People You Won't Believe Actually Exist

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needless to say all people are born unique with the exception of identical twins of course however there are some people born with characteristics so unique you would think that they came straight out of a storybook especially number one whose characteristics and life story would sound like complete fiction if he weren't 100 verifiably real stay tuned to find out who he is we give you 10 people you won't believe actually exist number 10. the dirtiest man on earth how long have you gone without taking a bath or even taking a shower my personal best or worse is about three days and i feel so dirty as thinking about it the circumstances are pretty simple i'm very lazy anyway this first person on our list hasn't taken a bath in 60 years and is considered the dirtiest man on earth a man named amohaji one day decided to isolate himself from the rest of the world and that meant he would have to give up the joys of indoor plumbing now more than 60 years later he still hasn't taken a bath this man is now in his 80s and has quite an unusual story indeed amo lived in daiga a city in iran before he decided to shun civilization together according to him he is happier this way and says even though he doesn't have many possessions he doesn't miss anything and he also doesn't need to worry about being robbed another thing amohaji who promised he would never shower again has been nicknamed the world's dirtiest man and now holds the record since his predecessor was a man from india who had gone a total of 35 years without bathing number nine extreme grandma most of us wouldn't even dream of reaching 100 years old but in the chance that some of you do how would you spend it a simple celebration with your family perhaps or would you rather jump a plane yeah not a joke that's what georgina harwood did to celebrate her 100th birthday back in 2015. it also wasn't her first time skydiving as well in fact her birthday plunge was her third having started with the hobby at the tender age of 92. georgina harwood was joined by 15 of her closest family members and friends to honor the start of her 100th year of life with everyone participating in the skydiving georgina jumped tandem with an instructor behind her in the harness while the others jumped in groups of three of course jumping off planes wasn't enough for this extreme grandma after just a couple of days she went out and did some shark diving as well she gives that grandma from hoodwin to run for her money number eight the real stretch armstrong he may not be able to stretch any of his extremities but gary turner didn't earn his nickname of the elastic man for nothing you see gary has extremely stretchy skin so stretchy in fact that he set the guinness world record for the stretchiest skin in the world back in 1999 and he still holds the record to this very day gary turner knew about his stretchy skin from an early age at the age of 13 doctors figured out that his stretchy skin was due to a very rare and extreme case of ehlers-danlos syndrome this is a genetic disorder of connecting tissues that affects the ligaments skin and internal organs in this condition the collagen which strengthens and determines the elasticity of skin becomes defective which leads to the loosening of skin and other problems despite all that he still managed to find work he is a sideshow performer and his acts include pulling on his tummy skin pulling his chest skin over his face and many more feet showing off his elasticity number 7 the perfect hourglass figure kathy jung holds the world record for having the smallest waist in the world at 15 inches in circumference and mind you that's no bigger than the lid of a jar of mayo she achieved these amazing dimensions by wearing corsets 23 hours a day every day since 1993. kathy jung began her waist training journey in 1959. just before she got married to her husband bob back then the introducing body core sets that were very popular at the time fascinated him and imagined his wife with a small waist many people think that she had some ribs surgically removed to achieve her extreme figure a rumor that she fervently denies number six the fattest kid in the world back in 2011 chinese kid iluji hao became an internet sensation and was touted as the fattest kid in the world at only four years of age he weighed a hefty 132 pounds to put that into perspective 132 pounds is the equivalent of five average four-year-olds weirdly his birth weight was skimpy a mere 5.7 pounds at around 3 months he inexplicably began to expand and nobody knew why luhu hated walking to school and was often given a ride on his mother's motorbike he also cried if he was not given all the food that he wanted his parents did make a heartfelt effort to get him to go swimming playing basketball and so on but the exercise made him hungry and he demanded more food than ever of course being so fat is going to have quite a few negative side effects to it so his parents tried everything to control his weight they even took him to three different hospitals trying to find a cause for his obesity guandong children's hospital suggested that hormone treatment might be an option however there is no mention of anyone thinking bariatric surgery and for good reason the risks would be horrific tenzi became world news in 2011 nothing has come up on him since then which is sad really because i sincerely hope he managed to lose some weight and have a better quality of life can't be fun to be hungry all the time number five turtle boy de dior montovall had a mole that grew so big that by the age of six it covered his entire back like a turtle shell earning him the nickname of turtle boy ew the rare birthmark congenetal melanoctic nevis affects around 1 in 20 000 newborn babies but a top surgeon described didier montalvo's condition as the worst he'd ever seen de dier's life was severely affected by the growth covering more than half of his body circumference both in the painful itchiness of his skin and how it also affected his confidence he and his family were shunned by villagers in his home in rural columbia in south america and his mother laws was even told it was her fault for looking at a solar eclipse while pregnant the family was too poor to shell out for surgery but his life changed when his touching story was featured in a local newspaper and a foot of donations poured in while they could now afford the operation the life-changing surgery was still by no means straightforward in fact it would be painful dangerous and complicated fortunately the surgery was successful and the former turtle boy is now living a normal life number 4 tree man didi caswara is just a fisherman from indonesia but he is known all over the world at some point during his youth he scraped his knee and so began his lifelong struggles as the world's most famous tree man after his accident his body became covered with abnormal growths that were especially prominent on his hands and feet because of the root-like growths on his extremities and the bark-like patches on the rest of his skin his condition caused him to become known as tree man his body is incapable of stopping the development of the growths so they become larger with time deedee suffers from a rare disease known as epidermoplasia vericiformis also known as lewandowski lutz dysplasia this disease is a hereditary autosomal recessive skin disorder as a result of the disease dd has a heightened susceptibility to human papillomaviruses also known as hpv these conditions are very easy for the common person to contract it has been said that up to 80 of people may be infected with a virus without showing symptoms for over 20 years a dd's case has confused and intrigued doctors and scientists but no one has been able to completely cure it just yet although he did undergo multiple surgeries to remove the warts they always grew back again number three papa smurf paul karassen is a person that is very easy to pick out in the crowd because of his unique look his skin is blue in 2008 paul karassen appeared on national television to reveal his unordinary skin to the world prior to his tv debut paul had been living as a recluse limiting his time in public as much as possible paul grew up with red hair and fair skin during his middle age years he came down with a serious case of dermatitis and flaky skin on his face then one day he saw an ad for an old wives remedy and decided to give it a try the ad was for a concoction called a collodial silver a once popular cold and flu remedy used in the early 20th century up until the 1950s the solution made up of tiny silver particles promised to be a cure-all paul started drinking 10 ounces of his own home-brewed serum every day and he did so for over a decade the good news is his dermatitis cleared up thing is his skin is now permanently blue and his resemblance to pampa smurf is now extremely uncanny now it's time for today's best pick [Music] today's pick is a photo of a man with an impossibly long neck which was submitted over by a subscriber does such a man even exist well yes and no the thing is i can't find anything related to this photo at all but there are people women to be more specific who have extremely long necks and to them the longer their neck the more beautiful they are find out who they are next with number two the long-necked women of myanmar from childhood women of the pandora tribe of mayanar were traditionally fitted with coils of copper to stretch their neck a symbol of wealth position and beauty the coils can stretch their necks over a foot and weigh over 20 pounds according to the guinness book of world records the world record for longest neck is 15 and 3 4 inches and it belonged to a padang woman in fact a padong means long neck in the local language the ironic thing is these women actually don't have long necks no amount of stretching would add more vertebrae to your spine their long necks are actually an optical illusion as the copper coil gets longer it pushes the collarbone and ribs down creating the appearance of a longer neck having rings around your neck all your life does have some drawbacks though for one they can't tilt their head back so they drink using straws and although they can remove the brass coils without their necks collapsing the neck muscles have to weaken over time before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one the elephant man born in 1862 joseph merrick began growing disfiguring tumors before the age of two and his condition rapidly worsened rendering one of his arms completely immobile increasing health problems eventually made it impossible for merrick to continue his working life and poverty forced him to enter the lycester union workhouse desperate to find a way out of such grim conditions merrick contacted the owner of the elyster music hall in 1884. together they established a successful act called the elephant man half a man and half an elephant in which merrick displayed his increasingly misshapen body america is thought to have suffered from a rare genetic disease called proteus syndrome wherein the sufferers bones continued to grow and misshapen without control merrick himself followed an old folk belief saying that his appearance was due to his mother being frightened by an elephant during pregnancy know of any more amazing human beings let us know in the comments section down below want to watch more videos about amazing people check out any of these videos on your screen as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 136,144
Rating: 4.8313532 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education
Id: K6avAmUoUE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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