Perfect Sunday Sauce that will make Nonna Proud

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now before we jump into making my number one requested video how i make my sunday sauce we first have to get started prepping the tomatoes now literally yesterday i just got finished serving my sunday supper pop-up in new york city and i got an extra number 10 can of my favorite tomatoes bianco dinopoli and these are just six pound large restaurant service cans and for sunday sauce we need lots of sauce because it's gonna cook over hours and hours and there's gonna be lots of meats cooked in it so it's going to reduce and get absorbed by the meats over time so we want to have way more sauce than we actually need to we can always save and freeze extra sauce if you don't have enough sauce that's no good i'm just going to run it through my food milk because you know i like my tomato sauce puree like a pasata just run all the tomatoes through the food mill get every last bit of pulp out of there and then we want to clean out that can with some water then you want to add that water straight to the sauce to compensate for all of that evaporation that's going to happen as it cooks and you got a nice little decorative flower pot you don't have to throw it out so we have our sauce pureed all we're going to add to it is garlic basil stem and some olive oil and then we're going to start to incorporate our meats at this point some people would like to get a big pot sear the meats first then get the sauce in but i like to start the sauce first get that up the temperature get that cooking that gives us time to prep the meats that need to go into the sauce immediately that cook the longest like the short rib that's gonna take maybe four or five hours so we want to make sure we get the sauce cooking and the short ribs in as soon as we can if we want to serve it at a reasonable hour in the evening i usually will cook this in a nice tall like stock pot but i just got this new big pan this is called a rondo this is a 10 quart rondo these are more sort of popular in restaurant kitchens when you do food service but at home if you can find one it's really great because you have the benefits of a wide cooking surface area so you can reduce things faster you can also fit more things without sort of risking damaging stuff as you stir in maybe tearing the meats so i like a wider vessel than a taller vessel for something like this but you can obviously use whatever you have but we'll talk about the pans in a little bit now if you've followed this show you've seen me make my weekday sauce several times so you kind of know the rundown we're just sauteing that basil stem and the garlic in that oil infusing the oil and then we're adding pureed tomatoes just at a larger scale what really sets this apart from weekday sauce is how long we're gonna cook it weekday sauce is a fresh sauce it's bright sundae sauce is a deep rich sauce that cooks for hours and hours and it's also flavored by meats rather than only the olive oil basil and garlic just get it on the stove and bring it up to temp while we prepare the meats now let's take a second to talk about the meats typically i like to choose three there's a variety of meats that you could choose to cook in and flavor this sauce and serve with your sundae sauce or sunday supper my grandma served meatballs hot italian sausages and pork rib but growing up she never really cooked the pork ribs all the way through till tender they were always a little bit tough so i never liked him i've got the pork here i've got some beef with the meatballs and instead of the pork ribs i like to use short ribs probably more available now than it was back in the day and it's just more in my palate and it adds amazing flavor to the tomato sauce and then i've got ground chuck 80 20 and also ground veal half and half veal is an incredible thing to add to meatballs if you can find it if not i designed my meatball recipe to be just ground beef because it's most widely available but any of my meatball recipes you can always just split the meats up with like pork veal and beef lamb and beef whatever you want so it's sort of the same technique and then of course we've got our sausages and they all cook in different times short ribs take the longest sausages we want to cook to like kind of fork tender until that casing breaks down and then the meatballs cook the shortest so we start the short ribs first before we jump into searing the short we've got to talk about the pans we're going to use today thanks to our sponsor today maiden maiden partners with multi-generational factories and artisans to offer a comprehensive collection of pots pans serve wear and everything else you might need to cook and serve food in a home kitchen this is made in stainless steel clad collection which are crafted here in america and italy and are used by some of the world's best kitchens they're five ply stainless steel materials which sets it apart from other pans out there it allows for superior heat retention even heating and ease of heat control it comes in an eight inch a ten inch a twelve inch and i also got the three quart saucier and the ten quart rondo one thing about the pans i weigh heavily is the handle the maiden handle is designed to stay cool on the stovetop and is ergonomic to help balance the pan gives you a sturdy grip no matter what you're doing with sometimes with round handles you get a little bit of wiggle waggle and it can be dangerous maiden is so confident in their quality that it's backed by a lifetime warranty thanks to the show i've had an opportunity to try lots of pots and pans from different brands and every maiden product that i have is one of the best pans that i've ever used and you better believe i'm not going to talk about mating without saving you money so today maiden is offering my viewers 15 off their first purchase with the link down in the description so go check out maiden down below and now let's get back into the recipe so the first meet up is the short ribs we just want to get a pan on medium to medium-high heat we want to season up those short ribs on all sides i'm using bone in english cut short ribs but you can use boneless short ribs these are actually probably a little big we used much smaller ones at our sunday summer pop-up so they cooked a lot faster so you want to keep that in mind you want to cook them smaller they're going to take shorter amount of time to cook the larger they are they're going to take a longer time to cook you're gonna have to factor that in and make adjustments to the recipe if that's the case we just want to get them all into the pan with some olive oil and sear them fairly hard we want a really nice crust developed on all sides of the beef just take your time be patient you don't have to do it on super high heat you can do it on a nice moderate heat and allow that crust to develop slowly [Music] and once they're all browned beautifully you want to transfer them directly into the tomato sauce then you want to drain that excess fat from the pan add a splash of white wine to deglaze the pan and then add that deglazed liquid straight to the tomato sauce and while that sauce cooks you just want to make sure that you are stirring it occasionally so that none of the tomato sauce sticks to the bottom of the pan if it ever gets too thick you want to add a little bit more water you don't want it to become too thick too quickly you want to make sure you keep it on a nice low simmer keep that temperature low you don't want it bubbling too hard or else you might scorch those tomatoes but can we take a time out real quick now i want to make a little change to what you're seeing on screen right now you see yesterday i just wrapped up my second sunday supper in new york city so my mind was focused on how we prepped sunday's supper for 100 people whereas when i prep it for the home you would make it slightly different we cooked each meat separately whereas at home i cook them all together so it's a game of timing on cooking each meat properly and the hardest one to cook because it takes the longest is short rip we also specifically cut the short ribs smaller so that they would cook a lot faster than the ones i used today and what you're seeing right now is me cooking the short ribs uncovered but i would suggest to you that you cook them covered for this first four to five hour period you really want to get them most of the way tender and once they're at that point then you can start to cook the sausages in the meatballs i probably could have cooked the shrubs a little bit longer but i was impatient be a little bit more patient than i was and make sure those short ribs are well on their way to tender before you get started with the sausages and the meat those changes will be amended in the recipe that's going to be linked down in the description so just refer down to the recipe so now your short ribs have been cooking for about four to five hours covered right and they're well on their way to being nice and tender so now we can start to cook the sausages and we're just gonna sear them like we did the short ribs on all sides until they're really nicely brown [Music] and then once they're the color that we like we can get them into the sauce we can drain that pan of any excess fat then we can deglaze that pan with some white wine or some water if you don't have wine and then get that into the pot of sauce then we're going to cook those sausage for about an hour and then we can add the meatballs now while the sausages are in now we can get started making our meatball mix of course you could do this ahead of time if you want but i find it's a nice time to do it so what we want to do is take our ground veal and ground beef then i'm going in with two eggs and just mix it in together with your fingertips try and break up the meat try to get that egg coating every little piece of ground beef i add the egg to the meat directly because it's a fixed amount of egg i want to use where the other ingredients have a variability set this off to the side then we need to make a little bit of whipped virgota for the meatballs and the garnish afterwards so i'm gonna take two cups of ricotta with two tablespoons of olive oil and some sea salt and i'm gonna take an immersion blender and just whiz that until it's nice and creamy then i'm gonna take about a half cup of it and add it to a bowl then we're going in with some tomato sauce some pecorino romano cheese some grated garlic some bread crumbs some chopped parsley salt black pepper and then we're going to give it a mix the exact amount ingredients for a large batch of these meatballs is going to be linked in the recipe down below we want to stir that up well and then add that to the meat mixture and we're going to stir that up to our hands and just judging by it i can tell that it's a little bit too loose so i'm just going to work in a little bit more pecorino cheese and a little bit more breadcrumbs until i can roll a ball and feel confident that that ball is gonna hold its shape and not sort of sag and become some sort of irregularly round shape and once they hold a nice ball we can scoop them into about two and a half three ounce balls roll them up and then they're ready to get cooked [Music] so now these are ready we've got 30 more minutes on the clock we're just going to let these chill and after 30 minutes we're going to fry them and get them in the sauce and then we're almost done they do call it sunday sauce because it basically takes all day to make we're gonna take the rest of that whip through out there we're gonna put it into a piping bag or a ziploc bag if you have and we're gonna get ready for that garnish then we're gonna pick a bunch of basil leaves and get them ready to be fried crispy by now the sauce has been cooking for about six to seven hours good time to be able to add the meatballs so let's get that pan back on the stove and we're gonna fill up with a good amount of olive oil and once it's hot we're gonna add that basil and then we're gonna deep fry that basil till it's nice and crispy and a good way to tell it's done is when it starts to turn a glassy forest green color and as soon as you see that get it out of the oil as fast as possible don't let it get any darker than that then add the meatballs in and we're just gonna sear the meatballs on all sides you want to get a really nice browning just like we got on the sausages and the short ribs and once the meatballs are nicely browned get those into the sauce [Music] now we can cook these meatballs for a minimum of 30 minutes now while we wait for the meats to finish cooking it's a good time to take some bread and munch on that sauce and check the consistency it's a really nice thickness i want to kind of maintain it here so i'm going to use water a little bit at a time to maintain that consistency and to ensure that i don't over reduce the sauce short ribs are hanging in there they got a little bit more to go and once the short ribs start to like kind of fall apart when you mess with them and the strands start to lace the sauce it's a good indication that the sauce is just about done we can get some salt into a pot of boiling water and start to cook the pasta i got some meze rigatoni that cooks in about 12 minutes so i'm gonna set a timer for 10 and then finish it in the sauce for the final two minutes now in case my sauce over reduces i'm gonna save some of that pasta water off to the side and once 10 minutes is up i'm gonna drain the pasta get this nice saucier onto the stove which is a beautiful pan to finish pasta in i'm gonna get some of that sauce into the pan on medium heat and get the pasta in and then just sort of meld that sauce with the pasta for that last two minutes finishing cooking the pasta through the pasta's absorbing that sauce that sauce should really cling to the pasta and once it's really nice and al dente let's get it plated now i'm serving this for one so i got this nice little kind of personal quote-unquote family style bowl so i'm just gonna spoon this pasta into the bowl nice mound and then a nice amount of sauce on top i'm gonna plate the meats up in a separate bowl the sausages the meatballs and the short rib a little bit of sauce on top of that and then we can take that whipped right there and we just want to pipe these little dollops all throughout as i go and fork in the pastas you get little bits of rogoto all throughout we're gonna give the same treatment to the meats then parmesan cheese then that crumpled up basil and what you've got yourself is a traditional sunday supper that would make any grandma proud just a bit modernized you've got to try meatballs with veal now that we've made meatballs enough times and you know that a basic beef meatball is good enough if you do find veal that is primo i mean look at this short rib now sunday supper is very personal and this is how i like mine and i think it's a meal that would make my grandma proud so if you want to taste a piece of my home the recipe for this is going to be down in the description go check out maiden if you want to get some pans that rondo is my new favorite thing to cook with if you haven't checked out my last video documenting the first sunday supper pop-up i made in new york city i recommend you giving it a watch it's a different type of content from me but you might like it that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself [Music] if you liked this video you're really gonna like this video i just posted it's a different type of video for me i hosted a sunday supper in new york city it's a 30 minute video but it might be the best one i ever made so i think it's worth a shot if you have the time so that video be up on the screen right now otherwise thanks for watching
Views: 356,266
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Keywords: sunday sauce, italian food, tomato sauce, italian american, sunday gravy, sunday dinner, authentic italian, italian tomato sauce, easy recipe, sunday sauce with pork, sunday gravy with pork, sunday gravy recipe, sunday gravy babish, sunday gravy braciole, sunday gravy italian recipe, ricotta meatballs, not another cooking show, the food freak, stephen cusato, italian sauce making
Id: CpBwpbIMTw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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