People Who Have Slept With Your Friends Mom, How? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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those of you who've actually had sex with a friend's mom or dad how did it go down i know a girl who cheated on her bf for five years with his dad she and the dad are married now when i was 20 the friend in questions mom could get us into a bar her friend owns every week me and three friends would go and she would buy every drink and be over all of us one night after her son crapped out early i just said the hell with it went along with it when we got back to the house she was hot for a mom but a dead fish in bed so it felt really underwhelming to say the least anyway she made me breakfast the next morning blew me real fast and took me home all before he woke up to this day the friend i'm pretty sure knows but we don't talk about it it was my friend's aunt not his mom but they were like close family and always over his house i knew her for about 10 years but barely spoke at length with her she had a pretty american life husband three boys they liked camping and archery and boy scouts they were always involved with family and friends and always together her husband had been cheating on her with their kids friends parents kind of a swinging situation but she was out of the loop once she found out she kept it secret because she didn't want to ruin the family and just dealt with denying their relationship while sleeping in the same bed she knew for about four years and finally at 40 years old and 20 years of marriage decided to divorce him very messy divorce her ex straight told her kids that she just didn't want a family anymore and she didn't want to tell them he had cheated because she didn't want them to think of their father like that she held true for quite a few years but the kids were brainwashed by her ex she was alienated from her kids i was over my friends her nephews house on and off for a lot of my late teens and early 20s he lived right down the road and us younger guys would smoke weed and hang out there all the time the entire summer was spent at his house i was about 23 she 42 when we just kind of started chatting at the table she didn't smoke she would just be visiting the family because it was all she had at that point every couple weeks after that we would find ourselves chatting away somewhere in or around the house or the pool often when people were around we kept conversations short and a lot of eye glancing and passing rubs would take the place of torque she was definitely in great shape cute and blonde strong determined but you could tell she dealt with a lot she was tense to the touch she worked hard and just didn't get a good shake we started texting because we needed each other's numbers for some halloween party she was hosting for the extended family eventually intermittent texting turned flirtatious similar to the top post on this thread he started to hug a goodbye from seeing each other and she would just hug a little bit longer than friendly one night i was house-sitting for someone and told her i was doing nothing and she could come by and hang out meet the dogs and the weird lizard they had she accepted and i definitely experienced a type of anxiety that you could taste she came over we ordered italian food she didn't even want to be seen by the delivery driver and that was when i knew she had some bad intentions too we ended up in front of the tv she just snuggled right up to my chest and my hand fell on her butt i don't think 30 seconds went by and we looked and started kissing i immediately started to undo her pants as she's taking her pants off she says she hasn't done this in five years and she was really nervous it was the hotest six i'd ever had i remember it vividly also similar to the top post she was adam and i come inside of her and she would talk about how she wanted to feel the warmth when i finish i've never had a bitter sick's partner we ended up looking up about five more times over the course of a year i would go to her house a few towns over and she would make us a full dinner we chat over wine and have such amazing and fulfilling six we both ended up dating people but would stay in touch we hooked up once again when we were single again i still see her a couple times a year when i visit for family bbqs and pool parties at my friend's house everything is super cool we still glance and rub and nudge we still hug for way too long no one has a clue except read it edit thanks for the gold by the way it's true but i agree it is tough to distinguish what story is a true or false on this thread let's just enjoy it be friends and not measure lizards all right friend of mine slept with my sister and kept making a big deal about it i honestly could have cared less and his mom was always making off hand sexual comments when i was around her so i decided to go for it she had him when she was 16. we were around 18-19 so she wasn't old and still looked pretty good came through one day knowing he wasn't there after flirting with her pretty hard for a few weeks and she almost immediately jumped my bones we slept together for a while after and neither of us ever said a word about it it was fun while it lasted and i didn't stay friends with the guy for other reasons but any time he mentioned that he slept with my sister i had the satisfaction of knowing his mom was extremely into atm and duck like a champion a2m more than atm since people wanna be anal about it leaving the other one cause i couldn't care less i didn't know he was her dad he was just someone i was sleeping with but one night when we were out driving he drove past my old high school and he mentioned that his daughter went there i made the connection with the surname and asked he confirmed not a friend but a bully he bullied me for being queer so i ducked his dad i made damn sure he could hear me screwing his dad the bullying stopped his parents were already heading for a divorce and i just pushed them closer to a divorce now they are separated and now he is married to a nice man her daughter dumped me for a guy she didn't like and i fell on hard times with my mom so i would occasionally go over there to shower and eat something she was in her 40s very thin but had a very nice face and was always very nice to me i was 18 and always very complementary to her and thankful for her helping me out she was helping me without her daughter's knowledge as well one day a hug goodbye got really long she wouldn't let go but she wasn't doing anything else just hanging on very tight being 18 and because of our relationship i developed an instant erection i guess she felt it and nuzzled closer i started kissing her neck pulled her dress up i guess her husband didn't really pay attention to her something i didn't notice or pay attention to while i was dating her daughter we went at it for a few hours as the house was empty she must have been pent up it was honestly surreal it didn't set in for a few days my ex and my friends were all intertwined i couldn't tell anyone and never have happened a few more times until i had my life in order and it seemed like she was starting to regret cheating on her husband would only let me come inside of her which blew my mind as i had been constantly pulling out of her daughter for fear of the obvious definitely made being dumped by my first girlfriend a lot easier to deal with it all started on xbox live is anyone else in here rock hard it all started when i broke both my arms today op learned about the serious tag am i the only one who paranoically scans the end of each post before reading it to make sure i don't fall for the you're pulling my leg copper pasta enough arthaphopen to last a few years so he wasn't really a friend person i used to buy weed off him in my mid-20s and he was about 20 and lived with his mom she was late 40s definitely our trash even a material went by once and he was just leaving his mom asked if i wanted to drive her to the bar turns out she had had a few and currently had a breathalyzer in her car i knew i was getting late whether i wanted it or not anyway fun night never went by there again i had six with an ex-girlfriend's mom she broke up with me and a couple of weeks later i ran into her mom in the grocery store her mom commented that she missed me being around and i said i missed her too she was a pretty cool mom she told me that her divorce got finalized her sister was going to move in and some other small talk type stuff that we both shared as we walked around the store i helped her put her groceries in her car and she hugged me she told me i should come over sometime and see her new paintings she was an artist i went over a week or so later and she served me some wine and basically seduced me and introduced me to role play at the same time we did mommy son incest roleplay and ducked my god it was so hot we saw each other for over a year and then she moved i miss her sometimes stacy stacy's mom in fact has got it going on i wouldn't call us friends op but your dad was very gentle once i jerked off on my friend's mom's panties left my not there and everything threads like this remind me that i have lived an aggressively boring life and i want to duck and die already you dossa miss beacon stalked me online for months used to send me naked pictures of his family and everything had to get the cops involved eventually after reading all these comments all i can say is you all need jesus in your life holy water confessions the whole shebang the fact that i've got a raging hard on is irrelevant i was 23 and she was 44. her son and i were friends and in college together she was 5 feet 2 thin really cute and originally from the dominican republic she had always kind of flirted with me but i just thought that's all it was i was wrong a bunch of us got together and went out to have dinner on night and she went with us we all had fun and went back to her house her son and his girlfriend went to bed and before i was able to get out the door she asked me to sit beside her by the fireplace she leaned her head on my shoulder and looked up at me and asked do you want to couldn't say yes fast enough she and i dated for two and a half years as a bonus i learned a good deal of spanish from her i dated this girl right after school but it didn't work out a couple of years later we started talking again and became friends which means i was still trying to duck her but with no luck one day she ghosted on me when we were supposed to hang out she called me later and asked me to come over again when i got there she was an emotional wreck turns out she was hanging out with her best friend's dad and they wound up ducking like rabbits why she was hanging out with her friend's dad i'll never know her friend found out and called her a [ __ ] and ended their friendship i thought it was a pretty itty thing to do plus i was pissed off about some old guy ducking this chick i was trying to nail myself so i just let our friendship die off that was 20 years ago don't miss her i was 18 and my gf and i went to the zoo with her mom and my gf ended up throwing some kind of temper tantrum since her mother drove it was an awkward car ride home i wouldn't even talk to her and i looked over and she was giving me a death stare and said do you want to break up i sat there for a second and her mom said she was going to drop her my gf and drive me the rest of the way home i said yeah yeah i do she dropped her daughter off and drove me home i joked that my plan to get to her via her daughter had worked she laughed at that and said i'd be lost and have no idea what to do with her i blushed so hard at that and she saw it it took me a few minutes to gather my thoughts and figured ducky i'm going to flirt a mom since the day i met her would always wear tighter shirts and hiffing jeans around me she was a recently divorced woman who may have been lonely who knows so i made a flirty comment about her looking fitter every time i came over we get back to my house my parents aren't there and she had joked about taking the day off to come and use my pool so i used that and said it's a great night for night swimming i fully expected her to just laugh and tell me to get out but she said okay and there i was with my now ex gf's mother in my pool she's in her undies and we are making out the following weekend my now ex went to her dad's for the weekend and i stayed the weekend with her mother and we messed around it went on for a few weeks more but broke it off when her daughter started suspecting it i don't regret it and we both had a lot of fun edit yes we ducked not six but at a good friend's wedding i was saying goodbye to everyone and decided to do the kiss on the cheek thing with his mom and she was thinking the same thing we ended up kissing on the lips don't do that anymore i went from a known screw up to the guy with his it together at least in my town i graduated joined the military got out and started a business after my business stabilized a few months ago i went home and visited an old hs friend who's mooching off of his mom just like his dad anyway the friend invited me over for dinner but i showed up early and he ended up flaking so mom dad and i had dinner together it got pretty tense because dad didn't like me too much he thought i was home just to show off my new life kind of was and he didn't care to hear about it at all but she wouldn't stop asking me about it causing him to get super annoyed and leave our conversation carried on into the evening and my friend finally stumbled in clearly drunk his mom just looked embarrassed and disappointed i took him up to his room and tucked him into bed when i came downstairs she hugged me telling me how proud of me she was and that watching me turn out like this was heartwarming she was the first person to say anything of the sort since to my parents i'm still a screw-up while hugging my lips touched her neck and she squeezed me closer from there you can all figure out what happened next i was still home for a few more days after that and since my parents didn't appreciate my presence i stayed with them interestingly enough staying with them made the dad warm up to me as of now no one else knows except my business partner and the lovely people have read it here is my story about sleeping with my best friend's mom i needed a place to stay so i rented my best friend's room while he was away i was a very good tenant i always paid his rent on time kept the house clean and helped out with the man jobs around the house it was about six weeks after i moved in when i was having different thoughts about her my demeanor changed my sentences were short and i couldn't keep eye contact she started to make risque double on tundra and i would get visibly red she had divorced her husband back when we were still in lower school and never really found time to start another relationship so the thought kind of turned her on i guess so one night when i came home late from a party a little tipsy she let me know she knew i was quite embarrassed at first but she told me it was all right and to take off my pants and lie down i laid down on the couch and she grabbed my ankle and knee and began tugging it towards herself what are you doing i asked pulling your leg she answered just like everyone reading this post i always had the hots for her and when i was 16 we made out at new years nothing happened except some decent text messages and one other makeout session for another year and i moved away fast forward four years and i'm 21 and living back in my hometown she had three kids all my age and we hung out occasionally we got drunk one night and i promised my friend i wasn't gonna bang his mom well she started cuddling up close to me and it was game over 10 stroke 10 would bang again is this what we're doing today we're going to jack off i was at a friend's house and his hot mom hugged me 10 stroke 10 would hug again six because i stopped myself i was 18 and it was my very hot aunt by marriage who was my uncle's wife and my mom's good friend i visited her sometimes when the uncle wasn't around because she was the cool aunt who was always telling me hey stop by anytime and use my place like a crash pad during the day bring your gf if i'm not around and do whatever you guys do i'll give you a key you know me i'm cool i found out just how cool she was i stopped by one day and she was drinking a bit and she made a little joke about me being a big boy and then pushed up hard i had very little self-control and over her she laughed and we started to get into it but she pushed me back slightly and told me to slow down because we had time that snapped me out of it enough to make me realize that if i did this at some point she was going to pissed off at my uncle and let it slip as a ducky to him and i was eventually going to have to deal with my uncle and cousin and mom not worth it noped out of there would have been hot but could have wrecked a lot of stuff much better not to have i had six with my son's girlfriend's mom does that count my buddy's mom had recently gotten divorced i went to his house looking for him so we could go play baseball he had already left but she invited me in anyway it escalated quick the one was a woman i worked with she asked if i wanted to go out for drinks one night i had a fake id so i went for it went back to her place and did the deed woke up the next morning to her making breakfast went into the kitchen to see her and her two kids were sitting at the kitchen table recognized them instantly i previously dated her daughter freshman year and i played football with her son i had no idea how old she was when i went out with her and didn't know her kids were older some of the best six of my life she is a well-known musician it got weird though because she eventually met somebody her own age and started treating me like one of her kids she has three daughters yet kept inviting me over for family dinners got too bizarre oh i can answer this i actually met the dad first through drunken shenanigans and a different friend and i ended up moving in with him using certain parts of my body to subsidize my rent and then i met his daughter and she became one of my best friends she didn't find out about the dad stuff for almost a year he needed a small break from our friendship when it first came out haha we are still friends now though my story is about my mom's friend i was 21 she was 55 my mom had told her that i would bring something to her on my way to meet with friends my mom and her friend lived in the same neighborhood to literally walk over to the other's house would have taken five minutes i was scheduled to meet my friend mark out and we were headed to a friend's party i stopped by thinking nothing was afoot she answered the door in a black teddy as a matter of full disclosure i was always attracted to her she had this way about her that made me excited she opened the door and said care to have a drink i know my eyes looked huge and i said yes mom she made an old-fashioned and we watched a porn she was already watching i took out my flip phone and texted mark best go without me i'm indisposed that night we had six all night that's when i truly understood how to eat a woman out she did more teaching than she did more deflowering to this day she still makes my toes curl when i think of her damn you misses jackie she later broke my heart when she married some [ __ ] for money we had six for about a year ama when i was 19 i ended up in a mental hospital for a suicide attempt and one of the ladies in one of my group therapy groups was the mom of this guy i had gone to high school with she was separated from her husband at the time and she and i got along well after i got out of the hospital she and i would hang out and talk or go to the movies one day i apparently seduced her not exactly on purpose and we sort of started sleeping together a lot she divorced her husband told her family she was a lesbian and said she felt like she always had been gay but didn't know it she went full on lgbt empowerment this was the early 90s in the bible belt and she was a just out 48 year old she's starting dating different women and last i saw her she seemed very happy i don't think her son ever knew it was me that turned his family upside down horribly horribly horribly the regret you get from that especially if you're close to the friend so intense a sight was decent but in post worst thing i ever did i did have a friend who did something impressive he was a local musician in our small town my buddy is dirty ass ugly hippie dude with long greasy hair but he has the voice of an angel he gained a following in our little town he starts dating this girl who is just out of high school who must have had confidence issues because seriously my friend really only had one thing going for him and that was music anyway she wises up realizes he is a loser and leaves for california my friend goes into a depression and writes all these sad soppy songs well the girl's mother is fresh divorced and also one of the best scene regulars she starts talking to my friend and invites him over to talk and write song so he bangs his ex-girlfriend's mom for a while but wait there's more dirty hippie boy is playing a show and runs into ex-girlfriend's sister at one of the out-of-town shows her college town she brings him back to her place and they bang he banged all the women in that one family the two daughter were smoking hot the mom was just so so neither daughter knows he banged their mom [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 6,626
Rating: 4.8324609 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Id: TM9yk16T4Ak
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Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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