Subaru’s New Car is Killing Toyota

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rev up your engines today I got a Subaru across track it's got like 64 000 miles on it he's the original owner well why did he buy it he had owned Chevys and he was disgusted with Chevrolet so he thought I'm going to try a Subaru but he leased this vehicle and after the lease was up he bought it it didn't fall apart like the Chevys did right now he understands he used to work on trucks he understands nothing's perfect these have had some problems and stuff but so far with 65 000 miles he's very happy with the vehicle it just had minor recalls about a switch and an airbag that you know wasn't their fault they didn't make the airbags it's all-wheel drive does he put snow tires on it no he just drives it the way it is which is normal tires huh doesn't have any problems the all-wheel drive system is good if you live in a really crazy Place Alaska North Dakota or something sure you're going to buy snow tires but then of course you got to buy all four and deal with all that crap in this case he didn't have to deal with that he just has four tires on it and he doesn't have to swap them out in the winter and on way he gets about 32 miles a gallon it is all-wheel drive and usually cross trucks like this they get in the 20s on a highway how come his is magical because check it out the manual transmission with six speeds now if you want one of these you better hurry up because they're not going to be making manual transmissions in them anymore this is the cross truck and it's a good one it's one that's made in Japan now they're starting to make them in Indiana too I believe in Japan I haven't seen any important here yet but in Japan they're doing something novel instead of the all-wheel drive the ones that they're making in Japan the cut costs are front wheel drive only which is a new thing for Subaru almost all their vehicles our all-wheel drive except for the little race cars which are rear wheel drive because they like them for drifting but in Japan they have crosstracks that are front-wheel drive I'm assuming they'll probably bring them in the United States for a cost purpose alone now he paid 24 and change for this brand new and that's one of the ways they sell if you were going to get say an all-wheel drive Toyota RAV4 10 14 Grand more than this I've had quite a few people very many Subarus and they say the exact same thing Mrs Scotty you know I watch your videos I thought I'll get a RAV4 I know when I saw what the price was they got one of these and said it gets better gas mileage than their F4 it's all-wheel drive I kind of like it and quite a few people bought these instead because of the monetary difference so let's look under the hood this baby was made in Japan and it is the four-cylinder engine they used to have trouble with head gaskets that's long gone now you want to change your oil regularly it's not like the old ones that had rubber timing belts that would destroy things that were real pain to set up it's got a chain so you don't have to think about that but you want to change your oil every 5 000 miles you don't want dirt wearing your engine on stuff but I understand they don't have head gasket problems anymore these cars cost less say 20 something for it Toyota would have been a ton more but they do cost cutting measures to sell their cars cheaper just like in Japan they now offer this with only front-wheel drive not all-wheel drive so it'll cost less to make so they can sell it for Less super engines are kind of bizarre they're boxer engines and they have the block and they have the head and then they have another piece and all aside from the head gasket all the other gaskets they don't use gaskets they use siliconized glue now it's fine to build them that way it costs so much because just think you're making a bunch of cars you got to have all these gaskets stored waiting to put them on you got to bolt them on blah blah blah right it's a lot cheaper just having a gun with glue in it and go bolt it on bolt it on you got to keep the oil fresh and clean because you don't want old worn out oil eating up that's silicone because when it does you can buy aftermarket gaskets and I advise doing that I would not say glue it back together for a couple of reasons the main one is silicone glue works great on Virgin metal right Cuts right in the pores but when you already have a gasket you got to take the old gasket off it's very hard to get rid of all the gasket material and it really adheres better on Virgin metal that metal is old is oil saturated in it and glue will never work as long the second time so you really want to buy gaskets and build it the way it should have been built in the first place but as I said they want to save money when they manufacture the things now now if you're the type of person that say you buy a car and you keep it 90 100 000 miles and get rid of it you're probably not going to give a one hoot because it probably won't leak at all but if you're like me and you keep them 15 20 years two three four hundred thousand miles believe me you'll be taking it apart to replace the stupid glue and you would have wished why didn't these swines just put a gasket and they're in the first place so we'll take a look inside solid door got that typical boxer sound and as you can see it's got 64 814 miles on it black and silver it's got heated seats and a car at this low price range that's pretty good deal and check it out my favorite it has a mechanical emergency brake I hate the electronic ones realize this if your electrical system goes dead and your battery goes bad you will no longer have an electric parking brake because it works with electricity right and if you watch the video that I made the other day with a Honda the guy it was even worse they had an electronic parking brick but that wasn't his problem his problem was the battery went dead I couldn't get it in his own car because the remote didn't work anymore but on that Honda they do have a key that fits in the door and the keyless remote does have a key hidden inside you push a little button and out comes a little blade key right so I got the key and I stuck in the door and I turned it but nothing happened right and I thought well the guy did say the car had been wrecked before he bought it maybe they didn't put the door back together and the hinge pin isn't in there that locks and unlocks the lock but lo and behold I took the door apart only to find there is no mechanical Parts in it it's just an electric switch I was turning so guess what the battery was dead so the switch isn't going to work he couldn't get in his own car and we had to get a triple A guy luckily it was a member AAA and he came with his tools and he bent the door with the little squeegee and then he reached then he unlocked it and then we put a new battery in the car I can't imagine you're locked out of your own car even though you have an emergency key what good is the emergency key that's what I got to say and 2024 they're not going to have the manual handbrakes anymore so poop on that you know then again you know how that always goes it's actually cheaper to make the electronic stuff that's why they switch over to the mall it's just like electronic power steering in a car it costs a lot of money to make a power steering pump high pressure hoses a high pressure steering rack costs a lot of money when they went to electronic assist power steering all that crap all of it was replaced by an electric motor now of course the electric motor is going to show it out when it gets wet it's going to wear out it's electronic parts they always break they won't last forever like a lot of hydraulic systems do but they're infinitely cheaper to produce so that's the way they're going to make now he's even still on the original brake pads on this but it did leave them Stranded the other day but he realized it was his fault but kind of their fault because he says he likes the Simplicity but he wished it had one bit of not Simplicity and that is a warning buzzer that your headlights are it's turned on even my old Matrix all Seven's got a warning buzzer if you walk out and the headlights are on it'll bump doesn't warn you in my wife's Lexus it turns them off automatically when you turn the key off so it doesn't even matter but save money Bill that just doesn't have a buzzer and he left the headlights on so he had to get a jump start but it's still got the Subaru battery in it and after charging it up it's still going down the road so of course we're going to do a scan of it see what kind of shape it's in okay it's got the SOS system that was free the first year he pays for the ultimate premium one which is 149. you can get a 99 one but he figures the safety's worth the extra 49 bucks yeah here we say we got the Crosstrek and we're doing auto scan so what's doing it we'll look around some more really nice upholstered seats now a lot of people these days are like oh I have to have leather seats and blah blah blah hey these cloth seats are super comfortable they're warm in the winter they're cool in the summer unlike leather which is the worst it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer right they can last forever with minimal care they look nice they're a lot better looking than they used to they got them pretty snazzy looking they're super comfortable hey you keep your cars a long time you're better off with cloth seats it's just the way it is the scan's done now you can see a lot of stuff is perfectly good but we got a few coats here we'll see what squirrely things it decides to have well not the most important thing but it has an infotainment code let's see what the infotainment code is okay here we go with infotainment code canned communication failure Bluetooth module backup camera damaging a coil due to electric current to the speaker coil this is the level of Technology see thinks he got a simple car but then when you find out a damaged coil and a speaker to the computer system the car is not as simple as one may think so I will erase those codes and we'll see what other squirrely ones exist let's see it's got a problem with the power steering or so it claims ECU fault one the CPU fault since the computer has a fault in it again he never had a problem steering it now a lot of times he did drain the battery out see and when you get a battery that low the computer can trip squarely because the computer has to get a certain amount of electricity from all the sensors if they don't work right so all these codes that you got because easily had come up because the battery went flat so I'm going to reset them on I bet you none of them come back after we drive body control module has a code see what that is battery control power supply see exactly what I said will erase that too these modded cars are so complex and sophisticated when the battery goes bad well it sends wrong data to everything and then the computer starts thinking there's something wrong here there's something wrong there so we're going to erase and see what comes back after it wrote down I'm sure the last code is probably going to be the same type of thing but we may as well look at it the combination there's lost communication with TPM control module in Arceus troll module so we'll erase that too so let's start it up we'll look at some live data you can see the long-term fuel trim on bank one it's got two Banks it's zero that means that's running perfectly a lot of times even the toils will be minus 0.82 or something this is zero you can't get any better than zero it's not going rich or lean plus sensors putting out the right data 2.4 grams per second shows you the fuel pressure you could say it's almost perfect the commanded is four thousand thirty nine hundred four thousand thirty nine hundred thirty nine eighty if you're off 10 or so out of four thousand that's nothing and again that's why I love machines like this it used to be I had to go in there I had to have all the adapters I'd have to take the fuel line off put up a fuel gauge hook it up and then watch it this is all done the car computer always knew the pressure on these modern cars but with the machine like this you can access it so you don't say like well maybe the fuel pressure is low you know let's guess with the expensive fuel pump and spend 800 bucks no you can find out one of the machines right away if it is low well hey you have the data you're not just guessing and you can see we can go on the battery terminal 14.3 volts that's good no EGR errors gives you the exhaust variable valve time data shows you when misfires occurred while they're all zero so it doesn't happen he checks us out number of pre-ignition detection caused by out of fuel this car can't even know if you tried starting it when you were out of fuel hey maybe people are getting dumber and the cars are getting smarter who knows Terminator be on its way the machines are going to take over from all the stupid people as you can see everything's normal it's all black we don't want it different colors let's check it for spin so we'll put her in reverse it's got a lockout so you people that don't know how to drive you don't have to worry about whipping in Reverse when you're learning you got to do the lockout to get it in reverse so you don't destroy the transmission now this is one of the reasons one of my customers bought one of these because the system is built into the dash it's clean it looks right one of the reasons the guy didn't buy a RAV4 on top of it was fourteen thousand dollars more it was the rapper had that ugly big old screen and they just look horrible this looks like the car was actually designed for it now it is a Crosstrek so it's reasonably high up in here so we can just go over my giant bump here relatively easily we're not going to worry about scraping half the car off like the guy the other day in a BMW always throwing the bottom of the car off I forgot to warn them there's a big bump at the end of the driveway and it's cool because look it's the standard it's a manual transmission but it tells you what gear you're in yes I wonder what gear I'm in now it's three see it tells you and for these crappy Rhode Island roads known as the worst roads in the nation 40 years in a row this thing actually rides quite smoothly it's got a decent ride and now we're at the horrible intersection oh we gotta wait for the traffic to go by there's nobody at the right of us the mailman's coming he drives like a turtle so here we go [Music] you can hear that boxer engine no it's not a race car but it's got plenty of acceleration for passing you can play with the gears it's fun to drive it doesn't oversteer it doesn't understand it's pretty decent ride too Wade has a lot to do with driving to your car this thing isn't that heavy of a vehicle a lot of fun to drive around it's got plenty of room in the back when you put the seats down to throw cramping and being in Japan you know it's probably not going to break down much so aside from being stranded one time because he left the lights on well we reset all that stuff in there's no codes left now so that's got to be the reason to hit all the squirrely communication codes I understand your battery has to put out a certain parameter of voltage and amperage when it actually goes dead because he left the headlights and it drained it out guess what a computer was confused so it put all those codes and no one erased them now you need a machine like mine to erase it at least a four or five hundred dollar machine you get a little handheld scanner it'll erase the check engine lights but this never had the check engine light on these codes are really in-depth codes and you need a fancy scan tools now most people are never going to know because if you don't know a guy like me you'll never have this hooked up and you'll never know you have those stupid codes and you're not going to care right but in this case they're gone and it was because the battery went completely flat lab and then whenever that key was turned on the computer would be totally confused as to what's going on there's always some residual voltage even if it's only two or three volts that's enough to make the computer start to trip codes especially communication codes about low voltage Subaru Crosstrek original owner 65 000 miles he's real happy that he got rid of his Chevys and after he leased this he bought it and he's had no problems other than leaving the headlights out and draining the battery still on the original brake pads these are made in Japan now the newer ones are going to be slightly different some of them are going to be made in Indiana who knows what's going to come up from that butt they're not going to make it with the standard Transmissions anymore so you better get one fast if you're planning on getting one with the standard transmission but the cars themselves even the regular Transmissions the automatics are better than they used to be because affiliations with Toyota and they use much better Transmissions than they used to have and just like people say Subarus blow head gaskets well the new ones don't now some of the six cylinder ones too but these are all fours you're going to get a Subaru get a four cylinder don't get a six they have more power but they have more problems I wouldn't touch a Subaru with a six cylinder engine well actually I touch them all the time but there are other people's cars and I'm fixing them so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell foreign [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 250,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, buy, buying a car, buying a subaru, buying a used car, buying a used subaru, car advice, car buying, should i buy a subaru, subaru, subaru car, subaru car repair, subaru car review, subaru cars, subaru reliability, subaru review, the truth about subaru, here's why, best subaru, best, best cars, toyota, subaru vs toyota, subaru or toyota, toyota review, toyota rav4
Id: 1fUcT6gra6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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