Perfect Daily Driver 10 - Cylinder Head Porting Basics

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so if they get inside check for a couple of days doing that live engine builders lunar outlaw and Johnny will burn everybody out Castillo jumped in there and let the hint ooh we're finally back on our daily driver project so the next phase here we you know if you follow it along we've already done the short block it's sitting in the car and now we've got to do the heads so what I wanted to do is I wanted to go through alright here's the thing that you have to understand the biggest gains they're gonna find in any performance application remember it's for efficiency or or just for college extra foam doesn't make a difference there's getting atmosphere into and out of the engine like that's the essence of it getting a little important right of course but it is to get in and it has to get out and I see it in cleanly the fuel and air mixture have to get in there atomized and ready to light and the key that like-like-like the key to the kingdom with this is the cylinder head now the idea reporting cylinder heads can seem a little intimidating if you're not well-versed in it but the bottom line is that you can make tremendous performance improvements especially on these older castings with just very basic hand tools you don't need a flow pinch you know anything exotic you could do it all by hand what's going on so first things first this is what you need right this is a cheap Harbor Freight die grinder right now I mean harbor freight tools are known to be throw aways I've done at least I don't know six or seven sets of heads with this thing it's still going strong and they even come with extra brushes so on the brushes you know go away on the populist and then you go this is about sixty dollars your expensive part is this this is your carbide burr now be went be forewarned you can find these things on eBay for cheap I can get it from a whole set like an assortment of them for like 50 bucks and but listen to me they're bonded right here in such a way that they come apart they're not intended for heavy use and this considered heavy use and when these things come off they come off like bullets i buy these it fastened all this if you could only afford one of these they're about 55th between like 50 and $60 each of you can only afford one get one that's shaped like this because this will give you the most of options as far as moving around goes if you're going to afford a whole assortment of them and go for it you know the obviously the more options you have the more efficient the job you can do but if you can only afford one that's what you want so those are the items you need and this is the object of the work so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna so we're gonna do one cylinder here will cover the intake port the intake bowl then we'll go to the exhaust bowl and then the exhaust port and this is all fairly universal the important thing you gotta remember about this is it modern cars the newer castings already have most of this stuff done in the production process but when you go back and you using solder heads from let's say the 80s the 70s to 60s or 50s the things that you're going to find on this head that I'm gonna show you in this head are gonna be common to everything that's not if it's a straight eight Buick or 318 360 Chrysler like this or a fork they all have essentially the same basic flaws and this is how you fix them all so let's start with the intake side now as you know we're using an sp2 P intake manifold on this build and that intake manifold specifically has a smaller port than the port that's being used though the statement port in the head now normally what we would do and what I recommend you do is especially important for performance is gasket matching the way you guessed it matches all you do is just take the intake manifold gasket fit it in place paint over the surface and wherever you see paint here around the edges of the the intake port you just want to grind those open and and match that but in our case because we're already starting with an intake port that's deliberate and manifold that's deliberately smaller than this in the name of velocity we're not going to guessed it much this all we're going to do is smooth this entry port now when I say smooth it if you run your hand in here you're going to feel all sorts of little you know casting flaws little things ridges that pop up like for instance here's one right here okay and let's see if we can get a little bit further in there actually you know what this port really isn't that bad but you'll find sharp edges like for instance this is a sharp edge right here and as you go inside you'll feel little bumps and whatnot don't worry so much about texture worry about things that aren't part of the smooth casting so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna dress this pour it out and I'll show you the result and point out what I did with it all right so here we go alright so this will take a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] so you see on this head right here I'm gonna go a little bit more on us but you can see on this on this particular head there is a little bit of an intrusion here from the pushrod boss and what you'll want to do is you want to get rid of things like this where it dips down and behind it you want to smooth that transition so that nothing can puddle up or fall out of atomization in this zone but you see all I'm doing here is just cleaning up the floor I'm cleaning up the corners right and I mean that's really essentially it there's not much to this and here follow these basic guidelines of just removing you know the the obvious inconsistencies and things that you can run your finger over and feel the difference if you just limit yourself to that you really don't have any worry about grinding through or finding any thin spots or wrecking your casting so that's the intake port the bowl is really important so working on the same cylinder we find right away immediately I look inside the port and here come here can you see this this is a major piece of casting slag that's just there now what will happen is fuel will puddle it will come out of atomization against this sharp Ridge here and that leads to uneven atomization you're not getting full authorization into the chamber so what you want to do is you want to identify things like this that's a sharp edge you want to take that down there's this sharp edge right here you want to take down this guide you can take any sharp edges that you see in there you want to take down and then also and this is important now pay attention here's the valve seat okay and then look at the area directly underneath the valve seat and you'll see an overhang here this seat is completely round right but the area behind it isn't here it intrudes into the into the direct here and here it's actually pretty smooth and if you go on the head right here you can find where it's undercut so the this section of the bowl is underneath this Ridge what you want to do is you want to take this whole area down and blend this right to the seat and you got to be careful when you do this because if you slip and you get into the seat you know it's a trip to the machine shop so you want to take your time you want to be very careful with this and you know just blend bring it right back to the edge of the seat and stop and make this entire thing round and so I'm going to do that and we'll come right back alright so you see what I did here now is I narrow at the top of the stem a little bit I brought that sharp edge all the way around and I also clean this area right here between the the stem and the blue of the ball and she's blended in here not you know I got enough to go crazy but I still dig in you're not gonna get big results if you just hog everything out you want to contour it okay and then you see here now we'll we cleaned up we brought the whole bowl right to the edge of the seat and it's pretty uniform all the way around and you do that so that as the mixture is coming through the valve it's coming through in a uniform way so that right there I'm telling you like you will feel the difference this is the stuff that separates the men from the boys you don't have to go crazy and it doesn't have to be a pretty perfect polish like you see you know a professional Porter those just get it to where it's smooth don't worry about having like this mirror-like finish or anything like that and some texture is good yeah this is the golf ball effect you want texture but you don't want irregularities ok so now we move onto the exhaust Bowl and the exhaust same exact situation as the intake look at how far so here's the seat and look at how far the ball extends into the seat area so essentially this area right here isn't going to flow anything until the valve probably a good 50 to 100 thousands off its see so by taking this area down you're increasing the vote that the the amount of guests that can get through this opening at lower valve lifts so what you're doing is you're you're extending the duration of the you know the active duration of the valve being open so I'm gonna clean this one up and I'll show you what I did here and why [Music] okay so we got our exhaust full cleaned up now by comparison shake you can look at this one right here you can see this rusted area is actually intruding into the seat and up into the seat area so we've removed this from here so you see we've blended it right to the edge of the seat so anything that comes pissed this edge of the seat has a clear shot at the ball now also what we did was we did a lot of what we call what we call line-of-sight porting so in other words like where you can see the exhaust has to follow the path that you can see so you want to do all of your your blending in that direction so here you can see we took the sharp edge this ledge down we narrowed the guide a little bit and we blended from here and as we were taking metal away from this area we were also working our grinder down into the area of the direction of flow so basically you're just creating a path you're creating the path of least resistance for that exhaust bit to get through all right then the last part is going to be the exhaust port itself so what we have here is classic this is pretty much exactly what you're going to find them why you need to do this stuff look at this section right here that is not carbon that's actual steel look look how deep that is can you see that that's about it yeah I think you can that's about a quarter of an inch there's a Ledge about a quarter of an inch that comes to here and bump it just stops that's okay and this is kind of okay but this right here is exactly the reason why you need to do this sort of thing if you're looking to get actual performance out of your car so I'm gonna cut this away and contour this port and show you why we did this [Music] so you see the difference here we took out this whole section that wasn't routing in there we cleaned we clean up the walls we we didn't make the poor any larger all we did was go around and make sure it was uniform to its intended casting shape right so we had all sorts of irregularities like here let's come to this one and you've got the same situation so here is some overhang over here here's a ridge over here you see that the irregularity here okay so all we did was take this port and bring it to its intended casting shape right and also very important you're doing any type of exhaust porting whenever you've kind of step like here we're talking about the end of the port where it flows into this you want to fool the edges of it meaning that you want to flare them out or just dress them out slightly and that reduces drag as the exhaust gas is coming through and heading into the the header to it so that's pretty much it your golden rules is stay away from the floor right everything is done on the on the walls and and the roof of the port floors always very very few engines benefit from any work done on the floors of the port if you find any obvious irregularities there yeah take them out but don't go crazy like that if you stick with just this basic plan which is only cleaning up imperfections and making things true to the way they're supposed to be as opposed to how their masts cast you can't go wrong you're not going to grind throw anything you aren't going to do any damage you'll be fine just take your time your biggest danger in doing something like this is slipping and taking up the seat but that right there that's what separates the men from the boys it's the little details like that that add up as you go through the entire engine it's those little details like that that add up and actually make producible usable power and results that's it a lot more this to go I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Uncle Tony's Garage
Views: 112,228
Rating: 4.9573822 out of 5
Id: zt5mel3Zv-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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