People Reveal Times Friends Accidentally Aroused Them (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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what did a friend of yours do that turned you on without them knowing it I was sitting on the steps of her a shop with a couple friends when she came around the corner with some of her friends we talked a bit and then she sat on my lap and brushed my hair she couldn't get rid of me from that time on , we were married for 44 years and she died of cancer in March this year I feel so empty and lonely and miss her like crazy we were studying and she said ductless let's do some jiu-jitsu and jumped on me I did my ducking best to prevent that erection I was wearing a jacket that was unzipped she put her arms inside my jacket to hug me goodbye felt weird for some reason even though it was outside a shirt I was wearing my manager and I were talking about something and he called over another co-worker and she ran up and did a little hop into her superhero pose I was speechless for a couple of seconds cuz that was the cutest thing I've ever seen somebody do I was wrestling with a girl not fake wrestling both of us were actually trying to win and we were in a ring who I wasn't really interested in when she had me in a hold that I wasn't able to get out of I got a small charm she was meant to go out but ended up sitting with me chatting she was all dressed up and because of the way she was sitting her dress kept sliding up her thigh she fixed it twice but stopped trying her thigh wasn't totally exposed but a bit more was showing off that's how I realized I have a thing for legs facetimed me while she was wearing cute pajamas now cute pajamas is on my ever-growing list of things that I am ashamed turns me on duck as a joke of my best friend attempting to act crazy she put her hand around my neck and tried to choke me and I just started smiling a friend of mine asked me to hang out with her in her dorm room we were planning on watching a movie but at the same time she said she was going to do some laundry I told her I had no issue helping her with that is carrying the actual laundry bag I knew she was kind of taking advantage of me but she also made hilla nachos so it seemed like a fair trade when I got there she was essentially wearing sleep wha a tank top half shirt and very tight red running shorts it was very difficult to pay attention to movie it's a little embarrassing but I had a work friend who laughter she grabbed my arm after I told her a joke i sat beside a girl in school really attractive with a nice body she always leaned backwards over her chair to stretch and crack her back so when she did it she let out that Hugh sigh and a little moan he ducked concentrating for the rest of the lesson I blame her for being bad in school he was giving a talk in front of a bunch of people and he was so confident and intelligent and everyone was just so engaged with what he was saying I legitimately wanted to just suck his big dick right there watching him own that room was so ducking hot a good friend and I were once drunken tired so we came up with the idea of taking turns slapping each other in the face so that was a weird boner one of my co-workers started talking to me about a scientific field he was really passionate about and that was when I started looking at him differently for a bit friend that sat in front of me in class who wore leggings bent over to get a pencil she is fit scary good-looking and has enough that looks like it was carved out by gods at full bench she had her house straight toward my face and I literally whispered the word holy ducking she tell me under my breath it's been over a week and I still think about it long affectionate hugs an attractive female friend of mine gave me a hug that lasted around 30 seconds and she was squeezing me the entire time halfway into the hug I popped an unexpected boner the time pretty sure poked her thigh I don't think she noticed and if she did she never said anything about it put her hair in pigtails i legit ducking died after getting home I was drinking with this girl and seating was limited so she sat on my lap she's very overtly sexual but not a Sloot by any means and my roommates came out and sat around us idk why but the way she was sitting and how confident she was made me crazy I kept it under control for about an hour but then with the power of alcohol as she felt me getting hard then without missing a beat lean back and whispered I didn't know you like this I was ducking her five minutes later she asked me to practice lines with her for a play she was in in one scene she was being bossed around by her husband do this do that wear this when you are doing it and that was how I found out I was a Dom I told her when she asked me a second time though she was a close friend and we had a good talk about it she helped me figure out what was going on we did actually hook up a few times but it was 10 years after this took place we are still great friends she turned pages and pulled stops for my college junior year organ recital as she moved from one side of the organ console to the other she kept rushing me with her breasts I feel so weird reading everyone's comment and realizing I never got turned on by a friend it legitimately never happened ever people that I consider just friends are in this friendzone in my head where I can't conceivably be turned on by them I guess it's because if they're just a friend I subconsciously eliminated them from being duhkha Belen my head I'm a dude called me a ducking [ __ ] we were at a local indie wrestling show and she started heckling one of the guys in the ring he started responding to her and then tried to pick a fight pointing for her to get in the ring instead she just points at her feet and stares this Hulk have a wrestler down until he relents ducking down a college housemate was on the couch next to me as we watched TV one night she mentioned the concert that was coming up and asked if I was down to go I wasn't too keen so I turned and have her a blank stare she held my gaze and moved her eyebrows up and down twice quickly the effect was devastating I don't know if it counts as turned on or a moment of deep infatuation but I still think about those God and my brows one time I was grabbing lunch with a friend I'm kind of dorky and like things like comics and video games most of the time when I bring it up guys feel the need to keep talking law with me until they paint me into a corner with something I don't know it's like they are testing my knowledge or something because they think I'm a poser this time was different though he just let me gush and then told me about the stuff he liked without being a snob about it we didn't agree on all points but he wasn't confrontational about it I'm a really soft spoken and shy person but I could have grabbed his collar and kissed him right then and there I wanted him to grab my hand on the way home so bad but he never did we've known each other for years now and he just recently told me that he had a crush on another girl he was friends with just about shattered my whole world but I'll be okay with sometime snapchat girl fighter she never wears skirts except for that one time she did it was this light colorful flowing number it did amazing things to her already fantastic figure one of my friends once said as she looked at herself in the mirror damn I'd duck myself really turned me on for some reason I had a crush on a friend for a couple of weeks when I got a feeling that it was fading but because feelings are complicated but then he trimmed his beard our sheet here we go again so I'm be in a very committed relationship with my bf but my female friend unintentionally turned me on one day her and her husband came by to hang out she was wearing black shorts with ripped-up underneath I don't know why but when women wear tights under shorts it makes me a bit weak she's tiny and decided she was going to lay on my lover seat and just showed off her legs to me I had never been so confused and felt so bad in my life so it was the day after this huge natural disaster happened major news story in the u.s. in August 2017 and the government agency I work for was like all hands on deck so every civil engineer was a signatu relief and recovery efforts including me the guy who sat next to me at work was your typical nerdy engineer but dress nicer , then as I was waiting outside to be sent to the field I saw him getting out of a truck wearing dirty jeans steel toe boots and carrying his hard hat looking all sweaty and dirty and delicious he's my boyfriend now I made out with a friend one time my pants stayed on but it got a little antsy the next weekend we are out with friends at a bar it was just her and I talking and I made a self-deprecating joke about the size of my pen15 she replied it's not that small obviously all I heard was you have the biggest big dick I have even seen no matter the person anyone whispering in my ear turns me on it doesn't even matter what they say Hannah that she let me lightly bully her I didn't do something like calling her ugly or psychical abuse but just teasing and pat in her head I started teasing and patting her as a prank I don't know which was the cause just after sometime of that hook us up together she let me did it because she had a crush on me though I miss her so much I have an attractive female friend who I was visiting we were sitting in her kitchen and she got up to get a coke from her refrigerator she was wearing short shorts and as she bent over to get the soda she asked me if I wanted anything it took me a few seconds but I managed to say no I lied I lost a bet and he arched one of his eyebrows and gave me that smirk as he advanced towards me while unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up saying what should I make you do for losing come when I was a junior in HS I was in marching band we were going to be marching at a home football game so I was changing into my band uniform in a spare practice room just finishing up when my best friend a pretty girl with big green eyes walks in and was like yo I'm going to change in here before I could turn around Ollie if she was stripping out of her shirt and from there slipped off her pants leaving me slack Jordan trying desperately not to stare at a half-naked body she just jabbered on about a day in her life while she put on her band uniform and like that it was over we talked about it later and we realized that it wasn't her standing there in the bra and panties that got me so hard it was the actual act intent of her undressing something about watching the interplay of muscles while the female does that just drives me wild my friend laid next to me on her belly while we were watching TV just seeing her butt with her legs fully extended it was hard to focus on that he be long I M had a friend in college that I was pretty close with we had a lot of overlap in our classes we were from the same city so occasionally drove back home together our College was four hours away etc' we got along very well but most of our interaction was far so work-related rather than social stuff so I never really thought about her in a romantic context she was one of those stayin and study on Friday Saturday nights underclassmen and I was going out and getting loaded every weekend one day in the computer lab she came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders and asked me a perfectly normal question about what I was working on there was just something about the physical touch the fact that I was distracted her scent the fact that we were close friends I jumped like someone had hit me with a cattle prod it dawned on me that this is someone I should be trying to date instead of going out and getting wasted at yet another kegger unfortunately she was dating someone at the time I was nowhere near forward enough to try and break someone up and I didn't want to risk our friendship so nothing ever happened she was in one relationship or another for the rest of college and ended up marrying the guy she dated our senior year she solved a complex mathematical equation with logic I hadn't thought of before I had never been so turned on by how someone's mind works before that made two breaks one down each side of her head wore skimpy clothing around me yeah that and physical contact were rough when I was teenager I have always had a thing for men who are older than me but that was a deep dark secrets as a teenage guy in a strict Southern Baptist home I worked through my teens and early twenties at a grocery store while I went to high school and college and I worked with an older guy who I really grew to like he was funny and a nice guy and I found him super cute one night after closing the store we were finishing cleaning up and stuff and he stopped to tuck in his shirt and he dropped his pants down around his thighs while he smooth to shut down and tucked it into his pants then pulled up his pants and zip them back up for a brief second this guy I had a crush on for like a year was standing there in his tighty whities I almost died lotta clueless method occurs in this thread she bit me in the face softly went a restaurant and as the maitre d took us to our table she greeted each waiter and busboy we passed by name it was a like a tracking shot in a Scorsese movie as scripted by Dave berry creator of the waiter rule so I am a 6 feet 5 inches 260 pounds fur coated bearded big teddy bear to anyone I know to those I don't know I am a giant red bearded Norseman who will grade their cattle he'll their women saw their house and burn their fields or however my ancestors did it and I personify both situation defendant because while I will let someone put makeup on the insid dirty party with a child I will also merrily beat the life out of anyone who want to start some [ __ ] all that is to say at a bonfire party one night a friend of mine was feeling uncomfortable about some of the people present she has some past issues of a sexual abuse and a lot of mental health issues that come with CID abuse so she just sat across my lap much like an over large child would and held on to me for support this eyesand what did it for me the problem 'is she farted and the vibration was right on my junk and it felt disturbingly pleasant so mr. happy decided to wake up to that alarm fortunately she laughed it off but I felt embarrassed after that was friends with a high school crush we had a class together and would occasionally have short days I was sitting in front of her and turned my desk 90 degrees so I could comfortably talk to her she then picked her legs up and put them across mine in seventh grade a friend of mine used to always show off she had no gag reflex when she started stripping and trying on different outfits right in front of me either she's dropping very blunt hints that I should make a move or I'm so deep in the friendzone she doesn't even think of me as a man as it turned out she was dropping the hints we went to a party together and wound up in a bedroom the whole time banging for a good two hours straight everybody thought we'd left also pigtails love em and then saying to me I could play with them she was singing as part of a play for an arts program I was participating in I had just met her a few weeks before that performance and was dating someone at the time but my heart stopped for a second when I heard her I didn't get to really talk to her for a few years after that but always kept how that felt in mind a year and a half ago I shot my shot and we've been dating since not exactly turned on but absolutely taken by her I'm a straight female once I was hanging with a friend who has large breasts and her shirt was low-cut I wasn't looking at them but seeing the cleavage in my lower for referral vision while we talked got me feeling like I wanted her it was very random and only happened time this gave me a greater appreciation for what men have to deal with when we women wear revealing clothes even if they aren't trying to look at what's shown it can cause an automatic arousal without any desire for it [Music] you
Channel: Everything Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/ askreddit, best of, funny askreddit, storytime, people, best posts, rich, lawyer, luxury, secrets, dark, reveal
Id: e553sILJUuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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