3 Car Brands That are Crap

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here we have an interesting kia the customer put the sign on it's a hybrid it burns gas and oil because it burns oil they bought it brand new it's only got 17 000 miles on it and it started burning oil right around when it had 15 000 miles on it now it didn't originally so that kind of tells y'all you know something is amiss here now kia knows they have problems this one actually had a recall and they went through the bs process of kia where they said no we're not going to replace the engine or fix it even though it's burning oil you know how that goes with these companies they were even told by mechanics at the place that well unless you just drive until the engine blows up they'll put another engine in that butt they're not going to fix it if it's burning oil now obviously it shows they're not making them correct because the first fifteen thousand miles it didn't burn any oil now it is right obviously something's wearing out they're not gonna admit to any of this stuff because you know they don't wanna replace all these engines kiosks had had nothing but engine problems for decades they had those ones that were made in the united states where the engines were blowing up and they blamed it on a bad machine that didn't make the engines right and then metal was going inside and blowing them up these aren't particularly blowing up if you keep adding oil but they are burning oil now take my 94 celica okay it burns half a quart of oil every 3000 miles i changed it then so i really don't care now why does it burn oil it burns all because it's got 240 000 miles on it things are worn but really i mean that's a lot of miles this baby's only got 17 000 now when it started burning oil when it had 15 000. now kia says to their corporate baloney line well if it takes 1 000 miles or more to burn one quart of oil that's normal not going to do anything about it whatsoever now granted this car is only burning half a quart of oil about every thousand miles but still it's a brand new car practically 17 000 miles has started burning oil at 15 000 miles and here's the funny thing according to kia you're only supposed to change the oil every 7 500 miles he changes the oil and dries it it doesn't really burn any oil until it gets about 4 000 miles or so on it then it starts burning oil you're going against their own rules i just changed the oil every 45 000 miles what's happening is as the oil gets older it gets degraded and it breaks down some and this is a very high tech engine see it's got ignition coils on the top a timing chain on it and it's not a particularly tiny engine it's a two liter four-cylinder engine that's definitely big enough it's not like those crappy little one liter three cylinder engines they all end up burning all because they strain too much now if it's turbocharged you have all that extra air rammed in the engine which increases the pressure inside the combustion chamber which does wear them out and if you've ever owned a turbocharged car that got old you'll notice it probably starts burning oil as it ages especially when you rev it to the higher rpms but this is a normally aspirated four-cylinder two-liter engine it shouldn't have any problems burning oil at all they obviously do not make the things correctly adjust for kicks we'll pull out the spark plugs and look at them see what kind of shape they're in see how much oil it's actually burning but before i take out the spark plugs here here's the rest of the story so the owner tells me they did take it to the dealer and it was right at 7 500 miles for an oil change and the guy there was a nice mechanic he said well we won't change the oil now we'll let it do the oil test because that'll have a better chance of burning off and they'll fix your engine so they seal the engine and they let them drive a thousand miles so he comes back after a thousand miles right and the guy told them we should check your level that's why you don't blow up your engine so they did well when he came in they said well one your test is going to be invalid because you broke the seal on the oil dip stick now to me that's absurd because so what if he broke the seal on the oil dip that's just a chuck in the oil right he didn't empty out right well regardless the guy said it wouldn't even matter because it had burnt oil but in that thousand miles it'll only burn half a quart of oil and as i said earlier kia says quart of oil every thousand miles or a quarter bar every 1500 miles or whatever it's normal and they're not going to fix it anyways and then the guy says well i'll change the oil for 60 bucks we're not going to give you another car and then we can perform the test again if you want but we got to keep the car overnight we're not going to give you a loaner car so they thought and said okay now will you put this in writing for us i says no i'm not going to put it in writing and that's something i warn people about always get it in writing i've had so many people i knew the guy once i said the spark plugs have been changed on your car to hide something they're brand new and he just had the car serviced at the dealer that was the only guy who worked at it right but i looked at his bill and it was nothing about spark plugs on the bill they didn't want to fix some warranty work and bill said what he had done it was like a 900 build but there wasn't a mention of spark plugs on it they were brand new spark books so i said well somebody didn't he said well i didn't then they're the only ones that worked on it so he goes back to it he says well i noticed there's new sparkles in the car but it's not on the bill and you know the baloney they gave him they said well sir uh we changed your spark plugs free as a service so we didn't put it on the bill what a line of baloney they just flat out lied to him so anytime you go in you got to get it in writing especially if it's warranty things i've had people over the years they'll have a noise they still got like 2 000 miles left on their original car warranty the engine's making the noise when they take it to the dealer have it written down customer complains of this noise and then they say we didn't find anything whatever just don't say oh well we didn't find anything here's your car back you don't get a receipt you got to get a receipt because then if the engine blows up after the warranty is over you got paperwork to say look it was making a noise they couldn't figure out what it was now the engine's gone you're gonna fix my engine you gotta get a paper trail with these people because they're bureaucrats they don't care but in this case they wouldn't have done anything anyways because it doesn't burn a quart or more of oil every thousand miles so we'll take out the sparklers let's see how bad it actually is oh we'll take one out look at it get the ignition coil off then we'll pull the spark plug out knock out the spark plug now you can see it's not outrageous it's got some spotty burning oils nothing outrageous but it is burning some more but we're gonna have to check them out see if any are worse than the others not only can you see little spots on it but look oil shouldn't be oil on them check them all and here comes the number two they got long threads on these things and it's hot because he drove all the way from arkansas and you can see it's a little bit less and when i squeeze the top it's not particularly oily like the other one was meaning that the number one cylinder is more worn than the number two now here's number three it's still got this little spotty burning stuff but it's totally dry there's no oil at all on the edge so that's even better shape go to the last one number four and we'll see what it looks like there's oil on the front one in the back one obviously the ends of the engine are wearing more than the middle which is typical on an old worn out engine because you've got all the lubrication and coolant that cools the middle of the engine best but the exterior parts of the engine the front and the back they're the ones that often suffer from some lack of lubrication some lack of cooling because they're on the edge just like if you remember the old volkswagen beetles with air-cooled engines the number three cylinder would always burn out first because it had less airflow being an air-cooled engine that cylinder didn't get enough air and it was always the first one to burn up on a water-cooled engine the owners that don't get as much cooling on the edge will generally wear faster than the ones in the middle and of course the dirtier the oil gets and it will start leaking and or burning it more as it gets dirty i mean maybe after this vehicle kia will do something but from my experience they really don't give a rat's behind about their customers but if you do own one of these like this take my advice change the oil every 5 000 miles with full synthetic oil and maybe it won't burn any oil they tell you well you only need to change it to 7 500 but it's normal that they're gonna burn some oil while you're doing that the logic of these companies is just beyond me i got the plugs back in i'll put the stupid beauty cover on i know it doesn't make it look that beautiful i think it's a stupid idea but that's engineering for you other than the oil burning the wise you're real happy with it because it gets 38 miles a gallon the husband not so much because it's the first cvt has and he hates the way it slouches up and down because of course this doesn't have a launch gear like the hondas and toyotas do so they are kind of wonky when they're accelerating up and down we'll take it for a spin i'll show you get that key at least there's a real key i like that give them a plus for that starts right up i mean it's only got 17 286 miles on it you can see it's not bad doesn't have the side pictures and stuff but i mean this is an economy car and i gotta say it auto smooth doesn't shake at all and you're relatively high up in the air you can see pretty far but you can see it doesn't have the acceleration of the honda or toyota with the launch gear it's a relatively responsive car when you're taking the corners you feel under control it's not as tight as other cars but it's not particularly sloppy either got a decent wheelbase that the corners quite well you don't feel insecure i mean the brakes are really responsive all their stuff in the back fell forward when i slammed the brakes on they worked perfectly fine they didn't slip either abs works take it to our little drag strip and see what it does here we go we're headed to the drag strip and there's nobody behind us so we can come to a stop there's the line and let's see what this thing can do here we go we'll floor it that was the abs slipping because it's wet and you noticed it turned itself off now it does make a lot of noise it accelerates okay but you can see from the auto stop to save gas when it started there was quite a bit of hesitation when it restarted the other day i was checking out that ford bronco and the ford bronco had no hesitation when it shut itself off to save gas and then when i stepped on the gas it was a very smooth transition this has a pretty rough transition you cluck it when you stepped on it took a while to hesitate and then take off because it had shut it off to conserve gas now the wife in this case doesn't have a lead foot but the husband doesn't he doesn't particularly like the cvt but she likes 38 miles a gallon we'll do a little acceleration i'll see what it does makes a lot of noise it does accelerate it's not horrible like i say it's nothing like the honda and toyota with launch gears and nothing like a regular say six or seven speed automatic transmission that has gears that it can shift up and down get a lot more acceleration it handles pretty good in a twisties you know it's kind of a zippy little car i would just be really pissed if i had a car that had 17 000 miles on it was burning oil because that's right now with 70 000 miles on the clock imagine what it's gonna do if it makes it to a hundred thousand miles it's either gonna burn a whole bunch more oil or the engine's gonna blow up but the overall design of the car hey check it out got windows everywhere the driver's got a very good view for traffic you're not gonna miss anything there's no blind spots it's pretty well designed from that standpoint it's just that the stupid thing burns oil and unlike the early kia souls that had those giant hamsters or whatever they were selling them these aren't bizarre-looking cars they look kind of nice they have their own style it's just that there it is it's a hybrid it burns gas and oil and to the way that here dealerships mistreat their own customers i've seen it here now i've seen it in arkansas i've seen it back in houston i would never buy a kia and i wouldn't advise anyone else to either sure money you can do whatever you want with it but heed my warning like smart people do i have so many people come here and they say god we should have listened to your advice we will next time well don't make it the next time listen to me now here we have a jeep it didn't start on and he played with relays and then it started up but i think it was more coincidence because he did the starter really and it was cranky there's obviously something going on here it's got the coats are running too lean on both banks first we'll look under the hood ignore the rattling plastic now they can run lean for lots of reasons common is a vacuum leak somewhere where it's sucking air so we'll make sure everything's on tight which it is i don't see any hoses that have fallen off now i don't particularly hear any vacuum leaks there's nothing obvious so i'm gonna have to look at the data get on my big computer and analyze everything you could have a weak fuel pump first we want to see what the actual codes are turn on the out scan tool and start analyzing i like it in here because it's 16 degrees outside and it's nice and warm inside now even though this thing has 145 000 miles on it the heat still works good did it an intelligent diagnosis and the magic wheel spins knows it's the note 7 jeep grand cherokee blacks fuel it's a relatively complicated vehicle now it can run on all kinds of different fuel and in the case of this vehicle i believe it is a fuel problem cars often will run lean because they're sucking too much air but if the fuel pump isn't pumping enough fuel also runway and this is a very complex system on it because it's a flex fuel all you can see is a bunch of reds we're talking about running problems you care about the radio crap like that we're looking at is the main computer you can see the fuel system is lean on both bank one and bank two so both banks are running lean that generally means it's not a vacuum leak because if it's a vacuum leak one side is going to be leaner than the other it's got to be something that affects the whole system not a leak on one side of the intake or the other fuel pressure comes to mind to me often fuel pressure is low this is a flex fuel they have very complex systems that run by the fuel pump how much pressure it puts out what the computer tells it to do in this case you actually want to pray that it is the fuel pump and not the computer system that runs it because on a flex fuel that's really complex now look at the freeze frame it happened when it was 203 degrees but the battery voltage is only nine volts interesting and as we look further it was adding six percent long-term bank one but it's subtracting fuel on bank two now this is making things really complex you got opposite things going on now we're looking at another freeze frame and still the battery vultures is 10.38 that is way too low and we'll try another freeze frame there's a lot of freeze frames on this i'm gonna check them off again the battery voltage is too low in this case it was adding 27 on bank one and thirty percent on bank two that makes more sense the fact that the other freeze frame was radically different it's telling me something seems to be an electronic failure we got low battery voltage once you get low battery voltage all kinds of crazy crap can happen believe me these cars are so complex if they don't have full voltage they'll do things that you couldn't imagine let's look at the last freeze frame data here we're going to check them all and in this one the battery vultures is 10.07 volts that's way too low too we have the short-term fuel trim on both banks exactly the same it's adding 26.55 at 30 miles an hour so since it's showing bad battery voltage when it trips let's test the pad reverse put the positive on positive you just put the negative on the negative and the positive on the positive and we'll test 12 volts battery capacity battery type it's a standard battery called cranking now we got to set it at zero it's 790. and at 32 it's 970 we get all the temperature outside well it's about 15 now so we'll guess like 8 20. so we'll set this at 8 20 and we'll start it well the battery is great it's 827 state of charge 100 percent state of health is 100 so that's good charging system turn on all loads and speed up to 2000 rpm now we'll turn everything off and we'll rev it up we found out the battery's 100 percent the alternator is good past the ripple test as you saw it only had 10.7 volts when it tripped the code so what do we have here well something that's very typical with jeeps it has a wiring problem somewhere where it's losing voltage between the battery and the rest of the car it was running it was going 30 miles an hour according to the data so the voltage should have been 14 something volts and it was 10. so somewhere there's an electrical short on this thing typical for g products the owners gave me a great clue when it didn't start he went to the totally integrated power module here he whacked it then it started well this is going to save us a lot of time it's a typical failure on all these jeep products there's many parts integrated in there that's why it's called totally integrated power management right when it's integrated like that you got to replace the whole thing a totally integrated power mod on this thing is over 600 bucks and it has to be reconfigured for the vehicle using a fancy machine like i have some guys will try rebuilt one i've had very bad experience with them they'll try used ones ditto it's a design flaw these stupid jeeps it's just an expensive monstrosity and of course it's also a royal pain in the butt to be absolutely sure that's bad because it is a module sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't work and what happens is the insides of them just short out and that's why it was only getting 10 point something volts that also controls how much electricity the alternator is putting out everything today is run by computers and we're just lucky that it gave me that data that showed when that code tripped it had way too low voltage and when it does that the actual data you get from the sensors is meaningless because otherwise i'm not including when it didn't start when you're driving it like now get out of hardware run 65 find no problems at all if this baby was running that lean that it had to have 25 percent fuel it'd be running like crap on a highway and it isn't since the totally integrated power module is screwing up now and then when it does there's no saying what a computer will do as you saw in that one one time it was adding fuel on one bank and it was subtracting 50 percent on the other bank which makes no sense at all well it actually wasn't doing that probably at all it was just that's the weird data the computer was reading since the stupid sensors have really weak power they only use five volt reference signal and they only use milliamps so if the power from the battery gets to be too weak you'll get observed data which is what this one is doing from a diagnostic standpoint hey it was great that he told me when he beat on that then it did start because otherwise we would have to go through the entire electrical system of the car checking every stinking wire and every stinking sensor and since this is a flex fuel vehicle it's got more sensors than normal cars have and any single one of them can short out and if it shorts out it's going to make the computer get weird data it has nothing to do with the engine itself actually running lead those are ghost codes it's just tripping those codes because the computer's confused by the data that it's getting that shuts the case on this jeep it's a very common problem these totally integrated power modules on it now this thing runs perfectly fine otherwise just once in a while it acts up the interesting thing is it's been cold lately and that's when it started doing this crap he might find in the summer it won't do it at all because it's warmer outside i once had a ford like that then in the winter it would act up once in a while but heck i was living in houston texas right so it's never that cold for very long and i got a bunch of cars anyways but in the summer the thing never acted up and i drove it five years away and i sold it to a guy for 200 bucks and he sold it to a guy for 500 bucks because it was a summer and it was still running good so absolutely have to have it you're not much money what the heck go to a junkyard try a used one it's a gamble but the used one's going to be by itself they'll hand it to you get a flashlight look around look on the bottom side see if you see any burnt parts if you see burnt wiring or smell burnt wiring than those i know this one's no good i want another one or if you want to go halfway they do make remanufactured ones they got to guarantee them so for a lot of people that's a better deal they'll go to autozone o'reilly or someplace get a remanufactured one and it's got a guarantee it doesn't work they got to give you your money back so that's another route that you can take this one is just going to keep going and seeing how long it lasts if in the summer it doesn't drive it all summer who cares he's got another car he could drive that in the winter and drive this one in the summer if he doesn't want to spend that kind of money to put a new assembly in they bought this thing new three years ago and they paid about twenty one thousand dollars it's got forty five 000 miles on it and they've been happy with it except for one thing the transmission sometimes shifts a little bit weird it's pretty much done so since it had 5 000 miles on it he's taken it back and supposedly yondai has replaced the transmission three times which i kind of doubt i don't trust those guys as far as you can throw them it's got a minor shifting problem with them it often does happen with these and hyundai's not a company that's like lexus acura or even toyota and honda they don't treat their customers all that well he admits that he was really manhandled by a dealership that didn't treat him right at all and considering that they told them after putting in three oh well they're all like this i doubt that they put any in maybe they tried a little reprogramming with a computer or something like that but we'll start from square one it is a korean car box see inside the door is made in alabama all right okay there's one strike against it but at the same time it's 2019 which is a good thing because originally when they were making them there they had problems with the machines they made the engines wrong and the engines blew up they had to replace tons of engines that's not the case in this car we'll open the hood and look it's got hood support it's not just one of those dumb little rods well there's a plus see it's a gdi engine we'll take the stupid beauty cover off throw it away like we always do so we can see what's going on now this isn't the tiny engine this is a 2.4 liter four-cylinder engine it's got enough horsepower and as you can see with the gdi that's a high pressure fuel pump it gets good gas mileage he does get like 38 miles a gallon on the highway they're made for that his problem is he doesn't like the way the transmission sometimes shifts a bit funky well we have to get into history for this one now no it does not have a stupid nissan jetco transmission hyundai makes almost all their own transmissions now and this is not a cvt transmission this is a regular automatic transmission with gears like every other modern transmission you can't check the oil the dipstick it's a sealed unit transmission makes this whistling sound now it also whines that was a recording from his phone that he made hopefully it'll make the noise when we take it on a road test you know you don't know but they're just saying oh that's normal they normally make it first thing i'm going to do hook up my fancy scan tool in this case tied behind here there we go the magic slot machine is doing its thing also updating these things update a lot that's what i like about these and here we go we know what it is we want diagnosis and we know it's a u.s sonata with gdi and you see all the stuff we can check we're going to do a smart scan it might take a little while but we're looking for a real needle in haystack here the systems can one can two can three you can see everything is either green or gray it's all green or gray gray means it's not equipped so everything in it is fine and this messes with other transmission control modules too there's a lot of information we can get that the adaptation we can do all kinds of stuff interest in the transmission control module so read the data stream now we're going to select them all and then we're going to record it all on a road test here we go on the road test and we'll see what happens we're just going to listen to see if we can hear it so now we got the data we can play it back i can look at all the transmission data and i like graphs so let's do them graphs graphs are much better you can see the gears you can see when they shift now the data is perfectly fine but the little noise that we hear that's it going into fifth gear and it's made that noise he said basically since he got it and it really hasn't changed all that much even though now he's got like 50 000 miles on the car now here's the interesting thing they took it in and they claim three times they replaced the transmission but they said all the internals are new but the shell is still the same well to me that's a total scam because they probably worried that he get a little engrave or something somewhere put an x or a notch and say hey it's the same transmission i marked it and they'll just say well your outside shell is the same the inside's different now they had this thing for three months but at least i do have to give it to the company they gave him a rental car free it was one of theirs new car he could drive it for three months there's only one problem if he got any scratches or anything he was responsible so he had to be real careful and he wasn't supposed to drive out of the state of connecticut where he's located so they had to cancel their occasion well that's not too cool you know they should have let him go on vacation give him another car give him an older car or something but whatever when he came to get it they said come back tomorrow we gotta get the paperwork done blah blah blah the whole time there was only 15 miles put on the car now it doesn't make this noise when it's cold it has to be all warmed up so when they didn't warm it up all that much and it was november when it's colder makes more noise when it's warm well use your head if you've got a car then makes a noise like that when it's warmed up but not until it's warmed up not when it's cold there's obviously some type of problem granted it's probably a minor one but when it warms up everything is all warmed and seated and if it makes a noise then it shows there is wear somewhere that's making that noise when it shifts into fifth gear and the interesting thing is if he puts it in sport mode it never makes the noise so that tells you that is not normal the sport mode of course makes it stay in rpms higher so it has more acceleration then goes down and lets it go higher so it obviously has something to do with the pressure that shifts it this is a regular automatic transmission with regular gears and they shift by pressure differentials the pressure of the fluid that drives the vehicle so when it's in sport mode it's going to get higher pressures it doesn't make the noise so obviously something minor wrong like i say it stayed above the same form and it works okay but the fact that they said they changed this automatic transmission three times with all the parts inside are new but the shells said that sounds like total baloney to me no sense trying to figure the transmission out by looking at it because they admit the shell is still the same shell so i've had the same thing happen with other customers and they pretty much gave them the same line of baloney because obviously they're worried that someone's going to mark the transmission and say you didn't change my transmission then you could actually sue them under the fraud act but you know with them saying well the shell's the same but the insides are all different which you could never prove one way or another and the fact that they had it for three months and they only put 15 miles on it is kind of hilarious you know it takes like 12 hours to build the car from scratch why would it take three months to supposedly fix one i'm guessing they changed the fluid and filter maybe two or three times and thought ah maybe that'll get rid of that little noise that's going through it but no it does shift okay it just makes that funky noise you buy a new car you don't want a funky noise and hilarious thing is the guy loves the car it's beautiful looking car the paint's held up it gets 38 miles a gallon on a highway everything you want works but that one noise is driving him crazy but he's kind of like my age so he doesn't like really really loud music i had a customer and he used it with a bmw i can't stand that little squeak in the dash his friend said just turn the music up just turn the music up and then you won't hear it i suggested if it really drive some nuts trade it in because i guarantee you with only 45 000 miles he could get more money that he paid for the car today trading in but he likes the car so he's at this quandaria he really wanted a toyota camry and he certainly would trade it in but he can't find any there aren't any to buy but maybe somebody will have one and they take this as a trade-in or i'm going to suggest to him maybe go to a carmax or one of those places carvana and say i'm trading this baby in i want a camry and get a used camry that's maybe got 40 50 000 miles on it so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 796,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, bad cars, bad cars not to buy, bad cars to buy, best car brands, car advice, car brand, car brands, car buying, cars you should stay away from, terrible cars, worse, worse car brands, worst, worst car brands, worst car brands ever, worst cars, worst cars to buy, worst cars to own, 3 cars, bad car brands, do not buy, 3 car brands that are crap, worst car, bad car
Id: wUS87oN-IAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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