People Say I’m Full of Crap About Teslas, Well Watch This

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all right here we go Scotty with the Tesla 2020 model three when an old bottom well here's the car it's been driven for a little while and I'm going to tell you all the truths about them no doubting it's a beautiful car and she's customized that you put her own wheels on which I agree with her I like the look of these wheels better and she also blacked out the Tesla to go with the black I think that's a really good modification check the inside here look you just push on the door handles and open it comes it may seem odd to some people because there's no instrument panel there it's all over here it's kind of odd because it looks like you're driving down the road and there's nothing there like you're on a shelf or something but all the information of course is here and it does practically everything your Maps what's happening with the electric motor and the battery Your Entertainment System everything's in there it's got a beautiful black interior I gotta say it's nice and the tinted sunroofs on it there's a lot of leg room in this thing now of course it's an electric car so people always wearing well how far you can go well lady who owns this she's going 235 miles and then reach charge it that's the furthest trip she went and how much does it cost to recharge well most people like this you still usually cost about six bucks now on the other hand the price of the car another car but she had negative equity so she's got more closer to 60 000 in the car now but that's because of the equity not because of the car you could have gotten the car for about forty four forty five thousand dollars so the six dollar fill ups you still have to equate it to the price of the car now if you're near a test the supercharging center when it's empty it's taking her about 45 minutes to fully charge it up but if you have a 240 volt charger at your house take about eight hours to fully charge and if you plug it into 120 volts you're going to be waiting a couple days so you want to get a 240 charger if you buy one of these now this is a classic rear wheel drive version the electric motors are in the back now being rear-wheel drive has a few disadvantages with the power that this thing has she recently spun out in the rain had a curb it didn't do any body damage just best stuff underneath and she would have spent more money and got an all-wheel drive one it probably wouldn't have spun out she was definitely going too fast for the rainy weather but if it would have been all-wheel drive I doubt that she would have lost control of the car now since you she bought this one the price has actually gone down to 37 for this model if she would have bought the four-wheel drive one today the four-wheel drive version would have been forty seven thousand dollars so you're paying like nine thousand dollars extra for the all-wheel drive but take my advice if you drive like a maniac and these are very fast cars get the all-wheel drive version pretty quiet car but listen it does make a little sound because by law they have to make noise they don't want you sneaking up on people Outsiders have to hear something all right really the only thing in here now is the tires you hear the tires on the ground they're always going to make noise because there is some friction you can't get rid of the tire noises are you gonna have a little bit of sound slow it on you can feel the regen under a break and look at this I took my foot off the gas and it stopped before the stop sign these things are very easy to stop and they're regenerating a bunch of electricity no worried about the California stop look this thing stops itself I didn't have my foot on the brake oh you're here the tires going down the road it's a new experience it still freaks me out when it looks straight ahead it looks like I'm looking at somebody's kitchen counter you gotta look over there for the information but it is weird it's like you're not driving a car and there's no gear shift over here there's an electronic one here though it doesn't take long to figure this stuff out it's only common sense it's got the usual Park reverse neutral drill tag it off for a little country Drive quiet and it does handle like a dream it's all electronic and they figure the computer stuff out so there's no oversteer understeer it's really a well handling vehicle and as we all know it if you don't you're gonna know now electric motors have 100 torque and power as soon as you step behind the gas so we'll step on the brake first and then we'll step on the gas so here we are nice and quiet let's step on the gas and does it take off yes it takes off no maybe not as fast as a 1250 horsepower Supra that I drove a few months ago on the same road but hey it's got a lot of lump doing and you have no loss control look no hands tracks perfectly straight great for Country drives because if you notice up above there's all kinds of telephone poles they do have electricity here in Tennessee now we're getting a little of the twisties this thing handles like a dream it really has a good suspension system there's no arguing that it's not raining or snowing or ice you live in snowy ice conditions I'd say fork out extra for the all-wheel drive for you numbers freaks it's 285 horsepower but 307 pound-feet of torque just to understand that's electric power not gasoline you're getting a gasoline car you got to rev the engine up the horsepower is until higher RPMs but this is an electric motor running off a big old electric battery as soon as you step on it you get full power all the time and full torque so it's completely different there's nothing to rub up you just stop and go there's no rub mashing there's no shifting gears and of course there's no normal maintenance you don't have gasoline engine oil filter spark plugs forget that you don't have a transmission you got to change the fluid in it's got electric Drive Motors you don't have to worry about any of that stuff and here's the front no motor of course that is not that huge there's all kinds of electronics in here but kind of like an old Volkswagen Beetle with a space in the front now there's one thing you have to realize about Tesla's the man does not share his information with anyone I've been a mechanic for 53 years I go to my all data information system that has most cars in the world doesn't have Teslas they will not share repair information with anyone here at the beck and call of the dealership when it comes to repairs now of course it's new electric cars they get a lot of software updates and stuff like that but they're kind of playing by a different ball game because you take a normal car it's got an OBD Port by law it has to because it's a gasoline engine and that has a lot to do with the pollution that the car puts out it puts out too much pollution your check engine light comes on being an electric car it doesn't put out pollution directly so they don't have to go buy any of those laws so they don't have to give any of that repair information out by law because they're electric cars now I gotta say they're beautiful quiet cars the prices are coming down this particular one was like 45 000 and it's a 2020 and the new models they're saying now it's 37 000. they're realizing they're overpriced because the market is going to change the electric cars radically there's a Chinese company that out makes electric cars and they're selling them in China for less than five thousand dollars so the prices are certainly going to be coming down on these more expensive ones now is the infrastructure in the United States ready for millions of electric cars probably not you have to consider that as of 2021 Tesla sold a little bit less than 500 000 cars worldwide so we're not talking about a massive amount of electric cars out there yet if you're comfortable with a car then you put a 220 volt charger on your house that'll fully charge it and in about eight hours and if you're near a Tesla supercharging station can take 45 minutes to charge it up and if you're traveling around of course the fancy computer screen is going to show you how much you should have left and like right here it says 66 and you're on low it'll show you the nearest charging station that's around in most cases it's not like you're stuck in the middle of the desert with no water there's lots of places that can have cars charged up but in one of these Teslas do not run out until you're almost completely out of power and then you go to somebody's house and you're going to plug it into 110 volt charger because it will probably take days to get a full charge by then that's going a little bit too far now you never know what the future is going to bring there's already places in Canada and Europe I've seen where guys have a pickup truck to rescue people and they have a big battery pack or a generator on it and they can supercharge it so that in 10-15 minutes you can get another 40 miles of range and you can drive to a place with a supercharger on it if electric cars get popular enough there's going to be lots of services like those around but I always joke with people back in Houston imagine if there were a million and a half electric cars in Houston the freeways would be just covered with people on the side of the road with cars they had no electricity left and of course you can't jump start them you jump start them they go and as soon as you disconnected the cables they'd stop running so it'll probably be a long time before electric cars become generic thing that everybody drives these are unique vehicles for people that if they understand what they're getting for what they pay and they're happy with it they're excellent Vehicles now man I'm a cheapskate I'll keep riding around my 300 Celica although I have to admit and I'm asking again if anybody out there is coming out with an electric motor conversion kit for the Celica send me one bring it over I'd love to convert it over it would make an interesting thing to do or be in my wife's three thousand dollar Lexus that's my idea of luxury a beautiful car for three thousand dollars but on the other hand like I said the prices of these has actually come down that the base model 3 is now down to like thirty seven thousand dollars now she modified it with these cool looking Wheels which are an inch bigger and she noticed she has a little bit less acceleration and of course being heavier there's more mass it'll use a little bit more electricity but if it only costs you six bucks to fill the thing up with electricity who cares if you spend another dollar okay what's that flying behind me it's a Tesla Model X Gold Wing now of course the company didn't give me one because they don't like me but it's all for a charity I'm making a video so you don't have to worry I actually have one now and they can't take it away because they didn't have anything to do with it now even a used one of these ghosts for 93 Grand some of the new ones well over a hundred and thirty thousand dollars and yes it has the gall Wing rear doors not the front ones just the rear ones and just to prove it's real look the Gauls have decided to evacuate themselves on the back of the window so it kind of fits right in the back end now this is an older one this one's 2019. so it goes zero to 60 in 3.5 seconds which of course is insanely fast but the newer ones do it in 1.9 seconds you'll see how fast it is later but they are extremely fast Vehicles there's no arguing that now personally I find it to be just a bland ugly looking car unless the wings are up if I was driving it I'd want the wings up in the air so it'd look cool well when you look inside with the windows open and the doors up in the air hi it is cool and wide open I gotta say and there look it's telling you there it is you can't drive you got to close it before it'll start me I'd rather be driving around like this looks like some kind of fancy uh Star Wars outfit or a Batmobile in the 21st century but you can't do that you can only look at it this way oh what a shame down it comes we necessarily made a funky noise let's check the other one man that made that little cow noise too get out you gotta push the button again but help the button isn't working but much for electric doors I'm trapped help we're in here I gotta say this front window this is humongous you really got a good new warning warning finally the door's starting to open it's sticking well we finally decided it's going to open itself quick get me out of here this thing's trying to eat me okay so it's got some kind of safety feature I understand I want it with the wings open driving because it would look cool well it's not safe so it won't open I want a door handle to get out I don't want to push some button that doesn't do anything or opens a little and then stops and starts honking at me now realize one thing about these cars they make them aerodynamic so they go further so they're relatively low to the ground you're not going to be flying over speed bumps on these babies you can see this thing scraped a whole bunch of times already now this is all-wheel drive it's got two Motors one to drive the front one to drive the back they're an interesting design there's no argument you're not going to really get stuck but of course course on the other hand you can't take this thing off road it's too low plus the batter is way down the bottom keeps the sun in our gravity low makes the ride a bit rough as you'll see when we take it for a ride but it makes it handle quite well these things are really fun to drive actually they're a little bit too much fun to drive with the horsepower that they have now of course this has got that Tesla autonomous driving thing that they've been going back and forth on do you pay extra for it do you not pay extra does it actually work you've seen some of the cars have actually run into things I personally would never trust anything like that now sure the average driver doesn't know what they're doing and if machines drove us instead there would certainly be less accidents today all it takes is a handful of accidents and a lawyer is going to come out of the woodwork and Sue everybody involved in that's just a fact and if you've ever done any type of analysis of car drivers any real scientists can tell you one thing you cannot combine self-driving cars with human being driving cars on the same road if everybody has an autonomous car yeah that's what the 5G was made for they can all talk to each other realize 5G has a relatively short range right but it's still at least a quarter of a mile half a mile cars only need to know what all the cars within the next quarter half a mile are doing and it's fine but you put some human in between driving a car the machine has no idea what those people are going to do and of course everybody's not going to go out by a hundred something thousand dollar car right away either so there's going to be a ton of cars out there that are dumb cars that are completely driven by people and you can't mix it to because the people confuse the machines and then Wham out they go so if you're thinking about getting something because it's going to drive itself you'll be waiting a long time before that is actual truth they can help they can drive themselves in certain situations but you shouldn't be in the back seat going on Facebook while the car is driving itself it can't handle unforeseen circumstances all that well it's a computer gets confused because when you think about it computers are binary logic they can only do zero and one hey I can do zero one two three four five I can do all kinds of things right but a machine can only know zero and one and once it goes on the wrong zero or the wrong one it goes on the wrong track and that's why you turn machines off that are electronically controlled and when you turn them on they might work again well not such a great idea if you're going 80 miles an hour you can't just all going to turn it off now and turn it on again no self-driving cars ah people talk about the future it's going to be self-driving cars yeah when they're all self-driving cars on their own roads with no humans interacting they can talk to each other great but who's going to buy all that stuff same thing with electric cars who's going to make the electricity it's bad enough there's no place to charge them if they built 5 million charging stations where's that electricity gonna come through hey this charger here at my house here the previous guy had one and it works if you go far enough that you can make it there and back and charge it at home yeah you can do it at home and these have a pretty decent rainstorm this particular one's rated at 295 and I've had people drive them and go 290 miles and they made it to a charger they do have decent rates realize this is a car this isn't a pickup truck you're not pulling a trailer pickup bed that you're putting tons of gravel in it's only pulling itself it's geared so that on the highway it can go quite a distance it's got two Motors after all you're not just dependent on one they keep spinning faster and faster and faster and they can do efficient in town and on the highway because they got a two setup let's take a first bin the weird doors that you touch to get in of course doesn't make any noise and we'll have all the windows up so it's even quieter great navigation map of course look reverse now it's in Reverse we're going backwards got cameras all over the place and then when you look forward pull down to drive it's that simple there's definitely no gear shifting to this now we'll take it on a bumpy Rhode Island Road here as we hit the bumps you feel them it's not a luxury ride not supposed to take off fast with instant torque so let's see what happens if we step on the gas it takes off fast but we can't go for a long we'll hit everybody and I do have to say with this giant front window man you can see all over the place I feel like I'm in some kind of spaceship because it has regenerative braking so when you take your foot off the brake it starts slowing down by itself and regenerates power you got to get used to that because if you let go of the gas the car will come to a complete stop it's something that you really have to get used to man I'm not even touching the brakes anything's coming to a stop but of course it's the acceleration that makes this thing insane you step on the gas away it goes just like a rocket ship it has insane acceleration this little thing on the bottom there tells you what your range is it says you can go 176 miles more well I do have to say really for Gullwing cars this is the neatest one I've ever been in people are nuts about Gold Wing doors they always keep their value so it really wouldn't matter what happens with Tesla people just like Gall Wing doors you look at a Mercedes Gullwing door they're worth hundreds of thousands of dollars well I gotta say I am impressed by the gall Wing Doors by the speed by the gigantic windshield yes it's a fascinating car but on the other hand a used one of these is going for 93 000 the new ones are well over that and it is an electric car that you have to recharge as you drive it around Grant it does have a pretty good range all that money to me yeah I don't know if you're gonna break even you saw it's a rough riding on bumps it's smooth and handles great on smooth roads but the battery alone weighs 1000 377 pounds and being under here you have a lot of weight low it just doesn't handle bumps all that well now I've driven the Audi electric car and it handles much better because of course it's a car company that made luxury cars I'm not a fan of Audi either but they are fun to drive they're not fun to fix but they're fun to drive but their electric car was designed by company that made luxury cars then they decided to make a luxury electric car Tesla on the other hand decided to make electric cars they didn't have any real experience and luxury suspensions and all this stuff and a lot of the stuff's kind of added on that yeah they are super fast there's no arguing that but for somebody who wants a really luxurious ride they leave quite a bit to be desired for a true driving connoisseur if you don't believe me road test one of these and road test an Audi and I guarantee you you'll find the Audi is a much better handling than riding cars over bumps it's a superior machine when it comes to that now personally I'd buy another because I cost too much money I get one of these it's exactly what this says I rent one let's see for all the money this car costs here's the one side of the door that's a little one and that isn't this side the paint's all worn off of it the Gap here look at the paint the paint's wavery not the greatest paint job in the world a little better hair but you can still see there's a bunch of lump over spray when they paint it check it out the gaps here a little then the Gap gets big we hear the gap's big the whole way once I don't even match the other let me tell you one thing if you looked at an Audi electric car it matches perfectly it's a luxury car it's made by people who've been making them a long time I'm not a fan because they cost too much they cost a fortune to fix but when these things break they cost a fortune to fix too hardly anybody works on them you're waiting months for parts I've had customers with them sometimes three four months no car oh we're waiting on parts they say the guy builds cars and he wants to build as many as he can to sell them does he build spare parts no if something happens you can't get spare parts for it he doesn't care and there's very little aftermarket for these things you know you're pretty much stuck I personally can't do much heavy duty work on him because he doesn't share repair information I've got all data that does almost every car in the world doesn't do Teslas he won't pass the information out you're going to be stuck with them fixing it when they do break down realize that Audi deal is bad enough with what they charge but at least they have parts for their car so here we have the gull winged model X I like what the gall Wings up not so much with them down it is extremely fast there's no arguing that if you are a speed demon you'd love a car like this but then you'd probably get so many tickets you'd say I wish I never bought that car it's costing me too much money this particular brand new model y comes from pretty cool intro interesting idea I'd never buy one I'm too cheap but rent one not that bad of a deal now you're gonna win a fancy model why it's the one that has the dual motor system and all-wheel drive now if you're in the dark gray black whatever you want to call it check it out this is one dark car of course you can make things brighter but this guy really likes dark stuff check it out kind of like a spaceship and there's tons of room in the back I feel like I'm in a spaceship watch this push open the trunk opens it even has a little warning light that's open now when you close it space shuttle ready for takeoff now before Warren you better be into technology to get one of these because check it out it doesn't have a key key it's got a card key then you'll have to put the pin number in to drive it that's ready to drive here we go there's the gear shift it looks like a turn signal really nice viewed mirror I do have to say you got a good picture all around talk about quiet but let's test it out on a bumpy road they got some real bumpy roads here in Rhode Island let's see what it feels like it stops the bump it's okay but I'm not overly impressed by the shock system truthfully my wife's Lexus IS smoother than this and it's 19 years old one thing that's cool is this you take your foot off the gas look I'm not touching the brake the car is breaking itself the regenerative braking these cars work quite well maybe too well it stopped well before the stop sign now realize that this is an all-wheel drive it's got two Motors in the front and the back so it's got a lot of power let's see what it does in our little straightaway all right we're going zero let's floor it and see what it does it is like a roller coaster ride this Baby's Got acceleration there's no doubting that and it does have an insanely tight steering system you turn that wheel a little this Baby's like a race car I've driven Formula One cars got pretty close handing of that it's got Immaculate handling there's no arguing that although as I say the ride's a little bit rough for me but on the other hand the handling is so immaculate I'd live with the somewhat bumpy ride on rough road now my wife that's another story she probably wouldn't like it but if you like quiet this thing's quiet and the seats are very comfy now of course all kinds of controls you put the home screen you can get all kinds of stuff you can adjust the mirrors the steering wheel the window locked your display brightness you can make it brighter or dimmer you can mess with just about everything on these it takes a while getting used to this turn signal shifter I'm like where's Park well when you go here there's Park you push that then it goes into park no I just have to figure out how to turn the thing off like I say if you're not into electronics and gizmos don't buy one of these cars look it up on the internet and it says put it in park which I have then open the door there's no door handle but there's a button it climbs that'll turn it off let's see if that worked well yes indeed it seemed to work because when I opened the door there's no power steering now meaning the vehicle is turned off there's also buttons you can push on the dash let me tell you if one of these things over breaks I'm glad it's not going to be me who's fixing them I could just imagine the things that can go wrong with this and for those of you who regularly lose your car keys don't lose your little card once I get a few of them put them in good places there's a lot of room on one of these babies look at all this space there's a lot of leg room there comfortable cars I'll give them that big old chunk too now technically this is a small crossover SUV only this is the dual motor so it's got motor front and back and it's extremely fast it goes zero to 60 in three and a half seconds and has a top speed that's limited to 150 miles an hour now they claim it has a range of 303 miles this one seems to go about 280 or so Miles and the dual electric motors put out 450 horsepower now the battery which is on the bottom of the car it was a whopping 1200 pounds the one disadvantage of having big electric cars they have big heavy electric batteries I asked the owner about range and recharging and he said it was about half full coming here he went to a Tesla supercharged station and it took about 25 minutes to put in a half charge you got to plan this ahead and it's going to take some time big powerful batteries take a long time to recharge that's just how it is in the electric car world the compact crossover man this Baby's Got space if this wasn't enough of course you can put the seats down if you want but there's even room under here electric cars have an awful lot of space since they don't have engines and Transmissions they got space in the front too kind of like a Volkswagen Beetle not a particularly a large amount of space just like the old Bales but this space nonetheless you can put a good cooler in there but you can hear when I close the front trunk batteries weigh so much they got to compensate to get rid of weight not the most solid construction now this is a brand new car but check it out here's the passenger side look at the size of the up here for the driver's side it's almost touching it isn't built all that well in terms of fit you would never see such a wide Gap from one side to the other and say Alexis and of course they have gimmicks like these flush door handles that you push and then it pops up but even then you still gotta kind of reach in here and grab out which is not that comfortable you would have thought with all this technology hey they might have thought of something that popped out a little bit better or had something to grab other than having to stick your hand in there like you're Jerry rigging something but I do have to say they're fun to drive around even though it's weird sitting behind a wheel where there's nothing in front of you but this fake wood veneer stuff everything is on a giant screen you can open a trunk close the trunks do everything on the screen so truly you'd have to call this a minimalist car obviously that was designed or nothing here most of it is very minimal it's a good thing there's a large backup screen to look at because look at the rear window it has a very restricted view when you're driving down the highway you're not seeing behind you all that well they went for a cool look but making that cool look makes a very limited view when you're driving a car out the back so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,122,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, are tesla cars reliable, are tesla's reliable, are tesla's worth it, buy a car, buying a car, buying a tesla, buying a tesla model 3, car advice, don't buy a used tesla, electric car, is tesla reliable, is tesla worth it, should i buy a tesla, tesla, tesla car, tesla car review, tesla motors, tesla review, I finally got a tesla, here's what I think, model x, model y
Id: I4at1nzOLak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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