Make Better Sunday Sauce With This Ingredient

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[Music] today we're going to make sunday gravy or sunday sauce the first one we did sausage and pork chops with the bones in second one we did with the pork neck bones the key ingredient to this one is going to be a pork loin it's really really easy really the only thing you got to worry about is that you don't burn the bottom of your sauce but that's a concern no matter what type of sundae gravy or sunday sauce you're making now i did a whole video on all different types of tomatoes and some people got offended by the tomatoes i picked i use a variety of ones i pick different ones and i'm using predominantly the ones that are available in the new york metro so here's shinto they're extremely popular they're good quality product if people didn't buy them the stores wouldn't stock them anymore this is squiffany scoffani is a connecticut company and they're excellent i use their crushed tomatoes for my pizzas and they're good value they're about two dollars a can this is tomato puree here and this will be fine it can be used you can mix and match pole plum tomatoes put some paste in there i always use paste these are neenah tomatoes you'll see neenah tomatoes often in in your regular supermarket they'll come in different size cans and sometimes they'll be dop right here this has the official stamp the seal all that good stuff it's real san marzano tomato this can could be four or five dollars depending on where you live this massive can which is almost four of these is only four dollars at costco it's an excellent value i cannot find a better value than this even in restaurant depot and stuff like that basically you're starting with a four dollar can here of excellent plum tomatoes you're so far ahead of buying individual three four five dollar cans and i've done numerous taste tests of the dop versus these and they're they're just as good i'm serious maybe i just don't have the the taste buds to find to really tell the difference so here's my pork loin this is a three pound pour coin it came in the net but i figured i'd just show you anyways often when you buy it it's not going to come tied up and you can just do a simple tie i would cut i would do about four or five for something about this size [Music] now we have a pork loin tied up want to heavily salt and pepper this and then just do all the sides [Music] i'm gonna use just a couple clubs garlic the real italian way not a lot of garlic my uncle tony he would do garlic clove or two in the oil put it in there and just let it flavor the oil and then just remove it right away but this is a personal preference thing sometimes there'll be a basil leave or two with a can this size sometimes there might be ten sometimes they just forget to put them in and there's none does it affect the ultimate flavor of it no you could just add your own basil if you want this sunday gravy is all about the meat so whether you're using a sweet and hot italian sausage whether you're using pork pork neck bones country ribs uh beef bones your meatballs your brajole that's the sunday gravy that's the magic of sunday gravy and if you got a big enough pot put it all in there you're better off doing this in the sink but i'll show you how to do it here so the camera so we can see it so right away i see a basil leaf so right there all the basil leaves take them out remove them throw them out you don't want to use them they've been in there for for a year two years whatever if you want basil put new fresh basil in there okay so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take a shield hand right here like this and then i'm going to gently squeeze now these are beautiful tomatoes they're gonna squeeze so easily all right so you see that nice texture there you know you can taste your tomatoes too if they're sweet already right now you don't have to add sugar you don't have to do that you don't put a carrot in or any other trick or baking soda which i never do taste them they taste a little acidic then you're gonna have to add a little bit of that sugar in there i forgot i had one of these if you got one of these this is the best thing that you can use can you use an immersion blender to do this of course you can use whatever you want use a potato masher that's looking good if you have a much bigger dutch oven that would be great they kind of help to not burn this is my trusty really cheap farberware eight quart pot it does a really good job of not burning but ultimately whether the sauce is gonna burn or not is gonna be dependent on you so you need to stir it you need to keep an eye on it and then if you really wanna get crazy you get something like this this is this is like a 20 or 24 quart lobster pot all right let's start it up so get your heat to about medium to medium well by the way i'm using this again because i changed my mind again okay you got to be able to see this so this is not ideal but i'll show you a trick stainless steel pan right now let it get hot make sure the oil skates and then we'll uh sear that pork before we put the pork coin down dry it off with a paper towel it's a little bit of olive oil a bit more okay like that okay really dry pork you don't need to cook this a lot here that looks pretty good like that okay and about two minutes per side and you can just kind of see it say like that try to keep it upright put it right here on here lower the heat even more very very low and then take some olive oil this is extra virgin but you can use regular get it in there about a quarter cup just kind of coat the bottom and let's get our garlic in there just for a sec right okay we're going to bring the garlic flavor right out of here so i don't go crazy with garlic with sunday gravy i don't think it really matters it's a lot of onions strong meat flavor and the tomatoes they come in they come together to make a really really dark delicious sauce but when i do a quick marinara then i put a lot of garlic in i don't put any onions so that's just about the garlic and the tomato the olive oil and the basil they're very very different sauces okay i'm going to pull them out right when they got golden release some flavor and we'll put the onions in [Music] one of the tricks to making a really good gravy is you don't want to put any color on your onions just to sweat before you get your meats in okay those are good this is a six ounce can of paste which is the standard size of what you're going to see in a supermarket it's normally what what they go by in a can being six ounces is going to be larger than than the tube we're going to cook this for about five minutes when you cook paste it really boosts it kind of like goes through a transformation almost and then this will be the start of our sauce and then we'll add all our tomatoes in after about five minutes you can turn this off i'm gonna put a little bit more oil in just for good measure put a lot of oil in maybe it'll help with the sticking but i will tell you the most important thing you can do is keep checking it what do i mean by keep checking it i mean like every 15 minutes if it does burn if it is stuck at the bottom you didn't lose your sauce all you have to do at that point is remove your whole pork loin put it off to the side take it do not try to move the bottom there take it all and put it in a new pot you'll all you'll do is lose that bottom that you had the trick is just that we're going to cook this low and slow and some you want to start early in the day not at 2 30 in the afternoon so we're going to be eating at like 10 o'clock tonight or something it's okay and everybody will wait for it i'm just gonna transfer over remember our paste is already cooked out for about five seven minutes so we can get our tomatoes in that's only one of them here's the other here's the other one i want to bring this to a simmer so really stir everything together really really well and then we're going to keep keep stirring we don't want to burn our bottom it's going to take a while to bring this up you don't want to boil the heck out of it it'll just it'll just splatter everywhere we're going to leave that spice cabinet pretty much alone there's only a couple ingredients i'm going to add here salt and pepper and the final one this is sicilian oregano right here they sell it in the tri-state area it's it's fairly easy to find you might have passed it and you might maybe just haven't purchased it and if you don't have that just use regular oregano silly oregano probably tastes more uh more like a cross between thyme and maybe the oregano that you're used to and i use it for pizza a lot but what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put a little bit [Music] we'll just add more later if we have to the other thing is besides the salt pepper and oregano you could add a little bit of sugar you could also add a carrot if you want these tomatoes are very very sweet they don't need any sugar so i'm not going to add it but if you do you just take a little pinch and in there unless there's more too you can always build that up but you can't take it away [Music] and about a half a teaspoon of black pepper [Music] you could add hot red pepper if you want when i'm doing this i don't i normally don't not for a sunday sauce it's very mellow mellow flavors everything comes together with the meat which the meat is the predominant flavor here and i'm gonna get the whole pork in there [Music] okay so this is a six quart pot and it's uh pretty much at its peak capacity and we want to cook this very very low simmer just a tiny bit of simmer and you want to just take your spoon every 15 minutes and come in there and just feel the bottom do that and you'll be totally fine you'll have no burning what i like to do is i like to keep it cracked like this so right about here maybe about a quarter inch to a half an inch what that will allow to do is allow slow evaporation i know this might be very very common sense to a lot of you experienced cooks but it might not be to everybody so that's why i'm saying like what you do with your lid here is going to affect the thicker thickness or thinness of your sauce minimum here is about four hours cooking this you might be able to get by a three but you really really gotta let it take its time you gotta let those flavors come together and just keep stirring it every 15 minutes [Music] so it's been about 45 minutes and i've been stirring the bottom [Music] if you think you're a little high just keep lowering it you basically want to get a very very low simmer where it's not bubbling over but that it's cooking you can take your pork you can kind of rotate it but as long as it's fully submerged it's going it's going to all cook at the same rate there's our consistency right now you can actually see how it kind of loosened up a little bit it looked thicker at first but okay and then right back on and leaving a little crack like that right there i'm gonna move this off to the side it's gonna be hours before this is finished which is fine because i got to make a calzone video right now start this really early in the morning it's the best thing to do [Music] that's about 100 about 190 so that means it's going to fall apart very easily it's going to be super tender at this point at about the four and a half to five hour mark you might be able to get slices out of it but it'll probably fall apart all right so i'm just going to tent this and put it off to the side if you wanted it thicker than that you just let it keep cooking if you're satisfied with it then you get your water up for pasta i'm going to taste it right now see if we need any any additional seasonings [Music] that's delicious like that it doesn't really need anything else maybe a tiny bit of salt they have a really good price on it they sell the blocks for 9.99 a pound they also have 24-month parmigiano-reggiano cheese and that is 11.79 a pound so very very good deal use whichever cheese you like like 90 of the time i go for pecorino romano for me i like the salty bites of it uh this i prefer just to eat i like to opt for both of them on the table for anybody who some some people like might like one more than the other if you didn't tie it up like this you probably would have it probably would all have broken up by now [Music] good yeah so it's starting to fall apart oh that's hot you see that [Music] if you get frustrated just shred it all up mix it right in the sauce it's great like that [Music] let's keep a little cover keep it warm so two tablespoons of kosher salt in a large pot of water and boil your pasta until al dente always like a loaf of seeded italian bread always save this for somebody you really like all right i've been testing my pasta it'll be done in like 30 seconds so i'm gonna show you a little trick 99 of the time you will see me always finishing pasta in sauce flipping it emulsification all that stuff you never want to just dump sauce on top of pasta but normally with sunday gravy a lot of times we're doing two pounds of pasta sometimes even three pounds when it's a big big family gathering a little trick you just take a little bit of butter just a little bit you don't need a lot and put that much in there and then put your sauce in a little bit of sauce before you get your pasta in [Music] okay and i've been checking it the whole time it's still al dente which is good which is what you want even though we're not gonna cook it anymore i still want it to be a little bit on the firm side so i'm mixing up that butter with the sauce here you really want to do this with a colander just make sure you strain it really well because you know we don't need any pasta water here or anything like that not for sunday sauce don't over sauce your pasta just start with a little bit you can always add more but if you add too much you can't really take it away you could make it swimming if you really want i don't recommend you do that so right there there's not enough sauce yet all right so that's looking really good you know if you don't think you have enough sauce on here right now it doesn't matter because you have a whole pot of it left which is exactly what you want [Music] a little bit of pecorino on there [Music] and then since you have your whole pot do a little dip just like that [Music] don't burn yourself so tonight's uh it's a tuesday night it doesn't matter it's still going to be great make it on sunday make it on saturday make it on tuesday hope you enjoyed this one please give this a like and share it i'll see you next time
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 279,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork loin in sauce, pork loin in tomato sauce, sunday sauce with pork loin, sunday gravy with pork, sip and feast, jim delmage, easy sunday sauce, pork loin braised in sauce, slow cooked pork loin
Id: lQxD4qvKL04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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