Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Season 8 | Compilation 36 | Kids Video

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[Music] pepper and George are at Danny dogs house captain dog is telling stories of when he was a sailor I sailed all around the world and then I came home again but now I'm back for good I will never get on a boat again dad a dear mr. sea well sometimes it is granddad dog grandpa pig and Grampy rabbit hello I can Captain dog come out to play what we are going on a fishing trip on a boat okay let's go you'd never get on the boats again oh yes so I did oh well there they go off on a boat without me what are you going to do now daddy oh I don't know maybe I'll clean the seaweed off the house you don't get seaweeds on houses no of course not we'll take by boat are you sure your boots safe Grampy rabbit boss it's safe I built it myself we don't need a bit off we go I love going fishing nitu and what do you need for a fishing trip fishing rods [Music] basket it's very good of you to steer the boat scrappy rabbits but I'm not steering the boat I thought somebody else wold oh dear no one is steering the boat well lost at sea look grandpa rabbits boat is sinking situations and there's really no this is the worst just a sea of the sky for company and we haven't got any food I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear Grampy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes Grampy rabbit I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea is very good at shooting what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble we will rescue them we can use granddad dogs boats wait a minute I said I'd never get on the boat again they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again nice jackets on all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat captain dog has rescued the granddad's me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but you know to cellular anymore no of course not mummy pig is measuring pepper they're pepper that's how tall you are I'm taller than I was before that's because you're growing up pepper now George's turn teeny there George that's how tall you are oh don't worry George as you get older you'll get taller yes but I will always be taller than you George because I will always be older [Music] it is time for playgroup Glenn today a new friend is joining our playgroup say hello to Gerald wow you're really tall so you must be really old no javelin is the same age as you why is he so tall then I'm cool because I'm a Jew ass I'm taller no you're not yes I am you measure to the topically is o 2 ears count gerald giraffe is the tallest I wish I was as tall as Gerald it is playtime counts to 10 everyone must find a hiding place to have to bend down to talk to everyone I have to bend down [Music] Gerald giraffe doesn't want to play because he is sad the ball is stuck in the tree I can't reach it let me have a go no it's too high what can we do chop the tree down no I can get it with my trunk no I can't if family can't reach it with her trunk there were nerves get our ball back what can we do chop the tree down enough to reach oh I can try [Music] Gerald giraffe has rescued the ball [Music] stuck in the tree it is tittles The Tortoise [Music] here is dr. hamster the fat you not eat our ties have to thank for rescuing my tittles Thank You gerald my goodness you are a tall lat I'm as you are oh but you're taller than gerald dr. hamster yes that's because I'm a hamster all homes there's always taller than giraffes I will be turning dr. hamster when I'm older yes grown-up giraffes tend to be taller than grown-up hamsters hello mummy and daddy giraffe have come to collect gerald from playgroup Wow that's because we're drafts and my mummy and daddy are very very Oh [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper and her friends are in the school playground children today we have a special person coming to teach you basketball home time yet we've got a special teacher coming today that's me I'm the coach a basketball teacher is called a coach pepper call me coach okay daddy coach does anyone know how to play basketball it's fun you have to run bounce the ball [Music] it is not as easy as it looks to play basketball you need to train hard and keep fit ah daddy coach yes I'm super fit tummy this tummy is pure muscle first I'll teach you how to get the ball from here to here I can do that no daddy you can't use your feet that's football Danny dog likes football in basketball you bounce the ball with your hands like this who want to go Suzy sheep is bouncing the basketball very carefully well done Suzy now everyone try everyone is learning how to bounce the ball now I'll teach you tackling stacking tackling is trying to get the ball from another player like this try and get the ball from me George George is very good at tackling you need just a bit more training there George let's have a little practice game split into two teams the girls are in one team the boys are in the other the boys yeah Emily elephant is very good at reaching high with her trunk stop arguing you can all be in the same team the children are all in one big team the parents have come to take the children home I know you can play the grown-ups but you've been taught basketball by daddy coach we're the grown-ups team oh I'm quite good at cricket yes well this is basketball you throw the ball through the hoop but you can only use your hands or your trunk but not your feet ready steady go mr. elephant has the ball tackled by George pasture Zoe zebra pepper and George are visiting granny and Grandpa's house Peppa is watching granny pigs at her dressing table you smell nice granny Thank You Peppa it's my perfume the lavender it smells like your garden that's because perfume is made of flowers very good yes first I need some water here's your water right now I'm going to put flowers in it and make perfume that's nice dear but only pick flowers from the grass not from the flower bed okay okay flowers who wants to be in my path you I'm going to put you in my beaker of water I'm making perfume it's going to be the prettiest smelliest perfume ever here is George stand back George I'm making perfume do you want to watch first I picked a smelly very flowery then I put it in my beaker no George you can't put graphs in my perfume it needs the smell of flowers yeah George does not like smelly flowers grandpa pig is in his herb garden hooey it smells like pond water it's my special perfume I made it with flowers from the garden oh yes it's the most beautiful perfume in the world yes do you like it George George doesn't like the smell of flowers take this bucket George you can make perfume out of something else I have got lots of lovely smelly things in my herb garden this is rosemary I like to use it in my cooking [Music] this is mint and this is lavender perfume Wow that's a strong smell of lavender ah [Music] granny pig you smell nice Thank You grandpa pig what is it it's my perfume oh yes it's lovely has George made some perfume too no granny he doesn't like the smell of anything there must be something you like the smell of George has found a muddy puddle ah George what have you got there have you made some perfume actually that smells quite nice it smells lovely I say that is delightful what did you put in it George muddy puddle yes you should use perfume the muddy puddle more often [Music] [Music] evarin George are shopping with mummy pig that's a lot of shopping it's for grandpa pig my granny is going away on holiday oh that's amazing shopping it's everything on granny pigs list where's the car I didn't bring the car I didn't think you'd be buying so much oh I'll call for a taxi hello taxi service a taxi will be with you shortly sorry I'm just popping out where are you going granny and Grandpa pig's house please I see you've been shopping lots of shopping about these days shopping for those shopping for that shopping sure rabbit why are you talking so much it's what taxi drivers do pepper oh my do i mr. potato in the car the other day pig is going away for a few days grandpa pig will be on his own this is a ton of food to get the food out you will need this it's a tin opener I know what it is granny pig if you want to boil an egg fill a pan full of water yes yes I know [Music] I know my little ones we've got the shopping but why are you not at the airport granny oh yes I'd better call a taxi taxi service hello granny pig I'd like to go to the airport please of course hop in thank you daddy can we leave granny to by the airport okay [Music] going to the airport are you yes and actually we're in a bit of a hurry hurry Nia are we in there why are people always in a hurry granny pig has a plane to catch she's going on holiday holiday I never to go on holiday I'm too busy being in a hurry are you talking like a taxi driver again yes the taxi has arrived at the airport granny Pig goodbye George waving goodbye in the taxi it's gone I'm actually very tired do you mind if we don't talk hello could you pick us up from the airport please the airport right I know I'm supposed to be mending the airport's but my trucks broken down I'm going to the airport's open have you got any luggage just returned miss rabbit's taxi is full of sand thank you Miss rabbit no problem take us home please miss rabbit righty-o there you are my love taxi ride of the - oh you can go home and have a rest ha I should be so lucky so I kept you waiting it's just another busy day for Miss rabbit and George are playing in their bedroom that's your side and this is my sides do not cross invisible line hello mr. zebra hello daddy pig I've got some letters for you I'm afraid not they're all for mummy and me there's a parcel as well probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered that's because it's from a long way away by now oh the label says it is for pepper and George there's a letter to dear pepper and George here is a present for you to share love from your auntie Dottie auntie Dottie lives far away in another country what is the present it's got wheels it's not a car George it's got legs it's a table tables don't have tails a handle as well what can it be remember children aunt Dottie sent the present for both of you you'll have to share sharing can be fun can I choose first let George have the first turn he's the youngest George likes playing with horsey it's just cool toy uncle choice not horsey now it's peppers turn with my course Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down I know what I'm doing pepper I'm a grown-up [Music] what was that big splash what big splash daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh yes well I did fall in the pond George wants to ride on the toy horse George cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push George along I began soul I can push George what's a good idea peppa and George love playing together with horsey twinkle toes [Music] the children pepper and her friends are at playgroup mr. bull is checking the school roof no put this roof on for you you did mr. bull lovely job it will last you a lifetime but it is leaking water look it is going drippity drip you need a new roof oh dear where are we going to get the money for a new school roof good idea penny but who would hunt it yes the children can do it man I can do the face painting I can do the microphone we can have a mummies and daddies race and I could sell balloons yes we will have a children's feet it is the day of the children's fete all the grown-ups are here Danny dog is in charge of the microphone Emily elephant is in charge of the bric-a-brac store break it back Emily he will be busy all day selling its here is mr. Fox hmm this all looks very interesting may I have that one how much is it how much have you got oh of course we are raising money for the schoolroom look Mademoiselle I've got rid of everything wonderful Emily how much money have you raised money did you not get some money for the bits and bobs I didn't need to mr. Fox took it away for nothing [Music] Susie sheep is in charge of the face paintings doll hello Susie can I be a mountain leopard please no I can only do fruits okay Peppa is in charge of the lucky dip okay what do I do mr. bull has one a dolly can I miss is cat as one a digger mr. pool mrs. cat like their lucky dip prizes Freddy Fox is in charge of the mummies and daddies race it's all to raise money for a new school roof I'm quite good at running [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] but really we must thank the children for all their hard work and we have raised enough money to buy a new school [Music] [Music] Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa hello let's do a bicycle race okay what's the matter pepper my tire has come flats it's only a puncture I'm a bit of an expert at mending punctures first we take off the wheel next we take the tire off the wheel then we need a bucket of water while you wait you could pretend to ride a bicycle yes your very own pretend bicycle okay I have fought a very nice bike I'm riding my bicycle why are you walking funny I'm not walking Susie where your bicycle it's here it's a pretend bicycle it's got sparkly wheels and it's painted like rainbow hmm I wish I had a pretend bicycle you can make me anything you like okay my pretend bicycle is pink and fluffy no it doesn't matter we can have a pretend ball let's give it a big kick hello everyone it is Rebecca rabbit hello Rebecca we're playing with a pretend ball until Danny kicked it over there oh I know a pretending game you have to guess what I am you're a rabbit no I'm pretending to be something else are you a donkey No are you a fluffy no a space rocket no this is going to take a long time isn't it ask me if I'm big are you big no I'll give you a clue I'm a vegetable hmm can you give us a better clue ask me if I'm a carrot are you in current yes George has come to play George you pretend to be something and we will guess what you are Oh a dinosaur good that's too easy George you can be anything in the whole wide world George is thinking a dinosaur hello everyone here is Pedro pony what are you playing we were playing a pretend guessing game but I said that game is over what game do you want to play Pedro jumping up and down in muddy puddles puddles oh there are no puddles you need rain for puddles we can pretend it's raining rain has made pretend puddles up and down in muddy puddles oh yes those puddles do look rather good I think I'll do some puddle jumping myself ready steady what's the matter pepper you must wear your boots ah but I'm wearing my best pretend boots ready steady now jumping up and down and pretend muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] mr. Fox's shop mummy and daddy pig are wrapping up up present a present is it for me or George no pepper it's not for you Oh George oh no it's a glass Vaz that's a bit of a boring presence it's a prison for grownups we've bought this but granny and Grandpa pig it's their wedding anniversary to me and George buy them a present ooh that's very sweet of you pepper but presents can cost a lot of money we've got money in a piggy bank and George have one penny and two buttons to spend okay let's go shopping this is mr. Fox's shop can I help you it's granny and Grandpa pig's wedding anniversary I need a present my shop has everything I'm sure you'll find something you like this can be the present pepper the present is not for you it's for granny and Grandpa yes funny teeth they're wound up joke teeth very popular for grandpa I think granny and Grandpa have all the teeth they need pepper do your granny and Grandpa like gardening and digging yes then why not give them a bucket and spade each boy one get one free they've already got spades and buckets and books and everything oh dear I know grandpa likes sailing is a boat say no more I have everything a sailor could ever wish for do you have pirate's treasure ah everything except poor its treasure to granny and Grandpa like antiques what does antique antique means old and rare usually yes but my antiques are brand new that chair comes in a set of twelve nice isn't it is it made of oak yes it's made of plastic oak is it comfortable these mustn't sit on it antique chairs are not for sitting on you look at them that's not much fun even for a grown-up buying a present for granny and Grandpa is hard work or don't understand my shop sells everything there must be something you like and I think running grandpa would like it too let's buy their teddy they're a very good choice who's going to play one penny and two buttons here's your change one button Thank You mr. Fox peppa and her family have come to give granny and Grandpa pig their presents hello my little ones happy anniversary Oh another glass vars it's a grown-up present that's why it's a bit boring it's lovely we'll put it without other glass vases Georgia me bought you a present too I hope you like it I tell you bear for grandpa and me thank you peppa and George he's very good at cuddling does he have a name um he's could Eddy the teddy and what does Eddy like to eat chocolate I Berkeley that's the best present we've ever had Oh but if Eddy is going to live here he'll need children to play with we can play with and every time you visit us pyew be here for you to play with is feeding go to the fish he isn't eating she looks a bit sad I think she's lonely she hasn't got any fish friends maybe Goldie could visit the aquarium the aquarium is a place where there are lots of fish the family of rod go to the fish to the aquarium I hope we can find old friends I'm sure we will pepper the aquarium has every type of fish hello miss rabbit hello how many tickets please two grown-ups and two children please the fish goes free does the aquarium have every type of fish oh yes probably good we're looking for a friend for Goldy well I hate you finds one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish [Music] [Music] could any of these we go this friend let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching TV we like fish we've to find a friend the finish Oh what's in this tank I can't see anything Oh Oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you Wow it is a very big fish do you think this fish could be a friend for Goldy no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank I sure George thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur George it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes I like fish can the seahorse be gold his friend no it's two dinosaurs one more room to go [Music] nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fishing whoa better fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is Miss rabbit wearing a diving costume oh she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater that was the last fish tank what's in the next room this is the aquarium cafe oh goody my favourite room hello Peppa did you find a friend for Goldy he's not that's just ginger my pet goldfish he loves the aquarium Oh looks like goalies found a friend after all and Goldie can visit ginger anytime she wants
Channel: We Love Peppa Pig
Views: 4,115,304
Rating: 3.9903958 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: lHphVvCC36Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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