Kids TV and Stories | Peppa Pig New Episode #726 | Peppa Pig Full Episodes

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[Music] pepper and George are visiting granny and Grandpa pig hello pepper and George George has found a ball ah careful George this is my greenhouse it is made out of glass which breaks easily let's throw this ball out of harm's way footballs at my greenhouse people who live in glass houses should not throw footballs you threw it first it nearly smashed my greenhouse call that a greenhouse it's a pile of rotten old windows it's good enough for growing tomatoes I'm amazed you can grow anything in that rubbish tip all grow more than you do in your fancy glass blocks grandad dog and Grandpa pig are the very best of friends if glass breaks easily because I grow plants in it let me show you these plants like sunlight and glass lets the light in oh that's just basil granny pig throws the seeds in a pot and he just grows let me show you something that takes real skill to grow my tomatoes very small grandpa each one and tell me what it tastes like it tastes of nothing well they're not quite ready yet hello my little ones hey could I have some Tomatoes please grandpa pig no I'm afraid the tomatoes aren't ready maybe in a few weeks but I want to make tomato salad for lunch granddad dog is growing too MA toes yes maybe grandad dome will lend us some I don't think we want granddad dogs busty old Tomatoes granddad dog Oh granny pig lovely to see you this fine morning do you have any tomatoes we might borrow borrow you can take as many tomatoes as you like the tomatoes have done very well this year look big even your Tomatoes grandpa they may be bigger but that doesn't mean they're better would you like to taste one yes ever tasted how did you grow them granddad dog I didn't really mean to grow them I just threw some old tomato seeds down in the corner there and they grew fill your basket there's too many for me to eat thank you we're going to make a lovely tomato salad ah I know a great recipe for a tomato salad lovely can you make it for us the problem is my recipe needs basil and I haven't managed to grow any basil my grandpa lots of lovely basil oh yes grown heaps of the staff let me show you very impressive tell me what's the secret of growing basil well it's quite tricky the first thing you have to do I grow some seeds in a pot and the basil grows you mean it just grows by itself yes granny oh my poor darlings you must be starving let's make that tomato salad first we slice the tomatoes add a little splash of olive oil a shake of pepper a teeny tiny pinch of salt and finish the whole thing off with these lovely basil leaves tuck in everyone [Music] marvelous Tomatoes thanks to my greenhouse hmm beautiful basil thanks to my greenhouse George by helping grandpa pig in his gun today we are making a pond we start by digging a big hole here is mr. Fox hello mr. Fox hello granny pig what can I sell you this morning I don't need anything thank you Oh where's grandpa pig does he want anything I'm afraid grandpa's busy digging a pond wouldn't you say why I've got just the thing it's a no fishing lovely antique one-of-a-kind I'll take it pepper Georgia grandpa pig ah it's worth digging Peppa has found a little cup oh that looks like a very old teacup George has found an enormous bone it might very well be a dinosaur bone George ha what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin how is the pond coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin how exciting I have a little treasure - that is not treasure that is a gnome grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr. Fox says it's an antique very rare one-of-a-kind of course he did grandpa do you think we really have found buried treasure I'm not sure but the museum would know this is the new see you I'll walk can I help you oh hello mr. rabbit we've dug up some treasure let's take a look at what you've got mmm a fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold is it real plastic gold whoa it's metal gold Oh anything else why goodness this bone is the best of a lot it fits my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable say they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum anytime you like to see them Hey children are free and you sir get in half price because you are old can I just ask where you dug up such treasures or digging must stop until an expert has been to investigate why there may be other rare objects buried in the ground have to stay in the museum and we can't dig here any more until the expert digger comes where do you want me to dig mr. rabbit just about here mister boland smash oh thank you for all your hard work anyway no problem I'm sorry we didn't find anything else not to worry the good thing is you finished digging our pond for us a lovely natural pond and to finish it off a gnome do you like it mr. rabbit I never thought I would see one in my lifetime oh they're everywhere this is an antique one of a kind I'm very valuable then it belongs in the museum so it does oh don't worry you can see it at the Museum any time you want [Music] pepper and her family are driving home that was a great day out now all I want to do is get home put my feet up and have a lovely couple dinosaur oh dear George could have lost mr. dinosaur anywhere we've been to so many places today we went to the shops to the playground to the park George cannot remember where he left mr. dinosaur the dinosaur is lost forever then don't worry George somebody will have found mr. dinosaur yes and when people find lost things they take them to the police station so that's where mr. dinosaur will be this is the police station here a police officer squirrel and police officer panda they are doing important police work very good Donuts these yes Donuts really are the best policemen like donuts hello ello ello ello ello ello that is how the police say hello and how may we help you today Oh George has lost mr. dinosaur don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open actually we were hoping some kind person might have found George's toy dinosaur and brought it here I see we'll need to question George is just routine please describe your dinosaur in your own words take your time use as many words as you like dine-saw excellent description hmm we do have some lost dinosaurs in the back yes it's amazing that things people lose handbags pirate treasure yes pirates are always forgetting where they buried their treasure people dig the treasure up and when they can't find the pirate who legally owns it they bring the treasure here funny thing is not one single pirate has ever walked into our police station to claim their treasure this cement mixer was found in a train the passenger must have forgotten it ooh and this banana was found in a shoe shop how in the world it got there we'll never know I'm sorry young lad what were we looking for again aisel oh yes here we are a box full of plastic dinosaurs is this your Stegosaurus no how about this Triceratops no this brontosaurus No I'm afraid that's all the toy dinosaurs we've got Oh don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open who put that lamp post there yes it's not a safe place to put a lamp post dangerous lamp post on public highway aha so this is your car is it oh yes the very same car you used for your day out when the dinosaur was lost yes why bear with us please madam did you look for George's dinosaur in the car well no we a three step away from the car madam nothing in here completely clean mind if we open the boot madam ah go ahead hello hello hello look what we found here ah yes why didn't we think of looking in the boot thank you so much just doing our job dinosaur and her friends are at playgroup today dr. brown bear is coming to show us an ambulance I am ences ambulance yes thank you buddy I'm sure it will here is dr. brown bear Oh children does anybody know what this is called an ambulance and who can tell me what it's for taking sick people to the hospital that's right sound please yes we normally use that only in a real emergency dr. Bombay can you show us what you would do in a real emergency yes I'll show you using this Teddy and this ball one day Teddy was playing football when whoopsie he tripped over the ball somebody calls for the ambulance Freddie would you mind making the ambulance noise please first thing I do is see if the person is awake are you awake yes doctor do you know your name my name is mr. Teddy can you tell me what happened mr. Teddy I tripped over a football that was a bit silly wasn't it let's put that football where no one else can trip over it now tell me mr. Teddy which bit hurts my heart we just need to bandage that arm up and because you have been such a brave boy you get a sticker and that's how the ambulance works children thank you - dr. brown bear you're very welcome and remember always look where you're going [Music] Hiro's prickly pears and apples fell on his head my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance don't worry dr. brown bear we are here to make you better thank you but I don't think I need your help I am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks I really don't think this is not another word children what do you do first away well done Peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but I knows what to do next we asked him his name yes but in this case dr. brown bear now we ask him what happened you saw what happened I tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wouldn't it which bit is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here on my head because you have been such a brave doctor you get a sticker say thank you to dr. brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works thank you it was my pleasure dr. brown bear loves ambulances everybody loves ambulances [Music] today mr. potato has come to Emma's playgroup mr. potato he's here to talk to you today about eating fruit and vegetables ah I am going to show you a movie called super potato potato remember kids always eat your five a day [Music] that's your guest can you guess who it is it's not my daddy is it no it's not my daddy is it no it is nobody's daddy is it my mum even know it is no relation or anyone here the special guest coming to see you today is super potato is coming but before he does we must call him hmm super potato very good I'll just when see if his outside and keep shouting by the power of vegetables I am here wonderful now who has a question they would like to ask super potato ask me anything you like about fruit and vegetables anything what is the tallest building you've ever jumped what's that why do I like carrots so much I'll tell you why because they are so tasty can you roll faster than the Train which vegetable makes you run fast that's a good question I would have to say a Brussels sprout potato fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five a day always remember to eat your bird let's all give super potato a nice big clap for coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember kids eat fruit and vegetables super potato has left the building oh dear did I miss him yes brilliant well it was lovely to see you all but I'd better be going too bye come on mr. potato goodbye oh dear mr. potato's car won't start no to get out mr. potato is stuck let me out what shall we do I think he might be busy to come really I do not think that will work this time no I'm Madame gazelle you just need to shout out with us okay hey boss there it didn't work now I think what's that in the sky [Music] super potato has come to the rescue using my super vegetable vision I can see that my friend here is in trouble I will use my fruity strength to lift this roof off mr. potato what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me I'm George and my mummy and daddy are house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it really is a wonderful picture here is a playgroup star Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children I got to play star that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher here playgroup star I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars - ah it was such long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you [Music] daddy no I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got to play group star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you now we'll give you one now play group stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups yeah the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. ball that really is wonderful work have a play coop stop oh thank you very much daddy mr. Bulls got to stop and he's a grown-up hmm it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class daddy would you write to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the loft here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get to star no hmm that's sad it is the next game pepper and George are going to play it's not fair pepper you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown-up picture it long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you done another wonderful drawing no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but you never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy peak you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star [Music] is taken Goldie the fish to the vet here is mr. bull what are you doing mr. bull where did you not this old bro to make a new one it will be straight now if you'll excuse me okapis shouting - mr. Poole is the boss bosses like to shout we'll just have to walk for pepper and Goldy have arrived at dr. hamster the vents dr. hamster helps sick pets get better I've brought Goldie the fish for her checkup ah she's loved is that the checkup yes just make sure she drinks plenty of water oh hello mr. bowl oh no dr. hamster sorry about the noise we're building a new road will you take long no not long we just have to knock this building down you can't knock this building down no this is where Polly pets come to get better Shh yes can't you make the rod go around the building instead around the building around but then the road wouldn't be straight busy people call be wasting time driving around things if you can't go around it then can you go over it now they'll be silly what about going underneath it Oh a channel that's very hard to do Oh someone's at the back dah oh hello it is mr. Paul's brother hello sorry about the noise but we're building a road and need to knock this building down dr. hamsters home for sick pets is in the way of the new road hello everyone mr. rabbit is the road building inspector hmm things are looking a bit slack mr. bull why have you stopped working this building is in the way I said they should build a tunnel oh yes a Turner would do yes but that would be very hard to do I or machines not strong enough to make a tunnel what Oh machines are the strongest machines in the world we can build to town oil dig from this size oil teak from the other side and we'll meet in the middle mr. bülent is brother art digging a tunnel through the hills the tunnel has been dug and the new road is finished con-drag-ulations mr. Oldham you did a fine job yes now all those busy people can get to where they're going or quickly the new road is so nice and straight that lots and lots of the cars have come to use it not knowing that quickly hmm there are more cars using this word that we had planned for we'll need a bigger route so what are you going to do only one thing we can do pepper pepper and George love it when mr. bull and his brother dig up the road everyone loves it when mr. bull and his brother dig up the road pepper and George are at granny and Grandpa pig's house I've got something to show you both this is the dolly I had when I was little she looks very pretty can I hold her yes but remember dolly is very old and delicate so do be gentle with her well granny anyway enough of that how would you both like to see something good yes please we need to go to my shed grandpa is always making little things in his shed I suppose it keeps him happy look at this I call it mark one it's my first homemade toy aeroplane joy loves airplanes my grandpa of course watch this landing is the tricky bit it is the best little plane ever grandpa but it could be better if it were bigger so I made this one mark two [Applause] and plea does it yes like I said landing is the tricky bit lovely grandpa it's good to get these things out of your system Oh and now that you've made a big toy plane there's no need to make another is there no granny Pig and you know what I fancy a glass of orange juice good idea grandpa pig is anyone else thirsty yes please then I'll go to the house and get some juice for all of us see you later pepper remember to take care of Donny I will granny bye granny right now I can show you what I've been working on this is free yes it's bigger and better it even has a place for a pilot to sit we can know I think that might be a bit dangerous Oh maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said I should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay let's see what it can do no need to panic let's try something even more exciting the door is open where is that you see I know what I'm doing now I just need to land it gently does it Oh juice for everyone ah granny Pig perfect timing what is that it's a toy aeroplane a big toy aeroplane yes I can see that grandpa did some fancy flying and dolly did you enjoy your playtime with pepper and George grandpa dolly yes yes we've all had a lovely time yes grandpa George loved where planes everybody loves toy aeroplanes pepper and her family are visiting Madame gazelle everyone can come in now but it was not always this way when did your house start leaving Madame gazelle oh I don't know it's been so long and now I have cracks everywhere too I think your house might need fixing can't I just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like what's this oh that is my little Christmas tree that's not little it was from Christmas a long time ago it was a little baby trail with a fairy on top after Christmas I could not bear to throw it away so I planted it in the garden your baby tree is growing so much it's pushing your house over what can we do about it I'll call mr. boo we have a big tree that needs looking at I'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is Bassem musty fine tree you have there Madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes chocolate down nice I must take a look before mr. bull chops the tree down he must check that no animals are living in it okay Peppa we can watch on the windows I think there's something else I are up the tree look watch here let's see what else there is I say look at this Oh what think I say something else onward and upward you've got bats Mademoiselle my friends the bats they remind me of the old country decorations and a fairy that is the fairy I put on the little tree all those years ago it's a magnificent tree a wonderful home to so many little animals yes this tree should not be chopped down but wait if the taste days what will happen to my house well eventually it will fall over but I need a house to live in I've got an idea we'll put your house in the tree mr. bull the crane please right you are [Music] yes it is wonderful I have always wanted to live in a tree house thank you everyone loves treehouses everyone loves treehouses Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa I've got a secret what is the secret my mummy has got a new job I'm in moving to a new house Suzy's don't have a new bedroom in a new house yes mrs. sheep has just been telling me all about it this new job is so much more interesting than the job I have now and I'm going to learn a new language and do all sorts of exciting new things uh-huh it sounds wonderful I can't wait to play in Suzy's new room Oh Peppa Suzy is moving to the other side of the world you won't be able to play with her every day but I'll see you every day at school won't I Suzy yes I'll still go to school won't I mummy you're going to a new school Suzy Oh will I ever see you again oh I'm sure you'll see Susie again pepper yes oh look at the time we have to go but mummy we need to play some more you can play some more tomorrow right now we have to go and pack Oh bye bye Peppa are you okay pepper I'm sad it's a bit of a shock Susie moving away isn't it yes why don't you make Susie a going away card okay Susie and flowers that's a lovely card pepper would you like to talk to Susie on the phone yes please mummy hello hello Susie I'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow it is morning and Susie sheep has come to play with Peppa race you to the next two I will really miss you Susie don't miss you Peppa me I will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no I am NOT yes you are we are both a bit bossy I'm so happy about this new job in a new country I thought I'd be stuck here forever so you said are you ready to go Susie no wait I need your going away card Thank You Peppa and you can have this it's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special and so you don't forget me and you must keep it forever I will never forget you pepper don't go Susie hello oh I see right they said I didn't get the new job so you're not moving away no are we staying here forever yes I'm glad you're staying Susie me too no give me my crown back but you said I could keep the crown forever I know but you're not going away now oh you can wear it when you come round what about the card you can keep the cards Thank You Peppa Suzy are the best of friends [Music] mummy and daddy pig are taking Peppa George and Suzy sheep to visit tiny land it's a world just like the real world pepper but very tiny it will be fun and educational no it's just pretended if everything there is tiny and small then we will be giant what's the problem mr. ball let's go problem mummy pig we're just digging up the road take long they will take as long as it takes today oh I love Tigerland everything so tiny and educational that's important [Music] true they are going to tiny land that's important welcome to tiny land where everything is really tiny I'm educational feast your eyes on the world of famous places these are exact copies of real famous buildings but a bit smaller here's Big Ben and next to it the Eiffel Tower just like it is in the real world and the pyramids Sydney Opera House Statue of Liberty and the Kremlin but these famous buildings aren't all on the same street in real life oh man well you learn something new every day oh this is the land of water yes that is just one of my many jobs this looks just like pirate island and there are some flavor [Music] this is the land of dinosaurs this is how the world looked a long time ago before houses and cars and stuff here is a Tyrannosaurus Rex I know it's a little amazing this is exactly as it would have been all those millions of years ago except for the train oh there you are again miss rabbit driving the train it's a busy world 24-hour non-stop it's broken no it's not look there Chinese land is just like the real world down to every tiny detail [Laughter] [Music] wendy was fasting it is Wendy Wolf's birthday and she has invited all her friends to a party mr. wolf is blowing up hoodlums for the party I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow these balloons [Music] [Music] here is mrs. wolf we can always make some more bubbles who wants ago are you ready yes you have to have hard you have to puff and that's the full moon ah and you know what you do when you see a full moon oh you how [Applause] why do you do that that's what wolves do we howl at the moon one day can you teach us how to do that okay Wendy Wolfe has taught everyone how to howl it is granny wolf happy birthday Wendy you must all be Wendy's friends how do you do my what big ears you've got granny wolf all the better to hear you with what big eyes you've got granny wolf who the better to see you with and what big teeth all the better to eat time to blow out the candles Wendy if bloom the steak house down oh well done that's my girl it was quite easy to blow down I always forget oh sure housemaid of mr. pig it's made of bricks not straw bricks ho of course that was a great party Wendy yes that was my best party ever [Music] today George is wearing and you will he had never and George have arrived at granny and Grandpa pig's house hello my little ones now children play nicely and George don't get your new hat muddy ha ha ha we promised not to get George's new hat muddy Thank You grandpa pig see you later bye come on pepper and George let's go down to the garden mummy pig said about your heart yes yes granny pig it will be fine pepper and George have found a large pile of manure that is man you are wonderful stuff I put it on my vegetables to make them grow big and strong it's the macchia snellius thing in the garden probably best if you to stand back there let's go spread some muck this is grandpa pigs cabbage patch hello cabbages would you like some manure it is getting windy oh dear the wind has blown George's hat off George's hat is caught in a tree George but your heart is so clean teen thank goodness for that oh dear Peppa is covered in mud I see two little piggies who need a bath George's hat is on top of some reeds in the pond lucky for us your hat is still clean George but how do we get it this is a job for a grown-up hmm I will need a stick I knew what I'm doing I'm having a cup of tea no you're not of course I'm not that was a joke it is perfectly clear to see that I have fallen into the pond that was a silly thing to do Peppa George you're both covered in mud - we were trying to get George's hat back granny where is George's hat anyway I will get George's hat back and then you can all get cleaned up Oh be careful granny I would use a stick thank you everyone but it's perfectly fine I've got boots on if you walk on that manure you sink wash grandpa I have no intentions of sinking I can reach it got it oh dear granny pig is covered in manure Oh mummy pig has come to pick up never and George hello grandpa pig I thought you promised not to let the children get muddy I think you will find we promise not to let George's hat get muddy it's perfectly clean yes I can see the only clean thing around here is George's woolly hat mummy pig is working on the computer mummy can we play happy mrs. chicken on the computer not at the moment pepper I need to finish the important book I'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work I finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig you did save your work didn't you [Music] well done George that's the highest school ever there it is quick save close send whew is your work alright mommy yes Peppa I've just sent it off to be made into a real storybook Oh a storybook not just one book lots and lots of books going to book shops everywhere yes I'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the playgroup with lots of copies of her new book Thank You mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today is very exciting these books are so new I haven't even opened one yet children mommy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion hmm once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three oh the rest of the book is one big long number I don't understand this is not what I wrote what is four seven six eight five nine George is happy mrs. chicken high school wow that is a high score but where's my funny onion story it's gone I'm sorry children but I can't read funny onion to you today ah can you remember the story on me peak yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion it mean all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending no wait Madame gazelle it's not finished oh I see carry on funny onions said I will search the world too on how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said where's funny shoes but people still cried funny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said where are funny red knives wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny the end marvelous I think it speaks to all of us the parents have come to collect the children I've just been to the book shop mummy pig it's full of your books what do you mean by four five three nine six seven well actually it's probably post narrative very modern well done mummy pig thank you book the children love mummy pig's book everyone who loves mummy pig book [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,686,697
Rating: 3.9546916 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig clips, peppa, compilation, clips, Peppa's, cartoon, cartoons, peppa pig compilations, peppas, pig cartoon episodes, peppa pig, peppa pig toys, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig song, pepa pig, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig videos, peppa pig 2019, peppa pig theme song, cartoons for kids
Id: C98EhqBtv3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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