Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Season 8 | Compilation 54 | Kids Video

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[Music] [Music] is our desert island we will live here forever man if we're going to live here forever I want it to be nice it just needs some houses a roach shops sure yes George the desert island can have dinosaurs too what are you doing we're making a desert island it's got houses and roads and shops has it got trees no it would be nicer if it had trees where are we going to get trees from we have to drive big craps around the world and look for trees dinosaurs you look after the island while we go and look for some trees pepper Susie Dania Emily uh pretending to drive around the world looking for trees have you got any spare trees uh we need trees for our desert island oh I see how many trees would you like enough to make a forest there you go having fun jumping up and down on the desert island the dinosaurs have broken everything naughty dinosaurs now we'll have to make it all again what are you making this is our desert island with roads and houses and shops and trees there we will live here forever again it would be really good if we had a lake yes one light but it needs water to be a proper Lake Oh where are we going to get water from we must fly around the world in airplanes pepper and her friends are pretending to fly around the world looking for water pedram pony is playing on the roundabout hello petrol we've got a desert island with houses around Sharp's trees and a lake but we need water for the lake have you got some please I don't know what you're talking about it's just pretend we're playing a game oh I see you want pretend water yeah pretend snow we can mount it to get pretend water on the mountaintop that's a slide it's a put send Mountain Oh what's the matter petrol because it is a hot day the snow has melted can't we pretend it hasn't melted no it's melted good and Papa real water daddy pig is bringing from the water fountain in our bucket please we're making a late mm-hmm that's cool it is Freddy Fox hello everyone it's a desert island we are going to live here forever if only I had a flag I've got a flagon if you like it mr. Fox has got everything in his van Wow so much to see I just can't decide where to go first my friend the Queen lives in London maybe she can help this is the palace where the Queen lives please can I speak to the Queen I am The Queen oh it's miss Roberts you said if I was ever in London I should drop in to see you today we were hoping you could tell us the best places to say I can talk better than that after all London is my city I'll give you a guided tour myself the best way to see lamb is on a double-decker bus mr. driver please may we borrow your bus for my bus you must be joking yeah I am your queen in a case your majesty take it if the Queen asks you to do something you must do it the tower you know a lot for a little elephant I'm a clever clogs they're just the silent of bit been telling us at the time it rang three times yeah it is 3 o clock if it ran six times what that make it sex o'clock yes it would and if it rang a hundred times it would be broken on with the tour net stop Tower Bridge we need to cross the bridge to continue it's going to bang into the fray our fridge lifts to let tall ships sail through oh no the ship has passed we can be on our way please lower the bridge I'm sorry Imagi stay back there's another ship coming this is really too much we can't wait around all day how tight everyone [Applause] [Music] balancing on the bridge I've got a great idea to the front of the bus is to take an umbrella and one is wearing [Music] ramie day it is raining peppa and George have to stay inside I like rainy days because they make muddy puddles to jump in we need to wait until it stopped raining stop let's listen to the weather forecast I know we can play the rainy day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it watch this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is exactly it won't always be so easy pepper who wants to go first George can go first okay you all wait here daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck okay peppers turn I will do the hiding this time mummy pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for pepper to find I will see it straight away ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I've come to find you ducky I know where you are you're in the sink the rubber duck is not in the sink the rubber duck is not under the table it's sitting with something else that's yellow Peppa has found the rubber duck it was in the fruit bowl I want to play the rainy day game again okay this time you can both look for the duck daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for peppa and George defined ready I'm in the city it's not anywhere would you like a clue it's sitting on something very big and very wise and very handsome oh the rain has stopped why don't we play outside which I want to play the rainy day game again I think you might like this outside rainy day game even better we need to find a muddy puddle this game is not just about the finding pepper what do you do with a muddy puddle jump up and down Oh jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music] pepper and George are having a sleepover at granny and Grandpa pig's house don't worry Peppa I'm just going into the garden to collect slugs and snails why grandpa doesn't like slugs and snails because they eat his vegetables and the best time to find them is at night with this torch can George and me come to please okay just this once put your coats and boots on peppa and George are wearing their coats and boots over their pajamas you carry the bucket pepper and I'll hold the torch don't stay up too late from poppy granny will put all the slugs and snails in the package ah one little snail here a grandpa pigs chickens Sarah Jemima Vanessa and Neville I need to put the chickens to bed night-night chickens night-night chicken night-night why aren't the slugs and snails in bed grandpa because they're up all night eating my vegetables some animals eat in the daytime like my chickens and some animals eat at night like Oh mr. Fox hello grandpa pig put in your chicken stupid oh yeah oh yes nice and cozy in the henhouse surely good well I'll be on my way good night good night now as I was saying some animals eat at night it's a hedgehog they like to eat slugs and snails yes Peppa he's very shy come on mr. Chuck don't be scared I like hedgehogs they are very good at keeping slugs and snails off my lovely letters yes there are moths butterflies that come out at night they like the torchlight when it goes off they leave when the light goes on they come back [Music] and if we leave the torch off we can see another very tiny night animal look up at the sky a shooting star no that is a Firefly is it oh no Peppa it has a Tommy that glows big night animals in your garden grandpa no it's granny pig lovely but now it's time to say good night to them good night night animals and it's well past bedtime for you little piggies yes granny pig good night little ones good night granny good night grandpa night-night [Music] [Music] it is playtime oh it looks like mr. bull is doing all the work mr. bull just builds the playground I do the hard bit planning it all I've worked it all out with science that sounds very interesting daddy pig it is would you like to teach the children some simple science it would be my pleasure let's start by doing an experiment what is an experiment it's a way to find something out that we don't know like how many children does it take to lift madam gazelle just guessing what's the answer I don't know but we can use an experiment to find out who wants to try and lift Madame gazelle Madame gazelle is too heavy for one child to lift let's try two children is too heavy for two children to look let's try three children it takes three children Madame gazelle we just did some simple science it was fun let's do another experiment make a tower of blocks very good but the tower looks a bit wobbly how can we make the tower less wobbly fantastic Edmund elephant is a clever clogs can we do more experiments of course who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle pepper please test the puddle let's add some more water please jump again pepper making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete or concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off flat and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next exactly it will set as hard as rock daddy pig I think you should step out if they ever probably with you in a moment mr. ball I'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard in thanks to a bit of simple science now mr. bull what was it you were saying I was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig I'll have you out in a jiffy Oh Oh dig up the playground daddy he loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being [Music] peppa and George are playing with Suzy sheep and Pedro pony here are Rebecca and Richard rabbit I've got a secret what is it my mummy has got a bump in her tummy she too much no there's a baby rabbit inside mummy rabbit is there really a baby rabbit in your tummy yes would you like to listen to it yes please can you hear a little heartbeat yes I can it's going yes sometimes babies give a little kick nay will you call it I don't know what you children like to think of a name yes please hello mummy rabbit would you like a cup of coffee I can't have coffee but I am quite hungry would you like a carrot I'm a bit off carrots have you got any potatoes yes we do maybe a potato with jelly and cheese and strawberry jam please a potato with jelly cheese and strawberry jam what a funny mixture of food we need to think of the name for the baby yes if the baby is a girl she'll be called Rachel rabbit or how about Ruth rabbit struck son rub it Sharon rub it I don't think so Petro Sharon rabbit sounds wrong I like Rosie Rosie rabbits it's perfect but what if the baby is a boy oh how about loose rabbits Raymond rabbits Michael rabbits Michael rabbit no Robbie rabbit yes Robbie rabbit thank you for the potatoes with jelly cheese and strawberry jam mummy pig my pleasure we thought of a name for the baby Rosie if it's a girl and Robbie if it's a boy they're lovely names it's sad that the baby can't have both names oh my tummy it's all that funny food you'll been eating I don't think so daddy rabbit the baby is coming right toward a hospital quickly know what bonnet I've got it all pillows scented candles local music and enough food for three days what panic don't panic anyone in we are having the rapid hello sister what are you doing here I'm having a baby remember oh yes you better come inside then can I come too No you'll have to park the car first don't worry having a baby always takes a long time [Music] everyone my sisters having a baby Indy of Towers this lot for last few days where shall we put all this stuff back in the car we don't need it now what you missed all the excitement how high is it a boy or a girl oh we've got baby twin Wow it is the next day and mummy rabbit is home from hospital of course papa boys or girls they're both a boy and a girl backward Rosie and Robbie so you did you space space yes Rosie rabbit and Robbie rabbit best names in the world and we [Music] [Music] Heather George are going on holiday they are packing their bags you can't pack everything we need to take all our toys daddy just take the important ones okay and George contains I saw mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is Suzy sheep oh where are you going I don't know somewhere where there's holidays that sounds nice [Music] why are you here we're here for Goldy the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's Goldy don't feed her too much granny okay pepper it is mr. bull in his taxi he is taking pepper and her family to the airport Oh daddy pig let me take that back for you [Music] are you sure you need everything in here yes it's all very important this is the airport goodbye have a lovely holiday tickets please here they are any bags yes I'm afraid this one's a bit a heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales anymore yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please this is the aeroplane that will take pepper and her family on the holiday George loves aeroplanes welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your flight with us today of course Peppa yes George you can sit next to a window - this is Captain emergency speaking is everybody ready [Music] [Music] what can you see out of the window pepper that's because we're on top of the clouds the plane is flying higher and higher to the Sun no but we are going somewhere sunny [Music] pepper and her family are flying through the sky on their way to pepper and her friends have come to ripping a rabbit's house for an Easter Egg are you looking forward to the egg hunt you can't start the Easter Bunny hasn't been to hide the eggs yet when is the Easter Bunny getting here very soon good we'll wait but the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if you're looking ok we'll close our eyes I can hear something is the Easter Bunny no it's not it's just my daddy is mr. rabbit hello everyone Oh what are you all doing here we've come for the Easter egg hunt oh I hope the Easter Bunny will come soon mr. rabbit oh yes me too oh yeah let's just go and check my carrot patch this is mr. rabbits carrot patch remember children the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if we're looking let's wait indoors Rebecca rabbits house is underground no but the Easter Bunny is a rabbit yes and you are a rabbit yes what does it look like I think it looks like me but a bit bigger oh I think these the bunny has a rocket pack it yes it says super bunny I think the Easter Bunny has a magic fairy wand I see Easter Bunny must be very big to carry all those invisible means you can't see it that's silly Oh somebody's hiding an elf it must be the Easter Bunny I wish we could see the real Easter Bunny maybe we can see it here in the window yes I can't see anything we're never going to see the Easter Bunny uh-huh remember no peeking sorry mommy hello everyone oh hello mr. rabbit how are your carrots what carrots the carrots you went out to check oh they're fine daddy did you see the Easter Bunny no but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will have been by now do you think the children can start looking for the eggs yet oh yes I would say so right are you ready to find the eggs the Easter Bunny is here done yeah when you fart all the air we [Music] that was quick one egg is not the Easter Bunny that is rabbit bunny no I'm a eggs I like eggs [Music] [Music] it is a lovely sunny day Pedro has a new play tent here of Peppa George Danny dog Suzy sheep and Wendy wolf it's it's a cowboy camp where Cowboys sleep at nighttime are you going to sleep air in the night no that might be a bit scary but we can pretend it's nighttime but it's nighttime just pretend the Sun is the moon okay petrol can we be Cowboys - yes you could be my partners it's my little cowboy hungry I sure AM ma that's how Cowboys speak would you cowboys and cowgirls like something to eat - next to their mommy's kitchen no you have to pretend the house is not here this is the Wild West at the Wild West is the lad where Cowboys live what's a Cowboys do they tell stories same songs and ate maize beans on toast for everyone Cowboys love beans on toast everybody loves beans on toast hey cowboy so yes I made it top and it goes like this I'm a brave cowboy enemy two i-beams with a big animal fight back fight back I could tell a story make it scary it was a wet and windy nights in the Wild West our wild animals were out looking for food looking food at night some animals eat at night Susie wild animals and the brave cowboy Pedro was alone in his tent but he couldn't sleep because something was outside the tent was it a wild animal it is a tiny little bird come to look at Pedro's tent I think it was an eagle he goes live in the Wild West is everybody all right yes mommy it's nearly home time but we sleep in yet everybody good night partners I'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there yes it's my mr. wolf has come to take Wendy wolf home all the parents are here to pick up the children okay [Music] yes my brave little cowboy even brave little Cowboys like to sleep indoors sometimes [Music] pepper and her family are flying to another country for a holiday we hope you have enjoyed your flight please fasten your seat belts this is captain emergency speaking we are about to land in Italy oh it's me that sounds nice [Applause] the airplane has landed oh dear pepper has left teddy on the airplane now we need a car to drive to our holiday house here is the place to borrow cars hello Bonjour nor commit boss are you tired in a cozy Bella signora in Italy people speak Italian oh we need a car non capisco let me handle this I'm an expert at talking we need a car lover no eggs a car no well done George this bag is heavy are you sure we need everything in here mummy pig yes it's all very important like we always do no pepper the sat-nav will tell us the way in Italy the sat-nav talks in Italian but I think we maybe we don't need this sat-nav let's go this way remember daddy pig this is another country they may drive differently here Oh driving is driving mummy pig it can't be that different Strabo driving in Italy is very different to driving at home hello yes we're on the holiday I expect they're saying hello of course we can what is so friendly here pepper and her family are on their way to their holiday house will you say yes I can feel myself relaxing already [Music] oh dear it is a policeman hello officer I don't know what I was doing wrong but I promise I won't do it again good day I am returning this young bear he was left on the aeroplane oh thank you daddy have a lovely holiday oh yeah peppa and her family have arrived at their holiday house what have you got in this bag mummy pig it's all important stuff for our holiday a lovely plant our computer tinned food hot water bottles some winter clothes in case it gets a bit chilly the telephone granny and Grandpa pig are looking after Goldie the fish well pepper is on holiday are you sure we're feeding Goldie enough I'll just feed her a pinch more it's pepper for you it has been a long day now it is time for bed good night my little piggies peppa and George are fast asleep in their holiday house
Channel: Peppa Videos
Views: 9,019,893
Rating: 4.0092788 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: p_GXsD6xBBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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