Peppa Pig Official Channel | Fruit - New Year, New Habit!

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[Music] can i have a smoothie with apples okay but smoothies can have lots of different fruit in them okay apples raspberries bananas and more apples an apple raspberry banana and more apples smoothies mmm delicious can i have a smoothie please me too and me and me of course what fruit would you like in your smoothies uh i don't know it can be anything pedro okay cheese please pedro cheese isn't a fruit it has to be fruit or vegetables okay raspberries and blueberries and blackberries and gooseberries that's more like it raspberry and blueberry and blackberry and gooseberry smoothies for everyone [Music] what do you want in your smoothie george strobwe george a smoothie must have lots of fruit in it how about strawberries and pineapple george no maybe george would like some dinosaur juice dinosaur juice oh yes all dinosaurs like dinosaur juice i saw let's see a bit of this one of those a few of these oh some of that one dinosaur juice just for dinosaurs and their little friends i saw can i have some dinosaur juice please miss rabbit me too and me and me okay dinosaur juice for everyone oh bother what's wrong miss rabbit i've forgotten what i put in the dinosaur juice oh i can tell you what was in it really how by smelling it freddy fox has a very good sense of smell wow you both look the same that's because we're identical twins identical twins look like each other do people get you mixed up sometimes but it's okay we're used to it peggy pandora as it is your first time at playgroup you may both choose what we do today hmm we like solving mysteries and we like doing puzzles mysteries and puzzles let me see yes we have a jigsaw puzzle hey we love jigsaws this looks like a cloud and here is the sun maybe they fit together no they don't fit try turning that piece around now they fit where does this piece go hmm try putting the blue sky with the blue sky it fits and the green grass with the green grass the jigsaw is finished it's a picture of a house on a sunny day well done children that was great teamwork are you enjoying your day pandora peggy yes thank you we love doing puzzles and solving mysteries our daddy is a policeman want to be a policeman when i grow up the police drive cars with flashing lights and they go [Music] yes yes perhaps now is a good time to phone your daddy and let him know how we're getting on oh where is my phone i must have put it down somewhere have you lost your phone madame gazelle yes i had it just now where can it be where did you last see it if i knew that susie i wouldn't be looking for it would i why don't you always put things in the same place madame gazelle then you will know where they are and that is very good advice susie but it is not always possible to put something down in the same place every time [Music] no is this the relaxation class yes we're all here to find inner happiness and calm hello welcome to the relaxation class it's all about leaving stress behind so please turn off your phones relax your bodies empty your minds hello sportscenter okay i'll be right there back in a mo just keep relaxing while i'm gone hello children hello miss rabbit we've come for our gym lesson yes the children are very excited fantastic i'll just set up the gym for you don't mind me just keep relaxing relax what are you doing here oh hello peppa i've come to do a class me too see you later now where were we uh we were just starting to relax oh yes think of a beautiful woodland glade stillness silence children are you ready for your gym class yes madame gazelle what's that i can't hear you surely you can shout louder than that yes good i want to see lots of jumping and climbing and running ready steady go slow down calm harmony stillness jump jump jump relax hello mummy pig what are you doing here i'm doing a relaxation class well i hope this children's party doesn't disturb you [Music] hello stop relaxing now relaxation class is over how did you find it mummy pig very very stressful funny that's what everybody says why don't you have a go on the bouncy castle yes i think i will this is wonderful i feel lovely and relaxed mummy pig loves bouncy castles everybody loves bouncy castles don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your mane george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever peppa can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics [Music] what's it like out there daddy pig is there any mutt um a little bit of mud yes oh my goodness wow so much mud yes but it does say it can get a tiny bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit muddy i've never seen so much mud in all my life it's brilliant yes and we've got a whole day at the festival ahead of us at the children's festival there are so many fun things to see and do let's start with making sand castles sand castles this is the sand castle area who likes making sand castles yeah now you might have noticed it's been raining so instead of sandcastles we're making mud castles first fill your buckets with mud turn your buckets over give them a tap lift your buckets mud castles i like mud castles mud castles are the best well done miss rabbit how did you ever come up with the idea for mud castles simple it rains every year so we always make muds castles ah so what do we want to do next how about painting pictures yay this is the painting tent today we're going to paint pictures and instead of paint we're using mud oh we've got lots of brown mud and greenish mud i even found some blue mud this morning hmm what's best to paint with mud i know a muddy puddle the children are taking mud pictures [Music] you will run around the cones like this to win a point but if anyone catches the ball susie is out and gets no points ah let's play everyone takes their positions for baton ball are you ready susie stand back everyone i'm going to hit it a million miles ready ready i got all the way around i win one point well done susie now it's george's turn to bet madame gazelle i think george is too young to do button ball you're never too young to play bet and ball peppa oh all right just try your best george [Music] george has hit the ball backwards run george get it get the ball i'll fetch it [Music] george has run all the way around and scored a point oh hey very good george thank you danny and now it is my turn to bet aren't you too old madame gazelle you're never too old to play bet and ball peppa okay just try your best [Music] madame gazelle is good at batting you hit it a million miles and now i run [Applause] that's one point the ball is going all the way to the school oh i'll go round again [Music] catch the ball [Music] did you catch the ball no did you get it susie no who's got it i haven't got it i'm in i win i am the champion george caught the ball hooray i lose i lose all my points where's done george [Music] it's well book day tomorrow and we have to dress up as someone from a book that sounds exciting who are you going to be peppa you've got lots of books to choose from yes i can go as a sleepy princess from this book yes i love reading you this story once upon a time they're living oh maybe i can go as the red monkey oh i love that book too hmm i can't decide all the books are good why not go as funny onion from the book that mummy pig wrote no daddy it has to be a real book not mummy's book thank you very much peppa once upon a time there was an onion called funny ambien four seven six eight five nine three one two most of mummy pig's book is one big long number yes there were a few printing problems how about this book the tiny magic fairy yes i'm a tiny magic fairy and george what's your favorite book i'm sure [Music] of course your pop-up dinosaur book oh that's settled george will go to world book day as a dinosaur and peppa will go as a tiny fairy or maybe a duck quack quack it is nearly bedtime [Music] aha i'm the happy pirate from the pirate book pirates are my favorite because they are funny and they sing happy songs brush their teeth yes brush their teeth we all ready for world book day tomorrow no my favorite book keeps changing oh don't worry peppa you can decide in the [Music] morning ends up who thinks their mummy or daddy would like to do a parachute jump my mummy my daddy you need just one peppa and george have arrived back home [Music] mummy the school roof is leaking again is it darling yes madame gazelle says it needs a lot of money to mend yes yes i'm sure it does she asked if somebody's mummy or daddy would jump out of an aeroplane oh i hope you didn't say daddy would do it peppa you know he doesn't like heights but you don't mind heights do you mummy i'm fine with heights good oh thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an airplane what but i've never done it before you'll be fine remember it is for the children oh in that case of course i'll do it it is the day of mummy pig's parachute jump i'm still not sure i really want to do this it's all in a good course mummy pig but i don't know how to jump out of an aeroplane don't worry you'll get lots of training first hello mummy pig mr rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should i practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard i'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay mummy pig i'll come up in the plane with you good luck mommy don't worry mummy pig remember you've got a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are a long way from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane there she goes no wait that's daddy pig [Music] if it rang six times would that make it six o'clock yes it would and if it rang a hundred times then it would be broken on with the tour next stop tower bridge [Music] we need to cross the bridge to continue the tour stop you can't cross look there's a big ship it's going to bang into the bridge the bridge is lifting up wow tower bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through good now the ship has passed we can be on our way please lure the bridge i'm sorry your majesty but there's another ship coming this is rarely too much we can't wait around all day how tight everyone [Applause] [Music] the bus is balancing on the bridge now what do we do hang on a minute lads i've got a great idea everybody move to the front of the bus okay the queen is good at driving buses are you enjoying your tour children yes open top buses are the best why aren't all buses open like this one it is raining ah yes that's why all buses aren't open like this one children open your umbrellas it is very important to take an umbrella when you visit london let's stop trafalgar square oh dear what a shame trafalgar square is full of puddles but we love puddles come on have a splash your majesty it does look rather fun and one is wearing one's boots the queen loves jumping in london puddles everybody loves jumping in london puddles [Music] mommy can we play happy mrs chicken on the computer not at the moment peppa i need to finish the important book i'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch daddy when can we play happy mrs chicken when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work i've finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig now we can play happy mrs chicken [Music] you did save your work didn't you ah no i didn't press save [Music] well done george that's the highest score ever my work where's my work ah there it is quick save close send for you is your work all right mummy yes peppa i just sent it off to be made into a real storybook oh a storybook not just one book lots and lots of books going to bookshops everywhere wow mommy can you read us your story yes i'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the play group with lots of copies of her new book thank you mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today it's very exciting these books are so new i haven't even opened one yet children mummy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion 476 85 [Music] i did it the boomerang has flown all the way back to peppa what was that it's a boomerang daddy oh yes you have to throw it hard and then it comes back allow me to show you mr pig are you ready one two three [Music] throw so when does it come back ah keep a good lookout kids that boomerang could be anywhere i think we might have found it hello this is mr wallaby he is the next door neighbor uh hi mr wallaby i was uh just teaching these kids how to throw a boomerang sorry about your window well there's no worries there mate what's a broken window between friends mr wallaby is a very nice neighbor don't let it happen again though thanks like i was saying to throw a boomerang you need to throw it hard what like this that's it daddy it's coming back here she comes here she comes catch it mr pig missed it oh no the boomerang has broken another window well i think we should be going well you've still got some windows left hey no you can't leave until i've had a go let me show you mates how a boomerang should be thrown thanks mr wallaby ah don't mention it that's what neighbors are for now the trick is you need to throw the boomerang more upright like this it's good it's good it's a good throw here it comes it's good it's looking oh no someone catch it oh dear the boomerang has broken another window [Music] you have to huff and you have to puff puff and blow [Music] that's not a bubble pedro that's the full moon ah and you know what you do when you see a full moon um you howl why do you do that that's what wolves do we howl at the moon wendy can they teach us how to do that okay first you have to look up at the moon and then you howl wendy wolfe has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf [Applause] wow who did that one it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't any of us it's a wild animal [Music] it is granny wolf happy birthday wendy hello granny you must all be wendy's friends how do you do hello my what big ears you've got granny wolf all the better to what big eyes you've got granny wolf oh the better to see you with and what big teeth you've got all the better to eat birthday cake [Applause] wendy what's that in the middle of your cake it is a little house made of sticks ah time to blow out the candles wendy i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow the candles out you've blown the stick house down oh well done that's my goal oh bother grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud there's no water grandpa uh yes the tide seems to be out so we can't go sailing don't worry the water will come back again soon and the boat will rise up the water is coming back it certainly is the water is lifting grandpa's boat out of the mud we're bobbing up and down let's go sailing captain grandpa off we go i love sailing [Music] why are you there grandpa pig are you okay though do you need any help or advice earl chap we're doing just fine thank you bye grandpa they're going quicker than us there's no need to hurry when you're sailing up and down [Music] up and down there grandpa pig time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide if you leave it too late you'll get stuck in the mud right you are goodbye i don't listen to them i know more about the ties than they ever will [Music] the boat bob's up the boat the boat bob's up oh we've stopped bobbing ah the tide seems to have gone out are we stuck in the mud grandpa yes but only until the tide changes then the water will lift us up again when will the water come back uh tomorrow morning oh we'll just have to spend the night on the boot a sleepover hooray oh george has found an enormous bone i'm sure it might very well be a dinosaur bone george ha what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin it's treasure grandpa how is the pond coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin it's very treasure how exciting i have a little treasure too that is not treasure that is a gnome grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr fox says it's an antique very rare one of a kind of course he did grandpa do you think we really have found buried treasure i'm not sure but the museum would know this is the museum hello can i help you hello mr rabbit we've dug up some treasure let's take a look at what you've got [Music] a fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold is it real plastic gold no it's metal gold oh anything else my goodness this bone is the best of the lot look it fits my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable so they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum any time you like to see them a children are free and you sir get in half place because you are old can i just ask where you dug up such treasures in grandpa's garden or digging must stop until an expert has been to investigate [Music] always look where you're going then dr brown bear [Music] oh oh my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance don't worry dr brom bear we are here to make you better thank you but i don't think i need your help i am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks i really don't think this is not another word children what do we do first check he's awake well done peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but who knows what to do next we ask him his name yes but in this case what is your name dr brown bear now we ask him what happened you saw what happened i tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here on my head we just need to bandage him up because you have been such a brave doctor you get a sticker children say thank you to dr brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works thank you dr brown it was my pleasure dr brown bear loves ambulances everybody loves ambulances [Music] hello grandpa pig hello hello bean grandpa that man just called you an old bean yes peppa it's another way of saying old friend are they your friends grandpa oh not really we're just members of the same sailing club now where did i leave my boat what does your boat look like grandpa it has a little red flag on top of the mast like that little flag ah yes oh dear grandpa pig's sailing boat has sunk i'm afraid we can't go sailing today children [Music] here is grumpy rabbit on his hovercraft what is that monstrosity hello what a marvelous day for sailing hello grumpy rabbits peppa you look sad what's the matter we can't go sailing because our boat has sunk oh dear why don't you hop onto my hovercraft hooray i really don't think this is hold on to your head grumpy rabbit's hovercraft can go on land and water i built it myself you'd never guess would you we don't need that bit you can't drive this thing around here you're not a member of the sailing club but you all remember aren't you yes but that's all right ah nothing like a peaceful day sailing the calmness of the water and the quietness of them what's that horrible noise it's that monstrosity again is that grandpa pig [Music] we need some new clothes for george please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out george thinks you're going to tickle him i promise i won't tickle you george very good what a big strong boy you are you see george miss rabbit didn't tickle you did she no but i will george loves being tickled right let's find george some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm oh if george would kindly go into the changing booth please george is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly george hmm i don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but white george you look like a clown no george does not want to look like a clown hmm too much color what about this then now you look like a penguin yes it's still not really george hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes george you look like you what do you think george george likes his new clothes [Music] daddy we're home oh so george didn't get any new clothes then these are his new clothes daddy pig the same as before but no holes oh oh i see can we play in the garden now mummy yes let's all play in the garden [Music] hello it is mr bull's brother hello sorry about the noise but we're building a road and need to knock this building down dr hamster's home for sick pets is in the way of the new road hello everyone mr rabbit is the road building inspector hmm things are looking a bit slack miserable why have you stopped working this building is in the y i said they should build a tunnel yes a tunnel would do yes but that would be very hard to do are your machines not strong enough to make a tunnel what our machines are the strongest machines in the world we can build a tunnel i'll dig from this side i'll dig from the other side and we'll meet in the middle mr bull and his brother are digging a tunnel through the hill tunnel has been dug and the new road is finished congratulations mr wool you did a fine job yes now all those busy people can get to where they're going more quickly the new road is so nice and straight that lots and lots of cars have come to use it they're not going that quickly hmm there are more cars using this ward than we had planned for we'll need a bigger road so what are you going to do only one thing we can do peppa we'll dig off the road pepper and george love it when mr bull and his brother dig up the road everyone loves it when mr paul and his brother dig up the road [Music] can't wait to play in susie's new room oh peppa susie is moving to the other side of the world you won't be able to play with her every day but i'll see you every day at school won't i suzie yes i'll still go to school won't i mummy you're going to a new school susie oh will i ever see you again oh i'm sure you'll see susie again peppa yes oh look at the time we have to go but mommy we need to play some more you can play some more tomorrow right now we have to go and pack oh bye bye peppa see you susie [Music] are you okay peppa i'm sad it's a bit of a shock susie moving away isn't it yes why don't you make susie a going away card okay i'm drawing me and susie and flowers that's a lovely card peppa would you like to talk to susie on the phone yes please mummy hello hello susie i'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow [Music] it is morning and susie sheep has come to play with peppa race you to the next hill i will really miss you susie and i'll miss you peppa i will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no i am not yes you are we are both a bit bossy [Music] here are danny dog zoe zebra and pedro pony hello everyone look at georgia's racing car [Music] wow i'll race you and me and me i want to race too where's your racing car peppa i don't have a racing car don't worry peppa you can be the chief mechanic what does that do you fix george's car if it goes wrong oh goody i hope it goes wrong a lot let's start the race three times round the garden ready and they're off [Music] that's the end of lap one and george is in the lead what's all this noise out here i'm trying to watch television we're having a race granny [Music] that's the end of lap two and george is still in the lead oh dear a wheel has come off george's car where's the chief mechanic here i am what do we do put the wheel back on [Music] oh dear george is now at the back of the race [Music] george is the winner well done george you're the best racing driver in the whole world [Music] room has a tank full of little fish fishy wow there are millions of teeny fish fishy fishy fish fish swimming in the sea who will be a fishy friend for my fish goldie could any of these be goldie's friend hmm no they are too small let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family hello candy hello peppa you know what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching tv we like fish we've come to find a friend for goldie the fish oh what's in this tank i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater you can't pack everything but we need to take all our toys daddy just take the important ones okay i'll take teddy and george can take dinosaur mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is susie sheep hello peppa do you want to play i can't play today susie i'm going on holiday oh where are you going i don't know somewhere where there's holidays meh that sounds nice granny and grandpa why are you here we're here for goldie the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's goldie don't feed her too much granny okay peppa it is mr bull in his taxi he is taking pepper and her family to the airport hello daddy pig let me take that bag for you whoa that's heavy are you sure you need everything in here yes it's all very important bye bye bye bye [Music] this is the airport [Music] goodbye have a lovely holiday tickets please here they are any bags yes i'm afraid this one's a bit heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales anything valuable in it no any more yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine what's this daddy it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please look it's my bag with teddy inside diesel that's magic what a lovely holiday yes i have never felt so relaxed [Music] ah hello officer whatever i was doing i won't do it again mr pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him teddy we're going home today susie sheep cannot wait for peppa to get back home hello susie is peppa home yet no susie but she's flying home now flying high in the sky flying high and high and high i hope it's sunny when we get home peppa's family have arrived home granny pig grandpa pig goldie what has grandpa done to you um she has filled out a bit hasn't she naughty grandpa you fed her too much she was always hungry we've brought you some presents from italy look grandpa a beautiful garden gnome oh you really shouldn't have granny has my postcard arrived no peppa not yet oh that's my postcard hello oh it's only susie i've really missed you peppa i've missed you too susie peppa and susie are best friends here is mr zebra the postman a postcard all the way from italy oh oh we got here quicker than the postcard look goldie i sent you this postcard from my holiday did you have a nice time on holiday peppa yes did you have a nice time it rained every day oh goody that means there'll be muddy puddles are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol no we haven't gone anywhere yet right next stop the museum um where is pedro petrol pumps interesting oh come along pedro bye hope we get to the museum before it closes here is the museum mr rabbit is locking up for the day hello mr rabbit we would like to see the museum please hmm we were just closing but i can give you a quick tour this is the keg and queens room full of old stuff [Music] interesting pure the giant dinosaurs all very nice ah amazing space rockets and all that wow and through this door is the most amazing place of all it's the fantastic world you live in oh thank you mr rabbit my pleasure goodbye right time to go children where is pedro oh pedro a mollusk very interesting come on pedro you'll miss the bus where is everybody the bus has gone uh don't worry miss rabbit will realize she's left us behind all together nobody has noticed madame gazelle and pedro are missing [Music] oh have you missed the bus mr rabbit i am a teacher i need your car [Music] don't you pop it polly george loves his balloon george has let go of his balloon again don't worry george it won't fly away because the roof is in the way [Music] oh it's gone through the door it's going up the stairs it's going into the attic don't worry there's only one way out of the attic and that is through the roof window which is always kept closed oh dear the roof window is not closed catchy grandpa i can't peppa it's in the sky george your balloon is going to the moon you'll never see it again daddy pig has come to take peppa and george home hello have you had a lovely time um we bought george a dinosaur balloon but george let it go and it's flying to the moon there must be some way we can get it back look polly parrot is flying after the balloon poli parrot to the rescue go polly go polly parrot has rescued george's balloon who's a clever polly who's a clever polly george don't let go of your balloon again i know we'll tie the string to your wrist george what a good idea george loves his dinosaur balloon everyone loves george's dinosaur balloon [Music] did you know you could jump really high on the moon oh how high as high as a house why can you jump so high on the moon um the gravitational pull is smaller on the moon oh yes that's it they're quite the clever clocks aren't we edmund elephant is a clever clogs i was a little bit lonely up there with just the moon and the stars and the most exciting bit was what's the most exciting bit grumpy rabbit i can't hear you why has he stopped talking oh dear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice i had better ring dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking hello dr brown bear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice is that such a bad thing yes he's giving an important talk about space rockets to the children oh in that case i'll be straight there [Music] [Applause] hello crampy rabbit i hear you've lost your voice say ah please i see yes a very serious case of losing a voice too much shouting i imagine let's see if a little bit of medicine helps open wide try saying ah now louder no where was i you were just about to tell us the most exciting bit oh yes the most exciting bit was i wrote a song would you like to hear it no thank you yes please i got up this morning [Music] here are mr bull and his friends mr bull has come to build the new house aren't you building it daddy i've done the hard bit mr bull just has to follow my instructions oh mr pig what's it to be car park swimming pool rocket station a house can you build it exactly like this please but mr pig wants a house is it going to be built of straw or steaks or bricks mr pig brakes please good choice don't forget the swing don't worry peppa we won't [Music] can i help george wants to help too okay george could you put a blob of water here it looks like squelchy mud mortar is a very special kind of mud that sticks bricks together peppa would you like to lay the first brick yes please well done i'll do the rest bricks must be laid straight and level see line after line that will take ages yes will you finish it today oh no you can't build a house in a day it'll be finished tomorrow good see you tomorrow mr paul bye bye bye george put the sticky mud down and i put the brick on top that all sounds very exciting now close your eyes and go to sleep it is morning peppa and george cannot wait to see the new house [Music] it's finished [Music] all the countries are playing in the playground the united kingdom is on the slide [Music] france and switzerland are on the swings germany is playing hopscotch one two three america russia spain and greece are in the sand i'm building a big sand castle yeah here are holland and japan uh-hum now it's our turn in the sandpit why because you've had your turn you can play on the side now but we want to play here oh dear there is not enough room in the sandpit for more than four countries what's going on it's our turn in the sandpit but we were here first is susie being a bit bossy george started it leave george alone he's only little aloe lo hello what's all this noise about then nay they're trying to push us out of the sandpit no we're not yes you are george started it oh dear the countries of the world are not playing nicely together peace and harmony what's that noise oh no the countries are fighting you can't play in the sand pits yes we can it's not fail stop arguing susie you're always telling people what to do no i am not children what is happening america russia spain and greece won't share the sandpit holland is being bossy you're the bossy one that is enough is this how you think the countries of the world behave um don't they of course not [Music] are we going in an ambulance no the mountains are too far away we'll go in my airplane airplane george loves airplanes all aboard i didn't know you had an airplane dr hamster oh yes i'm the flying vet thank goodness the vet's here [Music] that's coming through where is the sick lizard here it is oh poor little pickle what is wrong with the lizards it seems to be upside down i just flip it over yeah dr hamster has made the lizard better hurray oh another emergency hello hello a grandpa pig here grandpa pig is out sailing his boat it's polly she's a sick parrot ah sick parrot i'll be right there look polly it's the flying bed where are we going to land this is a sea plane peppa we can land on the water hello peppa george hello grandpa we've come to make polly better how long has polly been sick since we came out on our boat trip aha i know what's wrong with polly she's seasick oh get polly to dry land the sooner the better there's an island there we go better polly ah better polly what's that noise it's the vacuum cleaner um why are you vacuuming at night we're not disturbing you are we what oh no we found noise is the best way to get baby alexander back to sleep he likes noise we're a noisy family everyone is back in their beds asleep baby alexander is awake [Music] to get alexander to sleep the more noise the better is there another way that doesn't use noise we do find noise is the best way when george was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times around the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house 50 times good baby alexander is asleep can you let me back in i'll just switch the alarm off switch the alarm back on peppa what are you doing up i can't sleep daddy it's a noisy night okay peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop daddy that's baby alexander's room ah the light has woken baby alexander it's all right i've got the vacuum cleaner i've got the trumpet stop stop who knows what a vet does let's help sick pets get better that's right and i brought some of my pets to show you this is binky the butcher hello binky can i stroke binky yes very gently he feels fluffy those are his feathers they help him to fly lying is how binky gets his exercise can you tell me what else binka needs to stay fit and healthy he needs to eat yes he needs to drink catch night he needs to breathe a bit very good he needs to sleep excellent sorry madame gazelle i overslept oh pedro you do like sleeping yes madame gazelle i have got a pet here who loves sleeping it's a tortoise it's tittles the tartares tittles has slept all through the winter why has he got that shell thing on his back that shell is his house that's where he hides if he gets scared would you like to stroke him yes please don't be scared tiddles how old is he tiddles is 33. that's as old as my mum but tortoises can live for a hundred years that's as old as my grandpa why is he so slow he has to carry his house on his back uh dr hamster i think tiddles is escaping he can't go far because he is so slow i've got someone else to show you here that i saw oh george you always say dinosaur oh it is a dinosaur she's not a dinosaur this is lulu they're lizards hello lulu [Music] hello daddy pig can you make your own way home miss rabbit is giving us a lift okay daddy daddy we went up and down and round and round oh oh i'm really sad to have missed that see you back at home who put that pipe there i know i'll take a shortcut [Music] it's a bit money come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck i'll ring for granddad dogs pickup truck hello breakdown recovery i'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road i'll pass you on to the next rescue service hello fire service i'm stuck in the mud can you rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm rescuing a tortoise that stuck up a tree come down tiddles i don't know why you like climbing trees you're a tortoise don't worry daddy pig i'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land what's that noise i'm flying miss rabbit's helicopter has rescued daddy lucky daddy gets a helicopter ride after all should we show him what my helicopter can do yes it can go straight up it can go straight [Music] [Music] that's a mooring post i won't hit it oh grandpa there's a big hole in your boat it's just a scratch ooh grandpa's boat is sinking quick grandpa pig jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river it is granddad dog hi there grandpa pig lovely day for a sale um yes ahoy there i'm taking my boat to the boat yard today going to get a few repairs done uh would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too please of course where is your boat um i'm standing on it oh has it sunk uh well a little bit i'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours granddad dog and grandpa pig our very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dog's truck has lifted grandpa pig's boat out of the water wow next stop the boat yard what's the boat yard a boat yard pepper is where broken boats get mended [Music] this is grumpy rabbit's boatyard [Music] who did that to your boat grandpa pig um someone drove it into a mooring post it went crash and made a big hole there you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig uh yes [Music] snow a lot of snow has fallen in the night snow daddy watch we are still going to the seaside aren't we well let's see how much snow there is oh where's daddy gone it's a walking snowman i'm cool it's a walking talking snowman oh it's just daddy poor daddy let's warm you up a bit mummy pig peppa and george are warming daddy pig up by rubbing him with towels that's better now we can go to the seaside but what about the snow i don't think the coach will be running today oh miss rabbit's coach has arrived at peppa's house goodness me how did you get through all that snow with my big snowplow snowplows push the snow out of the way hello everyone hello peppa all of peppa's friends are going to the seaside too next stop the seaside mr bull and his friends are gritting the road the grit melts the snow hello mr ball oh hello miss rabbit it's taken us all night but the road is clear all the way to the seaside that's good we're going to the seaside would you like to come along no thanks miss rabbit we've got more roads to grit have a lovely day at the beach [Music] here's a big piece of blue paper [Music] pepper and george have made a big blue aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but i've forgotten some important papers daddy we're making airplanes we made a really big one wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it ready steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye aeroplane oh bye bye now i need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper um uh maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes that's one of them is this one of your important papers daddy yes thank you peppa uh why are we at the duck pond oh i see thank you mrs duck the only paper i'm missing now is a big blueprint hmm is it big and blue like the aeroplane you flew a long way away daddy oh um the one that we said bye bye to yes maybe i should ring the office this is daddy pig's office hello daddy pig did you find the papers i found some of them the only one we need is the big blueprint that might be a problem daddy threw it away threw it away and it flew and flew forever ah it's here it just landed on my desk hey what a great idea to make it into a paper airplane and throw it to us oh yes well i am a bit of an expert at throwing things thank you daddy pig let's find some more wiggly ones a wiggly worm wiggle wiggle you're a wiggly worm you're a wiggly worm how do you do i love you you're the wiggly one ah well done be a good wrigley worm and turn it all into comfort [Music] then i can use the compost to i know i know you put a seed in the ground cover it in compost and it grows into a tree oh yes peppa and talking of trees we'd better go and help granny pig she's collecting fruit in the orchard it's where you find fruit trees we've had this orchard since i was a little piggy hello granny pig candy egg are you going to help me collect some apples yes granny no their apples are too high up don't worry peppa granny and grandpa have a little trick to collect the apples everybody hold on to the tree on the count of three shake the tree as much as you can one [Music] granny can we have an apple please of course peppa mmm delicious and can you guess what we do with the apple cause that's right the apple cores go into the compost for the worms clever george richard you've knocked my house down please play something not bouncy george has made the toy basket into a volcano richard is using toy trees to make a jungle george has used the building blocks to make a river george and richard have turned the bedroom into dinosaur land i'm leaving it's too noisy i say potato and i say potato potato potato the good thing about rainy days is we get to watch important tv programs potato potato mummy george and richard have made the bedroom into dinosaur land and dinosaur land is very noisy george has his best friend here but i've got no one to play with you could ask susie sheep to come over susie sheep is peppa's best friend can susie really come over now let's ring her [Music] hello susie sheep speaking susie it's me can you come to my house now yes peppa can i wear my nurses costume yes but come quickly [Music] [Laughter] bye bye susie i'll be back too pick you up later george richard nurse susie is here and now susie says this is not dinosaur land it's a hospital and a hospital must be clean and tidy the bedroom is not dinosaur land anymore [Music] that's just a drawing yes now you must run to the real windy castle [Music] the school bus has made it to windy castle what a lovely hot day and such a relaxing way to raise money too would daddy pig has reached the supermarket all the running has made him very thirsty [Music] let's look through the telescope i can see daddy the telescope makes everything look closer oh he's not going very fast daddy pig has arrived at granddad dog's garage that's it i can't go on daddy has stopped oh you look rather hot you need something to cool you down and give you energy have an ice lolly thank you granddad dog that's nice huh a wasp shoo shoo get away you little pest the wasp wants to share daddy pig's ice lolly no this is my lollipop daddy started running again really fast [Applause] get off get off you can stop now teddy pig we have enough money to fix the school roof [Music] daddy pig has lost the wasp well done daddy pig all that extra running means we've got enough money for a new school bus too you're most welcome [Music] what a splendid picnic please make george and i leave the table and play with zoe yes peppa [Laughter] zoe i've got my teddy i've got my monkey oh i've got a thai picnic set let's play picnics oh it's the ducks they always turn up when we have a picnic we've got pretend orange juice and we've got pretend cake it's pretend cake it's very nice oh dear i do not think the ducks want pretend cake oh well that means there's more for monkey mr dinosaur and teddy delicious monkey says the best cake ever peppa george home time bye bye zoey bye bye are we all ready yes daddy pig [Music] home time for us too zoey yes daddy cups plates monkey teddy oh no you shouldn't be here teddy peppa has forgotten her teddy again peppa and her family are home ah that's enough driving for one day all i want to do now is relax put my feet up and watch some teddy i forgot teddy oh peppa now daddy pig will have to drive all the way back to the picnic spot uh yes of course it's mr zebra the postman i thought it was your day off today mr zebra it is my day off but zoe's got a very special delivery for a miss peppa pig here you are peppa what is it it's teddy emily you put one block on top of another like this one it's better if you put them side by side no this way emily meow this is the right way emily no no emily like this you are all being very helpful but emily how would you play with the blocks um i'm not very sure i might do it like this [Music] wow emily elephant is good at building blocks it is playtime emily would you like to play outside with the others yes please can someone show emily where we play yes madame [Music] let's see who is the loudest okay i'll go first squeak squeak that was quite loud now it is zoe zebra's turn now susie sheep now danny dog that was very loud my turn you know my turn no my turn peppa is the loudest [Laughter] [Music] emily you try i'm not too sure please emily okay i'll try [Music] my goodness that was loud wow do it again [Music] george richard today we are going to make sandcastles first we fill the buckets with sand [Music] we turn the buckets over and give them a little tap now we lift the buckets presto richard has made a sand castle hey pesto and george has made a sandcastle you see playing together is fun [Music] oh dear this game has not gone very well it was your brother's fault he broke george's sand castle your brother broke my brother's sand castle first now now you two big girls are meant to be teaching richard and george to play nicely together that's right we're big girls and george and richard's are too little to play together properly hmm i've got an idea george what's your most favorite thing in the whole playground seesaw george loves the seesaw it is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own richard wants to play on the seesaw [Music] look george and richard are playing together [Music] george likes richard george and richard like playing [Music] meh together got my speed boat is it clockwork no it has batteries suzy's speedboat uses batteries to make it go what a great speedboat sorry mrs duck here is danny dog with granddad dog hello everyone hello danny my granddad has made me this paddle boat ooh [Applause] i say that's impressive how does it work it's steam powered i just push this little lever wow what a fantastic paddle boat [Applause] here is rebecca rabbit with her mummy hello everyone hello rebecca we're playing with our boats [Music] i wish i had a boat rebecca rabbit does not have a boat i've got an idea luckily i brought my newspaper along i just need one page which page can we lose news sport ah fashion not the fashion page okay i'll use the business page when i was a little piggy i used to fold newspaper like this what is daddy pig doing to make a paper boot daddy pig has made a paper boat sweet thank you mr pig george wants a paper boat too oh i suppose i can do without the sports page please can i have one and of course daddy pig is making paper boats for everyone let's have a race good idea mummy pig we can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across everyone take a deep breath ready steady below we have a winner uh who had the sports page that's george's boat george is the winner hey [Music] peppa would you like your face painted yes please can i be an elephant oh dear i don't know how to do elephants i can do tigers yes a tiger please there you are peppa now you're a tiger i'm a tiger george what would you like to be dinosaur a dinosaur uh how about a tiger instead i'm good at tigers i'm a tiger so am i meow tigers don't say woof woof how do you know because tigers are big cats meow and i'm a cat cat d please can you teach us how to be tigers okay tigers creep very very slowly and then they jump tigers like to lick themselves clean but best of all my dogs are happy they purr hello children my goodness you're all tigers and i'm teaching them to be proper tigers what do you little tigers want to do next dinosaur that's right we have to find george a dinosaur balloon let's get you all balloons hello madame gazelle we'd like some balloons please certainly i've got lots of different ones can i have an elephant balloon please here you are peppa can i have a kangaroo a lion please a monkey please a parrot please oh yes i've got all those most important of all we need a dinosaur balloon for george [Music] okay peppa i think i know what the sitting room is he's a nice magazine thank you peppa and here's some pretty music thank you peppa we need the same number of candles as mommy's age one two three oh dear we haven't got nearly enough candles daddy how old is mommy i'll whisper it in your ear wow really old you know i think three candles will be fine mummy pig's birthday cake is ready we just have to put up the decorations in this sitting room [Music] hello mummy oh there you all are i was getting a little bored mommy would you like to have a nice walk in the garden do i have any choice nope bye-bye mummy have a lovely walk we'll call you when it's safe to come back in i've forgotten what hard work birthdays were daddy pig peppa and george are decorating the sitting room [Music] this is fun [Music] granny pig and grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh i can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and george are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later bye mummy would you like to come inside now i'd love to close your eyes [Music] keep your eyes closed mommy [Music] what's that it's a tooth where did that come from oh peppa maybe you should look in the mirror oh [Laughter] it's my tooth it's falling out don't worry peppa it's just a milk tooth they're meant to fall out will i grab you want mommy yes you will peppa it also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit tooth fairy yes the tooth fairy if you put the tooth under your pillow tonight the tooth fairy will come [Music] the tooth fairy will take the tooth and in its place she will leave a shiny coin when i grow up i want to be a tooth fairy oh and what would you like to be when you grow up george i'm sure a dinosaur quick george it's bedtime we don't want to miss the tooth fairy [Music] before going to bed peppa and george brush their teeth pepper what are you doing i'm brushing my tooth so it's nice and clean for the tooth fairy peppa cannot wait to get into bed peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy good night pepper and george good night mummy good night daddy good night my little piggies george i'm not going to sleep let's both stay awake all night and see the tooth fairy [Music] peppa and her family like the new blue car there's so many buttons in this new car what does the green button do daddy let's see magic windows daddy make the magic windows go down what does the blue button do i don't know let's see [Music] [Laughter] i love this new car can we keep it no we can't keep it peppa we've only borrowed it for today oh oh no i think it's going to rain yes i'll just put the roof up now which is the button to close the roof [Music] oops silly me this must be the button ah the new car has squirted daddy pig with water silly daddy that's not the roof this button oops not that one this button but now it's stopped raining can we open the roof again oh yes which button was it the red one hooray granddad dog has fixed the car your car is fixed thank you granddad dog and keep the change thank you daddy pig goodbye goodbye [Music] wow treasure where is it oh you have to look for it here's a treasure map for peppa and george could wear my pirate hat oh hi there captain george [Music] the map is a bit difficult daddy can you help of course peppa i'm very good with maps uh it is a bit difficult daddy pig you're holding the map upside down yes i thought as much it's easy red cross shows where the treasure is but where in the garden are those two apple trees hmm i don't know would you like a clue yes please the first clue is in a bottle but where is the bottle i can see it [Music] peppa has found the first clue a message in a bottle look everyone here's the bottle well done peppa let's see what the message says oh it's a message from a pirate mommy can you read the pirate's message hmm this pirate has very bad handwriting the pirate's handwriting is excellent no i can't make it out at all the pirate is clearly written follow the arrows follow the arrows george has found the second clue sticks in the shape of an arrow look they point this way peppa and george are following the arrows look george peppa has found the next clue a key well done peppa now you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks [Music] mommy i don't feel very well oh dear peppa you don't look very well don't worry i'll ring dr brown bear [Music] dr brown bear speaking peppa is not very well her face is covered in red spots hmm put peppa to bed and i'll come straight round dr brown bear has come to make peppa better hello peppa how are you today i'm not very well stick your tongue out please hmm it's not anything serious peppa has just got a rash do i need medicine the rash will clear up quickly but if you like i can give you just a little medicine yes please i'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice open wide please disgusting you are a brave little one for taking it so well peppa must stay in bed i'll call back later to check that she's better can peppa have visitors oh yes she can have visitors the rash isn't catching goodbye goodbye dr brown bear bobby can i get up now dr brown bear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit peppa oh but it's so boring dr brown bed did say you could have visitors can see she visit me susie sheep is peppa's best friend i'll ring suzy sheep's mummy hello mrs pig may pepper talk with susie please hello susie hello peppa i'm not very well i have red spots on my face has the doctor been yes dr brown bear was here he said i wasn't very well and that i was very brave [Music] george peppa and george are making footprints in the snow pepper and george love making footprints in the snow oh dear it's not funny george let's play snowballs peppa has made a snowball [Music] [Laughter] george come back to little piggy oh dear maybe this game is getting a little too rough sorry george george let's build a snowbank pepper and george are making a snowman first they make the body george this is the snowman's body now they make the snowman's head [Music] now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth george has found some sticks for the snowman's arms peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth [Music] this is his face let's play i spy okay i'll go first daddy pig has to secretly look at something and the others have to guess what it is i spy with my little eye something colored red red my dress that's red no it's not your dress hmm the car that's right our red car hmm george's blue shirt nope is it something in the car no give up yes the sky the blue sky i win daddy pig do you know where we are i know exactly where we are although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map oh daddy pig we're lost we are not lost so how do we get to windy castle from here just give me a moment hmm i know we can ring granny and grandpa there's no need to ring granny and grandpa i'll get us to windy castle if it takes me all day we haven't got all day [Music] hello grandpa pig speaking grandpa pig we've got a bit lost on the way to windy castle no is daddy pig doing the mat reading yes daddy pig is doing the map reading and he's a bit grumpy at the moment i am not grumpy this is the best route uh keep on the main road until you see windy castle up ahead thank you grandpa pig we follow the main road and look out for windy castle as i thought look is that a castle yes it's windy castle come on car [Music] you still play catch that's a game for little children oh we only play catch because george likes it okay let's play it for george do you play it with the proper rules or the baby rules proper rules i'll start peppa you're it catch me if you can peppa is it she has to chase chloe and george can't catch me george i'm going to easily catch you you're so little that's not fair you're helping george that's because he's little do you want me to help you no i don't need help i'm a big girl like you come on then peppa try and catch us can't catch up this is a silly game can we play something else okay i know a really good game for big children it's called sly fox fly fox i want to play sly fox what is it one person is the sly fox and the others creep up on them me me i want to be the sly fox peppa is the sly fox while her back is turned the others creep up on her but if peppa turns and sees someone move they have to go back to the start george i saw you move back to the start got you i win you moved before i was ready the rules say i can move when i like don't they george now it's chloe's turn to be the sly fox [Music] peppa and george must stay very still [Music] peppa i saw you move back to the start it's not fair you look too long the rules say i can look as long as i want back to the start george is the winner [Music] watch this oh i found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest i wonder how it got there it's a mystery we'd better tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from daddy daddy we found some pirate treasure at the end of our tunnel treasure how did it get there we don't know it's a mystery maybe we should call the police they'll know what to do this is the police station hello police station hello it's daddy pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there hello hello that is how the police say hello hello i want to be a policeman when i grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just digging this tunnel when suddenly we found this yes yes yes that's pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station can we have the nina please i'm not [Applause] this way to the lost property down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a lamppost even a lost cupboard ah that's not lost freddy this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery i don't think it's that big red button george that would be too obvious oh yes we try to keep it simple this is fun this passage has led us to the dining hall wow this must be the medieval banquet yes it looks really tasty it's all made of plastic yes it's to show what a real banquet would have looked like oh but of course as part of the tour you get to have your very own real medieval banquet fantastic here it is your banquet in a box the oldie cheese sandwich jester's pickle and a king's jelly it's a little picnic in a box yes it's not quite the medieval banquet i was expecting and now it's time to meet the dragon george it won't be a real dragon dragons are just pretend yes don't be sad if it's just miss rabbit holding a little glove puppet oh wow miss rabbit is driving a huge robot dragon do you want to see it breathe fire yes please [Music] i'm just going to park it huh it's heading for our car another reason we say cars are parked at honors risk [Music] and that's the end of the tour hope you had a lovely time i think that was george's best day out ever george loves castles everyone loves castles
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 18,989,895
Rating: 3.765512 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa full episodes, peppa pig fruit, peppa fruit, fruit for babies, peppa fruit episode
Id: sq1MSPHd5Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 24sec (7224 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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