Peppa Pig Official Channel ⭐️🐭 Peppa Pig Chinese New Year Special 🐭⭐️

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[Music] today we celebrate Chinese New Year what's not it is when we welcome in the New Year parties and dancing and fireworks Mademoiselle where do you want these fireworks put them on the next hill please mr. bull okey-dokey children before we celebrate Chinese New Year we must sweep up why we must sweep out the oh yeah before we welcome in the new year lovely oh we must be careful not to sweep anymore so please hide all the Pasha's all the children are hiding their brushes Madame gazelle why do we hide the brushes Sophie don't sweep away the good luck that the new year brings petrol okay then you have good luck nice things happen can I have some good luck please they say if you well something right it's very new good luck friends pick something I'm wearing lucky red shoes I'm wearing a red hat I'm wearing the red scarf and my red dress ah let's go enter her dress that will make you extra lucky Peppa that's not fair I want to be extra lucky too if I am extra lucky I will share it with you Susie oh thank you pepper pepper and Susie are best friends not to celebrate the new year we will have a dragon dance with a big dragon like this oh is it a scary dragon float honey it is a super friendly dragon where is it we are going to make it [Music] Peggy Pandora panda are coming to for their first day at playgroup have a great day girls remember to keep your ears and eyes open yes I will join you later to let you know how they are getting on good morning children today two new pupils are joining our playgroup Pandora panda hello and Peggy panda hello everyone Wow you both look the same that's because we're identical twins identical twins look like each other do people get you mixed up sometimes but it's okay we're used to it Peggy pendo huh as it is your first time at playgroup you may both choose what we do today hmm we like solving mysteries and we like doing puzzles mysteries and puzzles let me see yes we have a jigsaw puzzle we love jigsaws this looks like a cloud and here is the Sun maybe they fit together no they don't fit try turning that piece around now they fit why does this piece go hmm try putting the blue sky with the blue sky it fits and the green grass with the green grass on a sunny day well done children that was great teamwork are you enjoying your day Pandora Peggy yes thank you we love doing puzzles and solving mysteries our daddy is a policeman I want to be a piece Minh when I grow up the piece drive cars with flashing lights and they go it is holding time at peppers plate me children next week there won't be any playgroup I am going away goodbye no more playgroup Madame gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame gazelle a leaving party it is the day of Madame gazelles leaving party everyone has come to help and tell us if Madame gazelles coming along why we don't want Madame gazelle catching us getting her party ready a surprise I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelles old friends wasn't she wants in a pop group that's right she played guitar with the walking gazelles hello hello Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup what fun we'll be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily elephant and Wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes pepper and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard here comes Madame gazelle we're not ready stop her Pedro okay hello Pedro you're early for playgroup yes don't go inside why not it's a nice day out here isn't it yes pedal can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about Pedro we're ready you can go in now [Music] he is a present for you and I'll take pluck it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you but being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever Oh pepper all I said was no play cook next week I'm going on holiday I will be preaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher yes and I can't think of a better reason for a party ozs hello Gigi have you still got your guitar oh let's uh hookity-hook [Music] it is very early on Christmas morning pepper and her family are staying at granny and Grandpa pig's house say happy Christmas to granny and Grandpa hands on deck it's 3 o'clock in the morning that Santa's beam can we see if he's still here no Santa's not here look the carrot drink and mince pie have gone yes Santa likes a good mince pie we will open the big present after Christmas lunch Oh pepper and her family are having Christmas lunch let's pull the crackers and party trumpets jokes what wobbles in the sky no a jelly copter hmm is Christmas pudding his delicious pepper and George helped me make it we did the stairs did you make a wish pepper yes I wished don't tell us this one is food racing boots this looks a bit complicated let me say this games yeah and that goes there and this goes there let's race daddy and Grandpa are enjoying playing racing cars with the box this is your present daddy pee socks I've got so the last present must be that present is for Polly parrot but it was the last one Santa has forgotten me hello can I talk to Papa please Papa its Suzy sheep hello Suzy digit that's your doll no I got mine it cries and laughs and closes its eyes and everything Santa's giving you my toe No the label says for Suzy sheep and some time has forgotten me [Music] Santa is on his way home that's the last of this year's toys delivered Oh what's this at the bottom of my sack Santa can't have forgotten you I have been a good piggy hasn't I came down a chimney of course he did granny your present Pepa sorry it's early date would you like some Christmas pudding George and I started and made wishes you are me and I wish that Santa would visit us on Christmas Day and you did it is bedtime for peppa and George good night my little piggies granny and Grandpa pig have come for dinner hello we're a pepper and George they're asleep oh but I so wanted to see them can I take a peek okay granny pig but be very quiet my little darlings you should be asleep okay but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep or go to sleep after the story all right once upon a time there was a little boy called Pedro plays me honey found some magic oh yes now petrol planted that bean and it all into a new us bean store that went high into the sky that's right petrol climbed to the top of that bean store and found a horrible big giant but I don't work that I want to princess oh yes there he found a beautiful princess Peppa Pig and Sir George a brave knight [Music] let me Big Daddy pig and Grandpa pig Oh waiting to eat dinner I'll go and see what's keeping granny pig story nor take granny Pig you woke the little ones [Music] grandpa I'm good at ending stories granny pig and you go downstairs I won't be long boy well after they ate the lovely dinner everyone fell asleep [Music] granny pig mummy pig and Daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories I'll ever sleep in no time [Music] I'll finish this story I'll be down in a minute very hungry King so they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after ven right I think I'd like to sort this out they're almost asleep thank you I'll take over now you have mr. story mummy all right quickly now tell me what's happened once upon a time in olden days a long time ago mummy pig's been up there for a long time I can hear snoring laughs pepper and George are asleep George it looks like princess pepper is the best at telling bedtime stories today is Danny dog's birthday he is having a party everyone has come dressed as pirates Pedro pony is dressed as a cowboy it is granddad dog dressed as a pirate call me dog beard what Jimmy's scurvy pirates crave a ration of swashbuckling all the brainy seas why are you talking funny that's pirate talk if you want to play my pirate game say ah is this a dangerous game no Pedro granddad dog has promised me it will be a very safe game but it will be exciting so who wants to play here be the plan time was a heap of gold that was mine by right but I was horn swallowed by one cotton hog what pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand captain hog took my treasure no you the captain hog is a fearsome pirate some of you may already know him as grandpa pig the game is to go to captain hogs hideout and get back my treasure without being caught everyone is excited to be playing the pirate game hello grandpa pig we're on our way jolly good grandpa pig and Polly parrot are guarding the pirate treasure we the black carrion fast on the wind at our backs we'll run to the boat pull there put your life jacket sauce on granddad Dolph boat all the children must wear lifejackets that scurvy dog beard should be here by now here's a nice cup of tea grandpa pig Thank You granny pig at last are we all ready now mr. dog pig I need to go to the toilet what can be keeping them hello granddad dog I thought you said you were on your way yes yes we're almost there it's taken a while to get my crew together [Music] the children have arrived at grandpa pig's orchard the game is to get that treasure without being caught there are new pirates around here trying to take my lovely treasure peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught everybody loves chocolate coins gosh granddad dog has been caught try and take my treasure would your dish mine I want it fair and square oh no you didn't oh yes I did you captain hog and dog beard for the lovely pirate game you're very welcome oh yes it's been lots of fun peppa and her family have come to watch the carnival Suzy sheep and Molly mole yes I can't wait it's going to be amazing with fire-breathing dragons and magic people flying let's hope it really is that great what's that is it starting no that's just someone sweeping the road before the carnival goblins it actually sounds quite good hey using brush isn't just base to make music the carnot won't has be done here is mr. bull and his fancy jazz band it is mr. pony the optician [Music] [Applause] it is captain dog and Danny dog mr. Connelly she's not doing much to she well that makes a change from all the jobs miss rabbit normally does she's probably quite happy to put 800 no the string has come loose it's okay I've caught it [Applause] call the Rescue Service hello service I'll be right back wait a mo I can't go rescue with all this on who wants to be Carnival Queen when I do some rescuing why don't you all take it in turns to be queen sorry mr. potato is ready too what is your plan I never have a plan I just make it up as I go along autopilot on have a nice day water pilots fly helicopters on their own Wow how can we get this balloon down should I pop it no don't pop the balloon okay I don't I don't know miss rabbit is going to let the air out of the balloon miss rabbit has rescued mr. potato thank you now I can get back to being the Carnival Queen oh I think we've got three Carnival Queens now everybody loves carnivals pepper has found a box of old clothes this is mommy's dress George let's just happen to tend to be mommy and daddy and who is that these cousins hello daddy pig this is mommy's daddy pig where are your shoes I need some shoes [Music] now I need to look beautiful just like me Peppa has found mummys makeup box mummy pig is working on her computer Peppa hello George I beg your pardon pepper I was just saying hello I'm not put a pig I'm not be pink oh yes of course hello mummy pig hello and this is daddy pig George ah and hello to you too daddy pig [Laughter] [Music] No thank you goodbye is enjoying pretending to be mummy pig but George is getting a bit bored sorry daddy pig I'm nearly finished Oh dad come on daddy pig it's time you did some one goodbye mummy pig and Daddy pig daddy pig is digging in the garden hello George mummy pig and this is daddy pig Oh daddy pig is he exclusive what that's very kind of you daddy pig oh now be careful it's a very deep hole I did you did your best clothes daddy pig I want to make big snows to ice cream everyone ice cream pepper George you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat daddy pig are you sure yeah so we're a pepper and George we don't know oh well that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here but if we can't find them George there you are daddy you really had us fooled [Laughter] [Music] [Music] pepper and George are having a fancy-dress party all their friends are invited pepper is dressed as a fairy princess and George is dressed as a dinosaur here are Peppa's friends candy cat Suzy sheep Danny dog Rebecca rabbit and Pedro pony Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume hello Suzy I'm glad the nurse has arrived have you just come from the hospital [Music] very good my my who have we here shiver me timbers I can turn you into a frog what are you Rebecca rabbit I'm the carrots fantastic come in there's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you I'm princess Peppa you must bow would you speak to me hello your majesty I'm not Suzy Oh polite and say something funny Rebecca why you dressed as a carrot I like carrots scary dinosaur Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror Mirror Mirror who's the fairest of the moon hello Peppa hello I'm a little fairy princess I'm a witch and I've got two magic points I've got a magic once ooh I can turn you into a stroke and I'll turn you in reception children it's time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume we need a judge as it peppers party maybe she should be the judge oh I'm a judge I'm the judge the judge the judge decides who has the best costume Eppler is going to choose who has the best costume Susie can I see your costume please I'm not Susie I'll make people better very good nurse Susie now Danny what on the poets shiver me timbers now candy no I'm a witch I can turn you into a stroke well I'm very princess I could turn you into a frog children children sorry mommy who's next [Music] Rebecca I'm the carrot love my little brother George is a scary dinosaur everyone's costume is very good now you say who the winner is oh yes and the winner is Peppa you can't pick yourself you're the judge Oh can't I you have to pick another winner okay and her play group are visiting the zoo for the day [Music] children are you ready to see all kinds of animals yes today we will be meeting wild animals oh but don't why divide animals will be safely behind fences hello I'm mr. lion welcome to the zoo it is mr. lion the zookeeper you picked a good time to visit it's feeding time this way to the animals yeah are the tortoises oh we keep this gate shut so they don't run away could everyone know they're moving very slowly yes that's why they live to be so old tortoises can live a hundred years now feeding time who knows what tortoises like to eat tortoises like to eat vegetables that's right that's why we feed the lettuce mr. lion is feeding the tortoises lettuce but of course children all animals eat vegetables that's right mrs. wildebeest my name is Madame gazelle sorry gazelle wildebeest for some reason I always get those two mixed up we say next I'll give you a clue it lives in water is it oh wait and see look carefully into the water I can't see anything there's nothing in there wait I think I see hello I'm mrs. crocodile I'm the keeper in charge of the Penguins if you look through the glass wall you can see the Penguins swimming underwater Wow swimming yes that's why we have this fancy pool for them thank you mrs. caca dial and mr. lion it's a pleasure mrs. wildebeest gazelle of course yes gazelle what animal are we meeting next I can see it's very yes that's my dad he's a keeper at the zoo hello I'm mr. giraffe see if you can guess he must be hiding watching us waiting mr. giraffe looks after that butterflies yes and the butterflies get all the food they need from these flowers it is amazing they can live on just the food home flowers I wish I could get by just eating flowers yes all this talk of eating has made me quite hungry me too well it's our feeding time now what's for lunch today mr. lion Oh lunchboxes for everyone sandwiches fruit juice and an apple little picnic sandbox tuck in everyone mr. Lyon loves feeding time at the zoo everyone loves feeding time and pepper and her friends are at play today dr. brown bear is coming to show us an ambulance I like unlamented sees ambulance came um yes thank you buddy I'm sure it will here is dr. brown bear [Applause] [Music] hello children does anybody know what this is called an ambulance and who can tell me what it's for taking sick people to the hospital that's right can we sound please yes we normally use that only in a real emergency dr. Bombay can you show us what you would do in a real emergency yes I'll show you using this Teddy and this ball one day Teddy was playing football when whoopsie he tripped over the ball somebody calls for the ambulance Freddie would you mind making the ambulance noise please first thing I do is see if the person is awake are you awake yes doctor do you know your name my name is mr. Teddy can you tell me what happened mr. Teddy I tripped over a football that was a bit silly wasn't it let's put that football where no one else can trip over it now tell me mr. Teddy which bit hurts my arm hurts we just need to bandage that arm up and because you have been such a brave boy you get a sticker and that's how the ambulance works children say thank you to dr. brown bear you're very welcome and remember always look where you're going [Music] he rolled through a prickly bush hide and apples fell on his head my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance you're doii dr. barbell we are here to make you better thank you but I don't think I need your help I am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks I really don't think this is not another word children what do you do first she's away well done Peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but I knows what to do next we asked him his name yes but in this case your name dr. brown bear now we are scheme what happened you saw what happened I tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which bit is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here because you have been such a play doctor you get a sticker say thank you to dr. brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works it was my pleasure dr. brown bear knows ambulances everybody loves ambulances [Music] when I grow up pepper and her friends are at failure and today we are going to talk about what you would like to be when you grow up you can use the dressing up box to help you decide I don't know what I want to be when I grow up don't worry pepper you have plenty of time to think about it okay when I grow up I want to be the queen so I can tell people what to do I see I think I might like to be a teacher what is it about being a teacher that you like the most Emily telling people what to do okay I want to be a policeman when I grow up the police drive cars with flashing lights [Music] what is do you like about being a policeman they tell people what to do my I would like to be a doctor or a nurse why do you think you would like that job Susie because they help sick people get better wonderful and they tell people what to do yes not all jobs are about telling people what to do there are lots of other important jobs like being a builder or a poet when I grow up I will be a pirate pirate sing happy songs and they go yo ho ho yes I'm not sure that being a pirate is a job as such either a pirate Oh a farmer oh yes being a farmer isn't much better you would close things and make food for us all to eat all the animals what to do right I will be a superhero being a superhero is a very important job you have to run faster than a train jump tore buildings and don't want to do all of those superhero things but I do want to tell people what to do yes of course the parents have to collect the children little piggies so tell me what did you learn at playgroup today Madame gazelle ask us what we want to be when we grow up that sounds nice not really mummy everybody knows what they want to be but I don't do you know what you want to be when you grow up George George wants to be a dinosaur when he grows up don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to decide what you want to be me I work on my computer do you get to tell people what to do no well that's no good then it is bedtime for peppa and George what do you do daddy I could tell you pepper but I think you'd find it a bit boring okay my job is to design and facilitate strategies of function by material means in concrete do you like your job daddy I'd like it but not everyone would everyone is different pepper think of something you like doing I like jumping up and down in muddy puddles there aren't that many job I want to be famous for jumping in muddy puddles ha ha I want to be famous for having a big tummy pepper but that's never going to happen but I'm very good at puddle jumping yes I suppose you are when I grow up I will show everyone in the world how to jump in muddy puddles that sounds like a very good idea 9 night pepper 9 I George pepper and George are falling asleep to dream about dinosaurs and puddle jumping [Music] pepper is on holiday in Australia at Kylie kangaroos house I could stay here forever it's great having you all stay but I will have to go to work today what is your job mrs. kangaroo I'm a marine biologist what's that I study sea creatures like these little fish here oh fish tongue but the fish I study don't live in a tank they live in the sea dear the fishes in the sea have little bridges to swim through and treasure two places no pepper that's just the sort of stuff people put in fish tanks would you all like to come and see where I work yes please I've been where my daddy works there was a telephone lots of paper and coloring pens it was a very nice office I think you'll find my office is pretty fun too [Music] this is my office Wow there Peppa the sea I've got them best office in the world but how can you work in the sea with this submarine do you want to ride [Music] [Music] that's coral coral is made of lots and lots of tiny creatures oh and the coral stretches for miles and miles we call it the Great Barrier Reef it's my job to keep the coral safe take some coral home with us sorry pepper we can look but we mustn't touch if every visitor took a little bit of coral home soon all the coral would be gone we must never never take anything away from here despite the green one you see how lucky I am to work in such an amazing place pepper you're right pepper it is quite like the fish tank here except there's no treasure chest of course what have you seen George it looks like a chest full of gold coins George has found a treasure chest you see daddy everything is the same as the fish tank yes that gold must be worth a fortune I think I can I meant natural things that belong here that's right these gold coins that's belonging it so we need to remove them ah it will all go to a good cause yes it'll pay for lots more marine research that was a good day at the office this is a great holiday I don't want it to ever end but you are going to leave sometime right oh not that you aren't welcome to stay as long as you like of course thank you mrs. kangaroo who can tell me what this is it's a castle that's right Danny and for your school project I want you to go home and make a castle Wow you can make your castles from any old bits and bobs you find that home cardboard plastic bottles egg box seen how my Easter and please not too much glitter it gets everywhere can i make the castle big make it as big as you like it is breakfast time at Peppa's house what's that pepper I'm doing new school projects new project Oh what is it pepper I need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yard pots on the sides and what have you got a box with pots on it no daddy it has to be good pepper what exact please did Madame gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what I am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to living I see right it is breakfast at Susie sheeps house Madame gazelle told you to make a real fairy Palace yes the little fiddly bits hello sorry but I can't come in to work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but I should be able to manage this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no daddy pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box no delivery for daddy pig I don't remember ordering anything this large ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall I take the box away for you oh yes thank you we need that box to tie scoffs great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter litter hello hello can I speak to Papa please pepper its Suzy sheep hello Suzy how's your school project going I'm doing very well more pointy mommy and it needs to be taller how is your castle going it's quite hard work but my mummy and daddy helping a little tiny bit uh what do you think of this tower Peppa very good but it still looks a bit cardboard II hmm maybe I can paint it I need to get on with my work now Susie see you tomorrow bye bye Peppa what do you think oh we've got there in the end hmm it just needs one more thing Oh glitter would stop the castle looking real and anyway we've completely run out of glitter pepper and her friends have brought their castles back to play groupie wow that must've been a bit tricky for you to make Susie no it was easy my castle is made out of a cardboard box it is a very fine castle thank you Madame gazelle hedgerow did you not make a castle I did but it's too big to bring into school we built it out of stone blocks isn't it wonderful what the children can make using just their imaginations are going to put on a play all the children have parts in the plain they have to practice at home Peppa is going to be Little Red Riding Hood huh mummy pig has made her costume daddy pig is helping Peppa practice oh ok Peppa what do you say I heard very good then what I'm going to visit my grandma I'm going to visit my grandma Danny dog is going to play the big bad wolf granddad dog and mummy dog are helping him practice on the big bad wolf try not to laugh Danny you should be a bit scarier try it like this standing I'm the big bad wolf [Music] you see yes that was really scary Pedro pony is going to play the hunter oh he will rescue pepper from the big bad wolf Pedro is a bit shy hey you say I'm going to chase you away you big bad wolf petrol Rebecca rabbit is going to be the grandma what do I say mummy let's say at the start of the play you get locked in the cupboards by the big bad wolf then right at the end of the play you are rescued by the hunter and you say thank you thank you very good Rebecca everyone has come to see the school play ladies and gentlemen welcome to our play the Little Red Riding Hood first let us meet the actors please for the sake of the actors no photography please and now our play begins [Music] [Applause] [Music] but who is this oh dear Danny has forgotten what he says next grandma you must go in the photos oops sorry oh you don't look like my grandma what big eyes you have [Music] [Music] look who is here just in time pet all the hunter help just in time Pedro the hunter Pedro is a bit shy Pedro would you like me to come on with you yes please you are a very naughty wolf thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 35,611,849
Rating: 3.7508202 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: gi27JMsacEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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