3ABN New Year’s Eve Live!

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i want to spend my night mending broken people [Music] lord let my word [Music] [Music] mending broken people i wanna spend my life meeting broken people welcome to our special new year's eve live program it's a live program as you can obviously tell and so this is not pre-recorded and we're so glad that you have joined us this evening what a blessing you know i tell you as i think about the year 2020 what an incredible year it's been and we want to say thank you for being part of our family i tell you without you and of course the lord jesus christ we wouldn't be here and actually as i was thinking about this earlier it actually brought tears to my eyes to think about this year that we've been through that you've been through you know we receive letters here on a daily basis and unfortunately many of you have sent us a letter saying my spouse my loved one my family member has passed away because of coven a lot of sadness this year but you know what god is good we have made it and we are absolutely praising the lord when coveted hit and we heard about this worldwide pandemic when was that february we were hearing about it before then but we really started to notice it here i'm just telling you i begin to wonder a little bit humanly i shouldn't be thinking humanly i should be thinking spiritually but i began to worry just a little bit but you know what god is faithful three admin is right here right now broadcasting around the world sharing the good news of jesus christ faith hope is just infiltrating the world and we're so thankful for your support of the ministry of 3abn this is going to be a three-hour live it's going to be packed full you're going to be sharing the lineup with us is what's happened tonight there's going to be a lot of moving parts and pieces this evening i'm so excited because we get to bring in the new year with you you're our three band family we get to share what god has done is doing and is going to do in the future with the ministry of 3abn there's incredible plans incredible opportunities for evangelism we're going to skype in with some incredible people who are going to share what the ministry of caribbean has done in their lives we're going to hear from david and beverly ortiz the denzis will be with us we have two empty chairs we have two empty chairs i think jd and shelly quinn will be here later and pastor john and angie lomacain maybe kenny and chris we're going to get some music from tim and ryan i think we might hear from lemio vega with christmas behind bars jason and francine and amanda will be with us have i forgotten jason bradley thank you we have a whole lineup of people and we are excited just to bring in the new year with you as our 3abn family we want to remind you this is a live program so tonight you can text in your prayer requests or your praises or you can call the old-fashioned way the number at 3abn is 618 620 or you can text i see that's on the screen right now you can text your prayer requests or your appraisal reports what god has done or is doing in your life right now just text us at 618-228-3975 that number again is 618-228-3975 or you can always give us a call here at 3abn with your praise report or prayer request they will bring them on the set and we're going to read them tonight absolutely and before we introduce our other family members that are here sitting with us i want to just mention this you know tonight we're here to praise the lord and we know that you have many praise reports on your heart and prayer requests and as joe was mentioning at the end of every hour as we're getting ready to say happy new year uh we're going to be prayer with pastor we're going to have a prayer time with pastor john loma cain praying over these prayer requests that you're sending in so you know what this evening we want to see a stack of paper on this desk i don't know i don't want to limit it maybe maybe this high but text the number at technology to build 618-228-3975 it in as well and the call center is open this evening so we're going to be if again it's the 31st so if you have a donation you're like you know what i just want to say thank you and send a little love gift which we want to talk about that too the call center's open tonight 618-627-4651 call the call center prayer request we actually have a pastoral department here tonight too live that will be happy to pray with you this evening call the same number ask for a pastor and they'd be happy to pray with you and for any size donation tonight you get a copy of this amazing book which i have read dr yvonne shelton wrote it and we've got to introduce them glimpses of his glory i love this book focusing on the names of god so let's introduce you sorry for talking so much and talking to yourself but we're delighted to be co-hosting with you all this whole evening for the three hours and just thank you for what you happy new year what a blessing happy new year to you and to the folks at home somewhere is already happy new year's i got something from pastor john carter earlier from australia so it's already you know you're right two years there so happy new year for those of you wherever you are and if it's coming up now we believe biblically it's already the new year sundown for us right at least here we're central time but what a blessing to be alive in these closing moments of earth history i've said that for years and i mean it every year looking into a new year thank you god we didn't know what was in store what didn't what he was going to allow us to do but just being here and still being able to witness what an incredible opportunity the world needs to hear about jesus now more than ever before and thanks to you because if you're loving your prayers and financial support at 3 abn you can make that happen you join hands with us that's incredible it is this year has been so full of ups and downs and so unpredictable but yes the thing that that we can depend upon and and expect is that god will be with us and he's brought us through this year we're very grateful we know that um many of us have lost loved ones and friends and friends of this ministry and all of that but we have that hope amen that blessed hope this is not the end that this right now this is just a temporary situation but one day we'll be able to be together forever and i just can't wait for that and thank you thank you for saying that because for so many of us we say well you know this happened this year we're still here praise the lord god is good god is good whether we're here or not yeah he's good and he offered a plan of salvation yes for us and as we accept jesus christ as lord and savior of our life it's not about the amount of years that we live yes we're thankful you've honored me well i better speak for myself we're on what you call almost borrowed time you know yeah we're happy to be around and we're so thankful to be around but it's what's important is people say well how can you say god is good i've lost loved ones i've lost this or that everyone has an opportunity to accept the lord jesus christ and as you said it's not this life it's the everlasting life it's the hope that we have as christians that should give us peace in the midst of this storm today i'm excited i can't wait to see here what all the guests have to say talk to the folks on skype and live this is going to be a fun evening so if you're up for it stay with us until midnight at least central time yeah and we'll have a good time as greg said you can call in you can write in if you have comments questions or if you want to make a donation that would absolutely be the icing on the cake tonight to end this year amen speaking of donation we do have your book yvonne so i want to talk about that just a moment talk to us about what this book encompasses the names of god you know for me it it well it started as a study of the names of god because when we read the bible we'll say a verse might say and the lord did so and so or god so and so but we don't really know the name or the title that actually goes along with that and so the study really gives a a revelation of his character and and one of the things that that that satan has done is his goal is to distort the character of god whether it's through the ever-burning hell idea or whether it's through you know god is just mean or vengeful or whatever and god is love and so that's what this book is about really it's to show the love of god and his intervention in people's lives in contemporary settings so we've got the the the former hitman for a drug cartel and and a script writer for hollywood and he was you know he was going to the dark side for inspiration and and it shows how god in whatever title that's associated with that intervened in that person's life and just changed their lives forever and it's just it shows who god is he's the same yesterday come on today that's right and forever praise the lord so i just i'm just so i'm so excited about the book because for me it really made a difference in my spiritual walk and of course you know i'm i'm nowhere near where i need to be but it it really has enhanced my view of god and that's the purpose of it to help everybody to connect and the lord used you mightily she did she's a great writer but she's able to convey you know what you read goes to here and it's like wow that's amazing so through the prayers the devotion part through the testimonies through the actual names of god and said that's amazing that every one of these names have significant meaning that we maybe would have not understood so i've learned so much thank you well praise you lord i learned so much when i read it as well it's an amazing book so this book is yours tonight this is great any size donation you just give us a call our call center is open right now at 618 627 that number again for the call center is 618-627-4651 and you call and say you want to make a donation to 3bn of any size and this book will be yours for your own spiritual journey and walk with jesus amen you know mr danny this i've always liked about 3abn it's just like a door opens we got to go through it in the midst of a pandemic year 2020 we had an incredible door open up for 3 abn we talked about it didn't take much talking about it's like we got to go through this door because if we don't someone else will and we're talking about cuba and we have pastor john denzel and his wifey dalia joining us via skype denzies happy new year to both of you have a blessed new year same to you both an incredible opportunity with cuba pastor johnny and and i tell you tell us a little bit about that in case someone's just finding out about that about that this evening and tell us what's happening a little update well for those who have never heard about it i can just summarize in cuba they do not have easy access to the internet it's very expensive they do not have cable television they are a limited number of tv channels that they can receive via an antenna on top of their tv or on top of the roof so people would like to see more program programming than what is offered on the channels they can receive on their television sets so they came up a few years ago with something called the package that's what they call it because it's a television package or a package of programming which is really secular programming and when you think about spanish people one of the top things on the spanish tv is what a soap operas that's right so of course there's movies and shows and sports and this is what they get off the internet and through different sources they get it and they put it on a package or on a hard drive and the people can purchase the tv program for the week that has become available at a very low price uh i purchased the package which was one almost one terabyte of shows and tvs and and to see what they were doing see how we can fit in there cost cost less than a dollar wow so imagine that all of this is not really feeding the mind yeah they have a few documents i can say that but uh we have to open for three abn latino to get into the package every week so our programming the last time we were able to share a report with you we told you that our programming was cuba and it has been looked at by the council churches it has been looked at by government officials and the people that run the package they organize the package and they offer the package and we have a green light for our programming to be crazy that's awesome we have a green light to go into cuba on this package that's amazing yeah it is latino programming incredible yeah look at god yes i'm telling you thank you pastor johnny for you thank you so much oh you're missing i saw you we lost your audio there go ahead mrs dindsey well i i should say it's really humbling um the report is that they are very impressed with the quality of programming and they had not seen such great quality and praise the lord for that if our folks at home want the credits roll they they see our supreme provider is jesus christ and god has provided and we are happy to be able to enjoy these days of earth's history as the gospels entering cuba through three abn programming you know italia made a good point because even when people see the credits rolling is bringing glory to god because supreme provider is jesus christ amen so that's amazing and now of course those of you that have been for a while know that the package our participation in the package comes at a price so we have to pay a monthly price to be in the package but praise the lord we have the green light and we're looking forward to a launch time of the month of february if everything goes well in february in every city in cuba latino program praise the lord it's mind boggling it's a miracle of the lord it is yeah i want to just say thank you to both of you yeah because 3 abn cuba is falling into three and latino so thank you for your leadership with three of you and latino you guys have uh been a part of three have been for over 30 years and dedication mr danny as you know because you hired him absolutely yeah incredible to see how god has worked and what an opportunity it's absolutely amazing because up until now somebody said oh well you can pay and get on up till now you didn't make any difference but you pay you couldn't get on they wouldn't let anybody it wasn't about money it's about the philosophies and about the culture about the countries and for god to do this i mean it's amazing that's an amazing miracle yes amazing yes any any closing thoughts mrs denzel pastor johnny maybe both of you have something in closing well for such a time as this you know we were sharing earlier about um families that have an empty chair now yes um loved ones that are no longer with us my two brothers my aunt passed away this year and you know there is a high calling and it is a time that we need to embrace the gospel embrace this gift of hope of salvation because if people pass away without hope then we've lost everything but we have everything in christ so it doesn't matter what comes our way let's just stay close to jesus trust jesus and our lives in his hands because there is a life eternal to enjoy with you my friends my brothers and my family in christ so i want to thank everyone who have prayed for 3abn for the ministry for the support they have offered throughout all these years that the lord will see humble servants and be willing to use all of us as a team to reach the very people in cuba amen the people in russia yes you see how the lord has blessed his ministry beyond words so i am so emphatic i am so thankful to the lord for all that he has done what he's doing and i am excited to see what he's about to do that's right mrs denzie thank you pastor johnny well i won't just want to praise the lord because you know if you think about the people of the world everyone needs hope but this is the first time that christian television programming will be available in cuba so this is a miracle of god and it's time to take advantage of this opportunity get the programming on the package every week and we need your prayers for lives to be transformed because this is a wonderful opportunity this is to me this is a sign that the lord is saying the gospel must go to all the world let's keep on moving bring the gospel to every kindred tongue people hey i just pray thank you both thank you both so much we love you both and a little bit i think our third hour we're going to see pastor johnny and mrs denzie in the kitchen and they're going to cook something for us i don't know about johnny but i know she can't be good assistant right about that thank you both god bless you happy new year happy new year thank you happy new year so we want to encourage you at home if you would like to donate and support the work in cuba if you say i want to stand with the ministry of tamibian and i want to help go forward to cuba as pastor johnny mentioned we want to launch there in the month of february so just give us a call right now and we will send you this book well any size donation say i want to support the work in cuba call us at 618-627-4651 or you can always go online 3abn.tv and you can always donate online that way as well you know 3abn makes a difference you know mr danny you know you think about there's many people we don't even know the names of where three abn that's thanks to you has made a difference in their lives and we're getting ready to go to a special couple that three again has made a difference uh in in your life and they should be joining us via skype david and beverly ortiz are you there hey happy new year happy new year i remember we first met both of you at a 3abn camp meeting it was a few years ago when you came and just tell us a little bit i know we don't have a lot of time but tell us first of all about how you first connected with 3bn and the impact it has made in your life and then we'll get to some of your health challenges as well okay i think you know it started back in 2018 when i was diagnosed with cancer in my uh in february and i was searching dedicated my face and i came across through in on the tv and i didn't know i had 388 so tonight about eight weeks or so it fixed was watching the perk can you hear me david so yes yes so this is the live program we're having some audio issues so what we're going to do we're going to go and just hang up with you they're going to call you back and get that sorted out so we'll just talk for a minute we'll get right back to you because we want to hear every word um that you're saying it's an incredible testimony and i don't want to share all the details thank you thank you but this is thank you to people at home right that's why we share testimonies mr danny because people at home want to see like wow lives are being changed and that's why we're here tonight i mean we could be home celebrating or doing whatever going to bed at our age but we want to be here we want to say thank you amen for what you do for the cause of god this is not a greg and jail danny devon john angie the denzis this is not about this is god's ministry that's right and you in any ministry you'll have leadership everybody whether it's the church the conference whatever but the the conference leaders don't make up the church you do you and i do we all do they do too when we join hands together so three abn has always been your ministry and so we want to thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support because the transitions are amazing starting with just getting on big satellite the big satellite 12-foot dish many years ago then going to the smaller dish there's sky angel then getting on cable then the down links all of that you know literally changing the technology now to the internet and to you know all the social media the things that we're doing plus staying on cable plus staying on the satellite plus reaching the world yes and we could not do it without you so thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts and uh as the holy spirit impresses you to give to your three abn to donate thank you and there's numbers you can call tonight now you can uh email you can go to paypal go to our website there's all kinds of way anybody that knows me if you want to call me on the phone that makes me happy too i bring it here for a reason somebody is going to call and say i want to make a donation yes the phone there so you know we're already here too your friends are on your phone with you no oh well i should have brought it i got mine so we already we put the text number out this is something we tried new this year as a 3abn text number i know it does not work around the world we're still working on that but try it out it works here at least in the united states other parts of north america that's 618 three three nine seven five thank you for that and you can text us in we're already getting prayer requests and praise reports coming in wonderful so keep them coming because at the end of this hour and every hour we're gonna have a prayer with pastor john so i think the ortiz are back with us via skype we have some technical issues david beverly are you there can you hear us david and beverly okay yep perfect good so tell us again then how 3abn has made an impact jill asked the question sure so it all started by 2018 when i was diagnosed with cancer my head and my neck and about eight weeks ago after i got nurses i i was watching a avn with danny stevenborn they were talk about okay and the status is something that i was really not happy with when my wife approached you that because she was born and raised but that program answered all my questions all everything i was bucking at and i'm trying to just deny but that program was a major impact i've i've been keeping ever since april friday 2018. yeah oh it's beautiful so that broke up just a little bit but i got the gist of it you were watching 3bn danny shelton was on pastor stephen bohr you learned about the sabbath you've been keeping every sabbath since april of 2018 amen and then so the interesting thing is i found a lump on my neck january 19 of 28 one year to january 19 of 19 we were both baptized all right wow what a great date uh praise the lord praise the lord what satan intended for evil with the cancer the next year you were baptized yeah yeah we're still battling cancer issues i look fine uh and i'm just crossed over at chemotherapy i have two more rounds to go amen beverly him for you yes yes yes god bless thank you praying for you and we love you yes we appreciate the uh your prayers and yours you are part of the three man family and just want to encourage our caribbean family at home right now to pray for david and beverly as he walks through this journey with cancer that you would lift him before the throne of grace and ask that god would bring healing into his life we were your entire three abn family will be standing with you in prayer amen amen yeah thank you so much we appreciate bunch yeah thank you thank you yeah we love you guys you're part of the family yes so yeah we pray for you well you've made us feel that the first time we met i think the only thing if i could say this that the programming on 3bn has been such a restore for us all the treatments that i've been through in the surgery i know i can come home and turn 3abn on at any time and get you know the undiluted truth amen of god's word 44 hours is 7 days a week so to danny jill greg all of you yvonne thank you for allowing the holy spirit to work in your life we are two livestock because of you praise the lord praise the lord and that's to the folk at home mr danny you know because people sacrificially give right and it's for the families such as the ortiz yeah and there's many more and there's people with incredible testimonies like this around the world yeah it's probably that's uh and because again because of you thank you thank you so much thank you both beautiful we're going to go to some music what is a new year's eve celebration without music um some time ago tim parton and ryan day were at the worship center and they had the opportunity to record this segment for us we're going to watch right now well it's as old as the bible the folks they keep on searching they're discouraged and down-hearted and worried about their destiny but there are too many answers to keep asking the same old questions i found jesus and let me tell you brother that's enough for me i'm gonna keep on singing home singing and telling [Music] [Music] about the future of our country and they ask me if i'm frightened about the market or the economy but i'm a pilot i'm all who has and if he sees that little sparrow i know he'll take good care of me here we go [Music] [Music] keep on writing mainly in the major keys i'm gonna keep let me tell you brother that's enough for me oh let's sing that course again [Music] [Music] brother that's enough for me i found jesus ryan day what a joy it is always to sing and to play along with you i love that you are such a such a joyful singer and you just sound like pavarotti oh tonight i think it's wonderful i don't know whether you've got your sights set on a new year and you're excited about um that's right what god's going to do in this new year yeah you know tim we serve an amazing forgiving god he was a forgiving cleansing god in 2020 and he'll continue to be a forgiving cleansing god in 2021 and that's what the message of this song talks about let's do it it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what the scar it doesn't matter what the it doesn't matter how you fell somewhere along the way there is healing for your life today there's a river that flows from the fountain of god and it heals everything along the way i have tasted and know that for every broken heart there is healing in jesus he looks beyond how far you've gone [Music] he looks beyond when you were hurt he looks beyond your soul and song he looks beyond what made it worse he looks beyond where others fell to reach out to you and say there's healing for your life today there's a river that flows from the fountain of god and it heals everything along the way i have tasted and know that for every broken heart there is healing in jesus [Music] there's a river that [Music] and it flows everything along the way i have tasted and know that for every broken heart there's healing in jesus healing in jesus healing in jesus and [Music] in jesus [Music] amen i love to hear ryan and tim minister together because it's a gift it's ministry without harmony isn't it it's amazing absolutely i mean you know these are some of your favorite and mine too musicians singers in the world really i mean what incredible talent both of them have and i mean what a blessing that they're here and we get to work with them every day you know you ever ever need anything tim go the piano hey ryan just sing to us and they give you any style it lifts your spirits any style it does lift your spirits these were happy songs tonight and it should be the beginning of a new year yes hallelujah we have shelley and jd quinn joining us tonight and just it's been an amazing year and an amazing journey i just think about coming out of two surgeries and what god has brought you through you know i am not sorry to see 20 20 go i really am not but i would not trade the experience for anything because god taught me so much while i was in his waiting room it was really precious and that's that's how i look at it is that i've been in god's waiting room for many months and it was a good thing though yeah yeah you know there's a lot of trials and i know people at home too there's some that can relate you know and you lost a dear friend you know we all did molly sue molly stinson he was resting in jesus lost her bottle battle to cancer many of you at home same thing we've talked about the empty chair you've lost family members too dr yvonne and friends and and what we want to do too this is something we're just we're telling you about the line of what we wanted to do you know each hour we're going to have a time of prayer and praise which is happening next with pastor john and angie but each hour we're going to have a little devotional thought and this hour is going to be um shelley quinn sharing what's uh what's on your heart and then we'll go to um jd with what's on his heart you know i i think about the fiery trial that so many people are going through and i i mean i went through a fiery trial but there's a lot of fiery trials that are even worse and one thing that i always do when i know someone's going through that kind of trial is i always pray and say oh lord give them a divine awareness of your presence let them supernaturally experience your presence and you know the shadrach meshach abednego kind of experience where you know that you know that god is right there with you well one day i was listening well i was praying with someone and as they were praying they were saying lord please be with so and so be with so and so be with us throughout this day and we're praying and all of a sudden it wasn't an audible voice but what i heard in my mind is i am with you i promise never to leave you or forsake you praise the lord and if you would acknowledge my presence you would become more aware of it boy i'll tell you what all of a sudden i mean he that's hebrews 13 5 is a promise and it's repeated we're going to look at a couple of scriptures real quickly in the old testament but all of a sudden i was crying out oh lord give me a divine awareness of your presence i remember in genesis 28 16 when jacob had his dream and he woke up the next morning and he said surely the lord was in this pl is in this place and i did not know it when i started praying for a divine awareness of god's presence it was so amazing because i've been spending a lot of time alone i mean and and i know most of us been isolated or quarantined or just shut down since march but i've been since december of 2019 and jd leaves about 6 15 in the morning to come to work he gets home about 6 30 to 7. i'm alone i've been working remotely for which i'm so thankful but there's a lot of alone time and once i started every morning when i get up and i pray oh lord fill me with your holy spirit fill me afresh today with your holy spirit but lord give me a divine awareness of your presence thank you father that you never leave me or forsake me thank you lord and you know what god has really been changing my life and this is a promise you know the bible says that all of god's promises are yes and amen christ jesus but i wanted to a thought came to me tonight because i remembered in deuteronomy when god is talking about his covenant love and and the covenant with abraham jacob and isaac and abraham's seat listen to what he says this is deuteronomy chapter 4 and we're going to look uh let's look begin with verse 29 deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 29 he says from there you will seek the lord your god you will find him if you seek him with all of your heart with all of your soul that's a promise amen when you're in distress and all these things come upon you oh think about what's come upon us in the latter days when you turn to the lord your god and obey his voice for the lord your god is a merciful god he will not forsake you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant of your fathers which he swore to them you know we're getting ready the second quarter of sabbath school panel is going to be on the covenant the everlasting covenant my favorite topic and but i was thinking in in the covenant god makes all of the promises the covenant condition is that we obey out of love motivated by love it's not that you're obeying to be saved but if you're walking in obedience to the lord you can absolutely how's my time i haven't been looking so let me see maybe another minute one more minute okay i should oh so but listen to this in deuteronomy 31 verse 24 it said so it was when moses had completed writing the words wait a minute deuteronomy 31 verse 6 yes and this is where i want to live be strong and of good courage do not fear nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is the one who goes with you yes he will not leave you or forsake you amen in psalm 16 11 it says that god will show you the path of life and in his presence you will find fullness of joy so my prayer for you this year is tonight tomorrow morning get up pray lord give me a divine awareness of your presence he's there we've just been ignoring good him good good work something's on your heart dr yvonne you were really into what uh shelley was saying there's powerful isn't it oh it is you know that that verse deuteronomy 31 6 when danny had a surgery um the like a week or two before then the lord just woke me up and i went into the worship room and that scripture was what he gave me and and i was just so grateful because it's the lord your god goes with you wherever you go so don't be afraid don't be terrified be courageous be strong because and you're going to never leave you no forsaken and when when you realize god's with you you'll be content yes thank you shelley yes that's a good word you're a woman of the word thank you so much for sharing with me we love both of you so grateful for what you bring to the ministry and through this journey you know what has blessed me so much i know jd we want you to share what has blessed me so much it's through this journey shall we i think i would want to turn inward i would want to indulge in some self-pity i would want to say i've been through a great deal and yet every day shelley's in the word of god every day she's reaching out and helping other people encouraging people texting people praying for people what an example so thank you for that well that was my life flight now yeah so jd we're mentioning about the pastoral department being available tonight thank you because you're ahead of the three event pastoral department your crews working tonight we want to again put the number out there because we have the call center open this evening we've got the prayer line open this evening so to reach either one 618-627-4651 if you want prayer this evening someone in your department jd is there to pray what a great department you bet just so fortunate to have men of god that are manning the phone and we do it every day and even the days that we're not here there's seven days in a week we work four days there's three days that are that are there that we still receive calls it's just amazing i mean i've received four or five calls in the last couple of days wow and it's god is always there he never is he's never gonna forsake us boy i'm just all over the place because that's my little heart that's the way i was created so what's on your heart specifically tonight well just just real real real real quick yeah and uh this is what you have to say are you satisfied with the crop that you produced last year oh man now that's that's a sermon that is a sermon if i just knew how to preach i'd preach it but are you satisfied because boy we all come to that tee in the road and this is a new year yep and there's resolutions we all make resolutions do we keep them but boy from a from a spiritual standpoint in being a christian am i satisfied with what i did last year am i satisfied with the fruit that was produced good question yes good we do we do have an opportunity though with the aid of the holy spirit give him permission to come in lord i'd like for my fruit to be a little sweeter maybe i need to try something new yep so he's available yeah you know that's that 25 words or less you can sit here and be all over the place that he's about let me just give this right here and then i will be quiet number one we've we've got uh we've got there's mitch that's upstairs there's donald that's upstairs there's joes that's upstairs there's ryan that's upstairs that's in the past that's in the pastoral department thanks for clarifying that here again the fruit that you produce i assume that they knew that but they didn't thank you you know psalms 90 verse 12. now we're just come off of up here uh for all of our days that passed away you're right but we get up here and it's talking about the 70 years that he tells us that we we if we if we're blessed we'll have 70 years but if we're really blessed and if we have the strength we may have 80 years then it goes down here to verse 12. so teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom that just jumped off at me and i thought well what does that mean so then i went to the commentary i just want you to read real quick just what the commentary is saying pray pray for a heart for a heart of wisdom only god sees the ending from the beginning the end from the beginning but we should pray for grace to act as if we saw that end wow giving him permission lord i don't know i may be here just for a second or two but then but we need to meditate on life's brevity in other words the short time we have that we may be wise in employing the time that god has allotted us and so we go back what kind of fruit do you want to produce give him permission lord i'd like to increase that and then ask for wisdom and i think you know that he has a way of being able to cultivate and till that ground for us i love having my phone here people call somebody just call it can't give a name okay they said they're gonna donate a hundred thousand dollars for a special project but they'll let us know we'll let folk know a little bit later on so i said anybody wants to call got my number so here's one for you jd this one is from reggie and lady love smith they and jd said that i'm kind of all over the place if you know reggie and lady love they're so excited she says tell jd we love his heart all over the place speaks to us that's good and for reggie's sake if there's somebody who's probably more over the place than i am it's wretched more i just love them both of them and great hearts amen and thank you jesus because that's starting off a good year i can't tell you how to build how to run your life but a hundred thousand dollars what a big difference amazing i mean boy now that gets the word out there yeah other friends you can call family it doesn't have to be that big but whatever you can do it amen that's a great phone it doesn't make any noise no i gotta vibrate otherwise it'd be dingling no anyway if you if if if your heart is heavy call pastoral amen amen amen amen thank you both for sharing amen thank you both thank you thank you thank you yeah we're going to do some switching out here so thank you both you appreciate it we just want everybody at home to know how much we love them and that we pray for you every day this is something that we ask god to give us that love for you and we ask god to bless you amen thank you god bless y'all god bless live right yeah i know we're doing a switch out right now live we want to say thank you for sending in also the praise reports and prayer requests they are coming in and we're going to be praying uh here a little bit of time of prayer with pastor john and the sister angie so texting your prayers right now if you want to text us at 618-228-3975 that number again is 618-228-3975 we have pages of prayer requests right now here i can see through the text messages and call center so we're going to get to them right now we have switched out guests look how pretty you look good happy new year you don't look bad pastor john angie look at that she's you have the same problem i do i touched me yeah i'm hiding here i wouldn't have said it greg happy new year to both of you and happy new year what a blessing you know to have you guys our pastor an ambassador for 3abn for the lord and the work that you have done even the midst of this pandemic yeah incredible and this each hour as we mentioned pastor and sister angie thank you so much because we're going to spend a time of prayer got a lot of prayer requests that have come in and prayers reports this is so great right we have a lot to be thankful for like you mentioned at the beginning of this hour god is good even the midst of loss and everything this is not our home no that's right heaven is our house right look forward to that what a great way to start the new year yeah that's great prayer and praise and i mean acknowledging who god is starting the year out right yes no i don't know did they give you all the textbooks oh yeah we have some text messages right here and we have some prayer requests here okay so i start with one so let me pass some of these down to you all okay we've got some prayer requests coming from uh merle brooks that said please pray for her eyes they have it's a medical term uh that god can remove it naturally also she's praying for good health and protection from kovid betty says praising god that despite this year's hardship she now had the most peace and joy in her relationship with god they've never had men before and michelle in belize says prayer requests for herself as uh as she's recovering so yeah amen here's one who says i thank god for three abn i love you all it pray for healing for my friend slash co-worker her name is jan she has coded prayers for myself also as i was exposed to covet and am not the healthiest person i'm not feeling well i'm not trying i'm trying not to be afraid but fear keeps returning to my thoughts god bless you all eileen spoke out he away given us the spirit of fear hasn't it that's right no dr yvonne yes um 2020 has been a difficult year but remember this god is still in charge and he's got this thing hang on to him no matter what i didn't tell you this this is a live program so i'm just going to say it the ones that we marked out they're saving for later so just so you know i didn't have time to oh and i thought those were the ones you wanted yeah that's right the ones that are highlighted yellow or marked outer now they know our secrets all right all right all right um let's see hi my name is mary and i'd like for you to pray for me please pray for my son to prosper thank you debbie please pray for my ex-husband to be filled with the holy spirit and come back to his family and leave his worldly friends thank you so much god is it beautiful all these folk and there's one after another after another these are the texts right yeah there's not and we have here once us pray for the wind family for our finances we are blessed with two oil wells on our property but one is not functioning we are not sure where we are going to get the funds for the second one please pray for our family's salvation everybody needs that i heard last sabbath dwight nelson say get ready now whatever you're doing for god do it now wow praise god for that yeah it's the time to get things done and you know 2020 is it's buried and 2021 is unknown but god is known and so we're not going into an unknown year with an unknown god we're doing an unknown year with a known god yeah moving forward to the going forward and when you know god you don't have to know the year that's right somebody said would you trust somebody who has only your best interests at heart yes he says close your eyes and i'll direct your path amen so i don't need to know i said to somebody earlier today i thank god i didn't get a chance to download 2020 and i can't download 2020 i don't need to think god already has it in this file he knows what's going to happen he just says trust me yes surrender to me and just trust me and that's what we want you to do we want you to trust god for 2021. somebody said buried 20 20 and put it in a tomb and just do not unlock it ever again but you know friends 2020 is not the worst of it i want to be honest with you the world we live in is so fragile but god is so sure amen the world we live in is so unpredictable but god is the same yesterday today and forever that's right so we're not just going into 2021 with great terminologies and good cliches we're going into 2021 with a god who already is there yes yeah he's he's he was in australia they already said 2020 so he says let me go ahead and visit those guys in southern illinois let them know i've already been there it's going to be okay so god did not vacate the throne he's still king of the universe so though kings and priests and prelates and bishops and presidents and prime ministers rise and fall god says i am god and there is no other that's right so that's what we want to pray about tonight yeah lead us in a time of prayer leave us about 30 seconds and then sure okay loving father what a blessing it is to know that you kept us through 2020 and we don't want to minimize those who are in pain who left their loved ones in 2020 for whatever medical or other reason but father we're going with faith and assurance that the road before us is not one you're just chiseling out but you've walked it it's a tried path a tested path you are a tried god all power is in your hand so we go forth lord just praising you that as we do so we stand on the promises not just on the premises we don't stand on the things that we have built but on the unshaken foundation of your word and as we go forward in faith we go forward because your eyes have never been closed so father as we sleep we are thankful that you never sleep and slumber give us the faith to trust you in this new year as we get ready for the new jerusalem in jesus name we pray amen amen amen we'll be doing this every hour here every two hours thank you i know more prayer requests be coming in text them in [Laughter] 618-228-3975 so his phone number is oh never never that's right that's it what a fun hour i can't believe we have two more hours pastor john and angie will be coming back to pray in the new year with us for the next hour and the following hours so make sure you don't go anywhere i want to encourage you to call in or text in your prayer requests your prayer needs your praises and remember for any size donation you get a copy of dr yvonne's book which is incredible i have read it it has encouraged me in my own journey and walk with jesus so know that you're part of the three man family coming up next hour i think we might get some more music i think we might this is my run sheet it's packed full dr moses starts with us with freebie and francais he's of course director of broadcasting engineering here at 3abn so don't go away we'll be right back [Music] well hello everyone we're so excited you've joined us for our new year's eve special we have a lot of prayer requests that are coming in i know they just read some out there we have a lot piling up over here and we love it because we want to hear from you all right so you need to give us all of your prayer requests all of your praise reports to the contact info below right right now we have a prayer request that just came in from judy in ohio it says this please pray for my sister karen she just finished her chemo and radiation treatments from stage four cancer pray that god rewards her faith and grants complete healing we love you all and pray for you daily keep up the blessed work thank you judy everybody at home just take a moment right now pray for judy sister karen and we know that's hard and we believe that when two or three are gathered in his name hey there he is also that's right we have an exciting two more hours i think so stay tuned don't go anywhere [Music] welcome back and happy new year that's right happy new year for our new year's live celebration we're just having an amazing time oh assistant we have three being family here with you at home we're getting incredible praise reports and prayer requests and donations for spreading the gospel here at 3abn we talked of course pastor johnny and adalia i'm excited about going into cuba and the opportunities that god is opening for this ministry and of course david and beverly ortiz and what god did in their life we have switched out guests we have dr moses primo with us director of broadcasting and engineering and general manager of 3b and francais and he's going to talk to us tonight about another exciting opportunity evangelistic opportunity for getting 3 a b n where it never could go before but before he does that i just want to mention again tonight for any size donation you get a copy of this wonderful book that dr shelton wrote we're getting donations already so these people are already getting your book virginia gave twenty dollars toward operations robert made a 25 donation maureen 100 donation to cuba all right wilbur 25 donations robert a thousand and the list goes on thank you for standing with the ministry of three biennium amen thank you so much yeah and i just want to send a shout out to you we received a text message here from leon he's a full-time volunteer he took a little break to be with some family but we appreciate the full-time volunteers mr danny i know that's been a part of three been from the very beginning so a shout out to you leon and all the other full-time volunteers that helped 3a being out thank you for your support and being part of the family you know mr danny it's an incredible family it is nothing like it really yeah it's amazing and people have said many times i know when ca said he traveled to pastor john everybody says do you guys really like each other because you always seem like you do you know dr mo and you we're neighbors you know so we're we're friends we share it when there's garden time we'll till up or when i need something done you know chronically i call mole he needs something we you know you guys all of us here i mean yeah we we do love it we're not just neighbors but we love each other and we're blessed i i couldn't if i could be anywhere in the world i wanted to be i'd be doing just exactly what i'm doing here at 3abn and wouldn't trade it for the whole world dr mo thank you for your years here too it's been 30 some years just study just 30. yes 33 has been here 36 years that's black hair winning yeah now i have a white beard too you've been working hard we look distinguished so yeah well things change color like my hair and the box that i first launched back in 2007 wow if you believe it or not i i brought this just as a show and tell that's going back in time it's a huge box and uh it was colorful uh but it was actually used for eight years from 2007 until 2015 when we launched this m10 which we change the color and change the size yes some of the features and then three years later and 2018 we launched the blue one okay this is the latest uh m15 yes until today and today uh we're launching the mysda tv which is uh the intellect i'm going to interrupt you so just for people at home because you're showing boxes they may be i don't even know what that is so tell them what these boxes do okay with them this one it connects to the internet and they can receive a package of all the seven-day adventist uh charity abn bean of course yeah three abm all nine channels of three abn amazing facts amazing discoveries uh all the ministries it's written uh it's written has a new channel um hope channel hope channel it's here also so all the major seven day adventist ministries and the only channels that has video on demand is the nine channels for three abn so this box can record the 30 days in the memory and you can watch any time and you want so you can go back and watch any programs for 30 days and this box is still available and there is no hook it up to your tv and you just connect to your tv and you connect to your internet or your wi-fi yeah and you can watch this channel in order for this box to work you need internet yes you have to have internet with the new box and with this new box uh is called interless and i owe that to my daughter i i was at home saying what i'm gonna call this box it's like uh well it's a internet unless you know and then i say yes i love it god they really provide that and with this box i come very close to get up to 7 000 programs inside of the memory of their funds say that again seven thousand programs actually to be precise right now i have six thousand six uh 576 but i'm still working on increasing a little more and if you watch four hours a day of this uh three abn programs uh you can uh divide it by 365 days you'll be able to watch four years and a half without repeating a program then [Laughter] six hours a day i went you shouldn't but if you divide by 365 you can watch three years without repeating and if you watch eight hours a day because you have to leave some eight eight hours to sleep yeah uh you you spend the two years and one quarter not having to repeat one single program and the one other option that this little box here has uh is that if you really like a program that you're watching you click on favorite and automatically puts in the favor so you can just repeat the programs that you really wants to repeat wow um so not the episodes but the programs right so like let's say we want 3abn today yes yes so then you just that's one of your favorites and then you can just watch all the three so you don't get this you don't have to have the internet because so many people i talk to say well i can't get that's right it's the air i can't get roku i can't get all these because i don't have good internet so this you don't need the internet yes and we are coming to a point that internet is going to be bombarded with seven billion people trying to watch something and this as far as i know is the only solution because all the major programs through abn and the other ministries and we are really appreciative of 3abn authorizing mysdtv to actually putting this programs here yes what a partnership to be able to spread the gospel to be able to have all these 3bm programs on this box that's incredible so thank you and i want to just comment on this too because this is huge you know we're talking cuba being huge because tonight we're just sharing with you the incredible opportunities this is massive here what uh dr mo is sharing with us the interless system which he's going to show you about how to get more information about this because you think about this there are people around the world yes that cannot get internet for some reason cannot get satellite they need the gospel somehow well this is a solution right here because you have basically six thousand well what three four years worth of programming right here you just hook it up to your tv no internet required that is powerful mr danny i mean you think about technology and how it's changed through the years from the giant dishes yeah amazing to something like this or even dreamed it would have never even drained and some people are using for evangelism for like uh in 3abn australia they purchase uh 1000 of these boxes and they're going to start to distribute it to the islands the pacific islands that they don't want to integrate so what a privilege to be able to watch programs without stopping and i have this box on test that runs uh in and out of the day and for months and months and it it can place without stopping wow so in the islands they're going to deliver this they're going to just put it and people will watch it we have other projects that jason's going to talk about the prison ministers some prisons they don't allow to put an internet there so this box is going to be a solution for that also i would encourage people you were talking about how many hours you watch it's like you don't want to come to the table and eat eight hours a day or yeah you know even four hours so you want to limit it some because it's not good for your eyes or your behind and you're watching too many like eight hours a day you know i've had people say to me well three a b there's reruns every eight hours and i say you're watching more than eight hours a day that's too much go do something else when you fill up go out and then witness share what you got and get emptied out and then come back and fill up again but no mo it's an incredible concept and it's not only concept but it's actually working it's working and the one thing that i also encourage other people to use for evangelism is that churches for instance start a small buy 10 or 20 and you don't have to go because of covet you don't have to go to people's house just make a phone call and say look would you like to receive this box for free and then you don't even have to go in their house you just knock on the door and leave at the doorstep like a delivery system and that they'll come they don't have to know how plus it comes with the manual they just connect to the tv no internet no wi-fi no password no complications so after one month if you call and say are you using the box oh yeah we just learned a lot about it so you want to sew there if they say oh i'm just too busy i'm working too much and i can't say well then give me my box back to somebody else so okay you've heard it from dr mo that's how you do it or they want to support this project or they want to get it for other people how can they do that we have a page up that gives our address and that gives our website is intellect by mysdtv this model is m20 it's a support uh if you want email is a support at mysdatv.com or you can call us at 618-627-2300 we only take messages we are very small we don't have a lot of people like ministries so if you don't get a live person just leave a message and we'll call back amen thank you so much we are excited about this incredible project and appreciate you very much and your wife ajimo we got to make sure we mentioned let me just say can i have one more minute okay uh talking about my wife uh one sabbath i got home and from the church and that she was just a little upset because she was sick and that she couldn't work out at the tv so i said huh there is a message there for me so i start to think and on this box uh i put a new icon it's not on the blue one yet but i put in this new box a icon that has listed of all this not all but most of the seventh-day adventist churches that they stream on saturday so now you don't have to know the url www whatever and it's right there it's all in the box and you just highlight it and click it and my wife is happy thank you dr mo again for your years of service before what you bring to the ministry of three men your heart for evangelism and also for not staying in a rut you're always thinking ahead so thank you yes so very much yeah we've got a role we're going to we are we're going down under to 3 abn australia we love and appreciate john and rosemary malkovich they're hard workers they're incredible leaders there of 3b in australia and they've given us a special new year's greeting this is a very special time of the year for family reunions and it's a time when we can reflect on what has happened in the past year for many three abn is their family and we want you to know that you're part of the three a b in australia family too but more than that it's a joyous time when we remember jesus and that he's coming soon talking of families my great great grandfather john rubin chapman had a close relationship with god on january 1st 1917 at the age of 81 he wrote a touching new year prayer in his diary i'd like to share it with you now so please claim these words as i pray them my gracious god and father i thank thee for thy mercies of another year and desire by thy grace to put myself into thy hands on this the commencement of another year be with me keep me guide me all the time allotted me in this new year for jesus sake amen as 2020 slips away there is an urgency to proclaim the three angels messages summarized as god's truth satan's lies your choice this is what three amen is all about proclaiming the everlasting gospel so that people can know that god is real and offers us all eternal life through his son jesus we are so grateful for your support of three abn and in this part of the world of three abn australia there is a great work to be done and we are thankful for our dedicated staff james elizabeth kyle ben joel daniel peter and all our volunteers from all of us at 3abn australia to all the viewers and listeners around the world we wish you a happy new year for 20-21 may god richly bless you amen amen thank you john rosemary they work so hard there there and their team and it's an incredible facility that god has provided for them and they're having an incredible reach they're not only in australia but they're in the surrounding countries around and mr danny you've been there to facilitate it's amazing they've come a long way since the little kermit the car that was a little green car and they used to take a satellite dish and set it up to camp meetings and show people about 3abn and we heard about them and what they were doing began to talk to them and then we had some mutual friends who know them and they said man these are great people you should see if you can start working so we started partnering with john rose mary and so thank you all so much and boys for whole family for what you're doing yes and the the they're doing incredible work and production facility facility there is a wonderful it is neat yeah absolutely well we've traded our guests we have now jason bradley on the set of course general manager for dare to dream network and jay we've asked you tonight to share what's on your heart and give us a little devotional thought here for the new year yes and i want to just to talk about the prison ministry right yes because talking with mo he just mentioned about the interless system yes and prison ministry yes and of course that's incredible what's happening there oh absolutely we're very excited about that because you know as challenges are are presented opportunities are presented as well and so to be able to get christian programming into these prisons on the inter-list systems it's going to be incredible and our viewers have stepped up to the plate and they've supported it and we're looking forward to moving forward big things in 2021 so there's a fund right that you set up yes and again we can talk about the donation after that absolutely so we are seeking to raise funds for the d2d prison hard drives and so what that does for i'd say about roughly maybe twenty five thousand dollars we can service about a hundred prisons and then who knows how many inmates about a hundred prisons and that yeah that doesn't even speak to how many inmates are in each of those facilities and so that's that's huge i mean because visitors volunteers cannot go into these prisons but we have to get the gospel in there and this is a great way to do that great it's using that enterless system where they the content just keeps flowing yes and so it's that i mean that's tremendous because there's no uh wi-fi don't have to worry about it now you don't have to worry about it it's fantastic and and prisoners they don't really want to deal with a whole bunch of people coming in and out to work on things and everything so this is this is great this is absolutely wonderful so tonight if you want to donate for hard drives for prisons just give us a call at 618-627-4651 or you can always go online to 3bn.tv and you can just you can see all the donate options and just look hard drives for prisons so just want to encourage you or give us a call and say i want to donate for hard drives for prison and if you do that you get a copy of glimpses of his glory for your own spiritual growth in the new year so yes that's exciting what a great project amen share with us what's on your heart jason ah been an incredible year hasn't it it has it's challenging for sure yes and it had blessings yes it has had it has had its blessings and you know there's a devotional i was i was sitting and just thinking about the year and contemplating that i'd like to just take a moment to talk to uh people at home thank you for that yes so i just want to talk to the viewers at home you know this has definitely been a year that has been full of surprises to say the least there's a story that is told of a little blind girl that was trapped in a fire on the 10th floor of a multi-story building she could make her way to a window but she couldn't see anything she felt the heat and she smelled the smoke from the fire then she heard a fireman yell jump jump she said i'm scared to jump i can't see the fireman said if you don't jump you're going to die take the risk and jump wow it's bad enough to jump from 10 stories high but to jump when you can't see where you're jumping that's terror come on in the midst of the chaos and confusion she heard another voice darling jump i've got you she smiled and said okay daddy i'll jump jesus christ is inviting us to jump into his arms where there is safety he knows we're nervous but just jump remember we're talking about our daddy we're talking about somebody we know we've seen what he can do if there's anything that i've learned from this year it's that tomorrow is not promised that's right and there is a lot of uncertainty in this world that doesn't mean that we give up hope you see as human beings we seem to have this natural tendency to want to know everything and to control everything and as i've contemplated the concept of faith there is a definition that i've held on to throughout the years as i think about faith i see it as the ability to tolerate uncertainty while trusting in god i'll say that again that's good i see faith as the ability to tolerate uncertainty while trusting in god in hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 the bible defines faith in the following way now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen we don't need to know everything and we certainly do not need to control everything so we got to let that go all right we don't need to control everything what we need to do is trust in god that's right though there is a lot of uncertainty in this world the one sure thing is god is still on the throne and jesus is coming again and i believe that jesus is coming again soon now it's easy to have faith when it's convenient but how will our faith hold up when we're faced with adversity we need to have faith in jesus but we also need to have the faith of jesus yes and unfortunately i don't have the time to go through all of the powerful examples from the bible um you know dealing with faith but there are a few that really stand out to me for example joseph joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and his situation wasn't looking good yet he remained faithful to god and maintained his faith in god joseph went from captivity to prosperity and to a prominent position in egypt i think of shadrach meshach and abednego and how they were steadfast in their faith to the one true god even when facing their fiery trial jesus stood with them and delivered them and i'm sure that he's delivered you from trial after trial he's delivered me from trial after trial i think of abraham hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 tells us by faith abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going i think of noah hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 by faith noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear come on prepared an ark for the saving of his household by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith i think of job job lost everything his wealth his family and his health yet he still maintained his faith in god and look at what god did for him in the end job chapter 42 verse 10 says and the lord restored job's losses when he prayed for his friends indeed the lord gave job twice as much as he had before amen there are so many other examples of people that have displayed massive amounts of faith my challenge for us as we enter into 2021 is to reflect upon our lives and to praise god for the blessing the blessings that he's bestowed upon us we have to have faith in god hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 tells us but without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him as we prepare for god's blessings in 2021 let us not focus on our temporary situation but stay surrendered and pray for the securing of our eternal destination all right so i'm looking forward to having church you know jason i'm really glad i bought my phone tonight because i've been asking people you know to call if you have some messages to a call and you want to donate and we saw that one we have one right now who just said we'll give 25 000 to the prison and i'm going to tell you it's in memory of our dear friend joanne farley oh wow and so from bruce jack in the family um great woman of god that we've known for practically the 35 years of ministry and she and merlin merlin was on our board for years but they've been so supportive bruce is our board chairman of course he isn't doing so great all the farley's clint and his family you know they're just people that we love and are so thankful wonderful for what they've done and so thank you uh bruce and jackie and this is for the memory of your mother what a great woman of god and she she lived a ripe young age of 90 plus years old it wasn't covered we've been talking about covert but you know just a wonderful example of what a christian person should be and uh so we're so thankful for joanne and her life that she's lived and for the the children you know for for their vision for evangelism so thank you all so much for what you're doing for mom joanne this is a memory [Music] and take that time several hundred inmates and some a few thousands tremendous amounts of people oh yeah and the cos yeah because you don't know you know the wardens the ceos the people that work in the prisons on day-to-day basis everybody needs jesus yeah so you know they need him just as much as as the inmates do oh yes jay we want to thank you yeah i mean you know for your leadership for three being dare to dream you do a great job taking that on you know i know that there's always of course challenges with kovid but you have um said oh i'm not worried about that god you've got this and so you've done new programming in 2020 you're looking forward to 2021 and all that god has in store for that thank you heart for your thank you for your heart for evangelism too for prison ministry and your leadership you're an inspiration and i know talking about prison ministry we're going to skype with lemuel oh you know vega right christmas behind bars we've been giving a thumbs up jason that he's joining us via skype lemuel brother lemme are you there via skype hey greetings and blessings to you all all right i know it's just an audio part we see a picture of you here you're on the phone but uh lemuel thank you for your heart for others for your heart for prison ministry i believe it was on christmas morning you are passing through even this area here in southern illinois passing out your christmas bags that have literature in them along with goodies and things for the inmates christmas day you are still out there working thank you again for your heart for ministry and i want to say thank you lemmy we'll let you talk but also um you have taken the covet 19 booklet which we haven't talked about mr danny we donated and gave christmas behind bars was it a hundred thousand books there's some b-roll footage and you brother lemuel have been putting them into all of the bags that are going to all the prisoners tell us a little bit about that and then what's been going on that is correct 50 000 of them have been passed out already um 6 000 just in the in a couple weeks in december to our county jail so um we're looking forward to bond to getting your new book into the hands of prisoners so i hope people will donate for that new book and um thank you so much for the covet books um you know it's really heartbreaking because this time of year there have been no families been able to go in and visit the inmates there have been no programs no chapel services so things have seemingly come to a standstill but yet god has allowed these packages bags of hope from christmas giant bars to literally go to thousands and thousands of inmates so thank you 3abn for everything that what you're doing thank you we just love the partnership between christmas behind bars and 3abn and brother lemuel you mentioned yvonne's book 3abn is giving christmas behind bars 2500 of these books hey brother i mean it's live tv so we're not going back so yeah we got 2500 here's the thing i hope people will well seriously this is a beautiful time this is a once in a time a year opportunity people can actually donate to abn and christmas grand bars they can donate for 2020 or they can write their check for 2021 so they can go either way they want for tax purposes joliet illinois state bill correctional facility there was almost 3 000 packages delivered there that's a whole semi trailer full of packages you know i received a letter from an inmate at that prison and he said that he gave his bag away and i thought well that's interesting and he he said that he took all the christian literature out of the bag he put some socks in the bag and he wrote a note on the bag and he gave it to the muslim man who had turned the bag down when the staff went through the gallery through the dormitory this muslim man turned the bag down this christian man took the literature out he put some new items in there socks that the man didn't have and he took it over and he put it on his bed and he just watched from the background and this man came back to his bed area and he he looked at the bag and he opened it he read the note and then he then he hollered out over the whole gallery the whole dormitory and he said i don't know which one of you christian brothers gave me this bag he said but i thank you and i thank your god and so so that's the representation of the gospel someone gave their bag away someone turned it down and that the gospel message is going forward in such a way as that i received a letter from joliet statesville prison from another man and it says mr vega i spent 15 years down at menard prison that's in illinois no such gifts ever arrived been at statesville prison three years and it's the third year i received a plentiful christmas bag been gone 21 years it amazes me when i am remembered thank you and so we want to thank the joliet seventh-day adventist church for sponsoring statesville for three years and now because this man never got a bag 15 years at menard we contacted menard prison and they just received bags and passed them out today at the menard prison and that was two thousand two hundred inmates that's right here one man yeah southern illinois one man gave his bag away we got these letters of appreciation and so we reached out to menard and an officer from menard told someone there at 3abn or his wife i forget they said this can't be done at menard and this has been a few years ago and so god is opening doors during this global pandemic as never before in the prison ministry and so we just very appreciate him amen amen brother lemieux i tell you thank you you have a servant's heart my brother and you're an inspiration to us as uh the inmates are in bed asleep you're out delivering these packages sometimes 1 a.m 2 a.m in the morning you don't stop you and your wife and your team and what we want to do is uh mr danny i want to put his um address up because you know someone may have um something on their heart you know right now like you know what christmas behind bars and uh and what they're doing we just want to support what uh what they're doing and uh so lemieux would you mind to actually give us that address in case someone wants to uh i guess they can go to the website www.christmasbehindbars okay there we go perfect thank you control room great job so there's the information christmas behind bars post office box 474 bluffton indiana 46714 or you can call me oled 260-827-8835 again you and jason bradley and your mother and many of us have been involved uh with christmas morning bars and if you're not able to get that information or that address all you have to do is call us at 3abn and we would be delighted to put you in touch with lemio vega and we believe in his ministry and what god is doing in and through him so thank you brother lemieux for what you do and brother let me we got to let you go but i want to just say this let me you got so much exciting stories come back let's do it live can we do it live like maybe next month or or maybe february but let's do a live together that would be awesome thank you very much and god bless all right we love you we're going to go to some music now i love music um and you know i was just thinking about this with the prison and all that yeah that when we went before kovit when we could go into prisons yes and let me would always bring in music and we do programs for the inmates and the difference that it made and just it's an incredible music so gift what we're going to do now is go to tim and ryan and they're going to bring us some more new year's eve music at the beginning of this year i turned 50. oh congratulations well it's a little late for that now but thanks i appreciate that but um so so i had anticipated a great year of celebration and and um i actually it didn't turn out as well as i had anticipated okay and then in terms of you know being everybody being distracted by by the virus and so it took the attention off of me being 50. well i i so i almost like won a replay so i think i'm going to go for 50 again next year um but uh we'll see how just delete last year yeah just get over that but um but anyway speaking of we know how the year began um i love the fact about we serve a god who knows how things are going to end that's right he said the bible says he knows the end from the beginning he does and you know there's people that are living kind of in the wake of the fear of 2021 looking for excuse me 2020 and looking forward to 2021 with fear and anxiety and but the wonderful thing about being a christian a bible christian is that we can we can take a look at the back of the book yes we can and we can see how the story ends and jesus wins and so do his people and that's what the story of this song says all right let's sing this and you all gotta listen fast from this one oh today the world is filled with fear and sorrow each day that dawns is far worse than the last people live in dread of their tomorrow and don't have time to think about their past but jesus bought and paid with my insurance and nowhere i am bound and where i've been as each new headline makes its dark appearance i already know how the story ends i just took a look at the back of the book and i know how the story ends any way you slice it consider my advices you gotta be a christian to win [Music] well many criticize its invitations and seek to write the story once again they'll fill your mind with lies and imitations and try to make a pretty thing of but no matter how they cover up the true facts before the ink has dried and left their pens my lamp is filled with hole my bags are all packed cause i already know how the story ends i just took a look at the back of the book and i know how the story ends any way you slice it center my advices you gotta be a christian to win i just took a look at the back of the book and i know how the story is any way you slice it center my advices [Music] you gotta be a christian to wear yes oh i love that song anyway you slice it center my advice is you got to be a christian to win and the fact is that we are on the winning team as christians that's right and uh i like the fact that god has us in his hands oh yes and so i like this song a lot you don't have to worry and don't you be afraid joy comes in the morning troubles they don't last always [Music] for there's a friend in jesus who will wipe your tears away and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands you don't have to worry and don't you be afraid joy comes in the morning troubles they don't last always there's a friend in jesus who will wipe away your tears and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands jesus i can take it with him i know i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands so in the tests and trials they seem to get you down and all your friends and loved ones are nowhere to be found there's a friend in jesus who will wipe your tears away and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no matter what may come away my life is in your hands with jesus i can take it with jesus i can stand no matter what may come my way my life is in your hands [Music] amen wow i love that both songs were powerful but especially that last one really spoke to me my life is in your hands amen and as we start the new year just want our lives to be in the hand of the lord jesus amen thank you for joining us for our live new year's eve special i know you could be someplace else but you've decided to spend it with us here at 3abn you know it's great spending time we've been looking forward to spending this time you're part of our family it's just great being together here we're just praising the lord for what he has done we know 2020 has been an uncertain year there's been challenges but you know what god is good he's stable all the way through all we need to do is depend on him so again if you've got any praise reports prayer requests they are coming in we've got stacks of requests and prayer requests that are coming in you can text us 618-228-3975 our call center is open this evening if you want to make a a year-end donation that phone number is 618-627-4651 maybe you want someone to pray with you our pastoral department's open this evening too or if you want to text mr danny shelton that's right okay we're doing pretty good so far call me and let me know what your donation is going to be tonight good already we've seen the lord bless tremendously on that friends families enemies no bill collectors please i got a text from attilio and he said they're donating 300 for cuba so oh thank you thank you brother and this is penny as well uh her name is penny a five dollar donation toward operations thank you that makes a big difference thank you um lois fifteen dollars thank you so much elisa fifty 50 toward cuba you know it all makes a difference you know some too over here yes donation that's right that's great you know and i think some people may think oh this is too small it's not significant nothing is too small god multiplies and makes something out of it we've traded our people and we have more family here pastor kenny and chris shelton just so glad to have you here we're glad to be here especially at our age at this time of night [Laughter] she and i are looking out the window just getting going but their lights didn't go up early i'm just going to make a big statement and say honey speak for yourself now i can't yeah you might have stayed up 15 minutes longer maybe yeah but we appreciate you both so much and just wanted you to share me what's on your heart something for someone this year 2021 is now upon us so for many parts of the world so what's on your heart pastor kenny we appreciate that oh i tell you i have you know a lot of things have crossed my mind as i think most people as we start another year yes put one behind and then and move forward and so you know i've been thinking about you know ways that we can we can serve god more i know the world is making different plans and i know a lot of things are going on right now in the world but you know it's god's people i jotted down a few times i don't know how much time i have a couple of minutes or whatever oh yeah four things i just like to share i jot it down i thought was very interesting and uh i put four small points here that i think that god would be pleased with first of all i've learned this you know let's get our pen over the paper [Laughter] says i've learned this except the lord build this house that's right they labor in vain right which build it and that goes for 3bn it goes for every ministry that goes for our own personal life and you know things in our own heart and for the new year i thought you know our message of hope we have a wonderful message of hope and message of encouragement that the world needs so desperately right now and it's just to be going around the world it's a knowledge of the saving grace of god it's a knowledge of him and i would also say a warning to get ready get ready get ready first point i want to make here just i think it's again the world's doing opposite right now but i think this is something we should focus on and i'm thinking about what do we do as christians do we do like the world does or do we focus on what god would have us to do i found a little article in review and harold is 1 20 1903 this was written just a couple lines notice it it says the new year is just before us plans should be laid for earnest persevering effort in the master service there is much to be done to advance the work of god wonderful there's much to be point number one is what we need to be laying plans good right we must lay plans i lay plans for everything else that i do in life i don't know where you plan to go turn the light switch on so you know there's always plans that we're making but for the cause of christ right now we need to be laying some real good advancement plans to be able to get this gospel out and number two review in herald 1 27 1903 says this for christ's sake notice this is like a pleading of sister white she said for christ's sake please brothers and sisters make the most of the hours of the new year to place the precious light of present truth before the people amen that always gets my heart always right there what we do number one is we we may make a plan get this message going around the world number two we need to have the light of present truth to warn the world of what is taking place right now and soon to take place you know we we have no time to be idle we have no time to be i want to call it discouraged a lot of people are discouraged now um i guess rightfully so maybe some people can be but i'm not trying to be discouraged about things because we know who rules and who sits on the throne very grateful and think the outcome is all in god's hands so that really helps when i see things turning you know they say north or north 40 somewhere so we don't have we know again god's got everything in control number three notice this six testimonies 20 21 says this every effort possible must be made to reveal christ now notice this reveal christ is what a sin pardoning savior the one who bears our sins and the one that we realize is called the bright and morning star we need him in our life and notice this if we do that if we lift up christ he's going to show his last eight people some some favors he's going to do special things for his last day people and you know what and it's all going to take place before the end of the world and before our work is done god's going to do great wonderful things and i think it's only begun here at 3abn and when i'm talking here be sure and call bro's phone keep him busy all right please do that as a personal favor keep it going right here i have one last little thing here quickly not take too much time here but it's a question i want to ask a question this is the fourth thing a question would be this and i i asked myself that this afternoon i sat down for a few moments i said you know i i wonder if we could read over our lives right now with the end of the year coming new year's begun is our lives um what would be our record this past year oh mercy what would it be how how would it read and how you know what would it be pleasing to god for the things that we've done the things that we spent time on things we spent all that would it be pleasing in the side lord you know and so ask yourself this why or why not and then maybe sometimes your heart's been divided sometimes we go through that as christians your heart's divided sometimes your servant god seems strong and you're on fire and you just you can't keep silent and other times it seems like you just kind of slow down and you want to take a break or your side to kind of go on the side of the enemy so you know why not right now this year this new year right now just begin by making a new commitment to jesus christ again the world's not doing that now but as christians we need to make that new commitment as we make that commitment to christ right now we can make a difference in this world amen one individual can make a difference in this world and i want to make a difference for the cause of christ i know each one of you do too and those who are watching and those who are listening we need to make a difference and that difference not only in our lives but a difference in other people's life we can do that we can be that kind of influence that we need to book to you know to think about now this is something i thought was interesting it's just a couple of little lines and you can take it all i say is you can take it to the bank of heaven i don't worry about no banks going here because i'm not trusting right now because i know what the word says about the banking and economy right okay take this to the bank of heaven it's just a couple of words as long as you look to christ as long as you look to christ you are safe amen s-a-f-e you're safe as long as you look to cry and this year what you see coming up on us i mean boy this is it keep looking to him this is the new year and you know big changes are taking place yes they are there's no doubt about it absolutely and so we need to be looking more than ever before the bible says you know we we need to behold and we need to lift up christ so as these changes come we need him more than than ever so i really believe that so this new year i'm not making plans about this and that it's simply how can we better serve christ you know i look at my own life and i say it it's not enough no matter how god what he allows us to do in life it's just it's just not it's not enough yes it's all about him he did everything for us so i'm just encouraging everyone you know just to really make that commitment to christ you know and ask him lord what would you have me to do and i want to say you know you were mentioning and three events making a difference in the world too but you guys have a program behold the lamb ministries and course has been in existence for many many years you've been part of three men from the very beginning but thank you for what you were doing with your ministry behold the lamb ministries and you know i know we're mentioning many ministries tonight it's just on my heart right now sister chris if someone wants to because people are watching behold the lamb they've been watching for years how can they support right now behold the land ministry does you have an address i've got a phone too okay oh you're quick you're quick [Laughter] 942-5044 that's 618-942-5044 fact i had a phone call while i was at work today on my cell phone and that was a blessing and so i appreciate they can also write to us but and that's at p.o box 2030 heron illinois 62948 we are just so excited this has certainly been a year of learning and i think we have truly been so so busy and you know it's a lot of of evangelism because we realize that time is short and jesus has told us when we see these things happening to look up because our redemption draweth nigh and that's how we get through this because a lot of times you know when we're focusing in on what's happening in the world it is down it is depressing but we have jesus to come back and to to help us to regroup and to fill us up with his spirit and to keep moving forward and like you guys said we just want to do what god wants us to do and help people to draw close to him to understand what the truth is and and to wake up before it's too late and by the way i bet my my employees have been off except some of them been kind of sneaking in to help me because i'm lost but um anyway i've had a lot of phone calls because i normally don't get to answer the phones i've been answering the phones the last couple weeks and so many people call and say oh we love 3abn we love behold presents or behold the lion ministries but we love everybody at 3abn and they always tell me now will you please tell them tell them i said you have a good time we appreciate you both though thank you so very much and for your ministry as well thank you for sharing this evening all right we're going to bring in pastor john and angie to have a prayer at the end of this hour thank you both again greg in just a few minutes yes times square i guess we'll drop this that's right the world is so many people are going to be looking at the world they're going to be drinking in the new year they're going to be dancing in the new year we have an opportunity to celebrate the new year with those at home and celebrate the lord jesus christ love the new year just a matter of minutes john and angie you've been up new york you're from there and yvonne you've seen many times and nothing wrong with that part of it but i'm sending it so much better to celebrate the new year they're focusing on playing we're focusing on praying a couple of prayer requests doctor fox again they've been just coming in and we don't i know we won't be able to read all of them but just thank you so much for sending in your prayer requests her uh praise reports as well i'm getting a little tongue tied i guess i'm a little tired it's getting late for us but we've been saying it's passed over you guys go you guys go to bed earlier all right prayers for wisdom zach um alex says please oh no please pray for my daughter alex um pray that god will reveal the path that i must walk to serve him with all my heart also pray that he will direct my husband to sign the document that i need to sell my house that's from lana for marlene please pray for my sister sadat she has parkinson's disease um and then this other person says i i never had any sda person able to answer about the verse that tells us the just shall live by faith and the law is not of faith i don't know what that is um i'm requesting prayer for healing rosalind says amen um please pray for my daughter sarah who's going through a divorce she's getting very weary over trying to settle with two young children in the middle this is from virginia you have some too angie yes i do well this is a praise report good i am sending an appraised report i want you to know that god is working in such a powerful way with my facebook ministry it is marvelous people are coming to christ from all over the world hallelujah thank you for your constant encouraging programs thank you for being my family cindy from virginia you always say that we're family that's right our view is our family and it's true you are family here's another one please pray for my friend connie she's preparing to have surgery to remove a mass on january 5th juanita from nevada yes we'll do that yeah so pastor john you know in new york and danny just talked about that we are new yorkers and we were in times square once when the ball came down and a guy kissed my wife and he shouldn't have done it that was right we were boyfriend and girlfriend then we were dating then i was slow i was slow off the trigger danny they were counting down grabbed her and kissed her i hope that doesn't offend anybody here but we've learned from since then so instead of being in times square where the ball is going down we're in 3abn where the praise is going on praising god for that yes loving lord it's such a blessing to know as the world is celebrating that which is secular we are focusing on that which is spiritual and lord what a way to bring in the new year with all the new promises the new foundation the new forward-looking we don't have a clue about 2021 but we're so thankful that we know you and all these requests that have come in tonight we pray for those whose hearts are heavy now and those whose burdens are going to be lifted in the way that you know best and so thank you father for our family and for those who are joining us via whatever medium whether they're listening or watching we pray that they'll step into this year with their feet on the foundation of faith in the hand of the god who can only guide them to success after success and finally lord when all the celebration on the earth is done our celebration in eternity will never end and we thank you for that promise in jesus name amen amen thank you pastor amen we have one more hour of life after this dude this is going by in a hurry i almost feel out of breath even though i'm just sitting here running a race yeah but what do we have for the next hour we have we're going to talk with jason and francine bergman and amanda i think we have a craft for the kids we're going to have some food which i wish we could be eating but this is recorded so we'll be having a cooking segment we're going to get more music with tim and ryan and we're going to have more time at the end of the next hour to pray with pastor yeah we're going to have more time for that happy new year to those on the east coast to those in boston and new york and miami and florida all of you on the east happy new year right back hey guys we are back we hope that you have been enjoying the last two hours because ah we have that's for sure we have a praise report that came in from florida it says we want to give god praise because he's been with our family and protected us throughout this year please pray that he will do the same in 2021 amen amen now we also have a prayer request that came in and it says this i would like to pray for i would like prayer for my former classmate bob who is fighting bone cancer that has metastasized into his liver if we could all just take a moment let's pray for bob because we still believe that truth that when two or three are gathered in his name there he is also that is so powerful so let's take a moment let's pray for bob and let's see what god does that's right and please don't forget this is a live program so send in your prayer requests and your praise reports because we would love to pray for you now we also want to take just a little bit of time and share a scripture verse with you this verse is found in first corinthians 5 17 and it says this therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new that's such an encouragement oh yeah i mean think about it christ has the power to create something new he can take your hardships and he can take your heart and create something beautiful out of that and i feel like everyone should hear that especially after a year like 2020 right now i am so excited to see what god is going to do don't go anywhere we have one more hour left see you soon [Music] hello and welcome back to our three-hour new year's eve live program we're so glad you joined us are you awake i guess you are if you're hearing us i i think i'm talking intelligently usually we're in bed by this time but happy new year we just like the east coast like we're just talking the ball just dropped there in new york city times square but what a blessing to spend this time together we're all part of the family we've been able to uh like jill's mentioned some of the uh what are like musical chairs family from here of 3abn we've been coming and going and it's been a great time here to spend with you and again we're just thankful for you and your financial support for the ministry of 3abn again like we were talking the very beginning mr danny it's um amazing that uh we're here you know that we can spread the gospel around the world 2020 2021 in the midst of the pandemic and coveted and everything going on people still see evangelism still giving and the gospel is going communication tool that will reach the world from this former little cornfield or mean field i mean southern illinois that's amazing isn't it yes it literally around the world people in numerous languages yeah hundreds of millions even maybe a billion or two i'm told by the engineers i sometimes wonder if that's evangelistically speaking numbers but potential potential is true billion two billion it's amazing what god has wrought thank you for your love and your prayers and support and we have so many projects that you can donate for that we talked about just tonight and i'm trying to see if i can even remember them all but we started out with cuba so if you want to support the work of 3b and going to cuba the first christian channel there in cuba if you want to support the hard drives for prison we had that incredible donation of 25 000. for hard drives for prisons and we're so grateful for that so thank you special thank you but if you want to support we can go to more prisons so you you can always give us a call right now at 618-627-4655 for any size donation you will get a copy of this book glimpses of his glory written by dr yvonne shelton and just an incredible book if you want to support the ministry of christmas behind bars or you want to support the ministry of behold the lamb ministries we talked about both of them tonight as well contact us you can contact us and we'd be delighted to give you their contact information amen we've traded our guests we have a delightful family on part of our family too we have the bergmans we have jason bergman he's our cfo and you guys have been here now it's coming up on three years isn't that right jason it's really fast it's gone by really fast yeah it's been great but yeah you're doing a great job and thank you so much for your diligence and being careful with the numbers and everything and i know it's been a walk of faith because you have lots of experience in the conference you know we're for like what 25 26 years and coming to a faith-based ministry i know it's been a different little different mindset it has been different but it's been a blessing you know yeah absolutely you know you've seen god bless i mean this year you know the mystic you know god has just blessed in incredible ways he has um you know i just i'm surprised at um with this arduous time that we lived in this year how the commitment of our donors yeah it's incredible and uh they were so committed in giving to 3abn and it's been really amazing how the lord has really blessed because people have the heart for evangelism oh absolutely it beats so strong that's right absolutely sitting next to you is your beautiful wife aunt francine who's the general manager of 3am kids network and you have a puppy on your lap i do this is ginger she's been staying with us for a little bit she's looking right into the camera i love that she's been the highlight for sure but she's she and i had her stare down just a few minutes she's not but she's been a lot of fun for sure and she's starting on some of the new programs she's being part of the new programs she is starting to be in the new programs and for the kids so the kids can look forward to seeing her more absolutely yeah yeah sitting next to you is your daughter amanda hi amanda hello amanda and we're so glad to have and is it past your bedtime tonight that's my bad time jason you sent a few emails late at night too i noticed yes that's okay but everyone is color coordinated you've got pink pink pink and a little hair bow but we just love and appreciate you all and thank you so much for what you do here at 3bn and you're going to do a crafter you know i i i would like to you know in in um so if the kids are asleep so if the kids are asleep right now they can go to the website they still can go to the website you're right so amanda's going to go ahead and get started on it but it was i wanted to um mention something about how peter was in in the bible you know he really wanted to work for jesus and so she's going to go ahead and start working on the craft and again it is on the 3abnkids.tv website and this is the path that amanda's going to be making and it says every story has an end but in jesus every end is just a new beginning okay and i wanted to talk a little bit about it oh thank you for the camera really nice so you know peta go ahead amanda so you can go ahead and start writing it and so again you can find that on 3abnkids.d website and they had the program so she's going to look at that as an example but you know peta was somebody that i really admire because he wasn't he loved jesus and he was one of jesus's close you know disciples yeah and you know what are some of the things that we know that peter did do you remember some of the things that made him really special good things or bad things he was impetuous and he spoke sometimes before he should have you're right you're right i think of peter on the water and starting to right starting to fall and even in gethsemane you know he fell asleep like he was close to jesus he's one of the three he lopped off the guy's ear you're right so you know he had these things and then he was at the yeah he had issues and then you know what's interesting is that even through that all all of that you know he said for sure i'm not going to deny you christ and he did and it was three times and again three times jesus acknowledges him and i'm thinking about new beginnings and you know peter had a change of heart after jesus died he really did he wanted to give everything for christ and he he failed miserably and i'm looking back at 20 20 and you know sometimes there's things where sometimes we mess up and if ginger gets a little i'm gonna ask daddy to help but i'm going to do a little illustration and amanda's still going to write but i'm going to do a little illustration on something if that if that's okay with you right yeah um but so we were talking about like some things that we could have done to improve she's just she just wants to be in the camera you know she loves you jason she loves it it's interesting she plays a different game with each of us like she plays a certain kind of game with amanda and then another game with me in the morning with the towel and you know she plays a different game so anyway but going back to the topic i got a little sidetrack peter made some mistakes okay and we can use this but i'm going to change it and say some mistakes that maybe we've done and we talked a little bit a little bit ahead of time but with some of the things that sometimes we fail jesus in um maybe i shouldn't maybe i don't trust him like i should so lack of trust sometimes it's hard to forgive trust uh-huh or whether that would be holding on to bitterness or unforgiveness okay better so people at home are saying what is she doing so you were writing so i'm writing on a mirror and we we talked about some other things like being not unkind words right we talked about selfish oak unkind or bad words we we talked about some bad words okay so i have a permanent marker and two and so amanda was going to look in the mirror you want to turn around and look in the mirror so everybody can see your face i don't know if it's going to work there we go it worked yeah and so sometimes we see how god is really marking sees our sin he really sees us and this is a permanent marker but you know you want to try it you want to try now i forgot to bring it you want to try it here try it with my mask because i forgot my tissue oh i have a tissue here you want to oh yeah go ahead see if it will rub off see if it'll rub off it's not going to rub off very easily it doesn't rub off okay so but with jesus what does jesus say with like peter and some of the sins that peter had well peter asked for forgiveness he asked for forgiveness okay and what did jesus say oh do you love me did you feed my sheep that kind of thing so you know we can write that jesus showed love and he showed kindness and i'm just writing some of these things and jesus is totally taking care and he says i'm going to blot out your sins amen amen i'm going to just blot it all out now i might not do a very good job here but jesus is writing them all out and getting rid of them okay amen and you know what let's see now when jesus takes care of it you want me to rub it or do you want to rub it okay all right go ahead and rub it off what happens keep rubbing oh mommy didn't do a very good job blotting them off but jesus does a lot better job coming up yeah wow look at that so you know jesus jesus has a way of really um in the new year i want to just focus on you know god has it all on it whatever happened and the biggest idea for me is that coming into 2021 it's peter later on witnessed to over 3000 people and when you think about that is i would like to invite those at home to also how are they how are you willing to go and witness to the people around you how can you be a witness to others and in this time so i just i wanted to encourage um so thank you thank you friends you've got some exciting new programs coming up too you know you do a great job you have a heart for children of course your school teacher have lots of experience you know but to be taking on this is a big responsibility and you're doing a fantastic job you got some new programming in the pipeline and uh yeah they're going to be finished up beginning of 2021 and we've seen those new programs so i'm just so excited and i'm always looking for more kids to participate so they can email me at kids 3abn.org again that's kids 3abn.org and i'd love to have more kids wanting to participate amanda ginger and me has been bonding she's looking at me and i'm staring at her yeah she likes you we're getting tight amanda let's see how you how your craft is coming jason we'll get to you here so let's look at that so every story has an end that's beautiful you're doing a great job yeah fantastic so jason i know that uh you know as far as we're talking about donations and year-end giving and uh i know there's a lot of people now we still get checks obviously and people donate that way which is fantastic but uh we've been getting quite a bit more paypal correct right so maybe explain that a little bit to people in different ways that people can actually donate online some of the other things that we can provide for them sure so um if you want to donate to 3bn using paypal we have an option on our website at 3abn.org okay and then you go to the app and you just donate go to the donate button up top and you go down a little bit and there's three options we had one yes we have three options now the first option is you can give to the paypal giving fund paypal giving fund is great because 100 goes to 3abn without any fees which is really awesome then we have our checks you can give your your um credit card or you can give your debit card that's the second option and the third option is a qr code it's a little square that all you do is you take a picture of it with your phone now if you have an iphone it's a little bit faster but it takes i've tried it it takes like five seconds to donate to three abn yeah that's fantastic it is super fast and it's really nice because you can do it fast you can get it done really quick and the fees are less than if you're using a credit card or a debit card but it's still a little more expensive than using the giving fund which is the first button now the one thing we need to be careful of if we give things out and that you're looking for it and you call we don't see the contributions for a month but then it comes in from paypal once a month sure with the giving fund so that's going to take a little while to get your receipt that's correct it'll take a little bit longer the money correct so and we did that because donors were saying we don't want you to pay any fees so we found an option that they don't have you don't have to pay fees and it's it's great for 3abn but it does take a little longer for us to get the contribution and the beautiful thing is too this way is the people internationally there's no issue because some people are trying to figure out let's see okay so i'm using euros or some other you know but it works through the online paypal correct conversions so yeah with the qr code and with the giving fund you have to have a paypal account so that's the only caveat that that we need to you need to work on sure but once you get it set up it's really fast in the qr code five seconds and donation is done you know just like people are texting with texting us this evening right yes they're doing well so far everybody got my number amen all mr danny or text them i should say yeah i'm getting other comments too but some of them i can't say what i think the age of technology it's amazing because you can donate on your phone which is just incredible and jason you know of course being in charge of all the finance you know cfo he sees all this stuff come through and he's seen an uptick in like all the paypal from what we used to get of course we still take checks like i would mention before but again thank you we're not here to do a bag-a-thon like mr danny said three minutes not about that this is just thanking you for standing with three abn and for helping to spread this gospel around the world amanda i want to ask you a question i know you're working on the craft here so tell me something that you like about school this is putting you on the spot is there a subject you like to study or something you like or do you like to read what books do you like to read i didn't say any book is there any book you like well how many books do you read a week oh that's i think that's the hard no it's it's the what that because she reads volumes so you're an avid reader then she is she is how many books how many books how many books do you think you read one book one book one book a week two books closer to 40. 40. oh yeah and i actually awkward did you hear that [Laughter] it gets more and more challenging to find the appropriate kinds of books so that is and so you know teaching her how to put a book down when it's not appropriate i'm really proud of her for that because you know i i can't keep up with her so yep so you get a lot of books from the library then we do we do and even during the covid we were able to do it or many times through um into library loan too and we can just go pick it up so they've been really good and they know amanda very well so i can tell that they're starting to order books for amanda because they know that we don't read certain books and i notice that they're putting more and more religious kind of things on the shelf too so i'm very thankful to our marian library good job amanda yeah yeah good wonderful 40 books a week one incredible thing i i know i'm sure i've read i've read that many in my lifetime in a week i'm with you oh in a week i thought we were talking about lifetime oh well we appreciate and love all of you thank you for what you do for the ministry of 3dbn we're going to go now to another role this is from our 3abn radio network jay christian is the general manager of three being radio he's been here just about the same length of time as you i think came just about that time and we're so grateful for he and sveta and what they do for the ministry and let's go to that right now hello i'm jay christian general manager of 3abn radio and the music channel 2020 has been an unusual year and so far it looks like 2021 will continue on a similar path we at 3abn have been adjusting the best that we can to the realities of today our prayers are that we all you and three abn can get back to normal soon and that the lord will bless and protect all of us like everyone else we've had our challenges but we can feel god's presence and influence he's always here guiding us so we can provide the best and most accurate information about his love plan of salvation and our future throughout eternity do you know that you and i have an edge we do first we've read the end of the book biblical prophecy tells us what to expect that's a big advantage you and we know god and he knows us he knows our hearts and our hearts determine everything about our future no matter what the past is brought or the future on this earth will bring you and i have an important rendezvous soon with jesus and eternal life that in itself provides the most wonderful future for us something we can and should anticipate with grateful hearts we at 3abn look forward to the opportunities to share our future hope with you and share it with family friends neighbors and people around the world if you aren't doing that now would you join us it's not too late titus 2 13 tells us to look forward to our blessed hope the return of jesus what a great thought to begin 2021 and from your friends at 3abn radio network may you have a wonderful and blessed new year amen thank you so much jay we appreciate him and his leadership amen we have one other general manager can i talk about radio really quick is that it's incredible because radio has its phenomenal reach and just like we get stories about three abn television and internet we get lots of stories on how radio is touching lives for eternity too so it's just incredible the stories that come in you know that's what makes it worthwhile yes you know what that is doing what we do is fun i enjoy working with all of you it's just great fun but it makes it worthwhile when you find out about souls and you come to the truth and the knowledge of jesus christ because of the truth amen another special role we want to go to this is with dr julia executive director of 3ab and russia and we're just so grateful for her and her leadership of russia and we call them our russian angels i had the privilege just this week they had their new year's party and i got to skype in with them and wish them happy new years and so we're just so grateful for them so let's go to the special role they prepared for us now hello dear viewers of 3abn our d3bn family we have gathered together here about an hour drive from 3b and rush evangelism center and we are so honored to be able to participate in your live new year's eve program that meets year 2021 [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the song that you have just heard has been put together by the workers of radiant russia by our young people and it says how wonderful it is to be in god's love how wonderful it is to feel and experience god's love through the love and support of one another when we uh thought what bible verse we would like to give to you as a new year's congratulations this is the verse that came to we all agreed that this is what we would like to tell you today [Music] [Applause] so let this bible verse be our slogan our main thought for the year 2021 happy 2021. hey man boy i love that happy 2021 always with jesus and i they do just an incredible job we appreciate the leadership again and dr julia okana and it's been a phenomenal miracle story of how three of and russia got started mr danny and i have a feeling that that was real snow that we saw there too they looked kind of cold i could just about assure you so say hello to my little sister caller julia's a little younger than i am and you see those old videos of us and we're both like i think i was 41 and she was a couple years younger than that or 40 somewhere there and uh to see what she's done through god's blessings and what the russian angels have done incredible they started with so little they do so much with so little and now has grown and grown and so creative and so dedicated to the lord's work and getting out to three angels messages so julia and all the angels i love you i know i can speak for yvonne and all of us here thank you so much for what you do we know it's not easy julia's been through tremendous things and the devil's thrown at her like a lot of you and a lot of us and she continues to keep going keep going forward keep looking up and uh she's such an encouragement what a blessing love you with all my heart and russia's second home i mean it's it has my heart for so many years tell me we said hello ivanka there you go julia's mother julia's mother calls her ivana yeah they hit it off like this as soon as they met they just fell in love with them yeah and see you yes yes so and yeah we just appreciate what they do their three been russian team and the production team there and uh as this third hour here for our live is kind of wrapping up here we got in about another 30 minutes i just want to extend a great big thank you to the production crew here you know the covet and the pandemic here has been uh it's been tremendous so yeah and they're working here tonight too uh here at cameras behind the scenes so much work has gone into this year a lot of changes they've had to make decisions i mean we've had to change direction on a dime they're just so flexible have done tremendous programs you know we had to do the virtual camp meeting we did asi virtual we did amen virtual here we did the chapters of asi plus new programs worship power i mean this production team and the creative team phenomenal so this is a thank you to them and uh i i they're a big part of how this gospel gets out thank you to the leadership of jorge the production manager yeah it's just phenomenal and uh just from us the administrative team mr danny and we've had numerous people that come here and just recently in fact someone said you know i'm on tv stations all across america three abn is second to none they're quality production that's right they're workers they say the way they treat us the organization you know from the top down thank you greg and jill that they feel welcome and so i mean that's some of these folks travel and they go to a lot of different television networks and yeah christian and secular and they they make those same comments man your facility is incredible and your production work and all of your crew is always so good to us they say yeah there's a team of about 30 35 members that make it happen it's working and productive in production you're right in production yeah you're right i always say we have the most creative gifted talented people in the world working right here in this ministry helping to get the gospel out so we are so very grateful for them this is a message here that came in i want to encourage you to text in your prayer request or text in your praise reports at the end of this hour we're going to pray over them and we're going to read some of them so text us at 618-228-3975 that's 618-228-3975 this one came in i wanted to read it because it's interesting this is from richard and happy new year to you richard we know him he lives in cape town south africa oh it's 5 25 in the morning and he's watching us right now so thank you richard happy new year and he says to please pray for his wife she has coven and prayed she does not pass it on to her mother who has some health challenges so pray in a special way this is barbara donated 120 to dare to dream amen mary and david gave a hundred for operation so praise the lord madeleine from australia is watching right now wow thank you thank you for this ministry pray with us for god to provide work for my husband thank you for being part of the family what do we have next i'm hardly going to keep track we're going to more music with tim and ryan we love tim and ryan are so grateful for their ministry here and just the giftedness i love to hear them sing together and let's go to one more role from them there are days when i feel the best of me is ready to begin there are days when [Music] how [Music] there i am before the love that changes me see i don't know how but there's power when i'm on i can be in a crowd all by myself in almost anywhere when i feel there's a need to talk with god he is he manuel when i close my eyes no darkness there there's only light i get on my knees i get on my knees there i am before the love that changes me see i don't know how but there's power in the blue sky in the midnight when i'm on my knees i get on my knees i get on my knees there i am before the love that changes me see i don't know how but there's power when i'm on yes yes when i'm on my knees yes there's power when i'm on [Music] my knees [Music] nice but a great way to end the year i remember remember being on the road we would be in a concert and i was with us we were performing with a particular family and um i remember at midnight backstage they were all kneeling and praying behind stage and just a great way to end together as a family on your knees that's right so um you might want to take that posture at this uh as we prepare for the end of this year beautiful so that's right um what about another song this is an old old ham this is a medley actually of an old couple of old songs close to thee and we need to be close to him right yes and just a closer walk with thee yeah it's nice it goes like this lasting portion more than friends [Music] to me [Music] [Music] me walk with me close to thee close to thee that's right close to this journey save your life me walk with me [Music] my prayers shall be gladly will i toil and suffer yes save your love me walk with [Music] my pilgrims [Music] oh just a closer walk with thee oh yes granted jesus is my belief [Music] daddy walking close to [Music] oh this to is let it be amen we had a quartet going you at home heard tim and ryan which is beautiful but we had oh no it wasn't it was dr yvonne and mr danny yeah beautiful just to clarify it wasn't it we couldn't help jumping in right i know we do that all the time anyway any time we hear somebody we turn on three abn people are singing we jump on the other parts they don't have a quartet we'll jump on and make it a quartet yeah yeah fantastic though we love music music's been a big part of 3abn yeah part of your family even before 3abn and i know it means a lot to you you know to have the music here three been praised him network is incredible yeah it's been a dream come true yeah and tim is doing a great job wonderful job and so does ryan i mean again the talent and we have so many pastor john evonomy so many people that literally three abn course reggie and lady family yes you know and you you get those allison's up here recently but so much great talent you just come here wow [Music] so much great talent comes here and does music and worship i mean it it's it's great i praise the lord amen yeah we've been up so late i'm starting to get hungry so what we're going to do right now is go into the kitchen johnny and adalia are there and let's have a look at what they're cooking for all right looking forward to it thank you moriconi at this time we'd like to say happy new years from the dances you know babe we are in my favorite place in the home which is the kitchen the kitchen that's right so during this segment we'd like to just share this simple recipe um there are different varieties of this type of sauce that we're going to share with you but right now i just thought you know after being in the kitchen for so long preparing you know different holiday meals let's just do something quick and easy and the best thing about this is that if you put it in a like a glass canning jar in your refrigerator you can keep this up to 14 days so it's not going to last long because it's just delicious but during this segment what are we going to make we're going to make we're going to make drizzled potatoes with chimichurri that's right we're going to make chimichurris i don't know if you've ever heard of that it originates in argentina but throughout latin america everybody adapts it i'm from puerto rico you're from dominican republic and we enjoy the chimichurri and its variety so right now get your pen and paper ready and i'm going to share the recipe why don't you read the recipe for us look at the recipe yes venezuelan chimichurri drizzled potatoes 3 pounds of bite-sized potatoes oil to rub on potatoes and that's optional salt to taste and for the chimichurri you will need two cups of fresh parsley one quarter cup of red sweet bell pepper and two to three cloves of garlic peeled and chopped also two teaspoons of oregano dried one teaspoon of cumin one teaspoon of red pepper flakes divided three tablespoons of water juice of half a lime one quarter cup of olive oil and divided and salt to taste that's right in our home we love to use the himalayan salt everyone has their preferences and so it's lower in sodium so that is why i prefer to use the hamilian salt which is the famous pink sauce himalayan some people say himalayan yes with my spanish accent you know all right now the other thing i'd like to mention to you is that it said one quarter of a red pepper or green pepper if you'd like i like the red pepper so if you have more than a fourth of the red pepper in it it's not going to matter at all now i would like to share with you something that we'd like to do in the home when we use the gloves whenever we are marinating or putting stuff on the food it requires our hands we like to for example take a little bit of i usually have coconut oil but i have olive oil here on the set with me so i'm going to rub my hands like this with the olive oil and this will soften your hands as well that's right so we are talking about you know a little spa moment manicure if you will so we love to do this in the home i feel that the gloves even last longer and doesn't hair as easy now what we're going to do as you notice babe i need you to please put drizzle some i'll put your gloves on here's some olive oil for you too so okay you'll see your hands will look even better nicely and treated now we have the washed potatoes and scrubbed i love these baby potatoes because you can put them like in a nice party cup and then serve them in that little cup and then drizzle the sauce the chimichurri that we're going to share with you so right now what i'm going to do you have different kinds of potatoes yes and they have purple potatoes too nowadays so all right but here we go so you can make sure that all the potatoes they rub on there and you're going to put them on the cookie sheet the baking sheet right so if you are the type of consumer that prefers to avoid the oil you don't have to put the oil but right here i have a sample while he's doing that i'd like for you to look at these potatoes that we already have baked so the ones that i baked here i hardly put any oil in them so they kind of tend to look a little drier if you if you would but with the sauce once you drizzle the sauce in it you know you it's not going to bother you so what we'd like to do these are already baked and ready to be served but we wanted to show you the steps of getting the potatoes done you can get your kids busy in the kitchen with you so this is a recipe that the whole family can can participate in you can sprinkle some salt the salt is right there for you now the 1 4 of the red pepper i'm just going to go ahead and tear it you don't have to chop it with a knife just use your hands we're going to go ahead and add the salt add the oregano gonna put half of the red pepper flakes because we're gonna reserve some for garnishing and the cumin then half of the oil okay you don't want to put all of the oil right away into the blender so you can blend your um the parsley and all the ingredients so there's also three tablespoons of water there goes the garlic i didn't chop it but the lemon the lime now in the spanish kitchens uh in our countries we usually use the limes you know the green lemons and one lemon will give you or lime will give you up up to two tablespoons of lemon juice so what i just did is just use half of the lime juice so now what we're gonna do i'm gonna cut up some parsley if you could see on the counter here i have the parsley in a jar with water this is a good way of storing it in your refrigerator same thing with the cilantro it tends to last longer and stays livelier now yeah it looks beautiful now for the parsley what i'm gonna do okay good luck here trying to divide this up all right so i am going to go ahead and chop this do you mind chopping it for me babe so what you're gonna do you're gonna go ahead and chop it you don't have to chop it thinly or anything because we're gonna put it in the blender so and that's about that's about two cups that's enough that's enough very good now i am not i don't like to measure when i get in the kitchen so i just i do a lot of dump it recipes in the home so i'm just giving you a guide right now i'm going to make some a little bit of noise we're going to blend this up here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay now you don't want a smooth consistency you don't want that now i'm going to put the rest of the oil on there and i'm gonna place the okay we're gonna i'm just gonna pour it right in that little bowl so you can see the consistency more or less now we don't want it to be creamy creamy because you're gonna put it over the potatoes once you serve it next to your potatoes you are going to absolutely love this with your potatoes now is this dish served with the potatoes hot or cold hot hot now i know that you already have your the potatoes already rubbed with the oil and ready to bake so you're gonna bake this for like 30 minutes at 400 degrees um no i'm sorry for 15 minutes at 400 degrees so just poke it with your knife i mean with your fork and make sure that it's good okay let's swap the potatoes over this way with this one let's just pretend those went to the oven let me clear this out so we can see now let me put the red pepper flakes i forgot see there we go so now you have a plate over there and we're gonna plate the potatoes so you have an idea more or less in the meantime johnny do you mind taking a couple of those out now these are warm they're not hot hot but just wanted you to know when we went to the restaurant and they served this for us this is the first time we had had that sauce and believe me it tastes great so they put it in a little cup basket and we just enjoyed every bit of it yes and it's great even with the smaller potatoes like you have over there on the big dish and the dish that we want to do the final product over there yes here we have sliced potatoes that's right so there are purple potatoes red potatoes and gold potatoes or red potatoes and all you have to do is just poke it away and have a festive presentation with your roasted or baked baby potatoes with chimichurri sauce over them so enjoy happy new year amen wow that looks really really good i tell you what she's an incredible cook and i just have to say it was tasty because the day that she made it she sent it home with us and it was amazing and i tried to be unselfish and share it with greg too so let me just vouch for my wife she was unselfish and she did share with me thank you oh yeah i tell you we appreciate them again so much and they're fantastic cooks and always blessed when they share the food they do it quite often here every abm can't believe we're coming down to the end of our third hour and it's coming down to soon happy new year for man's time grandpa used to say we'd say he'd it would say grandpa what time is it grandpa shout and he'd say pull out his pocket watch and say man's time or god's time so he was at the era that he believes you know central time it shouldn't it should never change so he wouldn't change his clock because he said the bible says man will think to change times of love now he couldn't read or write you know he saw what he was read to them and his intentions were all good but uh any time somebody says what time i'm like man's time for god's time that's great grandpa shelton man's time is going to be uh new year's year a few minutes central time pastor john and angie thank you again so much for sharing the prayer time aspect of this special new year's eve live program again we've had so many prayer requests praise reports come in we want to again read a few more dr ivana know you've got a few more there too sure i'm angie jill myself um you want to start angie sure what are you doing yes we were reading the book of ecclesiastes john some wonderful um bible text and this one touched our hearts when daniel was talking about time with his grandfather was so special and in ecclesiastes 3 verse one you could one through what eleven well just do eleven okay i'll just you know the time to go on a time to die a time to plan yeah okay and then it ends here in verse eleven he has made everything beautiful in its time everything and that's a blessing and he has put eternity in their hearts except that no one can find out the work that god does from beginning to end amen that's what a great passage from in the year we've just come from too yeah you know people figuring out what are we doing next we look back at 2020 and somebody said the bad news is that time flies but the good news is so i'm not worried about time flying i'm just glad that god is the pilot but we're all getting older too we're getting older new year's eve celebration let's go the prayer requests you're older and wiser there you go more wisdom okay here's a pr here is a prayer request please pray for camille christopher my husband ron and i we are waiting on god for a miracle for our family while we wait we want to share that god is so majestic and that he is still in control yes he is god is so good to us praise god bibi from new york we're praising the lord with you baby for what he's doing for you yvonne do you have one also um yes i just want to praise god for giving me my own little family this year i adopted my precious emma and got married to my best friend david all in 2020. although having many fears with working in the middle of the cove pandemic in the er so many blessings came out of this year for me personally amen wow that's awesome yeah you know what it says you know what it finishes it says love you all brother and sister so i'm thinking okay yeah all those things now that sounds awfully familiar at the end love janelle so my sister's an er nurse and of course the in california so they've just been inundated and her husband is an er doctor and so i mean they've seen just i mean tragedy you talk about tragedy so we want to say thank you to all the health care professionals emt i mean all those that have been yeah front lines many people on the front lines risking their own life and uh just thank you you guys are heroes and so we appreciate very much what uh yeah what everyone has done i mean to make life better and easier and care for others that are hurting that's great anyone else you have one prayer request sure i do um pray for god's healing and guidance this one is from kevin pray for my friend's mother who was hospitalized with coven 19 has pneumonia and is on a ventilator she needs a miracle this is incredible this this is a prayers report here it says i happened upon 3 abn providentially in november so last month while looking for another network i was arrested by the powerful presentation of the word of god by the mission spirit the nutrition health and exercise program i'm not a seventh-day adventist nor do i know any seventh-day adventist but i'm a fellow christian who loves the lord betty oh that's great praise the lord betty thank you for writing wow that is a divine appointment that is yeah yes anyone else yeah i have this one this one it says our youngest daughter is in crisis she has been sick for some time and so contracted covet wow she just gave birth to her third son who was also born with covet oh he had a condition that required surgery which he had four days ago because of her heavy medication his mom can't nurse him and she cannot sleep for having to be up with him all night she's not coping well and is having full-blown panic attacks she has all the challenges besides these she's scheduled to begin work again on the fourth oh this is sad here's a prayer request my name is gettys in ultra rios jamaica please pray for me i want to be baptized in the adventist church your programs have been a real blessing pastor john i see you flipping back and forth in the bible what's on your heart and then of course we'll have a prayer you know we look at 2020 we say how horrible the year it was but you know no matter how bad the past is by god's grace we can begin again and that's what 2021 is all about not bad endings but new beginnings and every year and at the end of the year we can there's something to lament about but something to thank god about but i'm glad to be alive to do both praise if you can complain praise the lord any day about the choice praise the lord because when you study the bible you find there's a phrase in the bible it came to pass 177 times 2020 came to pass and here we are by god's grace in 2021. uh those on the east coast we already bid you a blessed new year those in the central time zone yeah we're going to do that in just a few minutes here and those on the west coast and praise god so much of the world has already said with tears on some cases and joys on the other and even this mother we we're going to pray for all those requests tonight but 3abn by god's grace this year danny yvonne jail greg and all of those are part of the three being family even those of you watching we have come through some difficulty but when coveted hit god hit harder because god did not allow covert to knock three abn down that's right but god buttressed three abn with your prayers yeah with your support there are people that wrote checks that said we want to keep the arabian on the air yeah the people there six million books out the copic books look at that right yeah thank you viewers at home that's right and a new book giving god glory glory where is it where is it hold it up give him give glimpses of his glory that's what 20 21 is going to also be glimpses of his glory and also your book pastor too the three of his messages that one and so we're doing what god has called us to do and we want to thank you for doing what god has called you to do because three abn is an engine but you are the oil you are the fuel you are the tyres you are the ones that keep us going every day by your prayers and just your support whether great or small we couldn't do what we do without you standing behind us amen so we want to just praise god for you and now that we all step into 2021 not knowing what's coming remember this whatever's coming it came to pass but god will never pass he is never spoken of as he was he's always is he is at the beginning he is the great i am praise god for that amen amen yeah let us pray gracious father surely 2020 came but it came to pass and we thank you lord with the sadness on the hearts of many who may be even watching the program tonight we thank you for the blessed hope one day the tombs are going to release not because they want to but at your command yes the saints are going to come forth and all the past is going to be the past and the former things will not be remembered nor come to mind so we pray and thank you for all those who stood with us who prayed with us who financed who's whose sacrifice to gave we pray that we have been faithful and that we are called to do what god has called us to do and we thank you for the strength and energy and even those of us who had a brush with covert we thank you for bringing us through it yes so now lord we stand on uncharted soil 2021 2020 has now been wrapped up and buried and now we go forth with our hands and yours until the day that we will see your face we look down at your hands to guide us we look at your feet and know where we should walk but one day father by grace we will look in your face to thank you yes may we be faithful as we look to the future with great hope because of your love for us and your plan of salvation bless this ministry yes bless us all to the faithful end and may one day time itself come to an end and we simply hear well done thou good and faithful servant we thank all those who watch and listen may we all be faithful to the end in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen amen this has been a fun three hours sweetie happy new year to you [Laughter] guess what new year of at least from the man's man's time yeah it's just in a few seconds correct amen that's right dr yvonne thank you pastor john sister angie thank you and thank you greg and jill thank you i know your schedule for all thank you together thank you for joining us and being our family at home the closing scripture i want to leave with you is isaiah 43 pastor john okay verse 19 behold i will do a new thing let god do a new thing in your life in your home in your marriage in your ministry in 2021 [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 20,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 3ABN New Year’s Eve Live!
Id: wj0N2fZvohg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 25sec (10705 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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