Peppa Pig Official Channel 🌟NEW SEASON 🌟Peppa Pig Uses a Metal Detector to Find George's Key

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[Music] now we can find george's lost key hooray how does the metal detector work grandpa i'll show you imagine i have lost this coin i turn on the metal detector and swing it gently from side to side i'm looking for it here i'm looking for it there but grandpa you put the coin here i know peppa i'm just pretending to look for it why don't you pretend to look for it here here you say aha i found something it's a coin yes grandpa it's the one you just put there yes peppa and that's how you find things with a metal detector can we have a go of course let's find that lost key here here we found something no it's a nail oh keep looking here there's something else a spoon what's that doing here this is fun george wants to find the key oh what is it grandpa it's the key hooray now we can wind up mr robot no george never wants to lose the key again don't worry george if the key falls out again we can find it with my new metal detector oh you found something really big it's your old metal detector grandpa pig it was hidden in the long grass all the time excellent now i have two metal detectors when one gets lost i can find it with the other but what if they both get lost then i'll cut the grass [Music] lost keys pepper and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains time to go home back to the car thank you for visiting the mountain beauty spot see you again soon no george you can't play with the car keys you might lose them you're playing with the car keys daddy but i'm a grown-up i'm not going to lose them oh dear daddy pig has dropped the car keys down a drain oh right let's go home um that might be difficult why daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh daddy pig don't worry i'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick hooray hmm the drain must be deeper than i thought the stick is not long enough to reach the keys what we need is a fishing rod then we can catch the keys on a hook maybe miss rabbit sells fishing rods uh do you sell fishing rods we do actually i don't know why you don't get fish in the mountains we're not fishing for fish we're fishing for keys my daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh you'll never get those back that drains really deep what it drains for a drain takes the rainwater away to the sea the fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys my goodness how deep is this drain we can see how deep it is by dropping a stone good idea miss rabbit we can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom one two three four five six that is deep told you what can we do now it is mr pool and his friends [Music] george loves tickers and cranes hello everybody hello welcome to the mountain beauty spot have you come to do some work no it's our day off so we came to enjoy the beauty spot you can say for miles boss yes it's very pretty uh mr bull could we borrow your crane for a minute what for my daddy dropped the car keys down the drain say no more i'll have them out in no time mr rhino the crane please stand clear down she goes how lucky mr bull came along when he did yes now we'll finally get our keys back that's as far as she goes chief mr bull is the chief did you find our keys no huh the crane isn't long enough now what shall we do easy we'll dig up the road [Music] mr bull is digging up the beauty spot stop what's going on we came to see the beauty spot uh they're digging it up right now won't be long my daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh call it call it it's the keys we've got them there you go thank you mr bull oh it was nothing uh where's the beauty spot going the mountain beauty spot is now a big hole it's a cave now welcome to the cave beauty spot all thanks to my daddy uh and mr bull yes i'm good at digging holes mr bull loves digging holes everybody loves digging holes [Music] the olden days susie sheep has come to play at peppa's house hello susie hello peppa i've got something to show you look what is it it's a photograph who do you think it is ah it's a baby sheep it's me you're not a baby it's an old photo when i was a baby don't be silly susie in the olden days you were a baby too peppa no i wasn't yes you were ask your mummy mummy pig is working on the computer mommy hello peppa is talking nonsense no i'm not she said in the olden days i was a baby well you were peppa look here are some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's baby alexander baby alexander is peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper baby pepper somebody sounds like they're having fun look daddy that's a picture of me as a baby i remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car [Music] mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden where's grandpa's lovely flower garden now daddy pig looked after it uh we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers oh and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and susie love to play in the garden was susie my friend in the olden days yes you and susie have always been best friends [Music] in the olden days did susie and me jump up and down in muddy puddles no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk oh what did we do you cried you burped and you laughed we were babies baby susie baby peppa goo goo gaga soon after that you were toddlers and where was george he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy george you've got a big tummy daddy is there a baby in there oh oh no peppa this tummy is pure muscle and so george was born and granny and grandpa gave george a very special present can you guess what it was mr dinosaur that's right and you and susie were running and jumping around then one day you saw something amazing peppa if you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots you loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles i still do [Music] let's take a photo now peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles peppa has always loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] george birthday today is george's birthday it is very early in the morning it sounds like someone's up bright and early happy birthday george george woke me up you woke everyone up on your birthday peppa that was different that was my birthday and today is george's birthday happy birthday george here's your present george [Music] dinosaur i knew it would be some sort of dinosaur thingy squeeze its tummy too scary george i've made you a birthday card can you guess what the picture is george cannot guess i was going to paint you a flower oh george does not like flowers but in the end i painted you a dinosaur that's a lovely picture peppa yes i'm very good at painting now we're going somewhere very special for george's birthday treaty go where are we going you'll see the family are setting off for george's birthday treat are we going to the circus no but it's somewhere just as good um is it the cinema no much better i just can't guess where can they be going we're here the family have arrived at the museum why are we at the museum come on you'll see what can george's birthday treat be george what do you like best in the whole world dinosaur [Music] dinosaur george's birthday treat is a visit to the museum dinosaur room huh silly old dinosaurs again don't be frightened george it's not a real dinosaur it's just a robot look i stand on this spot [Music] and [Laughter] and now there's another surprise all of george and peppa's friends are here mummy rabbit has made a birthday cake for george can anyone guess what sort of cake it is a dinosaur cake it is what an amazing guest peppa happy birthday there's one last surprise follow me what is the last surprise what do you think it is peppa it's probably something to do with dinosaurs oh what's that it just needs to be filled with air i know i know it's a bouncy castle peppa loves bouncy castles but if it's for george why isn't it something to do with dinosaurs it is a dinosaur a bouncy dinosaur everyone loves bouncing dinosaurs this is great happy birthday george [Music] it is wendy wolf's birthday and she has invited all her friends to a party happy mr wolfe is blowing up balloons for the party i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow these balloons up i love balloons me too [Music] everybody loves balloons come on let's dance you don't let the balloons fall to the ground keep them in there here is mrs wolf who wants bubbles [Music] [Applause] okay i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow some [Music] but they pop when you touch them watch we can always make some more bubbles who wants to go okay [Applause] are you ready yes mrs wolf you have to huff and you have to puff and blow so many bubbles pretty bubbles in the sky oh look at that big bubble that's not a bubble pedro that's the full moon ah and you know what you do when you see a full moon um you howl [Applause] why do you do that that's what wolves do we howl at the moon wendy can they teach us how to do that okay first you have to look up at the moon and then you how wendy wolfe has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf [Applause] wow who did that one it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't any of us it's a wild animal [Music] it is granny wolf happy birthday wendy hello granny you must all be wendy's friends how do you do hello my what big ears you've got granny wolf all the better to leave you with what big eyes you've got granny wolf oh the better to see you with and what big teeth you've got all the better to eat birthday cake [Applause] wendy what's that in the middle of your cage it is a little house made of sticks ah time to blow out the candles wendy i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow the candles out you've blown the stick house down oh well done that's my goal it was quite easy houses made of sticks are easy to blow down i always forget what's your house made of mr pig it's made of bricks not straw bricks oh of course that was a great party wendy yes that was my best party ever oh [Music] mr zebra the postman is delivering a letter to peppa's house oh look someone's got a party invitation it must be for me it says to george pig from edmond elephant please come to my party doesn't it say george and peppa no just george hmm i didn't want to go to a silly baby party anyway hello oh it's for you peppa it's emily elephant hello hello peppa do you want to come to edmonds party as my friend oh yes please my mummy wants us to help with the little ones help yes i can help danny and susie are helpers too oh goody let's get this party started who wants to play musical statues yay this is what you do dance when the music is playing and when it stops freeze like a statue ready steady [Music] this one is still blinking you're out [Music] you're moving george you're out richard and edgemond are out so zasa is the winner you've got a medal it's made of real plastic gold mummy musical statues is over lovely now it's time to pass the parcel yay when the music plays past the past around when the music stops take some paper off ready steady [Music] [Music] edmund has got a medal hurry up richard just take the paper off richard has got a medal has got a medal oh dear george isn't passing the parcel hey [Music] it's a giant teddy edmond has won [Music] mummy past the parcel is finished um lovely now it's time for food the helpers have taken all the seats this is edmonds party remember the helpers can eat after the little ones oh yes with the help ghost please cheers please juice clean jelly please jelly jelly more please [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you to the helpers you all worked really hard yes it's not easy looking after little children i need to lie down i need a holiday [Music] daddy pig's birthday today is daddy pig's birthday daddy pig has to go to work daddy i wish you didn't have to work on your birthday so do i but i'll be home as soon as i can see you later see you later [Music] while daddy pig is at work we can get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all the chocolate bits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake i give it a stir mummy can i stir yes peppa peppa loves stirring george wants to go okay george that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake hooray now we just have to bake it in the oven mummy can i lick the spoon yes you can lick the spoon and george can lick the bowl pepper and george love chocolate cake mixture oh daddy pig he's missing all the fun mummy can i ring daddy at work and say happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig works [Music] hello mr rabbit speaking may i speak to daddy pig please someone for you daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking happy birthday daddy happy birthday thank you peppa don't be late home daddy bye bye bye bye happy birthday daddy pig thank you there's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise george remember it's a secret shh [Music] peppa and george have buckets of water mummy pig has balloons i wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be [Music] daddy's home quick back to the house daddy pig is home from work happy birthday daddy pig [Music] thank you everyone wow what a lot of candles that's because you are very very old daddy you must blow out all your candles in one go i'll do my best hooray [Laughter] and here's your birthday present thank you new boots fantastic let's try them out peppa george and mummy pig are wearing their boots daddy pig is wearing his birthday boots daddy pig has found a little puddle let's see if these boots work the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig hmm what i need is a big puddle why not try over here daddy pig oh what's this it's your special birthday surprise what are they up to a big muddy puddle fantastic [Music] my birthday boots work perfectly would you care to join me in my birthday muddy puddle daddy pig loves jumping up and down in muddy everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles this is my best birthday ever my birthday parties it is peppa's birthday it is very early in the morning it's my birthday george wake up it's my birthday i'm going to have a party and daddy is doing a magic show quick george let's wait mommy and daddy up pig and daddy pig are still fast asleep wake up it's my birthday [Music] what time is it it's very late it's five o'clock in the morning yes the whole day is going okay let's get your birthday started [Music] mummy pig daddy pig and george are giving peppa her birthday present happy birthday peppa oh what is it a doll's dress i can put it on teddy thank you everyone you're welcome peppa oh i didn't know teddy was a girl teddy oh daddy of course teddy's a girl i love my new dress thank you everyone you're welcome teddy don't get it dirty do you know what's happening next peppa yes my friends are coming for my birthday party and daddy is doing a magic show oh no one will know the magician is your daddy you will introduce me as the amazing mysterio amazing miss steele yes at the amazing mysterio daddy's been practicing his magic tricks all week my friends are here here are peppa's friends candy cat susie sheep danny dog rebecca rabbit and pedro [Music] daddy pig is going to do a magic show peppa remember what you have to say ladies and gentlemen introducing the amazing mysterio okay daddy ladies and gentlemen uh it's magic daddy for my first trick abracadabra [Music] wow it's teddy for my next trick i need a helper from the audience i just need one young lady you put your hand up first can you tell the audience your name suzy sheep okay susie here are three balls a red one a blue one and a yellow one okay you have to secretly choose one while my back is turned okay have you chosen one yes abracadabra you chose yellow no uh abracadabra blue no abracadabra red yes it is red [Music] silly magic daddy you said all three colors shush peppa don't tell anyone [Laughter] would you like one more trick yes please oh close your eyes no looking say the magic words abracadabra open your eyes hooray my banana birthday cake blow the candles out pepper [Music] thank you everyone this is my best birthday ever [Music] mummy pig's birthday today is mummy pig's birthday daddy pig has made mummy pig breakfast in bed happy birthday mummy pig peppa and george have made mummy pig a birthday card happy birthday mummy oh what a lovely birthday surprise and there are more surprises to come enjoy your birthday breakfast take your time mmm yummy quick we have to get everything else ready daddy pig has made a birthday cake for mummy pig we've just got to put the candles on one two here i come mummy pig has finished her birthday breakfast mommy's coming oh no we're not ready yet uh who is it it's mommy can i come in no no is there something secret going on no nothing's going on but you can't come in i see mummy pig why don't you relax in this sitting room that sounds nice well it is your birthday okay peppa i think i know what the sitting room is he's a nice magazine thank you peppa and here's some pretty music thank you peppa we need the same number of candles as mommy's age one two three oh dear we haven't got nearly enough candles daddy how old is mommy i'll whisper it in your ear wow really old you know i think three candles will be fine mummy pig's birthday cake is ready we just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room [Music] hello mummy oh there you all are i was getting a little bored mommy would you like to have a nice walk in the garden do i have any choice nope bye-bye mummy have a lovely walk we'll call you when it's safe to come back in i've forgotten what hard work birthdays were daddy pig peppa and george are decorating the sitting room [Music] this is fun [Music] granny pig and grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh i can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and george are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later bye mummy would you like to come inside now i'd love to close your eyes [Music] keep your eyes closed mommy one two three open your [Music] what a lovely surprise blow the candles out and make a wish mommy mommy open your present can you guess what it is i've no idea open it and see it's a beautiful dress oh you're beautiful mommy now you just need somewhere nice to wear it what's this two tickets to the theater tonight thank you mummy pig loves going to the theater and granny pig and i are going to babysit the little ones what a super birthday i'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world and the most beautiful mummy pig's book mummy pig is working on the computer mummy can we play happy mrs chicken on the computer not at the moment peppa i need to finish the important book i'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch daddy when can we play happy mrs chicken when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work i've finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig now we can play happy mrs chicken hooray you did save your work didn't you no i didn't press save well done george that's the highest score ever my work where's my work ah there it is quick save close send for you is your work all right mommy yes peppa i just sent it off to be made into a real storybook oh a storybook not just one book lots and lots of books going to bookshops everywhere wow mommy can you read us your story yes i'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the playgroup with lots of copies of her new book thank you mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today it's very exciting these books are so new i haven't even opened one yet children mummy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three oh the rest of the book is one big long number i don't understand this is not what i wrote what is four seven six eight five nine george's happy mrs chicken high score wow that is a high score but where's my funny onion story it's gone i'm sorry children but i can't read funny onion to you today oh can you remember the story mummy pig yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending uh no wait madame gazelle it's not finished oh i see carry on funny onion said i will search the world to learn how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said wear some funny shoes but people still cried bunny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said wear a funny red nose wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny and everyone laughed they laughed and laughed and laughed the end marvelous i think it speaks to all of us the parents have come to collect the children i've just been to the bookshop mummy pig it's full of your books what do you mean by four five three nine six seven well uh actually it's probably post narrative very modern well done mummy pig thank you the parents love mummy pig's book the children love mummy pig's book everyone loves mummy pig's book [Music] simple science it is playtime at peppa's play group hello daddy why are you here i'm working with mr bull oh it looks like mr bull is doing all the work mr bull just builds the playground i do the hard bit planning it all ah i've worked it all out with science that sounds very interesting daddy pig it is would you like to teach the children some simple science it would be my pleasure let's start by doing an experiment what is an experiment it's a way to find something out that we don't know like how many children does it take to lift madame gazelle 100 100. you're all just guessing what's the answer i don't know but we can use an experiment to find out who wants to try and lift madame gazelle me me oh i can't lift her madame gazelle is too heavy for one child to lift let's try two children she's very heavy madame is too heavy for two children to live let's try three children it takes three children to lift madame gazelle we just did some simple science it was fun let's do another experiment yes make a tower of blocks [Music] very good but the tower looks a bit wobbly oh how can we make the tower less wobbly um but the big blocks at the bottom and the small blocks at the top fantastic edmond elephant is a clever clogs can we do more experiments of course who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle pepper please test the puddle this puddle is too dry let's add some more water please jump again pepper this puddle is just right nice and muddy and making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off wet and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next the concrete will go hard exactly it will set as hard as rock uh daddy pig i think you should step out of there before i'll be with you in a moment mr bull i'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard all thanks to a bit of simple science now mr ball what was it you were saying i was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig i'll have you out in a jiffy how i'll dig up the playground daddy pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug out of concrete [Music] we are doing nursery rhymes who has a favorite nursery rhyme my favorite is mary had a little lamb oh yes mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow and everywhere that mary went mary went mary went and everywhere that mary went [Music] i like that one it had a sheep in it that was lovely pepper thank you who else has a favorite nursery rhyme i like little bo peep and can you sing little boo peep yes and it goes like this little boy peep has just has sheep and doesn't know where to find them i don't like that one it's about sheep getting lost it's too sad yes does anyone know a nursery rhyme that isn't about sheep me me yes pedro bubble black sheep oh sorry i know one about a cat oh splendid candy can you share it with us [Music] [Music] and the dish ran away with the spoon running away with spoons and cows jumping over moons crazy stuff who's next i know a rhyme about a mouse very good freddy hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down [Music] hickory dickory dock oh that one makes a lot more sense i do like to run around madame gazelle i know a rhyme that has numbers in it excellent wendy please share it with the class one two three four five once i caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten then i let it go again why did you let it go because it bit my [Music] oh the poor little fish was frightened it was kind to throw it back madame gazelle yes pedro i like robin hood okay and does robin hood have a rhyme yes robin hood lived in a word he was very good at jumping in mud very good pedro i made it up myself madden gazelle i know a rhyme about marching we have to go outside oh the granddaughter of york he had ten thousand men he marked them up to the top of the hill when he marched them down again that was good exercise madame gazelle do you have a favorite nursery rhyme but of course pedro would you all like to sing it with me yes please everybody hold hands [Music] peppa loves nursery rhymes everybody loves nursery rhymes [Music] sailing boats grandpa pig is taking pepper and george sailing ahoy there grandpa pig here are mr stallion and mrs corgi they are members of the sailing club hello we're just going out for a sale ruff it's a bit early for sailing yes you can't go sailing now thank you for your advice see you later grandpa your friend said that we can't go sailing yet they don't know what they're talking about oh bother grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud there's no water grandpa uh yes the tide seems to be out so we can't go sailing don't worry the water will come back again soon and the boat will rise up the water is coming back it certainly is the water is lifting grandpa's boat out of the mud we're bobbing up and down let's go sailing captain grandpa off we go i love sailing why are you there grandpa pig are you okay though do you need any help or advice earl chap we're doing just fine thank you bye grandpa they're going quicker than us there's no need to hurry when you're sailing up and down [Music] time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide if you leave it too late you'll get stuck in the mud right you are goodbye i don't listen to them i know more about the ties than they ever will [Music] the boat bob's up the boat the boat bob's up oh we've stopped bobbing ah the tide seems to have gone out are we stuck in the mud grandpa yes but only until the tide changes then the water will lift us up again when will the water come back uh tomorrow morning oh we'll just have to spend the night on the boot a sleepover hooray i'd better give granny pig a call hello hello granny pig we've decided to spend the night out on the boat you mean you've got the tides wrong no no of course not uh i just we're stuck in the mud granny i knew it it's an adventure granny we'll see you in the morning where will we sleep grandpa yeah [Music] the boat has two little bunk beds [Music] and i will sleep on deck under the stars night night grandpa night night peppa and george peppa and george are asleep in the bunks grandpa pig is asleep on the deck the stars are twinkling in the sky above it is morning we're bobbing up and down [Applause] look children the water is back grandpa pig's boat is floating again time to sail home [Music] granny pig has come to meet peppa and george granny pig thank you hello my little ones did you have a nice time yes we got stuck in the mud and had a sleepover peppa loves sailing everyone loves sailing playing pretend suzy sheep has come to play with peppa hello peppa let's do a bicycle race okay ready steady go oh no what's the matter pepper my tyre has gone flat it's only a puncture i'm a bit of an expert at mending punctures we take off the wheel next we take the tire off the wheel are you coming peppa then we need a bucket of water can you do it quickly daddy i won't be long peppa while you wait you could pretend to ride a bicycle pretend yes your very own pretend bicycle hmm okay i have fought a very nice bike [Music] why are you walking funny i'm not walking susie where's your bicycle it's here it's a pretend bicycle it's got sparkly wheels and it's painted like a rainbow i wish i had a pretend bicycle you can and it can be anything you like okay my pretend bicycle is pink and fluffy wow [Laughter] [Music] here is danny dog hello hello danny do you want to play ball have you got a ball no it doesn't matter we can have a pretend ball catch danny let's give it a big kick hello everyone it is rebecca rabbit hello rebecca we're playing with a pretend ball until danny kicked it over there oh i know a pretending game you have to guess what i am you're a rabbit no i'm pretending to be something else are you a donkey no are you a fluffy elephant no a space rocket no this is going to take a long time isn't it ask me if i'm big are you big no i'll give you a clue i'm a vegetable hmm [Music] can you give us a better clue ask me if i'm a carrot are you a carrot yes hooray george has come to play george you pretend to be something and we will guess what you are a dinosaur that's too easy george you can be anything in the whole wide world george is thinking a dinosaur hello everyone here is pedro pony what are you playing we were playing a pretend guessing game but i think that game is over what game do you want to play pedro jumping up and down in muddy puddles yes let's find some puddles oh there are no puddles you need rain for puddles we can pretend it's raining it's raining the rain comes down [Music] the pretend rain has made pretend puddles hooray your bike is mended i don't need it now daddy oh i'm pretending to jump up and down in muddy puddles oh yes those puddles do look rather good i think i'll do some puddle jumping myself ready steady stop what's the matter pepper if you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots but i'm wearing my best pretend boots then you are allowed to jump ready steady jump daddy pig loves jumping up and down in pretend muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in pretend muddy puddles [Music] you
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 876,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, cartoon, funny peppa pig, papa pig, pepa pig, pepapig, pepp, peppa, peppa george, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig english, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig in english, peppa pig live, peppa pig live stream, peppa pig marble run, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, peppapig, pepper pig, pig, pig peppa pig
Id: wLOIaAEQzxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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