Steak Fajita Recipe -- Tasty Beef fajita Rice Bowl Recipe - Quick and Easy Rice Bowl dishes

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we're making fajitas tomorrow so today we're going to marinate our skirt steak and I just want to walk you through how to do that let's start but first let's wash our hands so I have measured everything out so we have three total pounds of skirt steak they've all been washed the silver skin have been removed and Pat it dry our onions have also been chopped and the rest of our ingredients have all been pre-measured so let's get started you need a quarter cup of freshly squeezed orange juice same amount pineapple juice two tablespoons lime or lemon juice this is four tablespoons of olive oil and this is cooking olive oil two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce a teaspoon of freshly minced garlic we should come to about four large cloves of garlic next you want a handful of sliced or chopped onions a tablespoon of chili powder a teaspoon of oregano a teaspoon of cumin teaspoon onion powder salt to taste teaspoon of crushed black pepper and that is all she wrote now stir it to combine now we're going to throw our steak in foreign steak is perfectly submerged and also evenly coated we're going to cover it throw it in the fridge overnight hello beautiful people so it is the next day our skirt steak has been marinating in the fridge overnight we're now going to bring it out here and set it on the counter bring it to room temperature and we'll be grilling that soon leave it closed partially it'll come to room temperature much sooner that way now we are serving our fajitas with a rice bowl and today the rice we're making is cilantro lime rice yum yum let's start with the rice but first let's wash our hands perfect to make our cilantro rice we're going to need two cups of jasmine rice long grain fragrance elegant when they cook and as per usual we have to wash our rice so the water is no longer cloudy the water is now clear and I have added enough water to cover the rice above it about a half an inch now we're going to add the rest of our seasonings starting with a tablespoon of grated onion two cloves of garlic also grate right into the rice foreign of salted butter then go in with a juice of half a lemon or lime lime is preferable make sure it's nice and juicy if not throw it in the microwave for about 20 seconds and that should bring all the juices out next add half a teaspoon of bouillon salt to taste and then we're going to stir all this in perfectly seasoned rest of the ingredients needed for our cilantro rice is of course some cilantro we're going to chop this until we get about two or three tablespoons be sure to chop your cilantro finely so it Blends into the rice when it's cooked and then we're also going to need the juice of this other half of a lime and then a little more butter to bring some gloss in the end for the fajitas we're going to need four bell peppers the more I sorted the colors the better so I start with the green and I'm just going to give them a slice foreign we're going to use a seasoned skillet for grilling our skirt steak today at fajitas but you can also use a grill pan now you want to turn the heat to medium high and bring the skillet to a piping heat level before we grill the butter is melted we're about halfway through I'm just going to give it a quick stir our Skillet is ready we know that because it is smoking we're going to go in with cooking oil here I have cooking olive oil and we only need a splash of it just a very small amount foreign and that's gonna get it to a medium well doneness [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign cooking so we're gonna give it a Fluff up and then we'll finish it up with the cilantro the lime juice and a little more butter perfect now we're going to throw the butter in right now so it can start melting and now we're going to add the rest of the lime juice and squeeze right in make sure you're drizzling it all over and then our cilantro next we have to slice our steak which has been resting for the past 25 minutes we're just going to slice them against the grain of the strands of the muscle so that way they are not chewy but rather tender and melt in your mouth so the grain is going this way we're going to cut it right here in the middle and then we're going to turn it and start slicing against the grain foreign now we could have cut them before cooking but then we would not get all this juiciness because the Citrus the added remember we added a lot of acid from the lemon juice the lime juice and the orange juice so that tends to dry it out so you want to leave them in their whole slap portions that way the juices stay contained and not dried out we want juicy pieces of meat now back into its drippings all right beautiful people so our rice is cooked our steak is also cooked it's juicy and it's melting in my mouth I tried it it's well seasoned I am super happy so not the next thing we're going to do is cook the vegetable part of our fajitas and then we'll be serving the best part now remember the marinade we still have it we have to cook it and sort of reduce it to concentrate its flavors so that's the next thing we're doing so it's not now starting to reduce this is what we want now we're going to come in with a bit more oil so we've added a couple splashes more oil so that we can get a grilled effect on our vegetables also the sauce is nicely concentrated which is exactly what I'm looking for [Music] foreign taco seasoning which is really something you can do at home it's a combination of chili powder onion powder oregano cumin and we need about a tablespoon of that to grill our veggies and now we're gonna go and start stirring and you want your your heat to be on high so you don't end up boiling these vegetables in the their own juices and now once you've cooked your vegetables to the preferred doneness you're gonna go in with your meat and this is perfect for meal planning both components are cooked so actually turn the heat off we're ready to serve now this is perfect also for meal planning our rice fragrance just ready to go and it's ah it smells so good and it tastes amazing and then we have our vegetables and our protein all in here so the cilantro rice have to tell you there's a whole lot of balance going on you know the asset from the line and then it's also buttery seasoned well with our bouillon and our salt now let's serve our fajitas on [Music] [Music] it is lunch time the kids are ready and so am I and so let me give it a quick taste I take the one closest to me because they all look so good and the knee is nice and tender all right it's a little bit of cilantro rice hmm I'm so glad we can call this a rice bowl because that cilantro lime rice is perfection in a bowl I immediately got that width of citrus acid Essence and it's buttery the cilantro is there it is so represented in here and it pairs perfectly with our fajitas and the steak the steak is tender and juicy the vegetables are nice and crunchy but cooked it's perfect the flavors are just gorgeous it is talk time thanks so much for watching hope to see you pretty soon on my next one
Channel: Nanaaba's Kitchen
Views: 15,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rice bowl recipes, quick rice recipes, stir fry beef, beef fajita recipe, steak fajita recipe, Quick and Easy Rice Bowl dishes, Beef Fajita Rice Bowl Recipe, tasty fajita steak recipe
Id: XqYRhW0geQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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