People reveal their biggest secret desires that they are ashamed of telling anyone! r/askreddit

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what is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone in the middle of the night I would pack one bag and drive away from my life not look back for one second and drive clear across the country find a small rural town and just rebuild where nobody has an idea of Who I am what's stopping you it's not the middle of the night duh I work as a nursing assistant at a retirement home and the one thing I've always wanted to do is break a bunch of residents out something like a Ferris Bueller's Day Off kind of day where me and about a hundred old people have an awesome day give them something to enjoy so close to their ends I want to hook up with a teacher I've had I've been to giant festivals where they have these giant inflatable balls for kids they put the kid in the ball and have them run around in a shallow pool of water it's like sticking hamsters in a hamster ball and putting them in a box and watching them run around and knock into each other I always wanted to see a kid throw up in one of those that took an unexpected turn anyone remember the How I Met Your Mother episode where Robin reunites with an old boyfriend from her teen pop star years in Canada and how at the beginning she dresses up super hot and prepares to tell him about her glamorous career in journalism so that she can win one of my greatest shameful desires is to win I want to be happier more talented and more beautiful than all the people who have made me feel like crap for being who I was this is why I can't wait for high school reunions when I'm 35 under milf I want to be forcibly taken by a woman I've somewhat had this happen before I'm 24 and she was 32 and I had just met her that night I made a joke about her not being a cougar so she threw me against a door and made out with me until I agreed I didn't bother agreeing with her right away not gonna lie I'm slightly jealous I wish I could leave everyone I know I have a similar thing I wish I could run away and drive somewhere remote living in random places where no one knows me I wanted to be a househusband all I wanted to do in life is write my novels cook clean keep the finances keep a nice house and duck my wife when she wants my neighbor is a house husband and I have a mediocre nine-to-five five-day-a-week job god I envy his life I want to watch my own funeral and see all my friends and their reactions even though I have a successful career that I worked very hard for I wish I could just be a full-time stay-at-home mom as a recent graduate I'm supposed to want to find a job but I just want to be a wife and mother I'm a male and I find it depressing that I'll die never knowing what it feels like to have a female orgasm that is until technology advances to total recall' levels I find the idea much like ops of the end of the world appealing not world destruction or total human death but something wipes out a lot of humanity and few are left to survive the secret part is though I have told my gf about it I don't want it to happen because I think it is cool I want it to happen because I want to escape my job economics and any expectation of moving up the economic ladder where all I need to do is survive something I know enough about and help others survive back to basic human instincts I don't know if it is because my inner animal yearns to survive the old-fashioned way or that I am simply a coward and want to escape the world we have constructed ourselves to be in my conscience leads to the latter edit I'm gonna nip this in the bud right now before I get into really stupid ass moral arguments with posters who seem to think I am being unfair to my friends or not just going out and doing this myself it's a desire more in line with a fantasy meaning none of this would ever happen and probably not the way I would like it to it's a ducking fantasy people get off your moral high horse and just relax duck I've secretly desired to be in some sort of wreck where I'm badly injured but we'll survive the point would be to see who actually would care if my life was on the line I feel eeeh for me this isn't a suicide statement or a cry for help let me be clear but sometimes I secretly desire to experience death in the sense that I want to know what happens after if something happens after and I wanted to be able to see what happens after I die eg how people will react who will miss me most etc it's more of a curiosity thing plus I really want to die before my Esso and Dad it's selfish but I really don't know how I'm going to move on after I lose them I want to be famous on reddit edit Thank You Mick Strauss for the reddit gold sorry about the caps I'm freaking excited Mick Strauss you are a hero I'm just a kid with a laptop an internet connection except for a brief time during Hurricane Irene and you are making me feel pretty damn special and I don't even deserve it this is why I love reddit in naming my firstborn son after you thank you can I collect your breath in a jar I want to wake up one morning and be the only person left on the planet everyone else has gone but they've left me a message saying something along the lines of hey we've all left the planet but we'll be back in two years time we've kept everything running for you so that everything will still function normally even though there isn't anyone Manning it and I can just do whatever I want like read my way through a library travel the globe without needing a passport or a suitcase and see the wonders of the world with no tourists in the way watch all the movies on my watch list ride a tricycle down the motorway sing really loud hang out in other people's empty houses everything as in shops trains electricity etc will function but in the spirit of efficiency only when it suits me so for example there won't be any freshly made sandwiches in a cafe in Sweden if I'm in Australia if I was in Sweden and wanted a sandwich though I could just go grab one and when all the people returned they just carry on with their lives as if they'd never left except I'm keeping all the awesome stuff that I stole so I wouldn't say it's a secret just something I really want and have never told anyone an impossible dream I really really want to be a synesthetic and it's a shame because there's really nothing I can do about it LSD could probably help you there to travel back in time with lots of modern stuff various weapons bits of technology etc so that I can pretend to be a powerful wizard I can't believe I just wrote that I seriously want to have a kids adventure if there was a place like Neverland where I could go with a bunch of other people act like rowdy kids fight pirates and Indians find treasures and just have some good old-fashioned adventure I'd love to do that I'm about to be 20 I wish I was a cartoon so I could duck impossible those pointy boobs would hurt like the dickens does nobody else here want to rob a bank I read all of the comments waiting for it but no I have a full plan all written out I've been updating it based on every bank I've ever been in and have even scripted people to help me figuring out how each and every second should go down the only thing stopping me is the fact that I don't need money and I don't have the guns three I wanna suck a dude's dick but I'm not gay posts and counting seriously guys if you feel it own it and tell everyone else to duck off and then go do it that's the only thing that'll get rid of sexual stigmas time to suck today's dick carpe diem to be a dear I would like to see and survive a mega-disaster something like a major asteroid strike or the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano something that completely changes life as we know it you wouldn't survive either of those don't tell me what I can't do ever since I was a kid I've wanted to exist in a fantasy world like Lord of the Rings Star Wars or Harry Potter because emotions seemed deeper and more sincere life is more vibrant and intense and everything seems to have more meaning because there's an epic quest that decides the fate of all humanity real life seems hollow in comparison I want a girl to need me more than I need her edit please don't assume I'm a complete [ __ ] when it comes to relationships I've had my share of dependency issuer relationships from both sides and I too have dropped the ball and broke someone's heart if you need to be reminded of the title of this thread then scroll up thanks to all of the people here saying it's wrong wait until you need a girl more than she needs you infinitely worse I want to be sitting at work or somewhere with lots of people and then some type of crazy superhuman person or group of people come out of nowhere and just attack me for no reason I won't know what to do or what's going on until I suddenly realize I have superpowers when was the last time you watched Fight Club my guess is around three minutes before writing this to love a woman and to be loved by the same woman for the rest of my life when I was around 16 my parents got a divorce and both remarried I got two new stepsisters and one of them I lived with most of the time she was 12 when this first started happening we would play a game where I would throw an object and she we grab it and try to keep it away from me this would result in us wrestling on my or her bed this basically consisted of us having sex with clothes on dry humping feeling of parts through cloths we would continue to play until I finished in my pants we'd continue to do this for roughly two to three years and I am still not sure to this day if she knew what was going on we have a very good brother-sister relationship now and I feel extremely guilty about what we did we have never really brought it up to this day and I am not sure she even remembers it or even knows now what was happening here's the part I really feel bad about I have fantasies about her I want to have sex with her for real even though I know what I did was wrong I still want her to this day to be wanted I wanted to get hit by a car more than I could ever explain it's happened to me on three separate occasions it's really not all it's cracked up to be three times dude it's you breaking my legs so I could use a cane like house I'm 13 I find this to be hysterical made a throwaway just to post this my secret silly desires to be abducted by a superior alien race and be given the chance to learn everything I've always wanted to know about the universe to be accepted even if I'm just a specimen and become one of them as we teach each other about ourselves maybe even to find love beyond the confines of my pale blue dot and this is embarrassing for me because I value science and logic over irrational thinking I don't see human worth beyond a product of evolution however I desperately look up into the sky each and every night just hoping that my logic is flawed or that the crazies might be on to something and I will be given a chance to understand and appreciate our minut smudge of existence on the cosmic calendar if I can't have that at least one flyby all the planets in my humble solar system would please me to no end even if such a trip meant my death just a chance to see my star my planet my home system with my eyes would make me brim with the tears I've held back in the face of my never-ending non supporters that told me the stars were stupid to look up to that told me dreams were only called dreams because they only exist in your sleep duck you all my family duck you right up your asses with your beliefs and selfish projections you treasure more than the happiness of your daughter duck you and it changed Bible to beliefs because I think that would be more accurate I just want to be a girl I'm male I wanted to be a girl but I don't want to become one I want to have always been a girl if I told you it wouldn't be a secret I'm 21 I don't drink I don't act flirty unless I mean it I dress modestly I've never been to a high school style party I don't typically lose control I get my work done on time into the highest standard I can the lowest grade I ever got in high school in college was an A I cooked my food from scratch most days pack a lunch budget my money wisely never overspend and I want a rebound so badly I want to wear [ __ ] clothes and too much lipstick get terribly drunk and end up making out in the corner I want to blow a week's groceries and bad for you food and expensive clothes I wanted to forget my work and sleep all day I want to cuss like a sailor and do what I want for no other reason than that I want it never happening but there you go I secretly hope that the radicalization and dramatic shift to the right of American politics is actually part of someone's more complicated plan to quickly advance civilization and divert some possible downfall we would have run into naturally lalala canned demosthenes and Enders game were the foundation series by Asimov edit before you start accusing me of somehow supporting the right something you wouldn't think if you had read either of these books let me make this clear my wish is that the shift to the right isn t the true state of society and that someone is manipulating politics so far right that there will be some sort of radical shift back the other direction my hope is that someone is artificially rocking the boat so that in 50 years we will be in a better place than if we had simply led complacent boring lives and didn't strive to change anything about the world I'd like to see if I could get away with being a serial killer I don't particularly want to murder anyone I just want to see if I could avoid getting caught in this day and age I wish my ex-wife would ask me to take her back so I could say no someday I'd like to own the Dallas Cowboys this has been deep in my chest for a while so I decided to make a throw away I've had intense sexual fantasies of wanting to be a slave to someone I don't want to get into details into how much of an extent because typing this is making me really embarrassed Lowell this is something that I've wanted ever since I was probably 14 I don't know why I mean I have theories I feel this but the question of why doesn't matter to me I just know this is who I am my bf is pretty accepting of this and he tries to compensate with incredibly rough sex but I keep wanting more but I guess I'm kind of ashamed of wanting to ask for more while he's been wonderful to me he expressed worried that he wouldn't be able to take it any farther than his own comfort zone I completely understand and don't wanted to make him feel guilty so I've been kind of bottling it all up completely straight mail here I wouldn't mind being pegged by a female too lazy to make a throwaway I'm not really ashamed of telling this to anyone but it is not particularly something I blast but I've always had a fear of losing my friends and close ones and growing up to be a lonely old man for some reason that thought just terrifies me I've had a threesome with a male and another female but I would really like to have one with two men I really just wanted to fall in love I'd really like to try begging but I could never ask my girlfriend it just seems too gay getting pegged by your girlfriend is no more gay than getting a bj from your girlfriend just because the gays enjoy it doesn't mean it's only for them also rainbows one group gets refracted light that's very greedy gays there are a few people I'd like to kill mostly from my childhood so you want to be this guy I truly believe that we can find immortality within our lifetimes I wanted to live forever I wanted to leave my Facebook reddit needs a post anonymously button just for threads like these don't feel like creating a throwaway I guess my secret desire is one that actually has a short story with it a year ago I was in a car accident with my best friend and his girlfriend me and my friends survived while his girlfriend died the police report mentioned that a probable cause of death was that I came into the front seat from the back hit into the windshield and I may have slammed like my elbow or something into her face and killed her I guess my secret desire is that I could go back and be conscious during that but not feel any pain so that I could actually know whether or not I actually was the cause of her death that way either I know that I wasn't and it can feel like a weight off of my mind or I can actually know that I was the cause and I can start to try to I don't know cope with the fact that I was the cause for my friend's girlfriend not being here anymore thanks for listening to another episode of Rhett attacks subscribe and activate the notification bell so you won't miss any stories feel free to share your own stories below in the comments have a good day
Channel: Reddit X
Views: 22,849
Rating: 4.7430406 out of 5
Keywords: reddit stories, r/askreddit, reddit, top posts, reddit scary stories, reddit top posts, r/askreddit questions, Reddit X, reddit all, eipc reddit, epic posts, epic stories, reddit posts 2019, reddit top posts 2019, ask reddit nsfw, r/ask reddit, reddit ask, top comments, reddit compilation, dark reddit, askreddit
Id: O6---hxDKa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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