to be this happen this is going to occur this is going to occur and he's giving the list and then right there amongst all of this he says all these are the beginning of sorrows that's right so it's interesting when you're looking at this list most people will go through this list and go well there's always been famines there's always been pestilences there's always been earthquakes there's always been wars and rumors of wars there i mean for thousands and thousands even what makes this a sign of jesus coming of course there's always been this but the key is verse 8 to really understanding and amplifying all that these signs are about he says all of these are the beginning of sorrows and in the original greek here it's the same word that we find over in first thessalonians chapter 5 when paul says these words okay i'm just going to highlight this and then i'm going to pass it to pastor loma king to take us a little further first thessalonians chapter five verses one through three notice what paul says here he says but concerning the times and seasons brethren right jesus was talking about the times and seasons the signs of the times right he says concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night you're going to see jesus refer to his coming as a thief in the night but notice verse 3 he says for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as and what's that next word labor labor that's the same greek word used for sorrows in fact other translations over in matthew 24 verse 8 it says and these are the beginning of birth pangs so what is this telling us there's always been earthquakes there's always been pestilences there's always been famines there's always been wars and rumors of wars and nations against nations and we can go on and list them all which we're going to go a little deeper but i think what jesus is emphasizing here as what paul is emphasizing is they're likening these signs and the significance of these signs that precede christ's coming they're liking them to birth pangs now i can't speak on birth pangs for obvious reasons but miss yvonne yeah you've had a child okay i'm familiar with it because i have ladies in my family whom i've been to the hospital with during times that they've been laboring and having children and there's always that first moment where you know the water breaks and then there comes that first contraction right and it's just kind of like real quick oh and then some time passes right but then comes the second contraction and what's different about the second contraction than the first a bit more intense it's a little bit more intense right but here's what's interesting when the third one comes the third one's more intense but when you start counting the interval of time between the first and the second and the second and the third and the third and the fourth as you progress along through those birth pains they get shorter in time interval in other words they start happening more frequent and they get more and more and more intense that's good i wanted to start there to kind of kind of set us up because many of these signs that we're going to continue to talk about we need to understand that what the major difference is is jesus is not saying that these are just new things that are happening some of them are new but we need to understand what we're seeing different than any other generation any other time before us is that these things are happening at rates and intensities like no other time before us and jesus is just like ringing the bell saying wake up because i'm coming soon oh that's good before you go farther we were talking about cuba asking you to support i should have asked the production to put a little crawl on the bottom of the screen that says cuba evangelism we're asking you three abn is the first christian station network to be able to get into cuba we need your help so right now somebody called in from sacramento for cuba five thousand dollars donation praise the lord for that praise the lord and here we go it says caller is 95 years old and mailing in a thousand dollars for cuba she says three abners are everything amen thank you so much for what you're doing others of you right now uh hopefully we could see a hundred thousand dollars come in before this i know we only have 30 some minutes and we didn't talk about it a lot the first hour but of course you can continue to give after the program is over go to paypal write a check to 3abn however you normally pay your bills you can do it that way and so just say hey it's a donation i want to support the work of evangelism in the great nation of cuba we can't lose this opportunity to be the first and only right now yes christian network amen in cuba that i mean that's just that that is huge greg said earlier if there were breaking news on there it would be breaking news but so we want you to call in if you're going to send something even call in or email us right now and let us know hey we're going to be sending x amount of dollars if you want to pray about it that's okay you can do it over the weekend next week but let's make it pray and ask the lord what he'd have you do and please the bible says whatever you do do quickly so we'll ask you to do that so if you want to support cuba let us know about it tonight thank you go ahead pastor thank you ryan for setting the stage well i love the illustration of the pregnant woman i did a sermon about that but let me begin by saying the world is pregnant and you can't ignore the birth pain that's right any woman that has ignored the birth pangs i want don't miss this her bags were not packed for the delivery oh that's right okay that's right you know at some point you got to have that bag packed that's right because you're going to just say let's go right the bags the lord is saying pack your bags take notice of the birth pangs okay because they're getting shorter and shorter wonderful illustration that was great for a guy that never had a baby that was perfectly set up but the setup was perfect because this is what we're talking about not that these things haven't happened she was agreeing with him though that's right that's right it's great and as we see these things coming closer and closer so as i as you set the stage what i'm saying is how i know it's the last days because of my first indication of the end of time is the rejection of evidence the rejection of evidence you know in a court case if they reject evidence you can never come to a conclusion the rejection of evidence doesn't mean that the woman is not pregnant that's right the husband might say you ain't pregnant you say well you sit there and keep saying that we were delivering the baby right here that's right the point of the fact is the rejection of evidence if you're watching tonight or listening tonight i must say listening my wife works for radio and you see the world that we're in today this 2020 world we worked up to all the birth pains got us to this place what is amazing about it didn't catch god by surprise he said if you haven't noticed anything yet if all the birth pangs haven't caught you yet here you are now an environment where you can't really think about going to school universities that open are closing the world where the numbers went down the numbers are going back up there's no certainty in the world at all the only certainty we have is the acceptance of the evidence that's right but how do we know where in the last days one rejection of evidence second peter 3 verse 3 and 4 peter said it knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days people are saying we have more atheists i did this i did this research on the internet it's a great gateway but we have more atheists we have more agnostics we have more young people today claiming to be atheists that don't even know what atheism is but we are living in a godless society that's right and this is the generation z the i generation how amazing it is ipad ipod i yeah so they're so eye-centered like lucifer he has conditioned this generation to reject the evidence that's the first one the rejection of evidence is indicators that we're living in the last days because peter said they will come walking according to their own lust saying where is his promise for since the fathers fell asleep all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation now you know even if you're not religious you know that the world is not the way it was even last year let alone creation that's right so the rejection of evidence is the first thing that tells me we're living in the last days but don't forget this in yet a little while he that shall come will come and will not tarry that's the first one the second one is legislated immorality legislated legislated immorality legislative immorality there was a time when we thought that the family was safe or that the marriage was safe right or that the marriage institution was safe but now it's gotten to the point where even though we believe in freedoms everybody has a right to do what they want like the guy that you can drink if you want smoke marijuana if you want even though it's legal we are seeing immoral things being legislated but because it's legislated it doesn't make it acceptable in the eyes of god right sodom was a legislated community its way of life was legislated when immorality becomes legislated the bible says as it was in the days of lot that's how it's going to be in the days of the coming of the son of man rejection of evidence and legislated immorality legislated here in america sex marriage but do you know that america abortion killing babies but do you know that america was one of the last ones to get on board i did the research we wanted the last nations to get on board legalizing same-sex marriage and in america and around the world the taking of babies lives at the as though there's some kind of byproduct has been happening not just for decades but for long periods of time america is a new nation it was remember now go all the way back to egypt pharaoh said kill those babies that's right pharaoh was one of the first legislators of abortion yeah kill those kids so that they cannot become a part of a nation that's growing too great for us to control so those two things the rejection of evidence and the legislation of immorality keep this in mind the lord is saying when you see how it was in lots a day don't ignore the evidence because the birth pangs can only last so long because the bible says at such an hour as you think not and yvonne is a mom of two sons you know the doctor may say well you might have the baby on this date or that date but only the lord knows the day no man knows the day nor the hour the best thing to do accept the evidence and don't fall into the cauldron of accepting legislated immorality okay that's right that's right yeah no i just want to kind of piggyback off what you just said the rejection of evidence there's a reason for that and it's actually found right here in these signs right here in matthew 24 all of this it it's powerful to know that you can read god's word and christ told us thousands of years ago that this is going to happen that's right so that we wouldn't be confused that's why i love that scripture in first corinthians 14 god is not the author of confusion he's put everything out there and what's amazing is at the end of time there's going to be people that completely rejected the truth completely rejected their belief or a belief that there is a god but yet befo as christ is coming in the clouds they're going god they're going to see that god provided every evidence for them to believe to destroy every every aspect so that they would not uh be an unbeliever right and so it's interesting that right here in verse 11 of matthew 24 then many false prophets will arise and deceive many that's another one you see we go through many when we think of the signs of the times we think of the physical stuff like the you know the distress of nations and you know the roaring of the ways as luke 21 talks about and you know the signs and the sun and the moon and the stars and all of those things are definitely right there and they are very much signs of the times but it's interesting that those are the very physical but many people are not able to see the the spiritual the some of the some of these major signs of the times is the spiritual degradation people's lack of believing as pastor pointed out beautifully the lack of believing in the truth that has been given and the devil has set up as i mentioned at the beginning of this that many times just in matthew 24 alone we see this aspect coming up of you know false christ you know being deceived right there i think it is also in verse um verse eight excuse me verse 23 then if anyone uh says to you look here is christ and do not believe it talking about false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible get this the very elect and it's interesting that we know that god's true remnant people will not be deceived in the last days that's right because they're sealed but there are people in the church danny and we know this we read it in the word of god there are people in the church who are claiming the name of jesus who are going through the motions they're members of the church they might even return tie they may be a deak or an elder in a church they're they're going through the motions of what they believe christianity to be but they're missing that relationship factor and these are the people that jesus are warning he said in fact right here he says he note that i have told you this beforehand that's what he says and so it's interesting that jesus said it paul says it luke said it james said it john says it over in the book of first first and second john and also uh first john chapter four you know i write this unto you brothers and sisters to know of those who are trying to deceive you so it's all about the deceptive factor and what's interesting to me is playing on that note there taking what i just said about the deceptive factor when you go on in the bible there are other signs mentioned in other passages other than matthew 24 mark 13. for instance first timothy chapter four verses one and two it says now the spirit expressly says that in latter times speaking of our times some will depart from the faith giving he to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons i had a brother tell me one day says oh it doesn't matter about the doctrines just love jesus doctrines don't matter but we see this emphasis all through the bible that the doctrines may not in and of themselves save us but the doctrines point us to the savior and by rejecting the doctrines rejecting the truth you're ultimately rejecting the savior and that's why it says here deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own conscious conscience seared with a hot iron and so when we read the word of god we see very clearly even over there in second thessalonians chapter two this is a big one this is a big one second thessalonians chapter two and then i'm gonna toss the ball back to pastor loman king here second thessalonians chapter two notice what paul writes again same same concept that john is saying that peter's saying that james is saying that jesus is saying notice what paul says here he starts this off with in verse three second thessalonians chapter two verse three he says let no one deceive you by any means why for that day which day the coming of the lord if you read the first and second thessalonians did you know the the very context of almost all of the content there is within the context of the second coming of jesus so that day referring to the second coming of jesus will not come unless notice this danny a falling away comes first and in the original greek here the word for falling away is a greek word pronounced apostasy and it means to turn away from the truth to divorce that's right and i heard i heard a minister one time make this good point and it's a it's a simple but a valid point you cannot divorce yourself from someone whom you weren't married to right now that lifts the bar because what we're talking about here is people who once knew jesus who once were married to jesus but things are going to get so bad that one of the signs of the times that that that is a precursor to the second coming of jesus is that there's going to be a great falling away a great apostasy to take place within christianity and which people who once knew jesus are going to turn away from the truth they're going to divorce themselves from jesus all the while danny believing that they're married to jesus yeah you know i was just thinking it'd be in the next couple months 36 years since i was impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with an undiluted three angels message is one that would counteract the counterfeit at that time i didn't really know what that meant i was seventh-day adventist christian i was born and raised in the church but i could argue the sabbath i'm using that word argue you know since i was a kid the state of the dead different but as far as the three angels messages i couldn't point blank goal so here i am all of a sudden an undiluted three angels messages so it didn't really make sense to me but i did know it wasn't me thinking that because i wouldn't my mind wouldn't go that way see what i'm saying but it didn't occur to me too many years later and even much later and undiluted three angels messages means there are people to me now giving the three angels messages but they're diluted the message is so it's preaching with two within the church not necessarily outside because we always think we got to tell the world that's right but right now we're so messed up the church is so convoluted we're so divided that's right that right now we got people that are we believe we're the very lack we're standing up and standing with organizations that have nothing to do with christianity and say everything against it and yet we're we're seventh avenues we preach the three angels messages we we do all these things and yet right we're the ones that great falling away so right now is when we have to get back what is the undiluted three angels messages john said earlier the message has stayed the same people and players as you say come and go but 3a being over 36 years nearly 36 years the message has stayed the same because that's the message the lord told us to give so now i see that if the lord is coming back for a purified bride and purified church if he came today would we be ready as a church have we made an impact on the world with all the technology that he's given us well we can't if we're so busy uh arguing with ourselves on whether it's doctrine racial whatever differences things that divide us rather than the things that bring us together and that's the blood of christ so right now there needs to be a great time in this camp meeting we're praying pastor as you give the undiluted three angels messages in your book that it's going to be a great time of revival and reformation yes there'll be a falling away but the true church the remnants of people of god will stand up they will rise and shine and the earth will be lightened with the glory of god that's right as those who profess and really accept jesus christ as lord and savior we're not drawn this way we're not drawn that way that's right because we're focused on the message that god has given us and ryan when you mention the falling away beautiful set up because you can't fall away from something that you are not dedicated or in an allegiance to you can't be divorced from whom you were never married that's right the falling away we think about it is applying to the world no that passage is to the thessalonians that's to the christian church so before we have revival and reformation danny the church is going to go through a shaking that's right a sifting so right now the lord is saying as the as uh i think it's in chronicles of the lord the eyes of the lord roam to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to him so he's looking for somebody who's loyal to me so right now in this environment where everybody's calling and texting you and sending you emails and sending you political propaganda for your loyalty to them that's right be loyal to christ amen that's right because the only one that's going to pull us through and i reiterate this i'm not saying that as an american or as a citizen you can't participate in the political process but when that becomes higher than the religious commission you've lost focus that's right and we're we're we're thinking how many persons we're on our way to 46. which which 40 20 34 which one has brought the hope in any of their messages only one he's before all of them he'll be after all of them which now leads me to say a segue right into this after you talk about the birth pangs and and the kind of environment not only is there a rejection of evidence and also secondly the one i pointed out legislated immorality but here's the other one number three is orchestrated degradation orchestrated degradation now this one the first one legislative immorality refers to what the world is doing orchestrated degradation refers to what the church is doing here's first john chapter 3 verse 19 this does not apply to the world alone this applies specifically to christendom did you say first john john chapter 3 verse 19. john 3 verse 9 orchestrated degradation jesus said and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil evil now we could easily say well the world loves darkness but i'm telling you we're living in a society today where the church loves darkness that's right you try to tell somebody about the truth and i'm so i praise the lord danny when i get phone calls and letters from people that are watching through abn they're not adventists believe me that's an opportunity i can't pass up and i cannot allow myself to talk to anybody like that without saying you know they say well i love the lord anyhow i said well now wait a minute wait a minute i can't let that go i said i know you love the lord that's why the lord brought you to three abn at this time that's right and get them to the place where they could hear the truth on the plane wherever i go i have something to make sure because in this age where the church is rejecting truth that's another sign sign number four the rejection of truth orchestrated degradation there are people that are preaching today love the lord give them your life but when the light comes that is the truth of god's word they reject the truth and they say all we got to do is love the lord i'll tell you the story again if you missed the first hour a lady said she'd been asking her pastor for many many years about the sabbath and when my wife and i were in the hospital she says now um what do you do for a living i said i'm a pastor she asked me well tell me about the sabbath because i asked my pastor and he said saturday is a sabbath but we go on sunday and she said that just doesn't sit with me can you tell me and praise the lord telling me to do that it's like saying sick them to it you're right and she kept asking questions and praise the lord he used that opportunity to open her eyes and i gave her the booklet gave it to three b a magazine she said you're the first pastor that gave me a legitimate bible-based answer because the leaders today that they know the light but they are saying we would rather and here's where i'm going to go with this we are now living on the plain of dura in babylon that's right and so many christians want to bow to the music rather than allegiance to the message christianity christian music is beautiful but i want to point this out again we're living in a day and age where we have more christian music than ever before more bibles than ever before more churches than ever before but people rather the paraphernalia than the person of christ degraded orchestrated degradation rejection of truth and i have one more and i'm going to turn it back over to ryan because i know the time is coming down on us but keep this in mind and all of that the lord jesus has not lost his focus what has he said other sheep i have that are not of this fold them also i must bring that's why danny and yvonne and ryan and those of you watching and listening we've got to proclaim turn up the light that's right keep proclaiming the three ages of messages keep repeating the signs sometimes people miss it the first time but they get it eventually you gotta keep saying the same thing until they get it here's some more folk turning up the light here four thousand dollars from uh columbus uh georgia from new york and uh this one doesn't say where but sending a thousand dollars so we can go home it says and so amen thank you so much this is for cuba so please ask the lord what he would have you to do for cuba evangelism let us know what you can go to paypal go to our three abn website when you go there open up in cuba and it'll tell you how you can donate but if you want to let us know what you're doing i'm going to sleep better tonight now that i see that our people are willing to turn on the light yeah and so i'd like to turn on some more so i can turn off the light tonight sleep but i know that you're going to come through because this is an incredible opportunity the first christian station in cuba incredible amount of people there that literally for 50 60 years have not been able to watch amen you know that's right listen to the gospel for all these years 35 years not been able to to to literally watch it and now they're going to be able to watch 3a being latino that great nation we've got about 10 more minutes ryan you have one i have one more afternoon okay all right you know i just we're living in interesting times we we we're the current times that we're living in we're seeing exactly what luke wrote in luke chapter 21 when he talked about men's hearts failing them for fear for fear even the toughest person in the world many of those people you see storming the streets looting beating people in the streets all the horrible things that we're seeing those people their hearts are failing them for fear fear of the unknown fear of what is coming next what is going to happen and i got to get mine that's all it's about i got to get mine it's pastor brother we live in the age of i i i i but it's it's no wonder that we read right there in matthew 24 verse 12 i believe it is where it says that the love of many will wax coal due to lawlessness rejecting of god's law rejecting of the truth the truth of god's word ultimately and paul gives us an interesting list in second timothy chapter three yes he does ii timothy chapter three verses one through five i'm not going to read that entire list but he talks about you know men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud disobedient to parents and there's this long list but it's interesting when you get to verse five he says having a form of godliness yes but denying its power yes but denying it what power we're told that the spirit of the lord is going to be withdrawn from this planet in the last days and i think we're seeing that we're seeing the evidence of that the spirit of the lord is being swiftly withdrawn from this planet because more and more men are rejecting the power of god's spirit in their life that's why paul wrote in second timothy chapter four verses two through four preach the word that's right talk about turn up the light amen thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path paul and i could just hear cd brook's voice just screaming from the mountaintops preach the word you know be instant in season and out of season convince rebuke exhort with all long-suffering why because the time will come and here we are the time will come we will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own lust and desires having itching ears they will turn their ears away from the truth get into the word right right get into the word because getting into the word you introduce yourself of the god of the word and the god of the word holds all the answers somebody else turning up the light another five thousand dollars georgia again so georgia is turning up the light tonight we're getting several from another 5 000 for cuba evangelism thank you so much for what you're doing for the cause of god this is an incredible opportunity i want to say quickly has anybody noticed the difference you see god usually at least my studies what i've seen i could be wrong but an individual in a nation can do something we're all sinners and we do things god doesn't forsake his holy spirit doesn't leave the nation but when we as a nation stand up when our supreme court says to god that's right we don't agree with your with with man and woman you know one man one woman in marriage and when the supreme court of the united states makes that law to me it's no different than national sunday law that's right because god established two things at creation the the the sabbath and matrimony right the holy that's essentially what happened to israel israel they forsook the lord yeah they had all went into all these apostasies and god had to evacuate his own temple so has anybody seen we've lived long enough in the last five years morally this nation compared to maybe gradually going down over the last 50 years i've never seen you talk about lawlessness so as individuals there's always been lawlessness there's always been people stealing always been people burning been looting but it's when your leaders whether they're the mayors or the state representatives or the government officials are saying well we're not going to do anything to those folks there now that takes it to another level wait a minute there's no lawlessness right here in the united states of america we're not gonna if you arrest you we're not gonna set a bail we're just gonna let you go i mean all of these things that are happening i have to think it's our stance against god literally looking at god and saying we don't want you we're no longer we're setting our own rules we're making our own laws and so when we do that we become lawless when it comes to god's laws lawlessness prevails it's it's an unbelievable situation when it says wrong seems right and right seems wrong i never i was like pastor lyle i never dreamed i would live long enough to see this happen especially so quickly and i know you don't either because we've talked about it it's how quickly things are going so birth pains brother and the reason why it's happening in america is because we have to say this tonight america is a central hub in the last movements which takes me to my last sign this is the dismantling of protestantism where protestantism is gone it's now evangelical yeah why evangelical because evangelicalism has taken on a dominionistic approach evangelicals are no longer protesting tony palmer said the protest is over that's right tony palmer who was a who who was a a representative of pope francis came to a large evangelical meeting led up by kenneth copeland he said the protest is over so if there are no is there no more protests there are no more protestants and kenneth copeland said do you mean that for the last 500 years we've been known as protesters i try to even say it the way he said it and i'm trying i'm not trying to belittle this because it's very important that's right we will protest era every day that's right he made it appear as though only one thing was what martin luther protested against martin luther had 95 reasons to stand up against rome martin luther stood up against the false teachings of what they believed about death and righteousness by faith and a number of other things 93 more things protestantism is being dismantled because ellen white says when protestants will stretch their hand across the gulf to clasp hands with rome listen to the leaders of the great churches in america rick warren said we have more in common than with rome with rome than any any other time these are the moral leaders of these churches so we talk about the degradation of morality when the church you talk about dark now i tell you danny's been dark for a long time it's just falling everything is falling together the final movements will be rapid so my brethren when protestantism is out and evangelicalism is in it becomes no longer god's agenda and i'm going to be very clear tonight the church has the church has rejected god's agenda and has now taken up a political agenda that's right that's what's happening to the church of the world we've got to get back to god's agenda and reject the political agenda absolutely somebody else turning up the light another thousand dollars for uh cuba praise the lord for that we got to go off in just a few moments but please continue to call email us whatever you want to do go to paypal go to the three abm website look up cuba what a great opportunity to take this gospel of the kingdom into the three angels messages into cuba john we're going to mourn another time and at camp meetings i want to make sure maybe we can do some air time between now and then so people know how to get this book this needs to get everywhere there's every time that people needs to know about the three angels messages it's now and so this book we will encourage you so we'll give you more details i know you're working with pacific press they've about got them ready to to put them out there yvonne we've got a couple minutes left give us your some closing thoughts here well i was just thinking while you all were talking about deception and how there's so much deception going on that as you say all the time honey satan doesn't care what side of the boat you fall out on as long as you fall out of the boat that's right and you cannot be deceived if you know the true that's right when you're learning about dollar bills you have to learn the true before you can know the counterfeit that's right so we have to be in the word to know the truth so that we are not deceived because we could be deceived if we don't know the truth that's right she's just written a book we've talked for another time but on the names of god it's incredible on the names of god but she's also working on one called seduced by culture seduced by culture and that fits all of us doesn't make any difference for black white you're asian you you name it it all of us when we really have to look at ourselves to say why do we do what we do and sometimes culture trumps excuse that word but trump's culture trumps our spiritual life our religion don't anybody say i'm talking politics understand what i'm talking about so we have to re really look at ourselves so we look forward to that coming out before too long too so hey our time is just about all gone and so uh pastor would you um we've got 45 seconds can you say a closing prayer loving father in heaven it is such a blessing to know that the light is not off in heaven and you're now pouring resources into the earth to turn up the light in this hour of descending darkness moral corruption rejection of truth rejection of evidence father give us the wisdom and the resources to turn up the light that the truth of christ may be seen and that jesus may be accepted and people in the earth may be saved we pray in jesus name amen amen amen all right amen well thank you again for joining us and thank you for your love and prayers and financial support please remember cuba evangelism also our time is all gone for this evening until we see you next time may the lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask or think [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 69,607
Rating: 4.7964692 out of 5
Keywords: End-Time Events, 3ABN Today Live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 1sec (6961 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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